Ontario Reporter, 25 Sep 1852, p. 1

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PUJBLISUIED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING.? TEN SitILLIX.'Gg ?RPEII TU-IN ADVAiWE. VO0L. 830 "Z am a mania a ithlnk lotwlrhi WITBY;""CANADA WEST S E PTEMBER 2 STWELVE $HILL»l e AT THE ED tnay b.e onauildi'aiy forany disease affeccing the IrtificIll Tctth Inorted oi old Plate-or pv'oi m aid Sîico Strý,-et. Oah*waNt)v.la,1851O. 30-tf. Mr. David Tuchor UAnokbgrtlg il; ipDCIIiJt&kARTO, 1'aL4KITT C:OLLEOE, I)UEILtx, PiVSICKAN, SURGOEON, AxittiAccorcliaxit, NOItWOOD, PcrNn.a Norwood,Oct. 251h, 151. - 284iy NO TA-R Y 'PUB$LIC," tommiulner oft he 'Court or querns Henchu, Coanveyaitcer, Draug,ýhtsma»,; leSUER 0Ã"F MARRIAGE LCN SAND) ACCUNTANT. Office ilarthe Court. loivse, Villa-ec M'<ýCmîsTER, Towashiàp o1rCiT, L. ýC. TIIOM,%AS,, Comnmijiànjer 'Of Qwen'ts For îakint Affidailt. 4'ept. 1,1.0 lie n ch1 A2 t Law OPPiPE. goi. I. ACDONE1 LLi &c. &c. &CI C A'tAA F, S T, trlJOI ici i ïr. iîver 1imX!icquereJ Store. jcrtf1 rtê.6tlciey ci Law Bl1OCK.STRIET.WHITIWY. INSURANCE OFFICE, tht hé . been appoi.eil Agenut for thei PIOViI.N.LIMU J l'L & CENERIL lM:RANCE au i a t li e i. prpred To take riskii at tlii. <i 1inaryl raies, in tlie M Pc paîgTKy & .aNv l.luarbe.s alCompauny. Whilbiy.tSpcrb*1qil 21 -t f WORKMAN BROUIIS & Co WffK ET,0. W. J..Il. IC1OIELD &C. 1 M PORTFRS OF ]BRITIOHN ArNUFA01RES8j Whitby i1Ta ~ fi y Nn D1 1. WlIO~ALEAND RETAIL DEILEII IN Tl TI1U'.IguE PER1 114.NG &~ ~ t.'ÇIFAC.tl7 :FSOTE PEA âh adfor Iidtea and Skins. îUua , 04,Pols and 1>eari 40tes. Wlihitby Villjac, 71h Jîne. lx50, Adralureï it of u Iam î t Abbe% le, PE.A RL ASilES cosnt T Montréal. H0%.Rr LAWDF.R. For il iliy IsiAugust, 18». I W I8KEY !WHISKEY!1 500 13IPF PRDOyEn Wili JOH 4MARTIN &CO>. Pnrt %Whtby,.%lay 31, 1831, TAROR, DLAND cahor treit. eN~ frpio CRORO'..HRE AL NE XTP R I N, -GoL Ef r W IITBY LAE eAil rdrs itihs1iepomP. xcie Witby, Yune 71, 180. COMSTOCK MEICINES & CHEMICAL PREPARATION, e ýwell known in Canada. bave been ahametuliy counierfleil d ilîettuiluted inI Canacda. by fthe very Perdonsa who,-ertheir own ailaturea, have xadmilteil Ibat 'Dvr. ucive S. COMarOCî r c New York, is the ony PrOprieior. :iThe..' ariadea are lt-t-TheGREAIT -PAIK EXTRM!TOR, (Connels.) eu ring ail Bit rna, and ail External1 Paiiiand iies 2îîd-B.ILM 0F COLUMBI, for Staying soit Rtotorinc the Hîînianflair. 3rd-IfE 1481 NE R fE 4r BONAE L N'MEN 71 and INDMN VEGET4BLE ELJXIR, a clite for ail RhetlmatiaTno 4ih-MN.IIR'S 01L, to clirc ail Deuf Perdons. bth-H.* VSI ' LNIMENT,-a well known. cure foir the (Pilf4, &C' . Oth-D R. NPO0JIN' S-8ICK HE.ID.CHE R EX EJDY. 7h-MOTHIEKSJRELIEF,; for il Women In the Famnil wav. 81Ih-L ON G!7,E Y S GRE-IT WESTERN INDIAN .I4FM-.For Colde unit Ceeitihfeeingu iand prev'eninafever.- 2. For Aihma, Liver Counîllaint auJ lBilions afferfions. 3. For D)iatyhoea, Inigjestion uitLnou of Appetite. 4. For Coaivenosir- iu femu les nd mates,and nervoua rom plainîts. 5. For Sîornarh-affeciions, Uyarptpia, Piles. Rlîeurnatisn, &W. The greai pnta are, il iii not bad Io take, never givets pain, and ne- ve'r Iaaves one côstivp. 9th-DU. ILIRTHOLOMFW'S Pq INK 8SVRUP for al l Coîtbst or consoîmption. t oth-KOLMS.TOGK'S VERMIFUGE (Worm Kiler) for chuldreu or co~tpro. 11lth-M R S. B ROWiN' S GRI,,.11*PAIN KCILLER.-No medicine has been disrover- ed tihat te so hapjîily aîdapteil to use in1eraZi1 as .ropaTonl'e takien, and yet M.rlorru iii- wvoîdera w%-ien applied eziernally 1.au a wu* or batihy,v ricion. Ail the Rerridieire folly tem ibled ini Pairpls- cia, toalie çireit Io ail Ii 'eai 3. E.G~'~~'U rug 8U-ore BEiqliire.for fthe F 1RA WIîL T DLR E fT 0 i1 Showint. the Remmliea which eveîy fixrnity ,ahniii, ie..p ira their fbousm, auJ he maimer 4 iaîniigihem, laY wliei ail ordinaly Sitýcknr'a, ray lie prevénîîed or apeediiy îemuved, wiihoui the. expmnti'eot f i,# Faiiy Ph:rakian, and Seuerc Darigerous Diaas-f Every famdly .booldî'arefulty prrçervetîia b.k, in reteî b wlen any î'eyif waritel-boTh i a. In the particillar artideindieaîedly the corrpinint. and aihowvîio; where aucli remredy niày atway. lie haid. NEW RAM 1;os s4NEW BATS 1 I lIE lnbàbltonts of hitby auJnd î(ih Sbourhlood are jfrwditTth'.uii-iu. hai uow to baud hig W.w '#IC tok.con- iaiuir.c ONl the Nevw Styles lu Esot.t' h and .Amsaic,&N HA IrS. Aise, the eebratcd Kogglnth Ilati nos' i au ich Creat demaud. (l.nlem~n vÎîxiliiin, tbia Hat Empotiunt, witl aoc the ;reait aorf- ment iu Canadla. JOHN SALT, -- Goa.or' IAT. Toroîtto,, Aprit let, 1852. 52-i1um. ONTABIO M IBLE WO1{KS WOLFENDEN & Golf IIYACFATCRR n'ti DEALERS in T1Monn1mrnts. Tomlb Stone% & l'raive %hlurs. 1114m, GrcenBNu c 4- Variegaafrl .a7rine, Centre Table,Stand-Tops. Chimnowy-Pieres- Sinka, Soda s1afs, suii Misl, paint s'oiies, bic. Everv vaiietv of.r t5 LMT 3WONK gore itàaa ffnp4rl-r tyle. of the Poe I fatr1a1. ai 'r-sirnaLibfrat. KR- . &Co. .eg To Say laT îlrey 1,Lave to. Imupor l ibei' -.arble fiot flcWeilI faie uîa.i ulatifh Qtrarries, W-i mot. 77,is. Wilson.- M2rrkha m 1F71(1e.-Cenj.. OF TU F "TMý W Otrn 'ICt ...c. C l uNy0. Capital--£100,000, IN~ Cii iiC S Vor TCN Pi'flhiÇfLQ - Cii ~o ' T 1 1 t 5 (' O M P~ N i viig ie e n ud i î :î >-il iciorzav-,iî,d trdu lhe teinta of iTm 8 io îitr, i-a pra-paredtioi;bu,. POLICIe-S waii Z.3! L055 or DAI AGE bvFIPI ,au'u ll iX'ÀL or >1' uK 4 1PEIIS(XAL PI<OPFEfZTY of a1 kinder, on aqs -~ ~ -~ ~ , tir favorable fermd as othet retpoisiiule Compara"r. r -w-~ Thre fol lavi nxg entl#>inat i o e theBoa idilof 'q ~ - ~aWA'~ fi. i -g C)*-~ 4îaaC.Gilmor J lt.u±ib Mt ier, I* ÃŽ4 Iw - Thomslftaeî.a'1lt, N1. P. li-ys. George MwUhe, Wan. feid..rmn, 0 0 lePIaîr C. Gilttur,- - - - - - - --P ideril. ~rt P- le Rulit. Stanion, 1Erq. -----Sec. andi Trea,. Id - ' c 1 WI~? CE'9 ia The tnnderuiigued taavîi,z bween appoiutel Agmra ~~ ~of the abtove Comparivt'. ut ii cie peisol allen- JAMLS IL GELIRIE, ~lion tu parties d.aseisoiis .-t-iteuîirw. D-n 1: C 18 TJASý'. WALLACE. DR t: G i S T, ire, î.ije, aund Get'i fusanrce Ae.-îîf. 3litin $fr-cet. IlV'tl)y Ii/le C, Fabrvaay 5, 1M52. 43-nf. muo ia ppoi'taëd Whoieale & Itetail A Ir-t.- Ynsgu-a]Mco! n rac ! W. C WE' ClBLEBRAT.rED i l '$ubiçcrilrers bamving hecu apjiointf-f Farnily- illivdieilles. fr - -- ~~~~are prépat--al 1 t-Io e raha;tuifor i rinirue iI"'OCIJNESEBALSAM Froni iie i-- ihahâasitr aliflic al.ove hInstitution ni hetv tuw lrtf7prertaium, tU'.Aar ou'.ifiit CURES Sorre Throaî latad Siomarli, Crynzl-s tth j i: .14 ut- le nw offiett.it for IDtîI-I )Co1d . Cht'fic lainaa, Mhooig Cough, Crop i-ef 1 ahiiriT)o ieNs ortyu or Riaifle, &r. '- Otiatin. 'SWELET'.S -FA\IILY CURATIVE rl0l-«N PASN c L. I M DI NT. J Oîai lu- Ci-et ail Pain!! clamps. Numl)f;cs. Acue rt !2ŽY2t5.stT the Face, Nervoua lleadaisd Tootir Ache, Caîa qar Y?? Lýn4tole se S W E E T'S r H.Stib3criber bai. A YEW THOUSAND N F A LLI 3L E YE W AT rE î 3IL r.oWilal Landrue leasa- ln tire follow- in,-' Torumhipz. Reach.- f 7zridge, NcrrltGflin Cure.ssore, luflîmnet or Wcak Eyea. It <omnes Tuy ruk VoroiftMara, Or-lia, Tiiy, Tay, sveil recomntnehd, Tu>'sit.Notwaçt.CiavodMufsb:un»- TUE IE CNG- 0F OJL4S, Iont, andl Op$. The nit of iliese landsaitr of thé- liast qualiiy-, andi will tie Icased for a tern i t( ront Cures anîliUcerateti Sires, Chilîblains, &c.. andis ufive foieven yaaradepetÎîdiugupon hauaini infiiilible for nayexierna i dicafs. Tiy t; iloats r Irnt 20te 100 are'eeac, to an>' one wlio you will nutel rt i. iwil clop, cicar, anifece, il, a - ad nd s'ork- TUEUNLY fJTEEQL'AI-LED MED)ICINE» 1mauike manner wifhiniliestrlime, aquantitly SWEET'S CELEI3RA'iEI BILACKluot ile:tliati20 acresa o ecdilot. Ail leltere, pat. aiJ'tikiing infoniafion con- Thre ireaf anal eheapeal mediritue kmown,. aud i. ahove towiiabips, wjhl'e anaweredwsithoutdelaîy. well recommeniled b>' genflemen of our own colin- p J. T. BUSH. lrv Alitbathavaad"it-&uiwtllef it, For Whity luvrM150. 16 teitimonciali, call for a pamphrlet-, The folowing tertificate i. frota E. W. Stephenson,Eeq,M3ayor of Sf. Caf berltea, 'iniia Wesit,- - US. W. C. SWEE', ANP TUE: PUBLC.-1 have for Miny yearaseaffl Sweet's lllaek 01 laterfor br-c, anti cansaey rereonid iftof1:4Pîublie asa a tiai rate preparation for scratChea, gallo, cmt., bruiue$, ptranfin tact, aurea cf ali kinda itir hoçbfeîor f in Ibsti. ntry.ati f le detiand Il lineaîç.Ibave iseuc nany preparattn. forq horsts, but thre preferainee 1 çive unireitafinstly ta the celeh>laft Black Oiiu,maxiufaetured by W C.c Swecet, Roceeter, N. Y. 1 woulJ advlse eve-ct>' horser owner ta keep a intIe of thre ahove Chia ono hand, for ita f imeh1 use wIli Save tinteand moue>'. Yours respectu yE.W. STEPH ENSON. L-t-For Sale b>' T. C, Sulton. Boww)amvile; C. Huehes. Port Hope; Dr. Printhie, Cobotie S. MC2OYjNewcastle;W.J. SultD9Oîbawa at -JAMES H.- GERRIE, Whitby Village* Airgut 22, 1851. 1 9-Y. PAIGE'S PATENT THRASHING MACHINES# 'UIE Subseribers baving been appointed aAgetlts nTanoofor ite ae of uheae M a- chînies, vAre noie preparard fo exeriit.nt cletor f le same. Tire> are worketi ty twe bhor*ei. te- n'aira niy ise attendant#, antd riill I th aand 1 , ý,j Lctte-s From lthe EGHtoI' The Steamner ê'Itowland Jli,' Utviître dii Loup, $ept. 7th, 1852 'fi bus fer iuna the bewel4 of thte deq have we inàrclied ou withott impg!di- îiienf, wlich w in ntt'ited Engiisb, TflOtl 1 bat the good steamer,' B4wiand 1-1i1l,' witi lier hoitiogenous cargo ofigbt -teers 011 board, is snugly at anchor for the îîiglit, a few linndred yards off the'ýpretty and po)7tr- lotis sea-.bathing village of iviere du Loup -havingtumade thus mmcli of bier progreas, toswardà fic bead navigable waterse of tihe great River Saguenay. Thre day bas been nu1e of grent excîtement, toe , and wîile it' recollections are vividt 1 shaih pen tbefil dowu, let, in he fer rmore exciting scenes Of to-morrow they Oiit fîom me;nory and arc gýore. Ait! iîny doar WIiig, you anJ 1 have becit tou long acquiistad, on t te fet-l that tue orily %vay, et îny .age Io do your rca- der-, jtt:Xi ' int to poe.tne TIfi hie o- row,9 what ceaulho dont to-Jay. We 1l0t Q(uîebee tti., miiertîat ton o'- clock-, baviîîg arrivc e-3 efeore bre.ikc- fast. ' -,lie n athcr ibas býn i îosýt Iovely, a geuitie wo-st.oriy brt-eze pirevailing. juist sullîciettIo, cool ithe oth)er.tiw jntefisc beat. A goodly crowd of passeantmare od4ard,ý ail on pleasurebe ' nou whiclî are tirce (CIeîgyîueu, of the f bre gre-at Cmurches ini Canada, viz : Dr. IMouintain, tla, Bi.4lîo of Quebec, I'ro)fessor Wiliarcî- 1 o, ueen*a College, Kingst on, and o Fra:uch Prelate, wibos vine 1 have inti yd etearni. i btswe bviuiîn iii ty anad g. îa~eiotgIl on board to Save ub f.olilnkîg Un leoviiog -flic înoble har- bor oftil~ueneee, the vîifw, spleiid. at ail tirles, wils, tlltsigltnouîgiis l filai tical1tso. h'iile sn lone Dit tbe igi aiad jiiining-:'oofs of Lquebes iraasiv pb lic buildin'el. taîlrini, whiieli fle iciw fParlia- metnt LO. lGo.atad inost i oîîpicuou,1j ,azu idirno>t eipîally Lbîf!hat vsinfî-m iib e - ly 1pnpuliîd lhwibtg cil' oiit Levi ; the ntu- fneruus si11 in ratire arbor, tho ýýbsy Ferry ~ ~ ~ ~ fý i-taneseosi;t ierbo i e - iery direction, ai together ýj'ormred a îîicture ~atid a sceare flta Clioijihy be ffared froiîi ,recohlection whetî Ille griin tyraut al- Qijtîlbcc, frotIhe rirer, rsqt1io mo:t majes- tic City iii the wbol oi vrlJJ auÏkhe w-hobax Lot seeci i, as 1i ýaw it ti~uorig bas ot beetn anyflîiîai. a Mcdi Niapuli epoi mon," I inay be wh.lar baeoê this contine(nt, I Luy alpjlyillîg the sayiig to Quebcc. cetenigthe river, tlw liràt lion i-,thc iîoutla of the Motitorenci River, amia ul view of the Vi.lis is uuforded, ais the cas- cade is but a-short distance front the em ji-asure. 1 intended to, have hrad -a good' long tiglif of liais hoâ, but îînfortitnately il ivas tngaged in conversation at thle oppo '- qtc %ide of fthe rs-las site opened the viiewl ani before 1 reeollecîedthe lion, tihe evbaice of secirag i' was gotîr. .Noiv, tu a inat wlao carne down so far Io add the des- criptîionîofibte lowoivût. Lawrence o hIi-, Lanad Look for Canada.',fiaisý neghageiice .asý truly prùOvokîno. But. 1 May dobt. ters a> 1. rn. i i. e largze kiulof' Or- k-iai wrs ie xt lion ;iîtb fhead ià jjo iite the lioutil Do' tiltuoîînruantd it> teiixtlitexcitedh tuueialy tuiue, t uea ver- ae widtth ofr u nle*. h IS xtreunuay ta-il îiiiblied, for one coutinous hune o. -oi itousoes prevails logiCsenire leu vtlî. t~ appîeu-r: ro ne itroucultivateti, but tbon bu inîrny finilies 'eu raise food enougil front its coinîrarativcly sterile fieltis fn support thent, is tu, nme a mvondes. 'J-'le Lace of thre î.Aaud is denuiled of treeb; not an oa-chard, a gardon, a cow or asbeep, f0 lac cc ; ati yet 1 was gît-en tou unders>taad, that not ourly -Z -*. IJ14 tiCuu nlMOU gu stili coittu- wg 911i, leoirsVûry noî.OVnoumý, and thle Vieuw nt, tparfîctilurhy IIesi rcit.iîg. At~ ~ ~ Y et ai' Iafi river widoris to abot lcnt miesbut IsýIC aUx Coudres somewltt COiii-t : il, 4t. t5aî11sjI' ay is - vr>'pitîîe.qepilucipitous rocks on brtb- - illeýs, ri I farinâ and faria IMifidings pevched r mon'g lru in iiregillar.isorder, 'The hale8aux ' udJires is or a i-e -aepectand the Isceuetr" strougli>rnuiîufo m of that ofthe (;reeiAreiipelagyo, %wiîlîits i old islands iuJ devip baysi, thei* vineyirdand uJolive groves ; thle stunted secouu igrowiltbgreatly restrnbliug fili laiter., tho' to the imagina- tion alone are flhc fouiner iurdebted. IL 1wanfted but thle whitec -C'qnvetit-built on the f ip top dcunnences qti olûoplote tlîe picture.- 1 $cb Io tuie apparcl St. Paui's B3ay and tfhe. fille aux ' ire icir b>'tire way, eiriied to bc wcll inliabUedi.ILt is licite, b oule filty tie beiow qýuce bCr at the s'a- ter ilecounes dechtldl5y sali, titougli that c- cîtrrence varies. as 1lt inust, wiîlî the state Iof the lide. 11e! w oIsle auxý Coudrea âtret Ilul rat1e, uolrth aindIsonîli; but i j sa~ga ii;înfri,îtonwiat i~meant b l it 1 oficel rurions, ci nard descer- djing fllec dVer, IllrChiant Vessels haçe tolire 1 and thîîienvur atrempf. loco-nrotion willu- ontgoo piotaeBut <hiz eïpianaîî-on docos nul satify 1ue, -lid I bave t.o look fori lietter. And ilfo! 1I l'ave fouind aquite ï I.brIlY b>' ni>' ide, lu- the Nt u f acrns,yet dulle-Me aux Coudra-s".(ilbert Na ti.)t, - hoal of St. 'Rochi andth iat ralu_ lcîhtr: E Blst]anke, O iuterrupt *be fair tva>, Ilbaî ti passagie, ilijil irual>' h-los :iyjalotý, dQc! not cxteed in widti, 1ci-nke buîed yardis'bctiveeu thre bUOYs.- tiîtt ai-ktict, e t tesoa .This - fravesO o? iNrrovs, pi-cienlts tire ano itriat miviatitilreowQuebec, frùnr flui iber, streIgth, andti iregularifyD of tlle nut-r nS. I b ijlido riai at thre rateof ïÇg-e or -,i ndterus ra rco ragei (itlis accouit;large vselus re- au- b oistlt flie propur OffIlle of flle tîde for asi wfrotaedn. ir distance froint Quebee. tuibe Ligi Vessels atirIle 'file river below tire Traversýe sti'li wi- uIen,~ aJ i irat ecuzmirced withL i-aia.- 'Murray'Bt' ouwrt ic tu~Ja since lai'-port, boun hle %iefsr WCea Unititi utmr o3îarIaai the s1loresorhI.cwr ta i-ne.ai cou~a-ueulyno puaCe for, a bsteaimnr- i-a fouch i at, in svrsihî& itltsr-i, flic -oenei dçcrtisediIfor tnasf build wbarvesA j s ýcmnreeight or tën cônVe-_ nient l'ocationsb, ani.i)hurr*iy >sj is feleof :faitial, anti sve unlt4silh serve the I)uio>e for wbia:il it hias lcen erectéd; for Ve'ry tliianyyeaî-s to corne. liere sçmtiept. sangr- eurîasiore anJ some otti1ers ctae on hoard, bOt the Stay was ouil' of a fLW iranîto.duatinand onlwarasire pi.Ocee- itpehejC, oair ~.ri oe ilreo laa ~~anJl ~ t , I~ ip-UcBay, but, if was hmd Quîmriiu ic hzNorth Cir-imiiel. thr'- <Iow- landutl D11'tow 'maie hber waY towards tire oppo.site sirore in Ille dire.Cipi n ofIBiviere1 du Lotîp,, diStlàn tt liity miles'. TIre cte renauneti calintat clgftÊ dteps- sa3gC aeroýS tire wide ezPmnSef vatffl us evaa-vliir trelieartLceaèlthiak1for- 1 COU- Of tire afinual New York, Sept. I1852, te sônre £6 Tr teaimer 11l>stcifilî arrived aboiit six, Canada takes iritr fei days later ruews. ycar a fractic Coitcn declinecl-pmices uucarigà.- Ivortil, It f1aleh l'or tire dayt, 19,000 baiey, tbat, for tic 1 Floîsr more active, and priées favor flir " ijiotisider. seller at 21x, lrecly paid for BIaitimore ILngland wili anti Phildljti ecodary partiels neg- commercial p leetd, food for ber p Corni on thre spot-..aîes irregular. a forcee r-eri rupnnefirm cSutt.Lard Ss.and forC*ign ri Otlit»r articles mncianteti. justic frontj Thle P"acifiçl's eîiys îî nimportant. fixrours, andr 'Tlic London (iazeate thinks that limee'i- -get themt. 1 cri is doing ail.sire can to pros-oke a s'ai- sould ire oui wvitlî Liigland on ic Fisiry question tluougb n;jyask a fav it cousiders it svril f- M a reetbta rîiALt, thraï, ata more! suitable op)porîuîriîiy. boon tr lrt L Mýai> practical agricuituriif s are! of tii ' ,l'ire repiy to t opinion that flic luss of potatoes irilI lb, tit-c. ari aed greafer tiran tu auy precodin, year sic e er at 18I -~Omf- o -fui-tiher, and ive knosvse l'Tom .ani id1 verni extensive grosve!rs ii t1re îigio o(O Lim sstt 01l the lmetropolis' wlir: sftate, tintic tto(icsLeit, truction s'il i euceed ithat of an>' fo,-m rse j.TIE s Pn, ilrltdinc7 18-16. Larder thesecrcmw atetr - anc moderato advance il) tire valua o h0e1 o Y(t> l1re,ôe!,tufEs 4aos rotauiwr)aprbbk ;t, y.o preisent: iovever, tilere are tceiltd#ay wn-y ymtmsof imrprovenîent; J hie' ea' j; - - iîh ast li Ia. estw d. A tew shotre s la uà. i lleu in ,oûwe piartFa (f thc coiuntiy, but wo ~ ( carin o grinba scrclybeen unteri-tîf- learned, Cd.rfIlgo -anba crcl'popular estima 'fli Lolios atTair i-s yeî tuefpco eveniug hast, "letOPe f cn-llnynau lVitsît versatican anti reunrrak iii tire n.ewstpaper-s tant Mi-. Webâtei-': leitf rb continue te bc criti- 2hra iU At naneo ocloo' rThe Tintes tmake5 u nucli oflttlie 1Polk andAi -hoedI Cail1rouii con,,resionaI liatercingeu of if i mnmcduiitly su lie.ni - abolit two Hfery Byrorr< long a parlianieniary re- caleabouts rn pnrter for flac _London pre.-s, as appotutced monstration w, I3riti,bt,çonsutat llayti. . -eral (Chnz.l, c M. ,J ohn i Stes'art, Queen's ýCounsdc, cilie- wsi h a (1>' kaiown as a -violent tory and an 0PPo> and enterjdini rient of Ciranctr>' reforta, lias, beeaju.at ap-. pointaud Vice cliancelior off bat co»ut it An old gentleman named i eilti of Asir- for-a, Kery bas jwït dieti and bequeatbied mifsair ilre incrcasijt $ 1000 te iris relatives andi $,à0W,OUO to tirelice,' the direct( Mrce. Wbtr letter on tire T'ruvia» ' I ,piano qjuestion baî prov keti nothin.gMollee 5tardîing lian one o Ieeacar, sin lthe 1ît t 1n. T1'imes. - ad Arlfrcrtiser andi -lOn.clrii- ,:!ï" no 1ie- proposed r ùaarîicf Jîlî4 'rcîlî it ritya.scolluuier ed bv (tire su p i oruof lianlde È e 01 il%;rlDV1ýle-tirer to hi hr>' rh- saille n-.uîîuer o01,cfrointthe aary. !Seinti>'tre polfi 'Ibhe thiident w4ilI-cominence lits jui-ney ile.of sold!ers. thli-ougir the lsoutirerif-provinces on tire I6th lacbu Jct.,Lanti r-etirâ to l'ar. ilost of tire-plaae buand î#was-, tirrougir wbicir ie will pasak bave vot- MtUrater .Ant ed cousidei'abIe >unis for hii rcception, b7ut some Ilttie tjt»ý thc j'rince lias causedth ie authoriieuto be - a knot ofiBel,, inforiried, thrat beiogf deuirous oflIeararina" threc r-al state of the People, and inot- anxtouï for- tre trmi ceremonial i duphi>' ie sireuld lie soir>'I refurni ron zee foo u suupious eesandlwould icar aa r5 witIr satisfaction 'fat prton o hearun jplinucntamy naiâ Ibatirartios c tie ~ was praciscd. Imat lacen appliedti utire relief of tire poor. It is.ruwnired i ta, acrting on the. rcqieet As ricC ofl thre Counaci lsiee*t,and other petition-1or tire No;'t i Louis -NapôoIeer Wàt liedeclared in tire Se- in 1832 and il

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