Ontario Reporter, 10 Jul 1852, p. 2

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We look upontba questinasavry im- portant ore, for we believe that Protection 1,#the eaùsof I BILDING A COU N- T1iW UP. NNVben 'vo look at lb. pvô-, ilerity of the ae',Igboritig Republic, we eau- notîbut our eyes totb.dzct-at itisthie love or coaatry that Ls cuoed the ppfosper- ity of the Untion, for, with the excutioa of a simall section, ca1le4 1)eDMOCU W Xm.ericaa people look nt their interests Le. fore tker comsuk the interest of foreigiiers, banc. ?rotecliou bas bèrome the. leading doetàw 4 £.mmom adh whitgs (wbose doctoines are-Protection) are gene. Mly n te!.qce»dan, ad the Unilted ,States 61,fluriýhd u4r , y*m£ # Itýwould bcw seli for thoi*e Who advocate Roeublican doctrines, and wsio praie the Amuerican Ileptiblir, tri take this loto consideration l'ortp he a Reub1icau o beta ytbsng blu', re-rdr Butt tihe Free-trade Ilepublicans May of the - Prtetoiste 'of New Brunswck, -9 h umodrute lVrotecUsu vwth them iàout ofth que*ton.". Now it bas ever betu the poli- cl of protectionist of " aProvince, te Idok iuto ithe afiair±u of bomue, and eontraht ,emci witsh a4àir* ofoethcr coatries risîng in wealtit an~d rejuown, by Lb. iusitrwinentality of a pro-, toclteý fardYf. and tlwn to labor streuansly w laé eZw Brunwick on'aà(tir a font-; 1 [pil rotection blie uh a drendful Uin-1 iia coutrv-il it be productie of eon-- qdisastrobo as oui' free-tradc - frunds would bave u5 to 6.1eve, 6mw islit tkat ibose -Cowltrues have proi.per<d, trlîobsc tarifimur tW oimencement bas beent h4f, a.>naid that the rmuse of our ad- *vwity is ot the want of marketz at hoine iu dtSWt of markets ibruad.'Tiîs js erroswous. 'Ik $boeirnker %as e b. - not, pa.ýe- hm etexeept ut a -pricoe iiiwojcieni Cc remuit«ate kim. Iow ià it? It is iveil knowh that a duty,ý of Ill per cent i-ii eved-, upon ail Isather manufacture-* arparted into thii market, stiJi b. complains, and jusdv ytao., The leathier manufactures and lit-tEs of CoitucrioN of the. Amenî- ean ktepublir , are poured iotheii Province', linee'thi. honest, bard workiog mechanie -tf Our owit oouhPIy is ctaspeli.d Iocompete ~with thec vagrant, tue pickpocket, thé mar- derer, andi n short with aitl hedisbhoneti. mates of the ahove mmed place*. The uaade is, inuuany case, ofi inferwor dckrip- lion. '11*13, connbined with the facit fiit it cosits flai'#more îbau,.hlalf a pound'of Ifour per dair for each workunan Io nake them, 'le- -iétes a few other fetetas-of l.ittie value, snakcesit a bard maLtter for our shoemaker -tu dispose of hi. labor at a livingl' prre. What, thei,2ià requite la order to remedy lii> ev.I 1 W'bv, iustead of 21 per cent,1 100 pèr cent âbouid Le Ievied, and theu a market quite ex teusiie-etougb would b. nt thec ontrol of th. Manufacturer. TIi. tan- uer lodges the. same coiupiaint ;.for white lie is forced to keep -big stock Où îbaud, the Amerieau utrmduces bis lether and di-po- - Ofs ii; becauyse, beîig more advanced in raufaciures, tbey hav;nmore ailities for doiog the wnork cheap. They7eautrbase kide intheit owamarktet for a trie, beingf ipported direct froua :South America, Cal- calAs, &C., wbi. our tuaea are forred tn pgtbase tbem lain 4e United. States from secood or i ird huan d pay the C vrual and dut>' to thib Provice.-& .Jomn FrCC- man. mas forme4, blie4itby M,Nl.James %%Optlts as Mas-sial, follimeul iy tise.Siratiord inut, ihe WardJeo Xr. uiith, and thcestai tise Prévi>io" $Ct>sucl, mii tiîteriabitauts of tise' qwa nd varcisy> &C. ,iuwlf titi i cte uf treetâ.1, Lb. baud mean. wblt ~Iayspg isawi>'susI aji4 s e otmqle,,es iillirtiq Use açsse, tha>, ps- cetedtto tise sitei tise bultiagsiosn Md- Cunlcoi'.1701, and after a bni speechi b> tIse, Prov-i,onal Wss-doi Mr. Smsiths, tise boul#e ontainiug vu-f ous documents, coins, û tc., mail depsit.Tises-e mes-e belmeets sa Ls9simd adtwdlvc lusdreit oi ttie grcsad. In tise eveuisug noari>' 70 sast tair to a siiptuoàms dianes- at Mr. P.1 Woods (Uio ltel) ti4 spet thie eveuaf srtb uîuch liIriy -sodgto"t mIi. ~sN mb,, Suiths ae i idêutat' oi ionasWoadb as Vî,ce--Prealdeut, vrncus toasts and speeches wçrP gveu,adsoup âsut- a ivesseijb>' ocëaionl LR ýythebanà, misa acquit- ted henlveo intbeopinions cf ail, maon creýtbi . Tise- papess iejsoated ire C hlce y Ms-, Sm ih, Mr. Steward Campbell (Sz-ecretairy) &c.,, iz., 1 Scobie's Attuause four 185-2--2od Statetient ai 'Psacta prepared J.J. E. ler4rd Huron Signsal ad £luron ,oýeuIik ofi- l7tisand.t 18ýhjuue4thmap ofi*Stmtford by Mr. «Y-,Ç*srk-5,ýtIs Adct orf ascusl n 12 laidai outhe29tth a. f2Jsein he eey iTHr E eewRE d PORTER.t'Coia-leiheuy î; rdâUtip 4ren1l iveà l'a 4n,!ill. .rtti Ireta a( Oate Pa- yearof mur LordT18E2,RuntPOlRhTeEro.-da b"ias utllu"'euL. enou;h to know ber bie twvisted jerk," sendinug i~li oider if) fdir.Mchl wosvf tile rep lfHr~ost Graclous Majesty WHrroï, , ArUIwAïl, ztLr o1 0, îT ~ rength sud 1lm a pgfiion numireroos §way and epiougltit, p>icAt the ant tdo i Vietorf i rt Britain ansd Ire'lsuit, j oasert ber rigb il unit make m ij<t eaemnxyep elu 1 CISC niwli e Lb. tel9th oi Auguitfor i snecessar <u fr topeak. fi,,gqdwtr litg df1d51sn~ e~1t. ~t J i n asu Xnca Fýe.c, * e s2tc > h itI ilis stilla great obj"#.t witb 4 Irtý hýlatter ib obtairnable ini any part oftb er uLthe t~a ri¾r1 venô n c Jrii Oý%m r- - - 6 C .in4i~&tb ecui - St e, b '- iuiking Lt.he1,1. bieîwecn ixtsy ] ïOe AJqi~bs~ Fetgu*ùun be itiem- O H JNAA heistuln ;!, w En sd rrh r$ou 1drd1 - lcnda, pl a- aua ur«M.eIC ~ a ____ est Calcin>' lt to kïwthatter fi ituceà ui 1 bn nc z are Pickt i'si*insm tsos" l i inhsêtttiàtlais'nc of Ë îfà nN < fo r tih e Ù m e t C ~ -N F w Y on i , J uly 7 . c nnec tu n c u o l L r s r - d by hec ul- p rairie iï a ittu s gl t, r i l g u sc , o i c o p oÀ s . a r a o a ties of Wellington. Waterloo, and Grey. The steamsbip6"Canada" arriveti aI 2 ring the affections aif the people of,"hi couin- 'muîence, i t is fult unfre lrttta ievewai"ue,'ad tr"iitu mtrl> < Thie Provisions! Municipal Couricil of o'clock -ibis afimrnoon. t'>'. To treatier i epreîenîative, lJin ,- _ifi svbüllyiy urobstriictvd, ansd noîlsiui but ac - bs us.W.Lp'M~~denm the. Count>' mf Waterloo being compoed ElNL4ND. Iaisd, at Logland'ii nvitationi, witIs Iesres- cea csf land- carihLe wen on 1 t<ber Co- .1The seauclal mangers in Eu zland bave peet tban is shOwu to any 1 petty prinscipal- vereti witl long,, prairie grass ' we ii ltb oeotiiost. 110ivilli-n John Scott. Reeve of WaterloTown- recently reaped a rieb Isarvest irom a libel iL>' of Europe or Southt Anric," fi ta caîl l in otion irom te iini, is uDot unlike te Jfroua tire popular Le-uL of -a genieral efection 31r. sip. tounciors. Heur>' Snider, Water- suit betweeu two'rev'd gentlemen. he up tl. losh ofinisgnsation in fbe 'citeelC'of' 4ntle suells af 7ur large lakes. Trul> I îîeîteqeto iaaiiun h ad t~ Io,; Joba.Ernst, Anthony Kaiser, Wilmot;-,fit, a seceder from Protestantism, n th ie ever>' Canadian yeoman itý&i GaSpe Lis is a _grd sýiglut. !-aind rich and- pràductive CqtCS p wiai Charles MeGeomge; IDuncan Fergusson, otlier a beceder irofti Catbholieusni ; alLer lii- Sandwich. Llet Sir .,Paki uca la t ofr uLneefoi e h,'nicn ndu- Ozaio-cn iNorth Dumfries -AWaom iShade, Gaîlt; tening for several' days tatte evidences <f wIJaL il Inaw fpasuliunt rvuce'ievtirsiiuetehe t cisecutiat, enicT jS t/Editar of 1i t/te Reparte': c vict,,. be viib i e s tti Sua-tublcoernieLicuttivatee>of John XMeyer, John Vsnger, -Vnolmieb- I winesses, lte jury returticd a verdict of 4nexatiotl feeling uis ided asloep, but by h-u'eil, anti afii Itusmite La tire penerai lig h li iun),r fthe>' >John Ifawk, Gabriel Hawk, Wellee;' guilty agàafit tihe latter. noaMiMss dead. Dues bc wîsls to airakeis weâsti thLe country, b>' nnki gtaaer arpp tLv berved tisat I sepr-Lt Jlacob Hespe-ler, Preston ; William Davidi- Little doing lun Parliament. àilagain, reires.-Wd tram iLs slusnber fm fle Oai gra.ss g;row ivitere bal aise grew befr.st rpru~ itekrtWr s bsft sonClek; hares eur> Alrea, Tan- Auitraia, goid mines iere stili ves-'aI- tbicks titat notling, let biaca.biese arg(inatslei--ginapa',Twssp al aniraetouetaia-vt -surer;' Williami Waldeu, Meosenger. tractivc. A fs'es b uppîy ai gold i tiuîsIbas alaug aOur frautier, bc wili s.Amnerican, andto ta itse who bave titrer seelu miusai iug Ji me, a i a s "oti iembers (i tise an i .irebitect- snd 1Bulders-lW'i. 1MdIeliii causedt tie embarkation ai anaîber slîlp loati railroads approacligiiyi -ail directions, aperatiuns, àisfia -place of tati h inteest. Pickering Cauncil, an accaunitofai acertain cirru smd~olsaUtusel.cf migrnha It < anouscei litit ite rawng mr p Odueur travellers, aur 'llie 6'dîgiuv, m ya district two hut- resoîlutioli passeci bý tiis Cauicil, cnen Population af Couist>'. ..261537 nest respeditian to tise ArcLeJein jsmu>,t nean prts. li-e wil fini drcd i]n by ybadrdwînl inLbcorepretb>or]epyf Population mi Berlin ........20 search of sir John Franklin,ltted ut by aur luuiterand our tlaur---uur only staples'thse isart ai uperatiliofa saunti ampan>'. I r~e ete-r ayia'.E.q., line roiso Tis W'rde ten ak.g ts audLit bs nblewie, s sns a et ali -pouring m ieUie tlssta vr;>' diggnsasonail bides, smclîigsflus" bere ,ai Cauncil of thc Count> ofiOntario. Jata troweil, the stone ivras lowered, "it bile!?AC. day ihcreasing titi'!; lue isilliit dAincricas jandsti Lre, barbes asti carts, smen, ivoirien and1ti nl ie babit aif.vriting etters tauiews' or tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1h adplyd' d S isQiet, Ti.diffsculfy between Louis Nispolennsee srecti, sdlre>'rpee-i hirncutially pas-tiusg tu anti Ira iit t papers, ant i sionld b r e~iadi suen aud ih annblhafrh au.a u i s îtr opbs~~ ed, in crer>' cil>', toiriia mi]village in Ca- andth 1,ëeks, spadesba, bmd aý 1arroivi and muinerai, il rIequirex aueale unember of aur Coiusi hat en. ll 21 isu, b Iasiiec I wih mii lgt god afer tbreutentug appearauc.Tieinen-ada; na>' mare, he wil tindti at Aineî-îcî 'dun sagreai.tstrelt i tise imîagination ta î'ttucv fiunîdlse Lask oai viidicitin, It froin tie ic *ull, t ua nafew minutes ail was as faas br iUcLgiaieatercniirbeintreit haâ a representative is tise poeketa tref10Clriuieti tofbpy lsi-i;uilazii lrm1e a e faIuiIL, the mo103kL 5-ful worktnan coüld have matie tdiscussion nCndWobsabs,1o inh, -pere-mptoril>' reissieuita sanction eVC!e rminCan adwoba1 she i$31* u ois qttîkly <ispùl'leti -b>' picking up 'ysaine cegoti-ste upsiart ivlisais afra.ito aafimd a ____________'is*mninnsmoet it-u eb'witeat, atle- af taisber or a daxen af el"s la pieceo re ai t vai, but shetLer.sLitif lf it9tiie, h , : o igniti tise iaruwsbôs nt h rae the ttie1ud mtwsI atznuar reis-ei utieLiLd satsaimarcde iecîî'asataaiedLusthrei s n- aBaudugeth ptiutd nyus nmeryP natre sd witb as al' al or ~garie nit amrcere ae ssbeed ~~~c~vcamicei, ad its i te ua atimartiketti forL.ts:it J is, tan Jirllisuprse lienntusî iidJD:a tiagi is iaclit ntretinor-theisogLe>aail o t tadrarLtertlh:i! î spet ofua erea>, ia. si!iw:ya:lit ae, M. ficxîna Letan) vhse prdvteidcus-mece. a empra),arotrr P e heUite ofl'r gaiaus 183n ic 1, eh oeaivcrsing ca c sYa, 17i 5,323 WlsiJînu,- 1sream blgulsie ratielr)'i, lýy'stherrlagecas taissnignt hrf nithe s hitalagertaiak uttea'fo mlta-' oac-adi' e 6.d. d l)XO-,Ms. dtu.I pesllayun syJn bloon. dTh-rftiur'sy C'î'isu. Chlavebe ir Lte ie siten alr sà. nd k tin ar r.*p- ' ____lil____of atsa!on 'ite ofur ttiiaeIhs od. I I tselaa ect-mes b a Mc accien Pa rbe lie aptretand t at m oisisei al ing <"ý a bt Col<tane atnd tns th tibs coupaative sh f ipm- - - < 1Jun,19 I urairprse it Lteittîtod1reaine natur lre, âged iwse' f ntmoefaa Pneouhe ipcfutafmbOLLAN,2d.ul. uu puithnt - oniaécr. IL so t qLfliol i suureitiossdpgi rbci.fiîs upape a1tr,aMr.'s ena al>e avers tisro ud te acismntenet il onfdtra 'n. ar alouicteirs'a r eieilur as iaIarrer-esaîvsnvclcs .ae atî i peetLte:t La- cd isiun h ese- Liui tv&ect1il erer be isrseslu enseeueuce ise rons iverool l 10 ays-dtanc ,0011rat il>î tsakst a aus îr, isionr1851 i.,II, atvteraduce ivtiscact, t17labur32 braa iii b ringserrisg utif, shonîiw ic vinecpriLide n a trc. Ath L . T soiielgj .tasyi i Ltel ,lPawytyare* a sanyiet' aîsrt h auip0len aiaiei a -Gaidetieatariî,bu oo wlsclsus tuserlil aptog fo a itatit mis-aeuuneyr lcioe bart ai tamiae andlaak to r, a mtita by eiortî--- aidi1 requis doeti . în îtaeiosLt -*r i nta-o s -tosa il tr u and e vtîi er .i m -, NU.ariaUI CoCaiS' ri.!TTER. yb, brrdoftse i toe wiite Part>' 'ver: vsh-ve ae ii! usge l m whis tri una iteg uii vrssrii c sa- l onlec'ii iep- o a i lit i efl i N'as d eIa.r e yf it u s VaI i Mil~~ is Poa , n Mrs Parkr, ' f IM j u1rütentie ae C nda I sa>lorUaa m isosipla ouatovtseuioncalts iatcneiibl arid "is todmma ndm nugbseilra icar ti ae res ikcapninr vi edfl Jac T.ns, v yprdcinis jtviýi aoc ,i faai> nurt; u r.Lngwscai' ujetci 'riinsertayepanahtioi uitsemaieecuviif.,sc isitis-aibteleW s-id, ata bsnes eeei a u'sta'fgkep t -gianlyeups inasfs ilprb- Thic $55c' 3igte e3ipdoto aiiLr fiuefo vrvndtsifaite'uetitinlu xpu-a eîilinsf: ul>,Ls eLatnuta uris ii u- fu teuducan1w reiapy ulau atm ir .P inLon a ise 12)d uly ito,,riîib:aotsra ang e. L itetsuhot istlau',i ce dS itxgl ionfru in osuua l sua-e'iii i if, t'ey ver eitm a s d crilaueb r ie n t he els purt he y s erin cons quence . M-s> arhe Thbigo ts- a i t self-imp rtn. eiti ea n ies tha v u e is -e a ati an ae suppoar e ah>' i tpreet ttsl.uwus orefs caitlai un Lise mecrit i i;tas-a4o. ne ir) IL ker~~~~~~~~~ farssiisurds e'rt nLt ok, mi>'verport lin aira>' litane 6direcate yurs t 5iL jtvi c r, iralt ais-cun- toassIiss--q tise goproie-bsiîsepelabo ur a %poes-iii,, Le raceuaiai l ic jk ie'e beiretla o eioCausetuce retaCy ' bit i etan e an , or, tith ymu/t f r o-- mbd b-lientIciuiseet mît; tanpeorple it tnLgs> prvtic h orepr e lic~~~~~ mprh'te.Ms eC ecvd idLits-- gi iser ulo-icda-ct it edci lis ccson at Ireaseuttieasitsoiaf.ta-l ms vr s> citi nti b>' teucktivi-pre eau >tersTaip, týc sliîrht ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aml bruoonlisoodk;but6ran rioiFln.ms-nfiteki L. dcuen aludtiLu llareýquis-eti aetattiediaun tLise russR>i- , s deàoi b i adecdtupusgs; t-itc<i ctss ia n Lsemal niacloismanes, taet tme maon.u ni iepcsi fLUTERsîs tui 5Ç0watà lu!ti. s. fitvettix sniti fuhcIt'scopl>'tiendeii e of-. tiehige istci ýadis 1bicii e is-it 'jti chUdydrw in bertaemi. dVbe sl'g miti roicefs umiituualesli u-p-ie a eitsiisn1utfaenuVttassibci pets o bei'oic~~~~~ 1eoiu,-rii vna nyfe~ ubi siainaraa Lda> hw oteaole onad7, 185-2. j L,, Itai i arnla poulaaota iones-s- ustca- usue ls t e a lytiss roo ps itald aieiied isecitldalo l br as- MaTir Le s-i Iîw.bv nrepensiese ailwt~t anis aNDrt-,etu1dt fortEIusgasîs ielitati s Ili 1111 s eitr- slt riv. t L. orWitl cis fren ti ish tireint Les-self o berbock, ut wcri>' red- ai fteCli a maLec estaibs n mdetahs- uiL d o tatt LO lLt'O rTgài et tatiosa sh rt thloe, îsct basLea iie>' m s a n ai nd ul d s puple ot tha i-iI ie leimad cf aIl cons1quences ta berseli. Sucis - i n - t>' lu-al>'ornon sitb fe osesictsai i sc.ivi XVas-, .1enustusi hamsfrtc ei a ita nobesseafspri dseve sttu fttngpu. igut ati igît' f hih is Cloill caFails aifo St. A nthony, îaas La _:p fiti<0nne t aointhe niedtions. t iiy ites Waa-ds ai temTwhpt tise an ilen- 'es ic atetnal, sud uIsîv t app0yeaitt.Olc a-btubttrt lsage- nt ie insaaenîc',Jn 9,hi î uti,îst esrpiosgs-nb' unrasviee 1'tcseieseafiilet-fae-ilia -prciitaei, i cveritmits tatesparia!>.tiecpa cte Sr cfJ.ts anadonicn tritesh hic aotis esattenVles-miua ah e-ts ' lnearoiuon!cntiua sre 'einu'lof staieuseinîne adscsuse tis C(ri;wti fembila d is n caii 'anti mites>'Il Ph atIded 1oumaititain tfe Inessi>'eve nLievr>l is ihia laloai, ssLustheuLieî ii'1eeait atu estun> »:jag-bt ss' t*sc awy ia, ini1 u tisaI~toth tise iubrak uIiit aireuilicigiteetut sougst £luado s anthuis, an rdnaui J)uie. pobbevr iii te Lee at mrispIe d <,- i4 stnZ avo mb y , a d 'tha he ues tnt -ti en aii o1 -l g i -- a g SALE 0F aise .nwesrern %q apje-y h inihe bsciug. liseneenvanti tou epanti wbuitheadire 1eaanti 1 szi the peo-beir eacthcpapes, the c of a .1 publics"a -eiv thalu no tiseeCalclaisoarece, ieduon fraut aocc sioend1 poleat, in cbrdasetiacaiirta nt -8ygo(requ iee >ia, bsU dullpps-ed of(i orse ~ u ian, ' 81S -"arotiglahonai t00hent rfo - it pûuedy st aisasernniaIancoithetitbtpurp-ate'vrees i ai) beaPAR :Kned 1iLOssnscc bKcetl v xpcteenîiing180 itiaso naci, fr r. than tise asual d stpndgtskenopisaneu on thij iitult ' au fotua nt-'.T et pith nd i fus yti sue il s, thuee Pi v etee'mi'a6 ,la $1.lLouisia oustae sie ;rbutentlynlelit ofLlien.is-. 1Wardsanc eedocument mll ?»d to al wa' - bu wIl bae larnti, re iti, tb~ te tata ur ear;adizicocsal. w'tss.Iiu tretiies, atthere eu un uinihes-ounrypalissgupoa ;411 l4 MicitiýE . u v-iEuj t alth)se DesDapei ti 28îJuy nd ouscificall drî isoteer "tauliin- 1 mis have pait tentvntdLe tet, liait InL Southseis aelii a tisy aian)ne tut b isa as nf.rec idtto do ani54 1hoVV5 pnld in tse mis' i âcL9lit ssannrs Gaesds f tre ybri scituti £rnzi~ upos tes, efist Louscl1 r asig it w*s hscasLeis tdbat-tlty i rad At ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hnu nou iePR OSli u nltN.ciet5ofintheeoleindiriaPromincl e ib>'S.ite yeas- 1858, fllhicagu 'a soltic. dvtisenmwusqui-tees. anly titongisPulictics soi.onabvosa as it learly hows reqteht 4 iiêtlvr-'ta ytibotisV'whic AT AUO I 01V, coursemitit Itis gvenlstcot. Eperteae santboumesiI aMinneniota Tnliion u do!- e uadc-staoda cas-obas-r.ftise Witb'ar.and-lxlV1amis srivat acta r rof kuoiv smil Lh hl aoti er-am, n oteaciwbtlise dat e aveanliog toa far l Tas-s, oiertd; ,-iti fs-arnp-ri ro-o ls gnrl's i.fuc1uil - tactis isesti 1 isi>r utliss.g ac bui sluccerton liste of1. atise meile o-Deae, 4., lh igs and i et fwictshaiCaoieal Fs-ase ldls of $e.icut o tise it>' sud a o itVs-ca> ti of as matis'tiii nobseî tie Mjo.%reit "liauti;boreftPur.atidlene.tiiseirubrenta. Tii. manle tise Gcieri nuesgegt, ani is ite asstaes, osncb ba isoftise case, suipthtie Cone Pt*-.. aic iti nal Dad oMuei, I <o islirasss Mil. i spula Mr. Hitue to, a boier, da i in nbesotI a Tiryb, uner con-.If ) .ub liai dscriptioons eil a u c> Is Iba-1pse-rewr, odv iyofit- Wo onrV eRMS: imn i amauinradpoufiirly-w Cana- rRepote; isi'ctCIca- u ums1 i'rtfe >Curiwhatfch l T 11 r eiui thee% udbe oe- he embesaidinoriritisrpoi;tandnceuOIL à a ded butsese, _io i-vetise>' bat uwa , i. owand lii.~~~~rie ofmaitderluaineceanainaen.tauseiia, itesfelo'v islcs ir iues. Fdé'ld the Bf ro~.~ . ~rji p ubser ver finda an Laktere as-e di. ita gratcoitera nesWisî. wïe t e 1am e inflme, t csunue 'i9$oni t d e . . eciedb 1Xp~ mas-ls, oste fifths down andthie rensainder in foui echin ehaer>'Canadiaus perfodical aud ifa leudiug respectirel>' to Toledo and Dots-oit; I lllhoi9W ýisconsif-Ilowa and noir becauser'tisnt' L t- t y eepre, from thse sy, ho$ i"oRIa in.ltlmentî. A clea Deed wît 'le given, lsMntoa ahbi hi uu n onintfo h e0 f h ib fei sss<t.a muortpge talîca insseiire the paymelus. every tiily idependenî andiloyai heurt. Ij" tiËn ou tise wesi, tue Galena roai,mof w hi4s, iseoa oasbttselso isd '%Cowd, the'zfi 1191 e o oh ise 'fs> oi.s Tise Town af Lundis>' isio béeis, ut>' Tnueffleet at-home mli! be toa asoui. tL. allen- eigbt>'-fouir miles are complet.eu; lte itock <excel alence aiZti ls otouti se alfr 'T ~'Iso ~jsv l& #~ ofithé ney Cousut>'nt Victoria, a s a 11a tise rtllapeoplei ofdi-thi. atI Iiaut irIibayessiLe midi tse - è»P in inueaq n sd fourtshmne te tio fteBiihpol oti h oIln toi ailii>, î ie beld, w - sue ad thbusdl inhcîýa i4cra- eset,Lhe ---~-- The* lat ise issu sus int ol reteô - ar moratci irMajettyuicis-ty-tsro colo'. mismi.route ta tise Mississippi aader coan. rowt b>'comns cônsnt,,it b atI>' fa w 'MchI ee s 1e"1oý o ment havng dispsed i âll i esmnes, andlthe discussion il gave risc lais) tract; thse 6urrsa extensioa campled four- isMalteifout,.sata tb md tire ntalcé fpunee The SU SzIB R aidS'-owgtise Jaspes-l)Parlfament wili bsing ti enmiles, >o (ustuer exlessded tity al atio 1nS-aisooAnosa oe d.Sa~serpint'olr .est Township loif fal.-coutrsy, ai wbf e iepeople as amarie 5Otbree sales- the Chsicago sud Wf'Ssn au, feuI,1m iles below, are holàfo mises> auommun LotsX- 1 inastue li*ttoesulon Opa, ucefull>'ignorant, pramistnt>'-before lthe . the ws>i senBypd ier ard- e anth hig PrssrM.',yapî ,Biihpubiie. W aatbelles-express Ceattat which* te liants elion ais ouhstisree or Iie>*aN y;e 27 i th ilh-do. liij th ollowfusg leter frai tise Monts-est .s cwigwam ~»' s,I _sbcs-ein hteswô h à 1- me YSu'anu no 26 nthe 8tls do. lFil& t.- -_

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