Ontario Reporter, 21 Aug 1852, p. 4

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VIE-TY. The ai-hlo watt injureilhy a burat of 7 aplaus,,'is recorcrinig. SMt" aidt a'littie girl to ber mother, 0do Men wsst to get mars-led as mueli as wousen do V I*5-& sliaw, what are YoUf tulking about r " Why, mna, te wo- men who comte- liese are alnys talking *)>out getting mârried; the-men don't do Wlienever yuu set a lady whom you tbhsîk hiodsome, asic your wifc'a mid on the s<bject. IT it sthse way 10 get(lise frt, unbuused, iuulit opinioni of thse People. SThe fire is going oui'. 'Mistt Fliiikins.' '1 know, it. sM1 Green; and if you wolid sssf wiso-ly, you would follaow its et- ample. l it a s nnecessary toaddashi at Gite:s never éaxod" toSe up witli that gai a gain. QVIE JscEINî~r,-'Madame.' said the keelser ol'csîpkin&s - Square. thé otiser "aY P cnk't uilov vou to take your dog isîto tihe Sqare."ý 1 Abh;don't yotis ee, nsy frivrid,' ~said the lady, putting a quartir iii là band, tlsat'i a cat,jgnd not a do<'ý 6'adamc,' said tise kecrer. %oftenîngý> bils tone, el'1ii4eg y-aur lpardant.I1 s'e any mintake. 1 now u>ee cleasly, bv tihe aid of îiîy xpectilac, flat i:La a cal, andi nul a dog.'- 1 Cuirfe, i in t tese scond 1 d f'No, massa, dats',(lie etaîs riugi-ugof de fu.S, ago.I'i1l*s 1 i ïIu huud. 'lin rejoicetinii ttinaine nif n i w sid Iii, dévoii-stoa i -voun' uiand '0n tîr e n àosaiil lRachel 1f.. 1: reeiingvoit Lonz lsl.nd. l'îtýuer bier griefs werc t0oia sn'V'tilie:r lov-ert' o old, or fs'oen uuoni rcaus, l is offer vws deciined. -Wlsercuii aisi uarLer fi-h'uud se- nias-ed <uaL it wtss ite ii'rýî t wMfers i -.4àýtancçe lie bad knovHwflwieic- e Rciiel irefssscsd Lu b. Coinforted."- A ~V~tD~i..-- yoîs~lady of Brook- lyn, aamed Iayne. iis~ reccived recenV'y a îegary from a Wcmt Isîiù planter, ainouti- ting to £75,Oi) .,.trlinc. wvag ask4 thr. edit.or osf the Boston C('aipet Br ss'le,îne thse 4. Maine Laiv," a itian i-,alowvvd- - To wear lis turiin a ýAin ro make merry over t1ie Londoin 4'unchi. To sei aoap ii; i ' s. To comînuuiate wliii tise rapig'ir To adminisîçu' Io a causW.ring frieuîd a dsrop of comf ort.1 "l'O 1Pulnch' là: î iir luentl. To ptsichas,*>,r - ref. lusi - OUEAUm I UUDJ 1 -IL T~ II:Sbscriber would Cal theattention maredstock of a'ew Ooeds JuS tter ft1VtCD PItOXMONTILIAL, bimuising in parn of White Crae & Exhibition 8htaw1a BagdiLaines, Mouslin de Làaines, Musalin Dresseo, Siik & $aLia Parasola, Zebra Tweeds, - - ~summies'Clothos, &mesian Cotionis, Prices a shude iower titan any Wbolesale Store within the limits of the Cont>' Town. -TIIOMÂS DOW%. ',%ay 261h, 1852. 7.tf.1 KOSSUTHI HATS!1 KOSSUTHII RATS.! A ý N tenive sur ybs utarrived, delayl arc Jancserous TIIOM MON, PEARSON & C£). Wvhitby, May 12, 1852. t- CAUTION.*; A L L parties are bereby forl»d purciîasing n NLOTE mades, th e in' Mar o ef 1014N 13tLs. x oit th 10th i ofe i .r.p.sd. ur£ ALEX.ÀNDII RMcDONELL. WbLitby, June 17, 18532.1031 PORT WEUITBY BAKEIIY. undcerhi-mnedi vishes to be ntcdb -the inhabi a nrd the snrrîsiig illc s4 and the enunirv at large, that lie bas coiustaîttt% ois baud, 111 1 Bread, Pilot Bread. Boston Crack- ers, Butter CrackersY, ind #Il kiniof CR4 CKERS, with a vsriety- niCK~isuch as 11 îbtk~SPONGE CAKBES 10 j 2j CAKES, ROCK CAKES, GINGER BREAO, BRANIY SLU' PIES & TARTE Party Cakes and Weddîigo Cakes ruade to order, and on tbhésbcrteaî snotice. Mon, a vatiêe t 2 o .f ' (Jandes-\VfoLE A ND <uRETAIL. tl^ïth a Lw-ge Stock of Groceries. JAM.%ES BATFS. TO COOPER$, MILLERS, AND OTFIERS. To rat- 1 rins s'uu'sruss.* Tu6- bea. t' s- #sir2t sîrri tiiu-. or riL~Sisrb -rshve cuiS and andi To go ihome s in gusrt.'--arecostantly as1isrntai hai S- sve F msor>'. oui Laot e,7, in the 2ti Cu. lPickerinsg, VYsT rOIuoC.-L e Le s"ei-ieusî u 1a large sjuentil ot Kias and conjques-ors. F"re'deriu-k tise t:1-ratt 1 FLOU t BARItEL~ STAVES, aie aninst plsbIOSOstsuc iviisthes-vuseu'e -of U suturior quatt>-. îîis'lstàes are prepas-ed Io deat-in, otltrs. Iii -s'of lxii be'les, a sl es-y Iow lor <asîs sur appu-vea ureuit. battalation cf vets-i-aiss - lsausgtakesýII o pnleis-,HARRISON PAISSIMoH1z. their~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~pcerlz beu x ~iou-tl(c -us.bv-May' 22, 1852.,-m inacg " ou -- Du "advrauti ,lv- 0 Yo,,s e*t aitm.,a usaus inun asy one s-hpeut- ment, wis-bout lîlsu h ';n up in rut. Jsni- prove lus indt, sisj chabisdi-rac-es-:A teacl i lusten usLlsetijVîls ' wil leurli politm.âsngiv&1s-i-s iau sn -li 'e ushi cease to e tehau~ ~u-u~ue i;;n 10 geCr, ant 1uis bue<s-ltu'a grte A Vs-rs-s- l à ul 1 s n .1 n t 1 LI-le, dtati f. sru' Ioav Ilito fai arrr '- ;Aîu ,t-u. .i Dever bb~> ut ds--t h've -osu - iuslit large, as-su]pti;i, te su ki' i r b mit' <u r - but de ps-l'pi'ntIIV04 sfm-'uW >'O'u' coulut stusstitu-us- I1. s-s î C- IsA ss-.s wbho swa 1, utsd .i(-itt 0Vis- bce coulsi suaIre n ',t î iliun. - - A BEAU II'iGHr. Ina %ndover N--s'th urpls-ii,-[Oxfordl Cut>,Me.,] on 1 bur Aay labt onc of th(is amastest buas- irisacamie 0f lite-s apeciin tbim, slýaVe otr as-y otites-. As Ereistus Beau, a va. lng1suu.1n' ot t "cars, wvas lis-yisuguli'. usid5 s-s-vvoû1laDI.c sya boy of $-ts-ce, <ututs-urd Duînn, lit-losiikcd up and saw a a ur,c luk iar, oni' IswsvIite feeed bu-eei, (liseloess- savag;e nf tise btrs- varict>'.) iJs-sviig tusten b ligîn vîitîsl hu te shoot pastritigus lie -u àî t tijandi ireti at te-brute--- but wtu- t- ille affect, as te boas' iinediatel>' bersi b close upon lins. l3cas feu l ack slowly, loadin- hii' gun thse mesatime, vilen;jus4 aýslie gel Ille echarge. in, ls «set caoîglit R-gaiusst a- t vi-u h f(cll blavsds, anith -e bras- les-peti upoa tns! -l Hmsituation vas fri;hitfl-tut b oih)nLus did mot forsakv hbùzs-aisd lu irsinds-iateiy 6red aguias- ,ut wis-b no visible effes-, 'T'ise bur m oace weni t o 'sosk--sueizîiitg hlJý eft am', biting IliroumhlitiLanti is-ceratiug iL se. vei-ly.Wlsil. t1sus amiusng Iiinlf, lie wasteering w*is Ibis fore -clas atise tmasn bisa«. , liing droppeiIi.- as-sn, lis pencs-i bis bugb ssosuitbsi omake a ustes- aîis-i face. -TheniL tva-s thu- ,u n' -sa-s- midle b. dwli that aved bis ii'e. .4s tîs. boss'opm.d lis javs, BIotsnhi'ust iti- -u val.d arn dtuwa the bearS li o-t as far as dser'aioss voulut letlilas! Andti -lere lie III1Ih -s-ihtirihs-rs Ibeg lenvo cti sraii tise a sIuuntin etof Ieis r fis iîd st utomera ta <lussis -SPRING STOCK 0F GOODS, C03T1os- Dr3y GooIA, Groee-ries,_ Crockery, Hardware,&, Allerfwhi-bsha"çcreresii>' baen uspssiamed 'on tise i uscui a4'auîag'se-iats't ant etY ara delermin- edti s-suif ne usodersolti 4s aust>' ousse InItie trade. N. B--Tsey, are dait>'expe<'tinig a oas-s-n t ver>' iSturpasor Wîssyuuaà alarge suppi>' or Ps-o litote andslCeAs-.tou Bbss-ksmni~.- - JOHN*:sINAitTIN & Co. Port Whitby, 113:h Mtay, 1852. 5-s-f. PJia-sue 'for sale by1 J 1 -2 lXL 0'O . 1,09)0 Co BtIEECTI an'i M P 2000 CorstSans Boati W9è. For Suite hi 1Portft W- A1 ilLM$E~E 0J0 D.Id, IIuGaiI îtîoM ATi W?~ILL frave iunts,.ay for port Pers-y essiig a nts-elsLsdja.u<y MOMPAT, Wz>MlEsDAY ad asst pisasày oxNîGK, On tlse arrivaI of thse Stacée trm Peterluorosls; arris'iug ut Poýt Pers-y lo litrsse to take ttc Ste te lacet tise .dmtual for Torounto, W"lt leav'Por-t Peyr- vEy eties- Tisday. Tbssrsdav ani Ssa-da >'nuisg, en tise ars-meani' uie Ssaé,s frin ~ Posthtis';arriving ln its-se, toe th se s Stage for pcterborou.ls. For Freis-ili or Paaaa;, esyl u at u Poart Whiltly.- 4ti Part Peur-' Ma>'7y 5 0 NT-1CE tinti sade- is-vsye an'd tille ut JIlDouall4VIIlCKerchzer, ii s-is dt s-> piS-oveD by illlutil consent_ Alil des-n-ui. is ist saidi Fis-s-sif it eharized i b>' D. MIKcliFîçsa~, Whso ifrestssilila (for-theu1: *ILLINUII1 DURIIMAIR MR&81KAY &MRI 8UCKAtANo, :BEG rpetftilly Io inforau t1wi Ladies -cof , iby and viciait>', that tbey havé opened a Sbop for the above businesp mt thse Booms over ' ,MR. WILK1',iSON'S WATCHMAKING & JEWELRY $HOP, Mt, It 0ggof ths Waîilb, Tivo Doors below MJr. S&hoftltàStore. MuNls. KAY-baving serred lier apprentice- ship to the Mfillinary buEinuss, in onse of thse Principal lieuses of Manchester, E ngland, bopes Lliat they wl be ettabled to pvc satisfaction té al îhosc wbo may favor them witlî their patronage. T/ie Lai eitr, a-4lzùms oeCnsanfîlyon band. MRS. RAY AND, NRS. BUCHiANAN W OUL respectfullP y anuosince toth Lalctbey bvepiocui-ed file servi- res ci cite of thie misr akiliful woîkpry in thse Stlaw bounnet bq6iîes fi-oun, the (.111) of TForonto, so (bat tbey aie s'nabled to clean andller Straw Bonnets go the N ewest Style of IPasbi-oli Wisîtby, MNardis 27, 1852. 50-4f. mLILINEUY &D IESS-m ÀK!Id3 f3EC,' to inforin lier Finends atnd Cus- Stomers Ina: shqe lias commeîwvtssncIw ii ho» above liste of Iille~ss t iUse New ,"bop usd11 b>' NI'.. Baie%, in E~ast Wjnds7r wliefe çlic hopes Io rlceive a Coutiqiuancc iet iseirJpatronage. CIt-rG w 93 0 ilirtg Cleaned and 1tur.nêd iii the newest and neaie+t style. Vir Latcst Fashioim alwoys on haitd. Whitby, Marçh 25, 1,852, i- MIWNERY & IJRESS MAKINGI 1 rhoq tog be-5 further to acqîiaint te Ladies of WhIlitby and vicinity, ihat bhe bas laken iîo Parîsser&hip ini Use aimve' Une, a7Pisg Golngs, Late of tiz<' City of London, England. 1I roma wbose experienne$lite bopes the Ladies ssitt ides-jvceusau-y satisfactîion lite stipcrior styles of fiis i tIevMs- article, sucs as Cap3, Bontnets, &C. MiNlss Gowtxs h-sla#-sjui is.usevrd tise LatetI Pistions (rom Losudon, tus svicb tiseattention ai' the Ladies je inviieti. Whisîby, AlunIi 1, 1852. 4-tf. STORE TO JIENT. 110 Resît in ttc Town of %hitby for one, or a ses-m nfvears, ib t#iseBhldig atel>' onu- ied"< b>' R. E~. Pery. andi usses as, a sesier-sl store. p prié- is--l aeiugiui thos-outs-isiepusiu, tocation, i'avos-rble, ans-WI 's'hth ie Couu;iîy T1owsn of thse rs-ewCes-u>,ts, apeinduucemens le Itsote inteuisisng tu, plssse a mercanusle bUsiCiess JOIHX HAMI PERRY. rp alsridanlate Of CALs-vettII, T@ehvin- ptircbas(deuBI ttc-wer>'ilstisaite- LA-Ir, (os-ues-t>'owned tby Cxrsar. CAsua ud tired ssid Clssu-ke as Brewor. ai- a sotti ta JOHN D. FOSTERl the one undivideul bals ni saisi Bs-eey. and iIbis dny taken s ait!'s-rn 1 Pas-înerohip. 'Fitsrefote, the Fis-m of wouid s-sspectfitiy intumase tltise publie tisaI hein; desi rous oai R.xtendinïg thetr Bus-incss, tlse c-i mpa tlaesa u inse preparta o tleir Iméer, <o make il deserv-ing t i icliet byti biu- ester been noteds, en s-uil prepuaredti t pay higs- est jrice in Cash for gond MerchantaoMe BarlcY5 delive-sut Iheur Bresvery. Ailorsders prompti>' -attendedt l. Addties"- 'SIIEpJDAN & FOSTEJI, T. SHERIIDAN, J1. D, Te(SSTFR, Wbltlsy, 2Bîis Feis., 1852. 46-si. 13U1 CORN~ROF E Havei T BOUSEX 2rgest, the CIieipest, an,uL IN1SALU IVECL4 WHOLSALEAND RIiPA IL. Fis avesow receiveil Our compn1t-i .sortinenti fni' N ,w 5riio& SU313ER G on»s, 1 'w)sclb, upon inspection, oir uns:onterg witt fini lgo L'e comp"osteis.Tewcst snd Most Fais-. onsb>le msteyinfia, anti ii î:ruutit %tirif!tv. [Laviu-~ been etectei vit!u trent cas-c, an-d importeti direct fromn tise tmsAt Bruitirs tnth, atnd &s-uuerî'an Ntrksots, 4u' iîmI-ci e c is eisfilelsttiy sismrfit tbem ta thse inipection of Ours essasometsand h inel ic us, aua einth ie moms: df.iosatile, duiabie, serviceablsi andi cheap assouîlmens- i of lyMuui (otling anti Drsy Gois is Caiuaca West. Tai! nu r;"Il» ilst*llriluiches> cxreciuted wtitti Tast a - IIURNINGS FUftNISiIED ON THEï SHORTES? NOTICE,. P~1Yi 110flflýI1& 3&iW ~o1t ýferj 1Oi0115' f fr iu r 0*11144il RE'ADY-IVIADE CLOTHIIVC Dsu Ciss'ownHnlr' Castu 1 Donltack AMpar'a do( Dr) Itu*!eiI Cord du Do Psiu's" s# dt li asi1,1wode da DiO V < Îtrit( 1 fs s flts ("lss-rui e ,t ti kstoî - ind 15- (lu k'ti1 o ta),, mls" - ttoul u1,4 lrn*cBlaru-tu In'h:rt do! 1) F.1in cy Sa1i n crc Dn tloltusud 'do DiO l'uf;ic y d-o Dis Veive-l do 1>0 Maruties 'do 'Sic,', CloUs fCaps, Bsuv's do 12 f6 2 4 1-21 17 f >' 7 2 6 '5 1101-2 iii c' il '~ i>aîis Saùîî J-IaIi,, liIaeIc 111111 l)i'ab. Bloy'. Putnry velul Do Sitk- dIo Dan $atjss do Dao 'ut Ved la 1lh <, v usn Dli dis Boy 'uuiu~ di) D' -ss--t do DS us-,d~ du Dut lhndaTewkuu -do lmi 'iuuk'd do le, El'unesi' . d 1, su ii sLu-s rns from ,l1-2 New tyle I Bîxs-jnet-q ('otluu, its »1J 2.lJatt'riibu, i's--yari wide, ':~ :~ fis-rn W 1-2 s' 4 "du i 4) 7 1-2 spfteuus Bonet liuîu- l ll-, '4- t) i 1 -2 Gl'sî-, l ns-s-y, flitou-, Laes, EtJiizd.susAs-tfiilFlowr ,i Plie . nn Iwm Mrwsad ieuiuh or M1ousgu, Iftusius' [Robes, (.asaig u t!l-'-kBusdis, s ol.3.Ij ()0)1) S. V , *îî- f) 'luu iu , <Xs t'cuî'~.M'- andq Ns-ut-s, C3 Cap u~Iru--et ,s4 - 0 Se ~conid Plîce. Crrnrr -tf AiC4(uisr Sr-s.j;,- l(wtr-t Iluuue 't'n7,sail 2 1-2 4 1-2 -1-2 44, KING STEEý'1, TORONTO'.ts' usnrt rsî li'fIt\}nt Siu-riîe.r tus'e o iit)riîlus -Sub s-t iiw WtiIlbu1jy BvariulorsVes'uel'. fs-os-s ea i-s- :-Lcrilt ien-reC BniJssuk-, As-une Cusubpwer. Su. Aitiiiew.Nss-us, moBrc, U~lstn.zephyr uý1suel tvs-ra o'tess iroin Ls'v«-- 'j rrt'ali .art a Lois' lrire.Par- tiel n d xs L.ondon; t and-in ale a i-sivi lis' %visti - abou t lsu t- in e s- Vit"ilusce, w-isc!re sî, is k a rupe nus a( me it- i'ayiu;d Shelfflad-uiît >i lued u0nsutyaaou h-iaue ilIl int ili fudî' aelîssspl issulilts-ui <ri k asTimber. tse 2'Woe. Fr Wàtr ates a. IGE o 1'. IJAWOJlTIJ-or Tas-ou, Ms>' 22n4l IFMl' 8 1fA.11 '_t5 'WA 11,A C '. WlliIF"AT ! IIIEAT1!! S'shE sit wiisl pay tise bitps-use iv. 20,000 Bushels of Goos FALL WIIEAT, telisvereti rst PORT WHITiIY Harýrer, ctior osbtre thse tUtti titi>' e Ocuober netet. Heii la tis'prcpas-ed <o usauAOS Aics-C of Wheat, Flour and Lumber, onsiz-ns'd IoNe~w Y4u l s- konr p-al. 2Aas-t for an>' qsautsty of BIARLEY ari OAÉlS. JAMES WALLACM. Wbiîlsy, 21-st,.%g-ugs, 1851., 19-tf, tMPOR1WANT1 Varuer, Parmrieà Stage froprietr. GEO . W. MERCHAN,'T'S - CELERÂTED GABGINqG OIL ONTAJIO -fOUSE, (LATýE RAYS.) and are %-Optý rt a lus s-superauey t, rot monts lss the litine -anii'ornissss-e , l .' - targemvnts us-ut lohupu'vemeisîs isi th Sasis e for C-ts-acPif'n5-e asld cr )tssui'cst i an>' othv-r H1erI in) tisaN"%4- Cosinus'v. Ili$ Bar anti'dssta B au-'y h-ssptPiPsu ani es-set' utto'nuii u i l t 4 is'-Iliog sî nil>' s-batcan poisibulv mals-e lh-enu f eu comforab1il auti at !inmé. - whuhy:t~.3,18M1. -E."N &( WosîWaitî5eil lis ilafiiYasu rsvusi ,Cash W-ui tue usisi. V, lu-l-,luy,-S2 t'Onk Io your cu awl stiv aeyorhiint 8SorE. Davy & Smifth beg, leas-svo t Brouk, xbuitreausd Senst-,andlsorunus nll'er lot sale s-o tbslrf-ir du ai al uvîo maly ta-- vous- them <vuh a u-all, a elosce stockni' Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Pallits, Oils, Turpentijne, - Varnfish, &C. &C. Tht-y w' us-d saris-utasly invite ss-stenu ion <o the to!Lt- sr< urts ss-'irih uill tbond evise-p usosl -'s-y t0- iralt , ;a LOhsytave. Ucaîeiiceetwilis 1 E AD Y - M AB ri. LOTRING I'eas, Suigars, 'UbtîcooQS-picus, Minegas', Po4pper,4-C..- A compte usitsenîoai' ou-xrrtytkws Fu-sssand ITJN WA&E1. t an e<jdles va- sici>' uf c<e arles %Ç~iels.hepublic ws"îlsgitd uâtvfqil andt vai'v che,. Jis operation in m Wd, yet efflcioui; it I o ! it 1 I5t the phie mnw isch createis so mauch d i elty, e- cesitiveC Ei, Heves tisecojçb and assiata nature ta expel (os- i ive in lsts tie sytem aitI diÎpaed mattes- by expectortiois, and ell irreq producing a ueligtil changsue in te lreathistggandi rnrege*fto1 client, andJ Mus. after te very lb t rmedicai mne r rnsedy fo and the investiions of kisd and orronwing friesîss s priug. l ài and nsurses, ave faileul tu give the mallest reliel Geueal Debi <o the Consu mnpive uferer, olizali~, Ne TIIOISA'iDq OF Co. ,UMTIViEq afrf per.çna have been uiereived repeateiiiy isnisuyinq clsmp1oe mredicines wiiebwere said in hbe ifilli ' le curep, ;yjhPy11 sla1 but whivh baçc proved oîty palliatives, but Ibis îyt &C. J:i Medicinse ilis noi nîîly a palliative but turefor 111- ofi'let above ecuitd Iiiiga,. Et coritaini iso deîetes'ious Dri.sgé tu tet>mesA fî and one tgiai wilI prov i fi s atoffiginî(ti iacy u- - ati ti tertIan aiy a sstertionq or certiil es li t riini coi- iC l issmptiusn and ail disease of tise Ilungi, such iqs; VpIttirsqofi' bood, ( rh, p an i the tidle and A counei f ducat nigsl-swuts,4e. 4e. hsssued,1 A byout 1 0) l ,uuaim Mstmira re u ssesred perfora- 0on wra ptper. ed b >' ais m d d se r m o eo f i sle ruiit Dorlorms, Re mem iscu Clergymen and %ter(-harits,. bave be-en sent ut; li Levi Judscn tisis sldine,tli thle Publication ci« tisera obs twrapper, Ito muci tike Qiîacksury. [%vilt show Ibhea o an>' pcrsoru eailiusi, al, aur office.] Tii meu.icine witi On»l! .4ger apeàk k or itse!fanul caus-ugi ilusits cou i avoui wbere- ever ilu.l ftsied. -j C 'a u ti n .- T i a utu(If edu it t iup iri a la rg se C m t c ' ho6ttie, aud you Mitii ud the une of 7Cfiieurk ' so s-re Jrlur orrielorsj, New York, oi ttise sîsiendid ree ou- ei apper aroulid fle istttacAt rti . ua:lu usuiress d ti , C a m s.to k 4' B ro th e r , No . 9 , Jo bs-s ý t. e n - u'ea k fli Now York.pidt îl -flemember anud inver bu>' il unicQ5a li indtis urp or, n n u i e o r , < e w r a p j e r . o fs' n a e a Juaeof a darngrroiiç Cousnterfeit cfls ce tl CHERRY 'LNC OT ailt the J(7KtO mend i aï ai COJtDLT. ni C.ifRL T()N' FOUNDER alsy injsary Io LA for Ssale aisle IDuss. Store», andi remeuimber andi sever i-y iesxe aril ein us hib , o)tlly of W . C M IL T O hiA tia-ais Dry Gnsisore, antiavoIi tise coun- CARLLO-N"' FOUINDER OINT- Fuir Illeetre o ol -'inusr, 'Splitlit of,Iflosf-Iouncl llus-esatti ouunet't suulFeyeriat Focs-, Wounslis Pliu i, t hse as, LiasttI ackaS. C,- a ck et I lcei*-, Scrîusisea,('s-is, Ei', '&-C., on floise. Ccsutuii~'Fssdthee suusme of J. Clirhlo, Coin- iledivn e CtlotbIoe Fuir lMe,-cureof 11luiF-Bus uelondSpma PMUBns Spa-iuu,' Wiuiutz-sllesanuti Spiut-a sC-erlai uu renest>. CAJU2'JONI- CON l)ITJON POW J)E1RS FOR IIRSS ND 11se 'hni sue as-t0("ul, a!f e rad r> uust il'etue t"uu-'ui, -l -sut i i t'hie Yil veTw'nr.al cr, eve 'Suru-thes im'îu u i ofwiis itl be jours-u11eit ai' îheis sange sut' uffeeeuOISu smani wsei tauuy 1% irttlsmhavesonuisu'ilt-e lile aifkitai: e5'vut u iset0"pôwdeus la diecl 'tpn Mil tse s ns-lie guts, ani ues-c-f or suaeIsmàanspfl iufouu tise lcraiesîh Dx he il il ie-ni vwev I tea itsi-oy f:te hutmodrete shnles-sod b>' lin2 îkrs. usnsd) rliste ic tt . i 11î. Anr h -rà o lJiMseN i.' dle F011 n 1 IO Ile s,, uutr s-de cis-of us()th iae Airman ou' Ibeas tsa a sjuir<- efçr11v apiiu's i;ui, asred bcistr«', ea'errbrai isui l 4k J'tsO ors. don. san us-esîsn- o pérbre ni<'tt r se and-s-jes- un :tnulsius--silun lie o i a o-i'irs-se(el, aiyoea-o onpla for rha ave ii iani lu>' frlirm r.iivs, r1Ay's-s-beu, tae r. 2LiON onenisle esu- -ssiearss you cmelii s-umke nof - stlt<, Z opat-kuivse wrý-s- pciwso utg melsnie.t - sletie ii-4rlot 1<alsl,îd ae ,11a t copltul tocs- ettantidi s-yalkifisut uWoi. Tise CrW.15 ca.pcr bots-e, pusa 5< ithIin s-ea-telsc aMLn ausl!i parents wtio are wioiÏ it «tIre ivantinl extsosus the Iles of thir ehsiîum-n-to dose <cii Ica-ro)Yers O ni' otb. is' Wtusr-n"Loosk fer the name ai' Cumuîttj-rk 4'rJJruttc, poi or, te NOnor es- Croup andi over lie ciscs -.111 Bruise fs-w bolusa.- Solres und Ils coperalît snzr 1 beuiuîsuuis i[g it ae ss P l' t ! , b s L )iIn l -p i s-s siremau- Ilors, en thtit l'Place, dîs-ent nlef, nis-ones ID mhoat ait C lula Sis Grs's-k- et Wssu w. H. S TO TRE OL> M lo! 17e Red Heud EAST INDIA tise fi i HA tu u HATS!1IIATS I 1 RATS!1 rpUESJCRiRgssin ueý ion 1

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