Ontario Reporter, 31 Jul 1852, p. 1

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k, ~Iit PUBISRE1 EVERIY SÂTUWDAX MORNING. <~U SELLW IItl ÂNUM-?~ADVAI<E YOLI30 '~y -CANADA. may be coniautted etaily fur sny disease u*ttlg;he TEETIIe o(-,IJGU TefcII¶ech inuttd o o ld Patrlos Prio,, o an etiré &ett. c Qt«oe-Ma. LAawGos 8ToIsa, ceÏQ piKIur1 snd Stucou Strets. CoLhzs, »v, le, 85.jZASlSK NORWOOD, ?acirsarno. No?ÂAR y-PUVBLIC, (J.uuiuIoUSr0the l, out o.1 t""" kieb, Conveyaneer, Drauighltamn ISSUEII OF ?4ARR[&UE L1CENSES Ai," ACCQtTNTANT. Offce -ear the CoUrtot 4s ,Village Of MANCIIUTt1l, Townsbip of! Rtcii, C. W. .24tf L~ C. THOMASY C ON VFY AN CE ft Com s.nerof Quee's Benck Par Iaking Affidavts. Brookli, %pt. 13, 18. 22 t ALDW A W FIS T, Il J.MAciri PdJlçoNELLi« IStURNCHAOFFCE- - U.S W HT;RY.e o nimt * VINSURALNuluC ENOFFICE.NCL * *pd thatisi prepareci btîce ribulca t the nrdinary rate, i the 1TýluTrL, 1PIEftw-ýAY<Y & I.AP.IN1 iranches of said Company. W biit iy, t s tept tner, 1851. 21 . WORKMAN B1OTIî"M-S & Co n. 36, Ring Street. Too, Ti. H. 18CI1OFIELD &Co, IMPORTERS 0F wjWlegote u wAII1u'An-uRES *hithy villagfe, u,18. CAtI- .,, 1'))N E'-a-i~ ALO MANUFACTURER OF SOL£, UPPER, AND . iARN£bb LEATItER, &C. Cash paidifo idsaJSking, Wet Orcis, Pot& and IPearl .Jolies. Whitby Vtillage, 7til .Iune, 18R50. iA.eAred t m ae .lADYVAN bb C FES 11i<NCASEoti-POT j,.ND PEARL ASIlES consiaznedte 10Montreal. ROBEWr HI. .LAWPER. Port whihby, Ist Augut, 1850. i WHISEY WiKi 300 BÂIUIELS PORT Doycia Whis- Ipy or at1 MARTI&'CO. Port Witby, May 31,1851. 4X05115111 UDLI p. COMSTOCK MEDICINES OIEEMICAL PnrEPARKjrION,l Canada, by the vape r*fflwho,'Ovmr 16.1v own iigpatrce, ave alltted Ihat Dr. Lucius CooJÀSct oC f New York,, ula theon:y ProprictOr. Thetic a-tiedes are .è N 7B Ist-Tbe GREAT P-NE TATR ,Cnnnela.) curin; s'! Cr,i, endall'Exterl P intand Sores. .2ad-BELM OFCOLUM,$,-or Siaying spd ardHEW',NR".*ýON,* xZfuExT, enéINLDIAN V £ !4ISA. ELIZZR', a clirre aml irniti kth-MIfr'M'R'8 QIL, tn'efite all Deii Persona,. ý tb-iLf F S' LrXNINV'i* (weil- known cure S for the Pib. jý&c. &c. 6th-D R. 5P OJHN's lKHLDC in E iiED Y. 7th.-MQTlors RELIZe.Sfor il WoMcmin the Fauil - way.- 8th-L 0Oà GL Y' S GRE4T WES$TERN IIWMN yP.XIfNCE.-I . For Coldh andi fcverish feeings andi préw*nting fv: 2. For Athws,LWfrComptIlitandBlinua &tTretiorii. 3. ForT DiaTbiO, indit-re*io0 ani Lais of AVjlct. 4. For Costvenous in Cemakeqmaletnslfd aervouscowplftifts. 5, For 'ItfetOi.YI a > 'i Piles, RtumaiiIl, &.c. Thii; ,c ids hl*are, * is not bat' Io ;ake, never gived frein, andi ne. V.'rli e CccMtivr, 91II-R. B.4RTIIOLOMIWisPNKYU for ill Cmiz.h' n Consompion; 10th KO,4MVTOCK-S VERMIIFUGZ <Wlorw K ille ) Or ,.h i d ren o ); rpO *n e ro n s , 1-1 h-YRtlb-.rB .tR W N 18aO LIT rPA.IN ccl ha 11 olisppi ly epdspteil ta ue,.# krza4 as Crops in0 h a &Icnand vet pertorm iueh wonders %whin-applied ttcac y a i or bath by friction, Atl the Remadicu s, re fully desci lbed in Pamph- E nqaire for Clu' CEN'ERAL PA3IMILY BhREC-TOti Showing the Uecdiez whlçh cvcry famîly oIi lsy Nhich al!oriniaty $icknecgw ¶ay oe C vne .or SpeediIy emoved,-witboult tie expenseo& ils E very firl bud'<rtlybo Io refei in wheri any rermedy 4 wanied-boih as tc the Iiari.ictIar artikie ridicstvd by tb. cokmplaint ani ahowir.g whaesucds reîney uiiy alwayî bý ej hat.- NEWN 8IIJWITS TH',nhabit«ntSf*wbh1îY andi burbootiàr * inul Oti t hun 0w ta intibis. M.W s rtugStockr, COnl- tainir.; iait the New St le lt 0LII51, F&tNC11 isstl AuZJletCAJi-.&A[S. Alȕ the no* in inch 'griot demanti. Genilemeis'umtwg, tbis Rlat Empotuil, wiliet 1he greteit iiiTt. usent in Cnadi. onSfL Tocronto, Apnil jet, 1852 . 5 A t'i ate eter ryýae eey d~ate p#ti~t of- tbirresppCtiVC Dcb~stagiproceediflgs will b.tae Whitby, 'Ifh34-t A.BLEWOIRKS, IrYACTnU1IR and DEALRSi 011 3114uft% T4ntb Sm ol"4 Uravo Sinus W7ritc, reiBu 4 arl*egated Marbie, Snore * Tabt ta$«QT>48, hmyPiCS Every varlety of Mft1.R8L3 WOItX <onc i ia Uuap«rStyle. of 1h. es t mater"alandi Terme Litienal. N. B.-W. & Co. eç îoa*y ibit they bave rn connection wiîh a*sy oser an4lwmflid themy import ltaeiT Marbre (rom'the wel ftmeti Rutliîzi Quarries, Ve'ent. 77w,.- Wilson, Marlutm Vilage, Agei;. Saptembes lt, 1P51. g-f WiTiTBry AGE NC y "We8temn" Ilàwrance-ompafly. H1OME OFFICE.. ~TORONTO. Who tour mouil41 Theoi. tet was but1 A eude, issý0cS One day Wh* lîbooghs Ibe Ilow ths tre long, I1 'Twa no I.pscrnd,iam "sWhy, air," »mu i Il IW My moh*b r eîT-aw ane wept ole é al, Nérbmr,(or us to-dsy. mme unidiwe çbilcrn now2 ýOu r hr eing dead, Andi owm L tol toi ntét Fsri;icSui gtaom Se Mwfhik Wmtda aerv#, noather b«tr S Ad the c o nm, theI I, i tb Ani thstes wlx*t madie au4rray. 1 quicldy i. f4*itche4 *iuol 'Am iWent wit1h Iteeting (*1; And vcry 9000 wu as ck tspir, -With fiooti .tsougkto car. "Ithoue gMod heard me." heibU boy, 1 ansawcred wixb aliIod- ý-. ' 1 coutt noe speak, but rmuch thougbt Of the childsJahinLAla 1<1 Thora in ootbing- ta rOimapa'mofeP&4 fully interesting titan the' hitory Of Degn 'wft, in conîction with i6e1v àfth two beautiful and accnmphohed wooem athôn ba atidreazet by the a1amjfe14 4-1aii Vanessa;uad lte recent Frenoch- covel OP the su bteM 1wNV11; ..:...a er-s tot..,~ , Mt urotual Correuondence .1 y ,n,ý ; 11 < ë - e;z a jkc - yyu&Ucv t - ,V'.. zc i , IN sigAnV.s (UP TIN rOUND4S EACII. between Swift anti those twc -~r pics aptrr(iigto thée POlEn nan Chtr, stippiud 0iis C<\IPNY taIIg h$e rut W'eofur ieflite, efosin1 se ~ ~ i~.:' ~ gLOSbci.r 1 B h F ,upnn IE,\L oiay coniderat<iin of te tri e4z'-o ESNL.PI o ë'alknj on aserd Io. Jonaithan ,wift --< ILAMS .GRRLIE, fvrbe em soiher rcesponbible Coro piies. Y orkthire funily. Ils fui The lollowirig gentlemen coroe the Boaid of of the, racler of 0oderich, D IlU GG i TDirectors, whiise narnes aore a saufileievnt %uî,ntee N1ain St'mrt, nlVliy Village, tbat heibi u#intruh tIl nasctiofl5 of the Comspany' fusiliut-erests lie obtaiued ed hnisýile ý1à1 ill ha conductedti os b.moaI honorabite prinici- appointinant in Dublins, -wl Uh i apoutt Wotsaii& tir ' lest. , vi A wftwas born in 1667. 'Th Mr. C. SWFT'ýS CE I--1tATED- 1iraacC, G1111,hIf0gbMiller, catd nt Kilkenay,- and aIe . . 1 lavrh, M P iss t rîuity Colle, DuWin, y eor A lïfdsi, Wm. ilenderson, 1 Faniji Nidicines James Seat, 1 - wuasi -front thenca ha westto: .John How c stt, Liquir ia. g u u te l. B 'ut ' 1h t ea a IvKrO CEIN EE i3 SAM lgscC. Gilmor, - - - - - - - --- recit. obtasinetithe patronage of Sir > ATO CITIN Thaomas ttawnrt, - -- -- - -- icePruideit. 1pie, lbe sttesmp, Who bail C adCoi iiis Vong OmCh Jh, robup Stîiuhq----- Sc dTe'is mother's relations. Sir or Ratit. &C. The unticrsiqaied Ihsvirs% beesi sppointcti Agent serted bis» witbphew $WEHT'S FÂMILY CUUÂTIVE ofths ae a upn il<aciemasalaen- ôt, inqt ie fO Ces LIN 1EN MtenL0pouesdeir WALLACEi~1i*, nee -* ib'd poWW&tis ar Cures &HlPain*!! CIRimpi. ANutarasbe#, APIe i - FireLife, andi Gen'1 Insuiancne Agent. c0ittiicea a~4i~witb tiFcNervous Headsand Tooth Ache, Catwqu Fcbrva ry 15, 1852.~ - 43-tf. Miss Waring, tbom, ë QulusYaof' VM<af Y.im , au j - W1EET~S !8I8~ aUBOU cod and indt~toblmà, NFPA 1 TIB L E EYE M"WATERRE, buies baiatgbeenpointed at iarst bis mp' s Cure# Sore, lnftmedor Wsak yes. Il corns eb nt.' fi tieomaý-i ICM', *I eoaidéd. Try utIl . , yew f1ld lm' it TuE -KING, Ou, Ã"LS, Frou tb b .hcic59of Ibo bPV Institutioni andt he low -ites of Premauàm, w. are cotsviiacet - "d'not,.uiy tuecai ler&1e4 Sures, Cilite, &C., ant is '1;L infailible for uiany externauIt inusae.Ty ance IoelP rababitais nth'ie e liaInsur yuu Witt nul regret ir. Ontai lbbttt8o ti lwÇO*yo ~ *~ *TIOMP ON, ?PEARSON &Cp. SWEET$ D,, 4,éAÇK OcttaM ious, VII> ~jA.1~ rsh lcw1.IS.I2t. sbrJ. u s' Whil 1 1 '0 uub eppy,

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