Ontario Reporter, 21 Feb 1852, p. 2

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b aie'« ilmmUthle.gentleman who sin wenit telisi rescue, anal s0 bu- v,ý4jredbimfrm tuhe bands of lis 108 tem $-1 ppears that as oui-boiras- et jmjj ý ý ain pvmer, cf the açiconer Oe lw btwa% on bispassage fren aieruic to d u h ws bailèd enthe 16111 u -à b. u amed t*l odLeu-tp.' lle et lowweii*brouglil the chlier. ti> %blue 1 le fiad a ubject of lier j L j9txi Iiesty on board cf Ithe foueigncr, 5t whoe as n arposl Ipues to b. takea on Y bordth ialpl.' Captain Brewru, ie- plied thue lie Lad huen kaocking about -for j appui time iiblcontrai-y winds%, 'anal i"as>j r.iwriliard up for provshots; but that lue a kta net ti. heglitet objection telhs couing oi ba2rd if lie could liiing a littie Provision- wt4huu. 'Sonme dli,' Leck place., occa- à> ited b,' a sharp partance lietireen thc CajuLahn of thue barque an -fthé Pont pilot,h iL apears iras aImoit diiven te dc?à- L p ci-hior, féiri; tle talph wiruhl netirath 4ý tak him On huo*d.) iren-a beat iras I.wiedhuy thse barque, and tile pnoor felloir w#as 11i,' ailrwards inti-eduecal on boar-d tsitaipli' %muer. lha was reccîrcil bylienr- 17 wrliu utafroi>nait. 'flecnman luat sue- 9 oce&dain getthsg a lit-hie beef, buead,-aadh éboe, .fropu the bauque. wic,ia ,theelc- 5 cées of bit joy,bd 2aImait forgelt was in thec bcat as lea aerwards siateld, liberty behagb nir tintrer toe Wm th-in food,. -"-omtte ides unir libi- -mutie'tf Itie îreutnuutbhe id ti-- 1 ,~ [~ that ai.htnUu"Lîa Wta - ,i~oj<ifCofia bar- i .'o bearuinanhle îia- 11 die, $amtigne »~ a i L - -e o ----î p i g ;u,.11ln i e ta iele îiictf te -ba i u.nar ilt, a n d ii naoi t l aju,'. te 4taise tliiibarque te Watei-ferd,iuerc e j.h vas tebc poton ulhore and i uccivc£2 te Pai là expeem.sboni. again. On airiving 0 W&tMohrd, t1ough tWu mhnd iras fa'o'ur- àblé. beiag N. N. Ea.. at the hlneeîle,' re- futil te s*end Lumu dote, frionu so e - iléap oeoroi<b.r,uuuthey, affical at Monint's B*à, irbea lie deireal hlei ite put, [hion $bo e iluer tbei-u orat Falcnoutb._but.ticy il$l pomuthted i hdeir rcfusal, itoulie brizg-ed iun'the ncumi iuiploring inantier, as &eb ud a sick i' 4 ý1four lhtihechild-euu , St oame Who vtouid Lec.ii great troublei-ti -1s spectia bis smaici,'. »uring bis voyage' dapis te'l anacl everything iras donc te t ontee t, and other coavenie-nces. Bek fastai me brougit ilie cook %ibu ever,' at- .4ël1oà, and sncb cotnuphhnenfsas fle fýmlow- r- mg mite pussd ;-, J>DemiýghislMe colleta. bD IEuglis lik butter. - De L-n-lis ikec "ef" sud ahaner lime anal supper Lunie féin~ud ail rhisg as îlwuy selt u.But imduat yI,' :1w,'adc- the J.izard, and îgot clu of~ the acliarnnc, a dit1.ýrent course cf proeeedhng ras isuutituteal, andI jach ecadeau- i eured tlu oututtriale tc olbin. ha tuer i- r*miement of cruelt>r Ie becamet the oIt- deaveuredo terrîvhni by-their bavage - luae ndlmiîs that teft hiîn ne tocin to 4htr a momeunt thutbIllead falén in, n( tiîoa aaguinary <ce. -Al îhalj coula bc dotue te excite bis boni-or iras don-1 ijzct as lb. braadixsluncaof murderous ai-mm -tUie settiag on cf atage doegs*,-the oatih-9 »m a&buof <tit, gaic anal sin1kiuig oifor1 his ouI,' ept-fo ruawcd b,' tleir tauntb te the defcuceless anc tlat 1,De Laglis no bèu"-rin t her viords neojaa. ie de<aed at le bad net hlept -for alJoi-t- nigl a(ozm fear, as flue, grew irne -anal -wor-c temwards hum, anal fi-on thehu- sigas anald gestua-eslhe fil,' bhieved'it ifas*«theh - -I most Of M /ewa1pno.u &~ I. q Most fi waitice. ep- araed roi lwlëbld, an, tftender lu age; yet thie e étrage mli. disPlayed in re- coverng it, in lte midst of tue scelles ofii toi-rot atten4hnl the rapidl conflagration of il the slip, showt c enduriag love of a motb- ti er wbicb no ci-cunustances cf danger ta be.r- elf could cauise lier te forge.' Wc rereêt d o adal that the busbanal of Mrs. Mllen*il i. among tbe fearful list cf the Missingr by a luis terrible catastrophie.- -ue boirr, i entertains a firm conviction that MNr. Mac. a lena escapeal ha one oai lue beats irbic l bat r et b e accouuteal for, and wie uzuier- il stana expresses an expechation tbat lie nia,' -et be-heard of. Mrs. Maclean î se- là vercly bruîseal; andal be ualthu conîicer- p iioIy.tqstaken b,' tbe fewr.ful suiléring tlirough whuiclu bhe bai passeaL On la nding nt Soutti- unptoo to day#luc ias poerful,' aflécteal. Shie was met b,' ber brother-în-laiv, andl left Southuampton to juin' ber relatives hy thei thi-c o'cloek train. Mibs Snt teotiller' fetale passenger, L mid ,dispiled a berim-and-i ntrepidu y lurouglieut these painful seenesicl place î1er almost hn thc ranhc of (i-nae Darlng.- ;ýke i a ver,' p-tesssng youîig lady,, and ive u4jle.t ind teck a passge by tue Aiàs- zon le join a f'atmniy in Porto Rico, iritit tihotu shie Ws obtinet the appoiotment of1 governcm..,, MýisSithustates ji.arterfîi having retirçd in test on the evenîtfut ' nighut, îlwwmaruc*cluya siden [aohsCan a mu-y of *t Lire "' $'be rushed out of ber Leihihler, aightdrcs.?, but ias met lu,'a tentiem.n<n.whuo--conductedl or carrhed lier Back to lier Calihacnjoining lier not #0 e li alaýlmednos the (lames ireulal moon be suli- iued. Frouaté incrcainTu confusion. she. liowe'cr, t hoaghli hbcvstoeproîWae for lber, tain sare-,y, a n- accordlingl,' oobtuineal poe-i -osieio o e. a b'anlcet anal petticonat (&aneli. iuir uj the-fi: si articles, nt bad) and rî,uhed il) on tht <1eck, Il bc' appearuicc of mat- tern iluere it a ppears. icnpnepse bler 'il hj the conuviction that Captain Syunons h-id lo,#t ail cool raI over te crew, who irere rapidhy launching the bonis and jgetthný aira, f-o n the 4hip ai fast ix fbey rotîla - Xls m th leieforc, formeal ube rt'solrc cf saving lier cira lite if possible, andl set about it witb a ceolnes quite extnaordinary. -the put on ber pteticoat enootlped bei-self ho the blanket, and tlueo making fattcune endl of a rope< to somne patt>, f tlic but- wark4 cf flue shiý, -anal seurimîg tie other end to one of ber arma, %be thi-cir beief overboaird wiîlu the intention cf gelttîin m one cf te beati, but, if uàusuccebsful in bluis «ndeavor, to renuaha suspeiided as long an she- coulal and ethen te <trop inho thc sca. preféing datit y dr!)wning, to the hor- ribl aernative of pcricthing liv fine.. -bl lic h faunes were>rapidly approachmug the part cf the vebsel fi-rn whiclî due iwas simpended. 'vbea Nlis Snuimtb, observing a faveurable opportunit,' threw lberself into one of the Itoats that itappeneal te pass ncar ber, anal irbiolu iras gettine.,ua ri-omi flic lazing wî-ek; mItefe Il beavîl,' on one cf the seats or ahwarts offhe liont, andlune cffliche a- mnen feu impon ber. ber lcet beinz filier. hy severel,' bruis il. 51w wa.4 bowever smatch- ed fric imnaediate deaili, but eu>hy te en- rouilter the barrors and uncettainties of a sturnuy mca aund afui-ions gale, lInAI he 1 tr,%hun; seene' whicb followcd, ber furmncss anud courage acter forsook ber-~ in fact, on several occasions ilue took ber. place at. the esti, andl fulped nianful,' b,' ber beauy' ei- ertimns te pi-opel the boat. »Sa du'stitute of clothiag were tecrwaf the boainhowheh titis Young lady iras a- fellew sufFerer, snal aucu an enhire absence iras t befeof an,'- tbin iriwliclute nuake a signal. tlu't site iras bligedti t take off ber pettieoat in or- der thtt it mighrt lic attacliet an eoar anal hoisted as an embleni cf distrese to invite rd b,' the roulaI -lae caler ntni- é gtvcuas IhJfii@CflC.. ThCîU ait olihhremik tSQi uinîster woixild ncvhiumlly 1050 hus bead. plilionugxtthc uoldie t, but a wvbelc- jT'here cailie lnt)doubt Utat ho the pre- ,mie eucecsitîuaif c>ficers ihaviflg aken' jsent shale ot'afiirn,mcorvand nimvy place liy sentenceof cuurts-nuitrtisil. uiiit lue pot in an efficient iitti.- ýrinqtiihîf y is fur the preMulunt restuureài. If Oint lie neglected, e îlI, r ong t hii belicvedtfinit thle di.ueunte utcf the uoy <larhy fur ont rthtes ,"hiigjturoccîs <f ibis ceuint-y itive M. IWGl E.flOW is an au-, Iurinig lite Wat&k critîcîseal the tent (if îuoi-iscd travelling Àgrent for thîe Ontario Ile Ftiib Coîuslhhuitioiu, aid one, anal f eyorter, ýte obtain suliscrhier anal receive ai' bave'. tuoîînced i: a tutoekery and OKci-s for Paint ing, Advertisingc. &r. insîlt tu lie petiple w)uuse- destinies icfM fluects Io regiolaie, and whuose, frcèdOnI T 11E - RIE PO(R'H-rj4-ii it preteuds ho secîtte. As the text cf 1j-4 . tie Ouistittiiitin rot.es îc lie precisplY WîrHIfl'. SATURDtAY.F,W.fy2,i of flue chîaruucr 1 nticilxatealfront hIe ------- usurper u-11l nperf s 1higli clcmucraticli Free Triade. prhaci1ulees., wlîit lie «really $eizC8 tij1(<>l The X Buec 3urd cf 'I'iade, comin- LII te ixweis (if state,-I have oîuly [upto . n.bxy fficucf u:,lgn rletthue expressiton v biliorwinee mac iilu dyonfhthew r Cnod,4 hanelien- snfiu sh yuannci' perfidy, luypî i-u uymu slfsityrnuy.Luîhri 1heiîmitîciedai.n-OW jroject uf Free 'fiado to fia, ili poîitof fuiet, nusuined imur re leGen-ei-con-Oh ra aimss , pow<er ihuct1%,a!vuleon îinuself pcssessed luGvcnefo oluîda.ss<' Jy Imw, m-lulihovas First Cumiu'uîl- comumercial uniion.ns qti. leuve ius a Bu-i- h lie lîreseuift execuutive or-e.xecuif iouler cf fiaI> provîiuti iu i inî.'icdý Fi-ance luhs Iaisîeu ife nîcîlde*.ihit llisinie Tedvt- Lie cut ut<elure~ <,i-um< ~ ~mnc i ns hîabeti ftrwnicled iii Ius f-îmui co'itîuds tht' ni-liy ; op1.iuiis atulotteui- jMontrent. liy n gf.iufleiuutuIl wehi 't-i-sedli tiutuuuies a. lits l4tiou; if tIh-y du lus tindct fcrt ieîurth la-l a 'riuIlutt- *ut retua4 ef <withi a reqtuesl fi' givc it îblit, 'lei peiteiIut flise Semuute 411hlieu cuiore isis jedqt blatv*i i iudy- htun cvets itittwhiell ex- eaertuhyCj, '-m iui r rnir t stiJdiiriîîur t ise emp'ir-e.Ailtlise gun-j fierasth-i u - '<fhire t i î.àlpurt- ratiitecs t utt> Ili hilaurî-y have Vnt;ist Id. Tt ÏseVîitl iit a h ra uisott ii Duliberu ffli Ille Ille ~ iu- .tc rn ViU-'"[uillty u i» uîu l.uui eî: fieonifrylies wluere ifs î'ci-k. caciiS é l.inist wiloît'iule ct icliiî hescre, uand thufpopuluionuîincreSes IFS ill-i-1y lire eurrviiuz ituin utui Ilfwiîiuniiu Otie uir wt;rkshîup>is ni- ry tu lite lcuîîs tl ' i iiiiiuitds. Ait 1.00 Ir-s-rîhi-u ;t-s ulsai-e dus, Iui CVL-iV-ý luitutry kilt ar cwui ; un-ci i~rit-aisjrîaJd, 4ut exii'. . Obliiox..VVIve-10,1111( cf fluei-iîw ucît-raivh e ittU5 pel~~is whîufuik ;pilffics Iiil ht, S iii oh'nd, gues fia> teed a juiblli -I, uiiis se ci ,Pti-.s tari! si-oit away. anud a .iîri-P l e, t jijillipter udot'iu Iui-iir. atmi uuliuiry hine tebooed hy a luisi(if litid» lissiuf moistl ic asisfth'lis- lutI. u l l d rvv icueuuîi' tc C-c, u i llufeii hi.;,iu ~ i-~il~ l (1poilî î if :i hutig f huy îr'dlice. An y ;iclicy flii-icfeut-cl îtli -usitseahîiui huiîidl>' eatu s fi, u %lbireu(if Ilue iltuimî C mîuuluete [lI i mtl ut' fIlle iels !tif'Ile f;tefl irîg hh-usîttitîy î-uijîviIv Ilyodî'r Ne~tru Ur Frantce. Illa- halle anud jiuike-u.",- C 1 ,., ~~~~.-; Ile ai hI O [lu Ii lemus doîli uuitt i111(!ICV----------------------->Çlat.ý, (M plauce îvitlu tlie tustunt l iuu jît-rilitfl siemat -i" îytf< eu 1iia i ii iciut! "i h u y cut yuîtid-r, fiaiî, lioti uiehi-ur t et'r'it'S uîmuId lacec l ils un a i jitiai fotui- rdirts h uuîiIlalsilîlflic l'ut-si- r i t oi-emtrs, wmi, 'ciuve ut i *luitf le ué-rIv e'aiiîi huohy Ilte detsIle wuis i oi-cti $îuaj0 .- mIllie Offier bcving Suuuuîiîed ait itu s îuml lui cairîi~~ wis uuun~ jii I he Cir To His Exru/lenry Cei Rizht lfonrre- rtmumul. T'flic, riur %vusmurnhlVitt1 iParu:, ; M1e Am ES;. Enri cof 1ELGu-i, and Km%.- anud îuhaiîly ýheçisse Il eiîdeiucvnuil)îl- 1îcbhc niîd l gctaît sa-hsumsi<-i- csmmiis-it.Goutrnor Geuîeralql f ri- (isfi Xorth A<m rica. &c. kr. s&e. li tiltl'ai-t-sutrpai-is. Thue niuituary 11, ~MtEMtOYtIALif thet' J3tlhuu t'- TOADI Ptuiu d.mtv iceie 5 mcfreIurc-ucict of the City (.f Moimireuî Rcs1lecttul!y Pidal utuu eîi srîlnierr '.'.h re. tueirevfti 'rb-e olaru i of 'var wlumeh 1rev<ls4 i 1 Tlun -ioi--t t' sîdmljrit oru 1.curu ilslu cîitt imtheîutt-d flu e cîite ldlauIity If ) efwte- nCimidai anmd tI Uietl Entglnnit, is îuurnduîil) hua tl'rts jîîtîr- ISfnme.s lis liure£îui-dt-dcas out yrau liais in flueaumsi titiis iiauucer. '111e iun lportanlce o ltlut-,cunmu tercial iuterpsts 'L'rtîssiacî ciimd AtixîruccîîCahituetslq u ý f luii Pitîviuîe. uuuîd repetniet ff-oris ii lue <muicmsy au Illue j of't i tr îîi-tirsiti ave biet-n nuntli' hmv 'lia- Pri-uiicul Go.- Fraclciciîl eJ iii'miilahs ilitu tiicu ejup. erninu9! tfor titi- ' aiuiiîei ftii -c- hais mei-y vddiy rc-lîîi-k uuc lio le -..un-lt- cf, mtmule of w-l(i-hit wounld se-en> lbave- tïcclelunmce" Ciil Eu1gliiul U atut tllue i'îruveil "Ccessflll. muater, wliilst foi- ont civa pai-t %wart- i A tiid wheisu. yuî- tir rmisen- iuit- sucalirobit . but- i-iignîiuy uuyfi-cl Ilt'ejterîuuin tIe heief. hîînl fttuu 1 furmt wveiglmtcf tIlle tii-st tb-ui cuineà ut uni- witi pi-oive eqîmtalv utîcay fuwhule versuul d;iuuimmhui, anal tedîsturl flis ca~~ce jtie, bcumsui oi t wicli Ri-ttiir(.eit is ut Etupoe. %-A currespuideut cf the Psiagf, ienin-i îmtuinged-, catI alsuw 1,liy N'et sayr adi dltîoui f 25,000 'l beie'ingglialthIe Cuntres()f, tie iit *,lu iheue ui»ýiiSi,[eued, tuia lflie jUnited States bave witibid h thir irts. ;ueces$sugvr y i-ueientsurc mti iader - sei. ilct-risItle w'auit cf rieiîdhy dix. sto" tu [le soi jirogrcis. Thei plai'luo Isiion <on their part, 80 mumelu 1 fu lie 1rciiulgumît-d imnmeducteiy uiufîr Ilue a namural amf1 projei-regard te i in- m!ctiu f 1'urliurmetit, i inderiicotl jtercstm of their enpeuljile. bsd'i tu kc». ail!tws-the blief tint the plui hiemetufore stîl- £bhe 17 1, muiitsof. Cavai-ry cil inifleal, were iruperrtt andl 1-rtial imu uIlehicitiu selvicelare tu le un- their charncter, iiuasiltiîcli s whismt thuey t-rcascrd 30 niu iîer itti-ccl, (the ;roposed te admit thue Canadicin pro- 1Riiîg's L)rcigcui Guards has- jdicei-to sai- in tic nmar-kets w1ich îii t<'iglt- trýuems) -tU lnereuiso uuave yItem reumdI-a y, tile iciifihî hiii ni-uof Uie service, 3.120 irti îf fthe olec Sitites. thîcy ufflaîtdi The Ileyi Artilcy, 13 batfak.- jliin deqiiote rthurit, anduic tcemlargeal io-îns,25ioneà tucaci lntuhot,3,nr3 fild tulu-thc cnnufetiiag interest of ThIirty Befgimeuuts cf the Lin. timat ceuIi,'. now utl limne, Viz.1fjct Andl wiei-' it is flic btehýi-fof votur é LaitoIii Rcyals,4tii,7dh1,911., fnolîchslt liat i at!efat t u utoiveroetume 141mb, 23rd, 271lh 1li ls, t iii ditlicîuilty, ana l)u ultain .eifu-oci- 33rd,38,1, 39t, 40il, -6th, ty cither_ by a system of<if dicrimiuiitimung 33r, 8tl, 9th, -Ohi,46b, datiesl îctwveeaticernitntfmcti-scf flhe 48Ii, 50tli, S2ail, f570)l, 71st, - 17U, 79th, Sigt, 8,24, 85flu, j Unit'-d States and o fiepr ci>intric, or SSiI>, SSthu, 90tib, Dist, 93i-d, j by Ouiy 9fier muruins, witl lxe fucttiia mu- unti P5hh, tu e lie k~-tieil d tu erfeet, anal sotiid, l in aci. jrove frulit. 1,00 ranis andti le'ci 6,20on lem Trhe folluwjoug 24 delxulisto e . l'lureftiurc, ut h teiilScrZ )c- -furmeneti huo scosiid bottaI- iine u f.Ibis J3umrd. Ibid an ammîer ttm ii!- tu -Quai. ti ltî, I lii. (, sveetre lte fg-t-at ubjecet nd in vie aadlý 26111, 3011j, 341hi. 3ithi. 4,Qndl , luiclu lis su iuîsu:tant 0 011 hut ou -4.314, 4701., 4.911. 92mî tit î Ilile iliteii-fsl îrcýtilttif isdhire tir Cil- * rt'u accu IuuuîaliîIo te ue tuut, mis In e si-ti-v to autitcane a <iffèr-- 800 tank atutti le, 1 d'il j nt, îup'. ., 1<,iaîuist vii, 1Iup ie ia thehtucnaret ocored o ~oorCgI)into Morwd3 's itore wliere W-et.wgs l bc mit to ti nation; and thi., protectivesystem Greitt being 2% usual, clm*soi k. 1eoteifiio ]3ritaiti contin led te extend tint il, in the j werc in the mtore at the time. seve:.l rositly mner4 Progr.ss f evett, the Colonies hod went te NWet"i, bouse wbhere tbq Çfouod fier egrsWC] grown "p to astate of ripened nia-nhood, ~-WCn ue tratren beain n Io- yinS'on a lied. The cooly remnast Of ber wliat lwe ki ger neceicsêry Or de-sirable. Tflieu. hav-eelothes except lier stockings, waï a %inaJ1 quirut tue dc ing seeti t héeitfairly enborlied o'Pi th, pat of a skirt whirh- wa,% ,titi burnn on; %is ilretî f skcf lgoermef EglItd lie~ pr back ;on of the incit havinX put the quire thes hierseif remuved the iiàckleq whic t br n weitzhedsIo lighily on the colonist, and fire out, wrapt bler Ù., and left ber là -bcd; the rewpion biidding îhem take tlînt'coirs(, Wiici is ýhe being burned inIL tie mrost shocking iiall l incrfIiý-e niTWt cciisistelit wîli hthci-r welfitre anîd ititerest'is, tîirinecllier regards (à.ùiner. nare al pres att~ii nliraianid 1proper gsue shuîid i) li thc carly part ofthie seveni1ng, severaI a>tinfr~ tu thl iciîllionsi of lier sîibjectsnorfc 1Mi-wenttotlî Plhou", and foinrd itfull of stioke. lreqtientlyi ti1ilKiately tirottnd lîer,and %vhloge claiîîil. On~ entering îiey onthufru'iewoilheln 0!, ierw attetflioni1are rmure turgegi t iîd fudtetnotnt o ntefo lrr;îîîiîînt tIlin dîse u*for c'uiit man laying on a chaffilbed before the fire» A t one timi Tu lis al(. linss ii dii eflect," 1 M'hitever the bed beiti on tire, bat >lie waste not burn- we were P he 00îr juiiilrllnii omril! cd inithe lied, a.* the ire hatinot yet rc3hl1 wille.,rar, bi wc intist lielncfetiîh reat yoiln .n8we wvocid tronui iii utlu'r natoijt," îîIiid ed lier. She survived only twrelve or th'r Mnma. knoit, li er r n4e5.4,ifieq. .11)(1iiiOurwkn een hotir!. An inquest was heid1tu heU-~ by wht e ~vaif nd rs'uie<-, vedo Dot crnjlaî» <loy -Jevenîîig fluwnbefore Coroner Bîrd qe~oa Fi-in îî% ve,~ u ih occil qi<l»îwlen the above fact.- relative ho lher deatb ýSince il existiflg iii 1l)iiitîteî sinîes, îidu> were proved. The witneS ai5se aidW'estSeodt cctered relut i;nx %ifflc Eiglitsd,it woil had l;e#n in the store about one hour when loUc e seeii u rsui n a uiciiialcuIseqK>ucethe> intelligence tist -came -of ber being caec Ibitt tht intîe lia'< rrîved ftur-Cîdatilu ocn fa st. iiicîti iiercial relutiîîiis wiili Ille buriied. Napoleon UîîfedShiî' :i ~vilenable is$itu jiar- Il was rilo statfd that Jag. A Ferg&uson jÎlr.l triî;,ie '" 1w efitswte %vîî,~ig ent into \Vcît- a short timebeforeiteheario front iî ieîr sçMelî1, Dnuli%'î1 h i îiail-.I fatal alair happened and sbeivas ý!ittin- lie- qlh nl Init li5d # el ua merritiUnion1 %vclh h i fore th ie la1ogamic O rc-tu;fl<'li eiwislu-d r'hîtuui, fi-m t e eani n o forwardi, and 5tupiJl~ puîhîli~illiqiiMore wiith Gi-uic Brîîitiii îjlmpaired al in- 1 Ie jury lrouglik in a verdict of acei- Wetmttlia filet rta tit'if îîis nnu, lî ved, uaI1 as3I20K>GE NieîoriiliJi' ~ieerev lciive,<. . dental deatliS rk. at 0, 11 i'âlvi t tiis utvuvlint- PnoA ENU.litSj 1~,la ie lith uw lh.L ris 'V>iff4tiîfv Io siî>bnt îîpro n r~l il, x1>urd ele u iîtil ic). tlil132;liais6I{ntodr 40 t lic le Pri,,ne al Gîrivernîieiit tu 1 85î2-Total oumbe.r of Inhalbitants .29Enlsl sitinéu Idoiai)i)ileNs itrii-n"t it) 1e Meu t.'riii. .,Itt n )i u-u--l)(-î guiait-r. .... invacle the romple d ti ntire fret trade vifse fi Intrease in two years, 609 the ýmIIin, United Sitt s.as wu'1ial a;at tn>iZ i- tri theinio'în fufvoler - î Ttie armony "UspptuZ"l ipaai niurual iâs, ilie <i!y hia ~î, uern t1ciuruîc i lh' S. v luviu Wie'îii Vll, wc liarc been on a s-isittUTRAa l'y Ille prriiîal t;tuertillieli. o<f Ill' tîhe uyurossnosthat are 3.rsethreot Aiic'îieun alilL f i¶ iu' ii il imii't>- I crieatinw 'o emuch $ens-ation n n iby-. A . îheporte ia1t:,urs frui n- n ut4lov 11u» free îtiîiniî- pj e.tu ut 1 tifIlle ii aiid Liî ~ atof Our curoc:ityin titis ffepct, bsJmia litrt o'f <'nli cul-y into l11w nliî'î; been graxifid ; but net the Whole. flCTh- u; this uiîiî:(u cr leeiî:e-ii ulr real rolutionoftufhe ;"yNtery we leave ta rto f u~~~~~4f~~~~~ tlt ( tiiiiil the a '> luse more profound ini the phtlosuîily or' siien'itdeNiraiidt. f by.s.1,ltdle c ît ifbun» near al.Ju.dPatunal rmrc, or c>auseandI udTct, tban our- ~- 'iî~î ~ ~~- t(-t:îî% t ~on Iboard 3 -Th.' 'lit ceetals <nIl 5e1veÉî. Th Ina tterius beyond otrite - w hte dridr CiI(i1 WuiI( I>~ lClitl>l cii-On 'i'nesday eve~ningt; t we drnve te o h~ the cuni lît-le exîi tiiiî, (f -111 îs'mui ilWous s n u 1 dîsutIlefruîîe rtîu lo1 ec Mi-. A arw ,Jun., Que of na, ile n1 nv iliese iii Cend f h uî;Bie fist farniiie, uii wbich tw spirit-," a!,DP j <ti!ln-'aiud Moite re-aI. l iti cltî-ut>f'n iu.d i Lley are calJed, wei-c diseovered. Afic- ero j ;tllilf t iii 1<5 e"st(tiivtd, tuthie Gcv- 0- yw mr o lccmootbesetl ci-aî-utts <ccci cutry. s4iigeromn nuwbich the family wtcre gather- rct1s cran--ten tiecoi-ptMs.cf!> rf-iefing hl4,n-i-iih it, cutitîns ectingej, a chair,%,s placed al, the tab,,e, and on a~co ciweneît Lieithu lii- i~Il u ~i-~'-1 being sewated, a young lad, app*irently about si<g galion of Illie st1t e wcii mi ui nnor ten y'ears of oge,the son of .Mr. ewo landternfsu, with flue tise cfci ilarburs jFýarewcll, aise took h0s seat anid imvited the tÎen at a elud càîmuis, Shcculit be graîdh t iccc fte"puis ~ lcu i julnited stutes ilico nthe ifuyllit flittejhndonheabe 'hld th tiin tIIo itsitt (lues <as are jîuid lhy oui., * d n h al. hsdi no>t te seleÎ.4 cunnin- lookwin- youth " repnesented, but uàual goo4 ites 1c V enci.uti LIMe-D 1early hou unilwit tiee l uni-ranofgemi±l1L rcversýe,-rather siceepy-ieokia;, and mn'w ~crtainty Incapable off- earrying on so suc-vntoi tJe ci6cvî!wiid lbegreenly lu the att- jvetu vanlge d Cnad, ad i nois.jo- ceshfui a deceit, if j: lic one. 0n aslking Tey j u i-gcü dîuty, a lndsiiindese111, tui- mniîci vihuo aet tt. > pig i -el.c-rd und.r-the1tablé; eNône ir cm rtdible ; but V eI- bve M- ewl ira for à[. %11 vocilh eMy for jiv- era 'en amdlicrd.- Timt iLt e- force of matter te remore rùuiaUer onnable ; but, agfairi, doCes if <met te- cam pysialpower te produce m the table ? Thle one- m noes$ en-Sible duani Ille other, sand bot mlit, te say the very leai5t, rea1>' *The noise4s. we vc'Vre informeal, ouron the iraIt, on tlue windows, Or, anal other parts oaf the boeuse. e the rajas came on flhe fleer wbile pre-wnt, at the 1kuuce ofNlr,. Ter- but on11V once. ay euhl these iysterious pluenoena îame they wiilI, but tbey are un- 1j,' worfby cf enquiry. ,e 'CoUP dX1ita. cf Napoieot the te En.ishia-re alamuigly awrake eéneless state cf the country' la 3n invasion. Tie very naize of appears- te strike terrer into the. a portion cf thse Irifts Pi-es aracteristie. Visiocf iovadincr icentratinlr at, Tedeu oand l3rest, e tem- imagiont ion5, iwhile tliiy Lvcjmust diseoveroal, that for' the- mri the " cannOc)flece" b3as ci .e chuanne], mand the. irole C=st iS ed u ndte ta tim. Naimlon a grandi batUand supper to due foir a Parisianx rayi,'s be i n Nav,' assunha la tIlla 1

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