Ontario Reporter, 17 Jan 1852, p. 3

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coutructi; a pl.fornu whuck i iIl >t> 16 bewli4ered déscijles qof 'TIoryisw. rbe fOJI-' id 0<ofthi Patriat will, Do boubt, ipeed- 117uik atoflhaproprat grata. Reiui. eseat in pace.-I 1. recuIll occiarred la Cincinnatti. à1r I.A- wam I.-orrest, of -th at City. ha4 a servantî grl s is ,* luploy, fnarneti Àaoy Fra 1iihi% girl lie chargftd with hat'inw eu ued' th ideath or Ibi% youngiest ehild. ft>out. t'o yemolI, by lmeabs of arm..nc. Fui~r' ticulats 9N r.eIited by Mtlr. i'urtt, ina con. ilection wiih tis Charge are of htll*nt * barrowiztg nature. A fow-week'i ',ince thie wife or Mr. t-rt .a .udeWnty iieti witlta viou lt bu ppuitýed ai lthe îirfie tao 6e- thse choiera ro1u~ and idt in îlse- course of lire or ik ouriý. 'ren days ai. terard, M. E~ ctîlrenwere takiî sick wilhi a biilar m4lady, anti nne, aiil terestin% boy about dfIit ycar4 4f ulge, ex - pird i 1cus titanun lJour.- $Shortly afrer, 1 the einiti.in em>e',of ît Ille ~ ta family wtcre ag-in autarked -.,4rn Ille îwo p)resinu% Orraitonji, wbil.' taking dinner, andi befor - nilgbtJarn., ,tee Ui »îentlunied ifs the, aliait, wa* a ropre. wmere ralleil je, who -inftsrrýd f(mmîtic' vot- àaing and purgin;ý wh.ieh atiglfli#d.*t he ,ck- îwss of the dc.%<,ihat d(ti-oàa bd h' atninat@rm isîrsliei ujwu ti tlibodly, wO.ae rtr-*Iited iii a qualitnet ~t4ei' 1'ib lun i ti iihe,.oJdch. ii- t-tt- pint upou thier%-nf -giri, - 1abu tuti"- jeye duiss;lhî..tejîe ilo-i lv ht'a. Ste wia% arrr.,Itd andi à wj4l at'> an viaminatireci. g. -,Iit'i'>I0<1%rri%.'- wben arreted, andi sî.outiv .Iit*t actif- sation a"ait b ler. It1r4Es- M MIL CLAY. The Uiwal i ia1 v iÀh r 21. utLi t '7..i 1' 1 . hs11dtilt ttîN var. e: . r tany ceu-uj is lzt- u'J.1 r iî, r autht Lcau b c irè ' i s.> t.. i,,[1 Mr. <lyge lw ula rv u " ratdion tttIo siît- r l ts-at. tîl fie) e lja- Uc lusui 'exit lvif fitlt>t * holes fur titi- fittiir&-. lit- Las -isjuyti îltlss da 'u t' -tt 1 .r1w . i,l 11ii110011, Ua141 the t' il llil td nt:.. WVhai ,nureýcu11li! bi lk'. Us WC are prtûC L> 1t2lv r(" jt,'et L)l Jurati.uult'ct s:u- ,~ani 1:1(. uft tiose we Iioytý, km u-,rture u ti ! bt.' iaânkîsi thaï. lr., élty jphuýeis.<t-,M re4 t" lititcotinlr»y sui) t. utti [tut t.sî -Fur wc st:u-.iJd xi,,! t.pojtiv at ise grcak-SLt' fNusl, urt uth'd a a ty vf old. Ict ie6v 'reat lu ict~ii s d titi>- lisie.Lvi1Iuut et Iive,~orutentdruttk' the îusauum i ilitle tiliictsuria4ali ut>'! gksw ut Ili$ 541Ie;and i t!d..u lire sztemhytmru i iuîdI Ilstiti, wil t sLIsp sfisnn s*.cleerielt té14'ý, u-j ilig, tiglusite t 1 (fiki sw dutIi tu IWe un evil, lie ellisructi i wiiî j'y', m uS1 nsueh as kt e»jaft'.eêiligitlu k __ u osce Ile îc1vs to <i' Ille greust clianige %wlIiclg an adits SIafi.Lsde tlit oa t in lep~cîCîdhî; TI A tic[,e e o Indr dH ingary t Ioorrcdcpc o e~te thu 11WCUitust iii ilicir chair- r/L ilcPairiot. WHITBY O MM1. OL iru'il12 dîtiLt-, fet otue oe stilitinswiI "'tis ana tolomt nie. , anti ceidcî, dJanu2ry 1e, 185-1 . le rei-uIust *don M>4)Ythe fiNItalle 1wit emileis nlelites, sd ti 1statl dor JAVI3AttM7 P~~ oung menar K( IJ ii u i iiii m lin' liîà 4,1î e t> lit. Fou, br.1tilb e14- o 15I'. 3 pr-par4si for uitterng Ilte 'Toronto 17 iv KtttSuti W» .uilîîtit~lii e.:uîr atiOatmeal. ptrbbl 19611s 15 Otu> 17 6.~(.o for coin:t:inniing teal orcttical une~~~~ llvrfuet ulrea hce! '1 1'l'Bariey per lîuii. 4SI6M, 2 O to 2 3 i'Crni, fo; tuition, end board'per week or CHRYAO LJWO e.st-ei r tse tictinuut itecsibid ireperbu~1:l.S6is, 3to ) 6per, teri, ttuy be knovvil byappling l u thetr gr.4o wvurid as tii-w; the other îsdi'sjîised uttd ý'OitsJper bugCb 34.lbo%, 1 Otu 1 2 p1'ip:l. vt.7w detete<i. 'fllse Iîint (as Il- " t!!wêli Pse r b iiî. 6OOh's, 1I1]O tt 10 0J As E S -H 0D GS Q-X. COugbsCole~, iarsnessf, Spi Irîtîr115%lns ewtr.-Trbue. potat0es, per u>îtl 2 3- Io Whltb V illage IXc. 27th J81 4-tu of I1ood, NigM tSweats, Asthme, DY TELEÜRAPHO Bkef per lb, O21 to O 3t,'Lîvr mplalats, aid Beefpler11r«Olh. 1 r) 0 t 17 r LANYD FOR SALER 'oONStTMPTION. BarD'U CCDN. !Io, pwr IOO1h. 32-; o 7 Sascrîer offérs'sfor Sl ntise l O NUT YEGOLECT TT. Muteon pe-r bol. ilt4o 7 oîl4,f UXUiID'E ad NEW Vuag. Jan. 13,Z2.k - . to lthMralu M *i4t, î v p iein LttdA. cONS U MP T 1ON ï- it -t iighlt, rdotit 9loclock,nnaa-rrnm b ,rqatr 0b .at ,ntlt rtto t r.nl nesn;' N be and bas been cured in0 îiotsad "t~~~~~~~~~~ tieWt î.îlyuiot nPork p-r lb. 0 210 îtO :0 31 .Ln4 aîi~i 'Not ,. -l tsan.!Con<einîn- o'eî,byttotycTlittttdy for tresmvli giert ey at old oinut trion- Lot ND. 2. tli-n- trc six Acres de;îrcttl atulcrait, :towdy» earg it i lidiî t efler-i tz oFikn a (,e- I*,O ~luo<.tnttyUh.t lhe,',-are ttIo, two uj.i Mii5 i j;Doy' IMALEXTRC l'Ie o-'F ik-n Bitrrpe lb 05 t 6 s s-f n tht>i. L'o . t. "ît:rpaîs.'l Ilte colin- FCE-VAND!)LUXNGWOI{T. ettjucd i5v t(-ni2!ratt% tsimdétr Lth elharge - <?eep, per lb, 0 -.3 lu0 O 1' of y ot N'<,r 1c i' lleicti w, -iof liiii .!omprîes tif Llit'C->ntrnittiutit-r tii Lîîd~r.aîitn ii! I Lard, ps-r'b. 0- 41, Io f) s>l !0ttatto i>'t - I tt- oW hip. tât» -ndvbs'erlc'cleoJsoc:. fle OfCcts lits t ils rutilit i l tli t: iajrl- wtt'. AplV. s-Ibhe, 1î f ,ti"t*tl! l i-'.îî5Wtt -lttrp. la s- titt 5ill Ctta it!'v PliJW C0los. perI0 irectiltlcd t lhluti i:. T îîîtr- ît<'- ) l ii itraiz atlt-cs i î 0 0 ole t.1,utE:îs u çt-itane .t: s w i si e ill"Iarl tt bty10a t h-i -an 1ri'dé,ta b 1-44.àKlite '2nti i; 0it in 1 0 1l1t- an au -àttte ilsi n ofs1 he 'r'e51 0">'>- 1 Iti - rtgto5) ly, and.il t fi meï, ttsltyg fi t 19' lit-tht n-;îre - t il. W. BU fr. . îhu-p-7lf- derestof the NVlint2o medyandJ arelt uy.1i.: t, i li--lî' .îîIV.- tliu% .isl T'.' 'on, ~~ 5oIlt.0î'I . o rt. à "b tc.2,I s -~ -çj el attnt id e t o r , I f Stiet'al'y xps-cu thiriof ahi~~~~~~~~~~~~ tu-tilie bt' l, -t a t t shetir nî's ffî,,,. Jt Po. rSf,, '.' e y, proJaiîstt i i~5ti tt ptriii lyait.- ta an4tt! d A'.'î,5 Il-port-~f ln- Stt'retiy atd 'iu'îîîr.-L. BQQKSLLERSANt) ENERL AGE TS. 0155< %uietrn forrs the-rir N îetýt ilo:11 $. t1b i ae. 1. '%-, 'r 1 . 1 1) ttti 'iîît tg1r 4 itî ea'îî o - l -o"<p~ ut1t>uhrfrole io, ite 1m r' er'n ylss' ti-:> Dsce'd pslsty tItv sal-pîitdtr. tl it lotm.i1.-aî. tO thgllitle Ur 4111-.cm&rafJirth#- t ift't "s:.23 >t a. -'jio "l i f*'"î *» x ~' »: :mEa. scai. aîIl- hiut*ra<tdlfrusIr" Port ittTit i i,.*t.' 111 O Iu .. - Ž t b-e* t- trmtt ciiastuiuiet(t attIii fj~Cuand Iti-t aî s i -l ist itt'uij i n' . the lire~. a-b tils Il il i , a d op et'i it> -tt fi ii' r l>rp'%iN y ' lfilttw'pfis tiDA Y and u% ' #lveil . i 'tl of lâti jaai t oc atoia'ts drienod Vt'ill ; .:>.! Lt>t 1" ('îttitlN tifJjite('r ti'c t 2' if" *'Jt.ri&'rn1~zt tt tty n OOURG AND LAKEROAGN. cî,.nçîset- 2~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ioko r - 5T 9 :Un" u:rivrî: ntc îit is3{>i. -el ut r thepegnl tis:& thMbel)drha.te vgf elt nlesir-tuaf " 'ttI tîtu's'; $4~-O~ ~47~ -,~ ~ ii ht- ti"e'ti 1'.m.nntr.iLr' sil 1tr.ttt't: Lt tPr ttrtted"-- s th rîtni'Î'4îat'ethu. psnoacalls-m si aur-'iflc ti teiunutllcut ai-s andune ril w l ioj Is t, jet.!. #! tfe l*,lttUlt- ct os-tii- uuirUtri qtofet 1, n Me fin it~~~~~~~0itra 4 1371..'.f.,î ',îs i'.ttIIu .:cîLîîîrits UI s-nsuch - i;ikr 'sI-tum, floi . hr-! tt' silS'CtiV yes'.,i 2it't-d Pt:rus-. a t P. Butr rIcc m Aîr;'e iaDyGtosa-,i i J »u&pilitsa lars- Iitt s-t'lutitst!.,,~~Tilo NJalanf t.t'sJla , I ,.I e% et ndios oO î'r fn c-e',n i'i 97-a 1.itlse i ii Meilmt-«ttc-. sjrkla t45- i lir.JMBES< ~CAE ,ele Por-n.NwVrk > i sed petuomi, sv4.0 aî('iiii, (; îtt' br tosfttrwh- 1 1:Atîf t ISM f'PS.r i j e & T a 3 IIr.sid'nr.te"ttVv.-asi--tW usl t iloie li ie lo iiijo Ivrt - ritd et IJt'uiae ,s)rIt mlah ic ti I4-is-ishr, N . 9 Jo t .lh l, g t of '*STof . Jast1.New Yn- - al uc I-co-ar rarLy ?D T..a e n veungCk6 esrbs Ci.lCrcI s. tifoue S, 14.7 1") am .0Li ir '1 M s ti :t ' r t i::lycf- rrios--sui r r tiver smî t uie" 11AU th- bY3reu sclinornaio atth Jnui-Dame I- ÀBIOttteNrpf'S tN~tBN Ut .4; 11d5ti Iutlliit r VC541- 0i% lu l itiit t ricAn.! t.- th tra i otify itl iaditiort t WI'.iu't rst i gn i.l t ietoi1db rouf uti'î îit~ttlttlti~i t fl ',sti-~sbt' r .i's I'rutmniii,1- ndfýf i,: i d ec:t Ctf*R Ëo al 'ie Jf'V 31e~14tiit~t~t$I4uis't;~it~ ul;. o, Mc i'rEi-ts il "'e t arre teil Le CMLTON'CRNOIV'?IOU.VQW- iiisar- u. iSit "- u of evc' Y:t h'umbi the 'mtA y îiten M l HA 1 ,it l.aut1eim IsGr sEitn. wtt t. " uads- Cri1, jutî~~î eattoey ai,.Bstoana, s~iebto nisuè Af>sat.f i or x>dali ese BtlerCrakers ut i# r ir 4tis l'ius uit-hql -- ~t -. it Ui't.,ii~lti&). and Jlk. nif, f ' (,,11.C E, q , v ifii a tn, î n yaii tuiodesiiisItlJsOlt The nîis' th-tert'iic laie Pveident: h erCfl Çr liteodI witiutftci-c 'iof* BRANDYiSiiteSrarIES Tu3 lie it cand c dteled tiliteFii idi il l'NOTICEu rohsgwmua i sUlisesutL l>acte, juêttm.itiui vly ttit t ' aWOý%stiu, wiii i uS .1S1 jsuwt:r, c erîrutNs*iltiîeir îts~its ui i stet iiis iii-: . yupne v u it icsv liesva~ s~li~su~iî, ariit exhli'ed iWe acuu:tlly lisîta ut lit ii li t ýstu)Wî td lieU iShakei Iu cumpnirsli-se 'asîus, ysedsy tsrauuu susaùuatiter tsi and yct ali l islis a susisefiw tiocgr.isp. lfur u'ehuck. Il ws iksi a dreauti-u-t - EAs4'ujqUsK~ 1% EKOPltA TVRKE .ts ast. qtrkiv gutte ax cuie ; but i -A~ ibsuck i( tail tcarîh1(iuatk-3 ,%-gài ;, serveti as a tujîsc 14r woiider atnd cht- u n tie l2th Uetuhîsr, at Icrat, in Luirti- chI ut tlhroitlt the it>'. -$one r icflii peun Tîrkey. h tîrssutt uu ;liari c. ltidreoi't du-s' stuwri, black umti white, cli 1jrrcs, ud40su;ii-t j s-utîdli uud tevur ieflure sx-i areutile. îlscfurres, asd 40 shltes js-rsiled sre tritg e îîiits al ut tticir utVlls ly Ms16 libu uis. A1lst 800 Iliotiss. ~a itaasc Greek clhuf'elà, un-il twe lttilsue -etc saperne greustly ijuted, WIiis ailier tIse tisat- "FiRA&ct is'rA,,wcuiL r' er (lie ter, tigeimi ~pilliiots ascounteid 800 abQietil.Ie, Pund conIais-s a carricaturst, js.rsuns- were in assimlg; bLut mati y ut repreiseuting a Fren-ch s5olier pressinug sows- titem suppoý,sedt ttihavo takets i *hi-i.jwiîh à nm"aet tise GuL' dess ofLiberty', wit Tlwsqspcrjimsripart u àmuîusitasunsieur lie î-is iuad, gagged mas- iroueil. eatth lowtibecuntletavied, andi wîis cmssl a tise fiZurces i. -- La P!*, c orn an-'ruî coasfrmble tîhsstiice ; a craier ith- eds il uon, and above, luscuibesi upe. a waii, opperie4 foi tise centre and votiited lîlucks are îlueWord," Liberte, Eçalite, Fra-"l amoke and blucks ut stune : tiis w(th(ie resl of tlie latter word ias oblitcratssd). followio by à aulpi-rotiss lava sun a ituil.in utihe baek grounit *ac oldiers lin-g mb in;; sate whcelm bta-qssess>tly isitiet u defeuicçles.% bouses. poeor. ioid i. 'ie ihse ef AitOhijo jâper sqys tîter is a u- i3ertul slat-ri-rd greali' (rs-m lte dc is-t-kmssàw tige use ut imuuge cats iK.At 1&doItjica,,on tise' 3Otli ta i1k.H ii htt r sud3ht Octuber, shoclcs were IVt. -aLnis. 11aCit. ilinaSiat., y'sr Tls.y case fr&m the .orth to the fflih lery la iy w»r'au.tnt it mo and1 hst loverai mcctis. saî 'h>e skv onJigeIrJC!AJ<ofJl 6< itiy4 ' vas coaveredti ut thi-litie. Tite lirgti sat alokx e ro st~ iiet, tuhe atr atritniver. A RI l"it it il flot faiattul tiaï îbey dit âity M RR,, 4àaue. At Part'Oalraws, nas New Y.a#s' sly, lîy Eltte* .9 _______H. liaywaad, hMr. it'5s010 4Guy, Io miWisa a reeoin g tige But iusiaiastksymhetahvm *liin'v'rl<>.isuwa adnstia i u mdlslniee u ieisseh eul ir ifii b mta M rne >', utD r. ineralori, sîsmutibceandi srcIersfhy aulliorize I, Lu uitk ut ail pprïons. aIl qssiosi tthall be tîeceslsary lu enuibie 11cm ttkcethe ac- equilt tandi oltaintIlle information aforeti, anti wbiclî thiey shall be amthorizedt t ask- bv any is-truction te lcieitsued by tieseaid floard et lt-tegirtration andl Statistics; andr. >haili ulubarsu tc ces s baleStcsment relis and other docuuments cont.ahuingmta- fisittal informaion,aud auj persn whsthi reluC or nelet te answer, et shallwltuiiy tunsswcr talseiy any suc i uesîtion, sial!, for covrY tue h rerfsior iteAp .1t, ncitr a penalty et s-ut less titan Twenty Shillings o>ur- more ibaï-1'svi3 oua4s, in the distre- lien efthtie Magitrate bhefore wiiom the*unie shai be tued for; sud lte Provision. eft tis Section *hall ûet b. iuitcd te tise lime witbssi in which te accouct, are te hie taken a* aforesaiti,. but sha exteu'd te ai,>'qoestiens4 ,wlskh it may at art> t-is-e become reqiuitite te ask, in erdcr te correct or supply auv supposedl error or defeet in sues aesotiuts."l -E.ANE S. Lt. Persuns Indebt,.dti rL bEstate tio tthute Peter Pei-ry, art lier by crelive É netifledti t IualtmîstL~y make imjftp. Ilpos- lIîu 'idftdte m'p ent of lteS: respective e~s 'Debis, eiproireedinp u e ae Rmt i .~LV'. îAÀM, lVhit-y,2Qî 0et f die flccator,, Whiby 2thDmc., 1851. 34-tf. FURTHER NOTICE, o PUR3UANT ta lte ?(direct'ns gcontsined a ln liefste lt- a n i s-J nrisîtof PETR -kg PERiUY, tatpi-Lthse 'wtfio> f Whi'1v, Ef- Pa- qiuire, tevaed. and tefr tihe sarpovîe ni a7sit i te. tioblsanau bisisn; salit-erlg Umoa etery kit the t-ailid sls pt-i Private. niezt> ut. Vhw ttt oit LJI th ie LOWLIST MUEAJG1 ROBEP-R7T SARQIlwAN1 Offert>lbe Puulicol T'Jrontauiiiiilv.'urittl 'Alic utWliCh iVilIl e tous- fîlyquai in quality Lu tise (srst Leondons- aisti at a ces-tiderably louset prie, tban any Hlies-sel Th' p ilt-i te of 'u l'ts-< « aijus Lyis-g". ib;,is-te rs-patiutsl- - oua i i tt-le-st lVolts-",) elea' c- 1 e siiftfrt i thsseishp, may (aisui t ies» wit theirfaroeci. tisesy ivirizî Ibilifis ,for promoirtot lie befsl infeit*, J'uctI) i-Pt" XT:MitAXI) C = LL $EJJcTJDA S T APLL .jA N A N-CY D Of lte Noecst ý5y1ef, andiMsutstr Lndiesi' <;k«ks,-Bormnetx, 411fi D oi READY-MIADE C1 L it ss-r arse. of Coias, Tu>es:iî "s,.S - ' Toiteihe i ,a largr'elotof'et iits' is-J U:oR Boo0ts and Scs of evozry i TIR STOCK U-F Ci 'I r. is- s-sm'stb Coludt fi*.' reru>meiîd-'ss bei:ti sritirf-ly ufiv r unt-# amnd are 0!f île p-t.Iisliti: !ir' s t ti1rtt - l:s-Itîtlins a Jurre lut )f ,John.iuo',' vres:t K.s 4~. î andtr IL S. &(,Iiiug 'lleîsinied ta titi ezCffdiaLy1nfl ixi itih pier - l pie lliJ'gj i xt.flow- - t1,ae, ner>'".5.u partfrularlinur vte ilî,-ir Cipotnugy 1"rtieiteps-etnu i srcI-et e'îitu, ornîrttbit r lfios.f,.>Second hfflr Uîîrmeitfr-nudr b m n eý, gat tyle. tth rt' ~ ~ hf lF-re'l'rtIs.REE TJAIE OUSE ix No. 2.5-S. LAi otsf Netata, $f ia,15Ille New SI1UtO-Jiluekfit [lt 9tk sL>t.trket >i is mât il nfitr titis? lota f h uttIs liliusitarticle, Farmtr, Parr LOY«EY'SGREA'PWSEIN INDIAN PANSACEA. CEMA tnd Voells ut-cl('risilt esliiigso,siclpzes'nt-C LZ R in e - 1 'tP"r. l c 2.-Von atflma. lis-c: complaint r, md billions tf- Ait@ mut MI L:Fo l7ir hopas~u. ipi.tîsn t-titiloct -l aj'sihiîe :ý 45. Forut c-ts'm P nit-rlà a ni males, andi j, Fotr »toulacisfir"m, yppi.pt rtsenrnatixm. -. Tish&rtf'1onfse,. il smoî. barl in tekle, utevr çivez pàn tid nJ ei's mies oe- Couiuve. - B E Y E F M 7ITF UL & UTLTIPLY, '- 15 a corrirmidant * iaI se -Iw -£heiitll'ubl¶evthy the elhiitdres- of s-tai. l>br Fk'.u, ituas -e.- DR, LARZETTE'$'JUNO CORD)IAL.ur Pis- tiveais- nsi," u(»hiiimy. (rnpoteney.otr arrenn,sea andi fI[ irs'etlatii îd ilet aas'e.If la aill'bit il nsre4" to sliet. viau- tiu.'ii'.f Rtal'i., 8priIti ho-enix on ssi Cmu i Del ow Ali p, fflj4,ýmfFq 1

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