Ontario Reporter, 31 Jan 1852, p. 4

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don WUtbLori Nlom vimied 14 All tha ou- w 1% P%" amm Ukf c lIsenc waltb e tion - th. "oi is? ' tàwwtd f teJnneeyw>er cid fr O rzcertain et d416.» " é Thegrondswer ilumiâte bJ ý'wemusct kmow what makes you certain ksps sud-torchei>d Wthe. interiaorof the et lt." Aorupmtmwu abia.of jewelryud gold "-Wélt if, yo ueut hOW, it w& is e ca W sv«.Spied wine., and eouf.cCour y soos,so wat'bora>." : < in go"i baskets, wereI.anded round to th. Weil old lady, liait cot possie -Cht youî ornaa. À umerous party a*"bed, cn eauh.màstaenas to thetimeof t thae mat wm làdy Hamiton ebote-the emv>' of tbem' -e. joe$ anl. Attfred iu riea costume, ah. etered .Here Judge $tory protesed -againat fori- w4tb a golden uni in ber bands, sud recites tiser examination, and sMid <o tise attorner smre verses wbieh the company wu ar or00-"tisese s no dotabt, ir, on Chia point: polir.e Dot to appitud, spoken as tbey .werc The motiser cno .maae uts g by one whu bad se niurh influence over 111 of- ber chidre-If iueinot tl he sge hero et tise bour. -NO one was tiser. te o,« o t#tea CpuUi &t Cii wa dcetio; istsi ~~-ofyour own, go bomeund ai yeu wife, sa- lu' carriedlits ewn punissuet wi* iL., and the wÏil-tel! yot." Tise blusing attore ô« e mndte tbanthe pleaurti se was pursfung waaVain iits1 t teba. . dassace te- shdow! m s fteba.H c le Tisirteen yeeM atter thse banquet at wîfe-.-pwotgm" o u rnal. Fou hil d jakew pince, a uig L vsFRSMTINO4ubu marne, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 metfrle oa st ' tnof menay-maye Cialmers, "4Ireathe, more in Ca1ais waà Chus aeccstedt, by tise hutcis- sud lire-pneofethtie stage of tife, and are te wifet heard of no ulore-wby t tise7 do mot par- sAb, mdn!y*OU Seeinia benevoleht, â.- ake of ths god In tise worid, and nont are dy, and -stairs tiser. e s apoor ut iisblessed isy tei oecudpitt h womaan, u'1bo wrould b. glatiet theie miiest as tise. means of thirs redemption ; fot a Pice of me it wiich you are buying for your ine tisey 'rote, net a word tisey spake, do 9' could be rýcaled; sud so tbey persished; thWit then, WUs tise.grateful redipient of tleir ligbt went out. in darkness sud tbey machbumbe at sA t*it wsstise beu- were-net remembered* more tisais insecte of tilul a La Iamil 'ton!- Atter tise dbath of yestc-rday. Will you Chus live and die. O Lord NeLson, des*ea 'ted by chose whu'f&wn man imusortal -Lv for sonietiin. Do .6 UPomi ber iu prosptrity. ch.gradunltr be- good, and lentVe 'Leissd You a monument et «mme impover4mbed, su 4sied al & wretcbed virtu."e lodgisg mt Calais. Her- Property coiimi.ed -The follewîtje parutuaso ot oo.ly oSa (oepawnbroker.' duplieites Her hcrrl>loýuaie, ar f a byCh "qd Was pot into a conme'a> deal boz, witb- Stryetem i tej~,, ofetli 23r h e sut amy inscription; sud erey h jwsised of A eor W , of lnamd diia e serviii i ce warirs boe Ud os t s, i ding 'in Tecu meth, leing driven t10 i~f '-,,bws teMI 6o tere0 d-espýer-atl.on by a dr.inkýn husband-, te- XZ'asnutn.,ce.nti- lit lier tbront witli an axe- Tise M f *ble creature took tise«itstrument ** .A PFZZLL nto oed witlhe r, and 'pmretrted tise :1 N E1. Cold winter is at 00. Ve- £ ttr at by pressing ler throa1t against gttain bas D Kd, the beauties efthtie Iand- Le.. edge.» A Coronmer'» Inquest isaviasg scl ae fadedaiid th em.lh.nosaappears Ioeen--"held on tise bo'dy, a verdict of inu B.TRA. 4)Id Boreas eosases Mfcngart tSuÏci,gJ1itwflrettur' àd . - a t! L, E a oves- tise graves t tl sud th! Scant te glisten f.,Om £enmrent, Tise freexi0g "as aàep.itli a j, tise haII-clad bp som ef wWe ltarff 1>P tart comnweded at ripe,ýiçie(onntilt5.Ail y#eu Who E Z crumsazsce.', sudaren nt vith'NI pocetco'aght mDow to r iif &'0 tise condition 'of hose around go ,forwardwitliN U G 2muciigate rm e otite eedy' , witliout waiting e nain X P D riC, and tbereby bSebor wbieh tise X L'NC of i a tB stowe. Tise poor R 2-B c l-iery f ef our C T, sud for multi- aî$srsble beggrswo N V' the s. Witata>' -" n ohea rt MajeîTi a 0 ven tý,,io iumat ue ( Luts-oni,,where a'royal prete 9 of ail sorts i3 kept for thsespe. tsar, o tise royaIU familyjuans s ber of wid bepi killnd on h. jimnea., A pp41o ofit a vrbrk stooping, br(thowild boane, . Thse King i. CcWdent, as it ivu thse slio$cas.." rh. Tuieste Zie- OnttttSL .Peters-. ot <Çotard corps, ttry corps, special 'uifa, -C«ek in- a,-Ga'eek Battal- 'i'bc regalar ac- -renadiori, six Ilf- caralry, Caucas- a2men -Thsear- nts 41,902 1DOD; [pontonnier», pi- J andl tiese au y wsll arsenC tu ,murt.I.q,,... À A Lake. shore ralroad from Chigago tg> W'lkeeu, and thence to iillwaukie- Wis- cou-sin as lu cotltmoplation. SDont ganylywtibthm e.wbo stry.- Draw bak by love and persusion. A kis ts worth a tbousand kicks. A ki;d word ie more valuable to tise boit tisan a mine of gold., Think of tlis sud b. on your guard, ye wba, would chuse to tihe grave an ering ,Tise, more honesty a mans bas thse leiS he affectstise ir of a sa"t; tise affectation of ancîîty ni a bbotei on tise face of aociety. It isisiertd Chat church goers -baie de- élined thirty per cent, ia New York during thse l'ut tbsrtiyeyars«, wbif e theatres bave in- creased fifty per cent. LO$T OR STOLEN ,ON Saturday Eveniag laitnear thse "Rouge aRaccoon skîn Robe alto a Bwfab id e alnsd heaed.' Any one giv- ing sucl i tforination >as 1may tend to the re- covery of the anme shili be liberally rewar- ded. * W .LM DN Dufin'. Creek, 22ad Dec.,1851- TO S<EJ, BIC ILCottage mitb BackKXitcljen, Stable, a Gooti Weil or <awe, and ofbsrelniveniences. For furtb.r psrlieulars, Apply tW Mi. James Wal- lace, Wblîbv. Wbitby, bec. tg. 1851, 36-tfe CASEH]PO R VIST. TiMI F,$ubscriber je prepared fo-pay Cthe current J.Markt tPrice.lot ge ed, or le Hi. DANIELS; 2)o i.s atborized te by, anduactsa Agent for hisa In the mattr. *MOSEf~sBAJLTLETT. Bfflkîlu, Ja'v 9, 1852, 39-4w. W'11 1 a ~loo sM py Cash for Gond CMar Sawed Pî,eA Louia clveret i t BaoogLrw or ONTARJ OH[OUS«E9, (LATE R'AYS.) anti are not rcriasu pedor otyle for ruts in the flttisg and furniture.Aoben rgemmcas and ilmprovemnsin tise sE6ii4 se >imsmoetion, so as to place it onssa equsi footin ,r ocwenieceeand comfôrt, vlbay éther =Ce ,18 d rous of obtaioine two ortàbree Pupâls for :he PIANO lO .inrclawil not b. given on the Instrunent be lse .Pupil le atquaifled wuth tbe notas contained in the linos and ipaces; alter wbich, the will charge Ont Shilling C'y, pet Lesson, or Twonty SLlUioPg for 30 Lésions; paid in advance. 1 Opposite the 'Grammar Seism. Wbafby, Nov. 15, 1851. 314fr. arding Machines fer sale. FrHE Sil*eri effers for Sale TWO -a 0U 31 ECARIDNG M A- CHIINES, (onu neariynew.) On. Pick- er, une !Sleariti Machine, one Spin- ntiiglin, and one Dye Kettbe. 1 J. B. -WARREN- Os-hawa, 15it Dec. 1851. 3-f FUR AND PLUSH CÙAPS. r]ESîîb!crîher baà just received a new assortmtnln of' Fur and Plush Caps Cobourg 50 KEGS WHITE PAINT. R. E. FERRY. Whitb y, Nair.27th.185i. 33..5-in. T " Suscribr3lbving beea appointed Etna gIu&rlifceC ompaniy of Iti, . T., ure prepar-d le receive applicaions forilftsuracce. Prom tueefigh chatacci oesfthe aboite Institution, .and the fow rates of premium, we are convi;tcci that rtuperior faciîties art now off.reit fer Insur- once to the Jubabitants of the Niew Govnty of Ontario. THOMPSON, PEARSON & Co. Onfarin floupe, Wbitby, Nov. 12, 1831. 31ff BOOTîS, I300TS,.BOOTS. J UST PIteceived and for Sale by the Subwriber, a eti EMxzALD H ous," aà arge andi choce assertment of the cei.brated M 3ONTREAL BOOT, which have herefofor, givea so mur.b satisfaction to the publie, colîtioîing of Lidies d1' dlîldrens Prunella & Caif Skin Boots, en's %trong Pegged & fine Caif - outs, k, t. M C. .ANDERSON. Whthy, Nor. 13, 1851. 31-6w. Tc' L'fT, in the Town of WMIT3Y, - the CÎ;rîa gosad 3Dhackmtth E«b" lately occupied bý N. RAY. Tis location is favo'urabi. for earrying on mn pxfentive bubiness, acdoffers au eeçllént op.nt tu an eliterpruing mechanic. 1 J. H. PERRY. Whiiy, sf ov., 1851. FALLk&WINTER 800D8. THOMAS DOW - WOtLD respectfully inform lià Custoni- ers and the Public gentratiy, Ibat hie Stores in Whitby and' Columbtu are ai inuai, et Ibis scason oftWe y.s,we11 stock- e-d with every variety of SNew 1Goode, splseteti peroalty, on thec best tenis, (rom the ledrgis? Inpoiing Houses in MONTREAL Âmm NEW YORK, and wilI bc founti daservn et the attention o! *ili intendinq purchatrs. Prices exceedingly Low. Wbitbv, 41bh Nov., 1851. '30-tf. .MORE M 0AE Y TO LEKD. A GOOD ôpportunity is no0w offered to any peionWho bas a littleupare cash*, andi wisbes 10mao n auvesîment in wisa if otor valuable thap cash itstîf, via :-Two vaiualileandW imiproveti Bùilding Lots nt PORT WHIITBY, ber i i_ compostd 0f the corner Buildisit Lot Ne. 9, in Block 3, adjoining Bates'à Bskery, containing hail ant Acte, havinod Basa thereon. ain elent wf;aLtqo a gu am*ortmeut osGialW Fruit rre.A good board fece. encloués ibis Lot.> Alo uildinjgL )t No, 11 , on Bond 8treet con.. tin ne rlybaf'nAcr-,-b--j "-- CLOTHING & RI GODS, WJIOE SALE &RETAIL Tailirlg la ail its Branches, executeci with tante & deapatch MOUINIGSFUIiNISHED- ON THE SIIOItTEST NOTICE. Realyw*ade Fail D* JPinter Clotkiîng, .Mon% Etoffe Shoot inq Ceats, fronIgo18e Ut. l Mi, i'. i'kîin Trotirere, rom X do Whitney Jo do 1 7. Gi601 lot, itfofc tidu do do Fine Broadclotb doe *do 30%, do', Vnituiey- do do do £îoffe Over Coati, Jo 22# (<1 M % r )raw.-ms. do do Whitney Jo' do 2)4 1l-d Flonnel ,3birty, * do do Beaver do do ,15 s lei's rtnffe Veasts, do 4 Boy's; Efoffe Coafa, do les 3d do Caeuimert do Jo do Whituey do do Il& 311 cdo Paticy do A White Shirts, do 49 4 1-2 iM Sftin tlo do l Striped 5bir.s, do 2s 6<1 do Black CloiL do do Men'. Efofe Troutert,, dio 809d1 do t-itedaTi weed do do t do Dorskin du do 13o 9(1 Boy'»s Pay do do dIO Cam.simere do Ju 13& 9(l Ji)Etoffe do do de Canada Tweed do do 84 9d' Coth Capi, ' do J do Coiduroy do (Ifa 4Si tsFPur Caps, do I Pocket and XNectt Hnderc-hiefs, Shirt, Collais auJ Fronts, Imherella.s aud Caret MEN'S PARIS SATIH HATS, BLA&CK ANDO OAAB Fîanela, (Red and ti Wlteî) rom 1lsa-34t Quilîs and Cointerpaner, Blankete, (pet pair) tdo Si 91 jled Ti.-k anti Towets, Seo rf Sht w Io, d 'A3 9< onmef .Iibbons, f Factory Cotton. 1l-2< Ptimrîa-, (la,,t cofoure) C'otton Warp, (pet biandle> d414 4 1.2<1 Gala Plaidîs,d Ladies' ('oaike anti Bonne:., %VWbtie Cotton, M uffs and Boas, uipdhitig Crapes, entfmatoiiate for Montirnicq. Smjt hitg 150 pieCeà !llUZealin I)eiainir, gond styles, yard witle, at 10 1-2d per yaid. 204 40 4 1-2 7a 6d 30 9d 7b 6d 24 fiJ 34 9J1 Io 101-2 2e3< et lagt. dni doc A Ls 1ndpai$lae a orL)is An immense asoMfment of hStteCî'le.FweidaniPan aîiifrLdt' 1r.çç -of the no-w.at Styles andi Fabrirs. Ri bhonasLacis , EL euZn, Gloves. Hosierv,Flowers. Cap Fronta,,. Veifs, Mtuain, $cwcd Goods, Sifks, Satins, Vcves Shawls andi Handkercbhiefs, &C. &c. Cerner of Kmnc and tYzurclr uin j<>t he Coisrt JIowa, Tsironto. Novetnbu'r 28, 1851. I N EW ARRIA ~LS OF DAVID.CIAW'FORDI) ] E GS strtspectful!v. ntisnîe b theinhahifantfn of Whitby ind l sur- ronigcountry,. th a lw4lteStore laid v ocrupieti hyIH. B. 0' CONNORI, NO. 3, COMM ERCIALJ BUILDINGS, wht e lnwopeninc outthIe LIRGES7'.,JJ And o~BEST assoited Stock nifIDRY GOD vroffercd for Sale int iis pari ni the rotntly,,4<he adiraniages lie pessesseis it EMI'ORTIN; IIJ S&4TOCK direct tIbm the lanurattr,r,r,, tony .owidge Cf the' Trade in Canada.cnd bis det6rminaîticnto waibere strictfy to te 0ash .Syatm,,wili itre to iiending plurchasers, GyR E.'T B IU/JIXA Hie Stuck witt alwayuf conprise cier novelty nf the' Season, tngirîher with an ImmenIse .S'(o<ýk f 'S'/plés .uitabL for lie Country Trdc Itc followiu; comprimes a fi-w ni the lpadtnfe articles --Gala Plaids, MS. l>Laines, Cashmeres, Cohurf. Clothi, Alapocas, Orlean, ns, Jettny Lîndx, longz antd square l'laid Shawle. Flantels Ble1înkels, Serges, Broati Clotho. Casatntcrra. Canada Clothç,- Satinetts, WÇhitc Siiriinzn, Facinry Cbnrt, 5-4 Lîlac andi Nladder P>a ns, Cotton and Woolien Yart, Batting antIud îg-&c.&. AU1 of wllick lic ù;determined (o Se/i uýt thre sauiest possible paying profits, for CA./SH OVL Y. A large Stock oi Silks andi Satins, Siflk and Cotton Velvets, Ribbons, Flowert, Blonds, Lacus, Honsiery andi Glovs. D.C. would beg to direct the attention of loaseKeepers, Farinersa ad othera tu hîn STOCK 0F GROCERJES, yrhich were purnhased in New York boitire the receut ie in pricea; h. is l icrefore enableti lo-Pffer a Good .1rlîce al: a L£owe, 1rice ( han il rati now be imported (or. Likewise a complet. Stock ci Wsuvav, Sept. 24, 1851. 24-tf. EV ANS 1-HA 1 IL TON0 Clwhingr, and General No* 59,-City Buildings, SEXTDOOR TO J. R. MNOUNTfOY'Is OIN F THIE, GOLDEN l KLVG SRE 4T PLEECE, EV.IWSHAM, 1IL TONS Customers and Friends wilI always finad on hand a large and well aed stock ýof seasmmblIe well-madé, welI.trimmed, sd faMionasble RIEAD.Y-il--DE CLOTHIINGW Conaisting -of oves-y Iind Ptnd style of Coais, Vests, and Pantaloons, CIotM, Cassimer.,, P'estings, 4c. &c. 4-c. ;Froni tise extra-facility for making up stock at their Es-,tais mn n Montreal and l)urclsasiint lu icsapetWoesMarkets. FOR C'As H ON L Y They oau, auJ do seil G:YCHEAPER.Cç, than ary other Hous intise '1'de. Whalesale buyers stîpplied on Rea5utnble Ternis. EDWARD EVANS, W. B.'H}AMILTON, McGi't Street. Montroal.KigSreTon. Toronto, June 7thl 1851.. igSrc 6Te-na ~tau$ coseil EUlîEÂPR-Mh-~e~. - *JUST RECEIVED 1 0L'OCKPORT FJRESH TEES , (.) PBJtýS TOOLS. COFFEE, RICE, TOBACCOA ,1E Sbsribr aJuSt Reu.eiveâ a R &c. &c. &C.fi sote f R ECENTL Y purcasd by the Subscri- W[DkIEIf OOPER'S TOUS. er in thbe NEW YORK.MARKET, sud aow' TJAOS. HAWORTH, offored inya Sale at bis Stores lu Srarc CI Rc t LA R wTobojg?. WIIITBY AND) COLI UMB US, 1e lpt, 51 2-. which wiL e ioutc worthy of Public utteltaoii., TIIOMIS DW TiWont PAPER LIANGING-S, BR.'IS CLOCKS, 1Shoe-lakcers' Fndings,&4C. $-ci THOMAS 1DOW. w htty. 2 rb Sept.. 151. 2 - f E 1,'C U TOR.S'NOTICE.7 A 1.11À efCOaiaving latrntor derands on the lISt aie ni PETrF IgPERISY, laie 0o, thfe Townshtp nf Wlurvny, inthe aCoitfy o. dee.'.,ced. are reqluested lorthwilt o erthé plai- fietlats thirreut to the Exectibors, fr their conti- dc-r,tmnn and metilement,Anialprosrfetd lthe flctéaf, are alec requestedti tepuy such debtà I lu tire Executoîs13 MAR~tY Pl'RIRYT .Ectrresix, R. E. PERRY1 ? Eecroe J. il. 1ERRY. 'Ne, MîAiRYPr.Eay andi R. E. Peai, do ap- potnt J» IH. PkER %Ysole acling Paccutor inthte' téillement oifthe above PEinte, andti as iucb is cm- j>out*rtet o rtceive and eollect aIl Jei#teanti de- mandst(luu! to tht.' saine. MARY PÏRRY. IL E. PERRIY. W bhifhy, th i p b :., 18,51.2 2 tf~ liow hOIldKIwehevel rez A liong..hblye eave nly reeze SI tir(tttg t he amns s u ess W htl! Icnake yotrboots andti afanee." j îliSîbscrther biegg to acquainthiS ir.>î,fadt ihe public. tbat he bam commeticedil tne abave Irti-leat in the East end of Ile Wtt sTa CARIRIAGV FACTORY Bancar, whi,re ail«Ct- funt Work wilf fi cfie wilh neatnes"dlîy (anîd f bait'.c more tfî-un itnt Shoeinakers cuit say) andt .1. W. TILLOTSOIN. WlîyApral 12.1, t. 5-t lI" 11fFOR .SALIE. rJ'1IE Sý,ttbscrijwr offers for Sale, part ofI . L&OTS No, 7 & 3. situateti on ihn North t'idefi 'i N UGG AJt-E51thé 14TU CON. ni the 'towyaisutp ni CARTWB!GT, cnt tnsng uptvartls of11GHT'Y ACR<ES. wit ievr.ty e:'rr itti under goud it'tice. On the premisei the'r. a ('ismhrfru/e o u Ifses m«ied qgood I Jftj jrr JJarn. Thri e is ahso an Ofî CILRD, with about 150 T fe t'o ne nithemît bearing. "rht eorilib abeau- ttfil My tuaiqd un lte aboies nt tleb.l,;ke. calte,, P>OINT rPr.eaa esv, aboutî eight miles fi rnutPot l'crry; a S-tearubosi passes Jaîty Io aid frpnti f.i.lay to Port Plerry. For ma apply îo the Subsiribrin bixbidget 'itl~,or J ohn IL. Peusy, Esq., iut WhitlhY. - JE!ýSr G(OUL.D. Uxliridte, NoV., 1851. 11-29 W ANT ED To0 BORItOW FOR, >1 a Te-îmaor O, 'r wo or mz SY,-ars.teurtn lu r£20frwbich tLe inoat iital'utafde securiuy mwiffl e given. reai or Per îpîî';ati.ons, t<wî parti may be addtieseèd E. Si." t Wbî uiPu ifre. Wfhtlby, Aprtf. tith 1851. 2-f. INSURANCE OFFICE# JAMES WALLACE begs .to intimate f1à b leh .sbe appoirnt'ed Agent for the 1 9OVINUI.L, NWI L'IL&kGENEEAL I.SURACE ?77, B y t)p, ratl ,,ro0e' rie h t for'lieliberai4it r Wi las, Dec. 7, me. Waiace CehSf ai Wbiîby, Juii f-iLer8iionainLsi a OCKIiRY! iROCer nYthepa 0 1) S T A Il 1, 1LN aiia ~ste f311stiCin atendreun tak fo t, c iSTAE sd avduîrorthuPonsrecej- P.ri Su-ý ',firria2tmi n aed i n t he Bu ta .(fr T(11FNE Port dh ;tby and c ttntont, tai- i ll o b ',nreýo:D wiîh Zrouuiniutcr fb.jia- ront-Ll i lr îo onrred ecmn e)r cu r o d. ck G >>S RTt A 13 RALINCG, koeli for June. ui Ihl 8 3 . Daily SIAItag. & O. Pori nnh Port yhMtay 1ery M18.5; 1. 7dcy DONL? ONN8. roritorio anti tuai h. is p rpearet b bake riske a: the- ordinary rates. in the SVts.Poazrey& SAJJ Isiatîciteit of aiti Company. WhitV. lat Septetmber, 1851. 21 -If. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE. cast steel oSces and Ray Forks. [40 SALE, 100 doz. Casat elZ floes andu Hay Foîks, made fiota Naylor'sj beiîr CaXu SteeIexpres.4tT for bbe Subse4,riber. 't HOS. HAWORTH. Totiynto, Juai,- 7th 1851.' 8 if, ceig irli Store, their Spring eupply of GRO- VEIIES, con-prising thc usuel assorrmiett, and - wbicb theyare emablèd te ffet on ver y acvanta- geOUO ternldIot>their crespondentant td Itetrade PRESH TEAS: 20packagées Youung Ilysosi, comnpising gorge extra finea, 60 packages Tfwaukay, 30 pckages assorted, latck Tees,E 25 Moes Guupowder. as 1 COFFER:lbc -15 ba;s v 'ry#uperior Laguira Golfeum, fulObags R<p-. 18 bapg St. 'Dottingo, 10 mats Java.* rOBACCO: 200 packaZes sserted Toisqcco, inu 5% 8,j, 16',« 32,15, &c- &c. _-- SUGARS: 35 hbds. Bright Parorte Rce, A L1 t1ilorders tin The leats* ô &

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