~II-t Reporter PUBLTSIIED EVERY SATUItDAY MORNING. T11< SHILLINGS PER AKU-JX ADVANCE. "Zam a man, s»d thbuo .*I4nçhuia aiLffimSfl* 10me!9- Tegt. VO0L. 3. WIIITBY,' CANADA- WETeKUGIJST 21, 82 rnay béceniied la.ii1y for anydiseve aff'ectiîng l'ite A rtifllil Tfeib l0 %rrlrtant onld Plaitorl'i rai, Pnmm zl one t a rtire &U. . Orncer ec Ma- t. 1 46* $TOR L, corner cf KINGa anal "S cor Str c. ht>awa. No,lit, I4à l. 3' Dir. David TuQrker. fÉrttrINbna Enclpzr & Aitvs, TRIaTe'Y COLODUOLIN, l>i atiAr<, bUie VM, AI<D Accouclirua< NiORWOOD, PîcxumrN-ci. Norwood, Oct. 2:-)th, 195I1 Cemmîsaloune r cf ksCourt or Q, 's i ett, Conveyanccr, J)raliglsman, IS8UEIR OF MARRIAGE LCYSSAND' Offce near flic Court llieu%, Viîagî' o( MIA ?CIIFSTrR, Towauija cp f Rr.iaWtt. C. W. 24tf L . çTHpjOMAS, -C 0N V EîYA' N C E A?(» ) Commissioner of Quc'cn's For Alkimg Affidaiils. Bencli 22 If LAW orFKcE. ikttMroansd OUriaor-at-Law. &CA,A. P&A,- W .' WJO1ie Atj, Lara tai î: r ui t o h itit S o ilh- 1. b- a po- d g!li frii IMRNCE sOFFIE J.V I.S 'AL AND ,'~tl nia' DEialac ENas bct!n ppIr.ei - ii Ion bALD, PIO 'Nl%, U4 &C-9UEa1-kt, lfNI' >1ANVFACTIMR O (F SOTlE. UPPEriA N 1) IIARNEs- LEATIIEII, &c. Cash pai.Ijcar Hides amdi.kims, W7î.'ut, Oats, Pots anid Pre /ea WIiby Vilae.'*7mb Jttie, 18,Y). - Advau-cecs gConslgoliiiCho f Aâh" Io IE l OCA ttriPOTrAND) pErL ASil S erineîl toe Montreal. ltoIlEItT ILAWWR Port wtutby Ist Autusit 150 W91SKEY f, WhISKEýY 1 AlRE-tS-Po-RT Dovna W tit.'i #5oùBey ffor sale, very Ol ,N&<0 Port Whiuby, '%May 31, 1851. a THORMIL DOIALD KeINNIS, Proprloto. S C A 11BORO'. - excellent accommodationts for trareilpes. Gooti Stabiiiifor FHess- il '%V 0 1T iBY SIDLEt lAIIgt%, VOLLAI, ANDUI TI Tl' j~$ql*rir b» I~aciasanfily en hlmnd ta abv.arfbticesj ih ha mstaisl cheap for ,cs o rei. ROBER1r GARTSHORIi. W-biutby,3it5ne 7tli, 1850. A L EX - tI NUGL E. WMLTI3Y VILLA~GE. Allerders in1 hiatine pronptly cxecctcd, t4e t e skgirnssaltcason hAasuL Wy , i Ap. ril 19, 1850. - TUE CELEBI1ATED. COMSTOGK MEI)ICINES9 & NE.W MATS! NEW HATS 1 cHEM,ýICAL PREPARATION,_ $ 0 wcIl knolwn in Canada, bave been rï'N}Jffý.Jrilinîiînt et Wliby andi neigh- -sbnmefilly couptcr(eîîed and ditnibuted ini J '>i>uabnerire irformnet Ihat taila Subâçcrllwr Canadia. hy th e tery peions wtao, erer the-ir omn bas now ge ond "i ,e -New prnStc.C' signiatures, h ve ndrrintidthai Dr. Lv'cns 5-8 ain.- .ail iieti~r 5 m~t i<l, .FRNCH COMOTOC% of New Yorkc, b 14. ony Proprictor. andi-snr~<I .Anlt Thefe iticles are AEnW14Il ARO h lait-TItre GREAT PIIV EXTR4CTOR. Celeb»ntcd J Kossi ,i l u n - (Connrls,) rinqall Jlurr, and aill Eternal rînw in, sticb reut dea.mooi. Gel .etauti 'Jisittig Palos andi Soirs, Ihs fat în;>oiun, Witt Séea the greatest assot-- 2nd-ÃŽLILM 0OF COLUMBIA, fur Btaylig a nd ment in Canada. ltemsrîine the luqman Finir. - *-JONSL- 3rd-Hr10W8* NFRVF. 4$ -BO0N E LrNÃŽMilfE NT. G NHT ani TNDIN i'EUETA/BLE LLXIR, Orn t. à ctiri far ail Rhelimatisaas. Toronto, April lst,-lq52- 2-an 4th-XVY 1R'8 CIEL.teîrirail D.-af Peysons. LrhU' NI J E N~MJT, a weill lnown eutç - nI TAa o- -fortr lrIes, &c. &r. .e Cet JR. 8 P 0IlNIS SICK 11F.ID.ICII E lEM1) Y. * 7th.--OTIHJ,ýR*S RJ1EI'F'for ail Wonten in the Farrilv wav,~l~ <' $Nl-L 0 XG ÃŽ,le '.S' GRE.~iy* 1VErSTJ'IIN ~ IN)L IX >1MCJ'.l For Colidaanti* f.'rr~l felig.andi preventinag févr.- 2ForA lmLvrotiiîaniEiosj affierre, .3.For Diaarhoea, Indigestion XORTK~U1 \ 1 Si' and L as f Appetite. 4. l"or Cotlvtnoâs A h ~nal~nI aigndnirvuaomiant. W OLFE NDE N l 00,, 5. Fr Simadîffein. Dspepsta, Piles, Jhqniit,&r. The iCreat poýinialar, il '1rA N UFACT111l ItRS ani )DE AL E R S in îii not batile tta e, never xiveg pain, andt?. j ',] 3loui1mnci.in!;Sn101111)c înrs vecr ieav.ellObe rostï Q. 1W7nii, ~Grme. Mul/r 4Valirzafed lr, 9! h-J)DRIR TflIOLQM)FIP LVV 8lilU for ail tonlao Cnamtn.centre "l.a 'adTp.(hmayPera KRlpt) tIrr <hltren o<r canwin ;'er4ons. i-ver V araeyoffL £ÂAflUIMt VOIMfle onlan 11l RN - B (,+IlQi' N'1 8 RAI*P 11V pori r *tylo. of the Best Materiai. andi KIL LII-N w uine h'.1,ent iare'î' le.1 raI. ed lhi t.In fha, ri1,' daç imin aehlr.u N. fi -W .& Co. . 1'4 - f gv 11lu wayI VPt wo>i.d,'ra whler alapplio!d ci liritai os a n'ahb inxîiortiltir it bîfiotri thew ell fridiuit or 01nI>aai >.frac-lifoni. Quarra t it am* - A I- leraa.-'te acfillY dasci lirdnPampli. t SIET ,ris, Ie li -'rn ail %w t. (...i ai Th'4 li/ o i i/Jm Vil'zc, A gent. J.H.GIIZ~8Drug Storo.. _ -)eai , 81. 1l ci - An lm 1 ' it- a h tr ry f'amiy Nhnttfl ke..pirara teîa u - -. anl the'maanuier r <f sang lia. ai, t '.rr'. " IVeicru" 1J-aU'uCe Cornpaiqj. - er Yvd f.ri y,1ao fil i.tru11 y p rearvmeth ismlieo)kL t- ut.iiriarftrniî:r al'd the r-omplat. 0\a ( iC . )A 'lO ra don.. %%ieir a-na<rn'dym.ay ul%.'ayt lbc Lai!. - -Gapitaql-- £1O0OO000 c- gu Xro ri le x i0 c JAMESi 'l. (EauRLUE, 312un 5t trret Whfiit/ly village, WIoi. ppahi iWlitnlesaae & Refait A 4tra'. ',>,sW I" CELI2BRATEi'D F11anily 'Med-icitiies. -ItAr)Cî11NEaSE 3LA C UlSSore Tlirnrîd Sacnarli, Ccaag«hs, f i, îh ç ao, 'aebu CnlCoj oa ttrr S WICP'SF- MIA'CUiRATIVE Lt NlEN '. , Cames itIil'airas! tClamtps, Nijanncs, Agite in the Fare, Nervoni Ileati ant Tooth Ache, Cataii NFALLTILE FYF W'ATER, Cuirep, Sore, Itfalanwl or Wemmk Fysi.ILu cornes weli rec!)tantletd. 'liy ta. (hures nil UlceratdSares, Cbiibiaitas, &c.and is, iifalilhe fer tan>' externatl iiMais. Try 1h - Yeu wil nuL regt et it. rJWJE.fa. CELIBRMI'ED BLACK QILS FOU. I1tRSS.ýc CATTLE!! The beà t anti eheapest medcirînýe knewn, anti is well Irecemmrendeti by gentlemenot o uwn coran- trý. Ailt hat bave uscd ti l peali will cfîtil. For tesimonial,ral fera pamephlet. -Tbtofoiwng >eerîfteste i. froan E. W. Stpenon,E--6.t ayor e! St. Catherines, Canada West a MRt. W. C. SwzsTý4Nr ATUE> VatBLc-Ibave fer many ye-ars tassaI Sweet's black Oilla for Heorses, anti caasafetyrecortamefld itte lte Public as a ri rate preparatifiea eriatcez, aftîgs, ctits -bnaiiscs, s praina, antin10 act, soes ef ail kinatis. It as a heauglit aaho! libis ceunir>', atnf sdermand la -ýncreasinç- - -1 have itaci many prepat'atietia Ior he'raes, but te preferpne1 Cive unhesitalinigly te fte celebraieti Black O'i>, tiacture4U4d by W V!. Sweet, Rochesien; -N. Y. I1-woold adîisa evcry herse owet-e tlteep a bottie of thte aove Oils on 1tan*, foros tîmebcy ujse will ave limeansd mtneey. Yeurs respoctiy, -E.W. STEPHENSON- Lr Fr Sae by D.csttion, Sewmsnvilie; C. HIughes. Port Hope; D1r. iptiadia, ebeur;; IN SIIrf #,n -r'r T"EaNPtne r AIra. Chaltitr ilîpri riaai o 1'OLICJES aratat LOSS aor DA.ÃŽIA(i]-; by Fllf, uni RIEAL or IISt.ýONAL PhIZIOERITY ofa! il kitiA, onaast favorabîle lctnaa1 al.ibr rtp iaeCemp.tn.iro. The feollwin ggetlîemeni rtrrioe te lieiad of Darectora, n-htt afe aia caSîifacient guaaane tà i thie lîuaiteîa anaa.mattiotia cf te Cotnpan wi Il ie <'ondoi-rti caj ate nust honorable jirinefi- Geoi .e, 'MidîaL-, IV i.Irîiie James Beaty, 1 fli&e Lt-nwi, ail ueaat'c. ;îi.r- - Prei-tleit. 'flornia laa¶ ti, --'. --- V i'-iaesialeat. Robi. Statitoni, E. q. - - - - --t. ti'n The uaîîleta*ignitiaviue heen appo)itlbetilAe ('1 ahi- ahove îî M'an. -tl eaiye lfin"orlaalltn- iton lu part"es'irotîa of'a41fectiIni aare JAS. WALL-AC,, vir-, LAit-, anti Getiîltlr.,rtranec Aget. ItlaUraiCe! IiUrance! r~i~ Subsrribersa having been imipinteti fAgents for the ,Etnn ilnsurtanrt fomplny of! U11lil , ,Y., are .rpr'ln trer-r iebns for lrauîrtnee Froin i tnerh4la!b eaare l ieabîve Insitution, andi the Iowv raids of! Prembuan,, e are renvincer. thiî supeaboti laiiiaeatare ngow ofleretl fer lustra-- attare lothe Inhitatii arf i he Nev Counmy of Onitario., THOMPSOIN, I SN&Ce Ontario House, '- Whitby, Nov. 12, 1851. ~ 3-f CI-avirag inkstçlre, fit prin atpyof CR0 CEIEIS, compriaing tthe 'at ae asoitanet, anti whbehf lhey are entibie tu. ote -r on iray-d'aama- 270 packazdrs Young. Hysoaî cempl into e extra fine, ,60 parckageâs Tw&ankay, 30) packags asso"rtei, lack Teis,, COFFEE: 45, bats Vary$ eioir Lagina Coaltée, 18 lige St.Domnni1- 10malt.sa. _ rOBACCO: 2O"aaeassrteti Tohacco, in 51s, 81s, 1 ô' SUGARS: 35 blde..Biught Porto Rice, London LoafSugaiý, Liverpe.ol anti DutelCrushe( Sugar. - C IlE PE 3 tous prime Ameriean Cheese, jusf landeti. HAYES BROTHIERS. 6 & 7, Si. Jamres' Biildingg, in% St.,? - Jijnuy7th, IPlII 1Ç 8t From 4insiurtls* firiaa:héfur .uiv. Where 8he Gatlsered FI@Werfi. py Z. r.. M. K. 'f was on a mrtry summer day, WVhen ycilow gor*w wau htlowing, 1 met hber i tejo asnrest Wry, W'ah rngius riga'y ion inCe- lier rn giels rida aa utican teavco, lier ïacve adi aisas wuy Who es usrtevrrce ,tce ITo loves" iir's eltrcs t ty. Shp &iatheteti fliwcun a bcwaat, The litis fairy reipr I Wiiri- rose for uotac 4,'a epabiem mraant, Sorrel ,,nd noon's,~ioûliiieepcr ,' Redi woodhioem, ttons4 etlvîà h tre, That wutb eactzepalayr w'rstleds Andi one cboWe bungch ahe piliewed wttcre Bier snowy kerchief nesýtieti. She niîrmaared fnatcbisofolti iotig- Hon'&1111 1 stouct i ten! But aiown Ill- foicît raieecslotng I saw ber rintîCglel ittenl 1 ht-aid lier stnging in tlie siade, S' laasaenang, andl 00W aaaying, Whl!hllt resoîreti, and hall aiitiî<l, 1 ian ortiod uelaying. -So(aer andt weeter came her song Au down atepatia she wfed; '1ly bcating heit r wceptird andi sinon- tonec litepat descera.Ied. Gipây! how fast her daiaaiy fett Along ih' lie îaeriw lane lier! l3tît a onp, nith aiti-palé ore anti eft, 1 breatnta'lets toIoti b lier» ët:a'tl.S it Itel~l the buçaîing wounds Tflat hiîsh;-d bl aau'sl.y d!tty 1 Needs ta ao sirike the p.aa.aaa.iedr 'Vit moveti ber hearî teoptly Iý Soon naa ber yielditt4hAîtId 1i nmine. JAitî aesite ia- aLl iflo%%era, Wheae violet* hutitatiil hutea ahine, WVe tîketi of weddur; heurs. *The cveaîitig iaec- Frei flic J1alýaz IIniiskNon/a Amner. more favorable terras for the admi>ionC'f railroad iron or cotton texties into the American markiet. Wbaithecflic onià , re- quire is rail and fair reciprocity -and utitl thi. resonable request is grante~ we. *bII go ini for tlic nost st.ringent protection for misr fisberies ibat ourtfinancial condition TIIE lt FJERIES AND R1ECIPROCITy. Prom tme P. E. Islarnd Royal Gazette, We VCcali ftae attention of our i'ftcfrs te tue despatdlie which appear bctow. Ttaey witl bic read by tfi abt'a' o-th ýand. witlieut reference te party or the past, with.ý :anuaxed picasure, aune.ave arec satisfict ali avili cxprcss tb*r appreval of tbe admirable and efficient manner ia wliach tlie negotia- tie bas- been- condueted, anad the happy te- suita wich aîtetxded it.. Tbe fit despatch of liiEExcciieacy is clear anad buisiness.tike and brinp out la strong relief thc cvii, en- tailed on our- subjeets by the way le whicb the Minericatts lavel been pûrmnittcd te vie- late -the treaty. There tan lie ne doulit titat the admission of American, to a 'lora- mon riglibt of flsbinganigiat be advaatagceus, provided the United States would in returti admit oui' fisl, agricuttairal preduce, and ce- k{ hli siiips ot hr ,ortý e c Iv 'deaired by fleic ibitants oet aine anti Masracbaistts, Who spnf1 anuaiiy about tirec tbeusand bait te faulion car iwaters, wbiie îlaey atihere te their restrictive tarifT, and beavy, if nef prehbiaory dutie,4a- svould lie unwisc andi impolie. The licuer poiicy- fer us te, adopt, in orderspeedily te ebtaîn Ireciprocity in trade" with the Vuiteti èStates, is te .èaforce %trictty env logitimate rgtand te certîpelthelicAmericans te keep witbin 'tW'ir -presrribed timits eft tirce marine miles. This vantage ground oaabt. can, Ja4î ý30. nefte lbc iecilced unl Till; ruSHEMbis!-ÂC-rjeN ! ACTION 1!»' C- !'ccîprecal concesit TIOIN in! itbfisadexpatci, a,5 i fthe riglîfs,Dne f etht Noua'that the govc4pment bave determnnti eae, ute t t sîcti upot a avigcaî'u* ati cîfecti ve roe-weaeatsedtt ieon QIthuclierio f' .4-itiabit Amcrca, the 1,' -appreciated anti jaeple of' une.,-t previikcî-_Nova iaeotinain Steanaheats te protf parumeuar-sheuid t b~c as'wte appreci- spoliation lare been, aie tbis mark -o! attenition teuIlicir mcii and fer yca-s pasf Important commnercial ad industrial mter- Nova Scotia and ; est. saine reqameat salslaiÀ We bave tlready neticeti that fa'e vesgels da andtielii Exce have been beized andi carried mte St. John, a favorable replrlia amat we nos' annuttnce tbt aotferhbas bcetSi the oth hesrfs seized andi carried ioto Prince 1!dwsard Is- nrtabrs u land. It is * aise t-e9orted fiat Captain great comînotuen am Crowell bas seized anether vessel ; but fthc truders, and basnma, latter as as yef t mre rtun, "",NÀneicea shoreê iII a M fetlia vised lier MNljeà ti sa ptfet bazeIote illpasscd 1) ni excitement on thue ubjecnt, andi arc &et- viding bounties and ting up toeîoriais tu tieir govcrmn t pray- e attte Iu.g thte protection of'armed vessels for <i' - r bill, passed la Ni liýjet-ren. wnaaied h We tave every conafidence in lis Exice-'l, atheme ie t il icency 'Vice AdmatïriG. 1F. ýSCymur- ocuirreâ ln any Colc hume tiici.ncy ef the terce mnderbis cooi- - )---nd, aud li4bs prudence nrÀ tu o ~veïsip the tbcn, istte bcnefitc pcrlutended by a..G beunds circuanscribeti between tbe f we ceun- busitness ihabits- -oe tries by treahy ; but s'e tbiùk that the ear- îeuee of CoeaanI nesîtaus aid promiptitude with whicb thcrendytri ' _tacgovernment, bas uudertaken ibis s'ork of théIav. * W -seb len- andi eamnatfly souglit in vain by ib>ofesvs thc colenies-emglît te meut witb on expres- lbe htilodiby envfrien sien oi the unitedigratitudeo e l paeople 0f iaittia là m Brltisb Amer butca. Ei*very townanad -flsing villa-c abouta dcr tn aiIye boîti public meetings as sooen as convenient, 'psblein gom in aund the people, en omesign memeruals, ciuted a pvieatg îbanking ber _Majcsty fer tmee meaâut i sai act5e ep protection,, andi prayJng fer a, centinuanceets- of btem.Thtirât mourc Sliuld liematie Thc Flect Io Ifli1 here, n flic capital et 'No)va beeotia. The Tarlff-M4r. Let uas tell ber Maje>t)y, that altliougli --WH, kt'. )the ÂAmerîcaas -bave bren pertuittrd teo orrespondeënce t7f j punder us l'or mnry long ycrrs, fIat k§ neo wt*soivhy se rnnatural na kystaim boulti continue. Let flice merchauts mnove at ýhîl.GON h once. ,Nos' 1, the fln-noiv or neyer. Taei era ilets it 'e aifor sith ame I-lis Eyrelleucy, i% meut ably vindicateti 1e people of P. E. Is- 'ce1iole genîerally ; and t iia4 services% vilIlic du- respect cd by ther.- ttct our fisheries frera r-epeat'ediy applîcti for, :by the Exctutivei et New Bruaswick. The, tcely pretereti by Cana- ýellency fer the flr-st tîme a been given. Thac late elmhip Dcvatamen te fthe Islandi, created a mn- thc macracan ia- ade tîcra put off te Sea. C, IY"I' îe e- 18a0. wlicther nis comrnittc wilI agreeAo 0the1 measuire unitil tbey have intelligence thatj th.(- Britiash naval force lias cea$cd te) cap- tture our fisbing vesse15, or eqpel thera frein the waters where tliey- bavi been à ccustom- cd te o h 'l'le Tariff bill, brougbt forward by Mr. James lin the Senate,Lis spoken of a% a meas# wliich po84sibly' May pas-s. But 1 doubt it. (4en. us, lias pro1Di4ed to sup- Port it. It s'as noticeo esterday liw es'ry caira- ly (;en. Cassase>ievë Mr'. Charlton, of BYeoiakof' irginia, and Nlr. M~s.s~pî, sere-wrrn-ght into fii of indignatio)n id panic at ;*r.Sum-l nei's proposition- te apeak jiqUppert of hi% resolution for tlic repeal of the Fu :gitive, Slave Law. Il e emcad te bic rcjoiced fiant bis soul was relieved from thie bur4e of carrying on the war for, the uh. They rnay catch tlicir own slýares bereaftt-r, asu- far as lice is concerneil. Mr. l'or5vîb bas a ccused i hm, th ugia, perha3ps, unjusdiy, of havig already turned, Vau l3urn-like, aguinst the South. Bothlof the Central Cominittecs ef the tw'o great, parties art very busýily engaged here, in getting ap stcam for the coingI Preside*ntial ceoîest. The quant.ity And wcigbt t documents got off for circullation iS immense. stuppomin,, il liese documents te be of a trulltiful ebharacter, 11h1s mode ef ecctioni-erin- is rallier compliretr te tFie judgýemenî and"intelligence oet the people. Gen, Waddy 'fbompsoa lias come rut againat en. Scott, wbieh is quite gratify- in- te the latter. Oea. Tbempson bas ai- se publisbed a vindication ef himself, on ac-1 ceiunt of 'lis intiinat-c connectien witb the Gardiner edaim. lie states titat be got but1 tea per cent, eoffthe award-tliat i?,-42, - 000, It w;as done reasonably at tbat. 1 de) not rerneaber a siagfle case ttat ever happeaed, 1 ilI the other day', o e lcr*tca - lion ef the appointaient of' a Minsister te a foreige countîry after the Miiii-,ter lad drazn bis Outfit. Sir. Ogler's commission bas becia revoked under these circuinstapces, and ater lie had drawa the-etfit and s lary for some montlis. Ia a dezen ins 3 c'Cs thant could lie naaed, the GovernmeatwcIad bave aeted vrisely in taking a similar course. Give the money out of the 'Xrciasury te the pelitical pauiper, but de net carry the job se far as tei suifer- him te commauit the country by lais conduct. In the case oet Hannegan, lîew irucli bettcr womild it bave been te give hman outft and six mentIssuaiary, anad ]et iia stay and drink at haone ! . IT. Further ~igews by the '* Niagatall day, about a quarter past 12 M.,and lm 62 pasNengers l'or Boston. 'lu'bciacifle' nrrived at Liverpooi on XVc'ellticsday uaerning, 215t, at 2 D'elock- Tihe 1'City of Glaà zi'fofr Philidelohia. and chîlti, an ert' teabsita te ýsit up ¶vitl gcreusiy ill. lip tà ceth r.« Lake a wva!k t te ë1 ieUr. a short diaa: gui) tas le anti retoad the lieuse. Jesse s'was tictn llh1 l and ti 4 'Arr( -fron t/e l~ifaz .Morning Chiot ldy 29. Tif£ BEIT1SI NORTH$ )n>hE1lCA.5 FIIJHE] 'Théi suljeet arder v 11db we are wri anti which lias reccutly egrroead tha f entien oet fe American -public and a 1Ataguatl TWE L 1 fil r IL