Ontario Reporter, 3 Jul 1852, p. 1

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- 1UBLISUI0KVE*Y 8ATMWLAY MORMNIG. TES lUILLINGS URlIAXIW-jN AVVAXÇE. arn a la, kaa# tbiak VOL 81' 'ayeeonmuthtàit6l fbr eoydisee atectingthe1 TEETU H U113 ArtifiteliTeeth luerted on SONd Plate0 or ivroi, Front me to an entiro S&W. Oificeover Mot,. LA rO'a Svoaz., corner of-glua and i Smo,:Stvriets. '0,l~~,Nov.]et, 1851. 3-f Br. David Tuckor OU&UAt MI:IZnc:wa & Axy.,Tu:r COLLE Pi,-DPUnLi M. Puivaitî, toit, ?;n RÎOOD, FPKacrro. ~Xh-------- -------- ;Cmmiaionoif e iaCourt of OQueeu'm Deneb,' Conveyancer, Drauighisman, [SSUER 0F ?4ARRIAGE L[CENSES AND ACCOUNTANT. Omice near the Court Ilonue, Vfflage of MANCHESTER, Townsihip of RzAcHi, C.W. 2t CONVEYANCER AND -Commiussiner of QueÈW8' Bench lor lakiug iffidatits. BROOKL IN. '~3ookin Set.13, 1850. 22 if LA1W OPIcIO. Attornev and oons.lor.atàbLaw, &c. &c,. &Co WeI1TBY. t$rOIllce a p staijîs over the Clteqveretl Store. rt,-*tlcTr :d Alloe:ey et Law BROCL$TIIE.ET, WHJTBY. INSURANCE OFFICE. W MSXALL-ACB begs to îtml that h. bea appoir.ted Agent fer the ana that he is pre-pare te < talce riski et thé nrdinory rates, in the %fUTUL.PPLIEapTrAPILr & MAkIN liranches of samut Csorpany. WVhitb)y, lu tt mw.15. 21-t WORKMANBROTIIERS &Co 190. 36, King Streft, ?oronto, Wr-nIvwv, C. %#. L. I. SCIIOFIELD & C .IMPORTEFRS OF BITISH NANIYVACÉURES, À u~ t)aL 9 1 IOHLESiLE AND KETAIL. Whitby Village. June,. 18-50. (1,A RL TO0 N LY N D Et W1O0LESALE Ai" RETAlL UKALLI IN TÉVIý 1'OBACCOS, LICE PIPER ALSO MANUFACMTURROF SOLE. UPPER, AND IIARNESS LEATHER, &c. eash paid for Juides ana!kns'ket Oats, Pot# and PearlIslteks. Wbitby Villaqe, 7tb liane, 185. ' Adrales on Consignul.cts of Aiie Io TÀDabscrer is laprepate ti ma TF'ADVNCE INCASH on POT, AND 1'EARiL"'ÂSHES ronsiçatd to 'tontreal. - OBERT Hl. LAWU)ER. Port Whjtby, lot August, 1850. ' l WOISKE Y! WIISKd YI BARRELSPoRT Dovuat Whvs- Pon tWbtby,Ma4y 31, 1851. M OALIMeINIS, Proprio? o. TITE CELEBRATF.» COMSTOCK MEDICINES ORfEMICAL PREPARATION, well, known in Canada, have bee» shapmetly counîerfeihed an4d dsuibuted i n Ciantts, by -the veary per$qus wbo, ov.se ther own siguatures, have àÈ4léý uti4,k r. el1cvuS8. CoMsTror fNe%» Ybil, s tt~yifpitr TIses..articla.lie lot-The GREA~T PAIN ZX2'RCTOR, (,Contiels,) caring &H Burns, and atil Lternal s.aio&.bd Sorea. 2nd-B4LX 0F COL UMJJLL ferr :aying andi IksointeHman floir, ar8 » -8 ER e 4rB ONfE LtNZmENT, and INDLIN VZ&GET.IBLk ELJXIR, a*tcure for aIt l etmatias.e a %1t 'kcnown cure' for thse pile*-. c. . 8îh-D)R 2 0 Il ÀYs 8E6 1CHF4IZD4CHE 7tls-XJQTIHER'It EIfEF, for atl Womems in Ah lit famly WaY Sth-LO0N GL E P GREAT WESTERN -INDIN NCEV-.For Claat -teverish feelings andi preventing foer.- 2. For A6thma, Liver Complaint andi Billous afrecions. a. Fer Disrrhoe, Indigestïon andi Lous of Appetite. 4., For Couîvenpa in females and moalpanînd nervous comp1lfn:a. eFPr Stonta a ýfFéc(îâ, Dyspepoii, Piles,: Rheaiatisom, &c. Thse g"I poinltarue, il is not b.d to take, neyer giveé pain, andi ne. ver lettes cose costive. 9 th-DR. IL*R THO LQ04 M SPINW 'S YRUVP for al 1 Cnugisaos onassptison. lotit-KOLMSTOOK'S VERMIFUGE (Worm tiler) for ebidren ior FwII-Persotlo 1 lîh-N'R 3. B ROw N, 8 GRATPAIN KILLE-i.;.-No medicine bashbeen dWaover- ed tIsa itmso bitppity adapted Pto tse intermally sa Crops to b. tikien, (ind yet periorm suc h wontfrra when applied i rnally as a wablh or bath byftîctîon. Ail tihe Rerneallea are fullydoacaibed ins ?amph- ce, Io> civenIo ail s'Io.'nurai l J. I Bn WU s rugs tore. IJENER'AL FAMILI DIRECTURY $howin î thIsReffigra vahcit ev.ry family ahoulsi keîpr irfheir houses, a nalthse maauer ni' siigtemn, hy wliich'*&l1 usinary Siekases aye pb.reveasteti or apeeduil>' rerr.od, mif iou:t the expense of the Fansily Phyaiain, ansd Svere l)angernasDigeaaea EvsYMamulyshtmld carefully preservel bis book. to refer to when an>' rensey is waated-bolh as te te particular article imdicated bly tise coasplairat.j ansd showîmag. where sncb reme.Iytnaay alwayê ho Lad. - ~j1~ >q~er W -" JAMES II», GERRIE, PaMainosn Ç.bma Wh46 lâ appoititemi WIolesae & Rletail 1.uet. W. C. SWEETIS. CELEBLtATE D Farnily 3Medicinesa HIVATO CHINESE, BALSAM CURF.S 8cr. Throal andi StomUac1s, Cffilghs.. WHIB Yq CANADA THa , mIowolanbiantso htyand nesgb- aàý Proon bourhod àf infrme a Sh uIftoc.eh- e'&t« tainin; ael Lb.New slyletiaaî Esot is, FaccR i msonp ,«anti Lagac.t MATS. Algo,tiii Tosed 1 eie bratesi Kossittfi 1t ~Cour thet asow -in snocb great demanti.> Gentleena viuutiasg Loud thise th4i Hat £mppq> mm, wil see tIse Çeatehl asot- Lomitieri ment in ÇCanada. Flaahu1j 1Toronto, April lIs, 18D2. JOHN tAT NOTICES &LL Versons Ifidebteti toihe Estate of ,tihe late Peter Peiry, are bereby notified that, unles they malte Imnie diat erpayment of their rebpective Debta, Loe]proceedigs wl b. takec againsttem Agent toftMe £xeètors. Wbitby,,2Oth Da'c., 1851. 3-t MLtARBL-E WOIIKS, WOLFENDEN & 00.1 I'iAUFACTRERS anti DEALERS las Vkif1(we ý hu4. ariegatMd llarUae, Centre Tables, Staoti-Toa Chimney-Pisects, Sinlas, Soda Slaits,.Sun Dis Paint S'on.., &C. +'veryvariet>' f of L9 WOIM donc inas Supedrr 'tyts, of thse IfH fast tiAl[ aiid Toims LibtaItsi ie N.B.-W. 1& Co. bec g t a theav#e 1-. cogaraoctîaaswitlsat'an i6er I.atablisbmcî,asd lte>' imrn:r their Siarble froan the wel fta MeJ Rtutisa Quarra.., Vermont. Stptel*l»ilt, 151. Z-if .WrIIT13Y Y C "Wetéern" Assurance c06m. 1C OFFICE.... TORONTO. -9 al -- ý£luulW -M SII.&IES OF TEN POUND$, LÂCiI.ý FrI18COM PANY ituving been dotly ,orptel, Ce«J4ing te tise teima of is Chatter, sa. prepari. tb lasae POLICIES spinals LM-Sor DAMAGE b>' FlRE, ripai HEAL or PERSONA L PR0PERTYI of ail kints, cas as favorable terme as oiter responsable Compnlis. The followiasg gentlemen cmpose tIse Boarti of Directors, usmita. asoeSare a shlfifnt Çhaafe th4t tise btunes u * h tnsa sIl(he Cnte"ay wtl bo condascîtalon tue most honorable pr4sca- rles, rViz*-- Thsomas Hlaworths, M. P. Rlaya, GereMachie,. Wim gHeasterson, Base eat>' IRite.Lewis, anti Imte C. Ujîmor,-------reeldent. T.bomaâ- Ilantt,------vice-Presidest. fitbi. staastott, E04.........- - ec. andi Treas. Tise oaistiigneti Iavjîag beett appoieteti Agent SWEET'S FAMý%TLY -CURATIVE< 0110atis Cutres ail Pains!.! eviamps, M!.ihntlaesaAgi aspine thse Fare, Nenrous Hesati Tootia Acié, Cta'qu Febrbary'6 NV ALLI]3tl-,EYE WATER, T gnsf CureaSore, Infiameti on Weak Eyes. It comnez Etna Injure irel recomsmen.led. Tsyst. * are prepar-dto THTE KING OF oILSN; From thOe bigb 2ndt he 1ew mi Cures ail XYlerated Sorts, Cbiibiaiass, fiee, and é!.(bt uspetiar t infailible for many exterisal tisease. Try it ; astre btiste i yous wilIsWAregret il. * Ontario, THI 0rrir trNiQTALLo EO itu ci,çz. Tý ISWEET'S OEJJEBRIED BEA CK L OIaS4oin OTL$ FOR .HORSES & CATTLE!! Whitb>'> Nov. thIe lieutandi ehepst rréii,1e knowms, and la WeilI roefouamtadu sa çtleen nf Otur owascoli- <IIE SU dousof effi n grne JAS. MAtLAC£, eLife, anti Ocasi lnsuranece Agent. neribers having been appouited Wd Man nt)ite To cease 'frUts Goe noi !ln seare HouerS fWe'me I 'a"" idse, .eMiront aoM mi atM t*lued in a 40 ,pasaiiosstoirny, oc i a mms fo ble er teinra mars arouct 8 mtars wibip, ligbtls ir hofe lu a a it if s 'i e s" n hjiffi dt beii4n ol' tephuom a tu bsr.il4tio"ry-e-ol reiIl ihýe epeai M". W*ih furysernsdaa Perecleis = = 71ohr rii, Recklesu il- h. bleu.or ravage, Action, action-stijl bis plan, N'o-o creatîng -now deetroyung, Ctaselesa trIaIs .tesn iMasbresa, woMaon, contentetilnas Eftjo>'. mn it Iteatt>Il Anti wsteri antd fend# Far rîcher titan mianv Anti wiser by ftrlniith TIsans le wth Ibits cie d wayai sborter nflway fn ai L,)vC. wealthLte U 0, ways bo an inter; hig, ries are te ttse hi Yiono sential conditioîs ry. ilulf fail as i I I han, tslie-S the.. A. spirit whi every Peî ed wfthi finly <nt es cf ait; CoIdly te ldicnsef iuffciugi Man is daimas thienlmfter am'Ib, lCnbwetIs »M lte ithiaarisias ui Iriim thse laîeicliaac of bearti. t Slowly thifzgh hia bosom atealinil, 0 P low$i Use geial torse#, ton, Till by ages'roaî congealing, t IL is Ihardeneti into &tonse. in Site liaiaetthe hrp, tisat l inetîtvety rings, - Pl As the, nighi breatsisg zepityr Soft sigti. on thse Respondi to «ac iimpimlrar wîls steady 'reply, Whetaer Sofèr wor pIîe etarsympath>' rp; Andi teats.uIoMand aildeaoniber cotai tenance Iltoittise range 01maas's dominion 'rerier.is thse raing word- il Andi thstansdardl of opiüinti le tIse taatsper of lte aword. > t, Strite ecis, armi pist bluaitivg From da*aie paee erting Oïes, Where, Io boulte îisadýlynaig R te'pnbrottier died. Dore tian à Ijird 0forIs )f accomsnodating. U ban a tisid of tise .eunl s whtisI iadunitted tel ortion of Catsada,ýon a Ilitess, fertslity, and, a f se contensplated Raila &hich 'ail cla&sses *1 leir powrer to irge te à , 11 tisat iâ required hx in thse population, andi wportant part of Canadi 13 wealtib and prosperiv Tise situation -of Gài Womaa commaratde witit a tsilde r contro- Site ries b>' nchaniment tise realmas of the seul, -Aâ se glnces ^roundi in a lit hfler »Mile, The unýr an(the pasia ini hushed for a sllsile; "Andl diacrd, tontent ffront liiitir>' eeu R"ceetranceti on the Pi 1 o wisof peae. TUEil RPN COLUN'TY.- ,tonry vnet uutmstirýg at the time. Thse,,Couctiesof Huron and Bi cupy thse greatt portion of tise coast of Lake iron, apart frons th gian Boy. Tisé Counties bave cast,. ie had i t said i sea'c about oe u I*C4 miles. Tise I? dering thse La!iàtdi Vub l two i»f la no ' So guod'Li father bacis. Il erally sandy', ai*'lsas, doubtless àt late pericmi. bea irasied usp by U or tii. laite - hmreceded. , Titis case ail nlong the laite shore.-'1 parts thse banV is eon4pffof ci pregeba t OCkyappearanoe, thse cl so iri» as te reItir the batik peopa Tise batik of ,Lake Htàroa nM tbose-of ther lawe-, lakes, Ltso>t for many miles tislakc bas evideîJ ded-s--everal banka exwmg.ut; ' plac e te eget*iaC16 th li >ate eb rosrt'nghamtt - émmtiOot e* n We are anti n nousacing tise Ii ing. Ste iwu IL in tise iower Q- ly 1 1 ý

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