Ontario Reporter, 3 Jan 1852, p. 4

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m- 3 ~ varr c i'FYe e W ~ h ts 41rw u> rate voiles't <65 tatli îs'a Jottr - f 2_4 ri?ès,'Tis ry qw14Vd1ýÈS lre dl,u)S(?d to itnder- tlle îtecessarimt110d Itixtifes cUr lire- Tige firmt e4us îatfria nd .afý licioîîs fruits, H ceusit1 yiulds b-ai- IltiEtfrestîsiad tiiicts ta Mr-, Wb"essd, wIîfi1trblcq ïruid îtirsaI prodnhctiôiis aei ss cliimnrular, mrslecury, Sui.sb;sr, 0l. tus», nitre ani vîîrjîs. lis tiinlu>i- keelas, the "$,w 't l u mter altd jtS 10oco(11h Ë itr 'ié g ale og'f~ teu txcus t o lir lstif's.The> crast4 ag'eïdl tttoavlli, or thle C ees mit trýco 0 l ( iitdred lwrse--w callesi 1saclise it 7posred 'w b. capable L of g brýt nsltiird orses, heneuth jiir it,gliî, i-çsil uûted in Qll#u( ~I #pe~»stieltis ofIlle lower 91101<0. The Jdense fruLsa ré i.>picti by wild btissts. amti the loffier hieight,5 bw that bird ortiberîy, t1ieenigle- -The bird sht am fier <s.>sdiugfio u isn the stis'a fluai tlÂhi,, isiiks blâ cmeriduan lhize ant i n-let fluait; Wontiis b ler idoti l hi$fieesct lsami>' * alhbe ir m is1,osru lali bs ihOttpet Shower Rides with the ibtirer in bhillazia; match; Anti bears hiî1iélufniàý'er yp oýiriudIeçaarch.1 ailes bMi-w ti*w caaine-(m a s4*.*li- woudieî thut the plos.opi:( tiua<rge the tt titude tu cdnjo1 a twa,#, dcs&rI'pibf. At mil1es, whçhis 4talt tfEnpcrojr Adiuiiftid ier IWW %vre \vJltt-î«to oîîýviintin"' t itis al- ,yi.e icatific-at ,liliî 61'stili ufu p 'Ayst aiL îns Verse ltt4Iad ýWe biscrved laic"uIwfrom te 41) 1itîgOf u sand hornIcte iii tîîll relief, fIutwery fields of Enna, I3.l Inn. begm t ile ' [Ïirsîfif pwdered wiIlu ruaf sutch a height lte pea- aies belour ' la 1L I a 1lBut ,,Ena is not a\ivays antd wliete' te place, ~etxeemëtruubled, iuitd Ls n4 îsW ia Nebën r94 IAÉye.--Sptük L speaks Ini a osauaity pf tis i.ia- ilni viily refug~e. Uf onte of the> Most reniwrlcu-. in llistory is tlut whîkl W32. hm stntim io<ws Ver-I nImaly, Francen Eg ly Nwas 1't:îe kkif>ittirer., " LI.esf, 'l'l- ioaowhin is *bouintî stpt> titg th.e oui or tbeè rqpui4o, iss" hre a mon in eý ot'ess w.Iw r4Ultiùfr FÂi'tt' ACCttENT,..u,Weregret to' Icaeà thutjsMr. Wlinonso nt du wnhi. o idrtilv killed, oThntr.sdlayby'falling fr6mnbis bors lieur 9. P-14,3'raTvein, on the.Plank miti»d eecile e à filmuiy à'sf ilirée childrcii, their molher having dli- ed but a fiew week.s ic.'pctor Wè 'r i (hât th:te rencr Thiitoyrgoç Who cosîtrivc'd Sortie tlime sintc t'es- cpfroinTreé purly conveying lm and M1whrs I,'om thiV, dtt.tricrt to thulri-rvi- cifst Penisesîtiiary ut Kifisstuîi, liai IWcti tIrree4ed;d , in i ow ini jlil,lL Queluc.- QueUc~.Ifercur'y. ro8xýe Tan iser lias hersii trid zaew by the CoitrtofAjsp4ie csf 0Nispics, andi Con- de'mncdd bsix rnthes imnprisontil 500 fra nés fine, and îte > esta, for rv mng trot upthe preteüded' miracle of a beJiwg pcture. in the citurclttor St. lanrîa, ansd pssemsd lrself of the cOtusecrated wafers left on» the, alle r. it bias beeta rutnored here for emne tlayiç luit Ductor I3ossiller, the> late menmer ýfur St. Hacintîhe, wiii aceept the offie E sssan Cnmasorcro Crown Lauds. johin O'Connt:l, a son or* thc greut liberàtor, ih about bu eniigraîe wit hliîs farnily to, Australia. Mr. O'CuoncWll wcis Oise le M. P. f;.,r Linierjeck. A grocer- Of Northuampton Etagland fur hnavitsg iii biâshsolpone httdrcd siand twventy-two potî)Inds of. imitation teaI Tbe Cninnagti <.omerîal s1ty5 tbére is a nmailtinaliat itîy wlso bit bniriedI three wvivcs ast two chikiren, ali witiii tihe brief sîcace of dîre mo'nt/u. Aid it bas reasçon tu kr'ow, t <o. that lie wiIl b1w îtarrîcd n a'aîn be- fosre Clîristinîas. A fox Iatly etetcda limise inFîîi tm a rràdie, draigg cd t by the tfirîrat #rs the field.s. Wlien jptirsnecl, il droped ite uniinlIprey, ritîd made ofS, but t.he aihild wits piuked sq> qusate dcad. FURTRER NOTICES .4 LL.Ferss idebtesi to thse Estate of *" he tis ae Peter Perry, ture bereby nofifiesi - thatunless they umole, imiie. diate p mrent -of theù- .respective »cebts, Leg-alproceedings wit be taIre» J. V. 1IAM, .4gext .cf thtm Bzerutors. Whîtby, 2Otb I)e., 185>1. 3-tf. FUR ANIYPLUSH CAPS. 'j'IIE -Subacrîher has jutreceivedia neiv assorlmei of lFuranti Plusb Caps Ç>bourg clota &c. ALSOI 50 KEGS WIITE PAINT. Il . P I' WhisbyNc.2ts1.1. 3--r Tl IE $ubscIber ving been appointed £Itna Inzurnnrrc V oay of Utica, NJ., are, preprar-isîto receî ve pplieat ions ferorinutaase. F'ror tise bish characier ol the aboya Iacîittiecc, anud tIse bow rates of Pretatum, we art eoas'iced t'ui euperiar iaciliies are now offerei for Irissur. ausce loe Ise iabitants sf lte New Vounty cf Ontario. THOMSPSON, PEARSON fk- Co. WiibNov. 12,1851,1 1f BOOTS, BOOTS, B3(OTS. JU-SiT Rcceive4 iund for $al1e hy tIse Suluf-Ijber, ai the "EMERAL» 'HpUS>" a jarp aussI choice gaaortmeuîl of lie celebi!eteti,ý ýabve -whielu bave Airehofore çiven s0 murh satialactian ýr1 Si . o iApule, eoisistiu1 or, lie itLndis' nd iChtldrens' Prunflia &fit( Skia ~ucmd. 3s, nîV5rom, Pqcid & Fidc CVlt- Amilitols , kc. e C. G. ANDERSON; or -the Whty Nov. 13, 18-51. 3-w et:,fr Th.lýtù i amtl for carryis>ÇAD un extensebutie«, andefferan ex celletopenî,sg 195 meoak qt1L.H. Pc< - CfIN Sunin'my cw)one -Pink- ailtg.11J.' tI leY.AttlLt J. B. WAIMREN- O0shati', l Dra., 1451. 3 -f. ADVERTr1SEËMENT-;ý A Carpet Bag is now-in the possessiori of ttte iubsc ri lier, auppoçed tb belfing in somne peraon in Whiîtby or rieighbothoo<l. ThfW %isr ran have the »ame liy provint property and, pay- inqv cturgesa ofad*vert:usng. Scarlboro, l4thNov.. 1Mi. 323w' FP4RM FOR S.JLE. T IIE Subscriber offers for Sale, part. of L&OTrS N@ 7 & Ba ituated on the Norib aube of ~14 G G L4KF, -jn the 14TU1 CON. of the 'owNIiitr of CAÇTWRGT, rontasuung ed an aunder gooti lance. on thec premistâ ihere are 'f wo f',ontfortabl. L4g Iknacs and a gSod .Loz Bar»t. Thele js alo an ORÉHAfID. with about 130 sore c îhm barig.The Patm is beaiu tifully situateti ons the ehores nIithe Lakte, tallt-j PloigT' PLEAAi.T about eighî miles fhem Port Pcrry; a Steamboai pauses daity Io andi frpmn Lmilsay to Porti>ferv. ~for îcrffna. apply ite subsJriber in 1xbssd;C Viltag, orJ elin 1. }Ferry, Esq.. ia Wtsitsv. J ?BG 0 0LI). j 'xbridge, Niw. 1, 1951. îi*29 JUST RECEIVED FR ESH L',ÀAS COFFEE, -RICE,- TOB XCCO, &c. &c. &c. ofrered (« TSale ai bia Stores' i WJt'-,ITBIY ÀND caLUMBJ11, which willi Wte bouu ethy eot public attention. THOMAS DOW. whilbylUth Seju., 1lei, *PAPER HANGINGS, BRJS9S8 CLO0CKS,è .Ykoe-.Afaklers' Findings, u$c.-. tSc. THIOMAS 1DOW. EXEC&JTOJIS NOTICE. ALL Pt-inons ba-firtgclaims or demnds the Tawnbhip sfW îiivl the Counîy ai Yoaic, 'lseteacrequcet to(rlhithtin aersd the par- ticuiara iherept ta thse £xecsiere, for their cosit- deratincs and s"ttlement, And ail perirnia'tebteti fo thse I~' al e Iarequebtedto tp~ay snch debLa ce the, Jixcutoirb. MARYPJRRY, i chsVcuTarx We, MAay PEint sinsd R. E., PisStx, de ap- -point j'Il, TPER Y unle acUntg Exirentor in the m-eteiaenl tise be ove Estatc, ari as bsiç'i is ema- pcweredt te rseceive ands]collertitdItebstî anti de- manda due to thtomre. RYP JL. Wlithy, I0bh sp.18bl. 2-t M OR E .IlIOY ËY TO LExD. A GOOD opporturlity i no utfered wishes lu rnakeaa inve'simerus in what la mure vauîalle ihan eth its4lf, vis :-Twvo vatssale andi crapre ,ves i îisingLits ati FoRr W IliTBY, Ie- i<g cemposei oi thse câtrner BuilJiig. Lot No. 9, iin lock 3, adjoining llaies'a Bakety, eantaiarng hall un Acte, tnvinc a go4cidira tlsereon. un excellent ivell; tits> a iîl saîcrtitet et Gratteti IFruit Tîet. A gmIotl i'o fesîce efsJlose# tii Loi. Ai1se, llilditig L iNo>. 11,6oit Bond Stret con- miniaC it early tali'-ta Acre, hiuvine a gondi Frami- Jtatase'thereÀuti< which_ýer<talfor $3i) a year. 'This Lot fernis este, ef tfise îu't beautilui Building Lots tn ieVIat.TIse tsave wibibs ol is part, or tte wJic1q, sery eleafs. ands on very easy tertraxof jsnynitaitl, 3U Us to sui P1urchalielse., SJAMES BATFS, Blaker and C'unfectjotier. Pofu<Witby, Apri -2ati, 1851. tr. OA4PUMPFACTO BT. 'flEStîb<çriberx au> Ma'il ufactîsttig andti rciataly t.ep aon hand - ail reaif for puitlnsissto %WLSza -4. Th~fe C1#îïit Pul'nnni sîle besî,c-lîeapest and moat stu;sb!e Pnuap iu the World, ibere ta nu tiitrteulty cotsaiectcd wilh I tem'-la Irsezing tmp, but aIways ceiy. 13yt mmm; )a crank, any chilti ehtyearo aidl, can] pimp wvlta case. ~Y3-iePumps anti Chairs. are ail rmstnae-,' turei t>y experîeeswd morknîea direct ferosn tht Lre4 Chans ?nmp Fatlory isn lie biahe of Ne!w Ylorkc.'lite above Puaispu art! prefei red Io ialto- ers, wbereu'er ley bave been trieti. A ny ptrson widt;iiig te purcltise, wîli do w.'-ll te cail al thée Faclcny atulsi ee onte in uperatious. 1'. M. CLAI K & Y. RAY. Wlitby Village, 5ept. 6,161' Jf' MONEY TO LEND. - THJE' eIsuWtber s- prepared to -LoAx ,baverai ftusdred Pounds<in sornsi o#qit ap. WII9FSAJ4E ,&.RETAILI tV' 3o1 ttWo osr somes-h ilhItbitantx of' 'ormsto and surrounding C ct~ry"tls1t welf e.auw receisecl Our coia plete alortnnot unt WJNTEiRI GOfWD8, wlsiCh, uipsn irsaetiul01, wilI be'fowus(t- 'A .t vaisàe Imde extestaîve as tegnrs l iity,ijui5 mto-r varioci in ty1e hts ' we lsve ev.r'ha" 4ks amction n"ttubsattlin% Io unr es.somers antd the public hefot'e. Tai àiiug li ni1 î~nc èzeoxoutd with taste & dospatch.. V EURWNl',dED ON1-1E T U1 SFICtTEST 'NOTIîCE. Read-.?t~~Fait eWèercoldg Mess, EtflIsShollîi1 Coha, frote bsn 9d, Ms' tski rsrr, (o 0 do Wkitîîsy do do 170 611 .' l.al' odc~ < do Fsnn.oad'tssth de In :'i <fi lita dos(Io 's do etie cOver Coaie, sdo 22< 114 Wrser 1rswr.de 3à9 do Whittl o eyde la 20 l a"] liese bifit, do 45 4 1-2 do, Beaver tic do -Uri- s'îsIVI Eîi ý f Veisc, doe 64 Il< Boay'$ EtotTc Ceais,, so, lis 3 deo ' t a cet dos 410 7xi id de 'Whitney (lado sîs il , 3 do Faay do de 3,4 (Id WVhtcSite t, s110 4IJ-2 (do Satin (d0 'de 7s Gd Sspd S i î.,de 20 G64 do Blac~k <lotît du do 7s 6d :ýlenu Etefi'c Treitiers, (1s,. Si, 9(l do L'ausada TweeŽd de d -a 6q 3,1 do Dorskits du '- do 13< 94!p ] oy5a Fancy (si) -* sic 24 6d (lu Cassirrîcre do do l3-4 )d d Jri E t offc fin do 3- 4!d do Canada Tweed dud o lu 8# !)dCi .<C<aps, do a 10 1-2 do Cerduirey dou lu qa <1 f r do Z4 ~6d Pocket and NeckI nJrI fUsrtCls iî rns mbcrulla5 and (herpcî 3aiçs. -1MtE1N'S PARIS STI ATS, BUACK AND DuAB. I)RY C)DPS: Flanliell, (lied urss] V'tlte> frant 1lfi34i Quis antslCoiuîsterpaaes, blasskeîs, (b»!t pair) ùs, 84a9à B les!'dckas r ue~ Scado Shslt 133 9d BF llcet Ribbonns. 1 yactcs ('str. 2 . 2d1 ririia. (fait cetenra) COctquWarp, (pet bondlje) sc 48 4 1'2ti (.siubtsi,d Lcalîest Clscstns ansi »3onti, %'hi Cattsîn, Muis ant ui s, SlI 15a 0 aii Pieceâ Ijua eùnJxanp. gri ry.;%, yard %,vde, t) 1-2.1 ler yard, Mia 31-21 do> 51-2j1 (10> 3 1-201 (10> lt1-2d niShl .11ipdCherksd. Nsiced,' .ans ilsu i lfor t Ps -<f thse r-wrt iartd FLsi':Rttcsjîc, t;sci'~ c!niq, fov~ icieryFî, Cap l'rOriA, Vcita, Musi, Sevcj i', if ika ts, 'ceStîa-wl'e nîtllauîdkerclsiefi, &c. &C. ('irccr f King anti chtu rc/cILSt rephfjoîin i l e Coscri Huse.- 'rrotc.Nsveîliccr 28, 1851.:~3- ~v - NEW AIIIIIVALS OF 'Il L À1\1) _ I,1 \T4R DR 4OI Dr. iDalp1d Tuckçr & 3A< AUCU7ivs N()*ÇWOUD, SCKU;£E DEALEJR I EA O~BUfS, ICE, PAPEft M ANU FA CTU iER 0 F SO) lF.1 UP11,R, ,XND ('>kpyid for Ihies a nd Slcins, W/ieit1, oatuc, Iots fand!Peu 1Ari.LicS. Wbiitby Village. 71h Jtjti#, I, 50. oSfB or GY. tai;,c crfo f r rfeC. WIUTB Y _N G L E: Alrceors Înirs lulinc pîrimîîtIy cxe'cîtted. Th- AI et n ad WANEI)TO BOI<ROWj i 1I.a Tersu of ON?.;, Tivi or Tiruf-r 'Yeairs, th e1411iri)f £10oUr £'i1),fý 'ih lhIi ni ngti naîisftsi s sywitI beliei,real or P>'r PPIOsaliont Politpari Myrctu udduecsaetl - F VIJLLAGE', XISXt>O, PEARSON & CO, ST 1 . J. IL F,1, S 1>rncz cad Boek Store, A <'IÇtît;IIF'JsAMÏAIIICAN Irîclcar'e 'lieir 1 tîî<cy, cciutiwm irsl i >tpc.çîeîts t'4,o rtt t- «gt TiiriltcNarralivra, l>.îî xls.,&.& W moe .îd wdtli 1irca4'cs. <i Lctlr, 21 J 5<18 IL15-f j -- SiIIî'EIt I INS for >site al /hia ee t4 ttiiste'ofie liaaif' s if VWhîtby md su '.r c c anintsp' raies. Thiakarc ejati Iea~-d tareluty uc'.si ilby 1. 1' <' <c'ul<fiiwl a yt - yaready f r b;ni alhey caurry r.uu. 39 C0MIECIAL J3UILD[NGS, 'c î.13 2 wrehe il% nppminaeso ut thse PRET 'f.q'-S sdIEST' i iî<'ti* dS*cor «f DRY (.001>5 "rr cifcrsd loi .l) insu thipri of teil-s' <titly, Thte at<vas«<sje3 ih'e oessei si c I NS iRANCE OFFI-CE. ."ITJ c)15ST C K JA ISWALLCE j(d',N to lintimfinel aUicty e tie Uzak ysPm, will lrsire te it ndîtcg îcsrchieci,lPhIN .I, Fi'li t;NL LI~UA C His Stick witb ebw.syg ceapriqe ever itovelty or the Season, ia<têther v. hIc art Immens'e iock of Staples suit a 1Lfor Ithe 6?nittry7Tradle t TIsefebowigcoprise4 a ff1ýor thceada atces :-Gat a lisls, M. IS'Laisccs, Casbcis'res. <Xdiirz ClotIsa, Alap'acae, Orivatg, Chieac, .Jeîsy Lînds, Ioûmaz Plrjax, idisttawls, Flarms, afi Jtcasc, Serges,' 3rouil Cýlar, Cucrsitî'tsi. (*a 1,ilc(lotb, S<.itis, liht,. Sfrting, rccy Cotto; s, ! Ldilac andi Mhdder Puiiqt, Cottia nti Woollen Vans, B.ttiricr amisbWdci,&c c c Ail1 of wkicm le i.e deterunined Io Se/laIllet/Sm sallcst possible Pflying Profits fer CA 51:1 ON'L Y. Al large 'Stock of Silits aniSntin8, 511k s"d Cet ton Veletst, lLib.asss, Flwers, londscl, Lacuiv, -- Hnsiery anliGlevtx.i D.C. wotld beg luii e letuitoifIhts o'uraaosîdoherçtuo bist STOCK 0F GR OCERJE S wbtcb seere-p-tnclsaised ini Ncw York boferr lIse recescl ise ia puices; leic titîd'o<re eriabied I> ifr Oued ..frlirl, .1 a Lowe;r Pric-,fthan it l 110cw hlinjjOrted fer. Likewseica corcplete $toc k cm Wytrar,Sept. 24, j1851t. 2- Clth*i- a(l General OUTWÂRELfOUSE,! Nl0. 5,Ciy Btuildilgs, NEXT DOOR To j. 1 OUTO' SON F THE GOLDEN FLEECE,, KIM 0G STRET V-.ST. EJJiVW4'HA4M~IL ()V Crîsîowners andi Friends, wi l 'ys ibd on band à a lrr-andi welt aed stocek af teasonable weII-misd, weII-trimm;ed, anîd fiishicaabIe R&EADV-#IA-D E CLO(T1HING Cunsis(ing uf every ksind znd'istyle of ' C'oatg, Veste, 'and Pamaian#,~o Cassimneres, Vcuti>îgs, &C.4- &C. Frota thec extra fsci1ly fur <Miakilig up stock autte;rE nîsm» 11Mara iad îturchasing in Lb. eb ch W1îuelt si e ntinkue:s - FORC"ASH ON-L'Y,. They can,n'if d d4 sel 1;EAPER4:titan ar4Y 9tber<Hôus in' the Tnle. WhopslIe bttyezr 3i ,tý hd a n Ri abeTerins. EJWÀxip 1ý-YAN$' 1. 1 71, . MIn Re, Ici'Sep* imswn. A Cl *~j~ ~.l"<s.'s rIs, orrhoea s,~ t'.srh or Grees, Sis'b l'Vhîists, tiS si fd'i~ b Whiîb.> <. <5155. lest 1851 Whsîh, JI". e, 18'1. -- - Reail atTomotoprices, ii ha fro WhiLlby, Juiie )lit 1851. PROc(JERY! CReOCK'FRY!! BY flite Crate ýror t3terwise îs csivfsd i ti !emthfem Ncbtrr Cesnmers,îat Buifdîc VI G E 0 F '1'1 aie ii ccii aws asrd ticct ti- cijirs re <itk'rscfi hatiay 7 rat l. IllUe M'uî. bsn.îEr4v5se Icc " lsa<bie alît Cssac C.st W-. IMPOILTERISOF a BRITISIf MANUFACTUR1ES, AN» iEALaisom ýlç14E ÎSUBSCR. iaebe crom-: cas i;y kspt ly Nir. I1W tNLant ioipesi e olefaiste<t witi rage ithuosote l'h Bar jl;ai turisbe >TJable mPpliediwt L e protvreti. a ees iyostier la s9eryi.-omrsmntii bISTAGE tial, atetaJun. fUxi a MMV x Mae, te. 1ANUYAàhR. Oast Steel Mies and Ray Forks. î posALE. loi) JhZ. ca.st stie nir),esani Itssy Fodksa, atle (rom ,Naylor7s bec:Cai i l, telety l'or lte bSÀ%rbe '. ['IIOS. IIAWORII. '1*,' ai'>, Jriti' 70b1 51.8 f CrIVIs g lIa Stoire, Ibeir $pring suply of GRO. CEtjS onpiiii, hL usul acoima at wic h1xhey art enatbledi h> offer O1t vti y lad vpnta- geo Ils..rafi, àto titei r estrecponden s, ati te brade FRLMS»TEAS: 270 p'âckazn; c Y su; Hyois, cormpiiing #-orne jextr.î fine, 6( ak~aTwankay, 30 p acas a&t)ttd, lack Ta, 25 boxeà Gunpowdes'. 4m ha;. veryasupeior Laplia Co&*., 60 bîtç*.ltle 18 saS.D inp 10mti aa 200 Packages eaoit etiTobeceo3bin Ys, es 6 18, 6 & 7, St.. st-tu li 1 W , & f, E 1 .4S 11 SI AN, 1

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