n ho 9"o ta he 'ietai ,Sme st i iilts lsla 'ftn repowere by Uni'all A nmi ameslnUmmn; orif iCmnt fiai ossavm dma. era Liter7 or a 'paypec -ToP *d s le*flbM whawedo, a*T rut beuw (d it mmuhirrtoie foy <b. T"ud lMa10 ta"neouevm Marty and écumg bieuwaysrni ;after Desateh and s., but have m.i -er yet bot. ablé Io evertake lb.. W.e seidomn wish for wbat *w reconI ý-inced i. quite enatWaiabe; it is juït vh 1here is a pouiiity of 'acceis.t*At wish *tre really excite. tEILOQUEWCE AT A P iii."May it lais-e the Conturt"dda Yanktee awyer beiore a Dutcli3ustie thc other day, "lthà osa asoIWf da ¶e cti~.a~.Wu the Ameriean e, woau. a Weld oe watches oser the. welfare 61 this uigbty re- piublie, and wloso wiegs «Uena rom tbe, -Afle0w'a te I. e rock>'c -hsof il west, vas rejloieng là p*de aid plie.-' "Shpdat 1 stho l ,vatbas dit sit Ln do mît mage,? I haamtingtao40 mit de enId bird. -eIt ns "aheep, ex- laimed the Justice. 'ý' ruc,,your honor, but my client bar igiât bore.?' IIVatý4rmIforde l»*'gà lngeaga Iuarciaadela6sob de $tt*, &U, Lt- s enmgkfer-tne. Confine your W8kto de "Wellt thent my cheeit tii.deedmt ia * Iis ca., là chà rtigd wûb th rcmlg ahcp, an-" " Dat vill deo! dat *val de 1 fur clent il chargeti mit -stemalia lamp, jut i ie shU- Ungi. De goart viii adjourci to Bill Ve- glson'e toadrin." A S-MART SClOLAR....U Sally,yon mm tà b. Ignorant in geop.aphy ; I *iii examine you in grmmer. 1 ake ýthe sentem nce m.- rin. ia civil eontrmets PArMarriagel "Milarriago s a mnoabec6us it- sii a e.. And tbough #6$hakespem ask wa's in a haane and * mys that amne by amy other narnewould soleil as sweet, yet marriage bcsng a noua, sud thcedore. a nasae, shows tilat the raie extablished by tii. Bard of Avon hlia at leat ne exception. lenr anar, iage certainly i rtvergeat import- aince, and being a 40nu atherefore a name, rge, there-is soiùètbi. i'a n i. . o.d!-Wei, vhatilatIi. cas fmaurri-, age?" "D)On't knWoir." "Delioe it, andl see." d Don't feel at liberty te de. dîiné arriage after' havsng made 13u, t'lepomse Ihaé-ve. d ratiir coju- Tih. edildr e ae'suchr u a PenaTîvniaha ena travellng oa the cOunhY, and havhggo te nti id hé tore off the îellow-a &ng: ntb ixd Should toma au: i w el'au Sa E$u If'T IT 1-4j liA ahu gels six dollasa ckh<fr. mm e aogrtiies'quiti> amd eoont.d,* but aà 500m as liiiw"gsreach twolive'dolilmaa wkhe nîedi twent _f,, t i e 14 u, at ig4 , p money Ihie 1mL.pp> d you hv h ~t.Mk.~ " vould nover oist.ý But., usfortunately, sam reseidom madie after t"s ibabon, and liqiladie?s uoeapcqily rs are two aigani4efeeta-firit,, the cxfrcity, of t6, âo s much too narow for the part citAi (fel t(nsmely the toeg ) ýbb it la ote oi- tain> andi semodly, 'oWhor b.pur Pmaof dws playisg as mach of the. foot as possbe h e ote Uctarses Mam rnttams arî e bt uncorered, and lthIe ir. of the shoe in front brwn uthreIy ucthe tom.,. Tbç tocs dm bilsà iqww' 5it «ô - MW v~4 b,. popbd oso! ~atp im ys i _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ WMI>5&5~3. S1 ý ANM, à CLTObMW- T ingLwt«Ufor@ trm 01ycrath vllknova ast Mil. C. W. GAin, lu he ra*pctfiily iiitianatein the tAIba s à ptsmumleai eze&He ilorderd inîrusteal to bIntS*eWM tl'CsrGtg anWdOelilhessIne line; sud bm 4oiuld as saflty ibsi beWlisa mu great ep~ebimet It heMahimj vahuwag af'bstale » m'WÊvcbiz ei oleI laye <mmc ii tel'- sud b. voul,sy fusthcr, th uh Imi ct o n oiil b. phid f alil ordar 'ictnuted tghins., Woi Cardeal for 2-1-2d. per lb., .ab dovaI il harged on book, Od. peri b.~ Clc*h Dreasing, as ù<n gmilar EstaYiah, mmntidons je all ifs branche. Tb* Bubacriber vould su, , hat lie inicuala f0 wùlaila; thir WW o aaufclred wiil do watlt n i. hlm a raiii. Spiming dons by tus Pound if required. C. J. WILSON & CO. aroobin, Mer 5, 1852. 4w PORT WHITBY BAKERY. 'THEude'sig ia vses te bu mticed by A th.l1 IabWat d thennroungivinsaw sud tha esmeat siarptat tbiecs iaal on hawa, Bred, iW*tBread, Botn Crack- en5 ý Butter Crtcker8, amd ail Iinbiof CR.fCA'R5, wlîh a rnI,' Party -,Cakes and Weddîn Cà e ma4â IýiOt4er, "ada on lte shortest notice. Aise, avaicy of <.!IhftdU'-WÃŽOLEUILE AND ITAIL, wit a Large S,ck of Groceries Whiby,.e.,îsî.JAMES BATES. TO COOPERS, M7iËLERS, AND. OTHERS. T11 Sibrieiý aveon band anrd factcrý, on Lot- o.7, lanlthe 9thCon. Pickering. PLOUK BARREL STAVES, of s superior quali:,', vhich they vae prepurasl le selrryilov for euh ors pprveal <redît. HARRISON & PASSMORE. Pickering, Ms,' 22,1852. -m TJIIE Sîîbncrubera bi'glcetaauh~ SPING STOCK 0F GOODS, Dry Goo aîîvîe1Ttlo or DryGooiGrocerie9, Crockery,, Hardware,, &c., 7 AIIO!which have rect enmbaaPorehsoeal Mthe m'ait sdvanitgeomferma; sud lbey'are datermnin. edff nto zo lc wderscldby an,' bouse la ibe Irada. N.lL-They are dailysirpeetingaà «T a[ vr), Snper«iiortl *ià .a fa arge suppiy =cf pgG Iez, snd Coà L for Blacksmiîbs, JOUX MIARTIN &Co. Port Whitby, M111h M s,' 82. .f Plaster1 for sale by j'crN MÀÂRTI& O XVOO 1ôoCORDS EECH'and MAPLE, 2,000 Corde steM3am BlWow. 'For Salaefa, JOHN MARTIN. ils NEW VAN!)]PAT AM'ILLlCXC EulER W1'oOB D"ld.r, IVîîL bave. Lindsay for Port Perry., cati inq uai nermedisie Laudingae, err, MeOJIy. ,Wrnzriniy anal FUtnA Mv wo on flihaiai et oflt Stage frem Peerborouh arrivinq ut -Port 'Perry la lime ta, taLc ithelstage- le raet lic IdWafl fer Toronto. Wili leave Port rerry ever,' Tueaday, Thnroday, and Saturday' Mornîng, on tbe arrîrsi ef tbe Stages romn Port Wiby; arriving iun te t ae. :b Stage for Peterborougb. For Frcjbbt or Pasge, p )y aite h.Captaln On board, or tte h.ofce f1 o ox <~& Rova, Port Wîby. Port PerryMiy71 52.4f. -ýOTICE IS hreb gien lmttbec!.Pà rttueg- algned, uda t e l ad titl.of McDougaU4<e xZircher, lais" day rnaoz.vs» b,' miaaitconsent Ail doà naardaa idust sud i s btdictarg. b,' a, MeKcrsclW'bo la raspmoibla (or the ssam, nid aIldebte due, the nid Firmuinut b. paid t55 bit».m S EIL McDOUGALL, si or iabra- cotai M". RKAY &MSIà CHNN flEG remcctfllyte imtom the. Ladies AUN cfWhltby anti Viciaity, that they bt*ene e4Pmtre4 Sop, for the a bos.businesA ln lé . I4pms OVer 3f.Wil insox%' WATCIMAKING à >EWU"RI8%IP, %t Lije Gigu of! tu«lr118c17 Vus, D1lOM below Mr. &chofted'rs Store. MRs. KA-Y, haviug serreti ber apprenticc- ship te thse Miiinar,' businessm, in onîe cf thse prîncipal bouse cf NMnchester, Eugiaud, hopes that tb,' ie oii bc eaabicd 10 give satis * action te ail thos. whe mn,' favor thea vith their patronage. Thes Latest Pa4kions constant/y on hawd. INRS. KAY AN» MRS. BUCHtANAN WOULD respedafûllyanunouînce tt he .ales, f lat the,' bave procured tfhe servi- e es of oee o the mmin ikiliful wcrkeri lu the Stîaw bonnet business fn-oaa the City' of Toronto, so Ibat lb.,' sic coabled tle"mean sd aller Straw Bonnets te the Neveat Style of Fashion' Wbitby, Mia-cii 27,1852. 50-tf. AN APPRINTICE WANTED imme- diatély, to Icaruithe Millina,,' business, b,' MEfS. &Ar& BUCHIANAN. Wbllby Son.S, 185t8.1.f BJ~GSteimorm er Frienda andl Cmi- above line oretruinens iu tbe New 85op biiilt b, lira. Bat", inlZut Wf.udar. wherc ah. Ii.pea te reccve a ceîaiuuaaccetf beir patronage. ýtrflwUj 3onlrrf - Cleanean d (urneal in t ha newsest andl neaf est aItyle. 77ae lAktest aèions always on Iaand. Wbitby, Msreh 23, 1832. 51-tf. IMMIWEY h_01118MAKINL MSÇRoss bearsfurther te acquaint t1,e. ,~ Lad ies tWhitfiy am lvicinil,', that ahbis lakea lunto Partniershîp in the aboe. lina, Late fY thse Ck Of London, £gad rom wbose experience she hopes the~ Ladies will leriva eerar,' saWtioa, in thse superlor styles cf finish ni every article, sueh, as Mirsà Govznoas bu just iea'eived the Lateïl Pasbaons (rom London, te n-hidi the attention cf the Lasdies lu inviteJ. Whutby, April 10, 1852. 4-tf. DRE$$.MAKIC a MiSses Lsetum tbanks-to patronage th", haie beretolote rèeeved,'aad beg le infnin tbcen ibat lte,'have, f<EUgOVEJ>te Ibe houa Two Doorn Southi of the Comcrclal lBuildings, Broek streo tIby., Where lte,'iutend tle st sri attention te ever,' ordar Ibat te' ay lu mvrd n-iib Fashion, s"ith chepawaua sud dcaipalch. whitity, Apritl 1 1852. 51 3-M 'STORE TO RENT. Pro Rent lu -the Town of WhIthy- for one, or s term cf yeari, theB.fuiiaalately occcii q ed b,' A. E. Perry, sud used, au a geucral store., Tii. prelnds., beingin îshou hrepair; location,' favoorable,aM d Vitby tbe Cou-it,' Towan ofIhe lew couni,', offerc, supetior inducemcuta te those iutauding le parmue a nereaîîtiie business. JOHN HAM PERRY. Whitby Sth April 1852. h , d nglate et CALrreais ibaviia; ý4rehascd the Brewery in thii Vru. La,&0,feral,'ownad by CaA. CLASSc, end ied i Clak. as Brewer, bis solal to JC,11 -.Dl FOSTR, Uice oe undirided bail et nud Brevet,', anal bis day taLc» said Fosigts ito Ptitaetihlp. Tborelf'o,the Firm cf voul roetful,' iaîtimate te the public tht. Extendng - their Business, daWit $pare ne c *tt haepraUeaof/Mar Doer, te Inikelitdalgt hc_41à csfcpby wbicb lba ever beau ooted, sa isl prepVcd te pay W gb- est price thi Cash orgooti 3Kçýýantab1e Barley, delircre a til"r Brever,'. AUl order proci$l att*nd t&-. Mreus SHERIDAN &FSER, 1V1ItITBY BRZWERY. T. SIJERID4 J.D. FoeT8f Whisbyo IiFe., 185. ONTAIRIO fOUSE. READY«MADE CLOTHI Men'a B n t olleucICoats, Do Check'd 'do De Black AIarti -&ô Do Russelli Lord /lê Do Prlucesu do do Do Canada Tweed., do Do Brosal Clotb do Do Cassimnere do 8011 B wn-11011nd do Do Chekd do do De Molneskin do Do Tweetie do Do Broad CleIh de -Do Russal 'ornl glo Men'. Black Cieîb Veste, Do Biac-k Satin do Do Fane,' Satin do Do Hllaud de Do Fane,' do DOa Vefyet do Do %Iargel'?léi do Do Barsîhea do men's cloth caps, But", do (rom 3 4 4 4 1-2 412 1-2 " 2 6 Pve'sIaris Satin flats, Black ar'îd Di-ab. Nelv Style BusthempiCoâtxefl sai! ~nera~ 13o,'s Fatn'ey vents,, t>o .91k ,do fin Satin do Do Cioîh do Do Tweed. nio Do Caisimere du MNen' lui oisin rrousr, ieLneu Driil do Do c h ec1t' do Du Cntditrny nlô Do Saîlucîtt do Do <'assimores *do Do Docettin dl Boys* Dilliti Do C'heclu'l do Du MoI,-pklni (Iu DO f3ina«dairvoweedo f Do CeusImere do DO twee(îe (do White Shinîaý LAni ronts stripout'ô Reil F'lanneî Sblîî, fia 41-2 4 41-2 4 41-2 21f Maa'i.n DpLsineo, yard wide,1 Printa, lait colors de do Hlesvy Gîngbatm, île do Spieudid UBnnet Ribbons, Stran- Bonnet., Gievs..Iu~7Ilihioos, Lace EditAtfciliPlowers, Siant, t2heck'd, aud Plain Attisest Table Linerm, nille. Counterpai cropp* and NfaterialA for !louarni Infants' Robes, Caps artd Froe.k1 H-TARD W AR Eu;N4f~~titIjlp 44, KING STREET, ETORONTO. lESubscrilar beg-; te inform lais Ca ' u11 o-nu IIT3 TI-IF, ansd tk=t $o atel. Customers thathe lu roeieving bis occtaper bb N. Il A y. sp~fq~ SOCK RDThe 10i0n je n t iorabtu for carryiug ou aiý B,' vaileuayessels from ses, viz:-LortGese Clusv1lisieMn>Ieîar Baitick, Aune Cropper, St. Andrasa, Nîia, 'to en-onterprisin ÃŽm.chdtùc. xllatpnîi <Ytherine, 7Zephyt, anal severaleotbers trom Livcr- j 3 ov, 85, . .PER RY. pool saut London; andîin a ew ds,'shen-lil have IHîblI o. 81 a complet. asuortmeuî offltar,'anti $befl( Har-il -1 K.....riv vsrca'aady for &,Sauad ait priéesas of i, u' 01 I8 ont@ .ZlP5 the 1?cad. __ DRY GOOJJS: frein 0 10 1-2 F Cott oni, m " O 7 1 - 2 w J a m o d 0 7 1-2 Siripesi Shirîit; di 0 7 1 2 Cotton Warp, f 1 3 Ladites' Sfasys, Shaivlx, fiandh<unYclat-4s andiNe.is ara-enîs, moisioa, Nettm, %tia9nns, &ê.1 Mecs, Orinit. Ciaurzs, itLa'ines, irntgI IlaregeDresse.s, .1'O Secondt Price.- Corner of King 4' Clurd/î'Slrcetsjiîn,-the Couart Iirisc, Toraniu. 0 21-2 () 3 1-2 0~ 41-2 4 4 1-2 2 6 T. HAWORTH. - WIW'AT! WHEAT t1 TlE, Subseriber will pay the hi;hest price iii Cabh for ý .20A000 ushelsr of Gond FALL WHEATi delivered at'PORT 'W KITBY iHarbor, "u or belore the 1"h day ai, October npxt-. Hie isa aseprepareal vt ;AcE Ot Wheat, Fleur agd Lwnber, aonsigued 1.0 NeW 'York or 14onireai. CASHi for an,' quafitity cf IARLEY anal OATS.ý JAMES WALLACE. W huby,21s1 Augua, 1851. 19- f TrO LET, INtue ToW'u et WniTzy. 4î. lIse aid Office, for the lai Ãirce yeslrï .oeupied' by H. . Acz>oxxLL-ESq., Attoriýey, &c.ý, lmme- daeyopposile the raaldcnca c0 ah. laie Pte ppýyte 1R. W. Clarik, M.D., <if>by, icîter pro- NTOTIèE. wALLpesns indebtedt teR, W. CLiUI4n tD», over11a period of eue yesr, are hpreb,y netitied that thtail econteirrif ndt pai rb, thé, FMI of luxS, viii beoued . i R. W. C LARCKSM. D. Whiby, AMrI î1; 185Z. 2-tf. - PROVINCIAL MUTWAL AND GENERAL 0AMtAL oo£Me. DIRECTORS. W. L .M.CLÂa8,,f La u à rWRos Y; W. L. CsAç . mvt sr YARDS ii* Wn' ONTIAAE RI MK ln Wift B ics,& fFinît rate Quîa il,asd ai a Low Prie. Par- ic .bow atuldtug ite Villagte, n-ber.. tbe Bricks te 1b.drawun onI, aà short Jjacwilfu t as cheap te build wkýtsl Brick ai Tiruber. For furiter Prticulr a pffy tao JAMES IWALLACE. 100 COnRsD ayIS OKCons WooP Wanted ai lite Batcx YARDS, for n-iic Cash sviIi b. paid. EXiECUTORS NOTICE. A LL NmPersns lving aim*ýs or demnanils on ah. Estate à cflP4n I'aRPB RnY, tata of iheo wnsbip o! Wuearay, lu ibe Couutyà aIYoaît, !aseea@ed, are requested f*rth'.vith tu sendi the par- liculari Ihereci tO th* EXacittors, for theiir'consi- donaion analaettlemneut, Andal tpersoni'leitbted ta the Es-tate, are alto requesetcllepsy such alebla te the JExecutora$. MARY PERRY ,tExcyagx. J F. : P~r . Y : Ê .zé ro We, Mkar Pta1y andIl . E;,PEasas, do ara- peiti ilU.PEU «V sole actingExctrith sefîlement of'the above asa,,asd as sncb lsem- poss'eied teeceivé and lect ait debts and deý- manda due tu the dame, R. -MAR.'PERY. Wblîby, lobli sept,, 1851. 22ERR I S é e us b t ainh t wo orte e Puila BURGTES S& LISIMN COIER'KI~ & 1Uti STREETS, 3011N6l TRE COUftR 7107E, Have on, kand the Largest!, the Cheapesi, and the Besi assoriment o0 IN CANADA ýWESV. WHOL ESALE'AND RElYAlXI,. wUE ave nov reeeived Our compîcte asse;rtment o-f Naw SPRING &.SUMERGOODS)q oub h ie g upon ,iapetOnu, Our customer wiii find ta b. .:amp el cfr th Newest snd meut rash- onabi rn~caist, an l lu ravrleiy. Hiviniç beeu selected with igreat care, aJ nd,ûpQrted diret fromn the beat'British, Prcnch, and Americà n Ylarkets, b,' oiruelves, we cau confidlentIy sujhmit ihemr Io thc itspecti*n o! oua ciutomers aud the public, as beinir the motlashfonaileL, durable, serviceabie and chetil sus4rtmcnî cof Ready-Made Clmhbing andl Dry Gaudà inl Canada West. Taiiorin<ç, in altMè BranichesY , 'eeented with Tas t e NORNING FURNISED ON THEE OIEST NOTICE. COXSTOCK' VTRMIUE. Thiù lth.inut exrauordiary iremudv f f- $,, ever u.qed ; ÃŽ iteftsily eradicatès 'Worms rom Iatbadu i:gand chldren. t c an ot ar sathe.n ios deliate îelanr sronget îaditi, 4,sI ever fails ito compielv.ront ouitanal detroyaili indi ut Woraas. The ccst, -25ci&. per boule, pits il wthiu reacit f ai, anal ail parentanho are withonti il ue wartoly expoeng the- lives of heir'chidrer tt xe ac e(l i extroyers f <youlh. ýi4 Worm." -Look for Itie naie f CoaatorkE; Broter, proprietors, on tb. wrapper of ac bbtte. TO THE OL» AND OUNiG! - Hlo 1 Fe Red Head.s and Gr-eyq i :EAST INDUA HAIR lT., Colowrs the fair, and îwlel tthes Sk-in. The Dye uay beappliedto thebair oves igt the fulit niht urnin,; the ligltest Rusa or itt 0&iza tfua Vark IBrown, and b,' repeaing &uecend night. te al Brigh jet Back. Au,' person may, lhire(re, wiib h t eat osible trouble, keép its hairan,' dark shae or pefect blik; witb a pou- tra assurancee tat the Dy, if applsal te theska, milltoi colur it. B,' an occasinal applicatioin, persn îrning gre,' yl never lic nown te have gey e' ah'. Directions complete witb lte article. T here s n e co îoning ir t l state nent, as-oeiceaà casify test, Thesuefacts are warranted byh etlmab manuactreà it, ho s te ceèbrtedehiminià t, COUGHSq.'IIND CO:N.r$UMP TfON. Îîs'operauois mild, yet eficatious; it Ioaaei ies ethé auh srd assantr eplfo thelb sy4te ni sIfd 1a ead m steértb ,' e peetor sîlror pro duc n;a delight i h u a e'in the breathi ag an aeot, aJ'tbiag aft r the veryhetit medical me en su th. inventions lof kiu d so'rnl ug riend ?f ndn u es, have faied I e give.the. arallesttdrric té the Cenumrpiive mufferer. pets"ni have beeu deceved repeat dlin tlu hin melicines which wre said t10bol, hfallibe ce' but which have prl o fitM piiuaves, but ahï medirine ii; is nul oni,' a Paliati7e but cure 'or t cerated lung. It contains no deleferil Du ed one trial wil prove ;sagortighirg efficacybe ter han an,' assertin, por cerifiéates in uring cor sumptinn and aliseeueof the Ilings, sueh a . p ( l n f b l o u a , ( ' ur , , a n i n t h e i d e a n A ou 10 f almotmrauusurspron , ed by ais medicine, ( rom sme of te firt Doltr 1.Clergymen and Merchats, have beeu sent us fi) ît Ibis medicane, lit îthe uilîc'atioriof' them tlook le person caling aI aur office. This meficine wii spakr for itseif and enougb in its own favoui where lever it In ti ied. Cauin.-Thia medicine la put up in a largo Iottfe, aud you must. fna the name of Comslek é4- Bruller-troprieloris, New Yorik, ou the espendid il rapper around the otte. Ail rdrs ruusî b.. addressed ta Camstock e- rothr, N'. 9, Yohu.St.' New York. Rememer andl never bu,' it uuess yoei fird the- naine on the wrapper.' CA UT IO N. Bewvare of a danerouq Cointrrfeit of the- CffERR Y 4- LUNU WORT, and the JUNO CORDIAL anal C.R LTON' .9FOUNVDER ON"11IENTaiid RING JONE V'URB, oaller- ed for Sale at Ihe Drug Store, and emember and never hi.,' hearice% in HWhitbl,, oui,'of Waa. LA îgà , ai bis Dry Gonds stoie, and uvoid the cour- lrfeit as you wouud Posirox. T o O t.wn ers 4 a <t ld D oa Lrs L t J cnrc . CAILL'I'0N';i -FOUNDEIC OINT1- For Ithe curp of Po'inds'> r.Split 1t JouI, Htif-bounç eli ~ ' . t u ; o i t r i .t i q t a n d F .v e r t e h F e t , W ' mu n d > Briesiiilh(ý Fie-s. ated acki. racked liels ~rr.eh.' (!iîcks, 5ron lianes. Catiu.-Fitid the naineof J. C'à rltn Cana çtockn the ivrapjer, oratver boty Ykuioriý Home, .Medicine«. C.1ILTONS RiCUO REGI. For the- cure of Rin-fore Blond Spanin, lons- Spaa"îi, Winngalls, andi Slin-a certain remedy. CÀPRLTOIN'S C(NDITTON POW. DELhS FOR IIORSES AND (XVLTTLE. The changea aI eather auj sason, with the- changeout se and <ed, have, a ve r,'great effect tpoit the blod ati s, iuuisiuidoçf ho&ses. It ii. ai ihese change# tht,' requiîe an à oislant ta naturt lu îlrew off' an y dsorder et thet flof1th te body ih'rnl may have besta im bibd, andl wich, if ltat- lt-oed inwiIt cultinuthe Yeiow wter, leaveqs Worms, Boitt,.&., aitl ofwhich %-Illt h.prevented b,' giviîvg one of these pwuers, ad viit a any im e care, wtl ai y symptors of iase appfara. if tîed in titre, Thy nriy t ht blond, removu alt infthmmatio ans i leer,lboten to- kiri, ceans<- Ibo water, and lu vigorate ilie n-bae bnsyenahlinuo thernotado mre wurk %ith lac aru.e t-d. T'r- act ion of theqe powdera ls direct îpn ail the se-1 îre t -ce gla ndls, a u nd ; f r have îhe tiam e eficet u po n i ,e - llorse ,t e (x , th e -A s;an a l ah her tiver.; oua sonimal-ai diseas"s arisirng fraîn or producinu n liait tate of ta'. >bi a , arc pee sily curpd-1,' he i. iernernher anda5kn f or Carlt#,n', Conditiona pot-- der#, and take au> uher.. CARLTON'S NERVE A ND BOE LINIMENT FOR TIORSES$ anal for the cure nf ait lîhsaies of man or beau tat req'ire exterital appilicatîoî, andi for -ontracted n d -uJm usclea , strengthe na aeeak lim b ,:sud ix -çed ra. o Ia abruises, saddls galls, sIcelk.J ;cg. &ores of atl kinifs on hormes. titrltn',i articles for Ilrtasd railtle are pre- pareil tram the recipe uf a very ceFohrated PEngiiah Fanio, andl vil cur, ninety-niue imes -noia i one hlindrer, ay of t- ,aout complainte. T'he,' have been Used b,' fariners. hivei,'.men, stage pro- prielora andl others, wtth the innat rxarked sýdd d- cided stcea. C.1Tf-Nu..as le genuînlé unles ,'cu fllid the naiue of J. CarLto 5emsteek othle wrap- f AGMRIULI caraf4e Mot Sappreq AI[se, a1 rio wer Sem Fane,' Poul 51. Whitby. 1 'l voi.3-1.1 4-11. 'l ýýiey , DR. KCILýNE'S DROPS, fer lthe cuire of Thoth- ache. Il le with confidence tha: n-e c eauro- mend l las an infaiiiblo cure in 511 cae», ithout au,' injuir, te tbe teetb oir gains. Price 25 cite. CARLTONS LiNIMENT POP. THE, PILES, &c. Ilje 0W, useal a tha Prinipse]lispitala.saidIir lhe- priytle plrle ;a bouscOeuni;b,' un ienge- n'aimler6 dî iividebt tènsd amilo", first andffiôe5 vertaini,' for lire care of lthe PILES, and aiso x tenisily1-tral efec!uaily as t halfle credul"tyun lImm where its efferts are wituesaed £tau4 the feItoWiug complairn: For Dropsy-tireaing extraerdinarysbsrpsioe ai ance. .9welings&-Reducing them in a-ew heurs. Imleumaeimm-Acuîa or Cbronic, gi Viui me- dalite cas... Soar liroa-l-By Gaucêrs, Uleera, or ('stde. Croup mid I*?oà ping Cough-Extriy sud over the chiest. Afl, Brie, sprainst and Busiw-Guring ila few heurs. Sors <md ers-Wbether teaImhor of long aranalin, sud laser mors. Its epearation upon adulîs snd eliiîren, iu relax., ing rbeumatic s elimgs, andiloo*eniug cougliu s" igh tneu "Il! the ch as: b ,' re l t imst o f the parts ,r bas hecusurprising beyonsh conception. Theroin- mon remark 0of(Ilote wbe bave usel if libm the l,, je îi- acts likea a rhurm," Itla je rried t10 please an,' persn that n-li try il. couliora-Navcr huy ir unie"sayen fina the foc' simile aigrature o! to'emlocrk à &B;mther, Proprio'- tors, ou théc wrapper of the gonuine ai licle .Cautioa.- Il of the aboie namnýd -arhiclas are soLd ou/g la,'Ceanstoek & Brother, 2 &t. Peterfs Place, diroeîl, in rosar fcithe Astor lieuse, boe- In-men Bardvrg and VeserY Rie., one dnor from ,%r., c4au, anal eue Blck from Broadapnj, xLew yagir, t0 wian ail orders muai b. directed. For Sà al tn b,'John Msrtin & Co._port WbiîlaY ana l'Pot Perry, andi Wm, Nwhoia, Brook. SOld on/Y, ira WlritbY, b, ' Wm- Lain,,i bit Day GooD . Sri'oa. Bemaelbtr, andl -boy' osiyet bis Store, il you vasa the Geniie. I La J>fr.' U;reek, l1('omsloL &Brother', Agentiy oui,' ai AJixG's Dry Goad Store. CA-T11ON. EXTRA.-Ail of Usthes' ae a r. iele are Sea ony lin Orhanva b,'Jamnes Laina;- In Port Hlope, b,' MnrrisHay; in Stanmaft lws,'S-W. Flarrison & Co.; iii Newcsstle, by eAsbagjn& Iliînter;-,aise, la,' cir Agent in cee,','Town in Ca- nada. Eniquire for C;Oaaatoek & rt,4 . unc for 1852, wbicb vii bLitgiron gatIs biL Rememnbr and namer ina,'Varftn'a orsm e me- tines imes.thre full namni o the Propriaeôtau las wrapper, J. CaL-req Gasroxçevr ne.ruy'u yeu laid bis naine on the wipraer,. .as th.,' have of laIe bee n exterasively toautmir ted lu Canada. Thi' ysain he t-nnt.,t. rsi e.,.