V Owwe end gdenstlrg *twNe £uS-k olWon, and earried in Âmer-,ý icui b or.wotild-dw âiverie'd fîvthe. 1usDà t1¶IWIId b. in British hattmi. It 4 seq»5W1 st h~re tonnage cf, Cana- da It* o ldIse *pared frem .4'dva'Sbotia ltid -.New llrtnsw»gok, wooîçi very stion b. me etfur the. îsote.d Irade. 1 hwve i;taee4 tihe, ý'ariO* wbich srs entertluisevry-exc. leu - IVbv, ipftnesti&I -parties in é Ca- nZsa as tu bèrtftur. commercialrolicy in3 ~*X'@VOt Urcfthe rsjectice f iser c clwoeîlty bill by Congre.. 1 am, bqvever, unâùtloeioed't» an- mitnce the vîsars tof the 0sinadînti trov- ernt1teit; indeed, its-poliiol bs bit yet libed detennined ori. Since tie c61nde- icitVWdt th# prcse*t ecministrtiM;u.to- Office, ia 1814, :hey have be4n swatoh.' issg With usiety the prteeedings ,ns Cussgrest regarding thb réel riprcty bih s.v¶c'ti un'siec iwisiting 'Washington, aL, 'stis~4wua té> aoertain, if posi- bIetIe 1ruhubue rxte.,of -thst nlîure, &0ê 'ippt(csflih'g sesioln, to mtetPar iameitwila dfWied policy regard- 11 n eltfit ietls'lfr ie ýtitti 'sted youtr -hutttcnce, 1 muitr niake à kort>%%00,onli the impentçe te n ied States of thse fnt'e nwvigtuiuný 8t. 4wreco:Itha ieal fbh? tjîIe ophnso iereîr utl, tisatinsncbasionkê. iantity of dhuum -is sent b>' the O(- L.ed Ã"ôgselsburg r11tît h ie St. e. t-oute mit melli infesiir. Ve, <un theoetier iaîd, ttsisrîiie4 siniz trale of theseV.t will atl'iîrd 'nfor ail th<,e ltinels wiiictu are tu, b opeiued -iti; and-sîrely bc un inmiîsueadvattge. ixtti abiplinîig asd egrieultis'i inter- Sthe %"est, te bu alluwed bu hur. ta lu tfurnising stîpjlicis te tise depuis cf the'illsing trode. Ticý ï on 'tie Weatertîitkes engaged m ommterce, andÀsuItof whieli-are die dîîring tise 'inter inonblis, 1 obltatisare cf tic Wreest sisa futr seh'eh tIse> are saitcd. - ia> ktato a fact or two bearing on mïpoinam of the st, - Ltawranm, aiîci. :Repcuted applieatioits isocn msade te tise-Cansiu -0-e rent, dsring thse hast two yfars. raies residiiiîg in Buffiaio, Cleve- Chicago.tiL- asa seseîs tlirough L. I.Lwrn, n-h lh t lis sbeco, a41md, iier cxinting irissîs-. e'etc ref'lîuc. Spdciai permis-siues, 4V, wtv given iii w O a vessci:ocarrya &src if ccp- vrI Laio teIirouwSanscat, in ij thé ther to,'u vesiel btînd te rnia, %Wtlt erîinis.eids cases, tistu gevrtrîsuetutticf :is.r"tJsi îrteýi made appliicatiuloIrIperis. $ end twa w'ur stcà uners, tlfrotigi ' tdiaincatuisa.itLarse Q 4:tantie, wlsicis ait'eci lg-iuw isenl.'dypli witliîmy -ut) tItis il»fuuirtant qucsîiun, olity, is ceisinnwucezpr$ arm ocknô'wlédgfements tu ydt ving kinci>'- îerniiued mu te ds di fur tie ptient niersiu ,aaCisairusn c tise hCutnnsliiteUý etuterce in tise Huitise cf Bepre- vii, ycu haveiui t o tise sis' yé tise huer to remain, Sir, éSst Oedieus: servaist,? * - - F. Hiiec, Itii4cetrGeersofutCatiada.t r or $TATEr, larcis29, 1851. ,a of tise Secretar>' ior to acknenvhedge letters - chsy'ou, ýùrlain¶,r the -s andi the Britiui :es; and te inforni r *ïn fortiscitis b. itt u$jth te ise ecof îpen tise subje et aI, be, fr, stitisbigb eunt servant, uCChief Clerk. ýdy otipresed Iot lx, andi especialIS atithooioëd ftn repent toyunt nov. irbit 1 ha vç nt diflerent tinies esated te- Mr. Ckyton -andytisir, i~viz .r Tiat Uer Majot~'Uvera*it5~svpttSeo wil leumure, an>' ïrmmSnemen4s, cithe-bý intcrcchanuoofailinattral produotitns, not oniy betweeu -Cannda and Ibo* ni- ted Stateni but beîween the U.nited stoites, md:itl lier NMajesty's North âmeïrican ,Provinces. And (srtier- jmore, i arnwiiigte say; tliottt iiitise éventuilclicban arrangemnent, ber Ma- jesty's Govei ment w ottittb. eady ici Pýatea moerioa i sipping thi aters lf tic Rivrer et. Lawrte nec. with ise cii- nils adjuitgrincrs accordific lthetiternis of a 1eterý'which l-eddressed tu Mr. -Clayt6n, ùw tIhe 27th - Mesr&rb, 1850,- fur tbe informaütieii cf tie.- Cornittee on Comimerce in tise ligosf Rtepresen- - atives j, t e hich 1 tttke thé liberty 1' Ma psuy&Iibat ber Majesty's Gev- oiineit, -'i, iiýt tuscase,,be like- wisc wiiting , (oen bt» -American fiai- ei'lsswavhc1W* iea aig t4 out of Nova ' uîiu..sind New -Bruns wick, ne- cýdig t ie cunditions apecified iii - dti irgcicuseextrâi, fruni instructions wîtb-.: 'giIans fprn ished, - Thee svilîngtîess- tu grant la Ameri- eau èitîiét*sna, soci nî'sso,îable roodi- tuon, lwoî mporlont -Iirivilegeo;. su long enjnîycd ecIulsively isy tise siljecîs cof -Great Éjtiail,wil-tifv clearly lutIse ijiirit 1aý w'ilci tie Britishi Government iii. oniti s'.occasion, uîimuteJ ;-and ais ssff'aîrs have nui, arrîveýd nt Oit i nsis ini iîsicli a fruîîk exîicrnaion cf thse viels cf eîtier îparty ini neceusary fur lie iintercÀa aJ niit titi dersitiîditgî9ýof butis. I titis tiseIierty of hcggisig yos tu ifurm, me whether yu iore dis1soied, 011 tise liaentf luiUlited Stateus,go vets- tcr into s mii convention ns wilt iplace, tise comsmercial relationîs beÙtweeis tise Uitied States and ier-Majety's Norths Anhericati colonies on tise footing I1iw bore propused our wheier, inthlie event 0f tîtra saigoyou snyo<bjetionsý tu roceleedby cônivention ln tits malter, yueau cutisre nie tat tise United States guverausmesîwll take tisé carli- est uplio tuîlity cf iteistly recutuniuend-' îng Congres. te carry coit tic jethy maens uf-ligîs i c. 1 avait myscîf of tlus oppvrtunity to renew te you the assurance of my ltigi- est îvtniderationg. IL. B ULWEIt. their- nets Ãad corid their -fishprovided that ini %o oing tii.> ' do Dot interere wîth the owners of private property, or with the optaýions of fisherinen. Her Mjest>". goverument, however, w'dreqà îîe, as an indîspensibie condition in return for thi4 con- cession, that aii fib, cither cured or fresh', importedl into tie United States from the British North American possessions, iniTes- sels of an7 nation or'description, should b. admitted sato t4e Uniced States duty-free,J Mil upon terinsisn eal respects, of equiitZr wib ÃM iPortd by citizens cf the -n8ied States. .*- -- -t NJ3-sthe conce4sion aboie statedl appiies soici>' te ses fsbery, the fisherses in estuattes, and in tbe mouths of river» arc not, cf course, included, Her MÀ%ajesty>". goyernment do not pro- pose tbatmany part of this arrangement sbould appi>' tùaNewfctundland. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ELECTION. T ,'Meeting oft the Directors cf the *Port Whitby and Lakfr Scsiioe, *Simenean lbron Ros CompÂny, he.id-n the, 261h Decerni. ber lta, It was letoived that the antiusi Liectioli ï, of Drio frthe smanagement of tis .Cornasy ha aepice bu the TsflaO Se tnn v ifi5pM "ve vci each eis5uiic ycur. and4 that they &hall be eiecied by the Sb4ÃŽ#boders . present who *haht11 vole by Sailot, and those wha are rot pttest, * hall be enttied to vote by Proxy. whî:by, 1Rt janusry, 1832. HAMPERary: SALTO SI FOR SALE ,without rescerve, I FHTY)NDRED BARUELS cf Amern- e a -ine Sait. W'Istby,3rdIan", 152. 38-tf. FOR SALE, 1 rNHIE£Viliago ot"in Port WhiLby. i cf neo tbe Lots a Trime Iluse ss.erected wbich, wîth a little repair, would make a incmt comifortable dweliing. - For furtbei partieniars appty, if b>' letter post paid, te ROBT. W.ILHAMILTON. Wiitbhy, Jan$, 2, 1852.ý 384tf. MU. m{UGfî E. BROWN is an au- thcrisedl travelling .Agent for. thseCOntario Reporter, ta obtain.subscribers and recev ordr for IVriting, Advertising. &c. THE REPORTER.1 - GOVLr»If4ENT lieusE, WIiTYSATIJRDA&Y, JfACAT3. 1852.j ToRuciTO, JTuc 7, 185 1. I- - Sal av le oiertetrnuis, or Municipal Election. your Bxvelleucy's informatio, tiec cp>' cf Smemnorandum,,mad, aeupanyieg -docu- O odyuxt rr'mmber cf tise mn, hkihave bete stsbmtttcd te me b>' New Couit>' cf Ontarie, Jeeirous cf at once tise lIei. n -ucks, Inspecter Geeral cf y public Aeunts ii tii-s rocînce, on tise* ensjo>ingtise mdatages se0imu& sprizedb> suljeet cOf tic elosing cf. the Canadian Ca- otier parts of tise Province, cf a sepqrate sal-tofw'igeresei. Yu aeI -seieceand sadepeedent county organizatio.m for aware 'tisât a sseasre,sncb as tiat recon).-1. mnen-ted iy M.liureek, liuabeen for -n. j municipial and jodicial phrposcul ssoultibe- t tinte coatkmtpated by ttaCaadian Govern- ' the, polas ta record bis vote ina ýppéOval cf meut - Jthe honora ud iseneflus conferreti on tbce I have bee Most unwiiing te -have ne- cursm kmiepartieniari>' afWter e rp- teetr twnsbips b>' parliment, la support et reseataens roade by tIse gealeunen trousmuehselgse 1 udlbsaimsddm»n 9 0g, b vsc us-d>'sm ius iii aI once proî'idc tis'e means fer scpas'a- - Th'e diicutmioti wlsicis-teck pluce in, t ielmdgsrns ia itiu els Legialative Assembly lhat eveueag, se cisiçis>oid Coant>', anti placeus in tic rack, to -Un.Uiucks refera i b isetîoranduni, ln- J wiicis we are entitcti b>' population anti in- dicites, lietever, ver>' cheirly the direction _,icitigence, of a SENtîsa COUNTYr among Our cisiclu puic9 îopiniea s t"cug onusthse.quîes-i ts,îleiIcnio oea roayu sites, Countie-s,insteati of rensauning a smcre, cellency i.>' belief,ýtiat, unies. youi are ena- jarn(or te thse aremt'y overgorgetiolti Coun>' bled~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~u D0g Iesm asiuc htf o.cf York - Let us net b. deceiveti by de- tiations 'citiste goveruusent of theis e u< States arc in progreas, ciicis -are likel> te1 signissg men, chose oui>' objeet in preacbîng resiit cnpaigteemmeretal relations, dai'laiché atteris tesecure, by scuse for- beicceis the. Proirnes snd tise Unsitedti tuitousý cincunstaice in y'ears te, corne tise Suatea- on a mos'. aatisactory footing, it cl sa aterct eetr eai onet be niuni> power' au> longer ta refrain iCui> froun adoPting tise sa"pswinch tie Inspecter Jties; Tise PatriMim cf ucis selfisb sindu- (Generai susggesls, aund hchmna>', I tiik, 1viduais is ,s&t te lue dperded 6n. Tiere ver>' probaiir le foliowed up b>' otisers cal-jibuoe o'abfreu-te ta- culate to chgieck thse trade isetveen Britishis'itnecus eoeu-ete»t Norths Asieiasand tihe Unitedi states. propriate tisa menus for oui' ewn buildings - lider tiese eircusssstaases, 1 decun it ni>' i once, or -be taxedt fr expensive anti orna- dut> to invite, your Exaecleney's attentieon mental cees ini Torosstoi Thése:saleeeftise to thse docauments tach1 Ibérewith enclose, otCutleseat ali0 eotcih §id t4,j'euest yu ili, at yoisr e ait POI- cdCutbueadji nTrno h veniepce, fursb î e, for my guidance, with is alreati>'made, cii not be a titheocf tic sueb information mep.ctinp the iews cf thsee cst of tic nec building, tise present cti- vparmeat of tht Unt. lStates as it nia> in your poer te guvC. -mate cf chicis aireadis laTwelve houraîu I1 have, &. &c., * pounde, anti for an aduitional wing ta-tise -ELGIN AIÇD» ERD.-i ,. 1Six Tlowanrs ud pOF541tise qupta ë Rigit lion. Sir ILL.BuIwer, .K.CJ.. jaet 'ftepapes aludot ~> . ~whiei for tiee tee Townships ciii be Iecied ar . mmediately, if we are net immediatel>' set Ist. "4emoradum-(romi Ms', Uuaks teo 'ff.- tbeGoý'ernorGeueral cf Caaadm, reepun- Witi regard te tise setumut cf tise à idinoýtsgt fie Canais sbbtld ho ciosed to Cont>'Town, thiaifusprovideti foria tihe, Mediafe stepi so en, ifi eonsequeuce ilan Gevrpaýîedverhmsent tç- ~tW ip4s oftâl at deputation 'fret» leets, camfqt be. aterc'd "tJout anu ocf ,9swégo, to c«>fe ri cif. tieGtocvrnor Go- j futie e- THE CARRIER DOY8 AORE IT I1111j' iraitP , lial ellow Oiliens Sîtamn,; Tise slvin boy is on yosir ti ai», Wilt iypug-apbic susle; A 'choIe long ya'ar tas çîased swa) binre Iat we met on New Yeat~s di Se &top aud. chat site ile. Ctd 1'51 -ha& sjust expi-ed. Ansd jr rey l lotsweetjnspiret i'd chant-hiet, floteraiSongsî; Boit ais! alias, ise hivavrîly muse, Dor.as s ilrisc londrot prisyer retuae, Tisai lotes (teita clviii trigue. Wellaielie cins is irequiem osuso And let tise wisity bren'. fltiîg l'huitonossnier hi§ lreasti The h-averitit clesidas may shedi a te Ur.n islithrit funsial hier, Then he may sirik Io test. But yet the deeds of '51, Wolflise tisuig is li uselt lias qao 1Forn nhausto thert.'s sno retoirss; Thse mighssy-poâx cao neici' hidi', Whist faui e seumis wiiriug ons lie tide To unaions y t unbon, But Ob,! t aiosruu eis îh! Now rji'. oi te ssnaeussig <a2 Wnipt musessaicy -ftiâgas ., My eyecyc drink in the peatty bbut !i s iec yon crystat wvattsaie, . ce hue' shcy toier as ir rm Tise gfîslîu ing Aumîssit gieets 1le sk Bi;hi a ' 5 ihé'lales of (aisy taii<, AnsI1t)i, buhohi the sathsîiine. tisior Sirotorait tu West iassçsnbhisg Tisemiliyensiiepasliî 'Tisc yuung, the ült,ie gay, the Tis noble Albert*a princeiy scehesi fise pii t lise pani ré-val; The .hnittinîîg natioris hast tise tiie jnd thousrinds cous t tiiec cystal Ageilîsithe muagie' 'wnd ashe rets. Obldieious sjiadi- ateîsd ils ats-ay Tih asaeteasli" isappeais, The tiirsored vcasiers dieu away. AlgaînniaI cta»'5 bihisuvu roti, liS hotcf maiçir csilm i> î'r hjIcîsloiY loatio; (rom pol e iole, Ans i bhà ecsrt ssuaic brtfathes ticmore. But Carrier boy. thy rmuse has u'en fier iligisi And wheu e-bu heni thy scieecbissg, tveith ie migett Tho s at sn melndy 'cilius thsy sng, fThen Why attsîut lier vinttertiîsg TII)ý Let ber depait, im)plore lirs net te stay, Nusr ask ber chaits in ai rwth thy sifikit tay; iBut il thuit's tl delerniicelte tsnst 'l'une îliine ownrslyr e, and b l'e i-e ourstise uerd. TIly lyre, lha, ha. welt woitthy tifhtis aine, Mdi- G-et-ce rmigh uiae'y t'uee th% nblmchhstr, Timotetsu s eêI oigihi iesilu .te Thiy lyre is likta msuhile, end ils play, Sounda tlke a kettl, on a isathirs; slay. îVeJZî let y re bc wat i t %il, e Yl once again l'il sry tmy skilt. 'l'h' hasuse ahoulsi overiake nme. And wht s tis brave Chiel<i pi iicety nmien 1 Hia tot-vispesîkas huidetx ià d hbissysa--» i-is heurt's eos lire ini lreedom'a gtoriuiscause, Hec mourtis lus counotry's îransjsed rights and Tise crsusl hi-atis cf iyranr.y Las htev.s, '- Arros. sial anid ie fonssttyraisIsis own, flie tu-led, laut aht, alas. he îîied in vain, l'e à ase hi, c'olsoty trans opprcainis <bain, H-e aîrîsggls'd. btuub i.s srutgles could tsot nase, Thse bts'ies ict -im fronti she A'îetrisn knave.: Ait exile ticu he usanders ol imisos, Of tisai bor taîjîlbis itimssi adores; H-e seekg tuy-sîîaîhy oht'isil.l,0ousslr blates, Aîîd cvo-n jsikb udmisiti og Je i icases. WbiIl, shebhri, hthoeoFesirbrai: 1, Ilerrciv- is heKAostlith wush a welïotue $mite; No qo" cof Frein-wlls oit i l luir Nou iserd il drpue" ' o e ftor ehler lure: 'isef nuoble rions cf Isiay ily fions lbeir couuiiys cha-is, And find a ahlter in ber bleaI siomnains, AMsI lise poeasrthy chilsiren cf tise.Siuth, Docuseri te S4eciainesi andi barteresi trot ieir' Il iheê4' aon iy toucs ber magic shore, *'Th-iruiaci les (ai," and theyasstvtsno more. 1 BuitFiance, li France, duisossur taunit* thy naine, "sy glorîcus titie rarsîsot bide tsy Miane, j lusr iîsjtired lraly rtsay csîrse îtsy fclon hiond, l'or muiseso-derPsl bWoodl shy iianner's saiineri, t i 'iJott rri-llte tiare Kuassuilas'Daume 'ci thiie, tBot hait Cobutrsiti, ils>'tanurtev A Iseuri>'-vreekeme lu theforiffltsi'ei, Tise chef.in ft is'r.uoce cf îisy 6apak histg tar, Attrusi-isithse bncI>exiles iroin sasr, lsiy'l:agie'. pissiens aieu uuîttectd (fitl'cIde, Tei shieli ise 'casîerers (rom beynd tise lido.- 'fThv FArIex ln oi s aW, aie sitreichil 1 I isea, Ausiii ii-urscp usepi-e>'is quiveii %V'hat î"ty 'tis-sefinie ahit iastisoti, Sihcul isitie on rasrion, humais caffion ton; $~hume ci îlieeced on mschisvite ltti ne mure, 11,Nor pitance thy talon's inisissu vauttar <oie.l! 1 Tise-gloriesss naine et Liberty is thitre, Tiusi.'nicue tnevis'ims eous srine; Wii, le'as 4realro (air Freedom's Banner waveso, Tistîti tel il ont hie-staiused wilh biocilt slaves; Sîsiuidsueur forth andsi tlthe iitienis e Thsou disrc e iils>' negro captives Ire. Dsitiusendssypu nmusi he ietatd ny ha>', > AndC if youlvi mitaitbut lhait. fui utIt elycu gmay:; l'y. traveiied tar, foianconse iaiîote oam, But ectel seek uny dear Conadiais'heme: No alavery *tains ibis hapîpy lanud eofou.à Butj*yand plimiwn ils suveen-weiod Isowers, Andye ithboitils own demesir. wirs, Intestins. attife and »poilirti aist #y gy ierihave i-aisusd à genevaaletrte, paro h*i are beating for-telom, ouir Broasi Lakte throws hila ber- 5pi87 te A cciv torgeed Cout nii ber;own(air came, Wle Wibt and lThotepson strugee(or thse lry, 0f as-tuhabiais un Pauhisneustar amr, Ahi! w oik tu b ai i oâed henoble seul, That or young ecerç4es eosld ccii coistrot, -TIseWe')iaveha bis Jl't(ivearis gIs Ansd (<car çoimets >vesilut have gbewn their tales. e obisnmnry, dratb'-bas laid bisa tow, ,Wtuy ablttd w. tisoasma ch a(te bas &truck tise Bst now the- Carrier Boy tiabu 1'11Siaheý itIt has, -me- - sô pIà eP,ýÈknds t ou te (ck 6er,> And tbs 1 *il[ u4 Y#uî sNew Yesv's Bonjou. igw o h e.their adiesion te the President. A corres-. JCcnidr.îg ;att'c'd ud - ~ ~ LE~~Ti0NS. pondent cf a London papter stites isrigunt15 snvesltye1it iti 1ii~ IlZT 'n CI0 N-S-to tie L'rince de Joinvile and-Due d'Au- ino raio f tise peeop1 i a Upte te ij li The grat provicial'fstrsgge i. decided,: mae's intended movemnet in opposition te self the eerciie Ueeof;lt 8 .wîtb them exception cf 8.ïlgu*ay and G;aspe, tbe President. "isere bas beena a.ieet- Ccnsidering thse lawa ,auJ d"e' sWbig and the resuit t, a Refoi n sajority cf about <'c eecif fti een ty tsae . ther oie, ndpairtiularly tb t !*hich unanimousi>' resoled to write t ts-jtetreuept_ u two-tbirdi%,tiere being but 6ic re s eun rnethtîe oi ot support the at- tider, yeaf, thse - nmat au"W ty. ed for Lower Canada. Thse Ministry arce tempt on lus part te create civil war' ieya f îeRpslc.ts kr C A P E O 0 1)<; > I, j f t P t . t s_2n F o e a , y e r 1 0 n d t3 strong enongi te carry any mtea!ure îhey - jconultecof the- f2Stli Fioreal, ygar L' may dem neessar for ic ged cf ise The datc.- from thle Cape tri the 4th uit. Tie rsdetf seRpb Country;, stateïliat tlise Caffres wrere sivecr chasti- ii OI * sed by General ,SomerseCs terces, and one Art. 1. 'l'e Frenchs peeple ae~lt~ rise esetang of tle Pickerin. Agnicuitul- engagement îasted several hour. ThseIccvkdnterrsPtv dtit r ral Sncictv, %vili take place -nt Steniing -h ritsota4.0 kilied and woudedteti 1hcftsprctmntso liolîs, Xorwood. o)'he7tisinst. Cpps o, 00 e, ecs pt tic f lwsnthevrt:. On 11W luc~~~Thre is violent agiýtation in -ail tise capî- 'h rtc pol il i rar, 'hie naine of thse, murderer at Napa «Ates of Europe, con-,1equ ettupon tise crîi- ;'cfatie, and tisori oliit he "~ prewt1oa 13 haid to Uc Jetepis Paul, insteairof He»ry cal state of alfairs in 1F*rance; Ne.e- prt, aJdlcae t i» i owr Jones, and lie h a natie cf New Bruits- 1 1remd ts ipt c ieDtbe esr'tefieaCvssaivo wi le has iseen five yearstu thse l'en- tien to bring suddenly wiah oe dsoi ý r>'~~diibs caes* $ RM AN Y.Art. '2. Ail Frenebruen aged ýjand t itentiar>' for [-lonse stealing. GI(.71jcin her Lilmdpo-1. r .~, r A ma wa fond rownd a Brwn' Apl rtehl!nienî. for thse îranquîity cfGcr- icailtvl upc» to vote. lisey W11J1'LA f ma v"fonddowe a .3ovns nany Iîad in:ijuîred extreime caution ini ail their being iliscribdoutieIcor 1t l King"tacn, named James Wccds.. îaisr Lat O ctrade. lTbc Gerunan in conformity wsith tlse law bof t IGunenîith, from INenai,Irlreand. andi Italian hou'se,- arc acuing with gTeat c o Ma rdi, 1819. or iiaving fUl6ll1e j tsepo wariness. '1 lUc generai tone of tnadeir i, ditîcns required b>' thse aid lawin« tia Wre return thanka tothe Supenintendant isowever, der.idediy healthy, and wili se re frnto f ielss ýkË, of Selîccîs, for a cop"y cf thse 4"Annui Re_ mnain, except ons the recurrence cf dîstur- i Art. 3. On rect-ipt cf thse presenu detet por cftheNorniModl, d Cmmo sbancet i» France, aud cuîbreaks in Vem- ise mavois cf céich commune wili el~ por o te ormjMoel an 'o ifio 1 y and -ltal>', cf which there are umistaka-r'l ners eeof arreptalio and!ti op e there; -scisocis cf 1pper Canada, for 15,with ble sysoptomas. c e-cetto fts kct ais ppeiir. 'lhe Wcrk is enormouï, I~~P.M. iTe f ourti article stateq tt il t0p reg- 5rontain« 376 octave pages, and contains a Barricades are erected,'and iiloodslsed1 isterî are te be eloi!ed on thse 24th î , j ~~lias commenu-ed. M. l3audiîs andi anotiser'lber. Thte tiser a rtile f thse deertpi~ netmut fsaitcl neîainiiii eprestntative hbave beesi shot, and Steie out dtse mode cf taki isevotes aDdsif . 1 J1116. we 'in ake "le Of aS occasion requires. chter lia.-Uesa îeoves-ely ivc'inded. Tise ex- rning thumn up. It Vs csted fronithtie L1»jte cÃŽttemessi i-i becomîninggreat. Ail comuni- and tignedc Weare requesîed [c L state, that on Friday catiolis i vitis the-ise '.tSt. Antoine and thseLoluisaNrLo ÂPu Evening n est, at Seven c'clock, a public Baside are cîsîirely cut off. A lcerêe bas f Cômnîer-5.igned by tise iuister Sf sk be. enrsaiffxed tb thse talis proclaiminv tiat Interior, tiseexeclivepcwe liases the ba'ndsef ýSnciety 'cili bc leld at tic Free Chîîrcis in tise Assinbiy ; anid t hat tise Presîdeuit h ste bis Village, wIte» tise Bec. Jas. Tr. Byrse, ic o rb c <ibeyed. h 55»iiîmtOS ie l igisq atnd others, aire expectesi te delicer addressces. t Court .cf Justice te Judge bits' and bis mc- 1 complices. It ise îigned b>' lenoist and - "it Cmzi:ce rereqesedte emsaabout 2:55 representatives c f tise people- at the close cf tIse fresNaid,-r;nesrtirs;te iTise Montagnards have platarsied a like (de- t tr2tac neessry sîsneis.cre. Tise 2à 0have,- hec» arresbed and i tranet ece5ar buinelâ.siiut up in Mount 1 Valle.rgon. '1o-mnorrovr ' l'r he itsrio Jlepuritr. t he ffiiltin se sill commensce usin es.Ts EMn LrTen- autliqrities are energetic; but tise masses -In cour la-st issue 1 wa-smuci sssrîsrised-1 crY sejIlI encv ticnr" Vive la Bepubliqsie" te mnent 'cal omrunss:atîi orer tise us;- nature cf " Z." Whether tisis i5 the initil of a per.s6n rebident in Whiîby, 1 arn ussabîs- te deterîirsc; but 1 asi disposed te tisink it i. net. 'Tie letter itiseîf us unnecessaril>' long, anti b>-ne means te tise point. - t bas ne data on wliîch te rest ils statementn. ifî usZ" lcl carefully look te tisat part cfm communication refcrrine te a tbc he, is %vill indot thut I referred te as rumeur allant1 on tise suiject, 1 i ssrety offered sugeîins I for censideratien, 'citieut tise sihîsat- j tempt te inake invidiou:; distinctionb, le seek -2 undue ps'c-emincnce, or te ciolate rwckneîv-t Iedgsd priniiples. What ceuld s Z Ilbei chni f, to 511 nearl>' a colmnecf your sietabout nothingl Wl»- ù a uy gtiio reatvete a belj, a pretext frun- vidious rensarks about relîgieîus parties 1 Wt-l1>' ibrovv Ju.4 un tise eyes cof bis trendes',, b>- a long- parade Jdestitue oe'an>' practîcal end? 1 ý1' hy comtplain cf tise CongregaUtionaî Chap-et as a suitable place for-the beli, ivili-J eut aug estiu. anotier and a. more eli a~ble oee? H-aing introduceti theseubjeet for ronsideratice, se far'as 1IauM- concerned, tiset malter muust rt. 1 have ne interest aI stake. If tise public are pleaseti, I &hallbe ,saisfsed. ButlIsaitnetsisrink fromeriet-1 ing an Oppenent ; but I1nttsst icknow sehe lie ib. I gave us>-initWsby aviici arn known.,If i now give ut>' ame, anl irîocrver cisises te amsait me. or tise body' I répreseat, must ap- t pen] I<is=me te lis communications, otlker-m isise c ilS nttreceice thse ligitust noice frous une. 1 do neut se> th4isaIl"injene an>" oflence b>' chat lie croIe;. but tha d lie cu'ittcxs iâi a JUteront sîrain, il bat been bet- tel' for him..T va~ Wiiby, Dec 31, 1851. SBY TE LE GRA PH. ARRIVAL 0F THIE CANADA.- Tise CiziW.d fret» Liverpool, via li-t fax, ars iveti at Boston on . linday', at a8 o':clock, A. M., ber mails left yesterday - niorning.S VEILY LÂTEST FROM I-;UROPIE. - L'i'ýTLItPO TEAUTr.A Important refer te fourts pag s1 3V tis Thse V/esfs correapondei't, writing at 6 takes titis 0'clc-k on Wednu'sday eiteig, states tisa i inr cu. aý four reginit iad jut esïtered paria.- t iece cof gt 'is'o cf hlenuteere Carbineers, d evoted to J neunced li tise Pi-s'adent. ,rbcU Bljevards haut been aine hotul clearesi, ansi cannos sent te tie Faubourg. f i selectesi i()îler reginseuts bave been isent for. Lou- iseatsful pi iii Napolemi revietves a divisiton cf lise ain>, 1it ciii> iel and 'cas' entbuisiasicaîly rccired b>'tiepensti un r ti-oeps and is-ople, on tseýbouieryd. t my io-t, iet 'Imeý decreec wlich 'as. pamd yesterdayi iollw it in tîy tise representatires who lsad assemblet Cr, and imcir atieMarie cf thse lots Arrondibsement, Jlucreis t sleuigthe depo!iition cf tic Presitlent cf Ibut feund a the Ileprsblic, was- afterwards brougisî te txtentiu aIs Court of C.essatiou, te have it coni*'ined.- j .il of As Tise court à ussenbled, andi haut just- ratified i Ithe fortune tise Jeerceejoi tise Asseunoly, wisea a une.s- mention on sage came froitise 1 iiister cf j ustice cor- andunique 'trin-. shisnte puoctetion furtîser Ini tse f wright bu mâuler, andtheUt utie s imuinediateiy dusper- bll, by iLi s-ed in grutat confusion. The repreiseuta- [a meres liceS are stiil ceaioed at thse Palace cf the t ca, andi at Quai d'Orsay, and-tIse Otis Legion cf the- Governmel -National Gasards, 'cisicis had been piaceat t ese. yf ticir disposai b>' Gces'mal Laurisen, h"g beau[ouoi dMsanded. Thtere wea a report tisati Gên-I accidentait cmil Laîssoriciere Isat escaped b>' tise -ceeus- raster, au rance cf tise cflcer wcit cemandedthe tickcls cf s part>' vie arre5tet im, but tisis reporti ii iruiti ie net corrcborated.- - - I large] piec N.M. Ilareche, Drosyn sdc l'Huiy5, Ad__f 'ere mcml, mirai-Ceil, Montalembert, Luciec sMar'at, tas ivas ie andi seventy--five dieu- ditinguisbedustemn- l liteeblimi bers of'tse National .Assembiy, forais tise quartz, we couaci f fState th eJw'l THu;tt)ADÂ, FIT£ .. 1%L cbtroyiug Yutsterday the0atteinpt bte uct barri. cisiesi, usi cadies ail faileti b>'tise irmeesaof tise ,soops. 1117-JtO Tise nigist psu quieki>'. Thse sokdiers throi>b tiI vote for thse Pte-usident. -tune, sus IlA L-P5'ÂT NIIqr, A. >1. ruhin Yesterilay tise few barricades ereeein aerer>' otib the Qutarticr .rit. -Ante. au. - i ,. edfSI - -a ,%lerda>' reccived t "i tise ]irtiets on aneotier couunn e rot ic ne i "$vdney, Augu I bodmme spî tand tie> are ai utd andi miiky qua icr to tcbe rer>' g ici' of qitau"z a four spectaiens,I iece. for chichi 1 tse way of «,91 Ates'. that steus qui n dctail. Thse di5 Pr extetnsive day ver- reason te Susp -'i -i - t-'