Ontario Reporter, 24 Jul 1852, p. 3

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ViIer, ia'b. fomdl etufor the. rine- Id,'Orf i. the e eat.ce cf ewehâteaslong iift a reprîlach t10 lii.greal melropolis, and oea,'conduce e t0he h.athaad conmifrt of its sahabituts. Thi.eetunione of popular riglits and legilatire powers b usy subjecta resiest1 ini the Colonies, w siways to me iantobjeel of deep lateret; and I trust that the repre- tentative hutltutions whieb M'iconcert with you, 1 have sanctionei for New Zealanti, snay promtote the welfare snd conlentmnents of the population of * hat diNtitu but most Itcresttg eolonysand I.confirm their-ioy-" - ait,' aud attasbmenl 10 My crawu. Ilt e My intentioni, withbut del&1y, buis.- »e th Iis pteseait'P*rliasseniand,. it, i.nMy earmest prayer that, in the exercise of, the igh functiosis which, seeording, 10 our fre çOMtitutiou, will devore upon the mer- ONI eonsttuencies, tlsey msy- be directei by- an &Il-wia.e Provideanee 10Ihe selection or re-pre.etatives wbose -wîmdomuand patriot- tant unty nid Me in mny- înereasing endéïa- vours to stistain lte hanour ani igaty of msy crown, to upholti the. Protetant itistitu- tioons of the country, and te cii ansd t-el,- glous liberty wbuch '14 lteir natural result, 10- extend and ira ve the national education, to devolve Sud encourage isidustry, art, anmd acece nd Io eentte I oral andi sorial codto, andt iereby peomote the' wclfareý iâd happiness of nay people. 11111Tl$11 POLI'rîC$. N%'e give esewhere lihe Qtieen'a4 Speecha at thse prorogalion.. or P:,rlamnent. Tt puis i"u gourd 'a face Upon maltersaiaspassible; drap ail the littie inatters, în, sucs as Sch-, leswigilolstcin and Elgyptian almairsi, ro a,, 10 inake a display, "id everytlsingdsagrea- hIle ta cartrui.y ocitteti. 'l'île affir war and ile icffietlty with the Itialia i govern-; ment. are care(uiîy avoicird, but lte Kiiug or Dtahomey','ari.! thse siairsof the Iight (il Ikaein arcelao,o.-ably- attîoned. Congr.i.- tssîatiOns frnm the present rininstryupon -iviat they have done for the Colonies -hotuld *be -ey mildIto betoldiofth& exter.idiîîi po- polar righiau an surdity. rthere are no allumons Io tinde uasticrs, follewing in tls:î respect the non.ý-omiiittai policy ol the go verlimernt, an 1 aIl reference btIste prosper- ou% Condition orfIlle counryla avoided-à sia usussia omii,in. It would hiave lie-ý limpossible in icire notierd the 11foperiîh witbout trating il lte tr <uec-ru-t lle in * trodu-:tîon orfIfretralle. Parfiameîut was. dusmoîretl inmediately ai ter tihe prroqýaIion, and ere now bone m. the elecions arc over. The wburon ,1s. tornt fir*t, uand they will decid2 thte contesl. bbc Tories cannot gaîin tucît in thse counnues 'l'1w Liherals are quite -confident, and me are tIh :nraie-. Tite will tùil 1wih îsi.) s te rîhiut.--.-G/d.. Tht Gkering li t he Faits t liat [n.s Ve Observe tisaI some oI our jo1trnal.a1'l' t se iumbrauge ait ihei,'&uf tise Ainerican--$ celeb)r-stlg ttce bittle toi Lussîuy't Lant consiering t as caîctalaf cd le dutusb tis a-5l gond feeling b ttavecstise tIWa countris.- occ $(,Mt!, ai-o, of the »sassacratic paperb on deï t1is e ttr#ide bavste suddeusly becns> eizeai a n siih the 'aUne notion, havomn4, no doufil, a per n efvOua drensi ti héseexvtleitme u et s avhili bui' bic produceti su favrof ( 'encraiI Scott, bt wei tis echbra-ýiost. If ente-ai Pieu-ce hadtmof -ouly îiOuglit thee Huitiherâ, iastaa of lise the --Mes-cati-s se êmiouniît ôlhave ieus-J n mors! tit j fi-ens t hss'ssaigastt hvss-tig ur f -elings. Wu do ot kow auysiting s liaI wr aili have tv; êssaihain about legt tise su:iter. Our- ocigk - hors arc fond cf brnggsng. Ile s eithierboasator *6bu-t," se4s liese, y 'tisesa- of selvets;aïv tise,' tantjuht neavte Il boomt', haj up Generai Scottl te thc Pnessiittn.iml visairsd' ivitit blowitigag bouit lte baille oI--Lundy's%,~ banc. if- tise,' ert goûigta cioo!îe a ; -' batle tb calcbnai.e mjecally wiitsreference a r tao ur féeîsngs, bu','Cosuti nul bave chotis i a betten ths itan tii- dadi,' trogrle ons -te fair laightls overlooking tihe greau-cataraclt fil for tlire i-sunot oteute tiICatiadian mars in 1 mîicir e Caine ofl miit amore- credit. A- j-e biut equalin un usbers, an.i naiher sitiu:is;a- er in,, ue uch perlor ty in the charachen of thss AI forces-csgsgaljthtetsio arussica trun;-itd stan ta man anti foot te foot for ses-erai Ca iieirs, sad afler reverses on the one aide us, andnon tise other, tise Âmericaus % iere coin-S pell]tu gît-e wmy aund retrest precipii.ite!y to Citipliewa. Thîe Canadian îroel)s dii gooti service on lte occasionsd ebve cvery reason tu -triumph ; tile Generai hë 8,roit also uid aeil, anti the Asnericans msay ,'i roaie isocis cf lim for witlistsussdnguus se long. Vse thin thtie Amerscan's sinîghi. fini] *orne batlie about wbiiça ae avould l ike toT hear letsi spolies than biis cf Lundy'a ILane, anti aveneed not get Ili' cgly" bu-case tIbe Y ankees cbooiw, fer a special purposel, 10 draav OuI of -.1as nxsvh gior,' as po>sasle.- .t avoîti not be rigitl, of coIsnsp, that (bey sbould'cose<upon Canadiant.groisud, andine-' peaî.h bc usnitgabout thse baIlle abv bt histor-ons have avittesi. A gslhering c on Cangdian sou would of course gosse Ca-' siadan' a righl lg attend i4, and W m huat liave sme f6et-y- oi4felloav who charçed with tise Glessgmris or te Lincoln Mirîti*aq interrutng the otstor of thse day avilis bis ,-u acta of field" -assertained on the ,ot I and, Who knoavs wlsere lt would 'end i tlseC tavo fidei got ta flitiug tleit- avareoves ngain. Tctre is nos danger cf. an,' socb c -onutrtemp, boaever, teplce cf Mee'.- bsde te Ausi-can fails, a capital spot, ui' ly aît e mnoie cf the W(ils aili bc1apL Io drownithie voice of the speakers. i If ave aere Io Iid(at aili, the Amseri- casa about titis siafiir, it avoulaibe for shlow- etif cvil mgisrate, y the ilitaryJ aé fins of one of the c5lstditeI, pe#I@t-ýe vise iiariforsi Dai9 Time.ïstats's tii-t ici-sse-v of tiae Ilisisance CUornpanie-s cf t s'ity, b, -the. late ine in Niontreal, aie ernated âte e lontreailipaper.. 'lbo >S Of l1iise rnt Company, ab reporte-- t.mbelf, o $5~8,00a, of fise Protecions surance $10.600, ariti of the Ilur.oril surance ' $3,000. Thie moastlsly s-e- iptî (if éliefirsi. nwrieti Company Iron, esismss, ýIc., arc statetihy Lise Tiiurs a The~ di Promenade base"corner of tin and Catherine sîreets -Ins Hamnilton- :u1,îed as a Germas boarJiis-lso s p, i Iroyes- i1 usr~n $alurdsy nsý 'ig la, i Peter iXoweréubsrgb. s a-siiway IaI;our- -isehe-l is the Rame-%. Tvo sNin-dl (raina, idine.~o-i lthe oppW ite ttof lte mutcet ere saotbestroyed. Mn. Stttl, te keûei thte bourduig-louse Irsi istssure.d £100 iii se Provincial Mutu-sl. Se "say tiite 'Spec- irds eveningî a Mr. Dna-id Bnîchmrl, o 'deuharn towvnshuip, mias .alking aloug , h etneari,' opposite Ibia oifsice, a ;uanti>- porduir iieb ie 1w aef car- yin- in bis, and, hy sm rn .seans or otitu:n toul fic . ing isu coasaidurab'e iujur,'. le uns s-erely btsroed abou.t tie face andtIm-nsn si o'.hy "fer tise ltimel,' assistance of Dr. crcy. weuid have been daniges-ot, as h e lime the several gr-ains of poavder trere ~iratted froin lisct-es, îssllammratîortbail so r progressed thsîit àwuld havs, beeu i-m. sussile te reeatises. Es-en a the lai-t w grainasavere kwin- taiten ont. gî-eat ex- tota stas, required to finis#h the operation .s Mbr. Butc-iant, ia been smoking a short me preî-ioua, il m.as probalhe the lire mas suâes b,' his pipe. Great. casution shouid be observeci ou aliiuch occasions.--Owrn Sounsd Coet. MARRIEDt On thse 22nd muit., Il ythe Res'. V. P. Mayer ailes- M. A. 1tssisJseson, farmer, te Mat- s-te,'Gucti,, b t t àuerowathip ci Reecis. On the 20th imss., b,' t ece. J. Fin-lay, John R. Iinrnbmrd, Io Mssi. Mss-y B-radie,', bath ofite rownihlp ofifIVithyt,. - On the 131h July ath Barriefirti Chus-vitby Les'. Mrr Brent, John SbIe,' Vsislsuîgb, Fosq., ia KUtiuah,hî iui daugliler af Dr. Basic-r, aIl usé PAIGE19 MAENT LTIIRASING MA INS - 3 .-Aient# in 1ironto o tashe sale oattises.Ma- thinesi,', e uwrpra exeetite ordeii lot~ the oîqie.ý Thsey re work -iby tavo hbasse, e qttite-iolhy fis'. attmosiut. amis! aili tbusuitandI clei e D usahela Wceisita i4a tTitese Me- nbfnea ste nuequal lest b,'asyi,'ius te, andi aviera lbey beenmse knaavsstiaq, taketh ie place o( ail WOLA4,WOVSIDP & LCO. Torowso, 1t itJoy, 1832. 14-1 m. g 6os t teit t.tii* portantprovince- T isaCort.-Ntithstmndingtii. nn suai latenesa cff the. Sprnf aid ie coldness of the temperature that a bees so prena- ient, the cro esp, epeciidly the. (ail wbeat are îuusually .ot-tvar *Te'latter tn mas,' places aloag Yonge Street will b. fit for cuttng ths week, and w. kâow of a field near Thlwrnbill Ihat wus 10 have been con- Meneed to-day. So (se s we tan Iearn, in the seglbourhoed of Troronto, and througi- out trse townships bordering on Yonge- Stretet, the )yield'of fe.l wheat wiil b.' above the average,,ý the crop4 being beavy, sud no aigu of ruaI havsng as yet made its appcar-, anc., aud if tite p"snt fine weatiser con- tinues for a day' or two, the. grnn ilI b. too far adivancedtot suifer tram tIsa scourge even sbouldil anake ils appeaa-ace. ne rApring crop% tgeneraly are good, far sut-pas- m1n; lite ge?'.à e!pectatiou, birley ir.par - ficular à ver,' louriaaling. Spring avieât andi oatrs are coming op well -te latter t-a- ter short là the stemn; we have notireti Some filid of tihe former thal couiti not be excelîcti. Potîiýoes, ta ar, give ever,' pro- i.se of n abusadaul yseld. anci look unconi- mouly e It acu st, avili lhe ingle exeep- ion îif bar,, of wich tise qu int,'y harveaicci is er.eed *cOiscanth ie spring eropi ihave recovert' an estraordinary degree from the tiI decte af long coutismet i douoels -in the esrlierpsst u*f theise son, andi thè-g oomy anlictjsatioiss of îi&'r skmiitherefromn luve eralrelyvasmelsPrkOLJd Trt. AL»P.Tnou;--Thas st amer /A. 11on, inteudedti ( ruts belweu±u New York 4tn4 qsîebec, caling ai. lliasand! internse- dùste ports, teschie I Halifax tis 52 houri. Irnan New York, mi.! tli e the quickest trip nrecord. 'Sîse lefti. Clrotle-town;, Prince 1,lward 1.lisnd, on ite l3th instat, andi' iaN expected in Qncbec on' $aturday 1a.. She was glail,' ielcoineti in Hlifax, aud a din- lier wa, give-n on board le the Admînitra- u(wr of tise (overstineiit, tite lisails of depari.- menti-, &c. .Xany passenq ers ansm 1 frcgltt aere alcen en board.i We are glaJ o wec tias means of voinmu:sicatioît opeiaed betaveen ltse Provinces", andi dei)sot iubî bast ià wiiprove- a p.ofltable pecul.ton.- The Chatba.n .4dveriitrr, of lite 171h nitI., tav% tht smre tielts of ireat wers lieu beiuîg csiiii ti .ai iburo l, liat ilîsu iscrue-Ltltu!COMMsence iu eai-nva-- veinearday. "lise crop%, tîiOUfÇti ligiifrr i s tnai intut lîcounty. 1romisc tobe eceille:t 1salty, we,'as-e gadtu fin]!from oir vo:- mnjorary. TUSE GRIEAT VEGZTASLE MWAGIO PAIN DESTROYER ,Notàartiirll hy JAMES JOtINSTON, Rocgea- ter, X. Y. fle I'riopiietoi. Foi the cure îJfAicue in the t-acemsai broet. A Sersalanani the Skin, Blisters of evevry kind., Bortns, Broken Breasis, Clulbliia, Ceartsa, 1rytipehms, Felans. lever Sosesf, Scie Eyes, Sait Riteumn. &urvy. Ulvers, PL-,PILES, PILES, Or Internatu Ilaniedy flor ubus Piles; prepmred by A UIPHANI, M. D., 196 BoweryNew York, aseg- ulsrly eaiiearî-d 1hyician, wstv lsots is atsen- tson atinoit eotreiy ýua tti. dîsease. Dr. Upbsrn't. Eiectîiary is e certain cure, wliettaer fileediniq ni Bhit li e, Internat or External, and! ao for uah- mr disteases %whth are freq'sently faunil in cca- juasctiosa svil Piles. TO MJIRRJED MMIDES. Thse Ele-ttiary ita pfefcuy safe foôt Pregnais L..dseà. arîtfloa, ost us-fsh Csbmstic tit a -s oi-sily f i ts-s, as il ilu 5501 omly remas'e ihut ilem aZadalil uuahinsmatory Uaea -", tikaout paia «Iritatison. bosssî ll en*itre un easy finie, a #ai#- hfeluvrey, and a &ouasa comaistitsous irn the ol-àprira;. NO0. 1. Jew ]Dacid bha-srelurned. liV.- aie hsily gr-ait-d to learn <hat t h',.cele- -rat-ajiâonagr liîaas ris ppa-eul iîau.ssmiaisi, 41ssaiîu;apliestlà*si aaelâb isic es'ry Initilsi-st a siet-la suply noh <i. iaous Habre I'Isrster, ihat iss heeû v)ansisuchtigaihit alterr Nose, tisoi, nieu masl1sr atty longeur wst-l'mVin or W'ekness, irbo ,A tso sili olîlacîs a box of tîi exceltenit pîasei, aisa àppi) a portion ifs nte stetahIe prt dia- n-aed, as painrs la carcely ees kîsown ho exiat where this,laater àa kasoaa. NO. -7. Wanitedi linneiaf ci,' Lifteen Th<-uind CasesofI Reumetisna, Lame Balc ir , IVeelkaies. Lame or .<iff Jusuhis, SIpam.e complaixiss, 'os lia, Swel lîno, 1Tusuiî, Spuaus &., ait o' s-th ir *1e rn)t h msatitc el-. by apîl>iig luJ rw flvin for a Illcbuew Fias. fer. FRENOI RMT EXTERMINATOR. (f'M OFF. IHL.811 I oL. aIMIIS Prc-paras ion ig Wars-aled 14) Extterminate jRais andi Mis-e. st-tienes'er useti as dires-ted. and li luave n ne otlsire e snch ors Isle prerniauts crrared ofairits- uioyîo. ce.mnin.litalisse lup er- r..rily cale itrsany plate andai Pt all tirnea. st-ish i., ,o? te case wsitf rralnary rerneiea for tii cv. Caution ? Bewa,-e of Col mterfeits. Tise ext raosdinitsy aties-eca ofM. Dubloya Rai ExeniaPrbasxciti tise eupitlity of aorns disbet id rre-spn-ible pesans ta vouinterfeis il. Inquire fo M. Duh)OY' Frenchs Rat Ester- minehor, andtetait no o:e -1Targe Ioré et 25 cents. LYN DE & OSBURN. Rochsester, N..Y., sole Ameuicsa-Aueusts, t-A1 os-des-s adairesseci post païdIo leJAMESr JOHNSTOIN. Rochester, N. Y.. Otueral Age!nt lus te Uniitedi Statees ndlBritish Norths Amesica. wili mneStiitb prompt mtention. TUSE ABOVE MEDICINES FOR $ALE WIIO14ESALE AND SETAIL BY JAMctE, M.Si. 0551. .Drugqeat WM4b. Alaio by B. Das-ituton, ud-Mark "Rono, Bsooktio, J. Mas-tin , &C,..Port Perty, . B-g, Greenwocsd, A. Lepper. Duslolu' Creek, J. Pas- ker, Pickein;i, R. Pisyler, Rouge, Lspsley, Highlond Crecit, W. Euttes . Ositasa. T. Soth'.u, anl ER. Davision, Eownaanvilue, S.' MsCv,', and, Dr. Keir, Nevcaateî anti Iobte Briis, Newton- ville. Wbithy, I,ly ltI, 1852. 14-iy. L.ok to jour Imt.rc4t andSave jont silllingI M eur. Day 8LSmith bec levo tc i frrtite nbtst)tso! Wiiby>-UDSch Bs-ck, Uxbrige ud Scttî, Andi ,us-undinl Tawnships, thi1tishey have opeiied thé Stos-e fIse mry occuiai , ERA TES, OTU Cou. ofe fo sle .ttànr-!i#d~ udait avio May ta vrou; tIem &~~aisçc#t.ýof vit-ted stosi WhiteOî [busain d Sàiiký RIAL? shaw1g' rasais, * etaTweeds, "OrneretCottons, 1 a,& . C&C. Frices a simd. baver titan an,' Wholesale Store witiiit i te inisof the Clôunty TïawD.- TIIOMAS DOW- ma, 2Sît, 18 2. 7 -tf. TO, BUILDE RSO. EIGN R %DY. DM. JOCOCK'$. for lte Ctfre of Cousgbe, Cotds, Asthsme, Bran- ebitis, Pslrnonry Cbnéumption, and aI lecf- tiont or ii eBs-mieutidLongs. Mauufsctured tiyJAMES JOHNSTON, Roch- ester, N. Y., soie ps opiltnrti<r lthe United Stases andi Biitish North Amii-ja. ruICTcASE Lt)COCK'S TUE lItTIStIISPMCIt'IC. A certain cure for Mensism. ýllpprrueigs, or Siap- preuacd Mes..; Hetiuorihbaggia DifhlciIia, or I'einfuh Menstruation; Autennah<sa or Partial Obsti 'triion ni Menace;; chlorosîa, or Greeu Sick- tises; Léaîefrtrne, Fiwr Atlbus, Wlirs, anol Ali Femsk iVsr sess DIftEc'RoftS J.O 8 . HOHâtausPr sid , M -D IV. L.Psi. 1. Luxturi Roonurou. J. . Woavs. t 1. C. Moatsout. T HISCOMPANY ffeti lisulane at hte Horne 051k-u, Chus-ch Street, Toiontua, waset uts suuaserai A;encles. Tise 3tuai »a.parlmièusldouta not axceed £500 "fiu assyon erisit u eai( 4confiiedti ta ilacheai bîildin i il istherehy a-codeel thse moat sale ansd dhsiirebletfor Farmers. - 'Trhe Propieary epartrentituoclude Gemmia tiiaks ira Fis-e, Lise, Marine, Inîmu sand Os-esis. uns1 ne op.erti-mns Isein4 tiacsilssi vtitin ps- lent lisuis, lthe attentisn or the Public-is votifi. iuly rieiteca By Order, ~W R 'RFN T-oronlo' Oct. 14 1851. Thse nndersigneil iaviug bents appointed Agenît of the above couapasy, wmIt gis-a- lisonil allers-1 thoi ta partirs3-esîreus o feln rasase JAMSWALLAC canada JPeSt frc.aliti k s tock Jneuraugt THF, uIî soiberbavng ou pn,' mi &il Imes, b. upuostappy ta tective picaliono (js-tsiss-attea -ilJ.BLACK, Catumblss, Apffit 9, 1832 4 AUÇTIONEER 1! GEPRGCE lMecTLL, Licensed Auc- 'iurbegitoiwequaint lthe pblie tIaI this now prepss-1 ttas sndetukeaillbusiness in big 1iO>niorsaor Sblbuufpasl om Aulya t ltRis.rtrsd u.l lsi aiar. sicsls yaIe sisn, W~eton of a: etI1 te aise. bv coull ment ofi in Tsuj 49 id 18M. 1857. 1859, 1864. 18M0. 1881. 1867. lm5. lm5. ot-iter Reine ritci t- f11 Subseriher respetfully informs- par- T ties Bol3iktfg, dht iiài prepsred to supplY any quantlty of in Buldies of ttusualLeg. Tbc' Luth wil 14e fouMn cheaper, tan b. more rapidly aidti.on, * l b.betsst5i t them theomo8It'l~.I1 htetetoMeeln SNo. 14. 5(biCon. PickÏrlng.ý 1 mile East ofrThompm"n'5 iotl. ' Ar.ply to R. W. LAwDLSi, Whithy.- l Prkering, June i6, 1852. l-ti b0USE & LOT FOR SALE IN WHITBY., TpIlE Ssbscriber oiTers for Sale à Lot, on wlirhisl erecied a Ngw D*ILLINfo havîr., with every necemary arrangement ipt conifort and cnrveienre. For particulars asi n toorms, &tc., spply te J(OST. AWSOF Whilby, June 19, 182. 1-Sm. NOTIC E la hereby given that the là 1T- r astirr hit4*ibed to tine between P. À. tîtft D snd JOSHUA W RIGHT, under the Puni ,( Hu*ao& ie Wa:oi', ha. &i*i day dîuolveci by mutuel consent. P. A OURDI 3.. WJUHT. Prince A1iÎ'u, June 7, 18à-2. - l, P.$-Thc busines-wiii be coutisuin lsy J. TO SCK!jJLTiACIERS& WITED for t'omméo kSho.i.sccUoa NMOI WiIITff Y Vl;LAnt, a Qoalified MAtz rSAcuita. Noue neediapplyu<nterntbey an pro. lisce Ictmonialast Io morai characterand thi .abilisy to govcrn. &CI &c. kWJGII FRASER, TauTrs. JAS. WALLAE UT Whithy, June 9. 1852. -. PROVINCIAL MUTUALAND .GENERAL INSUBANIVVB CCOMiPÂNY. :Uc-ChrehStreet T0;o )e eltenaive ireasesiomirsr i calssmure au s-e bave <ipesit Andt ~1T And iiiereas'thse siuunt ofrsteâble psoperty int titeai4 ouwLOwlro amSIo the galite : fe On mlinFur HoWmid nd d i(ty-ines. Tttoq. a»ni Seven hIaudred & Sisly Pountismesed value roi, te yar uatour Lotd-Ont thomsn$rM Eit boin. tresi aud Fifty-osse, andfi waili requre the svt'.ral rtes un tise possi n wIioned in the bbedstele bre- à oe annexesarinaket!A<(and foiming part of titis w ýBy.L*w>, tirorçi ueitaWbleprsty as as spa- i :sal raie for te payspentfsl taitiuterett, suid fair lhe;ereatiohi of a siiins;fonid for the paymmrnu 6of he prinriptA. inch osn, -hevardiuç la lte s-e- quiremenîs ottlteone hssqdred and seveuty-svti iertion cf th l1eWCtna4a Maiii.ipmli Coïpera- riens Act of 1849, naà mÎised'by lthe Lpper ca- nail Municipal Colppoostko Law smendmrent Act of 1 P.)1. Se il tberdfowm navtedl by thse Ftdtulotil Mut- ictipel Cauneil of thse Caiinty of Oarimvo, 1st,-Tht tiillapil un ay ho tawfut to and lfo- the Privkl l Wa*den aofîte siid ?raiooal - Munsicipsial uil.to vase by aay of loess, et a Ladi rate of intprest iot exceeding ail poru flntoS par essus ai, m assy-persOr etpsOns, body corpC- rate or polisit, siho asy ho ilîfi;t tosdvsnce thse saine upon te eredit nf the duibentuirea liereinafuer meiitianed, aau$In of money rnoS flceedin;in thse or ove, whole thée osinaof SixTws1sssalPatinsud, sud tb qssiled cause the onm e lpa t< suifathse banda ofthlIe ProvislosalTreauureraf ithe salidProvlslocet Msu- i nicipal Council. Snaii-That il l tail aad ikay b. Iavfisstoansd as ins (for thte saisi Proviional Werden le cause or direct W.o ë any nunaler of debetitirrs ta b. mode but for sn.b isiglt M aunas or Oum ai Money Raotçeaeinc ianthew aole att testum ofSic çt"und Possnt, as aiy person or jaerisn, bosir corpus-as. or politiv. oshall içree 10 ativauve on tite creilit et suvit uebeatasres, which shhlK siciuesi usder te common %col of thse saisi l'rovie sael unicipal Couuvilsmui signeti by sthe .Provi.tionai Warden aud Provisionssl Trea4m're, Ins matie out- iin aisch nanner ans fi andssi!paya- ble ai inch perlno nos exeeeding twessty years, as .the saitiProvitonai Wsrdeus#haîlldeesu expediersl; providedalwnys ueverlh'-Ies, tithé seuideben- tiares shal not lie Mail. payable auy sooner thoan Ibis irLa r6-vules for raisin; asonu'y fur tleir nenrilin.'1 Sud--i*aIttbïintometoa inch debentuies $hall rcj- bc payable et tihe ofice of th,-.#aid Proviîlional -' ýrteasnrter, on' theji&aventlr day ýcf Septerrsher iu ffcaciui evovy yyecr afier tite sanie are lineil. 4th.-Tist tise sit ai Tikr.. Mundreti Pound##, hein; onre-twefsiieth part ci sthe sait! stan>of Six ýTiousani1 Pouui, shail ha paidast thse sli Provil sional Trasurer's offcin uesci aud every ear > he, firat psymtst a liemie on llSêevert d nt(September i th, lb.yroi oas- Loruneoehhoutatd eilthnrdant i fty-thres'f 'ýls.T Athse mme(fe Tb- tmudPerosu witea 50 patil inro the hantiso!lta said Psourioionai Ttr.siser, suait b. s»Wied hawards defiaysss tise expe<iusoeee4a Court flouse and Qaol four uont f arindiofpurrebe asileit therefor. Gt.-'l$at thse spercl ' rate eniuiserateil la the. Sehedatle itereto annexesi,nsarkel A,ahall li. rafa- euS, levi.sd nid rollected aver susdlabove ali other rates for tise years sherein mnonnd, upon aIt s-ste- able propenlY L istte î.ald cNaiy tirOntrio,ftôt the pupsof payissg thse salisasof Si*,T1aouatsd r>osadeud tieîse resat liserant as s-éiid; andi teroced - r uë lwii itelat appie sols y- to the plyseit anddsatlisfaction of such de- 1besires, anth 1e intéresstiscerèôn es iforeoâîl, un- tii teavisai. or sitticdbentures and the, iuterest ttiseson na lrusiishall be pesrd ustutt. 7ib.-That titis By-Law aill corse tto Wsce sud &ae eeefou, roia andi aller i be Sevenlisb tiayof Septemrher iunlthe year ao usLordaeus-DI mssil cigsu bussdred anti lifty-two, sud set store. .3C1IEDULFE A, Alil t eferrai to lu the loregaint -IyiLsw, aud (arn>- su« lu; par t tereol. 1980 ofaS.penny in lie .C tin1832,> bain teprovide for com 66 9182 1854, 642 18189" 18559 606 Suts 31764 -" 15, 588 1710 -18 J57? 570 1656 158, f552ws 500$ ~18 59, 584 ut 'i rof les v 1

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