Ontario Reporter, 8 May 1852, p. 1

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IUI31LgSD EEY 8ÂTURDÂy MoRNING.~ TIW-IHILL1401 Prit ANNU*-mzç qADVACZE. am' saMan* a"AtImA& oteah VOL, 8# - W IJJTBYY CANADA W-E I - ArICrid.1 1Oeta u rWsen fild Ptcor fPTiot, peFfm (me to -n ePeiré sen. and incoer SW.ta.> Oo 'idfv. lit. 1831. 0.1 GMIIUAW n M9a14 , &A Ti, Tels:? Coîjsz Des&sx, Nvctvto4, AND Accououmnsy, NORWOOD, pczotrpta. New ,Oef. 25th, 185. 28i NOTÂRY PUBLIC, Cm*iultpreofuthe ucourt of quee's Bncb, (Joewyancer, Drar&ghtman, £SSUrkR OF XMARIAC#E LîCtNSIýS AXI> ACCOIJNTANT.- Office neer -the Court lioûse, 'i1age, of MàANCIIsTzi, Towinhip <f2ttf L C. THOMAS? cONVEYÂýNcEf Comminioneor A e1W Bnc Fe aking àAffdavila. BRtOOKLIN. *1&w orricin go J. MAÇPOtELLU A#tfraoy and @oua.Ur-t.sw SOL[C ITUR-IK-C 1A?<Ckfy, k C.. &C, &C. WVHJTBY VILL4GE, - AN%APA WSD»T, WJill ive gn, vi atrentlongo alil buoine» ofIs rfsion enUusted Io bise. t-r'0Eiee ppo.ti. the rTUidesiîce clPelet Ferry, EAq. Nartràsuad Attoroy at LSW - B OCK.SriE1T, WIHITBY. -IN URANCE GFFICE4. JM3WALLACE bgs to intîmate that, ho hua huaisappoirteAgent for the and that he IÈ pvepared to talce riaki at the' ordinsry mt, inIlltie M#TtIxL. PSOudI1EAIY &Ml loranezeo(eaid C*pmy Whitby, Ilu Sepicisibmi181. 21 -IL WORKMAN BROTHERS & Go No. ý6, Ring--Street Toroatoî L. IL SCHOFIELD * Cu, IMPORTER$ 0F EKITISE MADNUTÂG'TUfESO WVMtby Villae, lune, 1850. CARLETON LYNDE£, WI!OLE-SALE AND IUTAIL DIALU lil TKA8,TOBAICOS, ICE, WEL B AIINGS61. ke. e * ÂUFACTUURER OF-SOLE, bIFFER, AND HARNES LEATHER, &c. &ýaah paid for Hides andi Skins, Wkeat, -Ouia,Pots and! Pearl 'dshrs. Whitby Vuilage, 7b June, 1850. - 8 fdtaae80o1 consigaumcns uof Asboi Io T HP, Subsci4er J al. I mk T11DVAN'ES N MHj* idPO N Port L.A W I AlEt. LYEK Wilîie- 7-e LM______________ JAMES K. BERRI! -BEG to rtur hîý sinerethanks to bis liberaI support thsey hâveýafforded hisasintiuaes hlak IsbUissetbod of ivforminir thern that el 150w ?eceeving Irons -?V WYORK .IYD MONIRJL, A £ DLL R5SOIITàiUJT Ol? E F,8 IlN1N A L 9sPATENT EDIOINRES, DYE STUFPS, BOOKS, STATIONEUT iguéj .vrytingelei 4ie WeY, Wbh b. owi libe TUF. RD CAÎ EVELOPEENTS COMSTOCIC MEDICINES& CIfEMICAL PREPARATION, O welt known i eanada, have been Sebame(u1Iy couniaerfrlîcf and ilstributed jin Canada, by (b. very persanas vio, over ;beir own l at;tures, have-.Ad ajted shait Ur. Luciune S. Cossavciof New rorka is theonly Propsnotor. Tises. articles are lI-Tie GREAT PA!IN EXTÎUCTORj, (Conn4.ia,) curingall atlrne, and al Externat Jaites und Soroa. 0a-AJ F COLUMBA, for Stayinl. andi Restnrlng thse Humanis iar. 3rd-H[Eg#-' NEUVE 4r BONE LrNJMENT, andi INDLEN VEGICTABLE ELIXIJI, a cure. for ai Rhe#imalisma. 1th--MeNAIIS 011.. fis trc ail Deel Peraons. Sth-H.de LI NIMENT, a weil knowra cure - for the Pilet,&t:.&r. Otb-D R. N P 01Il*'à8 SWK IIE.4D.CIIE- REMED Y. 7th-MJOTIIFiLtS tELIE*, for ail Womn ti - tu-é Faimîzl Wi&Y.!ET 8thZ 0y G'PlYs 8e4 INL>14N PAN..CE.-l. For Coide at) feveriah (frlitaçe-and privcnitn levers.- 2. For Astbma, Li ver Coui alali nti hiln, affections. _3, For DiarrcIoa, lndiycetîuta trui Losor Appolle. 4. For Cooeîveis:'a Is femast malueaand siervous complalsito. 5 . Jo umdafeîoa Fi~sp laPe, Rhae=,irsals, &. The grctat pointa are, il -if not b.d ta take, neyer givos pain, aie nte. ver Icavet 0one «aitive. 9ti-DR. B4ILTHQLOMEW5S PINJ< SYRUI> fur *Il Cought' or Cootâemplilt. 1Qth-K0LM81'OCh-8 VERMIFU'GE (Wormn Kilts:) for chuttiren or çvowta peremis. llîh1-MR N. >.BIR0W NI'8 RE.*rTPAIN KILLER,-No metticine blas lueen disrover. eil thattu s ahappily iîadapted to us. faternaliy aa ýroirs to be tlcen, Asud yer perlfoimi suvs iwotuderr wheus appiieti ezferntally ae a wasàb or bath by fiction. Allteil eriuetied are fullydt-sciibed is Pampis- et$,, toah b. enito amii % lo ( OA ai :.LG IIU 8 rug tore. E nqâirefrr the GENEAL FIMIYDIRFCTORY Showiq th ie Reffieewhi hevery aily iiaouidi or qeeviy removed. -witbout the expeîaa of thse Famiiy PbyalicL«anid Scvre Dangerous Di#ecate Eyery famlly shouldearefuliy preaervethis book, to referfle When assy reme-dyia waratld-bothbase : ch. parlcuiar article lndicated Way the cénsplaint. anti showiisç where mach rumedy May aiseaya lie -- JAMES il. GEUftIE, DR U GO 5T,, IMain Street, Wleitb3t Village, lVio l apoîitedWholcaa , le i tliAgent. 4C2 Dit. -LOCQCK'S * JUST RECEl VED $nth Sbscriber, et bis DRilti&TORR, l4AiSSTIILzET, %IIITBV VILLAGE, fthe follnwing articli, whics will la. eold in large, i/r amati gutitles fi suit portallasadad t Low Patc grotô &nit thelbard timea:* Washing Sada. At mw Itoot, Peau Sago, Bakita; Soda, Jamaiea Ginjer. Cbananoo. Fine Oive Oit, Salas ita, Paint Dits, (.ader Oil1, Pur9) Oit Vitriol, CreamsaTartar, Suipbuf, SaitPetre, Sweet Sp'ts Nijte, CedLiver 011, M trial ic Acid, Aqua Fort là, GismÇmpisor, JAMES H1. GERRIE: W1î thy,22d oct.;18b1, ,S.Johin Longta Stomach 'Bitters, Mof- (.W. P lillet and. Phounlsc Bittets, Wistara Uaerns Wid Cherry, Ayc' Cherry Pectoral, llinoig*gSyrtip 'sséptha, Towtîsendà -:r- sapat la, Lntock'a Pulmiisie Wfr,Vegeta. hie Mac;iel'ait, Deetrnyer, Coopet'm Actiblillona Pilla, Hopcr'a Pernai. Piller, Braudrethla Pilla, Peopie'a 1>111 of Heafîla, undia hbl ao thes' Patent Mdictis rSaeby oct. 12»d, 1851. Wc 29 sI fl VIINElodine, Jodide Potassum,' 2N' u riais morphtaAeetateNtor hla,Pi voine, Strychnine, valet luisais ofZiuaec, tc.r e e Whitby, 22n4 Oct., 1831. 29 JUST UrECEIVr'D, JUDSONS 1 luICI 1Eiratof Chtrry andI JAMES il. GERIlIE, o)voîe. CIRLF.Tp)N'S FOUNDER OVNTIENT andi S CAJILETO.N'$ .-B>E PA CR, Ouîiy Aget.îitn Whitby, JAMES Il. GERMLE, Do QgSiorue 7tb NOV., 1831.,S30 SCOBIE 18 CANA91ANA"MANAC FOR Jud ate4 sud5fo,Sael Wrhffry village, pvemte, 1851. - 30' viwsI' MINERAL FIRE PROOF PAINT, For UbaeLy JAMEIS H. GER141E., WhUb, 7is ov., y 4cîtfjur 141011/y. DYE STUFFS. A Q 00D , Log-wood, Jed«-wood, MaderFu.w, xtcct LooJl, Cudbear, Oct. 22)d, 1831. 29 JUST'RECEIVED ing, TbriIing N ar.tiv e, DafingexPlOits, L&c- c I lius raieâ with Etgraviiige. Whkitbr.2f Jcay> I b t FAMILY BIBLES. 1NPLAIN and ELEGANT Jiiadiiig, for &ale itlh owet t r.ce,$by J Am 1fi,., GERIE, Wlitby village. Jcaly 24, 1851. MA Bauaen b.d finiahed b worli Mier litansa 'i As wben bhanad Taic'd love it Bons Ficher laid1 'And scever ae Se se loved at b . md (bey cl Rlgttprl 00 hia iatisere knsae 1osa Uen$Md bow faut lbe pot& AW t b corin sthe loi Andi the' wheat on thse bill And promiacd îgforious À slori ioua ld in the hfas Andti#a.orchard Wei doi Kit. taîi thsat her gardon lookedb lier fow lam md ber culv..werc l That ilie butier that Tommy iu chuinsd, A WIouid hbisma Sunday bat; 'Thal Jemsy for F'a a *sew shifît hb Aisd 'twasce, docs:, by the ruai That Neddy tie pctns coutl usMW' And Ani was ahead at ataoo. Ben alowly raie.d bis loit.-&On orauu Tbro' hie locks ofrgrayish inotrà.- "Itell yon Este, *bat 1 b asak/iid ble W.:te happm.t folk# in Lewi." 1 know,'> eaid Kilt,It:tbat. v aIl woa* isad- Wook andihealth o toZalhcr,, lv. ounti; For lisere'a aMr$. Bell dJe cot wosk ata&U, Anulbls'a ick thse soie year round,? "They'rc worth tiseir (thouai But IYisccr saW th*üssbaappy 'Twould not tac nie tw aWC gohi, AntI live un a constant fret; Mly huisble borns.baisà ah Mas. Blel'e goiti coulti n4 bi Si% hea!Ihy chitdren. a mcerry h Atiti a hushani'd love-lit eye 1 fancieti a teair waa in lien'. e STise mnîns co,,bialr ai 1 coull isot tell wlsy thse mans W But be hitcbed u o te sai lit feaniedbis ebeatitani ler *ai A"tlotok ber hani l ïi - 1 gucai-Q iso' 1 iooked A-t tise m TissaIhe ici* on ber ups a it Wooma 1 Ber Riglatsi I&Y ANNA. ed ona eus shores soetree' nso edocation except tise abIla Several Ioadisig philanthropiei a 'sWstr Oit>'discoveriuaglie; strengta of eharacter, rsei ber by education, and this i b olfered ta the press. -lier lb 7Ic -'la Ispoken. Ito train It of the wive va d ud htersof Our day...-J mn tero, origiasally Lifted with mi capa- c ble of doing mu<,b le adranuse the -best ln- th Lereit. o! -heir sez, are narrowinz their ro spiere, andi uaaking thons stili more bel p- Wm Tiseir influence W iâ,iuifôuso bot'mn au 'lo waa bold that siloi teucbiisg, and writ tiy, and tls ortie] insertod as lt Jeft1 hy us. MVe du Do fanlUeafls tyle, jet vigarousmindin brais and excuei v.Içaped lbody.] (h every kade tWonan's JAlfLti thse nsirut eo! si Ithe miats lsthave se --ï- ým , âNom, à loi Wbîfley, ýtli Nov, lot,

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