1Iît PUBLXSUED EVEftY SÂTURDAY M0flNI'NG. VOL# 8o 'WIE CANADi ISIIa~t ~ ITWELVB SMzLi AT THtE E A may b. conolieddiaiIy for any disne. affecting the 'TEE'1It OR GUMS, Artiflelal Ttth lms.rted on Uold Plate or ivot Fosoeta an entire S&tt. Qtflce verMa.Lt'.w Souz, Corner of Kîrso snd SîIMCOgSr'els. Oshawa, Nov. lt, 18,31. 30-l., 3) . DaidTucker, &Nn ra, T1IKKT, NORWO()D, PircKxarnoc. <weoct. 23th, 1851. - 2- e t *3u - 'miuion, NOTARY PUBLIC, ICoiIIsIogr ef the court of queon' Beachi, tJonveyancer, Drawtghtsrnan, ISSM O F MARR1AGFE JaCENSES AND Office noir the Cou rt lUouNe., Village of Mà tiCiEtERu, Township of REAcii, CW _______24t L. C. THOMAS, CON VIYANCER A imD Commissioner of Qluen's For' taking Affidmi ils. BROOKUAN. Brrîlt.Sept. 13. 1M50. Bench 2-2 if LAW QFPICýj. £ttorne , and Ceneolr-at-Lwaw. &c. &eC c tlpOfTive u ë maires over the Cho il JStorv,. JEi,à 4î1 rrd £llcy ciLaw INSIJRANCE OFFICE. T AMIES NALLACE I',bcr-mto intiiortc thait he bas been appoi.edm Agent for the YÉOVINCIALIlUVI VAL k UENEM LINSUIANCE liarnthes or adConay WVORKMAN 3OT1B3& WHK 'ýy, C. W. l.1. SCIUOFILI) D& Co., 13RITIBR MANUFACTrURES, A~IDILEK5 INc %Whitby Vlli.goe, Jiîne, 1950. C AIL Fro77-î Y N D,y Wt1OLS AS NI IE'l D'BLER 1.1 TElS OACOSEl¶.PAPER MANUFACTUJRER OF SOLE. UPPMR AND ope-q pote rfl-1 i * Whîy Vittazre, 71h Jilli,'. PO * j4rîiues. o on înuîî~tf toi lESu bscier is jptepared to mako T HADVA N rF ' iNxcAS on POT ANDJ PEARL ASilES consisned Io Montrai. RODe3KWV H. LAWD4ý.j Pot Whilby, tIAugust, 1M5. WdIIME 1 -WKISKi Y 1 ,500 lllfïtl tS P ORT Dov iis lj- ey fer -Sale, very low, b>'& Y Port Witby",NMay 31, 1851. T]30RAIL DSNALD IIcNNIS, Proprito.l .igoen.t eommodations fer tulasUr. Gond j Stabling fer [Hrses. IlJ WI-TBY T ~ Ssboerubeba-coltant1y on baud ih T"&b',vtubff«'ïeo' wMh o ii sell cheap fo 4" ewL l rD 0DIVfi' nautA fin v t- ,T GATb]IKY,. INGLE. ILL4GE., EXTIlAORIiNARY DEY 1,;Li;Pii3NI TH1C CLEBRATED COMSTOCK MEDICINES& CHEMICAL PREPARATION, 80well known, in Canada, bave been shameftilty counterreltrd and distribuleddin canada,. by theî very persans who, ovser theïr own ali;ulatIIr«t, have admitted ibat Dr. I.ucive S. COusTaceI of Nev York, in the ony Proprieor. Thesr artidles are lat-The GREAT PAIX E>XTR4CTOR, * Conneta,) carin; ail Bîîrri,andatl Externat 2nd OM F COL UJIBMA, for Staying and Rest.ring the Human flair. Srd-ILEW$' lNEUVE Z BORE UNJMENT. -gad INDUAL VEGETA~BL E EUX?, a-cura for ait R hettmatiata. 4th-MeNdIR'S DIL, t tà .rir aliDent Persans. IlUi-LUYS' LISIIIENT, a weli kr.own cure irar the Pileï, &é ý &e.< Oth-D R.' P OH N' 8 SICJC RE-IDA CHE READ»IS' 7th-MOTIIER'S RELIEF, for & ail Womin the Famiy way. 8tb1-ON 0LJE Y' 8 ORE.4T WESTERN lNDL,4Yý PA.ACN.&-I For Coidsasnd feverîth feetings and preventing fever.- 2. For A.wibma, ,LîverCotroptaiintend Bitious affections. 2. For Diarrhoea, Indiigestion and Lns" of Appetite. 4. For Coati'ven.,ss in femnalesanmd maiesand riervous Cam piainws 5. For Stomach affections. Dyspepsil&. Piles, Itheumnatifim, &c. The 4Çea.t poinIs are, it la flot bac! Io take, never gives pain, and! ne. ver Icaves one rogtive. 9tli-Dii. B4R THOLOME WVS PINK S YR UP - for ait Cougihs O or ostimption. I Oh-KOLMS 7'OCK'S VERMIFUGE (Worm ICill-er) hor chtldren Or clown. per*onis. 11 h-MXR S. IlR(0W N'S GRÊA41PAI4N ki'J..I~R-N'oiitiri.' bas bemi isora ed thui i,4so happily adiapt-mi tn use îiterall i: piinlie triken, and yet petirli) suc wonc.#rý when applied ezternally as a wat,.h oriipaih bv IrÎrtimfît -11 theilemà dies are fillv de.scîi-hd i n-umpli- ets, bI lw ',rerc 10 31a il 1 'e.li au G73 '118 Drui, WBo LnxJutiire'for ihe ;ESFR A L F .1Il 1 DIBFCTOR Y 'SIowinz hr'lt#cRnei(,'s w lhic'h evéry faniîlv .heuld ily ýA.Iiiçîail i rjiary b.k nes rà v o ucbe 'It Or f;,.Il efioil, Wiliffl huIt hM eripene (Ji' lh.- Fawiilyscn,îihvr i,,cru )aa,- <C fired, F, v.e y itm 1y iiti litearc ru 11y p rcserve 1 h is boo, in rein 10tg)wiiei ary rernê'dy in %waf1rd-bIh as Io the particular article in-dicatid iy the coroplaint. and siîowïtà ; whlire mucit îcruiiyrnay niway. lic bac!. JAMES il. GERRIE, Min tSt rect, Whitby Village, W~ho la appiutpd Whoiesrie &lLdl W.-C $%VS EUT'$ CEJEBRAT ICI F il i1V û d i(c1l etS. Cureps ail Paîins! 1 Cratmpe. Numbhnelis. Atrue i the Faice. Nervoua tHeasdand Tntb Ache, Cataqii Quirrsy, &c. S- W EE T ' S -NFPA L L BLE-EYI--W AT E R, Cures Sbre, Indamed or Weak E£yes. lit tomes1 well recoînmentted, Tiy a. TITE KING OF' QÎL:4, Cures ail1 UiYcerawe Sots, Cibiains, &C., and i infal ibie for rnaby exiernai digef... Try it you wiil not regret it., TifE UNLY VNEQUALLED' MEDICINE. SWEBT'S Ci-ELERRA'ITED BLACK OILSIEOR EORiSES & CJATTLE!! The bes"-nd cheapest medirine known, ant isl weii recommendeti by gentlemen of cor own cotîn- try. Ail that-tave useti il speali well of it. For teuîamoialis, cmi for a pamphl1et. l'h.tilowing certificate la (rom E. WSel) ilESq., Mayor ef St. Calbauineà ,-CSib5Lt West- Ma. W. 0. SwursrAv MTut PusLc.-Î have NEW RAT JEWHATS I TIEInhabitants ef Whitby andi «eih- ~bounbood are inforamedthetai iba Subscri ber bas now to hsnd bis 31mw sprag Stock. ten- tainir.g mili ibmNew Styles îSu Jt;boLtis FazPuci andi AU IIICAJi H A T S. Alse, tbm -elebrated KOss'inth Hat, now in incb great demsnd. Gentlemmn visitinq this FlIatEmpot ium, wiil mmte bmaetest au5oi- .ment in Canada. Troconto. Apmirit ., 1852.l GOLVD HA?. O~~1TARKO MARBLE WORKS, WOLF!INDEN & 00., JANUFACTURERS andi DEALERS in monuent, Tmbtones & Grave Stoues, White, Green, Bhw 4- Varilegated MarUe, cetr cr ablps, Stand-Tops, Chimney-Piercs. Situa, Sodla Stabs, Sun Dials, Paint Siones, &c. Everyvevriely of -:AEDLe %WO= dont in a Pupori r tyle. of tbhe t Natiia nd- l'egmi; Libterai. N B-W. & (Co. beg Ios"y thai they l:aven ronnection wiih aüy other Exrab iph ment,sand!they import their Miarbie (rom the wc!i (ammd Rutlaiid Quai ries. Vermont. Dt!x-DAs STaYl'FT, WrsnaY. 77irs. IWil.on. MlarkhIarn. Village, Agent. Sc.ptenîlîer lot. 1851. 21-tf WIIITBY AGENCY Or TiS "1-JVe.stern" ./swurance Conpany. Ib0M C OFFICE ... OJ'ONTO. Capital-£ 100,, IN MIARtES uF TEN POUNDS AI rullis COMPINUY IIuvitn2- been dtîty orizanized, Pacnrding ho the' tcins f ils, ('harcter. iç prepan.ci toisiue POLICIES arzain8l LOSIS or I)AMAGE iîy PIRE, upon BREÀL or IIERSONAL PROPE RTY or ail kinds, on as favorable termfsetasothr eroiorble (onna a , icifîcoiowing gftecn composeceie lmr cIofi Directors, i-voae itamesýare asaufficient guaitiee that the businîes îanssactions cf tbm Company wili be ecudicted on the most honorable prîncs. ples, viz - ' Hg ilr [#sac C. Gitmor, iHrz iir T'homas Hawsorth, M. P. Hays, George Mieie, Wm. Henderson, James Bcat 1 Rive Lewis, andI John Hpwrutt, sur. Isaac C. Gîlmor - - - - - - - -1c T'horrias'Hawortb, -------Vice-Plesidenit. Robt. Stanton, Esq.------Sec. snd Trea». The undecsisrned bavitig been sppoinbed Agent of thre above Compamny, will itie personal atten- tion to parties desircus cf effecine Insurance. JAS. WALLACE, Pire. Lifm, and Genîi iatîisraî'eAcetitt February 5, 1852. 43-tf. A gértI for the El la lnsiirIîfr tompony ofU tta,. ., are prepar-d bo recewveailliaîiOYbSfor Iusurance From tthe bîgh chabacter 01 the above Ins:itution, '1911 the low rate& cf Pceiium, we are rorîviîîcté. Ib"Ia suplfiOb I;ctiiies are 110W ofi'erred for lumaur. îc-e bo tbe Inliabitafîts of tue New Coeuîty of THOMPbONI PEARSN & ce. GObiari lo Ifue, Wbiiby, Nov. 12, 1851. Ç3-f 1,SIBSCIIIBELIS are mow re, C!ivng in Store, iheir Spring suppl>' of GRO CERtES, comprising te uua srtment, anti whicb ttc>' are enahled Itu ofer on vtty>advants- seou es teri o their corcesponden tu, and ltheIrt" gemaiy RESH TEAS: 20packages Young nylon, eempt isîit; ome extra fane, 60 packages Twankay, 30 packages auacrieti, Black Test, 25 oxes Uunpowtier.- COFPEE: 45 lia;.veryoupeior Laguira Co&*h, 60 bag. Ria, 18 4Pag St. Domingo. 10 matts Java. rOBACCOr 200 packages assorted Tobacco, in bi,&, 1i#0 1 ibave-tetd as tiaey frtd me, He aaîd Ibat ho wus btsssd, Andi the sweet osil of bWrothai On xny foirbeati bas b*n prms'd; But My -heart pve backarno echo Tnte rapture of bbtslias. And the hond b. etaMW' 80 o ohdly W W etrnml'JliI ldantb Tbey praise bis iordty béauty, And 1 knew thst he iitait- Oh!!1 a!wsys hovérI th. cybor Of bis satin>'e e end ani ar. And lhotigh my besom w.ay hare bold A heavier beauib an rawt. 1 have toid hlm that 1 love hlm, And 1 cacact buek there vw. He câlied me tirefa'j'ladY Of a cautwc>'er tIrs à mfs And t iboq":h t &W çol And wherr my chemk In mmthbus hf Blue sbeint no e nd asde, I tbnughî bow once alugter inus Had left it crimson-dymd. %Vbat car. 1 for the, brstbîng 01 wmnd harpe anlotfl%1h.vinui 1 1 better love ti waalîng 0f the sleepy mounriain et And to track the. timiti 'ab it lIn the snow-sboiaer asi 1 ix8 Than to ridé bis coa-black bunt Fain woulId 1 leave tbe grandeur 0f tbm oaken mhadowmd tswnh, And tbe diîrîy stretching formt, M here tbm reti rm etdu her fswns, To gather the blie"thiutie And the lennelle yellow bloom, W here lrownirig tuela cumbat not !Tht. path Witt bgeorgeous gioom. Let then wreuîb. the bridai rosas Wuîb îny tresses aâ they may- Tirer* are phantoina in MY, 1o03M That 1 canniot keeP .zway v To jnîy iert as tb a banquet, 'I bey are crowdinîg pie andI dremd, But t tord hini thut 1 loveti hJa, And it cantiot ire nnsaid. GREAT BRiTAIS. Correspndence of Mie New- York Times. tos of the if Parma s tt Ir Isbould Pr pro.lamtic tion tople, agisttIte SCount D ia twts-es.l Cui or bis C, ettes, and a er-!l C=a er fi tune Clci &en of . jour LONDos, F'rida>, June '25,1952. mitt Wit lal tLc ansieîy displayed b>' ever>' dut part>' to bastdiite close eof the Session, it men is doubiful mîtether a dissolution can takeie tà plac hefore the irsL week ait Jul>'. TitiIo 1 oddts andi ends of legiblation yet requiring te $am be weund up comprise a large amount ef aioln business, even though teprincipal mensures prol ot te Session bave tati aU[the.iteavy dis-L) cussien tbey are likeiy te, receire i so tbat Cia the-Legislature cannot set its bouse-iu or- ma der se, soon by a tvmek or two as its.dIhe .î&.~S Ai ELîUS II5I155~fiWe hoIui te order of te evening, albeit the wvosg b>'i et Mvl. Macherî. andth le deierta t or »d nmi Malmesbury', baie elicited a vat decii o! or- nci ator>' of te virtuuuaindignatiou staznp, very Mir muet cfrui bein« excessicel>' uneompimemi-.geti tar>' witirrespect Le tbe capacity ot tbe Vui neW Secretary for Foreigni Affaira. Des- at n piLe et tisc pletiiera oetg* Lbik, ite fiL Do e Jurther adeaticed Lô a saitaactor>' .ettle- sitin ment than ever. Th Ie runiiccnt ofer eofDim te Grand Duke, of £20 Le Mà r. à lutber, utd as. compjensation tor binz eut dows, re- à ii -mains unacceped ;,andi even Lord Dlerby isi vice eeznpelled to say that if satisfaction is wih- bau beld, diplomatie relations, witIrte .Luscan *ho 4,eïvernunent niusi be-suspendeti. Proba- of b lily that is juat wbat thre latter is driviug at, mie: as it woulti bc se mueit saveti b>'the Grad dist buke, miro, ef course,, wçuld! leave Mr. b. 4%ater tle get the mono>' a s he coud.' el Political topies,-hemaver, bave titis mcck i i given ira> te tuelogical, sud private scan- itat dil.- Thé. celebrateal case stïatier ki>'a- cit Acituhi, wbe mas publi>charcged bome Lnmge yb>' Dr. N'ewman. vmith thte grossest profl1gue>' sd sets ef incontinene, *~ eateuding tlirough Lite miole et' bis priestl caMer, Cam no last Mellday, ýn the. Court et Q.ueen's Bemici, the tuai beiauç a sequel Coi ite thte criminal informaton çrevioulsy oh- 1aineti. Tiiere is a piquant peculiarly LnI titis case, from thse (sot titat botb pWotaiff sud defendants are apostates 'osa tisir ,j..- fr glus! fafit. Patiser &cii un a a OMiiC Pejeat, and is a Protestant wtile Dr. New- mman is oneeoft tut chosn batal. mit, aiter P piesbrit»fne cas-it Tmimbecile( (rom the persecuting livi of statu- againtue Dei îlisbmcnts remored (ros sut of tii abiets -on 'wbic sglaer o e i.Ea1 af 'Ieséngt", frer iom be afterwards separated, on account, scandai gave out, of bis too intimate re- euns witl thtie lever Countess, bis moLli- .sn-Iawl the. mystery ef whoe suddco de- au in Paris a year or twe back was ney- ruilly eleared up. Weil, tbe Cousit' for- ies, wicb itadi suait terribl>' loi in tuis unte>', bave rimes pari pas=u iits titese Louis Napoleon, in witose revels st St. oud andti is Elysee, aloug iritit a cite- ibaud et rosas of the Frenchi stamp, lie ses as objïet performer. A congenial bte for profliigay ta apparentiy the.. bond, union between the"e wortities. but be i as iL ma>', be is atated ini the French rnuis to bave juaL obtaiued the post ef iperintendent of Fine arts ut tite Elyse, bh aà saiary of 2500francs-a kind of- ty fer mci bcis 'tas[e sud accomplisk- mut fit bons admirabi>'. Se ion g as the Lr of the President is uppermost the Count tolerablï mate ; mli. tbat declines, b. tdsa fi haîrdnceofignominieus i;apul. m mîit thse other toola ot despetic sud Ofigate power. Mmr. Disreli, the mife ef eue dorver maceilor ot th. Ezçhequer, buas iLlentit Itost distingt 110W initoit Ig bs c and were Plcet! iri a Chapel of the. Castie -'i of San John, were the. Austrim troope go or t. to, Mais. Snce titis last biow to Tuscaa net i liberty, the. uobity bas declined to go te liimr Court. eti The new English Envey, Sir HentryBu]- geL i wer, bas undertaken te lecture tii% Geveru- at ad ment, and bis ultimtum ceneera t the Britisi subjmct brutali>' woaaded by au it Âustrian soidier, brougbt thbe retrograde meni Duke te bis sese.while .But befere 1 alose thi, epistie, I must good gire you a ver>' ntieretig and mobt start-. titip liug piece ef news froýn the. Iol>' Se. 1 Mr baye been infermed, by an Italias employed Ib by thse Pieduiontese Goverument, titat tii.y co attempted inl Rome te poison the. Freuch bli Minister, Mons. De Raynevai. While be Th was at breakfast, a servant eutered the. aidt room with coff.. snd mii. , In the mess- oee time, wbile Mous. De Usynevai was calleti serv out on very urgent business,some. Frenchb j b officers remarieti te 2adame De R.aynevai same that the. utik bad turned yellow. and advised tio the. lady n ot to taste thie suspicious hever- thesi age. Tbe Minister returning, and bas'iug on ti beenu mfermed ofthtie mysterieus appearance weel of thei miii, called his physician, wbe, atter bave a carefut examisation, declare thatt arsenic ras attea, abers or la v Il