Ontario Reporter, 24 Jan 1852, p. 4

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î tutus viiih 6yait band...- ri urtiatal!r umil p,andùanc5, dogi. foliagitç bthse land, of oleaund4gladtuess, rnou.-iiuk, dire-- bro, di, of leep t*sen'down, epotbLog i. ea fit flaugbtsr. A ait.8T BOY. a ome net art," ,rru deut je aSouthern ck :vy uéekeleton lit )d tt MDferof'é Yankee trici.'1 ta traveier stopped at Brussls, kaise, snd beiag sharp-set ]hw d6ýSa MbiCe ouveyanee, lest wFo *d1cave hlm. S, 0Cali- Wu fi'..the,.other mdce ofdue :av Uu a peeof mony, and 110 > to stumUt or con- inthe u iosmiiymand purebeue, then te,& make amrancc deuis- himanohe eýofmon- !WY1tbey " o.rbmâtif ut me. 1e la vent off onauan, ttle whie, ase baek, eatiOg a md- lo<ukivery- coni- p". Wlkingup to tise the pou-chaise lie sid, wiîlithe sa*soreturning et thse *e or flue peceof meney vhicli ,Ieu,. pqtâe nan, 'Tise bal ouly oeue piectorcfP"ie Ieft w4t *wth My'mooey, 9fIat yo oi0 in quuck finie. came6 in,iad bIna- V46e the. following er -Il' oodmr- rd-" Gý,Ondmer- '.I' ou ig your. 'v&rd --»pretty o-là tfluebabfl yeagery. Would gp.1jn7....J5Well I, AIrOTH EILCUIÂI PîtiSONma RELCAI- ZD.-A loUter nprers ini the Wâshing! ton BèpalWof'riIa.y. froid tb&ï,Sia. ýnN ~bl 1Miuimtr te Seoretnl'y Wqusacr, ýmmuncaing the. intelligence cf the iib)emticrn by the Queen of Spain of JamieaNI, %Wilhon, one of the. Ctlhan Iivdr. li lasent hunie with lundi out ofthe.privai. jîise of the. queen. Th~e Anniversyof the. Birth day of tlii. içunortal Robert l3urns, teiielI known Scotch poet, will b£ celebited in Em&nlton, by a Supper, on the 26tb mîst. - A gent] aman or Newbinrgh, on over- hbul'ng Mso.okfatniîy êierî'tho ofli- ei day, canme 5CTUJ tu riginal order - bock of Burgoiync, naed by hliiiIn match frotm Canda to Saratoga. A 'New York company hiaveguarantecd1 (o,)ay a imb-uiavine telegrapbut wrire froni .Newfouodlaud to Cape Breton, for $OjOOO.- Religious toleration is aduty, a virtiie, whicii man owes ta mai; con;idered as a public riglit, It stheii respect of thec govera. ment ta the consciences of the cititena, and tii. obeect# of their veneration- and.. their In tise crcuit, thec other, day, a w'itncab, was aked U s ote h rationality of Josephi Buctcley, tried for ahooting k Wynet. "When Buckley vas sober."1 lie saido '"lie wau very sensitie--a. sensitive asa any otlî- et mai; but when drunk li waa-vry muath swtelcbusin*. onian for you-*I- ways up tea nuff, and àMways looking for thse <ud pro quo I-Tb.'tresano secret at ail. Amy ladycan sîicceed4if shec dieus !-Ciin. What a fine xentiment 1Xosauth express- edin bis adâresai Southanmpton, viien lie said, referring te -bis own suffrrinqs, "6But I vill cotilook ta the paît for gri, e-only for instruction." '01 let tby seul remember, Wbett he W1411 cif heaven ordains is good for al; and if for ait, good for tbee.-ALkensi&e. A varin heart requires a cool Iieadi -Sa, a slip tisat carrnes a great deal of &ail nee&i a firstrate helmmuna. A. fiaftening word is like bricgit sonshiné te a sore eye, it inereases tIhe trouble and, lessen. fthe igit. 41I cmn't paint, but 1Iaucmi rw," as Ui $panisis 4 sMaid te the artiat. IDr. Franklin says, " le Who rises laie inay trot aIl day, but never overtae.ïsh. A. fellow iramed Jack Ilote, living near Coviiugton, IC..ntucky,lias adepted a way of îvritiu% bIià iDe,, vhicis (broya phonotypy clear into thie liade. Mie maltes a big " JI' and*thenabbbsputlîrough the papcr fer tise rought FUR AND PLUSIH CAPS. TFHE ýSubscriber las jul received» a new aea assumrn et ofFin anid Plush Cips Cbbourg ALSOI, ~yr 50 KEGS WHITE PAINT. utb Wiitb y.,Nov 27îl. 18bl 33.5-mn. 90afi THge stitll. baving been appointed et thes l atmisunmc mpuy o1 Vicl , LIE hat superbei Auce te tise lntarie. PEARSONV& e degousof bi itwooCT tbrc. Pïii. -fort6,PIA, 1 VONE.ln$Wotltiosstill not be e tse the , tuet befotthe FPif is ac"ntddwidi be oeln nle lion,. uîwilme.s sUer whLà , «abee wiill b 9 loir 1 _ssWo id, ln fidvance. .,ep 0ramindr cJuW a 1rda% Machijies for sale -DOUBLECARDIYG rMA- CHINE,&, (eule n eurly new.) One Pick- er, une Sliearîîig- Machîno, One Spin-M nîîîg Jenny. aind oe e y Ketllo 1. B. WARREN- Ouluwa, lot Doc., 1851. 3> -f, ADVERTISEMENT. cA rpet Bkg i-Bw new possesion pendon in Wbiîby or netgfibiorhood. The owuert can have lthe arne l'y proving property and pay- mng c ha rgts or dvertiaîng. ; COSN - R FOR SALE. 'l'" Subscruber offers for SaIe, part of &«ST 14. '7 & S& ituate1l on tis North sida of 01104 09)0 LAIC n tise 14T1Il0CON. of tua. Towl##Hîr of CARW I ,contairring upwardm of EIUIITY AcRES With SEvZXvv cb.ared and ioder g'od fenîec. On tise premise tiser. are Theite aise ao n ORC(MRIDt wiub about 150 Treeîa, sme qi l(hum bearinc. TiseFarm is4beu- tifull-y sitijaied un lb. ,hores nof the Lake, calle.î i'eiuer PLY.A5ANT, about eigbt miles tramt Fort Ferry; a Steamboat passes Jiaity le aiid froni Li ndsay to Port Ferry. For lerms, upply te is îbsdriber in Uxbi îdge Village, ot Johns Il, Petîzy, Esq., inlbitby. tUxiorilce, Nov. 1l,1851, I9 JUST JIECEIVED COFFÈERICE, TOBACCO, C. C. c. -er in liiNE.W YORK NIAIRKT,aeid now olibred for Salt ai bis Store. in WJI-TBY AND CO.LLTJJ LTes. wbich wîll b. Jouiin worlby al public attention. THO?.ASDOW. Whiiby, lotis Sept., 1851. PAPER LIANCINGS, BRdSS CLOCKS, THIOMAS Dow. Whithy. 12th Sept. 18.51. 22-tf. EXECtJTOIRS NOTICE. LI PeL m lia.vig aims, or deind on thse Estate ni 1pElI'.R FERRY, laie et te I*o%%nap of Wmvsv»,, inib. County ol YoRs.x decesused, are requtesled Ç.ntiswith ts i end 1thse pir>- iinlrsth rieftie Eirecuiors, for their roua*I- deratin suelement, And ail permtas lr.ebîed t0 the £#aiae, are ad»o rquestedta pay aUseis sebtit to tbe.Executers. MARY FERR'Y, Extcursx. R~. F. PKURIy, 4: CUOî WVe, hAay 1'xaavandi it..E. Pr.noar de ait- poli 1.11. ER uîY soie aclinig Exeiulor in lise tettlemrent el tise sdsve Esiite, and as sucs is erm- powered tu receive and. collect il düMts Wi de- muids due tlte is ane. * MARY ýPËRRy. R. E. FERRY. Whiitby. lihs ept., 1851. 22-if. MXORE M OYEY TO LEWVD. 'A GOOD opporltinty isnow off*ered w6aiss to roake un jnveutinent in whist is more W"Iule titancaus ittelf, viz ~-Two vtdilesuni mpoelBuildfin; Lots at PORT MWIJi'BY, Iii- ifsg comppoa e t corner Buiildîtig Lot No. 9), i ýBlock 3. adjoluirs; Bates. Bakery, coîtalning ball ans Acre. havizu i a goed Barn Ibereon. arteis e Il CÛTH II &01!iKOfS WHOESALE ý& RETAIL. ,,WE -gt nmnate te min Custeier-tse Inbabitmtîuof Tore'nte andd surrouiiug otny-bt we bave uow reeiled Our enomplet. e Orlnîl f WIN2'EA GOOD! i!, apoti~~~ inspectiowlb.fou 1bellen vale, more eirtensuve us regnirds qusaity, and more Vatipd mn' style 1bn we bahe e a l ats4lcîion nf$ubmbttiîutla our cissîomers sud tise 1,ublic b.t'ore. TftIIori a eA mi ts »ranches, .exomt.d wth tmt£dempatd~l MOTJBNNGS FtIRNISHED -ON THE $HOItTeST NOIÇE. Readgm.ffade Pa i Jfnter 1Clotldngo men'as Eto#re Slootinc Cutal, from 18* Dd Men' Pi"î kin i rolîrers, froiD20s do -Whiney do do 1711 6n BoY'. 1E toiT,, do <1) f do' Fine Broadeloth do do 30. do Witney do do 5is do Etoffe Ctver C«ot, do 22ç -.6d %Wiuîi'i DraweIrs, do 2& 9<1 do Whitney do do 20o 1tm. Fiantiel ihirta, do 4~ 4 1-2, do Beaver do do 37>6 Melts. Eîffe Vesto, > do 64 . 3d Bo'.toffe-Coats, do il s 3<1 do Casgimer,, do 410 i7. 6<1 doWhitney do < lt1,3d1 do Far<cy do do 'N9< White Shits,. do 4. 4 t-2 do satin do do 7% RM Stripedlhra do 2. 6d' do Black <1o11; do do 7s 6<1 Puen'a EIoffi Trousers, do 88 Pd do L'aiî.a<a Tweed do do do M. do 1)oekin do do 1là 9d1 BIn .Fancy fio do 2* O<W éo Casimere do do 13. 9<1i 0 EPtoffe do do 3* 9<d do Canada Tweed do do 8s 9Pd (loth Capo, do 1.101-2 do Corduroy do de o R.9d1 Fuir Cktpfs do là 6< Pocket and Neck ilanderchiefs, $hîrt Collars andI ronttt, i bcrell&-% ad Carpet J3ags. MEN'S PARIS SATIN IIATS9 BLACK AND Dq.AB. Flannels, Redand1 VisIe hm la 341 IQuilxsdCruepns -ct i i paur) de go 9d B led Tick 'and 'To-.eis, Facol Cttn.de 13j 9d1 JBonetRibboris, FCtornCtt (t u - ) 1102.11,1 rirsîs, (fast celours> Lgdiotio ap,(peandIe) in4a-Iî- Gala Plaids, -NLitad Cosand onethits (oîtfin. '-lps n niriais lor Mosirnin,ç. Sitip1ud Shirtinge -' 1510 jiece. MNOsselin c3ntg» styles, yard %wigte, sut 10 1-2d1 per yard. da il 31-241] !1-2d1 4 1-2d Àn immense auwrmpnî t ShMOI. $fi ipe4, Checked - Fiowet rd. mud lain M nieii fo~r Ladies' Prksses - ettiseasseeî tyle su Fabirs.R ihens Lacs. ~in~. G love. liery. Yicswei, .Cap Front., Voils, luii, St-wed Goods, .Silks, Satins. Velvetrs, .Shawls and tli-iadk'erc}siefs, &c. &c. Cornerrof Kurjanid C'hirch ti-etlç,tîungthe (Ca*ri leue. ]Dr . David Tuckoe NORWOOD, PicazItMfo. Fov od c. 2T 0, L1 Y N I ) 8-E WHloýSALE AIND BTI DEALER N IBATOBACfoq, RICE, PIPER meNUFACTURER OF SOLE', UPPER, AND, -11ARINESS LEATIIER, &c. ('o8h paid for Hides -nid Skins, Wheatt Oais, Pot8 anid Pearl .ishe$. whitby Villages, 71 jine. 1850. R Excellent accommodations for tratelie-rs , oed S<tallin% f(or ilorses. i wJuI7,i vVIL LAG(E. Allorders ii his liriepjroiuiîîtly exceutcdt. Whliby, April 19,,1850. WANTBD'TO, BORROW W f 'L of >r ,Two or Tnîuv.n Ye nt flio a£00or £291)Çl.tr wbich tise most irsdisruitlle securiry will be giren, reai or Fer fipliestions poIt pai<1 may b. aàddîeed- -1 Y fi41."Whittsy Post Oiffie. witbyA'fil. 2Mt 1851. 2- tf. j--ECI.vtE1) auud For *SALE ntt tuel . 1 OnatHo 1a.eW il iT BYl V IL LA-t; E A F iv wBole.î of THOMPROYJ, 1'EABSON rC 0. Wiily, Sept,. ii. 11.----- -ltf commsiur 'of 1the courti Coniveyaneer, Dra: ISSUER OF MARIAGE ACCOCNTAI Office near tus Court Il Msîcn.wrRTown C, W. -. LOCKPO (Il OEI'S TESubsrriber ba% .1 fiiiassorineat of WKRI k IBLIER'S CI TflCeS. j SaowCracL 1 st Serf-, 13 'l' E til'geriber hosmn)o n ghaunc, a S9.tIP.flilLl.A, M Q(uo,îReies. UýILBPRT B. WEE5S, Wiury, Jan. *", 1831. 41-tf. Hocis,&lardware, , %holle>mle & R e fat , a tT n on io p icea, w ill b . fou nd -à Gea. Waluces abSr. CoasercÏ&ll Boildinps, Whilby Village. %Witby, June bit) P551. 5$ <'ROCKERY! CROCKER Y!! Ythse Crute or uthlerwiae just rt,- ceived dilect from thse M lnud.cnwers et d ,L. 9k 1k Toroî,XNnv~rner 8. J~î.33.~ ~ (FllEsubcnibeî is prepared te 1 k- ___________________ '&DV.N>,F>EN CASH o o r *EW ARRIV'ALS OFFEA SlScniRsUERT-11fi. Comme;th, a Port Whitby, 1.1 Ast - IM. Df 1 Whi, J LXD AN) l J ER DR GODl FOUNTAI1N PENS, V 1 L,A J V~ I I ~ 1) 1'SILVEII PEINS for Vaul. athi ic. - 13À v 1rJ) CI i wrïtéto ioocap pas,.Tley are useat and ted ince hie e GS nio,4t, rspeefifflytu iltilllac 10 he illnbitatsot Wit'b' -dndlwir- sprendtitfond uses asdytiseybe carry nycarry iy k piptby Wrouuding country, tha:s e bals leas..d thse Store laieiy ocrupieti by JIl. O C Ol, h iron k. o< ts NO. 3, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, WÇbilby. sept. 13, 1851.,.- nets toe 4favoi 5trortage bitheic wbere hc is now opensnq out lise LIRaGE8T, CJ .PS adEST soôiepd Stock of DRY iThNS.ReANBarO F I CE GOODS ever offtred lor Sale in li,.martof tise country. Thse atdvantageii he Posses in MSWLIABlea eit te Tatibe procn IMPO'rro- uS TOfÇitisat ho--bas licen appoicîeui Agent fer thel- - direct trn h tnrcues oi rmelro ih- riCauada.toil bis deermirsalion toadimere RO i LMU(i () 0LI DA~E O Ott iclly te tise Csh 9#,tteût, wi11 iitm'sre te irtending purecbsasers, a OI' Y ns cadI iluStickwil aw.ia IE'JI' ~1G.iI.V'ansd that be is rsî>sýre4l inlatte risks ati .-tWdintay fitabte. STA IÎ tte il laecomprise ever uoveity er tise So, tg.îs wt n ai. Ith -cs. Pa raîr.<a I~ APtiZ *y - Immen8e .Stock of ftapIes suitabL for fte Cotntrit Tra.de ifh<ý(luid eipui. ur . .Var liefloigcomprise. a few ofthtie ieading arlicte. ;-4;nla laids, M. I>eLisines, Cushimeres, Ceburir CieisuAlpacasOrleans.<os, .leuy Linds, long ami sqîîare Plaid Shawls, Ftaiels, Blankets, Serge$, Broad Clous.. Camitrres, CaliaaC ~s atnelWhitr Sbirtin4m. Factory Cte,,5-4 Liluet and NtWder Printa, Cotiot andWeolleuu Yarn, Bati raid Waddîin,. &c. &c, &C. AU11 of ich fe is dctcrnincd te .S'll 07t th,- emallest possrible -I)i!Atg profits. for A arge Stock, of Çilk* and Satins,-Silk and Cotîoui Veivets; Ribbns, Flower*, Blonds, Laces, D.C. wouild beg tacdi rect the Attentiont uf Flo&i»e ieePers, k'arinersaîid others tu lis STOCK- 0F;GROCERIES, whî h we a ure.d' 'New trk beoréte iec'ent ruse hin e b1 ierfr nbedl 'te GeOd rttiic t a Lomcer Price than it cau now 4. îmported for.- Lâkovi>. a COmplClt-s:C-kt- WuxvavSept»É51, 1851 EV A N s &IlIA 'Ali4T 01I .Clothin~g, auti Generaî -No. 5 City Biliditigsr,, INEXT DOOR TO 1. R. MOUNTJOy'S <ON F THE GOLDEN FLEECE, KINVG S TREE T Ed TS . Ctateuners and Friends wîil always flnd on, baudi a large an',d well aed stock oi-seusonalIe wdll-matk, ueil-is4mmed, and fasiosable READY-MADE, CLOTUING Consisîiug of every kind sud style of Codtif, Yest*, 'and r>îIouf WHigtiimt ima. W -. I MPOIT.IFRiS 0F BRITISH I1ANUF&0'tURES,î; WIlIILE-SULE AND RUTAIL.- iWhitby Vilîmnite. âmie, 1850. D<ïISTIC MAINCFACTURE. Gast Steel Boss and Ray Foîka. - $, ALE, 100 doz. Cast~ Steel fosandi Hry Forks. made frem Naylois best Cut Steel, exîsresalyv for the Subsen-ibei-.. TÉIIOS. HAWORTHI rorente, June 7tub1951. 8 if. T! IE5BSRBR;are now re-- sait Tes., Prom Ille Villap

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