F :ti I iU~A~IO~mNG. t~k:1N »YÂMÇL ', 1j - *y dm4s* iorI~s~s.unectina the, ~" ~p~ oGU MS, FiljÎoesaD t4 9.$:RXtirC Sett. Ma. o L>, priols $;aa., oe t fKîwo1 DIADPATJ 5Z< ) z & Arr., Tà KKIiTYt N<OfWOOD, V:cKiLTI#a., téÈItdýIeof!thée Court of quet BetE, à vea 4r, Deaughutà fl. ~~~h -Ci têourtIloume, Village of M4~î5uSTI~FTownship ofEzhci, C. W.21t *L. .4HMAS; Çqmpi#810iWr fQuecn's Bî For taMn Aýlffidavits. LaAW or -» fi C.01 M OE LL.f WUITBY tILL4GEI, wjlt tve prop attention te ail bincos of his IProfesiion entrusted Io hin). ~~O1Rc@ .po.t h.esiec iP ýt for i ai te hoduiar MARIN THE CEUIERT0 COMSTOCKM)EDLCINES & CHEMÎCAL PUEPARATION, S0 well knovwn in Canada, bave been obameftiily .ounierféited'on1 ddittri1imifd in Ceixta, by ihle vry perseuswho, ov--r tibr owsi oi4ptIuv(UU. bsye à drnited Ihat- Pr., ,ucrus S8. C"a-rocstof N.wYork, isthei.on., Proprittor. Tis~e srtleigare lut-The G(REAT PA4IN EXTMCTOR, - clies crn i Butrmuatuali, UxWrai 2114-JLXK OF COLUIMBA, for Stayiug suad Iestonq the HîuITUUI Hair. 3rd-ff£14'8' IER VB 4r DON£ TIET snd L5(DI4t L fTBNELXR a cure for ail lb.mls5 4bh-MeNJ.IR'S OWLmo ctre-ail Déaf Versons. frh-H.IYS' LINIMENT, a wcii kulown cure --for Ille Pitls, &c. We. 16h-D R. S P 0OHWS SICK HE4DdCJW. 7h-MO7TUERS ' LfglFtfor il Wouien in the Fouily way. sth-L 0N a , l 8 SGREAST Wà ,S.TIRN INDIANp4'CE l.FrClssu fever4h- feeling%- andi prevenhiug fçer.- 2 For Asîbhmia, Livér Complasnt andi Bilions *r~~îos 3. For Diargi,boe, ldij.stion sud 1,088 of.Âppelilc. 1. For Coulîveni» lu ealesnd uale*afld r-vousconiplaiuts. 5. For Stouiaeh affect ion%, DIypepus, ies, Ilheurnatisrrl, kc. The great pont aie, it ioltot batile tahe, aeyer giveo pain, andi ne- vqëJgiylenve necostive. 9tL-DR. BMA TJIOLOMfElrsPII RU for nl Uou1l2s or Cotitumptiofl. .. Kilier') furr hiddrn or growfl pertous. lltbi-MR S. B ROTVN' S 1 GREATJVILNV KELLR.-N m',licfle as hessdisrov,,r- qati i semappiiy nlarti-f Io mie nlrrnallî as srnpa to bc taltenr, and yct periir such woiites %hen appiieti .rzklly ua swai - or bath' by friction. AJithe ReMetiîftare fulliy lescuibeul iunr'smpls eté,t, bb. gbvEn to ail %N 11 il iaI X. IL GEII aDrugr Store. e- pv17irefe t're leoC ON E RA FAMILY D1RiFUTORV E Siowing the R.emettiez which every family ehoal kes'p in thei rboufl, and the man ueluiuo, teg-themi by whleli ait ormtnary Sikeua may bc prevernté ryor s,,eodiy reou>oved, witbouit he expermaeu>l il M Fauily PhylcUWslfand $evere Dangerous Disemi - y fam,,ilsold arlulypresrvehibi#bock t a cor ef e r 19 w h e u a u rn dy aw, t ~ , - f i s v Othie particuleariile indicateti by the coiptaint andi showing wlsere mucii redy muay iilways b Co., '*~ Pia AIL .O,-~ *~W VIfns, WAND ~qAbe% I W-oB -ICWOK'S t. 22IL'4, 1 e,29iaPoasim 'Murite Morph i, Acfate Morba Pl fine, H. GERRIE. Whb,22tud Otci., 1851. 1 JU S T U ,E C S agi - JUDSON'S ChnkItI Extracl o! Cherr 5< Whuîby, 7th Nov., il 831. CARLETON'.';& SPAVJN CR.Oniy Agt in WhitbY.GRBE Dru- Siote. lu Nov., 1851. 3 SCBES CA!¶tIAN ALMANAC FOR J u l R e c e l e s i n si fo r C-le b y F u iVltqj Village. FIHSMINERAL FIRE PROOF PAINT, rr jE I , ST ati IILEMJST article oi Paint for otaside rOneIa auig For Sale 4>y onily I gelttfor Wldlbyf. DESTUFFS.,é ( WOOD, Logwvood, 'Rdwod Masde, ni.,E~rfe ogwoodCutibear, Copperas, Bina Vittiol, &C. t&C., loriSalaelhy JS. H. UUIE, DOct.s Whiby ill2ge *JUS71 RECEIVED T J. H. GKBJLIEsSDnI8 sud fBok Stones ISCHIOOLCRAYTS' AlIME11CAN tuIlar... Tbeir llîstory. condition and.pesPetO, contii- ing T.h<>liug ?Narratives, Datiwgexplhiitâ, tc. &tc.1 illIugratei with Engravingli. Whtbr 24 J Isly, 1951 1.1 YFA VILY BIBLÈS. ITI PLAIW andi ELEGANT Blin;q, for sais jat 111. boettrice..by 3 lA N FS 14. G FR R E, Whitby illage. Juiy U, 1851. RIS 00., MA w 11IÂ~ Wlsite, I Tibeautt hstt as g utt 0 aae, ger Neereltd y Iidoess anvjturn- , dnii Tue iJttle Puper. 1- 'js Thse ea The da), was gloousy and chill. At the Site ba -fredly blWned grave stood a littie delicate berirc gijrl of fire yearx, the onlyy mourner for the andlber, ailent beart beneatit. Fiendlesa, hopeless, goud,à isompless, sise bad wept tilt ase bad not more team tears to sihed],and now she stood witis ber coaxiDn scanty eiothing fluttering in tise, chili wind., routit prsigber fittie hands "tigbtly orer ber someti hautZ , to litill its beautu..cwk les'.no usLe frettig 4*l~i ~e toast, as lic mamped the 13t sisovel fu li Of Ilon IearthOvet' ail the. child had lait te love; ed in ti pity you baln't g « otu . sbip's cousinq som p- of s"rrdi«. Jauun poit d i1d t o hi 4 eier s Y a e y u ; i's atougii r dtus w if e us 1 ey s d oo ing a li b r' nà . e e l lire, 1 tait ya;, 1 dort't se. bow. ye're going tiring to ceat. ta weathe it. Guess i711te ye round to Never forget i, Betsey,' saiti ho;<hrsb Mies Fatlîerbee'si;; abes got~ a power of wods ain*t for he motherics. M God1 chltirea id mants a hand to belp, ber, so forge$ me, if ah.e erer beari one téyêrny cone along. lf )-ou cry enuugh ta fioat liP4.'-Olire Bratcis. lte ark if iion't do you no good."1 Allie obeyed hM niechanically,' turning ber head AdyiMturei; f W W3rtUSII gPUJIpt every few uinutes ttattke nother look- SLP îITO SLVVY IN TUEitiVXED wi r er.bler stoter ly buritd. - S  1. The Mosrning sun shone in upon an under- gouud kitchen l ithe crpwded city. _*Ms's. Front 14ue fondPn2 È'?l4I, Jlt23. eFatbrbeî-, attireil in agy colors'd calico dregoi, mils ay quantitrof tinisel jewlry, At the Thamés polie> olile onea day lst st sewiug sanme sbowy coton lae ona w p, llim iIutonec pi uedto thse cteap pocitet liandcrcliief, -A. boy Of fira If15m stuftbat lie, a reebprn Britiss.Sitb- years w"a disputing witbalittk g ici of tbrea et, lad! beau sold intié slavery ly .a- sen, abopt au apple ; from ica F ýorir tliay isad epi in,-rtit wbom ,lie b dli -fed a s s a coma te bard bloirs pe c asi mly -teWitId tfor W g&*s..- He, exibit e re e- declared ut tbe prie. Qf,aa orange a pieca. guter tca~ sà ~Ui"!b'488 aiasikof eandy-apcb cornbatnt"ipstt- and stateil t' as à a Ois 'ý ibrlter in tià g in "9 for th e b ig e ,ast . th e y u l 1 0 ,O l à iI fatb er ,, -- 't i e b ! S an P>o~r AU e, mii s*ili k ï asd sro1 r o ning a nd bis m obeW %Uaniivll n c1 11 l d~ * u eje Ih w as sag i~ ~sd 4i taAsu hrenyal~ *nà t~i i floor aider hhêgwelgu4 o.,a. mtsLrrpi ~ 2Wr~ 4 Oak, baby, wbo iraisassumiui haslf 1 al.a t lverpool, as sewurter 446$2i tr oist lige ont at inavl 11e handsful o f bar The captain's nate wgJ's*èb mC har. On the ariv4Obf.ihi t NcW ýOxjeffl 'Quiet titat cild ! ca't ye V' eai MM i the vessel wsMua» çpi 4l Fetiterie, iu no very gente to<e. tI don't bim on bornduil od himto*a-Atwiiem W Vonder the taring i. cross fo sec scisa .Sc, by hmnbe Wia tkin-Wi éW pe alled lerun face.- fou must get a litlé lif. luto Tnicupo, in St. IMattba# ebiiith' m-iee he you souiebow, or you mo't estru the saIt <o rei ied in' ",#~~ 7*'wheisa jour porride bere. Thene, 1 declare, lie fougid Means te ouaaeitk.w you've ligi put bits oye nout mitil tliose.lông yer. 1fis owuer, isavnkg1è5Ied thI&niea- euis dangling round i cornehere, and have .iurea were ibout t e4i 4Q illbr 'cm cnt off; tliey don't look proper for a tii fifWl! r~ ~'kOA. Ia dg"tY eulM;1 (antse ie8Ineed at thie shbreNew Orleans, 'ibea isà #i9q à stubby eiropon tise beats of th'e litti, IFe- Surgct, Chsarles L1 ] oji't e 0' thrb b. imand sold-hum o aOu thcrbe's L pquivered, assaise said,' J'<o$,ber Jiesiry 13é*dar i, a oed <o *Iovèto brùsh tsn otia "a kîîîd o uli h 111, OaiJ moung;bce aU they wereilike litt edLèd did not keep Ilizu"eweùiqfe rb eire's kae o't'sidle ascbigl.threatatiig to 21aa t BJut J.tell jott1 K O,legse;î te eut's, fle wasunext brW4st,9P 1 n th ns an eud o!f ÙW 4",said -âbe. ns tue irislabe, wbo Jet;*,bwItalt '& WCO "Weà it