Ontario Reporter, 22 May 1852, p. 4

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foma ft. lu cola too, ni tWim inthe Mid- Suoucu SHa.-Ia Betbnoe, oe Tbsruday May 13, 9t..oorof. Faet4e le a t tbe bremt of Josepb Creamer, a yogmaswbo sedubied is daugiter, and two weeks ico imried another lady.- Orne bail ehatteresi the stock of -à revolver mu tie breme pociet of Mr. Cremer, tise town talk for Soim Mftlss, gatt* rencon- tre bas bean eoeray auticipated. tOwfUl.-We haie te tulce 9a free À correspondent of the Albany Regidter &W»othtie going off or thia article, at wnt4*n rom Minnesota, sya: It,'s a sin'- 4~M rates. Dove'a i, prefei'uod. gistar tact that the ordhsary bts and song. s p tlmuty, prmcipelly 1in thse sters so common in od settlementel andi ai- 's r se thse hoey lice, unknowra lere before, lU IA ïo .ui.-i.Ïhe arrivai of a large nin-! bave migrateti bitter with civiized sen.-1 ipcr ut c:iraatits» ithese finit gem of 1'hie Jodla». ey that-tse reUIcs»aes follow tise !w, ias cauteti a decideti asvaice.-1 in bis wake aloo. Be titat ne it May, whille l1 iï titt ot b bcealymoaunged, il paa tlsey are nianeroisa furtiser down the Misis 1o"~~tateemtso le a sap'itheyhavenot yet madie theirdebut gs'et esnrity, uumstise duty on foreîgu into ths locallitY. In tise reighbOrhOOd <Of piotatM .bIme1sêee4 atik, Rapide, however, sonie have been kil/ Baitit.-8eaeamdy »Y in the mariet, led, wbere, it is said! they were never seen oae ltiose of tise watcblmen on tbeir 4lone- tilrecently. Il pn"W~ easot accouat for this, w-it o giag te tbe - 'vont,"and for tint; we hav'at tuse.' Fiii.-Piou are rakir "aty.- U go&@ .p-eetber River.- NEW MaTS!- E Ai i.. the mostb"--Sardimarue ,uinpot 'E mbaiansof Wbitby -and neigh- aupy ut raunot bl ien4. Oysterb dtqttesbIrbr bourboot are ,nformeisih bule liasnow to hWas to* Azuxgleo.cun (%ee(particmlarly titi> lively. tainiag *Il the, Niew t~ste £wl i5le AUcÇU ______ _____andti AJCAM MA Al$O,It TUE Caà.,;xa or Lîrz.-Amoig thse e le brate4 Kosgiith I{atq I lçtdoveloped bly tise meent nfow uniucb frot iedoant. dnO ii1t'Ç tlernsa, are oine ini relation te thse law(ï-tbat 1 (bi Hat EOimposuni vite çeatea assOt- goverp» Mie and deatis. Tley are biiid !ment in Canada. j o HxS &1,T. arc s um flh rom» thet tato of Maryland, J - oVIAv. 4'àméipariaon witb preions oses- I' 5>,Allt,15. f21m. ~2" 8inlastareborsn i"sfaim. day - anti eater upqjslifo simufrbssooasyê (3JI' N TI ~7 2* ivior ~aeI4s aaiverary a- ro1 Pur- ym bu te roprtonofdet seiicondw îcrcy ort payable by m o 7U1 hat tse rOpItJB edealssahîone- DON~ALD) mcF.4DDE.Nt or bear, for the nui cf <lffeas sgo "ttcisat et thse end of thse third £GIl 1. ., dated Auocsr 25th, 1851, due the ool S8;83,or abcut 1our4iftlsn cf tie crî_- lShhday ofFebruary, 1852. as 1 bave 1101 receiv- : A legîbcutar, sirvivr. Buut durmng thse J d valse sribhe salo».. A cL[CL. rt'iù h -SPDbem-toacqiire Jn 5 1852. 434. tao",*iesigtb, andth ieisusber cf. deathaP .- iser u n Endorseent on the a ck cf ràPôdIY1ýdeercase%. it goee 4n decresing c01Ib o ice, 1<Cds114_.d uhei"21. ibe csomesncatt f maturity andl thse wriud of iss;ise,.î ivaltb, î70134 en- M OI'W ter u ;os. ti' i ataea 4and i"sonsibilities FreFrir£ Sq rrau fr'je ...-tuu-1ieid« ai tise s>rigmal àii it. attnaeiliinned. î ELEEaàoiitz G tuGTus iiai soraai thoseS hlmUOho Vnenit.. ias .î 'tj , i~are lefi. Anîd BOj sisalehiue nse-retfrequeitly. Every Y-ael thtseve îtiou o it v ne oil thousa sr- vlgm 1k"Lti,>rt4 fc%'live -on te h eIÏW.ftW oeatus, sud t tise uge of ome, Iuadiet and ut the sinia ha entied ; the1 1»L an iis d&ad.-'&,iosr .~a uusizn %lit1L.A Dr. C. ltajue 'vab rrntliyarrestWe t clarksîivîl. 7tenn., os e cisaige cf-bigoy.- h appcart ie -beeme acquaintet i vb a gentlem n s Louvlle,~~a~ aliewalkiag 'vit i binm t4 busa hamet aisotiier sua, alaci le aocosIesi somseat reuglsly, andi demandait a erulemesst of a c" bs le bati 8<5 at hlm. 'riaIwu*acooepled.wie ,and tise ium passti " ver to limin ntist pre-ere cfrlis newly Ew madie ecquaiqtsuce, pfope'rty estinsated t au im.0mNureiato sJbaMauiagathi, cr lt lie wortl $80,N9Q. fie afterwurda accin es»-I .5AW¶, gosesdss m f5l "m,, &M M peaned bls (riendtoteCincinnatit, ases-e hej w1a.Pl w»as ltroduced ly limIo» e liï -co»nxnfZOl, z4 dosômw IMS UetA aud insasaort tuse. U.yaeewooed antiwon o # x Ysi. oa ou, i3Sds-z. B 0 ailYb bis fieud» ster. They acre Marrieti, anti Sn oace tse mist day__Raya. roceiveoet sa4d»o, r mese.ag dempoitb, i liag bis presence on ore of nous. PaWI YiNe oa awc ros iat Bits4 buss iýoutbcraplMidoma. ,orrowmng aî ~a o ueead wn131-ud Blda, lare SM rmChQblhlaBisM4pmîxHsal4.cramacs. o lare uaso(om uMis brotber-in-taw, »cuu<ett m miesvswuhsee«= he dcpated, aýI biswife inpledge cf lis o< tngjns.Ja acska4»Mos, u.&&b< ke returus. $ (JU T IM MOIION A» YI&UD1 On lis wny seuit, lacmadtie cacquasot- GIJPIWIEUMIý auce of-tise dasigiter o c à c ebntaa %et'i411 b" stý 0O*bshls*0 'n1515' veowl b wu, rrq»ç,.4 a=sap, and w pom m*4ie, m emv«knthowem, o ps'oeeed to NewrIW ,Ore»ï,atwheàplceit a pripo.ednthe eu sla:%= alu 4*& I Wb"Usll ]bu0M «G55b Careuosy ul as ire Pae f .. Ie le ».te ci Z=. qwe~ bs s ouas( at î>aabsars-led alu, a0îrr s& i.rs.e~ i. s.~.. ~ na ing asî scerta- 'esU m swese i aeor.tri lonnuevâses. tWN111 0 I m olaàI&«f atreets.- DRESt.UAKI NC@ TEMnes. Lostee returs tianks to LadieS of Wbitby.anud vieiaity, W tbUs patiroaçp 1he7 bave isereltorp rocaivet, artle; mo Mnos tes(bat bl*y bave Ki SOVED 40 tbe bouse Ta. DomeaBohulheitIsbe coumIcaI Bildings, BIctIStreetWhltby. -Wlem thaey httotesrit attsiutkm to Y. oider tbatthey aylse ored aitb. CWas ude ai juhrd, &Il s tfMhIUInerdogue. -, Ie .UI&thNG ln tise LÀteitstylas of Fiblesn, 'itis ehepasas ant desplatch, Wbisîby, A4psl 1, 1852, 513-M STORE TO RENT. TJl Rent inthe Town of Whitby for one, 'or a terni or vea", the Buling Iately occu- fàed by R. E. Pm;y, "ud used as a general dtore. Thie pretiséé beang ila tboroogb repaît, location, favourablc, uansi tby thse 0c'nty Town of the Dew Counity,oSaupro nemnt to1those- întedin topure amercantile butiness. intonan; Wp JOHN. £ AM $PERUT. Whitby St!> April 1852. the ý :eis g r a wab ordy be uiae 10,000 Gopls -of the MAINFE LIQUOÏÏ LAW, slsowing bality to the P-ROVI'NCE 0-F CANADA. Liberal asvangetnenU will b1* mat. WiiI> Bok- selenti eer s-eendlyIn Canada P-sât andi West wh wii peu«f'ward tiseir ardmr to Wes, hp.PFRRY &kDORNýAN, whstby, 12111A prii lm 82.1- Son of Tcmperane, North .1mmrwat, >lamil 10o, siCdiai, Nfap.roMail, Kinptoa Whif andi Proesciat Tqrapslswill pleése insert tbref. lie. ONTARIO CtAIN PUMP FACTORY8 TiH E Sulascribers arc Muuaiufatcttitiig anal contantly kaep an band CHRAINPUlUFS aih reauhe for puting mb WZLLs. 'he te hia Pump atihetthespesi.and mimaI duoiabie Pump in the IWorhsl there is no duffrulty emnneds with thom-rao reezins up, but always rudsy. Dy tursi1 e cranhu, uy chOisi eight yetis oit. can ptampwiitu eue. N.B.-The Pumps and Chauin# are al msnef'ac- tureal by experiencet workmeu dirr'i frontte larceat Chain Pump Faetory in lb. taste et New York. Tte abovo Pumpi are preferresi to ail ot- et#, teberever they bave licî tried. Any pesan 'viasang to pirhase, 'vaîldo. Woulta Cali ai the- Factory aisa eeon.e inop"tmo. RAY. 5& McKEBCIIER. Galr(nizcdl Pump Chains, WVholesal and Ret ail. 7Wlsiby Vifllae, April 8, 1852. b2-1tf Domwi. IMANUFACUY Cast Steel ERoseandi Hay Forks. IO'Q SALE, 100 .dez. Cast Steel L ic and Hay Forka, madie frornt Nyaoî's boit Cast S:eexlrely for thse usrb. 'oreonto, lune 7tr Is5. - Sheridaut, late of CAttroilA,À bavin4 prtret ilthe,81ewery in ibis Vit- LAO,, orwseiy owret ls CuAs. Ci.sAxu. ansi birei s ais hrkeauas Brewor,,.bas Ws oIt1JOHN D. POSTER, tiseonue undividet bell of said Brewery, eudt bis day tiken naid si etr inmo P'aitneribip. Thserefoiîa, lise Tirs» of Sheridan 6 Pster. boin; deirous of Eztending their Business, shey 'viiiapure '> rostin ho ie preparaion of theirC Ulceir, 10 ako it daservin; tIse ish IgeseeM by ,bas es-v eetsm sola, *ansius prepare totepay iigis- est prie itCulsW fomo delivereu at their Breîcery. Ailo0111t proffiptly attendm tûl. Asisne T. à%IEIDAN, J . .) OSTER. Witty, 201h Fol,.1, 1852. 46-tf. ONTARIOflOJSE, (LATE RAYS.) Tl P, Sabilmeris ave leasithe above Pregtaacs, TanA are now prepaigl t in asuperior stylefor aceomutodat o otIsa Publie, by a i rove- niants in. thsa fitting ndsjisa ulr*: AIsé. h en- la'ç=sbaasihmpunvemestasbsutie Sualiug se- Imms P io._. ORSU1or Ua£ve onhUAd tLÀ *~1 men'a Bsown lJohllaud Csssts, Do Check't do Do lllack Alpaca do Do Rossei Uord do Do Priaeu<do do DO ,Canta Twere.do Do Brout Clotb do Do Cassîmere do Bcy'u lice.»llollasid do De Chseck'd do do Do, Malsin tdo Do Tweed. du Do Broud Clotb do Do 'Ruseli ('Wddo Man'a Blachu <lotIs YomI, Do Blacku Satin do Do Fansty $alin do Do, Hollaaid do Do Fancy do Do Veiiet (lu Do Mîrfeils do Do Baratheu do ,Nlen'a Ciorli Capm, IJuv'a do ' If 44 fi if do à 0 44 0 4 4 1j 50 5 0 12 6 17 6 304 4 4 12 26 1101-2 Boy's VFan"y Veste, Do S11k do: Do doin 5 Do Clous do DO 'Twee e do 10 caaairnere do Ylen's Moleshuin Trousers, Du Linen Dril do No Check'd sdo Do Cordiroy do Do Satinett do Da Caaa'îmem'es do Dio Buçkiskisu do Do Doeskin doa Boyle Drill do lia Check'd do Oo N> lolokiii, do Do Cànada Twecsts- do Da Cairîee do Do Tweede du- IWhite Shîlt, Lin.'n Fiants, î tr led o'o Mie Flanriel Shirts, jUnder Shirt. andi Duawer, di id -4- di id 46 61 id di 'di Mlen's Paris Satin Hats, Black and Drab. New style Bu;ine*s Contxq, in ail1 Matertis. DRY GOODS. 3ts*ain DeLa'snes, yard widse, from 0 10 1-2 Fac ry(>nton, iot t Prints, fast eolors do do 4" 0 71-2 WIVit i ) 3h ~ Heavy î;ingitanî. du do 0 I7 1-2 Striposl Siînga;,0s s splendid Bonnet Riblions, " 0O7 1-2 (7otiari Warp, '1 4 stîraw Bonsnet§, 1 i3 .aitdhn'a'Siays, 4 1Edginga,, Artificial Fhowers, . , CipFtrnts, Nfitiiina. Nette, Shot, Ciseckud, andi Plain Alpacas, Coliars, Sika, %tins, &c.1 Table Lînenas, QuaoliCsnerpanestre-. .obu1 ,DeLaines, Iles Tins. and iTowels, - Frinige,î.Girnspi, Trimring.a, Craps' andt Materiahs for Mourrinq.j a-eDrsss Infants' Robes, Capd and Frock Bodues.,SuShu Warp Alpaas. t-qi .3-1 ~ .1Yo Second Price. BURIGESS & LEISTIMAN, cornerr3f King 4 Citu rch it'ccsjoungtues- tIlous, D -ARt)W ARE Urig 44t, KING S~TRiEET, TORONTO. '" E i u os i IIJY FIE îîbsribr bee toinftm h. ~ ie ate and nlacksmibfoplattely Trle occupai.! b f. ît.bis Customera thieireceivilg bis , ,location if orll rcaryn na lly varions Vesela (rom sea, via s-Lord (;#orge ao n estrpriin# meschànic, Ben.ticlc, Anne (troppe', St. Ansre'v. Niagara, J. H. PERRY. e'asisoinei Zepisyr, antd aeverai otisers ilrom Liver- I Wt No181. pw auss Lensi;a nd inalwasisw [ av uomte assotîs< ievy saii blfi lad.I mar red lu Sle at roas hcw alsy in COMMERCIAL HOTELi le Tae VILLAGE- 0P BORLIA Tornt. ay22a1 T. HAWORTH,. WIIEAT1 WHEAT1! T HI Stbnber wilt pay the, ige st pria. n j.Cath for 20000 Buahols of Good FAL. WlIEAT, delivered i PORTr WHl'TBY Hf arbor, on- or lefore bIhe 10.ib day 0f O cijiber nexi. ' 1' lHe hsa alsoprepas-et W AK *tar »ict oen -Wheit, Fier andi Liaber, consienet la New york or Montreal. cAhufor any juantiiy or IXARLET andi (ATS. JAMES WALLACE. wbitby, 21st Auçue, 1851. - 19-tf. TO 0LET,. IN thseTowb cf WI#î'rjY, the Renie sud Office, for tise has thiee yeais occuspiet iy H. J. M.acmor:u., Esq.. Attorney, &ea., 1mai.- tiately opposite tisa usesieno f. hse laie Peter Perry. Esq. Apply w 1P.. W. Clark, WID., (if ýby loUer pre- NOTICE,_ mindeW tesL 10#e et Slnd, 'S and~A OONSIIMPTIO IDOIiDT NGLECT Il'. CONSUMPTION Of dame, by thuscnly ecîtaha remety. , = ~l 1>e JUSNSCUEMICAL EXTRÂCT OrfuiI 0F' -CHEpRY A.")LITN<GWORT, 'x ant no hmet la ever beibro been dtucoverat tisai ~ ~ ~ ~ ÇY 'vi etml yphyies CUIRE CONSUMPTION. îy, &C, Xc Thse mt trongly marked anti dos'eoped casesofthse aise' of Pulinonary Consuimption, 'viero thse lungu bave t o hmvil W-o'niedisaad aIaceraod andi th#-euae so ut- C4Ui-to5 terly bopeleas, las 1 hava been poneed by Plsiians andfriends,to bepes4il oaubilityot Acul recovery, and at timeà lhouti t ebc dying, bas Acut been cured hy tisis tvooderful remedyand are now leen isuiei ai 'velI arit iearty 'as ever. It is a componnd of On aaPPel meslieationa alsicb ara peeuliaary adaptedto 0andsiem essenfially necessary for tise cure-of lr-u COLTGJI'S ..1V7CONSUMPTION. Wraiiper, -lis operatton is milt, yet efficacioua; it loosons Oaiy .48 the phhegm shjc~h creates so mach d.fllculty, e- Hieves uh.r cnçisandsissitnavire te expel rom the syolem al diseaset matter hy expectoration. producang a debi"tiul chsange. in tise breathin; ansd Comd-or ritest, andi liis, sftar thse very b.at mesurai men ed w cue and, ib. .rnntipgo' knA and aorrowine' friends .... . Ito -ufor tise ibertil IStlrport lie lins recci- cet since be com -eicrd m-atise oldi Sýantl, (for. rneorly k#-pt by Mr, IIUN'XER). at ('RANDLE'S CORINERS, ainsi hopes uy sinhct aitesstios ins bisi- tns'as to lue <acosei witis a s'ostinuance'#)lthse pa- I onage hitsentIo confarresi. Tto Bar is turnisIsatwitb be bstl'mntors. and tanaIle.-roc (100- be Choic NG.zie ii t thecol'assmptiive sfferler. pled TilousA?4DS 07 CoN<sUMIPTIVE pfil perasona bave been dfeceivot repeaotedlly in buyinv hla sedicines whiich were saidtdahin ifallibas curesl. but whieh have 1sroved ontly palhialives#, but thiss nedisëlîis ihghanot only a peal ive butastre foriu-D ccradd fnirs.fit conitains no deletericuu Drus. cb and one>trial willprove ýts atonishhi effiracy be- mer ter tian ariy assertions or ceriicates in curin; con i'imlli i n and, ail diius of the lsitia, stuei as Spltting of bIoasL. Cou hia, pain in ttse sidea nd ' AbouÏperfon1 edl by #uas mesicine, ftrom ume of thse firut Dortors, Ce~krgyaien andi Merchanta, have bien sent us for bhis ns:shicin, but tise'publication of them lookgs g', ton miach like Qssackery. [aili show Item tosany gen -persan caiiu at out ofhlcej Tiss medicute 'vijlne$ apeau for itse!fand enougl inaits own faunswlere- ýM nier hia ltiied,ha Causstion.-This Medicine is puit aupin s largetise liottio, amd yau mua i(nsi the namneof Consstsck 4pe Jk'dlar, l'roprîclors, New York. on thse splendid tise .4 rapper aroun th ie boitle.AIli ordons muas he addiesse e 10 stock 4rlIrotIser, No. 5, John St., NeW York, 1 bai Itememnbr and neyer buy it unless you fiLs tise bis name an the wrapper. 1 CA T 1ON. i ofwne<f a arneosCoussre t h#- ts of CHE,Ïlir If LUNGWIORI, and tise JUNO CJORDIL anîd CILT FOUNDER C. OIN'MENTuidRING BONE CUR.E, offer- e', for Sale at tise Dr'i., Store. and remnnber antd gsever liîease ariels in IVhilbyg, )61y of %Vii. Lento ,at bu Dry Gondà store, and avoid tise count- th, tenii as you wc.ald P10oi. 11 ce tl Tô _O týi&rs of and Deabérâ in JIorses. 1 ý CARLTON'S FOUNDER OINT- th M FINT, For bte cure ai Fottuider. Split 1lool, loof-bound a Iloïsts, and icontracted ansi Feverlas Feet, Woends ,flruises i,the Pleiih, Galed l acks. Cracsked Rela.di scnt'its-ý!Cnu K s& Cr., on Rosses. Cati,-Fîud tise namne of J. Citrll*n Cona- agoo.w wra pper,or nover boy tYazltonle licra., CAR.bQN'~RJNG-3ONECURE. r For lhe core of Rimg-fiose, Blond Spavin, Bosse Spa-iuii Windlsl, ansi Sphsus-a- certain remedy, a CARLTO-N'S CONDITION POW- Il »ERS FOR HOJ0PISES AND CATTLE,.h Tihe chsanges o.' weaiiser and seea, wilh tIse icbaÛslgesf u sse anti <ced, bave a ver y peut éffeat ~ tiposi 1Iho blond sotisainuons fluitisof herme. it ù F ýai tisasse ehnttges blsyu'cqairo5eassistant Io naturef te ltrow off ariysihaorîteroi the.rfliids of tbeboatl -1- -,6.- - ULLJ rh i n t t to w rnneon MR KIL et, Il *il id it s 1 inury I TRî i Oui efil as e tar P. S.-Carriintedjanfbe cos th*ê Boat, DRY GOODS, fljroccries, & Hardware, Whôleuale & " 5Retait, ut Tofoste pticess, will ha ouata Geo. Welfasre Cash Store. commeii Buildings, Whuîtby Village. W hitby, Juuse 5tI185 1. 8 ti. PROCRERD ACROCKERY!! BYteCrate or otheritsise jtust te- 13cicet direct from t tIe M usalactunrers at .,A & col ai te the poor m 1 Faix a AU perwno ovef g IN CANADA WEST. WI{OLESALE AND RETAILà ~J aenow reeeived ouv completeeassortmnent of Nzw Svnîwor & SumugI Goons, TV bie, poniopection, or n eaomsis will flot 10 b. comp"of t heNewestanimsFa- onrable gneleilse, and in ugreat variely. Raving been, jelÇctesi witl gréat aste, au i iiPOrtd diret [mom tse lboit Eritisls, Frernei, and Amekn aMrkeâ, by mïsad&eln s, 'e canontîdestly stiit mîîs to the ,nipection of cor cU5t0U 5and4 the.publie, as being thse noit fasioiable, durable, serviceable andehe psttmentof Itsdy-Medý Clothing andi Dry Goods isn Canada West. TaUoriotg, *unal f t# Branches, expcnted rwith -Tastee NOURiNG IUIskIlE» N 9Tu.ý8SKOITEBT NOTIGE. READY-MADE OnP. LOTHINC 1

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