Ontario Reporter, 8 May 1852, p. 3

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on laws~ utw- A ÀpmWWioij 444qucuned the w.ayt-h 4lÇ---iO.- laa m r he<wmîi i, ïî 0owd Ih6 ný or me. Ab, yod -bave 1lu~>o ksl im 'atO7tel è M j be(pre g diO ",teto - 1, 1 have sx tbousandê~~5s~Up four. 4*mediM 4, IL Q tbo boule of, su as a tokeb of( wy1igh Fi won, b, t41CIO on%# -01oi. l dm4 t4 &IIW u UTM* tnt ance of br" lae W&*r T NG P toast ~~~~~ ~~9 <eq.gre4eqadT ÀiGT MGC, 1 orqyktne I -" ' flv re lEp.oi ithc FaithfIni. b Wl',.le in charge tao o0<tic Wsnevolent captain, Mxico Whil I an bliee 4 s i eunestin Iý--y sugli a utmm the.engine, as tbey mik"Uyor "f s e l coptfident wèv irotW froxeu to deaïh. '1ýthSwy-ere * I" ..~otgthe 199" eatüo f four Swijls, whàô; luaving bM' en ceived ininsanetiA C dati&~lcis aat* P- refesnuw go4sK*4,e>~;Mark their county h 0ther.tant. A commercial crisetthea ini tbm-?UefWe vowaJsmv. art»never bc king, çuliste~ i m téiNeaip<i1itarmy, bu t a eaCu l~ s.iWt~ % wegini the oum o- @t emby es iocedand humbled scy rving under sch ampico contiues unmbated. TicAmbmu- p if l'e aold cwd fer Huron.'In- a brutal despot, deraerted tho arhny, adm dorsofran t i ntsinStae, u a i dca deed, b. vill mver p t Quebfe if bis re,- having been arrested, lad- been condemned lsî,adteUie Stsh drc£ t cat £ s bo newe aoconplishd.- four ye is tei gaileys of Naples. . ie ied aremonstrance to the bMczir* Goveti-L 1ment, a i eti ufain of tbe CU31tom P (s &< pi., rll; j is toy assnpnmd rea eoleeed oin mney, Hou"se 1eL1ios of Médèxeo; ariel' madeil dotige, "d ii Mi yare <fnly abe tu yotr and wben arrivei in i Genoa, (bey were for- OWm hin~tetgthe Huron eootituecfiifwarded to.heir frec coantry. isn1o.. t tMatamnoras muh les% taai' j l'e iodto iiMr. Ca ley naeas'1y thse saine V.?'era Cruz andi Tampico. To tis tise Ic- C- way tisati le pui. t i w nbcfir.4 I r4O . sient replied, tisat thse imter aras bero.J, intie bis appearace. amoagt you. -- . Congs, wbose membesu alose bd the' A Wn -Eeetors, rmemiser tbiq, taif y- ous ise eternal city i% a sepuiclîre. Fouir piwr of acenin; thse as. Ini Guân2d'- T cecet (Geor'r Browna, William CayIey, ~Il hutndred- pereonq, oi al eges andti IaI con- ato,->tise propiivty hottiers and traderis have ( lawyer. araSeT b embcir fôr Iluiron Sn four dtsstae ei aiaet uug .ise at been farceil to tan 4$50,000 tte hiesuo- D ssestjromn tisitdate. Tis âs1 tie mnan. week of carnival. 1 beliere 1ti tseCar- ridies. At tIle capital.J., Mý. rPrera, .F. ing of theise nentMr. Cayley couti diml* andi Poie, pumsing a de-spotijoi atit in, 1 , &M b aïe -'eca seu-l Dot lit, retturned, lthe astiencey ail! liewil biiniiab ffont bine ail he-rpopulon, tenceti ho ticatti, andiNM. t, spnosa lta six SI kem t re, snd befm-e e "athave an o, andth ie city' of Urutiss tri!! Iecomraa va« years'impribearmcnt, for tic amW'asnation,0f potsi> 0 esginMr. Cern iit onafr Itia'n se raa ociIM. orge. A ccutract bien eu- bave found anotirer catleeat ir- inenlse cantonnlcnt. for io;eign sodiers, terci mto by thse'KIngcrf hBelgim nsd the % Cayley ail l herfiiv reoer. M 13 Ioaraandiasass u riiorin.--The Princeofa;IMexitan Go ramneuteo tasorûg1it from i ileais rînsbli,-«ThsCt) .'n,), c of iLoue Napolkon, mand ttousanhl Belgiansin tathse nter*or fM i-i sthe Utc am%" e at o r Prim4deih0of Ile lawe 17o unaf sambrcol, abere tise>'are-to receive lans r s ( c Brown blisoultbc e'ointrument tarugh et oCi arbcha fon lere bcne- tie on, or work for Messcun n nhoierS, iis L aattenspiei î edHis risIolitness of bi iitention oainil- on ce rtain ;tîlulateld'conditions. 'lote Maicotin Cameron isý a meMsber ai lime 'l'las asnî ise Prince o-ai niuoLe- isan ten thoasandtime~ons tiare trqà cor.- garersmrnt. Ilic bm infiacmcc ; if you ing imiter lime :sntcateo fdeatis,, as a Ire- peilci to fieta otiier States, in conseqonne r dorýlt himtnisai influsence ail! to sole uitawosld ncat gta oletitisut a ai thse inroad,% of saage%, andth ie forat oft tvat, lbe etertcil for tise b2sefit. af lsrait. ii5= Ust1frai» 1bsi papal Gareruimo it, anti grain tn plant, (hi Ithe 31111,(.Wmjut - Ifol lroutrt George B.Mcg Mi' a?1n; lie wass refuset peiision'to enter tihe etÉr- aras vi"ited b' an eartisquake, alsicis, it w: s : talé kyosr eemlrond~rr line drrz-ima civ. 'aia X. 1 oid the Frenchn tien- appreliende 1,uastbrbeneert'itp jeraî-Geraua, "wlien Ca ,ocsuet jaGad aa. 0 '4~I~ L -l onie, 1W itti ave and "seck Aitswiun- pro- Th Mrmnn - Tihe ]UuronaElection. - ctiozm.*" Bust notaithaianding thse pemi..TC @nua - pictgeson imetire reiusiof the IPope, Canino dij rLm C> 4 I tte srw Vitl qestonof ivi an rctgîus ibirty ýad uit tnnonatct*t'by îlsç papal police.-a licls saru, e mly deirerei b>' Ile-,Me1r- anti bis standing in tise cabie, 1,1d a tierp 'risc peo;ni4e say îitmîthe liai>' Fser il% Pon ('oreinorigbans --Yoiin ,w(o thée interest touihécoming cotesi. Mooai>' ns mre timmn a.prisoner ai France.- Qans -lmVUyo t Sl ae c in elusîcisantistate yl put fortts its powrer '1'lse a sit ai Canisma wax crtaitmiy a îreat vernas- <ung' appears tu W a a ve r>'setmtàle asr cee of its anceet svug'i5,anti if tis--thumiliaionî for tise snirtsinate Pins iJX., mi i tî'i ecîîetspoctr rerdct-mnndcrcd b>'thse tir 'e cotinies hast landi a.ei'cre rt-btike !o tise bait prrtm'ntioms sîu'îîçnm a ra an niiiitie I)essmuber bsiali ttc ontiranettIli:% moiii, tiat(a Ill ie ('artin:Js. Caralinni Castrarane lci4aiaont in Waaîofng tm ai a tuvrit> . peatcable triumph aili l'e issledt irouvImomt i eti in PRaine,*ah a m'es'>' aid a , Ictva,- ewbiRrf ti fall ben ie saaof a nti >eakse 11 Canadaatiheglorieia labinger efittnre knan as an in!strs'ict ofai riatysanny ia i iEorl ai me a.,iai ..sstiring vitorims.Thmeletu of fe-elitil ant aiser the. irath oai Gre"gory. V .,lie ao'î silsibi'teil by tfis l, Irtoiards fla1c reforsaswas a canidte forftie papAl É ; tit'îrm aý. thj lime >urmu f -.ztL akesrb acptalc couse cau be faaily estssnatcii b>' referrence iieiated.-Cur. 7JJCS taîn al argem:>' ai I"t joke nThcapabe cf tn tihe beîîaiug b. iei extrada Ifran ils issue - - -suîianaia'eppiltn.Tocr- oA Irl 27uh. D AU 0 el E y *tion o! A statî- house,vith thie fîimis ur- Wcrgre-t ta teirn tisthîle Govc -runseni rm jnin f:ss.tesheiia n'shed l'y ise Geeriti (ovarnmcnt. rsmTheaLondoneadenr ta-aives t'naartbv triek liait ar.»dvbe n cormnenced ah Fit- te oruretie r-eeeton0< fr I~aiolmI ascinutinr description a of bsnythe nso.'tr ( i Y. 1'!e )OMons h14bepviu la (~mascs'u Cr tie Couty of uron . asnrv ain tiseCoasit ai Aic a,1liis tise IpraLýsize i[e pirela-ie of lmmica cisitren, as- 'tue wrt fer a scaelection precealed I r. ir'l aepnn rseeti>' îaken fitn- -d1lsVVs, ac orlin; tutahie MeNican custom, Causcroîs aaweek A sdd Is'is rtcta : mite ac Gceîr.or bati rr' isiliteii it, anss - seul bac f~er lxfue ,4 . llie great intentate ai tise district in toraI h lo lait! cantiimet tise practice acre t'o Leo wsafore n. 'iscquesin s u airethietine(ru, %tri catis arretedti ndtiastriai.Tseoenortmnu ment bae iceamate ais îrihm 1 'lainself Giiezo, Kngof»alaansq. A Illte ldtlciiliren mauy b.cieneftted h>' Mr.s t steale saaar i noa bsoentinS.-1sr w '0 ahave ket n. Il iva'uid aase nimons on certain terwii, reqirisng amiequira- * , n Cre>. o, ano biciiintsa ~mt ttlya~s v, acae alci inti faloe.' tisir suspport anad education 1~niusadant suliaseiial eletin aî4~tha'acboil it ng d e t T-aoakse nmclslf uet li n d sicnetb n>tigil' t n rikhabau iave!! sete il. hti I in s hl S55trîr, a-icn 0Tirosa ie cudut sta.in hire lac gus's'sc pamstise baov f Aboi-ne>'. 'slaYctrafi in tIse terito-y. lis idpas ou tna~ allr ai; eu .1ibos patn>' ataest- li irfonznt,ýd a roar tahls fetisNis by ibis question are Isainane mimd asle.- vrin allier lime Metoftb,,paiê lty n,11 *, ; o<pnfthe beiiy ci' thse captuwed pinc 'l'lie c acmitmnt3o*niti-e ormons aere ex- kive deli',ged, but usosi d'serçdite n aand! placiug tIhe naieti cerpse santentie mthieesal i ,asl oe0 t.e *t Liberal tGovernment. And abait are M4itU, of bis icwalsaie, ahiiet>'Wa% e vernahe isellians acre lemid vesy trouble- tise~tetar cfluiaiste my a at lasill tecalled , Datiomey 'or 4Dai aBell>.' scuse.No sevezc inacsureà"reeenu- O~I t/e ,'ik u s<ww, a "%'Ilesice tise kinioin baa eceivedi-the saie dcii, but en te osiras', il, hàiseldt tislmb- tint u ,-f L4ns e slec aofaiDaboane>', Giezo Ie;c*prttet -ings of masse trcatint, andtiheicproibition -of in -.çluato D»ai,*% kîy lasbru a aae, wLa the liquon>tramic amosg <bleau, ulI eud*r, iu'tsprocredin- jcalculate t onesiore a- ain CuUtiiI-ti'e treats of ail tise aeaken sei value of jinoperty osu te territor>' bot U~ sipi7on i rieReosms ~, ti(ftiilles aWha,) tie misfortni<ssta lire iisyen aras $l,160,8 80. Tise meue the st.>ins of te easne a tic the viciait>'. CommandesrrForbes, af tise .13 e-as smetiis; avez$26h000. Tise Mes- quesion of isedia' T an is>'fuiUt i nta, matie au escursion. te .ain of 'UÛ s sge as ac'i arittes, bni, andi prews unssa pquestion o h ea Mn.?('asn n neIaitapre-tinken -mnsse, - andti snd imith ie ecetraging vieha'of tise temporal conditiom c'a edi r 'ueo*. iotto . ieanarvI bsiii IDboe'o riatt ssl rebelatrm "t ios.1 el 'ts"1i te:* d o tise lonsesu £tetded Letttr f nom lte aptror of j~-a t , sItesla o siaajata imse of tic strssggte antisCayley ast 1De- pn Ph 0 t la1Illuiott. ,, poo0'iJeaved hsland,'alrot rtiatth cecuner sent tise!nsa geod deliverence. i-.- 1oss af the Younag antibeaaifmsl aie, awism, I- T ino t ime t<s b.e st. 'Te nam-n- TiseClevelandain /4ùs e 4of .ApnlI bc abuaetidobscd, clntusiwitts det&emtlôn inationa taises plarce an Wedncsday tise 121'h I tise 92tb, s>s-etrly papes con- ta tic e pcimn4sd in ie ic, luonig e-: iamtaii-tii ay eekundtis voig tineti Filimoseejleiter t-o tise -$nsperor oa iXtuntécusnmmeicsof ptise psyi- ai, of cours. follouin auaaet ëigl't or inn J aariOuir readers msa>r 'e 'niins toa Ci 5thsaàt aise as 'etil'cd hi t4ays. Lot cicr>' trias ssan, tl'çs, 40 on" ' eau terepi,'. It as as Wtos -tolai im,abat sstleublestrue, lmmtits5Amue- tiataratahsfor 4nratcrAtthe su : s t am 7 ed&s .inJapmal he tcM9s9 timmestlo7isvy >nel atruggtfo r eucationt teait-rseàtaxa Higï,IS liOhYea of thse Great'led~ o~ys*i tio-olir civil, anid religion' igaIt-a-Ind ~ TeDaua*dis as k i reoadwrefor-the sýtlas-zatioa o st ell'r' 0rroro U .pù i,, r, isted, and ict wi auok itbsgal Laur-per b1»,bs 7 Ptto-,20 Vb pekblà.ul'., 3"3 tà 3 6 iri. erbïb.4àý --6 t2 9 ie.per busbel,661b$"2 3 -te2 6 aper uswa.8Wbs, 1 i4' to 1 6 ,peb*b "M. bïf- 2 ta 2 6 otaoepebsfel3tte 4 0 0 yni,~ >3 teo f i kei per 100lbs, 20 0(' to 25' 0 'ofIc,'p6, lfObs, 2o' 0 -o -26 3 laon.,per 00lb4, 32 6 o37 [imteMpebo>, 04 te Qf0 nusispernquarter, 2 O ta 4 6 >ork Mrlit, 0 4 teo 0 4ý cnmstiutter, per b, O0I10 ta i1(0 "inkiui Bsiterpcr lb, O 8 teO 0 O beep.lb,: 03 to0 4 lnhprb, o 41 teO 0 54, ýpple, pet busbol, 3 0.-t>) 4 0 : rurkeys,cts, -:3 O ta 4 9 eese,cacei il- 1-6to-2 O luc:ks, per pair, '-te 2 6 dos ul", l ta C 6 ~~ggs,~t 0edzn 1 ,t 54 tmra,prton,,,, 25 0 te 27 6 [a',;enta. 35 lO iê-50O 17u re padier corti, 12',6 t 16 3 ff ook M pelh.1iO te 1 3 lmIepekins,.ýaU tuherd,4 0t)to( 6 [ideS, do per 10l~5 0 t1017 CONSIJIMPTIO-NI! - ývery body knasns lu a tratera; dusease. Il <'an- arasces aqd pro.sTreal se insisliqusly, tint breons me a# as-mare ai il, ihe Ilun;s arc a Umss of ifcins, aen a idden exI1ostii' re r csn-eriomes t focala, sid'îe% an us/S ,mmatioa,.tnd -in a Cea tisys of week,,-s i. s ai'l, l ish :. ie so f ha*t>' Cos.wp- Ïoa.- For ail tr*îilla t " côîigl or luis; cous' ,lainiwe min-aId rete:tla the a.lvertiasemetst on tIse itoilemoli i p*~peral Judln'. Cieacl Fxinci >r"s Cherry aind Lfigrsei ," mihich i s ilal to be a girtan cure #or tisas atvtui l dàeàs. ofuta A l ie aboie asamsrI artiles art wuIdonly kI a mntaerk & Brotiier, 9 lolmnet., New Yor k. to aial aiders mmii lie dtfretrd. MUNCWLIT OF REACH. fIT.AT-roma tise Wsasineeliet af for tus year ecfitis;31st Da'c, 185, 'lsesing the Reeeiptssl isusameua inn aI petiod. ai Wel 1% flacliambliliE's due lo aisd-by lise I'awn-, liîm on the 'saidsi 3st [Secembor, pro-pareil and lo ithed ina arroidatire v'iilî Su514:1f#& 1-5 h ',NcL cltap. 1109, sc. 1'il.1 a'i hfronts ix'l hat, Tosnisis (c)!lccîc: oaa acotant> Mi 102 Ofaiecyu'asasu.î dei. n.. ancouait af bock ~12Si s 44i.tnsti on aatiuti 14 tlux du,- las: year, " 'oânex les-kil disrinst mhe o for gtam'el solai dutillg -the 0 O3 " iom Ithe «Caurty Treai urer> uns Acusatl a a- 34 14 fi 'rotai reccipt* Jirir "lise ycar, 558 4 4 Balance las ih.. Treasuliie' 2 3? 7 hissai. aisthse 2st Dee.,585el, s2 67- 'Ttals amt, -£582 0-111-2 Tise ÇCirk'st bitl fgr..st diks, 1 bok taxoesaluaiuaois 'a> 19 15 10> Taratel, &C. - 1) Tonlall, iisament,In.zr Ta fisÇrniture, li. in26 Cainlyreaure, . 150 10 41-2 on- a ouai tf oliis, 9 8 4 lSPMc cihShooýl lax, 33 4 101_2 $al'aies andapercewia;clteolllclsî 26 O4 Taiai jayamemasiasnin< is e yms, 517 4 7 Buaalsce duae by tl, Ise reamuus et an 61 16 4 1.-2 Jaceliaw, TOarnshi Celleeftore 56 17 5 a n aç<eon t aksxs, ConnlyT.eaisulet on acaun t(ai- 1 pa'asteai'l, Nlon.re*a'ukst a 64 6 9 for le-31, Airears retuisd tnr 185t 'y tise 'iiruipCol- lecter, vsanfêsa -Y bIl", s 'h a 2 5_31.2 tsasmiiited te lac caunly Trea- assici for caulker- han, 187 16 2 £2t13 -7 36 MMcftIatv(Grey <ittot-, M. per anti other Gne i otisl ipe9n. lie 'voild dito alt ýarticuau atitete lis STOCK 0F CLOIIS Comnsinginpýa*vqf 2'weeds, Doe-skfrus and annela acre al ituporbeil ts.pring &M aiUll'e osalI evnely ce. Ilssdwsrt & Crocery Iis i>' coe ,ssWl ilibe ecl at piers.to e( G~EORGE I Netumnisg tiank%-te the . sry lait-alpatronag e libs No.2,Csza Wirn'wr andi jus-rau [ER t URlIstaIicii Dam$ 6000$, 8NAVILsi$1LX81 MNS, VWWEBSLAME, ROSIERY9 G6WVI, Siraw Bonnetgg, Palrasols,. >C Ail cf alcis lie s dattevmiaacsl testell at lhis =alea possîle payinit piofitl'or Cai. D. C ividdeaupart icular attention <o 500 pieces J)&Laines ai Wlaiby, Ap"îl 20, 15.*2sif TOWN F WHJT&V.Yo W~I$lIto iern ts er Cusmatens adt is intiabitamts of tise New dCouat7 of OitaiiO, tiat tbeylsavejost reccarci perstest-o'CMBAa UtiiBUOMOIIXtO S!IAY&TiCA asmolmcit af Ladies' Piti S, Capes. 'Tie extetfie pals 'anreaw Or apxk!sisil W. e au msure eur fift Andti trs COFFI Te ItoberI Dasal els fur buildinr tise Tou 1832, wIerada Weil, aWhe lots ' Co

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