Frmon Me rni»S Pott. - v4thin a few days. tiser. bus beau à alet- ter pu lmbdfroas Me. hocks, theaMen wkloited (from Canada, which would madin u py tbattb. 43ovarnment of Lord-Dearby b.wltbdrawn from the intention or taking up the projeet as a national concern, and bau omnpel11i4 Mr, Mmcii. ta leave our shiores Z er (aeim of disappointmnt aud ,ea m.!qyW beeu lad i tera a tba t w6rk woold be carrled out witb the. effectuai aid and support of 'E gaasd ý«ere not lllceIy to b. acouraged by the. governhnent of Lord Derby, and fthat the. project found noi favor wtb lis Colonial Seeretary. W. are et- eebdingly scirry for Ibi,>4nd tho.agb by no ineansapproing the. letter of Mr. Hineki, wbich taies up for bimif and (or Canada a position tb.y are. neither of the in go ay way~ warranted by the circunistances in as- a09yt wu cannotishelp thinking that thu Clnaofe bsnsocived tL. nature of the case, and not suffiieiitty appreciated thse feeling with wbich a wark of ibis descrip- 4tiou 1s likely lobe ragardçd bythe. people of EngIan , as Weil as byýtise Colonst.- 'Mign ot a question id whieb local interesta or pettefogging formalities ought to bc ial- low*ed teO bave " y ,eigbt,.Wbatsoeger. A llwa»y tbrougb Nova bcoia ta Canada is a mMttr of linparia conc--rntju1 as mucii, and indaed more go, tjan a.ny .railway3 that bas. leenprojetted for tiie Est Indies.- * Why, tben, sbould not thse Imperial Govern- meut taie thse samseart lin carryingaout suais &Fpoject that thse 1Eusmt India CompaDy bas beae ospellIedta do for thse introduction 6f railways i. l3enptland 13omba7;- W. are qu t. eta a stauderstanil wlat bb.ýeu npec oiîve fôr Urowing cold water ure thse subjet st Ibis partieu- ktr juattur., ut wa taie credjt tdouwlve-i fir sorin. kuowledge of ths eelnsof aur cou1ntrymeu on the wsbjeet, and w. know weil thse feeiinps of, the eolonigti, and 1k mastiments ikefy ta b. felL and expres-ed b=oin oe, d of Canadi te the otbr when M.Hinci' letter shall bave been'publisbed ther, and the debates urphs tiisubject in- tWI. ocal Legisiature saat have been circu- Iaadbyti.newspapers a< Ltse colonies, tsogottheir wholc lengLhitud brendtis. era tseem% ta u%, wus an opportunity ~Ocdd ta the, nelseNlià iistry of winning golden opinions by ptomoting 'a popuar work, wbicb it, î4 aasuatter e f-repreas te ousrcolonie#ansd ta tse Imperial Gorerument 1»t te bave exteuted aIt eît firve years agp. If thera bad been atjy doubt of thse cutt" mmd importance of the. work , tisaI iigist b. A. viin Cor iseitatiusg ta v atty guarassice ta Us4in larslsig th. capital nt f ive millions to asacute it, but surély ',Sir j. Pakington busot bm any rnalies of Ibis Und. It. eu oély b. tlsrougii a drcad ofÀ tii. r.sonsubility. of involvng thse Ittiperia Gorammeat in a liability not mure ta b. ce- vard by the.returas of trailic from the. rail. ma.Atiut be sanie pounds, shillings. ampence. consideration thit has eattsed tis projeet te b. rejected--some Damocle' swor4tue imagination of thse awful couse- - quee..of Jo. p h Hume's denuinciation of < tiereaiasa -py aiguey of "ech an apprpria- timmol aud resaur., ofIbà im. - pov.rdud, over-taied eountry!1 Sueis have tbea 'iimotives, auek the appreheasions th tbabv.nsutad in deprivisig aur colouies ms North Amnerica of tihe aid they vequiredi andi b.d a sigbt toexapect, for tiie e*eution of tbe nait. magnifieint, tise most useful and wumy my the ."inu eceesay work tbat nt st fe bad boIdly adopt- Outhe iscourue of telllssg Mr. Ilineks 'Audbis oesjutoe f*s>s Nova Sc4ota, that it wa not a question *betber the work shouid b.e ex- cct.d or not, but suerely onc of how it thould be exacuted,aud wbat citent afi ntereat thse Omuadus, New Brunswick, and Nova Seofia liaI « oui o d lihe malter, qufrentensaud tcibof theii.imensi1 Wtb.ib of e lan&t;âd et"l 1 the fisifiha. tise otmoà idf fese ce, u1 untg ast« to pdà tie niv idity H e prefers ta listen1 1* ~ ~ t mnf o Iau .ition. Froni Mr. H. 13. Wilson, tbe pbhisbçr of an Annexa-i tiojiruiiro dTsIn6s4et lie receives wth Mlsabk, a witteu ai- çmet-aaint t- ceme.. <obdn-thatA :û Mse vamne sit). ssidi, to fEU M4 1bl~i in Mr. lunch f IdeetaSir John 1a~ ington-confers wth' Witsoii, aii'fltlirj combined ind ec j rater tisa" that ofj the two Delegautes flyatbrzdte Act on tbe part ai tii. ?,vinces. The reali difficulty seemi-to WL thte De-latatesl wcre of difféeot. politios tram-tie proset, Pfovineial Cabinet of England, andi, thora fore, il prefers ta be g ddby back-starsï' advic., ratiser tisai receive thnt of tise s&a t advisers of tii. Crossal in e Colonies.',- TIIE 1XECU"È1Oý4 OF'JOSEPMI Tus Murll.rer à uffiredtise ectremepen. alil-of yest.rday Mornâcg, on thse fliesi <allows#,lrected in rear OF tiie Jail. Ifoory, v<ho sà bIt aNew ,Bruns- wiclscr, of ?resci? ns4, ndiaa 'parenits, eut a hearty bre*kfssa!Ist of ad- eags at bis usuil bour; ,lwrUq tr ic.o a visitsi by bi bôY asivisers, the. Venera- W.e Vicar srkati ev.,Mr. Far- re,'wiio rCMýin##tb?>m 4lBIiI ail vas over. Atot i in # ¶aewu aitadupott ibs c dby the rx ; UMier BLeUiE,ý Jailer aisi Ilangmn, anti after bcbg. pini1- uned Wo ias ççqduct.4 51w1y up tise ini- ing atuirs teii. Gîllow; ai dplaces upan tisa drap. M'hen bwe, ha askad for a drink Otwater, aQd r.quo.tedJsseave toa asdreas tise-crowd wmmciibei gýgrautesi, b. spoke lun a lous i ie, ta thelollowîng effeat. liel acknowledgid th .justice of >bus sentence-, saisiha ý edescrçesi la die, warned tis peoplea aginit neglecting théïr reigionsi du- 4ies, andi daclssed that he* diasi pentent, andi b1oped -tise Alighty would fiorgive hlm -. Iî. spoke far a lew minuts, and wiseu endi- ad calmoly submi-tt bis fate.., «- Tisere wua nkmmenu croird of people peent at <hisi exacu>tian, mong irisa. irare' a plurlty of winieo, moitly froin the coun- try. £iscy appeaes i 'teexperieisce the lilgisett possiWs grrtificationýaI tise-sigist, and,=mny of tisais declssrcd theiscm e lousi- lyý to bh#affect. Thisisa-a sd disgrace upon Canada.: Privat. lat-us from F rance report tat a carsspiracy af a s.irious character bas been' discoveres in tisa French. army, but tisaItise (averoment wete quiely ut work suppres. ing -iL..'lse linglisb,- sud Freiscis papers mualte, nmention af thse occurrence. ,lise eanspirary iras denouuusi hy asergent 6f tise arrny mhoha bi titadtise consprators, buit irisabecame nâ ighten. ei-ut tisaestent aud bolinesa of thse paus. M. -Rothschsild, tishe has af the. bouse bearing tisaI ase ias, at last asiices dyiug at Fakforl-an-the-Maine. Tise famine lu thse Mountain districts af Southera Gennany iras tsnabated. -WÂ&SlWGfTozi, ttUis June. An important arr.stof parties visa bava itsr*fsc*retlau JIS e. or orýc were in land Warrants andi pension, sertificates. imen isauoe a frausi wns-Pasptrated, isivoirig a lons ta thseGoyernmeuî-of 80O(OO are af landsi. Amonghsesarresteil ara Tiiomas Lawson land-broker, Hlorace B. Pike,lo., Wiliamn A. Grisivolsi, lauycr, and i liam trama is sais a rtofbeuris -t à q 'Orte e, ews snd à d nôstifled te $iipt ho s ua', .*î-m _ponsible for de et. arer. mnediés t on.urnals bm wumi avyen 'inca. 'flseb ý rat' rasn? f t0 Ibis > Ibatth leading articles of tbae joursi bave donbled- in tihaseverity af their -"dmi~itIlis nom tg b.e," wsetisar G;uWStapfous m il go so far as to carr ont bis threat of exp.lling the. correspen- dents fromt Paris. As for pravestinç, cor-, respodence from Paris,it issun impossibility, unles a berenewt'tii. Continental blociade, andi expels evere Englishman (raniFranceé; and, aven tisci, 'reVc>siùen lb'hundreds moulE W. ready ta wit., ans Inlaa m cib more v*indictive spirit tsau n n nglissman# TIse sau abain taken up*apiuse*ità ' by >Ld-Cowlp..-.é-it¶ .u éabr at Pari$. Tise Re eveai Osisama 15s a rel>' Iroubiesi at thse pssage of thse By4a at the Intises- sion of tise ProvisiOg>t Coucil for raising £887 tise prasent year to_<1eet contingent espenses andsnter0st on. f;ebent7ures. lie calls i 1 publie rouber> ' 1" Wby iras Ise Dat in liii place la tis. Couusarilta pravent sais 44 robbery" l'y lb. tisa oftism.talants mbuinb-bis constituent* gise- him credil for, am4 maie duty tn tisas.canstittsntsyI taý se. th4st ttey are WpaOnneCeSsaril>'talas! Or> unawfully " robseti" oft tieir money or lhiser rlitsiq1 Tie clt is e Reve of Osisaa is psrain un. illegaly ansilus far as tise intereits ofaié,sconstatuents are eoacern- cd, a enlulusalcourse, sud lbe la nom, if il waerue eîed svatisy of pursuig, lhable'.ta conduat. Il cornes miiiîa ver>'basigmce1 a bttr torle Goversiient natta touai frant ýa Mssa-,ln linposition ta cisrge tle hem. as ther ceAn irea1sentl>' be bdU land gentlemen compasuing tise pravisionai Cona. eil, tisiongis bis paper, m" Itls public robery", isais teprafer place, fvr isilm ta Malt. sudsl a cuarge masý attteCeuaneil board, mitre bis. felair Reeses misa mere ati ebnscientîocsly couls! bave. repeties! Il, Mi Gibbs, bas-gel Iiuns.lf itoaaver>' bas! mire ansi esar>' nivement be makisbut sina% hlma deepes- in lhe uud-,o mucciideeper tisaI iliroulsi require a. isan wuts more- pLe hban bc appears ta passte e.tracale hit- self. But tise mosn galling resasl of- tise I difficul part -b. udarteok,,ta plaýy, wis is lasn ai 'th.Treaarerssp of lthe. Couuty, wisichs ic mas moratl>'certain 'ai oblaiaingi but mnicis bus iippasiIbrongis',bis ingers iota tisebisof aaver>' mortis>' yeumggeu- tleman ai Raacb, of lise Isigiest respectabl- I n d basines. babils, and wira as aven>' may quallif*ds for tb. diseisarge cf tiat, off«c as must appear tram ticeisgis standing af bis securitias. Lt à su outrage an goos! tste a"i gooti, ense for M. Gibis' last Freà ema* to ittempt te laesse. Mr. Vin. vaylng thsa impresion Ibat b iss a man, j ana expericisce la business or book-kcepiusg', andi tisabh.attendes! a sam mitUl ear Lake Scugoç," sud consequscatlyfiltîpsi for notb- isg else Nom MIN. Piton'. brother omis a steans sasv-usil ut Lai, Scuagoe, ansd a Ãplendid -one il as toa-4t voulds! I m 1 a con- siderable bite cut aitise asse e rsonal property osisama" 'to a wbaé iansi be- nay bave tise saapeintendig ofislsvaîb ei business, but b. mas brougst *tipi- ai islrcaitiaamabusliemandbi3a horoasgh-ý muanages! for one bah lise heexpermets.t woulsi be incur res!by lie agentsanal afidsci aiO Gavemnment. Sinca liseextenofi tic rond lise receipt bave largai>' increasedi as ma>' be seen frasistise, fallwing oicial reuirais furnisiiesib>' tise ailicerb ai tise Company. Tisirt4leimontis ta May, S8,Ps sengers, $520 ';Freigit, .jç34ý, 8; Miseellaiseaus, $14,3453 Total $0,t5 Tirelve ionIsate Deuem$er, l851j-' Passesigeri, $608,912 i Freigkt, $410,865j; ,Nicellancus, $80,266; Toal,1003 A banulsame, inecastsfor a roai ba lie far West," as'il mas termes! aiy a feir yeams aga., Near urwsisail, soie four miles oi tise nair cantinuaus rail bias beca laid on Ibis oud, as an experimiesslte otest uts quali. tsaniascerlain msether it rcally poffsiis lisose preferenees oser lt T srail tbal la reparteil. Tit endiess or caustincous rail as, simpl>' as il mare a 'lrvalI splitin tira Iengtb._ mrays, tseus joints bro4se i. tisa eeistre auJ tise tira baIses rivaetati ronjly - tosethser -leavitiff suffielent Tôoanitornso eft tanal cffn s j.onplete)y -teSntraete& b> thse isreakiag of lise joints i tiis manner, ansi no motion miaterer-is Ait exetpt -a sligist oscilltlidn'ta ans! ira mbeý lhe train is casier Srcat spe.ed. Doubtiess the new rail is au important improvement,, sud'tiser. cuis sca&rel. bha aqusestiaul ittiat mii tise leel driror, count out of fOve, tbereforc it ni. Wbe asýd tat f thefutur 'WIce* -Will beattheb. aPas of aP$I atb.y bave served- teir time tanýe of'one ç-ount, tii.7 wil'i b. f lis a.silac sieli~ qu#i( Francis eIsq., sud » o! tise inhabitants of théÃ4 meeting mas lbels ilu nd's activlty and bmalle apparenlt ila aIl part- menti of businep* >iijould j0p mê plierai trade u at IrSwO m à e more -t#glar tbrougbaut tisa yaar,ýilan mny otharoltiesi afit isze an4 'popnIation.( Detri-.may properly, speaklngof tIse j*stera Stitesr be termesi an ancient taine being farmerly aMsIlitary post of thse Frenchs, andi a grest depot of the fur traderî. -1t mai also ain important-point witisthe ludians, andi bas -probably been tise scena ai mare maiscres, batties and siegos, and 4tie fort bias cisangeil bands oflener than any atiser place lu North Ame rîca. Its population i. now about 80,- 000, andi rapidly on tise increase,nand Ibougis the. nes! Sosstisrn Railroad direct frai Taoles! on Laie Erieati. Cicago, mili. un qucstionably aîtraet a portion céf tise passeuti- ger travel andi freigist traffic ber.tofore ex- ciusirely donc by the central roadof mmi De troil mus the. enstaru terminus, 1tIll frai its relative position wit itk nortiseMipart of tise State, miii almuys hive a lirge local trade, lu addition lIa ils abar of lise tisrougli western business, jssd Wmli, in spite of al tiseý exertians ar tiioaejîntercsted luntise soutiser'o line andi sootiserui ownj enin, as Il now hs, an important 4ismavcbal centre. ChicavÀ o w1 lOrconnatesi direct b7 rail mits Detroit, a distance ' f 280 mniles, a sav- ing a«'distance, oývr tise olsi route arounsi the. Lakesi rons Iuffaobere, oi 530> miles. Th s rond> iasorlginallit bailt by tihe Stat. to Pair Pair, 160 mileï in tise interlor, but fnding il unp rofstable'sud ,cumbrous as a State entcrprise,. mas»ceneuuaIy saIsi te a private Compansy for Im omillions ai dollars. Lt is noir pretty genemally admittai tisaI wliere public varkas. i, tbis deseiption, as I watt as ail otiscu arks of, a simlar niature, aio givbig thé eleel"0 sr.stsng (bheir opinion ato ir rCouncillor, tcpuîi?..eeve, bat in l ocil, the6 ?rovisiébnal ty of Ontario, and tise aueil ef York, Ontario evnry elector in tisé called ta order, Fras- appointed Cisairmni, srequestesilto net as' de briefly tis.ausc of Cea aleI , Ceusauîlth boak..keeping as Mr or any otier gentemau n isineigiibî 'r Sio s at ad aeaod, thà bth ird, &C., Ioa-the end of si. o i cpi the. cbaptcr. Tise proccedingâ o! Ibis in an OPPOrtunity of exp é o th pulieconsisti terestiug trial are publisliesiaI lengtl inl a Peater TLaylor, Eaq., tD lageWe a fnetype,, 'cotiiig one-tise Towvniï pCouo tho.ussas! pa.,ea,wmincis will give saine idea Couiseil ai tise County of- lthevolumninous evidence, arguments and. United Couas'tien§' Con[ Jssdge's cisnrý,cs on tise-occasion. andl Peel.. iNarly e ward was preseut. I bave alreaaly been mare lengtby lia Tise meeting beingc 1 istended ; tiserefore, for tiie preseat must CIS Leya, Esiq,,iras close. - Lpropase wriig agan frai Gatunsa, andi Mm. John Le>'s fer wbicis- place I intend leaving in the . ecrstaît murnIa .tise meeting hasinfibel Tu Vus Edi4r-of M& OarM orici Peter Taylor, - E Sin-- beg7 taav, l'p gave yau" a short lis conduct as DepuIy outhine ai thse proceedinÈs il tIhe Co 'uncil cf abip ai Pickeringr auÈ tise 'Uites Couulies of Vork, Ontarioansd iaclory ta th ienetins Peel, by micis I hope the. goasipeople of Towutslip 0a! Piakerin -Ontario miii be sae tojusige lsaw muais tiseir Counail of tise Cocust interéats are advanced b> tisa union. in tise Counties' touacil reicrence ta Mr. McDonagh's case, thse tics of York, Ontarioa Cbuincil assunesi a (aIse position ; they de, Tise (all9inig te rminesi te look an ut an neoallier ligiit tsa unuzuuimeusly adopted. a contestes! elcetion. mien ail tise (actsas 3-Movesi b> Donald swarn ta provesi tisailuntisecanse ocf MePher- esi by :I.. George son,here mass ne clochis tuis yenr as Uceeve 'nialtithe inisabitants oi at ail, but -tual McJ)ouagls iaâs Lb. duly "awu-5iisjofaiPickerrlu etectesi ansi acting Rteeve. Thse premises tise candusat of Peter ' tukesi b>'tise Council irere mrang, andi the Town Couancillor andi jusigemeolt equail)y unjusl aud erroaeoiass. Reeve oi tise Tomcsli 'lhe'Cousit> ai Ontario iboulsi be méide tise>' deprecate tisei awvare tbnt se iolds SSO acres of County Willim Il. Mieclli, land-, usnolsi, ansiarri>'as muccimore un- liii ineansistenay lail h paisi fer, wiicii, if untoucles, maulsi, an se-, tieen tise parties. fatofaitl tiste Counî>'. InJanuar>' Moveil by Lticisà rd1 ast, tise United! Caursies' Council passesi a Davidi Brawn, and mes rcasolution orderîng ail tse landi te be selsi, cnanimou.s visls ai tl and tise procceds apptaed lu paymenî of lise XNq.1 oi tise Townsb new Court lieuse ; subseqîîently the sanme Wiliaî a. %Mirhell, Scaulan, as 131..lÀm as passes te maise bis seat as n Town( £2,000 ta, puy tihemime debt, and as lise Reeve of the Tam»n landi mas not- reqnîred for tise abject above tisey canceive luat the, refermes! le, ansi te secre thse sanle-for the. to call upon bin te! benefit of tise Couaty af Ontario, I tîsougist pi-ove af-hlm capsipat i advisable ta introdu...-aà R-Lnw a Toa uWi cvea» tain tise preceeda aifIlhe landi aireasi>' ols!, Coîsuciar to resiga aind te prevent thsale oi tise remainder ai eleced hlm npproyed' t. Tise valus. ai the.sailalnds may>'safely , t'ewniaiip Counlcil afi be estimatesi aIroins£700 to £1000,vicls rn, ntise t'ravu 1 îfrsugiî, iras nat usireasanable sisouldilie Coun'y of tJntarlo, retaines!Cfor lise ause ai Ibis Casant>', ns tIse>' Ce i lis te Uniti la'1ý Wlîcsty mithuas tise bounuls cf thesainme, 0ata'io andi Peel. ais à t apjpears labc quite alear il iail we 1vdb'-ivn are likel>' tu gct fa'-ftle great impravemnents Gog aii a WC have isa5iiited la malte in tise elsiCounîy; Georgaen b>cocuan but fU (si t ts instance ns in iany ochers) IpirtomiskenyC i lai eramsrigil, ansi Gibbs-, Gamble, andsi~ cnemtbea i ar member for tise Fourtis Riiuusg, lii meeting. hoistesi oct tise billI,sud bit Ontario minus Nlovesi by Nichoai atissë-ilandss, and in for te pay>'hem 5)125! of Donald, Mcay, Esn tise £2,000. Unju-5t as ibis mn>' scec, à i tise cnauisxîous apinic ii eut>' on a par mitb the mauner lu mhich tise system of aifd tise ssessent rolîs ai tise united*Counties suboliises and tise whi mere eqcalized, b>' mmcii£'200,000 WBas *iij) Cuuneiliors in ez taken iras tise rilis Couahies et York andi bc clectesi at a Tomn- Peel, ta b. propartionesi aveu' tise Toimnahips ,Novedi by Mr. Il ai Ontario. It miii tics be seen, tisaI after McJ. Carpeuter, ansi1 ordering tise lansinlathisCouity, muics tise -of thiday's pruceea StatasIe provides shall belongto ns on sepa. the-13iitiib Colonist ration, (o be s~desi . suitIliKs a Py mi ia selu e aur slsJîre of te )oioet 22,000for lise mcm Cour£ Iloca. lu thie Cty, thsey tien taIse FR 12£200,000 off tlier own property, acaomdiug ..- to the raturus mnade iy tisiseiro, swo!4»'As- qssôm,' ansu addle it oui tisesevrin!Town- rrt#matl.h-1 ships of ibs Cocnty for us toa y taxes a4pon. 20 per ceOl. belvr lIant rWtsrned l'y tise - i--W Asseasors, hiul'ti4 yebi uiseïr AssésSOrs mas -Pariisaunut passedjalï recomîended as a rule, te- puat their valua.. -rei.wn of hk..laite 1 , --j -ý