]R uiixso naIa et the. " "Bonîon, Pnce Albert, ela Utm"o e'*#.C. C. Covey, 11unteî'u Tai. Fw=m the Jouwal of Cointmtrce Plikt7I4 Il was kia-tidê,. nd,)dA t the item It6à '. r. ae, Mri:l,- 0à , the boat, a 1iWuJîed ldIosthe dock, d .C lb ort uov#, tbe deptb of the water mas twelve feet. "t " il D. Jewetiu Lidsay, ilas beeti erroneou5lY esimaîed j âme At)01,!Ù 8 le,.mber 20tb, 1$02. 24-2 tbricec bzit depth. Jboaî t% ivinthe ,opposite aide ofthe îiver, from îhu.Arnenî, and CAUTION. tient simne tiieliîti , i,: cïa, muade iimnedi- molel fr Ithe eeiî. c t butafume A LL persom. are bereby coultn ned agamai lime, clapzed buforr -:ùvzy couild rie.- trunlmmg nMy wife, Beuey Wt'lls, or clii -'l'bey briped, trsu how trb Vhwo ,')i fli1g on ber ordor on My umcount, au t1 wil ni helJuIo 0the Liti, or who were buoyed agyd i"biseber c JA3c"it er t W aeLL Ut, y y i"),fliatrg îr1c*e. Qr,ý-of uic reocb, sept, 21. 1 M2, 2443ir m L rointhe ppo")iîe dore we m ploy 0 T I'.N L T ipick il, uji ckaîsand vtuJuabJex, wincht SA.LE O M L T Werc aftemuvardâ iaen Iroin ltebo î, 'Who %vtere, t: tod an,] -Lhe2 ki« used for HJ Subscribr iwiil offer for Sale by Aac tore lauibue al licià ai s mîi pfoses. lion, on 'Vif onday the 23tb day <fO Ais bo ic roî îîaaniuï taleîy ind a.st- o bri' next, atiwLsO~OC io 11 tiucefron uic dion, th p~ans o 1 îse*, a num1ser of Town Lotis inithe Gonu lane tôn tû: tioê, li 1llaiksofa cigl- own a( the Coniy of ontarlo, conlainiiq bouring ftnce vvere haifily tomi dowvii and q aer #)fau acterecd; aitiiiited on the Plati floated oüf. nîxd a rope vras viu out by a = ta 'ding from If-sadior Harbor Io Setsçi; inmc o .ii mduatj holding 01,10 te uad Luke; and adjoiningt ie r thef b.Joil and Cour xWndi' utI>U ~ waîe. f oua. ,now in procr*'n of erectico. exeniu- ï mb iîno he w 'rZý1 ER.%18. one tfib cf ihe j.uocb.,omoneydown veiZ'hb0rv1n, Wr rkincrm were szin on the the :emaiacler i tour equal atinual inotalment s-pet, *nd al levv, ho dittinguithed îtheinblves with interest. For furiher particulars appi-y 1 1-. tbcîr ariîvitr oi>rivc,v dctrve ici be the tulmcnbert 0*94041 ', u,rarono, or«Jame 1 -idnl îwtiudJowe Esq..tVijîaor, where plans of the proper Kicriai r. .11tlrpLod nn malle J. 1RADE.NIIWRIST. fat pu r ~ * ri~,sîmpicïhas Toronto Sept, 20h 1852. 4.i -raýrel, t~i i i. .lt to~thîýe , Ifce ficr n 1& lre, i.J p'asn Wl '17 ou nt ooTIlrRE O Rp det? wjtetc Bud %;,% & gxai~, o1L5ciSCUil4 _______R___T E__fi.-_ titht per1ýu:2;1 lie b:ý*udd îtýme~n .salet I wirivrJDY,~P.2, & ailor aItc- ,br e ed ~i' ',a 1nk (o e e ut r , i , i' hnle e .abl&n ewtgntlon of r r.Young liiiq.lie¶n beri 1" abl, jq bi e ~. b~c o t l-Ien f 'p copy the folowiug fraom the Leadet the e cramed perc> .h rouc'tor la! vt"uching thse resi nation of;Lis agefft1cmaiui of W'r t-P t the L r r rit or the rjisevcnt içîilnot iute.,Ieime vLitI bo poliey dock, h l.-1fi, wzt ~by 1Hz k lcroic man, i~rh, w~~n i..hu:ui~ ,2rio~, ttr~ ovof .Lie miniîýhry. I£ a nothl~~uire tIsaî tbund thà Lit %-zl, L-L!t upîîht at O at e eptctea J01i m eriJitnt orbai! beven crrit î o if, w1aaiLt etcr iu v; wIs.n tire ca/ona i >_ B o 1,tî]e - ljut lie 'tore uulie .%Lié eizd h2d been baui îouched. 1lit! >i.- tt ~* wtiie Lk2Ival h tlc atr. A in2 Jlady ritidig i tIe nI'~ouh ~d ~s~rîîdof the ~grovcîwnul. ltrctu/iatory :oevar.iâ tb him %v i difne-c ' ~ A i~no,. i -cd tt1, 0~L. (aria.i 'îli t>f lit prai crlilv cwniduct. colie, ktin a. tifile tt l , lit ; thîey w4i. con ,Qhortly aftcr tsaLoat îîruck, a 1it]CbOy t' rti h re.ihLo efpott was mren stnhv n the ooidec Ibo c~îi bitu iLo efpotîo lams crcf~sî dindn Uiri hn daguipstthe ~u L tcotunercial iymtem pur- bat _appedrcd to ',,e Lezrtin, tîmc:n oli' by a sued by the 'United ýtates totwards uis. It rapîd motion of 11 3 halidi T ec iuon js notI4he abandonmemît of Froclrade ; but hie~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o 1u1n;ln e1w ' t-~s thmu.îtcormirary. thse -urest mcîbod of bring' wce dore e; ftraii ag it about. A large Nt vuîilland 0o;iin the ncigh- Mr. Cartier wvas offered the Chiief Coin- bcurhood broubî in a child lie had sared mi.ionersbmp of Public Works, but declined from -c*iý, ad eurs)n oin lht % at.ur woud att rt~:~dtu 1,0 onty on -Iho qitebtion of thse Jroperty quaii.- woul bý1-qrcý-_u a J!,whcm, irified ai the si;-ht of -1 Inrge animl apiruarhiig lier, cattion of Le;yitiative Councilors, thould thse -scrCTmed. T~di~ldî L'k r, and à ak iia.-a iroverumnent desire tb mike ibat--h..4 e. .,. eue ldvra~ ,~sJmie uiceu - ber ciiî, and'dieti simoi tlie a!tarrsîaa-dâ. - Atifer, after ti- ha-I reacbe he îassolt ira imîd p: vibs ice:acccnts bse wa tnae-i~ r,,er1andi shanil>'aftem-uvar suait and epit. Lies ebc .ii sc cdfisecif outilfuiprarcir. 31rsuri )Ii.s Jrmua mther and dtium;I te, Ivrnefcand, after -deatls, se clos;Ij CIasfed tCetIkar tisai tt as witb great du, &culi theb. vre bodies comsld ba wsparuted Tise>' 'ore mnucli ccnited b>' tise ire, an, bad e-videusti>' bacadriven br it ie lbt wate'. Tihe lubban i.J ater vas anni. DeytaI>waitsm& tifr reîura te theur batux.i BrooklI6i Loi-udrjanmi pleasani inii l lives, th'ey' ucre mot divide." - Who bad -an infant in bser asi-sflie W3as gcsod %surf mmr, and ac -t-AL im-cly. 1, L( iea, sprnsguntîo lse -saten, aa.l-oc-n fng planit, *uzeedu ltiu L sm' ise iaben. A b us~~W.c-- Wene stfl near iLe s-.- butai>' Clo-.r'-J sumsm . iiU iji Ile *ater,mdirvnoi bt>.-a was guidfssg thse »lt-ai)i t.~- 4ita u tL trcmasure ltei-ilthniu -. i li e itoe muid cbiid %vLe'lNu s, but tbsaboy, wi.L.."mt. came to 11i.4relief. N'tt PaIgîeswmd tise umfrusaaboy e-, omil sc5îa liy fie detLai>- c. f IiV% -ý n- il Iso e te, infant vas ruclîusing -,îaule-loos alseman ii-m; rseur liv fiu tied 1 i t bouse, but te efued teIl-1 e hia usutie«. Mass>-painful antI diâta-etsing SCvtîls 0 corred eon tise rtrce(msiea:ittj fdeceaseti lic dies Il b>'ur Lia d j taI a adufriands. - A younc marrâld lady arriured fs-cm 11lesv Yorkt, mo-I seeiag the l faIeareuaiuus ,of ber bmoîier, a baiomie c0un g genlemaun, exteadeiî upomu the bais, eciecly01,! Oh 1bis fa My dear brotiser!1" mmd fmuing upon lis body. t-he- monead ud ioeneti. in0 nan>' in- stances, gref and sonnrr ene . en i aieer>' possible Efoim, aideutitt-oc deep for' 'ris.gTeatcmî nuamber -of bodies laid eut aa ay'-oe lime, near tiese ceneetft-be Ca- iamiîy, utas bsenv- :. fIsirote nom- -ber curer .-hisîh liquesta r.are -beiti mas Sie.rsy-fi'e. 110111 man>' Weeccrisumaed in thse fire, ard eer iseard ofaior Seen ilion- NEW ADVERTSEMEN1i7 RECÇILLECT iTtI: E£TNZtîVE LOTTERY ,liî 41iday t onhap , = bc v ad tise. Ile s'anbs a £2,000 qualification. -IA BoId Stroke fr r eclproctty- -e. Rclguattlo f Mr. Yeunîg. ai We reccireti lat it ýîtiioutsurprise ielligeuice eithtIe nesigusation of the 1-1er f Air. u cog, cf his cilice f Chief Commis. u.seonen cf Publie- %'erks mand bis seat in tis, lyCabinet., Vest.erdmy aftcrnoon, Mn. Youui- %vf il tise lenve di lis Exzeene>, tac Lc' s'eruson Genenal, nata utise Lieus. cf &s. id tembi>' the follossiusg statemont efthtIe cause ef is rosiguation: taýît-is'e memorandum cible Tnspec- ltr en eterai -en thse future commercial poIicy ir uud Te adoptioi of tisai poli..>'b>' the go- tiernmntplaesme in tIse uaoidabie ipo- 6; in of caAid in -iosv fart' p,4 a .xve.,Ilor tienerat, as cuit cilis ativisr,. 1 -uni-iand fi is tIse imtgaion oet s-e.go. veoment te puasue buvards the Cmsîtea- ce- aîer n-alîator>' liec>, uvbîch iteolic carei -n tisby cagn abgentel sr-î-,irntItaà n ei] Canadian Vesscls, amd, ýûa- ~aeâa in jtasn ttroul bthie Wel- --a-i,- ra ; s~-und y su>' iet-îoa biAIser - n -xZ ns~r asltsit tsiaiera, and ,zOOjeu sPolk. dia (auntmou. hardware, teatis - itâJp4ar aianuraciues, thani mi à v. Illeuuguît cf tIse itst. ,tawrence. lbi itoicy JtLâs i r au n inticiite period lIse f mk rsl'ee tIse navigifatiO -e : eSt. Lawo- rerze etwenQuebet amud Mestreal, 1 flteîa vesee t aIs isci res a tige jdela>'inthe ccunînenceiuent.cf tisecansilu ýcunnuct ibe.ý>t. Lavrnence wilS Laite Cham- Plauf mi y cbargfng a iigher rate cf toihte Lmcrîcan tisuCadian vess anmu-Jcar- Tise Anîcnican rade mil le foreied om Ostvege muid Ogdensburg te I3ufiaIo and tIse Canais mnd RLimroadi eonsmeted witb t.- %Vhaleter mgIt be tise dvaauofa reci- p.-ocit>' in taaie'witis the United Stiates, fan grzaten ativanutagesý would resulite Caiiain commerce, b>' cpellfng due st. Lawrence, abblisbinui g mnsutural aluties, sarsg for a reciprecal iade irith thbe I3 West uIndians, muid- unstrueuing s camaIleOceumect -the :St. Lalrenze îvmtiu Lakg Chsamplai, titan comltiresuit, inom. ai>' metuaaber policy agaictat se nited St.ates. Sýuch a netali- mtor>' polie>-caumet ail to e oumderîoa;d b>' tise Ameniemas people, amd tIs e e4tabli-sunent cf an aggncsbire policy bLtweýau the tire ceu-ntries, wiile à t ma>' le produtitve of cth- en f mincdlimbosand remote crus, suiII in nsy opinion belsubversive of tise rut ncreasp ci tradat which would ifoilw hir4e poli'->'. 1 laire rezoùm-ed. Iantei-ed bIse Î%iove-n- ment ae an aro w-edJ fsiend-ofi> rre .ra Je, n i>' weyabave bLen tise rz-sulL ci? aeome ycarb ai action and negectioa, and wert e iet kuio.iui s (0My COlleagmme.-oms U terD't- miinistr>'. L'o abansdontFree J'aide iLn en- tier- to carry ont a netaliatony iiq ulticis 1 arn ùonýsdenî uilil e ia the enmi met in- jus-obs15 a sac îdceo' ci rit .1Iam nom. prep r.-d c ua'-,'-n-I a saei*oiié i ij lai i1m~ -di -A J d-, -ve benr a a è men., uttululwiîloui.staucm i.vo ir_4vc,tf md wus Luea'cmifu a meaisea- of tiseucure, ilf ment, . tmdcithese clreuita.arsces 1 lave tle licitr to reisuesi. cf vinsa tes *An 2v ofîieî i bcf is nature was Dot wlioly as ceuld be plmcked frosu any farmers or. ,-- wn witboumaIi sio8mmt. . Oà far as ont pres.. ehiard witimu-a lundred miles. M r. T. Dý...agitate frtie first lnk 01tist$*a , etelid- opectability, os e i gtue i C IIa llL 1i L eut mnhrèaionM#.o Êrna iustM.eYonneesto ari a wefiepumm iec t a ts g in Ii rcr o Cuntry,attention olofui baveYomu ta-s, -ds Sa 1 I I oLat e I L ~ p ro j r c o u ru in re sig niu , rj s B eU ll- 4u t t b m <trê n in g Iiu m p li o f _1 r o in e p u ib ptwli t b ft 1 e m r # e serg y o fe atr 0 theaprovince serme filethe _Morelie e imanagemei k. , 1:..ma Coi. part W05 a ot 0f splenof4 a ac'ea*n;âot ofBidn w iun bc foud .ew U uh -uuse avprt ofthgho w s jtufspindte o k ji-'w W îfde c . p p rbr - si i mg uli l a d lef ultim a aibthe way of P98ch e, bout r h ic , lthe on y inform ation m p rtant or profitable .psocion wy iý the ili parties r-oul"I l t k ~ ~ i ~ o mc . ji p r b M .L " 0a th e b an W yo o p i çu w b h lm la e q u ire d t e Ive co u ld e t, w as t ib t th ey ellm e fr et 0 1 1 ! IZ ukit e nt -- f r i e W 0 4 ~t ifu "y o n g cu p ? v a il in a! B rifi k C a b in e t. B u t b a v in g d " o m e w e re w e st, o f I¶ sm iIto n "..ý 3 r q U E R A L ,te c & st a u d thè r e ,* tt, - e shah clo se c o ~oa ced d i is nus b, e e ust is w e d iffer w id e w o rd , ab o u t> q u ai t e '. b e îw e en th is-pr e t a b rv o u i h a f w g n ra r - c m ax d a l i Mr. ~'cn~ ii tse sow ie tkescf ad sudow." rule7wore truly magnifi. là Our yesterdây's issue, ive insc'rted an -marks. .-iniguca theDaur naturetof aancmdrcalcoat.- rieri ofad ar." Mr.'lucommrercfeiial lttr friipeeed 'h aosatetcaitandta wIhli fir- y tOw the1~ b b -U ited tates from Der, brew er, of tluzse htjybad sore very fineu e fneiî IQ à bc, a d we Prom ised smorne duced- iito tie o n r , on qu n uo m ma h!Zbedlseutsis. Lt l resorted to as the peacbes, and very la ne g0e berries, and remarks ithereun. l"Iiss promiïe w c noI7 ftiis nffair--ie u pts i il ie t i o ' c r- r. lyavailable expediemt, ini our power,-for IMr. Aikman of Ha itea> ad ailoe nome proceed -te fufil. ' busiutes a"n3icîont ii tse Pr vinc -t-C se c u n a g gil lo m g p u u e d , n e v e r-a tta in e d , a n d v e ry fin e p e c h e s. . W e d e sp a ir f g v n L0s g at y n e e r , t h t M s rs b n a n c e m o n e y iti hl)d u ethrougl a d erie m it o Yrn eoveedojei adtin ofa pNr- asy iea ofte-adie' atdywork whItIrctJackson, .teto, .krassey & liets, have pro-ail classof tla peojle-thie utter destrue- j Lottery in to-da Youg ~orn t couc.is', dopueu efa ro.wmsacateed bou li great profusion I posed arrangements fur thse Great Trunk tien, it isf11give tote ueo1truck syvsteu fweeruan tectiVie Policy for ise c salie of protection.- the hall. W C o pc we know to c much of Lime up n t mn hg ly b n ica te i e d a f g th - a h i a kc t l opn lfo r rm i i Lt il Dot le be prefered ors anà abstract cern- the world ta praise one lady's doings with-- Provfice, and î,vhich, îIt ï,fi bc hloped, iil labeur and for ail tIse productionsý of labor, . iret£wu ci paniesn beîwaea Free 'l'rade aud pretec- eut m ontiening ail ; we should neyer s r, ae r.v -at g o s icnev,ç n e e y p tfth i p o i cets i heIthiat there are hu tion. Nor do we conceive tIsai tIshe vi,- vive tIse consequeuces ; no we abstrsîn alto- We nderstand ha1M1rs ioton, iSpirut an- d eneroy i( wllin fU e i uefthtflos 1 i erriment uiecessarily ceoses to hold tise abi, gcber from ' temark, tIse more roadily, as (;it & Cc., mlÛiR Isld out, and t bat mn CODs- pe ople-thea mulitiîudfc ef Dnilîýh capituhi.t e 1ncofa1 a -tract principles of Ere Trade. -Uaqmues- crochet, mettiug, embroidery atnd knfing sequence of tbeir pertinacity, tIhe (covern-, it wiîîi'nclt vstou outr--it i cais!e mktienably they do mnet. Thein objeet in to are mysteries wbhisehemasculine Mind hbusment swill bc compehe-d te introduce a men un w isshicilil,%ill wiIl iuilise Most diet r oi f isle 550 Ssecune ultimately the placin& of our trade flever peneetaed, -and wbich it Is sure tg bihl for a Lrursk Lmweý from tI iyw prtoftaPolics iscsratrLiilth md oo ors a footfig cf greator freegom than ithas mix up teg-ethser in an altogeiher inextrica- Mutea. Ilis measjure. will shortlu b!- Éive te ail our mecuriies-t!bc rite it v Ihlj hed- vi- In, before attamrsed.7 To secore thi.« objeet bas ble manuer. Alr. Paul lilane bath tome nf iliunc hw, and under it, ess akou& ý 0ealdsr loso umet-a ie~rwn 'te 'Costa continuons effort of yem. ebivet bis best paintings exiîibited, but ina mimer- Co. .u'iii conssruct tise road. lle un.in ithe jllsu.~îdnîdueunusradd-IMldy u' tried i , ýavailable expediemîti t is bhie .., the o uimon fille ,n SUeIIcases. endti3are, we .c.arn, as olows - vna. il walt LI-un,' ith lb, n ra.I- Th stae rand hied invain ; because our efforts di %-Ir. Uhie eynis portraiti, and l itreSs, 700 teligper iîiiîa pen ean -diveinSoor ýprediÈl. Did o(ur r fwbe x ntapadrecthy te the aneetso ny,1tbcre are a' very' great Duumber of, luter nenu si, or £35 00 per mile, te be advatieed Vanicee ne-i; br ~sscia bu re, f hciep class fi tise'ited ttes. Wben we con icelotir drmsingn, vcry creditable te bise baste by tIse governmneut, tise ethen ball'by :iir o-fires îoulM blazeone-reuin:ekilg ontht Sditionaliy offerýd thse Ineedoun of thée St.and talent oh' our Cfit,ta wisich bIsey geiier- .hacktoim & Ce. îri.fh rcvoswuh luiuaeee uidLvGeon Lawrence ge American reà iw.ls, tIse îrs-aIly sehong. Mn. Palmer*s i)aguerreoîypes lvu-i enttereguiae the Tarif utof ny street, ariil Ébs oîint u 1iws tBne s Li ding interests of sfew York decried îIsq escited mucm attention, frein' thein 'pprfoct chargea, imud te à apsiî is-njnîyc heuîogh ioci>ilîmvitî t ï i-- concession as tomai)7 valuceei. Wiîcn wé. stylae of excsti onan d thse -weii.knewn fâces i3nard of Direction. 0d oi b eeadd'eedat s nu '~ lie mefff effesed te concede the in-hore fisieries of w ich tey xh-bied. M . l3.9% picturci. Upon cach of thetm points, sIc LV aa bd ay anld bse eladuf ut e d aîid b. Leu; ,, h rfo Bnit5hs America to Amu-ican fisherinen, a,- are aquai te uny etlierx evair pîodtmced on few rainarks to cIter. oesiimofrn -fes as tspre-jad ttde part of thse equuvalent for our de-mand, te a-ier aide ci lieaiAthantur. Mn,. Fleming, f111ECQmýT-"£his ix ;£7000 sterlin- tions i iits isnymammrii ifi, udrj mîa icto)n,0e fihermen ok scuriy in tser conirnmd ia tI e mPly of Jacquîes &- Ilay. bas b'vo per mie 1 lti-t' tCoone 0Luman m ul sosthelIIIývion eubîro ube th it ha nte4a rhiabjîs -f peacbintg, and !aulbcd ai cuir otIsr. e ipital figures carted lu tvooJ, vwhuici tbo-v lthe rat contratior on the nortsenusfine, matter le 50 bappy 4n Issue. Non shotidi Lnglund trou is ler mîimmais ai Wulîu ,- gicat si',il. ays IL is net an uniair or immodueraiw char'Ie . mi u bliz fo'get ibaut the lon. Jo hn A .- 18S52, of 180 e14 y. ton b ase sbau sed ail lier *81tr o: Jp0 " m-i- or n e a t s a a grand piano e 'h blittd ' e b l e e bIe S r l e n Irik - IV 1 . ,c 1 . a b c l ad r of ts i u sa v - property of i s l ~but hier pale-rus etilces bave brcou, i, illuasuiactire.d in 'iteot, whih c fîed IL Là intended sbeuid bear neocînarsoi1sative opsoiîîionpro-cdIitin3elî>and tise par- perros wene teel -Ooq:) ee t)o4%'e. ;Y ia c me atientuoa. A unlodcon with orzitu, Ipollut of expense or duraiiity witu thu îy wilit which is u ets byiuir îo OI-u:teves oierta, in reiu- ur r a;ces:,;îijLaldit",ôu stas almoiri itaiantunfiuhejýt . rumik iitiîu-tvdlcoover£7000 Curie-nt> -took n datenilm brasine f ifmpoiasîw u tie A m erican mâlicet c-VïýrÎ îling %v4. stau, by -i. j o~uw s , , i Ilanilt o,, in pur mile i wheilimt e rolling stock, balle t, hio ition u 'h ci1 h 1nst n wa c~ r a b u k h lave te ofefu'- ce stavi .wa and f ce tih-. edu bu luet tise mole of construction 'bu, uiimfng in, funcin., and other niabiers, Doctfus- -but loukis; u ts neete iecuîyIaaus ia r e .ý Ic i e ha v e a ij e A h .d u n ur e , h a ý, : i . T h.l i e a pp l i c a t i o n l a s a md t e b . r i g i . c u d ud i n t e - c o n t r a t e t r a l c i m b a - a p r a o m , l e t a e p n g a d r i d l ' c i u a 1 e À r e r aie: t.o ï1 a 4t s l fî a Iim uîura i.eM . W h e le r , o f I C irsg :S tr e e t, h a d c eu n . V fe m n >' a d d a s o i, bia t if o r u tt e e e h s e arr n e e t h e n n e ceeave- Cosagress>es wy< -aï-, t-irà r.u ou, -sorte fime sent cîmtinga,. amnn Ilium, a very mnemoy serves us rnmhtly, thse line fi-ôtuithepoenmeltspuleadIegra sritc ie;a proposuais. Js5ut ail te no Ilurîsose. tub- jpremîy ring,,cut eut of solid'-stcel, uith two Bullalo-and certainiy fro ttis City te intea-e!i s a e uProvince sfo i.mmmeriuiyi- Press, art ha-,§gý nena) olte, mmad perbuaioin and remonsîrance !scai.s. and a slield as the outer gsiard. Th'ie Montre-aI tIe surface is le.,s favourabe- ma-id. hau. ail heen tried, and ail un turn Isave 1 l- silver unedal. of meuabership of thse A.nicul- com-t iabout $38,000 pur amile. Under .ceni ba ;v cl.~~~~ ~~ Ou1eueistLdne tisebnftmral :Society aise formed part of Mr. those cireumstanees, thse chare. sam-net Facts anrScraps. cf frcetacecs te the A m ericlau m arke .- I W ce ers exhibition. Mn M entrion, S lve r- aueIrvIa t 0 ; tIe«on y df u us e i ~ i i O D A WVe bave but on t reso uce ie t; mnd liati, si h and .e wveiLnba i -ýnme er" ne >- tie opinion ' ct'tu t j d i, an s CO 1U TY DUIL UINGS.-On Tb ;'a a colF i II te retahfate opon Amei-icmn commnerce. bise s-ilvir svork, fncludung, part of thse plaie contraste-J witih beacs f uther roads, lait, about n oûn, as it. w»' understocc that i 0 d- Er-, ~e I legai injuries we bavai suffered far a cout,>te lateiy pruented to qr. flaar<i, and thse beîugr, in bis-.ammouat ai sterling over cur*-menuneob stowsont.cav- 015lItsirii cf systematicaiiy unfair dcaintgs te lubicis snile heiengiumng te Nl~r. Capreol. uvibhis shîcis ieuy. Aunh probably wben it is con:sider--r îcro- we bave been subjected le by <rha Amýeri-' tise firât sod'ofthte .Nermhirn la.Ilroad was ed, that tbbc 1runk- lime us iusended tu be ti nOs for thé andatin ofU dS ou Buil-. 1cao naiLon. if is net te gralily a reve-nge,?;,,t burneul. s - s n ra e cutu-ey -igit iras isggested 16t thbieu ak of respectable yeuria te psy off an ohd grudge, cr10 sà how an ah- Mr. William Conners s upl-arned(à elnei te amy roa yuL euîruîed- din weiarn;dM uur la m-nusbedc<'od i geromuid ahowud be perforinci tiisd fun ruae or stract pn.tfercncc for a restrictive over a caes of Canadiun Insccta had a- couispicu- -tobu used ius1ridging, ald 2Ithat fully 0.aa Frel'rade polîcy that ire neserî te tbe5e ous place, auîd Mr. Duel'b stufled ihi n vainefisaif Of tIse tot2 a cos-6sberne at tisc sole Ceremets>'; wieretipon thelti ns-cter-, .1TV tran, uthîch ws nieaures. The7 constitute Lise cîniy nîanb also aï 'tui arrangeul as utual, AMn. Iluthsriiïsk andl rmeib1iyciledtrtrs Wahe q.prcddac pni bf'hîidaedet remanin tos b whch ce arsbep Lu.iille. of lKing-streem, shuwed "esofn i by~- terlin'y amutetnuy be cuftsideredlmnmlju fci cempeiltIe hega1l recogustica by a ueigIs-Kelly's firït-rate ced-lite jaI ieîv ilmsoe ecare-,timaiofWity t ie:ftD Iaiu i bournatieon cf pinciples of aiquily ausul taours Lapu-. L'ere are ne le-sasan twe- L1. NiI> ŽP.MNF Tý,_s utts iecigdaIy b7 one ciof r eIo faî dain~i11be cmmrcal rasatin>tY-ftlve compeuiters fî tise tivenly-itve ivea aridan0g%.s Ie1rImne, 2-n EIeïnee, Ai..'.r Sterui, and thse eas, botfruazoce wftis us.' Fie peticy fmdicated appeai-iLu pounds whis tise canada Company ofilr (tian is' er yet s se-v-~ap- ~ncrerbig ectd ae inetimb on -atumrdav tivo pewerhtuu nteets ; thse Mat farng for tise be-t Lîveny-five hasls cf faluh eat, a-on te ZbIm p seri.ul guaraustee. I uly u' j eaueo s imtenest of thse west. muid tite s iippieg inter- anid fortv-atie contestant% IonrbIse usual prize j Jupenial 6utat an-Le-e, tish nra tuu use inee ol ave sdy ofi li ct ud-mialm r ra est of tIse gMat flandtsea. Tisevestein of the Association for tIse baist twe hum-huIs. uoeim'proeuured ait 3 pur cent., iwhicki uon ,eiZed tise sja -Vitis a a-i ýIsî 'ced usih - t s'tIi akze rigid eu trade cannot ail be foreed tbnougbh Buffa!o. Iu great piles tise iviseat and barlev and u-he etatire stim, weuld isave been ex',act]y Ile said i st, owu-.y te us a:trso f lthe f lrefreiglit braisnni, l'he Erie Canal la uiow worked te its ut- ot, heans and peas aie laid upon bise faoon, quai un atounte 7 iaeï cent eon t: is.c w ih v_ ntpesetwr on yt Most capaciîy, mand thse prospect Of uts en- bise nuniber of.exhibitors heing tee g-eà t to lii, us tnows îrepesedl; %uniie the Provi-- rdnbeuoitmsUlwaulpeet-wreoiebrtt largement sceeisemnly bopeless. %We de mention. %We pause in tise ve-etable de- ciain 'xances are relieteul Iroas tise hîrîsuan-id-i %v! eIav dtti mnr a iIdstnurhstutur Dt affect te deny tie temprar>' inconue- partîsn.toirets a enIelnec upntilit.y uitb luie-s 'oîaî-thea tisutras siuiilthe largenmi-Of md defuon f -tûIcrstsutDch0 niemees of tisestaong measures go 'thicis luîrmpeus cf potatees, thse greal tus-ipsi, tise ruould e'ncusaben thseu .1Aginsieulul tiecartr it'aaeembed g out>oft;viust M.YoumgObjectas;Duse sePretendsa tIsIesoruusous beets, aimd tise gsriautiit punmpkins. i'u<d prS'e a pafying, or a prt a;. o, a, îbeyareJesrabi fu an fortbense v i ; iici leok cverfed'amd htoaied in tb,.ir, îbs projectora antuci;sale it viii, tise Pro-' iittsreh ilms ntt seearly a day, ie srccfrts a but we oea> mot oa!y tolerate but cheerfulhy sugeness. -vince usifi ab!,lutely ilJse nel:Caot 1 I ; tul rcei nhbesh beak tis W1mp support Ibea for Ie1lrc w'ÇJ.n uesebv ao-mc ~ssts daig f tIs 30j, Weil kuaoivinx tisIi .,Lia s. ewmssou matreis c ths Povice- sery fair show irons "L'ronb.e mpkers, but wrwthurn'a> vint, paying mnore aott o ei enet onîy grmtifyfg1 mshamutr c ver>' few othsers. Mn. O. T M cklem, cf Lthami £M500 per mile fer it. ÎFunthufrmor-e, Mr. Geald, but te fouiý fil- s cf tIse peuple- GrutFrovacii E~lbltou. Cbîppewa, isA-be eni>' stranger, indeed, wboe Qaihai of lthe full amount cf-,tise stock lie-ctfsrc Cut.Be'leldotie - The Spea bas .nytiing nemarktible In thse ta>' cij imgtakemi is>'Messrs. Jumstkon & Co.,iv;IlI 12Aroffethe TIse first part of tle week prov'mg ratisen tr i.J L rsrm bssre-tcadrc m ostv nuenn lafirsar-osu'iomd amilit a soumd of ciseenat -Pek-e uniarourabte,'tIse crowd iii the cily cf 'To- remankahi>' fine for ccekinLr, imcludimg i. toc sîrenz te ba re.%sitd, te bave thaisen VU LT n Eqopreig tsutc I s fi a v il t' il tu but wrs saut bocre pume use tu the f.ontwitnd tadatt ast thea0 - Ja~ mores ~apaenl etutn maiaemu n et1a rm isene iin ier tu, !eut iha treasurrh te lse fronanaudio acts offu Foa asssidstlita-t>' beçns, -1 apparutl>'of-. rin" onna ise psseuges ris hwene moiit- âone usnyus'aders for thse great Trmnk.- -étuà , f conacfous of tise importance of the.ir pré,- imt~h r. & cobsidrisenub-'dd e ooa iay ivsue exiecI. te see lunes str4!t-iix e At tse ot- ente te the occ'asion, Amoag tisa princi- waitfoer h ow.en ,bot booi pitsme fi a froua P.CCott sta> lyIownmfroin lirocle ~tî' (1eQan tiree ' he Grand 1runweiL j ubçs at spl ft pal Psli bitons cf lormed cabtie ire ebserved schooner, wlsich é'auae Joui -a irahi ifene a toVenu, f-cm IBelleville te Marmora, from tre m betfo ieGadTuk a~nqýoe is mre ho aies0f . . aycfBehevhl; resb westierly broreze. Tise N b.raîoats Toronsto te Peteirbone, frein Guelphs t-o yey vri- -, weenaeesafise F DvyofdellvileQweSounmzd. from t &ratford ta Goderic*, WC re -et. esceediagîly têe teÉ# ~l.rgtsouo Wlise;.Jcb . tIS! .b-xGround was ireli fiuij ait urinoe asnd.fren uid te variotus echer important mihiA1spgr Qneç er, of Yo-rk ; 3Mirlell, of Whitbis'stole dytise umurimît numnbur cf 1200 pouf tiens. lm.i à ln. Pegly, cf London ; Col. 'L'icnpscn usmsis ashmnnj. bifsid p-WCCOI'RL Nthe. E~N', Ouaan ielea s ratin .'Gïýr emn-, £30O0 e efutuis ocf tieoie , '.- -Ilis la aced supers a footing, s w -o~ saaiu~Csp unr. Lau. rie, ef lHamailton ; amd Mr. Pater- urga sre -i sime <t inn it ightl>' usder5tamid k, as (atours 1 tis s rWath£ee-tat~o~ onôf Sîrteet%îville. W. oyh O%ý_,idaîatiisgara lityear. To-day tile rOiuct, a a reasostabl ta h e ,grs rsieto h Dg froun tise Goboe: - Ce>'bâfol e al tuinanaze uà oxpeeteat tobvery gu.eat. Pe Tisl'e Goveraiuont rJS0In, the r;it cf(nrpctir ts a'~~ ;sîckpokeî iria c tuiIsi 0,,aanif srre 1Letrw4.,Wbt: hé, îlehee uloiner par te tise oimis tof c' liýs trade. lie iras on a visit from t hbod.utu rinsg orf ssedlff$mîg lhia r-fmli e otaknowp s-h taemit4qMîsçs tt yhe " i--and ý re ni buldng fo te rceîfn o o.ut:r aide ef Ime linos. Lime, %ill seur. e t te publie fcrever 1isr ori. rdrietY 01 articles uhieb eould noi, be showa eafaibe ada!dè4ajechages, Tiai tîe ope.) in. - Ple iarges cf tise erec. TIsJ11,ila Truk ailaa. n-a ons is iu the shape of a cross;fitted iup as,#, attaaHmcr5a, >wui se 'to; aîlhaIt, with portions set eaparit fr r e have seldom ir 0 rrad m nsiriwt< .-é, 0.5~ anc- workuof al l ind, &i.;ainn.. a -*Vrr.JaMrecn ae ytb wvrièt-Vri " -1U Cqi-_ 1 of