Ontario Reporter, 8 May 1852, p. 2

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y. thel ~ au 1 am. reck until r,0 "in nius Myj iagf imi of ùd coeieup, iects corsWeod ltai Lanrtedfor lnnd, Ililes off. 1 was in nm, as the. shore wax rau 60 Iigi,ltha n trying te land.- tock to lte water froin 1iug U"or pre-,euce of m isdî and try- isig le lake imoney urit s lint, and from net toilg off "r. tout#. 'riere uus no, tàeu4 gc tapaddIç box bjmats dovrti, and grëÏ ùuý nS mik hvb.Ne ees saved, - b w>ehe» kýwent dowa was 20 minutns,- Wlsen I landed f lomimd an odilcer cf lb. 12(b L..çex,,swbo kat4,.uam off uiti a ~r~s~r# nd 1. men, urne had gel on 'w~~ts wod lkemyself. W. uralkou up the. qouInhry luils um belong- img ta aiis$tleo iry ofthe Dra- gout n ,wew# eyli4te us,-sud alith mene laI urere gei oa ssore came up Io hisn. I hope tie G'over-nment i rl make up our lois ho us, as î have suret! nothing Neiford, of tl i(ti, the ena-ign I spoko of ai bavi g ls wrue on board riti iliisp, urct dpw;Lii, poorthbing, wsif u euue the rhp sailosi for Buffin i Mouti; I bave uot bees l e ecir, ntd Aie ooka more iJtâa l "salie, lefi ail alose ai Ibis dis- tance frets homej-; but ure !,hall do-ail re tan o le b.of service 1o ber. licre le a: -report tluat suany bave been kiDcd inî the Amaiola Mountinls, and. or poon Dector - urs kiled &mre litho timie back. God grant liai we ina,'. ail.lie spared Io mecl again. Ever ,'our atleutionrute sent V JANK (I1R O. ThO Cqustest for the I'resldency. The. interest in lie Pçcesidental conle.*f asmog pur soiilbors is iiicreiLing. 'State, * cs*es, assemblies, Congreis, ar-e uaking aides frthe . hoiceo 'f uiuae v er,'mor'e as *àitched[and 'onnnenteut uponD, ever,' strar throw uSp tb show tie direction of ic uritd, is obierrod ah an indication of tic nain's fate., 'Webster and Cas ansd Ilouston 4a" all vsîtid N'ew Yerk, the headquanlers cf agÎtatiosad sow CeGemeaIScott bas talcen l1*wy Iberr, and ini.sail tobeb.exceedingly '11w Te~gisliamt geuletmis lein faet ursgl thse PrevÀdential mnarket. IBe bas I"nJfrfly aies up iy lise fnee-snil urIi - iuatte. libat euactilg. s violent Irec 16e ma, andi Whoe rould Il ùs -veny ài lie Scott e old steries 'g ils mas,' 1setting le algr General ar ad w.rri- auiet! lu lie nowledge of ai 'Scott ble. Oliièian, nos icf P'resitlent ecure au un- r.alIy-nothi tl, pin. If w. eventually puai tour ludson frontier eastward, i4 will ries 1* the verge of tb. Chinese Epr. But before ibis is accomplisbed, millions of lires must bc sacrnfied. The. )urrnese Empire may b., dissolred, but thé cliniate will assuredly punisbcOr te.merity, "if we PUAI Our conquesta mbinb.heunknown regions of flurmah,Sinm, end Co)Chin-Cisins. Tile othier subject t10 whicb. we have altuded is osç ýf wMd-widt Istere*--lie effeet of lthe d dscovictiqs of CaiiIornia anAht ralia. Ir. V. Se beer, ajocrtbani borc, bus atidres-w sdan in tcresting leter toMr T. B3aring,. o.. n Iis veq .question. After an ela- borate elucidation of the whole subject, h. arrives et the conclusion, ' titai by the end of the preïent centur", lb. population ot the civiliz.d world will most- Ilkely b. dotibled, and will b. four limies what il was ait. he - Cing. Gret Britain wult coulais 60,-, )0 .lodon jiwards of fljOOO0OO soulâ. Whê production cf commnodities *11 have enorMously inceasod; so wiWIJie dé- mand for precioui-mtuiais. An annual sup- ply of £5,00),000 util probably lie foinnid nol 10 have any of thceteets now appre. lsendéd. Mr. tHcieer Iben aguaietgreal le thbat no preseul' or probable suppîy cf -the precieus metals, is likely to degreas. tlteir pùrcbswmg povrer, or to efeclt the general rang.ef primesini an upwar direc- tion. Indeed thb.%iriter plawnly intimâates liat priswill still falle by the esormou1si increaseof productive powers-sîiinulated b4y lb. increase of ti . eius mètal, adding, howevcr, Ibat iith rae smpom 1i b general and steady rtlin theb.iseresi of mnoney, blecause lenders %vouli ezxpect a prie- nium, of insurance, as it wiere heyond the rate cbarged for the use of ther mesiey, 10 cempensale hein for- tihe us of purchasili1 powver inIbo11 inelev± between tic Joan and repaymeni. We are told thstl 1Cr. would b. pleut), of borrowers, btts edr~ Public tuds would cease to b. a farourite inveslment. There womld bce few s'ellers, but plenty cf buycrs of real property.- WINages of labor would advancc-un5killed îwobably before è4killed. At thle end cf the, liiesent century, if wbeni icbcomnefs double i<Ls îric, il wull bc a ri"c of on!y len pence thew - quarter mn. tie'year. sucn are 1Mrý &hcer7b speculationis. (n the oher liand. il i,irrgud, lihaiif the supplies È ont Auu- tralia keep paire with the quiatities ulready .lent front Cati(orsis a very sensbecll will lie prodmced upon lb. msoriy value. of privci(is ina-tiat, by tie increwsd sno- nal value of money, we shal ha conuid.i.bty rcJsee'ed in the payment of lhe national debi, pirecisely ibo s atie way liaI lthe liolders Of goveromnent stock rereived an advaiilage when the batik mesurned cash paymntns-- antha if geM contisuestle.uised as lb. circulating nmedium,, snd beefflch lwie.,4 abonidant as et pres§ent, double lb. quantity will b. re4uirefl le perlons lhe mame fune- tio>nsin circiTa ad t "at4 sêIpswnl,a.& conuseetly prire will vise te lb.e etent of thse increase. Re this as it may, Ains mll îs rivialliing Calirornia in ber rich ' ngyets of gold. Orne of4+bes e igb. 336 ouniees. lThisppart,' urtie ound i t wreeabout le leave Off urorit for dinuter, urien onc of teinslrssck lis pick u a bard stib2tance. ' P% Cgel sorneîling hire,' e exclaimoald, but bis ire- tien rriphiuad, 'Oh11it's onty a bossider.' But oin .prizismg ;t up il. rai fCI-Iumi laiif il w-as a - boulder,' il iras orne cf uusimal reigl4- and t!- liaalne beumsoit!for £1,155. Lau ureek fçun vesses brougmt boute Auxtralmap ba b i gols! btofic value cf £387,000, and anotiuer to bue ir sliipiladaily'expeeteut titi £100,000. The finte;un discovey of Lçold aiOtago, in Neur-Ycluit, Great Sisi noir ofricia,' nepo7ted bo,' le Commission- 1er of Croura Lunds, I a... l'ho newspapens bave .publimlwd a ver,' long Co.ncapcaalence tilici fias paas5euLbc- lu-cen tise At!niralty anal certain pensons, lomaeliisg a ver,' extraonrdin ar tm-ent maide. ie master of a isterchant omc, and iiuposed te tirero me lijiht upên tb. fate of :Sir John Frnusklin'm discaeorn ver- sus-- L-e'rel>us' nnd lernor.' AI- Iihmugl die praleewcrtmy ammiet,' <if tic Ad- sairalyt,' b&-rive ati t cets, lKis led te a rer,' volumrnnous cnrsndn ebyliy Ini a smnailCompas.. Tite. master -cf ilhe itcnovation' Lxas-gne os a voyge te %'ci msl-ze, but frin l t ati-mnt lbc bas madIe sccond lbaud,.andt!hle direct îl*,tefuaut of (~one 0.1 ail 1501f*~M lte addition or tbe aninie rifles jfor 1kiligbirds or deer, wlll emable lb. en- vo e o oais resources mot edlai r to las. l l ayofte previous Lord John Mansera bas tompelled 1b te 'centrattors tO cloxe the Cryial Palace to lie- public, it bang been apparent tiai lhe e.xliition was degenieralisg imb aanierc yul- gar spectacek. As, Messrs. Foi, Bof-nder- bon & Co.e uer. censcieus Iliat lie7 lsad na rili teofpen an exhibition et any kind in ;YiePark, the surpilus receipte Jhave been psid into a bunker, to abide tloi devision of tbe gorernsseu.- If Lord Johin Manuers acte properly, lie wvill attachi tS nc.,' wbs.b bel ongs le the public. 'Mr. Fuller, lie well-known agent, bas bees empioyed by Messrs. Jobston,. Farquhar and Leech, tie Solicitors, te inake ah ciTer of £70,000 te Fiix, H-endersen & Co., for lie palace, imn lie event cfIlier Majesty's government baviti duecined le purcha.se il on the ternis Mifc.,IL ls>iotorious timt tic govern- uietit bave der14ed lb. purcia-%e. Mr. FelWis èlienîs iniendite eopvcrt lie palce into a winter garden, and a, place of general resreaios sud instruction for lie puble.- Not a word j& said about lte condition pre- cedent of, lb.buildinj reniaininr in the IPark. W#ould tib . ermi ttedl W. have-greal doula on lb. subject. lhe Solicitor-(;eneral,,Sir Fitziray Kel- ly, bas been electljwitbout Opposition for Ha1rwicb. Tbere Ï3 a vacancy for Bast Suffolk, in censeqence of thie deinise of Lord flen4Wuilmrn, an triaI Conservativte Peer.- The. papers lilietvile make knowis lb. death cf Dunsany, an Irish representatire pftv, and an uutlinciming advocate ofCitrate prixacipîes. Tic obituary also ineluades h ppar th e Grand Duke Constalr- tise lias reeiedthe Dukede Bordeaut at Neniàce, on hoard a r-Luai nman-of-war, wilh asainte of 21gui. Louis Napoleon le ezcedînglty urolb at tliis, and thme çabioeis of S*ýt.Peter>burg and tbe Elyscc arc now allog- ;gcrheads."ieh.Frenchi coiisultaIVenîLe s tesledl agast l lis explosion of gunpoivdcr tiuici bas causod lhe explosion between tie two courts. Louis N;spolton %vould -,eize (ie Chamtbordl propcrty, as bl bas just deie -the Orkansif lie darcd ;'bc l afirsid of Mis- tria and Rusàa, and depends more on liese despolie powers tiabe docs on the suppoi t ,cf tbe Frencli people. ,There le sonte pro- bahllty of the emipivre' iiug declarcd on the loih or May, on tb. occasion cf a grand ressiew in lb. Champ de MIars. The Or- Jeans properfy ih Dow bigsold. :_ Ef.ecta of Kntemuperamee. A mostmelancbely instance.cf lthefl'Tectrý of istes>"ace ajust Dow corne teoOur notice. lhe wifle of a mn, a habitual dritakard, bas wîtbls lhe last week, Iieeorne ravigg mantac ibrough grief at ber bus- basds ilcouduct. -Aw(fui -Kinéston 0 au v soi C.ardin-and 9 voulut "iso 58the xrenwni in the 4 intioc ,t' ter W<01 fi ýmcii atenion-w ; i cliargel jon cemai their, that 1 ieili4 M ieh t ie pn for $410setha amai ara £Ont. TSiOMAS DOW. Whibh, May 6, 1852. 4-ir. casl over .Counly a DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. lousc,1 NTOICE is bcreb, iven thai lthe Part- C-ouncili ship hrlIr xsm;b«etwn CIIASLî5 but îiey Bhawsuanadi Rozar Bnnixsox, betih cf snd lbavi PmCkenssg,wa# dissolved tiie Iftuay M Se or sole barmo a1peut, ly moule omneit. ldbs-u Or51C iy tmt aiu Fin, w;» Ire dsmbarged by thme ahi dlid tic7 Hubert IIobuxr.îuu.xpensîve CITARLES BRIGNALLmade ln ROBERT ROBINSON. bulig Piel-eling, MRsy11), 1852. - 4-1r11 .uIl -- -years 10 Cnn<tUt W&st - more tii fonnr'oPlupal£~ ~ockJn.rauç tiàbed té ~oi~pau,--4milun. rid cf th n ibe aTingbeen appointed (ier. ail limes, bIe mfsI lhspiyl b rcceiwepplications Of York for Inzurancs.3.BLGK ule> Culutmbns ,201h April, 1852. 4:17, praticn in 1THE- REPORTER. ritratio Yorkc, P W1lITBY, SATUJtDAY, eMiv 8, I1832 of these delny lm C)îving 10 tise leof our report cf tie refuns a! debateis lu. ie Provissional, Côuncil ire are tard,' "u obligcd fr defer several edilorial articles any shbad! liii aur sext. 'lIte proceeig torpoeed L 1111out cit 't'c prceeipioeroti of (la gel Council si be found sufficiently initeesticf te, ou reraiers; partîcularl,' so whîlime,' Mr. bave à, tsuntpi ady resulîculin, lie crown- Gbi,' ing <f the efforts cf tie people for tlite imt six lIhe <le'st f. r n or sevcu yca r'ili completel succes.- Tie niembens: of lime Couneil deserve gm-cal credit for tic bn4;ness-like muanner in whici lie>rappleti wili erer,' sujeCiandi nill ver,' eMientl,' wonk lavmeniously te- gelber for the intýeLotcf tic rudle Cosint,' lîrreafier, tnn ie hepreýideno,' of udlà ai- entet! Wandcu, J. (.Gouit! Esq. Il uras a vroil meritet! t4but e te lthe abilities of tlime genleran i te ëplacing of, lut lantte War- densip, lie bas dîitimmusied birnacîf for busýines5 andi talc-nt imi thcestimation cf crer,' eue wie altendedth ie Ceuncil on Mondar OINTAULIO COVNTY COIYNCIL. of sentim, Towiis b. ivoull up Ile1 CounI,'1 hia noi tconidere Cotunt,' theu coa't tILles. £M hr coult! b,' a Tie penl been cir Ain, o( imrmoveris t1ie n ouby the imme- PDOW, ;a ýr County buildi.ngs, and eag Wb3lat rould we avail Wr re stave'offi te net wogk (or ow b" n~prepared 10 bc '§uPnri ofl cf orontolbThe bock fl ot o4l erecting a Court lalwy at dverse inlereâts lo Ibis tliaiNI essîr burvied on in the. -becO an sutceii.,nbut i ursaa urcei ô v a bite -01ul of us firsi, and the re separnie lie sooner %vilI we gel mese delits cf licir contractin.- > Mm, opposition boere, now, will Iing adionai power 10 the effortx Tcet Pe10ta Lke fron U.S tae c rrtbing. Wceaunnot stavoeA4l'. 5Ke- 4deflnitcly. Itwvili ullimrnaieycorne; xtelaim cau wc hiave berenfler ,by, su or otierise on lie County cf!t for refundinsg cmr equitable share! econheniplated assessinenîs if %lce! e icus-1 Cau ne c sk tien toi share of a tax-t lI we have voluin-f ibmitted 10 t Certaini,' Dot itut low cf justice on our *ide, Lot usJ tieu aI once snd place osirseires out er, andi not remain -nst lIe fütrr f ork andi Peel. (Çlseers.) bhicbAl movcd %!seonded by AIr. '1mai no appropriation bc mde unhil! lion bc referred ho a direct vote cf -parers cf (lie Çounty. lee snid people -ou-lit to give ai expreý«S:oa ncul on lie question. SItould li f ip bc in favour of lie appropriation Jnot oppose it.l. M. (eld làmold.- bîig-bear cf tax-tion, but the old- neyer taxet! us iîîîîroperly, arid lie proof liai tlie,' evor tivomls. 1le the tixcpenue -of buiilding envr buildiîngs 'svcsd bc a1,00 nd o f iasern eitaino 3,000; but notwitbstandine Ibi.- if sec how Nte tere te bc.e briefited araration, liei ioUNitnot oppose it. alie dld net svantil, peliulonx baid -ulalet!, but havir uere lthey signedl? is li a proper tinte ln involve lm- lu ieavy expeuditures, tiiei erer, produce las 50leur, auld tih epleC sb,ed. Otber CCesis said Pmnsuaut le thc procl 'amation cf the Ex- tic,' coun eculire Govomrinent, thse Provi!>icual Coun- roaIs.1 cril of Ibis Coimiy met-la the 'Town of' it ras w Whitby, oms Monda,' the 3rd of 'May' luit., ouru mont mien ,%nr.»oiclmer, cf .Georgius, took lime in l«horot chair, andal aler ealliug lie Coumicil bo orde r am or and axestainiezf tisaItlie Reeves and Depu- [e oifi. ty R eeves of ai the loirnibmps iere prescut, -sion. Cil rails the. oreption cfdth e erve cf Pieker- eut since in-, M ;Io .u4-4--et.qbe proclamation .o%,anizin-the Provisil ac ating on Cuneil, and bis CommIssion, aecordssg t malter o Statute,lfrom lie Sberiff cf lieniieutCous- risb.d lt tics of York, Ontario sud Peel, appointing tises tii. ht Cliairnias -of tic sahal Proi-iostal Cou- eM-for 'd cil, wicu il ras and lie1 Moreal b,'Mr. Bowe, and seconded by,12 d tlise Mr. obinson-T iat Joseph G;oul4ý Esq.,Mr of Uxhrislge, be Warden cf tihe Coünily cf tu beit Ountaro, which was carried. - - sas b Mr. <Jould tiieretipen teck the-csl$ pro- self intro4 3erihet! b,' 1w, uit! bis seat l in hecini-.- ofies-Item H. tianked lthe Canil iin man anroaavmm*n as chas 'but bc lias, self bc. imad M'vr. iDryden asai, Ibat si tie Cr'imninal cases of the Co, to TForonto, and tierefore if of liai expense rere bot aîneunt- would l>c but 1ritlir lie. estimates of ,Mr, ibs. man mhuit Le fondt of exagj Drydeon spoke at consider b--,«vea--fiai Mr. Gibbss ol appropriation aroe more fi ment IbSu an,'tbipg ei.", fôr knie %vell tint sieuld ani loriot! in one year for ereetii il would niel excccd a penny Nlt. IMichell ro:se b ulefie cy froni lie foui aýsprsions c&ul upea h b,' Mr. Goul ai leiicd tist lie ras influencei tivels cititer wben Ime oppost àidvocated a division. 13e polluions linlPickering, but ece, could not get ton aigu( Mr. Gouît! wskcd lte ti lies te canva-s1etic consistes cd, le toila Lsonee tin than tihe cousis monts. and! be rel Our M-n» tica urould at ionlcus tic ions, ree ad bui, w miss 1 rientis Brulti, May TE E MW AND - maw atid 1 1 .1--, 1 ý , , ý ý . 1

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