Ontario Reporter, 3 Apr 1852, p. 1

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a a 51 i I ~> 0 PeISIED SV SA tIUDAY MOUNING. TgNSH&L4fG$pE àýM--ln vt.ïN~og. ,1 mflaaâthlnknol VOL. 2 WHEITBY,'CiANADA -WE ST;-~A j4ybeot t 4fa1ly for enIiseasetrectingtld T 'riruaR LGIIS -lnLi rep.h in4trd ()n toIil pI i rIi * Prom one Io a e etrc e t * OfteoerMi.l'1G OrUtc r Ior g[orG Dr.TI a ,;d dirk !ýg x..o r t sspit. SE OFD Lr.PRSIIN FS ANDJ Oiien- the iC Wour 1, I'VIÇleRrn*,- LYC.- irV tTZ)7JC Guinvissî0i1r, Drauçht4s ndi 0.. MC. tON9AS CON V ANE 1V &Np DLAG1 c A N A DA wQESTe,'sJnI wij jjve r(Xttnton 0LI.tsnco ffl INSU.RN-Jy-cI~ACEOty , 1.t'ut- &1l Ma l» ii' e rl at ptnto ,l huaiegs f ' i l'f~tsi nrtdt i ratàiptes. r i$ . -TU4 >llergi%1¶ARY& IAt% W fil B v, Ç. w.# BERIT~Bf DIA ,,-(WêO'2UREE, Wbltiby VillIte. Jiti*e. 1860 W11OLESALE Axb1ETI DEILU , TW flIU 8RIuîv, PAPER .M ANÙÏ'ACTURIR 0F SOLE.- UPER, AND HIARrýYg- LEATHER, &c. cash4prfdfor lides und Ski»:; Wkeai, 0-ii. Pots qn4 Pe,ýri /es whitby Vlae,7hJ si. , 18 on 0!Iýg~nr tâof hc% eu nueuib.r is prt.fltuied ti4 uk 1Poà $AWhtbfw t't AtuiL'i. 190.i B00 ýItIEfs MORT Dqjvuii Whiti. k. Cfor Sal e.'very' low, by Prt Whtby, May 31, 10L1.7-t p', dL ir~p %VIRupff B.EGS toretu.nincere thaiks to-h PBrit.edand tdwPauiiggctuaîîy, «the vqr -à ÇTSlVUpp'r IethhdoC i totttat itriteepi bfu éeiîM rom N~EW YORK .*ND MO)aT7EPL, A PULL AROOt4EMg*VOr "' DYE rrurs, 'OKS, STATION11f e nd every tthîngele unihua t 1, whrduh. wiitl h Prep.r.a lro Seût tt LO w i a ic &. COMSTOCKMDCIE& CH1EM[OAL PRi.PI>AU ýtLÇN, SuweII Inown i anà*da, have be'pu tub~e(uiy ouuta. (aisa anf iait. luedtuil 1)tal.ty-ýtte very"pertaaus s 1010,a-i tVieil oýAs-aa oCMrgtf Nati York, ýit thet~, >q~u.aî ')k-. UIJj ~ )LjIfl Jf ~ilyilui, ain -RPa.îJuutlg theItitut iIL . ,: 3d-11E il x. ' N Iùýj Iî4 2LlNl'mr..y7, îA d DIAS kLGIET.LL LLIÀJ)t* a eteaIliu ,ilt j ltauIlI. là,. the 'llit'i &a &. ilt-D Il.- S PL0 IN'S SICK )IR4JTXCIJb 7th »-MOlHEuWS RELIE,1F; lot ailt Vume,,ta the F.tllity- way. ,îtf-LO0N C1 jJ 1 8Y CnIT47' ff>RTpIi.N * INDUS UJ<"4lFor .Coiadu ,a 2, FurAt ta.Lerotaiautaai us- affec-tionis. 3. For biatutîeaa,Irtu'ati, -atual Losi ofAtupeite. 4. 'i otnau.a 5. Flot .sîoiacah afttcioaaa. Dybpel>îat, tVite, Rh<umatiusara, &c. The ut ra'aî wiuaiet, il la flot biadIo ctake. nvvuer gi-vea paiîa, asuaitrie- Ve'r itavea->i raaostive. Oth-DU. B4R'1'HOLUMEÉ'WS PINKf SYRUI- .for "iIlC'aoÇai~»tat. 10t-KO(LAfS'OckliS Vb:MMIVVE<om KlJtel) trot ahildreau ri git% is apî~a llth-ILS. R<aW ' REA? PApu- KiJLLEI,-IVO ftt.atse l l bi-îîtIavr edutt.uit su haipply ad.îfIîuse ittruîtqal ias &:raps ft> ittaketn,-iatlyeî [Wgol glait ai -or bellh b>'frialionu, eté, i) be i. 4taaftIo 411l -# ta, a kut . a. G~R2 o5 08gs'or*, Lzuiefrthe Stîuowiuast thé leleal' vhjl r fttjl3 r4batita lt'which it oliatitaary Niaktius ta.> M1W t- saaa tir -sp!otily le' qîra, wt%ýti)uutthe.Xaît 1u 1f k'aaifrly Vlîysuîaauu,'a titil Seveuut Dauuriiiiaîuita ida luv-ty arnity shuld aearetty prfevet fits lit, , it.ad;e aUu tu.tiitnly nuta.>' tt lSsr a i ~ -.U 6ý ý- rnu WF , D MEaR IU -G 9 T , Mâi Steet TIitffilVillage. Who d appoitutd Whlsaiplu.& ù ail n.4 DRt. LOCOCJQSJ ornhoea ruel'til 1<t,' tififi or Greu$.lu.ÀÉ tucrhePlie, Ai l white*,111, 1 it i l ,i.tie Waakau.ses. 181 iI.Aga*r Wr-C, $W6JSVI3 Le1 vr or tuille, &C. aWI,... $ Fi""[,VW, Ufi ATVix the Faret.NeZi ýki eud au t Li.*d . if, <nuing ,iciçe,l wh'l<uh wili b.sotd in large *s ôr omati quanîtirs in tuit pgrçhatfrÃŽ, and tutLo % Pacsîosuat te lsî,limes: Woli 'jn#,Soda, AarowBoa?, PporlSago, .Btkitu ds Jms r >r, Cig#anîon, Pil lieOil, 5a1,4 l"i..Pit Ã"oiii, Uutoiý)i1 (Pue) OlV r ýeiimTîttar Sphur, Sit Pre. SwmlptsNitei,:*Od Liver OUMuaatf Acd, qua Fortii iiaurntphor, Whitbyi 22nd Oct., 1851. 29 8T., John Long!, fstomichk Bitter, MoC- fsîtls Pilisanad Pbsuuitc Bitera, Wjssa ~ '4uata Wd ($ 'Ay A>r'a (,herty l'etort, inu Mia utDestroyer. C mo o'.Aisaîiillioàs P~ts4 laope'sFenaie>t il, 1Braaudaeîtis lîs P~îl4F1 ni' îî,<aJa i s h ý,ui fua< Mct aedieîifoe,' for Sidir ley "AàSil G.RlE Mie;t<it >lage.l ~tUiNX1~.iôdine, -lodide Potuhbum Jwbitby,2u It.Si. U;DSIIJ*X lhrrmleul Lxtruct of Cherry 9ndý Whithy, 7uii Nov., 1851. J C IIIaEI>N' PthJ~D p iNTiIFNT nand CAI1LET NI'G.B0NE&SP IŽ It. Only Agei.aau i Wh!rby, JAME$ tA. GERRIE. Daug Store, 71b Nov., 1851. a SCOBIES CANAWIANf ALMANAC -FOR Jubt Recesveil andl fat Sale liy 7th N;ovemitei, 1851. S ýMFISS MINERAL FIRE PROOF, PAINTI 17 U L? and C1E AM?ýT farticir ut i aint for ouiaide or Qi namen ta Psî i titig, For $al# b>' JAMES i. GERS<JE. Onlyl;euiifvir 1Witby. Whîby, 7th NO-Y., 1851.3< DYE ,STUFFS. - 3tà JASi &.&è. Htdif d le.t ,oct, 220d, 1$5 .ta at VdbJ lUg. T J.-h IL MRftlE'Si-Uu-u itad13î,oitStore. Wltitbr. 24Juty,1851 - - 1-f FAMILY flTB LES. [N PLAINand, ELEGANT Bisaaing, sot. sale ast lie Io.s ocesb. JAMS h t.R4RE, buubyillage.. Jttly 24 1 851. ~IA 'a, 1~, Tihe hre e bti. reize L b- B* biîtebItn thet I Nibitî ow ilstuinpt Ltlccê the âmig or f ioemurmul A« if iadles the tIpra of t4 Th.brPeze itht. ,'reýeze !'the bel WY breeze l Lit»e a r aga'd bit' or reltase, Th, ouagh 44t la ti e betr, in ltP emollnd airi The tsu.u1' onur brath; Oi-ct h. 1,0;41 rglaw oS he, jlângbro*- Lik vatfrs go 'h.. tbitayon, J--. 1 si.ttrua beuî.-aith an ,atirn ata, L -liziu toai . .hs. a u t; ()It4 tdé ai i 1j it s,ita reg1,~ 'j but biailht 1) iymjonîea; Lik. au piiiii.lluua'ah i lin at",th, -it uaIp as îLe tugîba ie *ügefloe fLK wauiau'ga I ie i. aaoahgflwr Éd1l 'u'"eîabAuiurtmh Wître the. btükti uharp of jitdah waepa, S e aim a drecti nfArahy, 1 aa il 'miai the vine.loîveà k It i lnithto tbtailléeUSlem Autahofg1îflsetton'a-, A rudlar.i'e*1 ,un 1a ti.hand-. A wreii a h o toal ,aon e; iNeae,, ike ai Catatart t ci jjd Ã"W. like a' fou ttaialtaflou.- Kow, liks>tht. ntolanlji!ofa Jeve, A ut a iàsn- lt Ssort ani lo ,W. - The. southWin, rornps, lit, t1i> muai.> oristreamo> - itl ieh. reaih or ulla1M~ava Tit Wtht.het.r df lpssPr a a iianacr Aurailte halM of suura ers Ch! mars, Iîça îUP IhYilfOpiged, ..r Cri'iumnberai u !he uuf hb Thbit tolfir101àflowr 4,j lvhei-r'er lte tolen uwIaig ila4Prmd 0f snahie, <ai, au ov isi. Tf;e bokc orilop e u t sd1 lie seiudeth tcith n de îdt Buiou an-i rp etial isa i Ah prdpyo bla,:d . jKimaac.> .l.182 v aum:tng in terre acroi reaching 1 Sam a coae after hiltjr -figure envel À 'few Mon I s u l t e r n - I w b e o r e h lm . i n t ,o m . thg tldipesoji above alluded Io ,e boeever, wa, entireilcovereI 'lar of hi.q cloak. Pibtbl ùOËC'o6ier ' 9i tt rwng a -a.bn4~s nostia; gainile received no fnt--er ËtIeenf1y the inrntes or tbý Cçoabh, whiel, wet Ria afotI6o.,4speéd lteardt>e repdôït of apistol, sulecee4ed b>y a -bavy fait. Tht! hoi*est" n;, inger a.hed, camne Io à stand stijle and the 'tleKt instant 4r. R. tere open te cach ddor ,aud handed 0 1 t his sisier- _o are ou, sir1 (h.akêd of the tall bat, now Jef't the COU i at 1eopht doo'r. Lhere MQ n~yasWer< bût'-d shrill cry. - suci aS i% cnlv heard iha the vi41rqjwss,Ç Itu", a and ;the desàena'of jte Bedouins. It was instant*Y iè'peaýeÇfrom ,arou9 qttar- teri b->nge squiadtoàa-of hovse.tnd leaders 0f pbice came~ l' ' thé ý Pot.' gf,,iq d >t4?riIbibIe cbnftt4ô n'pr -s 4 Mr, .1t had se~ d Ci e fisfrouiç, '1tier, w. s j.) act ofpounilg irn t(>'whilrleaft5 content when a deell voîee ~Whas$,erd2ý wbis 4r beware.' 4t the sme'jine 4 rIt,asl 4 mackleiy h.illa!yjpwa.dsthtipot where Alr. nd'the f-aill stranger wem- standing; th e y . w e ro , s p ar :te d ýp ' n d Ilie n ýt i h m a n i h is oppotn>nt ià 'e.- Lady hle!n. on be~askdy 'e u-,'no,give>-any cdue as to Who h. vt. n -e .hàd o*yjist before lthe by è l d the c 'Ola h, and had It wa.à r-enarked by- thosh» woe epr-i -Seat. atthe imperiad hilU thast night;'îbat thc 1EmneOî,e oV *:~abke.-i(fol oi'aicei. lmftê n ifa. é>t551 AAD. - Vie Lady and n Lele-froit ,85 1. i re an a mystenions ore have been very E. DAiwoméii, atffmpted -elopp 'rotvards ýtbs the wrifer,- the tÃŽnnw mad great the ,hono.ràble j purpose eof givir magnicene ëî nowvnedlin En I --was. Who, wfirst, Miieb suuek *lt 7hoè. WeIl enu"1 I ~#I j A M ES il. Ri F- . 1 1 ýKS

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