Ontario Reporter, 20 Mar 1852, p. 4

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,li Wý ; plu mv pke, my boson'& ZO pon rue SL-tolt Zes but you'r P» aftkepeeZ- sits.fl muel T ai lasi sud aomethini about iLt to ariend -You art very unfortunte,," said ie; 'Yod hfs an officiaiAuais bat. Nov t .,?taiag up àlow-croixaed, broad-bnîn- mh*, Jîk..o of our - Californiaa" o, tw e.dowide.i*akeg," "s a 4'dur- ~iU8*eiaiatlcheranid e)mocratiochei-' - .*-ocuIly 8ociaIistic and Xlooratic bat-a-nd, woid d eas to the Austrian paid4*ewt if I sitoulsi Wear it iantthe sW«to. Ths hoevere" msud lie raisedi -untier with a more pomted trowvanaia a-, m.ér brimu,1'is merely a 1'Sdech-ge- - ,b9etJfHat#' au etil-duspesed bat!i" 1 eaiglt: to mention bei-e *" ÙÙibisWord cýt ýtij"gbuaialmosi passeilinto a "phrtae t in ary, £0 mcaau othiuf hicb 4eppoedt..ho Vei-W*o, aJ Ocourse 4éiMqoecr, aapbhin;wbahch (bc llun- si Tis e ontinued, blkigop a W&Ckbit - t4 Kossutithbats in vogue "àa I>eliseutrialbt; I{imgrian, otatrevolutîonary. And ""hi~,anding *e I' minetsi il a thorotighly Austrmn, 'bit. 1 I vaofmiour*ese ,b-amuaed ut thia 'apuys. of bau, tizougk îtitgail speaatrong- JI,, iaueb j more tisai moi-c important faeet, 1of the preset condition of IIuagry PAT up FliES?!-Whenev#erwie are tolti ko s0up a mn's paper, it almoit ievaiiably 4hppD,'a t w e have severiti-dollars cf au- vais lgist im.Nov, tlisis not rair furI- ý»y au ta rua bis concience w* bard as titis1 yimv.sg tbe piinter napaidm.o long that hi- dare ot tae bis pape.' any more, fri fear ofc thenipit twse. Let -tliem pay up, and ire 44 b glaienougb teostop» but notîîMl tbec During the ezarnaution of a witness as' ýltIbe loculity of thu stairs ini a houa,, the eounsoel asked him,-e' vbiels va>' did'tise attirai-uM The-itvintiess, who,,by the' way, is a noted var,. replieti, Il on. vsay tbey rus up, but tise aller way tIey i-un dowu." The Ieae-ned cone iciviked both Frei", andtiotli ook a look aI the ceil- A Fi-reechmaWs, ieg to speak of the ýereasuof thte nglislspocîs, fuxgot tise word andi saiti1 de butter of poets.' A vag saîd thai be Wadfairi>'hue,_pchlEglt laugage.-und ' ieEnlul &nodmail vas eard toe esclaim, vis.'. Sitting at bier toilet thse otiser day. " I Clu bas. adriity, snd encounter bardships, anti, vttbstand the change, of fickie fortune;» but O, t, lire, nadi doop, and wilt, and dip.'like aaiae ePink, 1 can'î e:dui-e il, anti wIiaL' 1 ago-wben, but for tbis timely rçleàse'ïm thrlom, Irnigbt, barnanely speakig, bave ib 1 me ocil tu i.an pleaed <aÀ we V alwYs are wbeu n a autor's opinion. ag'e witb our own,) the othe day with a passage on te thirt ffth paeof "PéeonuI Re- e lc ton tis o hrlotte E'ae H." rU lathe.' came ini white the atayniakei vaâ r spreadingot ber biackram, wbalebonç, &C. "Pr>, what a" yôu going to do withthee = on efit ber wtb a pair of stayx." UTo improve ber- figure:» no -yonng lady can nyo U uiwtbout theta" enlee 1' beij yor p ardoi;-ýyouug gne gi-cv op very veli without tiidnianod to mty Young tad".Y OUhou ar.emistaken.- &e wbat astoop she bua aready; dependupon ittbssgidLwill ho both a.dwar(and a eripjple,,ifwse do't put brins,,y,,," e y chld tony beatcrpple, ma'am, if fsucb be àGIr in.vi, but: she *hal bè-one f Tberefre, sthe gfiTesupwithout t$ie bead- aches of otber 66Iady-likeajaaiadens." Per- bapi sorne 133ày this 'bas no fkarin-g on sab»eet ve ame upoo ; but. Ilseg Waesyt dfi r o-the atigei'ungnoWirputin the dres- eM Of Oui- emale is mare înjui-ious 1tiste vi- [ta] part of ie body titan e" gyd c ould ever lie. 1, eyqually witb ye,,î, admire tihe prese£nt neat fa"4n of bigli neck dresses andi low- inglikirts; bot-tke vap-like w"aisth mte he"Iaiol suudreehe or the fair population of our ind ad-ArMt/B~J&meGaWttr Ti TE< I q irtS V'rSIî'rio WÂIliie -ne of Our Wussbington coi-respondnisu write% tlsat the visit, cf tiseiltic te Waib- inetn bas retarded i-ailer tissn advauaced the moweinent to grmsit >an aulditional com- pensatîonto tise owners of tihe Collins line. On the day of tihe. festival en the steamer tise arrangements ijrse sa tlefective that hundreds made dé heir vay on Isoard, 'crovd- iug the vesse andi Maksg itl a sceie of oif noisy frolic, so Ibat thse cabuis anti ma- cleinery eould flot be seen h ie Membe-s of Congre-çà vbom it vas particulad-y detii- red to enhiat ini belualf of tIsefine. -Several S3enatrs snd,. Ilepi-esentatives also stooti long upon -dme wbarf vaticg vit their- la- lies, for a chance o o u b othe Baltic, but bail torgo.ome again as tisey caine, except n respect to, t'mper. Altogéther, eeays oui- cor-espondent, thse chance -hu-r thse grant rotilt bave been mach botter witliout bis 4st.-.N. Y Tlibune. (Jty CO"~n (presenin a tray of cakes.) -" Zekul -Wo't 7011 take a few kiisiesil, Co,ntrqCouaýn.-" Je-rewsalm! "t before so rnay people." T. Sheridan) late or CÂLIFORNIA, havin% purchaied.el .Bitery i fithis Vit- Lent, toruu*rl owned 4 rCiN,46. Cs.aae. and biuid said Clari. au Brewier , las aold 10 JOI$N MM 1 w on j,; -D, FOIS1R. the once uendivsdd hl 0 tBru-ver>', and this day taken sait! Fosvaa enute It il relatet, as astonisbing, tbat there Partnersip. There'fore, tle, Firm est, a elairvoWyants whi ca es e Sh r d nJ F s 1hog yay:but that. i% oso e r)t, kô sUý&Qee.'t'bc vonder -is ibere ahouîd b.îedrpecîlaiterag t the île.p'bîsc saI anybedy vWho canut tee tlsiough tise claie'- bls eoso -Extending tiair Jusi*ess, NXw SUBST[TUTE FOR OIL.-A, ev flsc1,y viIIspare nu <oit in theprpcuiri ulIefr Idmiatlng fluid bas becs tieveloped, visicis Der, t. iuak. t dcerving bebc bl etéemib>' C1B~sgiest measure,, supercede tipirit- km ai soon as tic patent Oflfice, can seitte I las ever lusen notelasd w prepareul b psy ibie- 41zlt.Large maauf'actories-of benzl, ."t piue in Cash Uta'cc a hydroi>aboa, whicls 4s tise priopertl o( Merehantagble Bar1ey, .F u an excellent * , <.ee :terBeîy 1 resporpl absolved in mroit-t air, are gotat up M.1 attendetu . Adetes ýwY-ork andi Brolm u uu£ae SHERIDAN & FOSTER. laimufactured tifontai- or minet-aI coat,, and wviile it man le afforded at kif theWILIT!B fEWBRY. ,S~ 4uid",pet gallon, it viIilyieldT.SIR A, teinl&4more illuiiation. The use of W~b,6hFi, 183. D < T *'.u in eaeb boume, but te ceapness of jti. wiU put -moveable lampa p E-T EIl - w.Y 'n early out ofusie. B DA Y 44 IiDÂK*'-Tsro printers ia SGGUEUESAND GEE L AMEN. .h,,oems of tisat ffl rac gn. à,G sBzn , or tn /i4i=cî, -Whigby, Dbe.i1g-1851 Nfr NTKARIO IIQIJSE, accomnmodati-on et ;be4'ublict hy Wlm npwove- mnuta iii ithe *uin< aSM fernitrire. Atf, , y en- Ia4rpmqpl. sami imrovement in the S$alili<ac- 4s:wrno4aion, 0sone b place it nn n quai fonIm4g ler conv.ienee snd comrforti witkany other Motl ii Ibis INew Coun»y. Ait Bar and Tables 'will alwayo i esupplied with ibe -bes:ibtat cao bd pouurced n te 'b k.:, and every attention paid tiiithe truvrllun ; ommisü- nu:y that cou poasiblyi make tbem fiel comforable osd ibome. j BYN O P.$.-Ol.urgcsmod*eralos. -Whitby, A ug. 23, ISMl. 1. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 811E UB$CRIBER retienustlîhank fisr the liberul support hc lins rerei vf nei Co m eneed j e.eold$,and, lot tronaqe bitberio conlerred. Thse Baris tunutbei with ihe bert Liqwir,a nt the Table suppl'ied %itb the c1Éocest caiselslea lbÏ can lie procured. G O O D ýS T A B L 1 NG, and "ita<y Hostler in attendanee. Emey aceoeameudaionoomako Tnavelleur ou ras tàblc. STAGE daily . teand tram Port Wh1ii Sp. THOMAS GOREY. P. S.--CaIrriièr in atendnse on île Bout. logébyte udetssrre s Geuieral Merchae.ut eendur fieetvleand (rn o! G. & T. WALLACE, is thît. <a>' de'.lved h Y 2Mlefual <musent. eandlGep. %VAlase i.Autheorised ru recive ail delels due and liqoiate ail daim, a aEe:tlhe'firm tGt;iORGE IVWALLAC.,' TRÃ"31AS WALLAC.. whtJyorW one Chng.' s I. r- d [t THE SuWbsriîscrg, ofiCbb WI*î9Y WOOLEN FACTGRY, are utiti at theur puis ready tu. exeiete ail erelewa izel tlew aumercua euetomera ay favor t"ic Tir este ofl rrkewill1 h'e.adcllows:.- SW#oIfrosack lrabiccl etittSattiriet. ïb ms&ntufàémutersi ncl:edieeg W arp, 2. fer yard. Spinnite -Sin!ge,7 I1?-M per b. do. DobleeidT'witîed.seer pond. Spinning arselWeavir.g ïhanuels ieîeudiug Warp, Is. 6d. per yard. 0OUR CAR wili r'un to Port Perry every ochier w"ek, roceir- iregarid ehe'spaîeleng Wool sud Cloiba per Sium- er Wondmau, tit thie close ci navi4atoe, Io Ho>- ver"' l'oint, snd M',Kiuaeon'a Store. Linelsa>. raIl- .ngeach wa y a! S. 1'anter'a Taiunery, Prince Aliser., aned R. Lueed & Co.'*, Port Perry, sehe r wool and <let may b.e le!:, aeud reîurned once irn lwo wcekà. N4 extra charge fland smi arriageor freiirL oun(lie bout. ,be aw of riget and the lase of loe se sisIs o be,rnlod b>', arndreceive the sanie at bbe banda oi *ut fiends aud custuemers. Mo'rt eettîemcnts are saîd to le thse promrelers of le.biîeg rtendship. V'ery desirahle. as we arc advocaîea ci 'sniveesal peace and oeder. J<OWERMAN.. Ff5ANAGAN, & ,Co,. WubAgie. 23, 1851. 19 if HATS! HA&TS!! HATSM! 11111IS UBS*CIBE- 3F lnviug ,just i-- ceîved #hc Bpt;ug atylco( Eugliah, Freeecband Amerte'au Satin HBaïl, Invites the' aîteniîto f the Pubie le rail aud txamireie for thprmels'es, as he rag' assure tht-m ubere bua belm noue Icetier ilitro- iuce into île Market. - Aloa fese caeeof Londlon -Bleu-k aud Drali Beaver Ha. .JOSEPHP ROGERS f tg p' J S desci-oux of obtaîningtvo ci- thi-ee Pupils for tihe PIAIÇO ràfORTE. Insrtruction 'f i bot b. giminon the, irustrierrent isefore the Poipil is aequaintedMi t thenotes éconlained inu to iles and spacos; atter- whieh, she Miii <be nen Shilling C'y, per Lessor, or TJweuty Shilling. for'ý 3ULw~poid in sdvatice.ï - OpposIé ite uGramma r &.1i Wbitly, Nov. 15j 18,1. 2-tr. LAND FOR SALE.ý I¶IUE Shuseriher olTers for Sale'în tise flouirishing ' owubip rd IJXBRIDGE,, Lands fnom 100 tuôoO Acreil, comprisinug Loba 140. 2, 3, and,,4.c i e Front cf the Sevcnteîb'nession;. andI alsc, Lot-Nol , ni)methtsaime Contesion.-i On' Lot.No. 2, Iber. are six Acres7c.etaansd flew entiez ýWbeat, Thée pare alto, iv ow odMll. bite« oun ibis lmu:, iIo 0b. surpaased inthle Coun-ý ty of York. 'lThe. aove' Lorn of Lan4 cotuprise 1soil eqétu a .ay part of thbeon.bîp - -For further rarticula<rs >i On Lot No.H9, 91h Cuueeuion Pickering. FALL&WINTER 80008., ,THOMAS DOW WOUL estfolly infom bu CIItaCSoub. Setoresq in Whitby an1 Col tmbus are U laual,e£îbj. sseauoulof the Yeu,vslls toý-t ed with every var4yonf- Fluenels,(Reeiand Wilite) Irmm laàBeld IQui lisanueCoeurserpanei, 'Blanle,.î, <pet pair> do Bs 9d IBcd 'rick and Towelâ, Sootbblads 3 91 Bonne: Ribboeu, lic 1>aetory Cot) do'.4 21 -2d Puints, (fait eoioeers)d (1.04mn r, <0 bnle o 4 1-2d Gala 1luilsa,* M uM a end Boas, I 1 1 'tI.kses onesWii-eCobîtou. ..îspapsu d rnaîeriaîtor ?doernin; tipdSirîg A L SO An imens assrtrnreî f SiotSte iped, Cheeckeil. Ftuwereel.andl Plaire Mafeeital for Ladies' Dresfes -o! thaiewtlt$tfYles and Faltuies ueemîau.l'eiis lvs. Ho.iurry, Plowers. Cap Fronti, - Vei,, MufiuSewed (;ooW,, SUIe., satina. vef vts, Shawils and HareJkerchieCaâ &&C. &c. &9eo)NÃ" ~e e~vaçl~ INISHED5 ON TRE zSlIOR1TEST NOTIC. 1' Fat eîrier Codnà do %Vbifu.y' do do 17i ,16e BOY'3, £togf. do do Fine BruaSiEIIoiI do do 30ç do W1>tiuiney do do Et.ff, (hier >Costa, do 2-1),6j1 Winfet J)EAwers, gin Whitney do do 201 Red ÏVuainue Shirts, (le Bea4'r do do Zs Nàletjts Esoffe , Vr.a,' Bay,& Ego& Cbsfs, da. Il o M< do cawmmere da da WhiInueydo ,ýdo Il$ 34 do Fancy do White Sbirus, do 4*4i.1-2 do Sain -do Srjdbrsdo 24 Od Jo BlackClof b dl Mei Eofedooucr e s9<1 do (Yeîada Tweed do do, Dotskmu de do 13# 9<1 Boylà Furie do t'o Cetimer. do do 13# O<1d o Liofe do doCa na4 àTweed do do go 9d (bib Caps, du-Cor$êroy ,do do , si D Fpur caps M NSPARÃ"ISSATIN ATSY BLACOK AND DifAL9 <rom 20i do, big di 4@ 41-2 do 7» 6d do 3@ Od - do 7# 6d d4 7& 6<1 do 6s 34 do , 2j 6d1 do 38 Pd1 do IS 101-2 do 28 64c andi Ciiet Bags.. rom lo 3 1-2d1 5' 1-2d1 9d1 3 1-2d L'orner of J<ir and Cherc Siretisjoieung the fissurEfqous,, NFW ARRIALS 0F D)AV IDT C RA W FORU rousdin re<weîieI~.10usintimaete -fo tise inleabicaeiîs of'W hztby jnid str- g .0.nty, ha l Ias eléte S--1Ietoe, at!y ncrupioed b> Il. JB. 0,CONNOR, NO. 3, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, wluere 6e ix now eopenrini otthe L4RG^E, fCiIE.T>ESiT ad BJiST aasoîttod Stnrk of DRY GOODS ever o#erïi lor. bile ini tbig parn of tht'e iunny. >The advitaageta he possessaes is JiMPOItTING 1118 STOCK direct f rom tîb. Manuffacturers, lourli;k fuwle;ge ai the-Trîde in Canada. a nd lut. uletErmrillation In acihere aitricily t. the Cash Sy# em, seline'irc Io intondiug poial.es, G R E Alé BAR G.iig'S>. Hisstic wsllalways comprise citer novelty or the$eaaomn, tegether with an Immense Stock of Staple, ,9uitabl; -ot~.'hc t7wrntr-y 7«'rd Tirefulwii comp ries a fesu ofite leaJieec ne tt,:le, :-4jala Plalids, X. 1>uLaines, Cashmerrs, Cobur- Cloche, Alapaca% Orleans, Che ep enyLitlong norued sqeearp Plaid Shawls. Flaeueueia, Blauekets. Serge*, Broad ,Clotho, canssîrcest C'écaula Clothis' 8S.:irletis, %Wbile S1birriu.s'a, tcory Cottoiii, :,-4 --- Llac and bfadder Prints, Cotton And Woollen Varie,, Bati Ireeared Waddrç,&. e &- .1111 of whickhe ris determîned Io Sei ttt 'a/spoidepy gprftfr (1A il 0A" L Y . A large Sto k of SÃŽlke s sud Satins, SlJ'si al 1 0 1 eed -i l% l- ew rs, Blo nud ît L sc. , D.C. %vould.l lug to direct the .tt1etitiotu umiluutse iCet-[er.e, Forrmprsàtd otiîcrx té) hi$. STOCK 0F GIIOCER IES, wbieh wu're purehase en X*'.< York luofore the're-erut 1ee i prîtes; lie i. thertfore esltd bt ef fer a UOJtl.icle lit a Lure, re tis i rar now lie- import*d for. l4kescie a cotipleet4ock of 1{ra~~îq-3~in~~n~. fInt ilg ~ f, C p, f r ' BITSY bt.2,1Mi DR Y'Cr o , at (lariur L~UVUU1IJ'Y~11L. -'c ries, &-adurWloesî t h p Tr î f l ' B y s t e u d l , a t -t o o r to p r ic e s , v i li b e . f o wli d sa 1t r - s ri p s d at l G .- W a ia ce15 C a shb S to re. 1 we ec î p e b > N. A T , ane Coelsb rnela tl 1c ci M B u uldugs, 1W itby V ill ae W 'rbhei bocafuièiore- Iveuîrable for carrying on sâ bay 1e5li8>iB m 'xeiiehesrlseuulroan ecle pee s'Ire1 e~u a;abcrpriacesgero oleauil.g -'RO0CKER Y!cRLKY! l J.ILPERY tBY. the Crale or oîhleru,),,e jest rt;- lIsýe DO NUT 4ICGLXCTi 5M CONsUTMPT10ON C AN be and bas een aeinto nd JIJDSoN'$ C(,HEMICAL EXTRÂCI OF CHERIW AND IUNGWOWRT and na rrenedy hau ever befate been disffOUli ia: wiIleettaeily CLURE CONSUMPTION. The moe't strongly niarketl and d<eveloppil ras< cf Pulmonary Ce>eeseemnption. wbere th-, 1ungs Wbas tec>nedi*e.leui euleretelami th,- ta"c Io ýà teofy hopeis, au Io bave beau proeeourscralb) Physicians sud frienela, te, b. pas ' ail posibilnty o rerovery, aud at-tlimes thougbt to b. <yieg. ha@ beeu cure<1 by tisis weoderfui reme<1y, and &re now as vel ami bearty as citer. It is a romupo.ndoi mdîeatioues wbich are peculiarly a<apted Io and eusetally uecessary for the cure of COUGFIS .YD CONSUMPTI0N. lis operation is mild, yet efficacoms; itlioouu'ni the pblcgrnwbech crest.,u so a ch d-LMca1ry? je 'Heves the couçle sud aista inature to czpei from thée syitem ailt<isd matter liyae* *1ation, produciei; a delightful cliange suin hebreathioç ard <thest,.'aud thiis. aftpr the' very beat medîc i men and the inventions of kind and aorrninug frieudo porsons bavaeIscen eleeoived repéeely iibu iut Il medîcunea wbicb ses-ssad <o 6v ôu.fallibls cur"s. but wlsicb bave proved osily patiiives, but :61. mcdirinp ii.si. not ouI>' s palliatisve but curea r ai- erated ltu s. t contains no <et-teniolis Dr,s a x and oeetrial sel peovo.,ts.oniiieg ffirCay iee- n fer tlsan an>' assenlinset c'rtificsot" in rnrinjcoem- sumpti4'u and ail diesscs of tebIn"l'sa, sac au Splfuing of! Moud, (eskpain. us tMc sieksuan durt, i, b-see,4r. i4e., Aout l101>)()airroet mfrrutous rire* pmvt>m- cal b>'tais edicine, frm ame o! tIe <tri L Dos-si Clrb'ymee ansd Mercbsuts, bave berte"snulus loi lii esdic ee utt Il>. pub icatieu ont bte n ook *s r ton Mach lîke Q.iarkery. twill Abese them anly person ealliregz a i rifroice..)1 This. m4eiehne vilI spetk lot ltse!f and1euoug;binitao 0w nla vaut vIer.-n cIter ib is tracel. Caution.-Thsis meifeine im plit Il lrg -tiotti,. sud you mtrisu id the na1me îCIl teyt Rralhor, Propriet>rt. Newe'Yorks. on the splendid pe a. rapper nroesud the,' leotile. -Ali ordetrs muastie t addresed ta Can-itoc thoer, No. 9, John St., ai Ne4 - York--- b R-emeniber and1 neu'er buy it unles, yon find the hb name on tbe wrm p,-r. l le reof a danr.:rui, Couuttrfrt of tIse n1 CHERRY 4 LU.N0WORT, aud the JUNO CORDIAL aud C41RLTQN's$ FOUINDER c QIlNTMEY,;Tatid RING BONE CURE-, offer' rd for Sa e b Dr!li" Store', and rememnisor sud nover beq- the"e sricee iu Wiltby. orsily al'Wu,. L4z:ire. iit Dry Gouda store, and av.usd :be cql. fi tTo O«wrrersf a;d Dea.lsrs u in Orserr. CA 1 U. .LON's FO U'N1)E a.() N T- For the ýrei l Yo'uuder. Split Hl, 1}fe(unf-oi Horse, and con! ra-ted and Ft.vaiisIFaut. , Wounds Bruis.. #04the Fleale, <;aîled Hacha. Crackesl Haes iSc-nrher-es, futa, Kit-k§,C, on.oui iess Caufloss.-Fid tiue narrue ontJ Caritoe.Com- çfOCI-011 tle wnspper, or'ier huy Cýari îoli's lotâe For the' cure o! Rmiri-Bone, Blond Spavin, Bone spau'ire, W"il, ami Splinî-a Certain remeti>' CARLO O.NDIriON I' OW- DERS FOR HIOR-SE,ý AND CATTLE. The 01m..o Wcetb<r anid eason. vith tis j HARDWARE. j 4, KNGSTREET, TORONTO. T " T -Subqcrilier bimgc b oinfurm bhis DY' voriorUiVeasls (om Ses, ViZ:-..Lord George %eutick, Aune eropper, Sti. Audraw, I'iaçara, Ceini, Zephyr, sud several others trm Lier- Pool and Londons; sud in a few day-a isevîll bave a cemplete'assrt aient of Boas>' amid shel Bard- wortrea'ly for Sale, and at priesas how s snyin tbe. lr-ode. T. HAWORTH, Tor'onto, May 22nul1851., ! VALMA»LE PROPET IN ceevece direct 11cm thee Mnurectnrers et GE.WALLACE,â Cath Store. Crommnercial Buildinige,Wiiy Village. -.CAU lIO . purr by ne toI loi- tisel Outoher, oaiel Nott -PortFi Onlu, geca CONSITI Fi a ý4lý'l bi 1 1 1-1 - qàw 0

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