Ontario Reporter, 27 Mar 1852, p. 3

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~W US~a~.4fw Ittbet The Loudemu correspondent of thé New 'C*O.Oameil for <1febdwut, Mr. Ynrk Camm<-ri says, tbere is but littie ____________ -doubt tlmtthe lu pjnisn.y wgli be exposed ta CÂwAI>~u 1W ALWOUNA.. uni advie vote on the free-trade questioni. the iwin of nmffl in Our Cliosfles w. ftey &ào reterate tbeîz' ostUlity ta eerli ,*,m. te . owlg. . be, b t rde aWi " the. navigation mt. TLey ~~~ h' ies. questions for the reason tbat baving 1 AJ' APf1rA1 or II*,,ÇR-A duel came oW i. le timle the) . viI1 the better bc, prepared 1 Yazterday, hetwcet, Dr. J.. W~. Iliter and ta mneet-tln.Jnsues.. It is aserted tinat the A. Goniiam, E. justize oribis . equs4y, mioi.-try wviil, if allowded, quietly girc il:) Dot e -r ac ot4 ta 'bc ltter OI a protection. Tise frea-traders deny Uii asdA _______________ 5 y that Lord Derby rnean% Wbaî i as Plither 1m b theand liant e dots not gir.othue batilk, but' Ik~~ ic Nîipra. oulY aakntfer'a truce, ta wlirbchthey ili not 1 From the LOx4on 7ymj,$,.àl rr 3. ent.1 It s ur mi CQVi~(j1>thait Lord Der. ierror1 by an bil col,-a iei ive he rrnou ainitgon aU nJd.ks that byaoi iuc1la, noa u nteiltrn the tÉmil'ire of 1 F-rnnce i-ýIob b, dikelarei on Bateve uena Ohlee Ihr tie !2Oîtle On 1tint dmin'1 lse Eà lr-,csare ta ~on te 'VI ' . iiOi, we athe ~a~a nfatt thn b, inanae4ii. il Ile llra i tin iy n the 4nt»v I, vi ni% huL.~ a a a jlb d hbrmiIv~ a' tî ~ uwa IL W OF or thi EsernruAn leiaat a a w sI t WC ~ ~ ~ ~ V 2 -uan;melediî a îuY mi1wnhi!n dable avairr»ie .b, e- driv îhn htsninry ù~o l ir uq i . lst i. j 1 tatîe Fil à 0tion ts tlun d--clnir% on, eivc~It jInn. le>ririepoeJ ~~îi ,,ad a< it oanlwn ii i'aati atetn i th,; o lli tuii .lktWO r uien p ele utay, rus tIî ,b ;rt .tde) n st 1jf' l f a rs Oitt at îrasss ývmris.m other eyssJt in.,. h t î1wre aril.ue î <i sl~ mi i l e iîw le C 1it. uage(ad" wFnpreCasti lla 'n saI ise rtcsva rt Sror Thse 2,0 la in ile I(I'a 01- anoîbererra b4oslelweeun f 'r a U bc vn i ie navrmr nf the. agricisltural and th uetnsalaacturîni mte- thenrn;'fNpia'njto>rn an elliu aria s ) o sali aaprm.no ;a1 is taibrircar àit Iretsrn sfrr'in Flhi. o'iti:n1prtoar abolit. 'l w very circular stilleit hsasoin- J sre da,ýspnched ta Havre on thse 8thý- sxuascd Il . a.urata ltt reconstruction 'risec senalte and ls th .a.aee cCrrpý hâve of tlieL.eague talka orf- tui mad andsitwck- i lae ro ro'*o.eit for li('1w 9tsI us't. - ie <id attemplt ta reiisspo.e a tii ap jonis, CasIj oa-, pede seby 14i'u'tre- witnin aa et î»udmor eveitîlbrttaîc 1 ln t &is ii en ci orn mu saîlcn l~ n.. ul e eî,mnre th in iii ta I'V'pemuut , ýn r ai sminaIlin o £ aft. lIre 1 rtia 1ergcnvIi nsr et.n1at~i ' ~e'rIis 1 1 ' ztpl -e;ritv: C a in Ilii il F i tc l ' l3%iW Iliiia's hs ca;i , b e I le î iest h.le Us3 %O ne 1 bl~ #'tttrt o ti î~sÇa!êX,'e' ~Inn retirnï continute favorable ta Illei denniirolecîon, and P'e ie îlitnr repre- 5C't l en l leaIsiuî u, tsvJ A Ir'nu'tb ýr <'fpe i f * ou !Ilre-pult! il 'a lue irdy l ntr act, andt f~î hÀ o kli n , tî ti<an ei ri n.iî i ti ni fY."tr IA" ntar partt ak .siItp, In v, illano litlal.litsu0' er i. bst n pîre n ut tao'sa i .i 4 r- t ) y &-nI-t-ri 'le 1 t l riV 'i t i 'tcr, t Ihli. tri-(> rx >'w t l;.- t1 t tril r-I crnmin.ees 'us i (l îe 1 î a - 4iii ernî ti 7 -i 1 - tif L l nclb a 4 . yshn ~ Ant'~n~t e~<f< l~iit1 'r<~~ np.n 1 J~a i a ir ttnI.l i < îl'unilt e~tr ir tt ai c1 )tIf-ýC m i h ."p l j'i nPa N. i _t tr<jey's)'%t, w, '<np i iyai rs lna! wriau ae îat.îs ~ 1'u b'. !wn fcnn ise wrk i1 il Lesem. I 1. i t Vt nuri It la i s ti. ne fa isii .nt gi I~ o ti n.iII aat., Inaiti tis I, tu i- tu e5 arsathln; usf , - Anai t a I - rýi u, k I itw t, «is ié~~~~~~~~~~ COUrcic etr ae nca i. nuitheus uýnst:cinrnso h.o Ileras. I iN wtî gat d1,ltit-).)4" jntmr A t.uITAîJx~-e.ILBi uban wcist.lt'r bî>r--lf ors-the ?Nnt rl, Tr- asîrnn1m n s Cst t1 IrIrtlie are laen"lt: WhJ -e . Z rn t-le iÀt'li a mbare n e, ny be ýt d relvn in l t. Oie Brai ~ ~ ~ ~ i tenicfaa ~nlîo ae ' i q5 , ait I ttille, i DarFvis edeit 'r1> t i he i- ru in b S pirîuat oiie tse dilu byMaja-'~neca 1>lfic î$ratsîtay LIvî-ils, sbarth;n ytic ranime, o f te l 1111 a' itiýul Is com a tr ait i at thliAis i iiSff2.'tle n etunia 6ée Cjot1sarvksiaid $. çn.'fi ç athote int o-ircc îstiraiuii. of îue te:no le r. cfS îlin Rtrat i t.oflit'li te-ir'$5'pQ Vfn -WittOljtttt - to4 z1he nia e Jistitsu 1), c itt.r n . sola . n i' a> e ris1,l hé e inet. ai% ctnle waur ie tnaD tl riîct4. fôyr J rr ayin otur eîeunn; ot-alri n a bard; tue fiiV', i ny ie x4- ir'. l 1;eoi u ie p tri h ver 'I lwit kliLaJtiiî i îw-:îy-fanir se îa led;tviie se- bet,'One vT' h î.1i4-nia:aL <f t P yl.it ureon 1hoa Wet ' as e îahitr" s ts l'itrtas an, aulin acnr terra; th male. tise matin-I ilS prMrc8<rundi'<,ri34htr. ve i- cuit lthua Inail b enir.r ~re1ithiat bh r l iv nti7 nin- anultic eary isaîr af nsir hua% Ill Ve - ftî.q lenst ccni'*pencew t 0iC 0*1 0 l rk tr r,*03,i î;;ot a e an 1 CuL eaue!r kan I iit e Iitlyi a te jL,.bey wn.s uonle yi iapr -oui (h4î-q heae d lie namt -h,- 1a imenier o tiec',r. fuke of 'So. 2k' Gr4ftis-steelt, mi.aieawitb a ver balJ teauil@f @tte Ibis. izayn,îue i. {uk, vii laaivan - ~i? " gti eiipot ttof s b tknst. Icee1 in jy as, ani g«,e iy aS lc te 1I wihltààe a - Sie'le ti l4. 1de C uiteihiij isai i IM'ttiaim, tsas returjia-i, hla iii .nh tu to h'tve avoile I ail di?)Iarnutir Ce, c~~ boe~e suieaia vpe4hv~i ~W vi'»t lainequteu i km motel. appea- a r-î'i of istiin ouaIaiean 1Ian 1t-ansumbreliîa iug te w-it foar de4patdes front bus Govern- in tisa ther. whma, near tihe Ca:ner af Chair- %"ntailis great assieiy. 1 J tte.$tiCet, lie a,% s silletty poane-ed pain by tirce wer, lina of wham havins; geeured Aa-.fYAL 0F TUE PÀCU'EI* bis arms anti drawn bis ab u ln kbmcirw - ai' rpof lis tlrnt, prevent.,i1 luis gîcinis 7Wvv ,Âacî21, 9L a. '(lî1iypaes aaa Znrr bi's yrithe J iaciic' arrived at-2 a.sm., mt r a m-au<b' whIe thieibiri praee cLenttrlie bi- M ig u1 ays. ,7 e bin 41) paený,e:. ps.ý . Fartan tnti>', ýVtr 11.1 k!e ealy hai1 t5h %a~w ar4e qnuOtitiet, M k. W tIs etli ;>. os9 1., ,ahi,h îbey Look, asa ni te . , and %Vest. 3 -e 't sdeaeslie ina e; b it on IoDkin rIt lt ikt -eq4rtfrom talii re moesfause' railor papýr, and i i fn it 1Vmuiic, 011, of tiet ~~~e,~4t e 'i bal. ka 'Map5fikelan«woi4 oflittlr. importance. thit ai l bis u-nb'-cfll.' Tbay th il atirI. t pf4,itwuas tni sit en th», 121h. t0-oX ai JIlwa i #ne t<mut betf>reMr. iliz-kie #ým .t e2trnent hil abited. Prite fate Ï e Î efromil$e niobn '. te wlicb eL ha 1 rlt-.&<ethser ltoeincis olliery explosiont eccurred On Monday morina, nttihogey~,t Ijear Manuchester, iesttt0ng in the immeda-1 ie deathtof tire COliers,. besîtles fouirtCi athers maore omr lem amrit, orf wlsm twe are at tise point of deatli, and îhrece' thersin au 1 darageraus alit. uai, sevent2en persans bave suI1fred fram itis sad occurrence.-9 'The pi t riere tuie nucident occiarred ble-j lotoërm ur.KnctIves and Sîtotanl d 18 knovwn iy the name af ti- Cannel Mine.-'j Tie dînait I%> froms 130 ta. 140 yards deep, a-sd tise uorknngs esclenai about 200 yards, fram thtse uaft. It wms origînally aenlited by ain cli haft, aot 200 yards distnt wii. a flirnarai ta asst ventilation, but b a been s-mIser suoteul for lad air ; anti for some y ars il svas nil in'rqueusîly th st tIse mess luat t o- àw.tleir jrat t brth tise inlamn- mable sAua ut of îht; i-wo iciouns. 01 ont mîrn 'e avorkina thtiny ta f r-y nl nu-nWr, ante t' ,rn afbtr ri W-otncP~ aris] Wns. tr;ppe.1 hutitrcreIv !zOf te. Isui t wcrèinPewr'en on explrasion ofa fe% in s- a'l tic wa ý-kag 1f-aeis the dl i n v' th,- sat, t-co spame1 wlth na uJai n3 iee filmelotitvmiar.a isc nst, utue-uI' mîme.It tin.IzkL. îda>wu ina6run tG4 ru nlith -M 1 ft,'cat it r -e brotme 1t pu. e. lbî -ce e rIt hîl caînt i'îushtilry l'lae 11-d fireciîit ni.- 2 ile i' t g in ok iai nii wo1rin; ai'y el i r DîneC Yar' I-sfrom t 4 licttes')cf th1ic hfft, 2nu sie-e tha're nsit3rely ta ie a 'svnmtiry cfl zi% tolîried, for a rece rtf clay- 'Itwbui hj hi sie ight mâ'eu a sacket fer h4 cn2 !le. Af1 fer thse casiesion, ail tiche esml e ' rm~iv(o t'<.nsat.snmne ~utiiem nr, il ig titer fan-e! ickml iln tiem ns -Ctprte - trA-i i rtr 1itn >10.un l a-id ant t le a-a' m ni', srmnpoa is e tisasuffin'-a ira: ef feets cf' the S1u1rapun. pa,4Z w1%fou's i sv01- i àafes s'-t!ï of 1- thint n rqite de- 'rîtmn~Lnley 'i fertg(;rua !y w re lî~ntn ~utquii' iei .Pagn anti Gr - <lv have ene!s' le-î t idamva an] five- cr s: Aruii, "'r- htR To i trna7 ts r<f "Allr inid -rltC oui ai-ri-n s% Iria il nt eata !ib î~<fn .ies<'< t ýv f10 ta .le de > ~I 3r>nî'un. 1Prom Le . a fi ly. At thcrise , t'i tt e -,,~i,. r-, i- 'tttlimetla,, na'ath-a v.In expe( i 1 3 an iettagra of$éïo1':3: a .ay. 'it' '-l.ran'iihes'nrýrv 10 ie,%rms tiý a* filaeerb nafthe Polýi ta'beiera ne içi-ul in lie p n nl rtfrthe fujiîivat-,at- 1e -s. Ili, ir '. table pqr-u:-r%, Me çnr t -In I'fupi n1I reenetiî-1 r fi uttu. ta 1n- 11) irrn'ieniv u-a iýy tlime insy fre-lu- e- inath lie fll,tinoed cf tie ci y of M :h'ýgarn, by wn: prtsý of thse ra il b ï 1 tienscýirrtt-d away, and Ailtraveli ng s ia-;e-nded ; an electials batelier bzang tisî ivr.o etiieween tieu andit le rraîlwmyr. ihey %sere tistia, iwcner ousilniaffer unler;;in-; fatig-ue arn! dliculties of -notor- d'nary erarner, co-npellei ,taretra-e ths'r step-ý. Thla rriveit here oami Monnayeven- ia;. Ilapes are sti11 entertairtedthtintMat- liessrminy te capîmîr d by tic poice on lie otinrrsia.2arn< F-stn -')n MOn LLuy 15it Ia deytrnui- tise lire brok-, eut in tisa Waa lstock lotel i1 tih ewis cf tli I me. Tise lire arn.<an- ated in tie Celiar. ani m4pa suci ioalw.mv beurfî're :: wuu recen. litaIal effort, to a .a 'ici hl11 tn'r mers ii vain. Tic ireA Xio Mr. e ~ nI naigrand -prai-ie 'ta, thsaire- tel by ttansta imnith i safy af litere- miin 1er of tise iildiulnîJ laattribiateit ira muis there was a large qintity of val e- ubleprery Laas e etimatel at £82- (JVlon ist. l-e lira'ke atalnitheticpr.!m~s %onseu?îaci1by IMr. Canner. Cabinet Maker. Kin#-% rti WVest. 'he 1 tihe b.iidiasu' accu- tisa b-aill -iun.'salioi -O)f anlailier 11 chtirmttker avare active tevertions of e.) of toi -7h ).u peLt1QCtio ta o4uetro wa -supcwted iqto seaa.GovermMetalt lgb- not yt haviný a siflieîent population iog*iiy to de- A FntqcrnarANis M'rnawrAT 'SuV- cm.&Frenebuitislateiy in Loado.. disgunsed aith 11e, sauilt te id b'mself of; il lny tise folloaving, extr'firdiitity mea!t- flaving- witbdraWn the yolk of an eg fi om the ~hlile lad 6fiLad the latter widtfiis powder, a d pl aci-sg il t i i moaaîh h ig- niteth lb sme withafuzee. W$ .meuh uit tIsroat avere greatly burneti, but oîLte-, Wise fiee>ctapent materwalinjury. At a P Isuie meeting, helain i -amiltou, an tte i*tlninst., apetitian -as a) pteni ta tic IepL1uUr. rysnngthit abra exi-tinsg i~aw uisiit le aicimitetl an] a pro Iu IÀq.y iuor ba-s S.-SI sar ta tht Do~ xau teirce i the S'.2tc cf Mai32. A irre neetinX til -bcen hidi iii Lon- lci on tî.4,11 e ý t 0 the e 9u!sion aiflte "Isina'ne ithee 're Char lu or Scut- 'a_11 romns er. A mernneral ta the aacu i ita Lh tin -t IÂIILfLw»as a t tiiqlî 1 thât siu a?)in isanf 0* osteai'ý- - 1 ss i I t lcd 5am Ite iludisn river as -c t e as t e 2 t rt NVI 13 B MAîK S- i--s, per b: a s.notLy Sec-' ,,lastar -nueel2. >:OatOsi - Inelt, - - 3~c.per 103 ?n-! u tter- tiul:ki i, - A - eu- aiar I. 6 6 -- 3 0 - 6 2 t Ji sd~ ta 20 3 ta 2 4 ta 1 5 ta 2 6 ta 7 O ta 21 3 ta 2 3 la O 4 ta 17 6 ta 20 0 ta O 3 ta 0 71 ta-O O te 0 7* ta 0 4 ta 0 & ta 7 6 tm 3,) (0 CQr-rectcd exfrcssly for the Pât,.riot. ..a. 2 1832. Iua,,bîl1. là;b. 13 -9 to 2 ) ).Iitn c l. pt;r b1 j1 .bs 13à 0 ta017 G .ý h,ýat, pec - b 15h. eý>1bà 3 G to 3 9 3aly~2 4 te 2 6 b bel. âiiàî. 2 3 te 2 6L ..iats, pee ;i.%b. 311b4, 1 2 te 1 4 2<ISu, pec Wb îà. U>bs, 2--3 t 2 6 'oti, per bj!bhi1 2 3 te 2 ô~ Buef per lb, 0 3 te 0 4 U2et per 1t311is, -71 G ta 22 6 blo:-k, Per 0i)>bs, Z) 0- te 26 3 Baron, per 1O)lbs, 32 6 to 37 6 Matton, pt rli, 0 24 t)> O 4 [..tthb per qui:ter, O 0 ta O O L>o k Prý lO0 21 te O 3 iFr.zsb i3itter, pet lb, 0 7i -tea0O1IU.> Eirkit I3atter, per lb, O 5 te 0 6 à Checse, per lb, 0 3 ta O 4 L.ard, ptrlb, 4O tg O0 Appfles, per b ishel, It~toiW 2 6 17ureys. ec, S Q te 4 9 Geese, Cicli, iOtae 1 & D)ur 5, per pair .6.-ta .2 O FawlS, do 1 3 -te 1 8 Iiggi, per dazen, O 9 ta i O .Sraw. Per ton, -25 0 ta 27 6 Ulay, per ton, 35 O ta 50 O Fire '031. per ca:d, 126 o 16 3 %V001 per lb. 0 Ota i 3 SW~p,~ia.'la;h~re.3 6 to 4 9 LilIeî, dipier i) 0 a->Ota 2; .2 CON SJMPTION M! zs'irt p.1.1,4 isa qindidigsouuv, hât batforeo etie né awnre ut ai, the Iug&aea rni4hi oftiakers, tIICJ a isi4l.iexpo*ure or C tarin i nata ut, lilr-»ai, M/j t4t4, lft ld in1 a 'w d'lys o; weeksà, i - j:tg014. a; %.isen 'ft g~*y Cjnumj lion, Far ali îr.,;vèfrd witb rotuKh or limç crOol. plant. s% v lJrefet If) erînaren1of; the ol' -ë.he.ry 4.14 L.,i;.rr:,» "wljjh idssd -o b. ji certin et4 .5C jqfîbustwruil dieaie. )f the-411 ot'wab)ve arnamrticlrUesare sot 1 Onlq 1, v C-.a n Prk 3c Brolher, 0 jubu 4g, New .1 )It s'da in th'. Vjlïri 'otwhtbl, ,? ai, parth1ilars: ti4 heo oao of th* C)a-LarioA JtW,rtr n u, ure tsars. asaigis . Gitl5Stone, i 1'îti" Dra«P, 2 lisFotikx, 1Dune do., 2j 1#i1jhell l'pa,- 6 Chaira, 1 Ronckisîz Chair, 2 Be-lu.;eadi, an 1 oeveratl oîler artileis too tnirmasîouo Vs meation. SaleIo commence at 1oQ'clochk,à.M. 'X'nssars --Ali suai, ainder £1 5%., Cash, over tbat su. 'Seven Nlonüis' cedit, byr Miareb u9~Is, 1832. 48-'un Tli A ueta LrÂSLfor a terrn i of 's n1 Aurpes ceereti. Appiy ta thes osier, ICanutai, O)li-tt-a. tI P.LUER'S INMAA.INE for Feb. Jas'bdseâaî- s'w, Siné ntir a Oer 1llltmr- 714 eieaosExrr ;d1 on T'he Art litirisl tèreiyel re!!tolsrly. Sir J S hn' Lîrtt~aef oit fthe-'Iiatry cf n.«îl. . >sve, I.> m Crrsi.l 'ulre LmA et; is n r<'i l t te 'ssro Palce (Ilia' o y ni% Ifjr 1 -ima8rq~ns t iiy <ri'.f 1.7 t .y vVUAu:.tio:i Sale at .E p U R'T vvill comnlce a , ainai îMan.ay he 22 int. a1 continue uitii 3A LI. , 1 -t nevery thiao. vwill b. SOI]witii- oi3t Vîr Thcr ill be a; Sale eacb eve3ni '.comrnenraq at Seentao'clack.. WÙmb1 Mech 22), 1832 48,-2 NvOTICE. %LTL ?ersns natidebted ta the Est-Ite OF the lite Peter FerryYare her.,by notifiei tuit u.nltss thbq ma!<e 'Enme diti ie pajpnilenlt af heir re,)ective Debts, làeyil proceceiiný,,%will be taken AeJrf the Ezeutmr >LOhTy,2tE pcI3Y!. T HIS COMPANY Tlnl 01m&)fe. L'hui is ilever.aiÂqnai - h iltiMîual fl.Pattîn on amsy et& itisk,-atnal lei baiillgnaa.il if thnrebyf alvsiruatjau Ion Ç"aierffl tFbic Prolsptietas y DUc Ri-qka ii) Fore. Line. M; and ti op agiui bsheiot - y iyOruert, Tmoaitc, Crt. 14 15*1, ETU The~ aa tiw ~vf~b~r ppoisttd Age lau pà lu 1. >ébi g JoI*, of f Jt;ita a i,. JAMES4 WALLACF. 17011SAL5EY ,itlR r, V1llap L4sin Po-t UWkbtby OnoeoF l, ijj * La. a Er 10wzu~ is trected whi -,h, witb ýa11W. e m'air, wu For fit~. partiau1ars aply, iby letter post pai to IU)flT. M". IIAMILTOY-.. Wbitby, Ja'i'y 2, 1852. B.frcv Bill, :r:rt~ 'Th .V . :, l ( la 1 kw 0e cr lunI lrt> pii- n ttt ilid ny t 7. î-ýjI. efe caUiluheir îr.s.-;it stock aof DRY GOGOSI CLOTIIINE 800ors &JSHOE i -ro be teadty btr tineit SraiNo Nn l tiialetamiirual(ca seil ai prire itceti. Pemnitaist âina slew i Lat Rled Store, whitlly, Jais-2, 1832. Private Baardin lkaumner.. t lier Iiutise. 'N 1 E . ' atulldfty, lot vr erI'g anion wiuitlirguli 1IEordu'-r. piatii B 1:y aui Lu3t of 1 ev:miz. bu saLlcnîj A& .,à 6A, J. S Ot~st~, DWM~D G. O'BRIi?.ui. - - j

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