Ontario Reporter, 3 Apr 1852, p. 3

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-~ -up *uoà iagezupi.of the avoid- sa ~* ~ ud rs. jIe S'p-Cre Morgan, MN'ri. Charles Mor- «à Y ChielMmrpn, anuj the rGov- -ý%hvte pain, 1Mr. Walter Moitn,, W4lr Morton, und INEU tou. 7 -Y# d ontrecollect), &A dMr. Walter **tos, Mv. Walter Morton, and àMiss adys requet the favor ofthe Com1pany of1 SCharles Morgan, ?4-s Chltres Mor-, Mr* WiVater Nmoto, anal Mi*ts andys 410 *tot reclleet),tto dinn2r o-i MN d-a7 nexte "Mr. Wa.ter Mlort>u,.NMr.iWaier o -ta-%. ud Miss $auýlv%, ht-, to inftyrnu -Mr. CharIei Mer~, m Mms Char1es Morg0;.Fn, ýMissCbrl o a n d the oerc~ ý(whow ne tmMr. %Valter Morton, Mrs ý4Valter: Mor!on, snd Miss Sand)$ donoct tecolleet). that Mr-. Walter Morton, Mrà 'Walter Mýrtnniand Mis, Ss'-udyq !eau ac- comniodate Mr. Charles ',lorgan, Mutr CialsMnrgan, hMis.,Chair MeNfrran, and the flovertienç (wh't nine m4r. 1V51- ter Mortnn, lrs Walter Nihrfo,,. sud Ntiib. $adsiii oct r'oi't) vtith ed% if te m-aint!ribrslhrîhteni.$ît ilçarrecnble te ýN 1r. Charlues 1 n i,,,un. -.%! rs Chyles Niir*an Charles,%'tor4-in, andl the <vr (vthn-e naina Nir. Waslter Yo1On. Nîr, 'Malter !orton, nd Nlim' _MSandys do ual reclliect! pu orrw 01, TJZEGU A Pli, TCK-he pet profits eofthe Mntreai Co'mparty ft.r *t1tsyear have heen 20 lper 'cent.. of Il,t yp-ir l pe- cent.. aî 17 per cent thse pre- V iôtla yrur. Wtaa îIor £15OOOi tri 27 rr. ~',b. *n 7bw P :t- ,f ne iliev.r--.* , 7p r'$ta Pub!ie Le-cture wi!l be tdeEvet 4 b fn-e lin, Insgitutr ou Meioiar y v'nsaî', niit af iii. Vree Chwwrh ley the .Utv. W. Fi-nie7. hope t. se. s uge attendance, more pi'- tculrly of the youug nien of this3 place- who cmnnot fail té ho h-n-'ftted by thse Rr'v.- Lecturers rvemarkq. Thete<Id Rrlorter Say$ that a cmitn was heard before the Maliatratcî cf that- towut ou Tuesday a.ain-t an annkepr for harboring a petiot about his preiniste, ina sstate ot intoxication,- ami enceuragiug- tip Ing e- chalje was denied, but heisi te b. provei, and -a fivi, idilars inlittdi. with an lut intio.1thtin' laary tbýeTîeaît case wi'ltin thp village, the full penalty' of £J) would ho imposed. Tht ash 1tu I tdIjoerer e-arthat inform-ttion hia-%lecn receved- ut tihe De- 'partment cf ftaefrOtu or,-Mýinieter lu Auçtria. that ne patapnrt of Ameriraî trai- Tel!eri will ho utcieîI. uMcss s > 'a -e v4cehrdbt4 Asra Mnae tWai AccinD.TÇT AT IrLL-GATiZ.-,Ab1'Ut 2 - t~ateu;a~d in l*'tiat,; 1t40e'Pot To~, at ilrae a rhis iiýe uîe'rpecieiPy ex;p'c- %4sd -Londc*. have heedi, *tri-,d *"y, bythe fretbet on tise {rand lvv trghataerapmhie dAespa h the èaptuire 01 a CoUple o>' rogin, 'namei 'VWa sn, se alfrithroult the 'eteriel mnsre ad.tdbr J. mýtoh ttEs,., ô io ios. We b cree-below 'the. patieu'!ara in a Newr Yok paper: S*agulr Case of FrasiL P~~~is0w N1iu' <4aJJraId, 16*/c 4ast. Ol11~er, Wowî n la, ft ým iVî. flss V-,ter, fro' at:ulrs'eoV - i fotod 'pùtttb g u ut meo r tuôf il e-lssu ab e lwïisacaintpatd tLy is wifka e' rt#iut.r- leiig youag wotitap. daugitter ,ef Mn. P,;ýia wealtlîy lady eft tiis -eit_. On thito1Varrestr grend4zertions were ,anade te prereut thse colta (s rom Mtuidg 'Liein away. 1k4eu carpast reeoitaiaedt>.ceunsel- egbi)61yedi,- rth ,-4 vies> etpraieurint their disic-arge; but ater. several days tesatîug tisé question before a sulireme Court-L JisigeP tiiëy wesr rinanitd Isck t e s todu>'of té ofice-ta, coâtînX tise 9cusîed parties, -for C-îuoeel lfées anti viser îx.nss aiaut $1.:40. lu adudiion goth ie abo>te tiasuta $5,OO, $030more ls*aid îtÃ"IavYe-1Weè preeured (roi .i r. %Morten, in thee lake tn. uer, an&d iter similar ciruistances. Dut. ring the day, the taro Watsonua were 'r - vcyed before J udge Boche, at cisanbers arbo adinitteti tisemtu tbail lu tiese uin cf $5» Ocucit. MNIr. Lliza Eflwen, -the suotier-iî-law of Jaunes Watson, became tise ieqtiredcii .urly, and îisey arere accer- diny11k- ibr.;tati Iem us, oiy. We -cop> tire,.foIlôwL.i om ltter da- teil ln ,itn,, juiîluîled*a li àuslo ~'Whiibt opon titis subject, 1 arias Vo as- sure thse Canadi4n peopIL .. that al t îey Cao isîsti e, 4itîîî1bise vi-w te îial-ZinIbihs ',ôinI- J try te te-tein to a protec1ixe taruvi on eça a, -ta iviouiles1t latter. -'i lie voi.. ec f ;Auiat ln untieilea!- bei-e,,and 1Icaai'a-a.4itre I lîcît tuit us-nre r--îd. u- aeîd ii-iuaavlr norlanreu, aa.-. tonP:ur! v.a i i if y ýîn 1I li n4t aata t ii u a b! a iflraeiai -0iOim ir ii', i-i bý- at.I'b eý-p--eî. \uAil --rir n i~lein In p -"eniI llri-l.to th iser rnftthe CU - .lisais a- theseliare: o' e tlachcà froriseý1L ;eVernt-rit ai i'aA 'iigoto e is tuloister in Londlon, ind! tva' ssiuil- actW a oul wilbosut h~as i-, batý,-ga; orerited.- Mr. H. set-inglieh mgieclura proiaccl isy thé -difparcsa sfrom Waia.rten, (wisi iifteï al 6a me e nominal autls', fer titese saint!e lcapîr5s mor have btren a few nea- passets-doue p) steppeJ bolll>' faî;wrd anad sas I. -1 amth Ie bâ-aer of d-spacbhes, and -aian anainus tis get ms. Vb are vou ftu. irl" was tic interrolatety bu-- "Front the (iOvruiîneut of N_1ova icohii, abou»e s»eclal arerit 1 ans te théiseJ3isa Cr ve'-nrniust," r epîed 'Mr'. Ilbse e"ain bot.->' te aay, Sir, wu- dont Lkuata ,any eunili, p!te; be se inci smti tangRd back ; __ - nuil atteul1 ta Yeou presentl-_" 'This as a 'aur tsstmle cfîtie cousisieration 'listise mafiortîînabe <.oho-nihi ffee's ath in Len.lani. - "ier have o n miniir'to consuilt ai-ttu. or ta treat tiseus anis i lity, an-I-ate lunIL1 respects ircr.u- oiT iete tisan a foreicterlî 1,1E litINcK-.-a.n..ÂÇB cort- Thie lYrstern Pricsgr.-s lias ptbsbl tise pe-ceLd:n, %i lslutiti jut eomonielby for tise piîl-i[i-ation 0)' tisec>cllbs'ed NWac, NaisCr'se n whilu wblrir s'rea.ti a-s! agît recelect tisere weetc iettetsprurpitsntr te bc- wsitten b4 Mr. IUccs ~ib genune, tîittt aie becoit unoa tô, liistep- titat;on. 'l'lie .s*t cntes ln tishlapa-,of ai éc-min-il informaiou ennaouIl . n-ke aiilaviliî,5 giren in full un]in il bche uii ihat li e e,rr rote aaty ole tisa ktîetai:l queïtion ant i pronounesislera f)rý;e'ieï -ý «,e a--e %in e.-ely --lad thi-t isu lion. ren1t, - atsfa.c tîIly. It s-ai se "miusts'eg-tlit ana' matn wetlal attemtujtla p.Ituoff a jer. for Me. Yausitart, oLaiiJ tfi)t1ýî P-Ozee- din 4 of bëkhn 'ml.; ue befre tbe a istratea, as UnItttiflaait aht1 itlcesst, Sanus "eavin; ne esvi excet tint oà ohîia ai) uncalleti for indigity.tai.- nVasait- tant. - Ms. Rii hardsosîl, w aro ppeuàr Ift1ie At to-ney G;eueraf>;'repiflis"-tt Ii4 prit alps! oIjepet îiminté.Fa iý'aîtin lpthis ' pi q nation of Cluidiat-awa thens7ow n i %,v min-j sek, i the' said _Ccus ty of Oxrford, on the twenty-fou,ti day cf November lat; that i a certain hanalbili, prine ansd pisb- liaedat WSootk, ill tiese idCwaty of Ozl'ordL in tpper Gaad a, on the Sald twea- ty-feuttitday ol the s"ie mouth cf Novent- ber 10s04 thse . fsliowia& ibellouns 'lleration is conltasueti of and ceerbin titis infor- tuant. IL j Winlbe Seen tit tWhite Mv. Iliiclîs àva Nasiter pf thîe Crown inu;1813, sud ce ce of tiie ,wqra admsa of tise Beptesen- ftlleeofIler ine.y u ana-la, 112 COItl-VPiL>Ntisat tan poi&tibi> b. ilm- geJed and ticlilscan o* 'bcussr;bed by ,the ce.rt>uvolidcancgc lt-elf." ," brsaid iàiforiȈnt Saitit tliat Ilebas beet inforiued, arid! verily believes tîua thie nid hindbill, containing tise sala! libullen-, ruatier ubove quoie.', aas pit]sdpb &Aîe by Iroin tGeorge Vanstt Irt. of ilie $ai I X ewn cif W'oolsocl, unit pf thse T » n' hap of ;jlau-if0rd. ià tlîe sai County of t)xîo.;d, it Ijî)per Canala, lis*quire, witlia view teo vi- i, inure and d elagne tisîs informant, andt t brIng him iîîopublie blatred, riiicule unI Andi thi-, lnWmtant 'further saitis tsait tiîerc are crirtiui n the baudhil bis le(- tber$ pur-jort1ing to ii ve bc$-- awritten auJ .iuJb>' bbeinfor.inaiuî, ahicdusalitd kî îe.' ar nanibtea -o.1, No. 3, No. (je So. 1?, No. 10, an sii bùbSaai lette -a, amii eerbti-à worais printed ii c caraa:tera î 'i-bhed toe cdiare as follew., -i (duvr- follow t!se lutterb IîîrîueîiLa th. ïhe ista *îj! Itocr~ituu ritt-asor $4 .îi, in i naiz tate- saili MgaC. .I: roil, r-rel IÀtaintei ic s aci bil, îlortot i"n-ita ani otee lea od f i iai aki Mlet- t ; saLe.o, e ic, and liursrt ugî o bcnrii 1iî irtier- wi-ittenr by thl5 ,iiîs -uant, ei c 4y' hlm, bc lu existeu';ethl5 àinfo-mnlîst ami!- in aly SWe:ts Isai su.dî lettes', an I %igna- tïîre» w4e e oe4- araîluna or authorizuj by fie, andl are, lai fact uni luin tfog I 'hreur tiiai ro;rnt îprayetîs aaator lmmons li,,list teaid . k I. asittairt, and bIsat be May'bc fur- tIser dekit wat'h aciaor.iri;te law. -cota te bijfWe me, at the City 'ofNiotreal. in th'. i)liovince cf i.ýatpiiaot4;4, aIstday etof Marcl1 bS2, Iil. 1'ANL.T. Tl . . . ÃŽ,& ter lsearîun the stove, Mr, Millers-ta- t at lie liai adrised Ms'. Vansîttas't te ier a'oiuntarîiy loto bas reeonz-uizaces. aùcll hcudia iu thse tum 'of £200. t apapea' ton li. th of ;Ma>' before thse Court ni' aiueens lienei, &c. Voe aawwer tihe clia,-ge ci thuelion,.1F. I liurck;,&f h le felloavi.ag wsîuesses iben e:attre 1inl- 'o rc? iaaraai in tise.bam. of £>O cdi of I ; Mjeiy lte Qutee, 'vi. -leu- r#- Fiokie, (George, N. Whitelsea r Johnu 01ei.g-4 Jobh MeWÉinne, Burton Caisi'-- b4ll, Abî-ardii. 1rout, .-John îw~l r .ac-aa 'larux', T $Siensten. Auj tlis court sdjourned. Mail Ilobbery. T he mail bettveu ite frontier and-i Hm- îion %vras roblied. o0t fri-iy Last, cf a 'Pack- ..tý of inesy, smouiaa to e£100.ÃŽ01i a q lasitt>0cf1ltters; an-i on ,$unstiay iast,tise btu;e diiier Whoe hîti cisare of tisemil at theiisy e m 7-nrin unamAIiti~tnkîui iae i-as arresteti by offleer irsi. fuseuntytu lil Jaia earch Isea!fs tperson an I ettectu, ci tise Prismer, and Icun i u.suk bills te tise amourit- of $382 earefuiiy- isouceaied inbs pair of trewser,and deposi- te in a trunis. ' 'l'b ite ncuy isad bce-snt, b>' Mr. J. B3. Oàb)rne, of leitmvilh, Vo tWs Casiiier cf the (Jore Batnk;-1 ad (roui thga evideupê of ite Ponýt Oclce Sttsneyer, ai lise examsinatiet. ià uppearâ it Aa hole wrt l ieniLail hag WhautwieenSged su[-, i juiuilyto al10W tile cess(.a t, e ha ean iforth. T.>ise paimoer aserteli uit liepicketi tupte'packaIt it the bottoin cf tiiSetaqe-- ,.ud tIsaIt lie- bas! Jeatrc)yed tise Iettei-s. Af-_ ter a ain ýnntodu:-inte whici ise hifi ballà ipn utise prisoners trank rere iban- titied, lie a reinanJed~ to -arîit a requis- seiace havlgbetsComsiuited at GriýUsby. Whitby, Apoil, -w'eat, F1our, per brL- Pets, -- Tri»otby Séedf Ccyer $.4 - potatos, BeerlOOibs.. Fre*h Butter, Firkin, - - cheese,- Llay, s -2 - '18 2 -'1 -2 -'6 -- 20 -2 o - 15 17 2 7' te' 3 Otol 'te 2 6to T 0 'to 21-- Ote 2 Oto 20 6 ~to 20 41 teO 0 3 te 7 0 to 35 Correctcd exprcssly for t/te Patriot. s 4d ad Fliur et Hr. 19.3 Pm 18 9 ta 2) it)dtial. per? bbi f19ôlb.s 16 0 tui 18 6 ,V b.at, pier butit. Ulbs 3 6 ta' 3 9 kBarkey petbo l.'r ls 2 4 te '0 A mye, pe.- bacebel. Suibi, a te 2. 6 0ats. pur butis. 14bs, 1 2 tu 1 4 2eah, Ptebluil. tioIbs, 2. 3 ta 2 6 pLue~r ba>iîei 3 6 to 4 - 0 hfte9lie 10, -,0 O 3 ta 0 4 àeef per lootha, 120 O ta '25 O 20:k' perlt00ibs, 23 0 te 26 3, :a, - per bs, 3-1 6 ta 37 G ..itUon, pir Lf, (0 31 ti O 5 L.amnb pur qarter, (J 0 tea t> £ .;.r lu, O 21to 0 4, açw r -iî aatWr, per lb, O Io taelO i~rî uL.rprlb, 0 6 teo>-0 7à Suijeese, 1per lb, O 3, te 0 4. iiard, prlb, O 4,1,to 0 5 Applus, per b tise!, 1- iU)1t'O3 O i'ur.ceye, eacti, 3 0 to 4 9 GcUe ea cai, lt6 te 2 O L>u.s,ýpcr pair i 6 to Il 0w Li, do 1 8 ta 2 Eggs, per dazen, O 9 ta 1 O iýrw, pur toti, 0~ ta 27 6 !lay, pc-r ton, 35 0 to 45 0- -Vire tvooJ, Per ce:, 12 6 to 16 3 WVool perilb. 1i0, to, 1 $îepSKfS laughtere' l3 bte' 5 O di , dopër1001bb20 AO'te 24 2 CONSIJMPTION 2!! lvery ta-dy kniAws usif latfering diwaire., It eom- 8 rs ntprootr.uso teinoidiouslv; that huefore iirîei* aware of il, thetolings are làniaisa«0<ulctirs. muen a soldJîkîs exposure or cbaisje1'rontbe-a tat co1d4 pi txitiei an in,4 î.urn-tiua, land i ba few day. orý weeki, it lu s'i-1. b. ors 8hetue-il ofbiaaty Constin p. lion, for ali t ui-td wt otho uî'n plaint. we wnitit relei là tho adverliuerîwnt on the noi,.ileai ixtbip-;eî 0i Jit l Cniienîieal Latraci deî Ctea-y mtlqaaw>rwhjrh hiaid »,o ie a tiiniste Cui ti it wftuldim"'gus,; of the -MI a b vre nameri articles are' sol-f upjol hyCîmibseak k&Bic'ber, :9 Jnhîî ai., Nom, Yor k, tu Wbom ail Iortie-& maile diecteI.' MISKAV hMfl$5.BUCHiANAN, f,#L,*U respe te ôiritferttthe Ladies I of M ity n&viecuty, thut tisey have openeti a -a bop fer thse above businessot tu tise' Pocens- over Mr lVilklnonIs- WATCHMMIJNG & JEWELRY. 8HGFI 21 UcditEgn ofihet Watrl1, OP TEZ EZW~1 M~LUÂNDSHÂPES, in* ezet . few daye. to open a uMost select And Choice S$oek por UIIADTMff8Nf CIINIS BO&'is SIIOEýs, &C-5 HATS, -CAPS, &. Thiq flettîar tb .rnelves wiIi be (ununne- qnalld le; C Capfss, var.t a, quIty. T1he exteuxive patronage and succeNs ex- perieutpi 1 -, >î»s ela~eng this eîEb ment, ilasinctrçee'ur an-ýi .tv te inaîtîitain We eau assur'e our friends, that if' posi- b!e, aukr excrtioas ,wiII be 'intre;'îsetiltc sus- L1Uino orpreoerîVi, hc ratran 6ide- sere th aluedaupeort bhhbe;to se liber- i'hey hive'aise te infdrm théir rriends of thel i.- 'opeaelan ]E.stablighment at prin e diberio *hi 1ye truet, tiseir fiiead wil.1 La Jiltet bc their advanta-ge io pat.ron-ze. 1-, 1170'lIrsXY$O 1 PEÀRLSON &CO iOntà rio IHouse,iate Red SloreMNo.1. wiLcy, March 22e 1852. 50-tf. EXTENSIVE OIEc.DIT SALE.I 1-IE' Subîeriber wili S501 at Vnblte Yut lon Lêr Ne. 25, 'lisirdýý 'CneacTowxill' or WniT]3rsr6, ou lrhitay, Ille 16111ApriI: ncxti tisé fllowng Valuâale Stockt ana Farini9ýg Impiements, vit: I Span od iT.eautIlois.., 4 yeais *51, id - "i £%rsa, oue iii Colt, I " 's Gie-y ' do, OYe-ata aid, 1 Say Ibis-se,PFox Humter, ISisipeiar Bs-antiMaie, iauCe)t, 1 Ttsrrc ydrais old Cati1-Truslton, 1- dd .Ji.1 ~F151>', -do. i One- year obti Colt, 1 Stark ol1J-ay, 5 '5e-isilaigowili 5 Piuahs. na-ait>' Sica 2AU Buie àýehur 0< eiiPeaa-old Y'tue-, gx1> 0. Oats,- ba id Poataf, -- 1i >oubls.-iarielieiiGun, 9 ug-ni %Iiich CO-As litCal!, 3 -, Hiiers, - .1 Yoke of Thre. yeari oCid Steera-.twins, 2 -" Worktsst 4xemi, 4 Yoauî Heifear-[uts:iaia,' 6 Dolî)le- Wagons, Q.Sitiite liane %W.sgL;an. 4 Setta Double t- iieua, 13 di biîu;te do. ICart ault i Hanr*s," ne-aiy ne-w, Z Su e b , ,4 ya t ; lid à TH Wbishy, Jal Vrn, m ge Leuts ia1 .On one cf the Lots aà, Pt is erected wich, wit1laitfle ré make a mogt comfortable dwrmlli Par' furtiseà parfietilans applyt po!ït paitt, te .lROBT. W. IIAMI Wyiib>r, Il auy 2, 1852. MORZ NEW 1BO( rmi lins. HA rp psMAG AZINE for Febre- Tte- oiternatinnai de d Uoday', eGrahaatu',, Sartain's, and l uen Ll&tara- Thle Revue. Expeitedxvios. 'The Art Jotirtuat re-civod re-clai . Sir J. Stephieni'i Lfctoiire-Ç. t .-tialoÃŽy - of Sir F. Ibaitl's î' Fucçot of French 511<-t-sA91 %Iiuter'mngori,, ithe Great Metmolle. Or Landon (rom thse Toarert., the Cryshal Palace, ale dé' la'K.fnetli. cmi ' , Wi)mani.-aid 1,.redx, br ,%Irv Oak'$ sScih, G. P. R . ams.'. Adrianu, or etoimits o theî. 2ind- Horrace(aieely's OtairesaaiEue-ove - i i - The Cakiniet Hiarory of Engla ,1i3 vota, t2q Ne- I4ks anti Fmpblets, ho wae-l! aa.;he Ma- gaziiieit r'gsuIlly rei-'at y EXPRESS, by - 'THOMAS IMACLEAR, - -. 45i lïonp siret. Toronto, Fib. C, 1851. - 47 te 22 inst. eveuing, conimeucil w - hitby, 2Oth A Me-*t Rm-'dknt 2Yna' * £iglttliore-power, slm Tz s--Ail sumunues£2 su Tets bMouais.jdCrsit tail! 1w iig appov'isffIoteoIWiJie ahi bdur, ittirs-b1 Sale, An eai4y attendaînce !S questeal, am Iite-isole ahI' reServe-, thse'- $nseriber liav blis Patin. - tt ep te tise Miliiuavy bu miesu, ibuoeeof#6e 'h S-rieijpal boas., 'ef Mmchetr, EO-lanld, The1 baese tiLtliey sl l e esables! t ae 0 ta c a'atiifaetuo. te ail those Whbo May favor - T/wc Litest Pasdt omstawtltj<on Yand. Wb'Iitby, Marc>, 27, l8n. 50-tf. - M TESTEA.%I2I - 'l-l'vi i[filla 1 t'il e '-,

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