Ontario Reporter, 15 May 1852, p. 2

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PACIIFIC (X)AST. Il, roflictOt y fpayors; tbe min T'~rn~ W4o doe grealer Seri ts, h -tb keep ào.pi * tlite'bead or uti m aftt talia reful sintl sbpdotarrlveti wiutb 300 pamweei P by ZxCnssSOre,S B. Casitu, LU. ',' wsed Ly El!eoa? rZi èrke and bu Plenty ai biD«eltqalsa pu fr *Water. 4cisebas 1 eles. a sufibidaaey of GOdden Gatet is juâl mr for Neivrk-r Cos*iaÂx, whom vo c mierciaut of San1 th. e icdugmens or tee, spasseaugers, aly sa air epeting tu b if(otlwrrà Light eppi r taii purpose. The lp CQ!DP3fsy. bave at udestitlte pas erm tiS. INl>ac - ïa rai reeo hes mfly âgern orÀaieCol VLANoe BILL,Es- ansd nigbt in çarlu obw~i bl Il Ms W.hale adice~s rom -l4uaIulg tIo the the.r ~ que*- l3îh, and Loai bto thel9th cf 'Mareb, -2 " FiPti diP- wliielgive us additiosiai aocouat* ot.ea , and Io many ing thie laie raeaie ruptios nýau a 1 !r on board, for Lma, which were received in a Molouiatê the Paiage Intihe2d *1 Mardi. The Po4svresian saup »P ý 9çfini A*By in tau> ateu - uuaxmetuof the. Io polit V'~enormouis jet orirlowmag lave, Wlveu'.it iret It et011 hebçoke féi on ptle sideaof ÀM'airnuL«, it t fr A PaP gewas aacertained tur ho500 (<ut il'bi Ts '*uiu>it@10waanathe SUIpCPouion thet itwu, 80 anee arer )'-ilasufbatant. W. are of the. opinilon thmat rifleM11ir wa agreater dibançe, say from 40 to 'bd &Ul )Mud% JO 60miles. ViIhia-glass, the play oaiIbis rts tIe i. /tig 'jet, ai sigisi, wus4istinictly observvd, aid a ioSB - fo moe'y mor sublime it can scarely be Jin . an>d fitteul out ithemot intense bliet, and proJectea ioJ bus bee> livre ileIi.air to a di.stanc. of 506 feet, wu aa icamentsthe lb. *Htt50rare, and ai thse ram-ine iiso aw- en &à l'adl $ào -uly grand as, to excite the ivo.At ively feei- 5 lt5mer, an inp of awe.aud admiration, ieven' us, lrty. viewed ai a distance of 40 or 5,0 utiles,.- Kme>can. bark Thes. diAsnetor of this jet is supposed 1to be aien8enui111thse over a tsundred fect! In some-plaçes thig er raiahthe river in a mile wide, and in ailier noee cou- oter f ýc racteti. At some points, il lias flied up othr tbavrsravines of 100, 2O0 ati,30.ti indepth ; t is ratilr.T l dandi stIlUs fiaing-ou. h etrathnvy rrim sisêuld tuf. forest, andth, e wa t ait of centuries am ig ons ibis Coast - Cui down liofor! it, ie te grps befor. tise vre, as public Mowerot-~cythle!No abstaclie au arreit )argrah cn-it in its progresotathesa eli. Nunda oi i téfittc6I> uinncovredover-ravincaare, flled up-(ores lie purchase of are. destroyed, andthie lhabitations oaf man 1iw.M au!, are consumeti1k ligaz in tlie furnace.- - ~ ~ rrulyt "le toueletis the ilebUis and-ltley Ï'.s(erday irom s moke." We baie val yet hicard of uuiy rn. Titis sLip de$tluctiol, of lif. (rom [lle erop¶.bon nowin l L5( Co., progre».. A rumeur bias reacicti us ist S- Consul, %is aat native ,village bais beeîn de.str7edbut ACIIussoN, of Of titis wre >Iaie o autieutie snteligence. rf proii4ioltsor ,rwo> vensels liaçi saed. fromIn ilo, bathi buy mare iriti (zledt ltiscir utrnost capacily with people ror inter. wbo de-sireti to irituesa ibis g'reat eruption. ut in bere Yse!- The erurtiqn secins 10 bave liroken otn ~~ ~~i~&Y1~~5 a Liouaasd filiure, buaethidd. provisions. ties ai of laua oa, on t b, noth.-*es< t ini i#It600 sidit, anti sot fronstiste cld Crater~oPb Arnong thlesun1 e cniialie4 Mocqueweowveo. The. Alti- tor, andi ié, îudu o te a en cti. i li> b ouo,00 nu know as au> fect abcsve these Jvel of tise -sea, and lram Vraneisco, anti. the' ay of Ililo, .<$yroii'à hay)ms i fli Viilaceboille or 60) in Ifilt succecded ini * rcalaingLiseocea i tli te point -uppoàeti, of fle Nortil-liteîr Iiavirsg .ûllcd Up the ravisica, gulclsea,j about 150 or anti incqualities-f a verv broken country, be taken u ai ill iiundoubt*ely bie eof (lie. moat ex- Sr, onui er i' nï'tensive eruptionfs aifutdern limes. cPacifie Mail s4 of tise Nvrt ilies bave isea Fouir Young ladirs Ililtd irar 'irempuut e by Lin v.ry - inpeny lSrcr- .bnrnal Office, V'tîon -anti lic liai, l'uîay Morning, May 7th185I~2. >gforth Li kk Jt b!colncs otir mi»LmelandiIYl 7t tis .ePort, 1 iave and Ilwart-rending, f ai rad aniaccidents, àm accoujli ivîli htDok pae ncar Ilivreeptnt ialbr, bercu ciizn. iaIlabot aiglit a'ekek lasit eening. !ufùe it t aIt ttppearstta i *anpanlyer iur ytr- cie al ieoCts N~on--tivo narred sain iitb "their wtve", AAPULCOr. by ibe liuropg, and lie iyaurr g aates--f ti)emscivc; lby nevnn Manor ta 'Sandiy Cretk, ufter, ni- hey suPP~of'-d, train for tise tiuy hmd P nis- nbeut lf a mile,i tîirnîoa ncurvreiu lie voi isy n locoaniotîve asuitc backing up. iroi tise Creý Tise siortunal.e occupant isat but a inoment'is train ment «ervedi only te parA ftear. * One of tise nen se tise ofiser biqiufe and uit dliés, andi sprang irons the Four yitre on0ui 11wcar w lise ugou, byl rkeus 55, -And f urthwr #uppticsof. Euays froai the.Lond4on 2Y.s7 Jolirfy through Tatar7y ,Thtibet andl Cina, by The, Maiden endMàarrirol Lita or Mary Powell. Tb I udge--Raibrotl. MuipTirey-Leirer. tk« whboutt*snme-James.> Tth Fat..-Jaim. Conques ciCanada-Warbuwtons. le X4AGAZINU~ for 31AY justret!eIved by 45, Yonge Stree. Tocante, Aptil, 29, 1852. MONE Y 's POWER. IF 111ECompaniy or. the Wirrjy WOOL- A. z*M F*çToiti ares#titi inthe ield; and reéidy Io execute »Il t&rs-ln ibeir tint r buaiugoro the ahrbest notic. 1vr de oemei ry, and their establishment halvinçg&one throsig,h a thoroui, îespoir, thcy .ollcit a ebare of publi *111 wiechtoge CIDllb for Wooi on tes- 'M a act H~ Lisi of Pnces. SatUineit,,Wsp irsduded, Ij 101-2 Ylancel, -do. tdo. 1 0 TIweed, do. do.,-1 ý Fuit Cloub, 2 0O Wooi Varding, pet pI*md, O 2 1 2 Spinuirig, do. 7 2 Otber work don. in proortion. Oliawa Woa i Grding and CIC ilDfessingii ho astied on by tfr*ebpve Ficm., il C. BOWERMAN & CO. Whilby, M'Y 12Z, 1852. - -r. 9XT)EXS1VR AKD J>1PRTAN"f SALE. «AT THE #TORES or A# -va BROWN & .CO., On THUEIýIAT, May thc 2flh. 327îÂLF-CH1ESTS YOUagIly son Ten, pt bil Jeaa n.cnwrOn- .50'e is wakay, do.> do do, 100 callies Y Il kL Gnpowder, 131 boxe S 'a Tobacen, (Jonea') 40 Il Momebay'sfforSv&%wt ~u$iaetGIau ,8 0 masnd Oranges, ýqround aou nground) on, id Elepitant Ofl, LIt" inbite sud boxes) SUI, 0W, vr Tise 510eanu 59 tàl Wlboxel 13 bli!. 2tiür a,. COIJJTT COUNC,41L. On Mondayt-lait, pursuant tta &djostrn1, west,-thie Proyàmaal Consieil of Ontaro- m tataIthe Free Chr inre h ie b il ,,but, for Mant ofa iquorum Coulddo uothie groua tisan arder the publication of th è-y-Law au tilorisisg thieloin aif£M 00-for thse1 erection of public 1luittiings, 'uýiich wil ap-' pear ln aur neit isue. On, tie Mandayc previous, Ît ivill be rememibereti, tisa, Couns-: cil met'aceortiing tiste Executive Pro- clamiation, and iniitic usisàl, legal manner or- ganizred 9theC<iundy of Ontuzio, by tise appointunent ai tise, proper offle rs, andi the p"gs gruresarution tu, raise thse itints fore crée tiag Cousuty Buildiings' &ke; but bl d 1o adjouru so* us ta procced I ta m ,e u l. Uri- I ted Couïties Couiscil in Torontao ontise oexil ay. liera tise isole of eu, "centra-t !izing'e' influsences ai Tarantoe ire set Ita work, aide.! by a couple of traitors tutise interestsioIbs tl'ouaty,- ta hiuitfor a imne,c until ire arc Lirougbuly flcccedi y lie se- ni«.thé imëdate epartior.oftise-junti-L or Couay. ý Ths they uccoe d a ingi luy persuadiing thee iveak minded Mr. Micis-c eIll-wuo, before lcavirsg 1Wbitliy maslmo;st aniiotis L.o bave tie By-Lais above alluilet lu pamseti, anti' otber business transaceti ibc- fore leavins (or Toronto, and-,misWhon eoe tnglsly indîgnant ai Mr. Gibbi for -asking for an adjoutrnment..oi lie ivil, Co'si- ncil ini 'de lerence Lb thinIlsealthofý-one cm, Mr. GîIbba-to àigu> a documeënt in coùnce- ien wiUi Lise sai M r. Gibibs anti five others,f widrawlng tise#14eives froitise Cacl il1 tisey bai but just orpanized, and aitin u>Connec-, ï dion mih tiseunicipsal body linuiuicb îiey ha siar u, 0serve tudr vosstitucnln, ti,: endeavoriug to rentier, on tiseir oui> respon-1 Sibities, our mu nicipal instituxtilon., in mmicl me irere iront tu, boast, a Mueo nullity,_ a uselet a mte or législation anid-a lassghwlgf stock te lie irorli. lBut tbose: retractory1 dupes of thc designing gentleman of Qaa. -wa and. Toronto miii findte t ieir oairaid- vidual c", IasWeili as, we mere borry tosoy, thse C9a oi'thse Coýsnty, tiat <bey cannet tIns traniple on tiose Iaivt witb iinpunity or trille mils tise intereuts of lise peuple, and tisa altbiougli a " catiai Lise bows" cannaI bring thens (ron their bomes. in lthe ubtady or a saraan--t--rn, ifneeti be, yet a iritîai NMandamau% (ro.mthe éQieer's Besch wmli un- doubtcdly a4quaint.tbem tbat tbey arc a Tes- poosible bodiy subjecita a gtencral lai of the pro<Vînc.4', -- W, e bave longcecased iowever, ta Le asten-, islied nt anytlùng ,, Sr. Mîcisal ai Pickeriug 1 voulti do.,He is a periect obEyii politieal stabiity-a içeisie tibsue ofiglaring iaconsis- cice". Ihi the Cauneil,ibut a mère m't'spîne- eti latin quofalion, vulgarly thirus<t imb a plin Eang* Suc -a driv isg abbler of th iewl l easies ai Miusciug Las. and~ Wapping, and notising more. Ue creptout~ of ila acreti word of bauios, ta tiose 'vhg lappointed hin Ree e, that b. -v;ouiId , not1 oppose tise appropriation; - oe b ifm we i 1have no more te say; but we arce aitàulsbe-d> jthat sensible mea like Boureieir,. SprèuIc,ý Most - Mpor-ý thse law ipn t as will lie inicîpal Law, 16, as amen- asc.dl 'Wus e res iton, laid efôire Ti luiit a lu%; %VUU.YPr UÇ ýrcflizs owing- January election. otlkcer of su<b Jroçisoual Muuicipd.Coun- Atinoa0etinms cdl-for thse tins. being shuli ihave a second ~l uleya et- or cast nu- vote on sucb. question." This usove ai foriin à -co ai leust, ik bona niy or aur -otber lais, lDaigonRecad cannot lieeontruedtmo mays, but 's Plain PctiMioning tise OENN andi unquestionable. Noiras ta tish f)gOiaa ieCtmt ar vte ai thé t Wsrdeu. Mr. Gould *as, n- r , scrrctienm illructed ily bis Townshsip la use is influence iuiasta.edttts andi make every erertioa fer an immediate se- ; - paratios asnd gave lis vote as the represe n . Sel i-t, tâltve ai thse Townuship un couipliance with tax-)Iayers iere ou f th tiseir wi5lics. 'tben when it devoivetid >osn m.tsi ws1 i bimt gile the.eating vote as Wartien,1 need of obtalnisg the conseus misics, me,..ask, ivude tehie mos" exîra- irlicit is Ouronl locality t] ordinary and uusuo proceeding" l u vote itise beriefit. Andi, ms if to n as inssiructd by tise Townshsip Couneitanastiiteey atill greater, a subsucr in accordanee ultis lhi,oms viewgs or'voie ane tively raisedti iduce, yeu ira, as thse Ieeve 01 Uisndge, and directly UOVE1INM,%E NT 10 pro'e opposite as tise Pravisionai WVarden 1 -1Mil County Toin af tise preent Gouud's iioty iras plain, andti tit duty lie tario. Tic lreatiing of tise sul periormeti irres-peclive ofai tier frienti or fre. lin Substance as fH)s WC bave lQng ansce learnetinot 10 bc sur-."hIrlstisere i15 00*' prise.! ai y îiîisg apearing in teC e t h iat aneir Cotnty mwiiiLe fo tagainsîtiste question of Division andtihei County ofVYork, and miserc pro!§perity et tisis parf tithse. country, aul~jh onyTw u ie~l doubt not but that ltse article allutiedti 1, utSsval rct1icra writtea in the sasue !pirit as tisai midi in- enhansce thse propçrîy in ha flience thetic Cd<»i$t ycarx since,- net te io sî aut oi a puiliisistie aecoutab of publIie ming. blt ad ble andi muchi'islîeforlbi i this %ll-igé, and i nd'tged otherî ins anti arounti Toronto, tb mn hto m se. tisime ilial t mruS t etoiu thi.grass vmoitidgrowin us ise treets o it.f WC whse namnes are herelinta: l>y Village. it'rom tise iostlitil of tise lîrotllw t) Palt - C'danist a-ain-attiis place, il moult e o~te &r.. in aid oi tise c tainly beUezetraorditsary and tu:iual" f iOiinCauuty Building%, Ppaovft toa greeJ miii>an,,y proposition tentiing to adi- I RM1ENT ilanse Oslrau vwice our ànteresls. F-liever, ai one fact Tain ef tis e cu oanty.» ire fet confidnt, ifitil ve r sisoult ibe ices- -ier e 1tiste Sovereign poe sary for Mr. Gould to give anoîlier eaiting 1rvihetiiif lispeopý vote w§ Warden, v cau ,afcy say.li ie miii1)11uise quéslnwai ak er nul apply tb the ColonW t t instrurt lût» $pa>'çrms and Lie Govcrnmen kiom sucb vote sbaulti Le giveni as tihe CO»unty site, tieàn ai Th&e Reeve of Oslîaiwa, sàd susscription iras ta b.e -. tii. -putoe-aul inducémnt bel The New county. 1!1rd o nrut te . v -TIhe practice ai refesving te prlvittê d- teof14" -io-r epayers o viduals >' iai. iisroughh e press'is fasr boap Ytillaer tise iuany- fpressrt genieral, id t i3 ever wutS relaietance ieat- WCneu f'r~md tiss'm~>tc .. ...ifromn. patriotic motiveq, te aap is' uetbrougb ourr cob5uum; -butLdcdu ihis- question, tliink y iri, lte question assnnmes apaNi*C flMufey -N Bl3-FIFTY Lie principle it issueofjnsMic interes*,-aiid sasx'pinlit a the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bad etj s W, l~,pi tise- Wreasurer at ings sboild be tsidoneside,andithfeIidi-- '[biâ h'e---e vidual deait-witiopWy*k1minds. We.~ TWO X'4UNDBED do ar e bd to e rcnaa 6be(ore proceeding #t$b4 byr-the, mav,.4 fpvi ta centrast a fw- tie positions h bethy bb oermn Lie Ileeve ofMsb.Wà. àèdt,. lamt tira Iiin à04baeï WQWIl erhchu reada j1 jý

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