Ontario Reporter, 13 Dec 1851, p. 3

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rrer0ý eiof fr ?ront.uac, wuor .1pussesgei5s. lesah.NE~WYoa%.7tb ID<censber.U ils htindred and fifty voes u sattacis- ysutl .£zTo.Dr h i _______the __________________greaiter part.tif the nmorning the treets threuglr which Rossnth'is processionçws BY TELEQB.APIlî. op$were densely crowded, tnany of Or BmRocirvîtlu, Pm .6. thse uge$ wore dccorated with tri-col- fIl J. H. Pmati ay, ----Pàebadei s t-- or etnbleRil and fitige of every descripe ie ucted by a majority of one hOndred and tien; nmest of tise 1-utela and large StoresI lt3it7 tw. -deeorated in aigny nnd enliveuusig man- C Cornw'all, Dec. 10. uer; on sileeof thisg were tranpa- 01 J. 8. birdonaid isreýura.d for GI.»- rendîes nndnti otts-liberty of speech gary by moeiatiloi.' Dr. Macdonald forever, ini detflce of oppression or peer- là returned ifot ornwall-by a nsajerity serutieni. Htitigary, ýKàosutl,nnd vari- or sity This is anotheat gain frou tise eus tete emblorii werc Wavingtef the tories. breeze, »Il breathiuig tIhe spirit Of free- n LA? SILL.dons and libcrty. Jeauing'ýs bat store, j tM Viite charaCteristiclliy decoraîci", large lb.nt»r 0cOvrs l,thitse entiTO iP Cobouuoc;,<Dec. 12. front cf thse building. ttlxus which 'j Ci 'Burn istl returued for Neorthumbella-ndirpalulet il nalegoiy representin g Aus- a nijoriy of54. ria-nsîd Rnsç-ia floig'u;hefore Turkry. a usajovy of5!.Wilxo defexida K<isith frein tlseir assallits. - Bow*ri<NVL , Dec.- 12. rFrom 1h-I.in lôsse arc loatiug flags Tisere stm no ffcil!returue yct. It ii o Ayfea f sîy lîgrud t sua4 isa Ssits as nt~eiî efno and C'r nations. and in frojit tire disphiye?. otiiers say tIsaI Burton la; Cleà,ed. lt orrià (4Wssittt, esi, f Iýal'ilycttc an(d te sultan. About 500 LATg.I.S-'tfltll is cilected by a ma- or ()0() persous nssemlîled nt 9 o'clock jority uf 62. o n Mise steamiler 44Vanierlu)lt,"nt Castie WAhUQT<,9s Dc. IGardoni, by invitatiou of the Cogni uteet WASIIGTà.:,9t Dc. or A r rasn g<'e»t. Tise R- ic ofthh; morning,,strongly "- 1t iin whsî h Kossiuîh (isembl-ar- - condcre, curts of Kositis, as skr.d %viis strrounded by thitimis V ( i lic bas been decetv'ed by Riatterers. steamlers. and P-ailed somle <isîaîîu.îop t NEW YonK, 10 Dcc. beth river$. ail as rccçivetd wiil rc- Kess4uth IteM a lere ant sseon at the Ir- jwtatd saltte 115S aise procecedd slong ying H Iouse, and received a number of dep-tiedf'rnwiav. hnîsrSî- utat$ons and a Ilunber ef Enropean repul-' Lt)Cs!l Gro. ay-dthe suîh- lîcans, who prýsented hlm wffitiban address Jtî1wlstiiil>dlyltelt- lin Itatiasi, on tIse subject of liberal ascen- -e!rsds of ciiwers ('ils elseers ilhat reli the 'l daney la Eurepe. ' air, and the cro*wtds s.emnei te jîtit ne A letter froin Cuba etates tisatihe New bounida Io tistir receittion of thse great Orlean% Pieayune and Delta andi the New - heari hor.leu it 3y îs York Ifrtad bave 'heen interdicted li that '-d fir'd f'ron(;ýovern<r s lnd, and J 'i'r:ts far u$ Gric'ltiporî, the TEXAS. ats l'lwe a- aiied w~itih cheers 1 fronu cr<ud's crgti vtr tr 'We lhave advuces frnm Gaîreton te tise îtyyareltewr frdrm 12iat of Noivcubier. -.~ Ftle 'îuss pNrî aoi Cel. Ford with aibody' guard, hi arrt- tît "S.Larne" ved t Corpus Christi fronu Matanors.- 1 w* '.s'l redd ii leasrecoverlng (renuthe eB'refs 0f hi, l~a itîy sdo h lyOund. -t ~ O' The' SanAtgsin Ileraiti of the i' Sît _cr'ur rth Ie stvtnier G -ferail Mer. inst.tt st eates tiat îor tise jlitiviowc firtvd iligrante, ansd thia tide hof'tnti CNj'ittth4Cd bis scktsowi frtelan everal days liivé had with thena r0j'ria! t' t t te large nu;nbiers eof slave-t andil½e revidences 1 f a S w .41Mae1on a te y Viil ef wecaltls.Pli îlq(If i lil fa, Rýissïlllvtîd lite was Iigli- 1 S1y1-NANTOI , EIA tt ! stdf1nwu evisit RuUA--hsproject appear% rs i l1ýs poi 11t'. li itiiortrti charter, progreesxiig. Large (donationis of landi and ~î'r' oiIfItdpnoîe uu inne bhave ecat rereived ilu aid of tise uit-îî'ît ,ittlsttî.e# isi- dcertakin-, and a,, ive le-arts front the We(stern "1$,îs~ ~iî'r 'r-lii$a cottra.t fer the fir4t rile of the - j~nJcu sslaprea work bats bevi» takena, and WittIrb cos-inun e , I )tî,ît l it's(te Ile woridit Ct -1ýO cceiinsediately. 'citulvin iIttl iry ijtîl whii i e %,vs At, the latve l-ction 1» Virtnrii, tlhf, town ictflCV (tieo h ntdSa veted 83 to 11In asfavo#'v ofsuliscribinbg 25srthu i i'ii ft~'UttdSa (W te the caital sW>. tes sî1tte nta iet hCJtC Tiseheav raie tht (il bi-e n Usi l t nullut ir-ay tîat lue - %vas 'he ly. di stres- rhe"vfraiitthtý ellher o th 11thestd ant te atun tVhicI l u ecît taken lues %("PM te bave eateided far mb thisn- nrs.udbrils cei terier, and bave raiseeral of the rsutrs reneiîed ltutn befo'rec lit lefî Euirope, lie etia e aeaigable. Thse Brazos wotillhlavre i«~itated before coe agte liaitriscs Ilirtecu (ct on -Wednesday, ~thi Mstv au ùîsrtsIh i 12h lieSt, uand was etili rliing. titskculew w;enI*isrtli euialiee N &7iT C î _ a a a M rk asîail. Ailr,,IVAL O'1EA EIA Nrw Vonie Die. 7 'tlse .Imerirrt, (rus -iverjec>il, avriveti ',witls >jatîlr o te î il t., ThecC.nssiisOl f arresuindent 'of tbc Paries sau;ill tlsiintisal praples-of Tlsrsday, that private uidvire fs-ns i~s;es>niignewe 'l'a fresîs ali' terrible -al(efval sutaiincd by theIte isc- siansa ias ircassia. No details aire giv. Cil, bat icoitittt5 ureo 5in stating tIhat tIhe Bll.%ssitîr(ps cf lie army wae c îaa-, pletely roîstee lun tise neigisborliod of' Dcrbend, ud lest ail their guns'-'28 in ENtGLAIqD-Lient. Pire ,lias alreadv' set <tt ft'ctssLondon on hise expidiiùfn ceo t4~e Polar Seau, un searcli of :Sir Jolias Tise Schooner Enaa, Capt Jua cd on 'verbes Bank, una'thse '2ist ut.- Tise Captaini, Pilot, an4 ten men were drownéii. IIitLÂrD.-TliG flood of im-migrationi still peurs towards Aierîca. -A deputallea cf ULeadofi nereisauls jnterested iunlte trade with Spain,had ani nterview with Mv.. ,Abouchere on tise subject of a propaeed immigration te Spuin. lie pruinwed tise suject-ev- cry cuusideratioti. - Ftircc.-Th5'National -Assemlbiy vas enp.ged ons Wiedneiday, lin cois- tination of thse dçitate ou t.he MunI- An important- seittre had boots made in Parls, by tise agenst of tihe police, >of a quantity of-arni i4i i niiieal, anti imapotant papen,5 relàting te a Ituet by îIIê Seialins, f or a Densoormte.&eial. i t epIibi%.- Tatipereons wýere arres- ted. - The muti-utindStates that a dia. grais , coepircy astou faut asiuose. ident Lou- is Nalboleofi. Thea Editot of La Protdnce, a Social. âtppr, bas been sentenced te one rd 0 -4 iruprisoflleCui, and a fine of 2i000 (faneo, forarticiCi pibliisisd Ofl>n' &ive to thse Preideut of Lthe Uemblic. Two steamners came in collision at Màrs.iiies, oneêof whick vas wk n âH n bardperislued. lits sn M 'N.P'- Fillmîor, ite wcornie Rsitfr, Idnvite lire tu vigit th é Ad- 'nt WarL iiu ~shiiun. EXI>I)ITION TO 'friIi sA » \VICII ISLANDS. -A davs since We ailluded to) a secret expedwjiin fittfi o ut ini $an Frunreicu for the Saildw'îch L;1ands.ý The foîlow- in- froliiia N' OrIvans pnpr1l M the moîst conrcc sarratiwe we ceu find It- xiil ho recoiiected t1lat Rinfg K-anieharne1ia sent a corniicsiou tO \Vashîngtonl, somne. nsontlis since, for the plir lxise o ofbrng ite tsuvercigutv of the Sandwich Islands Io the United 'ttes. It is truc thýe errtigemneuls were not eonsumrnated.î but they were ici t ini sucil a position tiiat they cati *be restnned âand cohisi;sd u t any time ifter the emeeting of te next Congress. Nv. Ailcu , the Kiugs. Commissioflcr, wa hiere M fuw wveeks age, and it was uinders:cod that he had long and cenfi- dently' .>iiversatîots with Gen. Euîjîl, S. Irannuan, -lion. flerry E. Uobinson, and other distingitished parties, the re- suift of Wlîichllubasbeenthe -getting up of the cmigraingý- coinpa.i'y, a portion .,if whjom went ins the IlGamne Cock" yesterday. The remuainder wiii sail in' the beautiful clipper Iloli. Fremeont,t on Tuesday asciI. Thse reports of Ila r- rned expeditions" bave no deubt origi- nated (romn the formoation of this e<rni- Iyiny of" etigriints. Ir le pIcasing te eee ilhat there isune fouindatien, for stuch repurts, and it lu aise highy gratfyitiý te know fhat the course te b. adopted ils one tha1t ensures comploe.suecu, and that iL in intended to e arried ont in a manssr 1abat wilbe creditable and ini do4rnestic tapies, Advicvs at London (rom .LivelpoeU in 2FSth state that the suspension of tw0, Irns, both conneeled with the ier, can trade,-Cage, Pride.& 3eneq, anid [arnden & C a; tiablities tot mentïOti- cd, but supposed to amounit tu £60s'000 The state efllungary lu muet isosat- ifactory. TiseC:7overn ment orgate aid-, iit thatîit ucis agitated. Tise sys. Lm ofef uision is stili carie4 on at rienina on d grand seale. The'corres- pondtont of the London News had ris- ,eived notice tu quhit watlia 24 heurs. The B3erlin journisis of tlhe Sti uit. annouine that one ofth tisotbselsilds lad lefit tat city fur London teuasego- ciate the leurs u('onc million tlaalersatl- thorised by the Chami>ers. ý Wu heurus frqni Gibrraltar that tise Nicerish wiodîers that had, becti sent ta Teneriffii fer'the Iturpose of~ rescoing 3ritsli Subji.els %whe were sn the ltunds cf the IPirate~s iud returncd wlsithonl LheiXi. '1îeGibraltpr Clironicle of tihe lStl silt. states thlat the rumeour of a serottU insu rreet joli- t NIorucce was usucisex- aggeratcd. It appe'ars tîtat there wure dîstrbanes Iutinattended by au y tis- fortunes. Aceorsuls freus Constautinople state isat thi n«i,teriiil crisis wus u t an endi sud tat A1i-Pacha lias heen îimdncee< tu restiune lus dutes a.4 fereigu minils ter. Ramiubeliliv. b~ een senteneed nt Venlice te itm1ri>ennent and bard le- heur, fur havinigçspreadl a report tisat rev- olulions had brelcen out ini France. and Rtusbia. Intllgene ron lariqa tnusuncc lItI M. CasiîbM.ali& liasa bue', alliatitet 1a1jutisles-cr ~tco Mrulosue cee> ii u is s inster oc C eaimc Nttttîermi ottss-yîlit as-semis>CetitiiOù lic tiîuudî-. 'ite cash (utu aud i tb B$asnksof'Fraîtt' laus wiîtec-esd; Ils Bluaib rvis v tnsetticd ansd slîewed a de Tflue lctnocratiue tucîls inîicates a irte: MYi cotnuleuuinsnmt of tise sesâion, anti poi tritut srurle fofuseuru. 'fiseeas-asri Itart-iss.andu<la larçcruatnhe'r of' ii'nbei lefI, istuore tisernonminatioswerc acade, tlb di,.rlii' ~t-e tn ke any'part ini thein.TI1 îliîl-ulty o;trsctin Uuu' srl ':,part of 1l itttingz, sit -ccoulttof morie ailueatshc-s lS w to uueîke the- cnprhnctise bails cf tl fi'nel .,fittlof tise quues jtionet,ai of thînu e lýijrty-wlilithue asajori reftuused lu di). fTh? Tits>wcs-e -ron IV opos iiy m ie'sl cof tItO"e present., Th'e -, itttpilir" of thIs tîteing says. tli I (~elou'l Col' rûsoitiois. spprovialg of t - counps-omiest ezauiru, as tlhe1arty 1fatfor isas laid eau the table, I)y 59 to 30. We notice5, amo»g tise new Ilings, Imd rublier bat-ticis, filicd withi wi»d, insteasi femîliers. arit etimeil b,0by he im e hi named aftcv hln.- Nothing from Lennea and Addinzten' te the heu r efgeing te pres. TOWtNTO MRES ri :rlrslyfor the .Patriot. Corri DeCeenber 2, 1851 v N' B4 Bi l M L Pl F F c Ioumr, per brl. 1 qû hs. 14 6 te 16, ~rn*lPer bbi 196ib4 15 0O'to 17 Vbî'at, pur busb. GOIbs 2 9 tô 3 arley- per busil. 481b4, 2 o, te Lyc, per btsbei. 51bs, 2 3 te 2 ats, per bush. 314, 1I.O te 1 tas, per buish. 6ibs, I1O 1te )Otatoes, per bubheI 2 0 te 2 leef per lb, , O 2; teO0 3eef per lOOihs' 1 ce)Ote 17 ork, per lOfJIbs, 17 6 *te 22 3acon, per lOOibs, 32 6 te 37 Qute, per lb, 0 2410e O Uamb periquarter, O 0 teO * 'ork perib, 2 O teO0 Frcsh Butter, per lb, 0 71 te 0 Firkin Butter,per lb, 0' 5 teO0 'ýees,peribt, O 3 teo0 rd, perI1bt 0 44 to 0 p les,pCr bushel', 1 10J, te2 rurkeyseh, 1I101 te 2 i';Cesee h, 1 O te 1 Ducks, per pair 1 16 te 2 'owls, de 0 10 te 1 Eggs, Per dezeis, 0 6 teo0 strawPer ton, 25 O teO0 lay, per teP, 45 O te 50 F ire -Woed, ýpcer od, 12- 6 te 16 Wel, per lb. 1 O to 1 Sbeepsl 1llihee, 6 te 3 FiidCs, doeper iOOibsQ20 0 te 2' fURTIIElINOTICE# gI" vôr ail aroed nan wuîn pma r sw;Uw-,D pait, wlofd reler totheadvrtisemasni <tithe certain ene for tis swfui ilsee -l o fss f i . M e t hs e a b y a a r n a d a r t i lus a r e il niaWck& Bm nt ire cnt . ef BW FEATHIIES. FEATHERS. uv4Umoù (00 g~EEFEÂTIIERS O~S 2 wATEl) .- JO NOT 'NELI Whiîby Nov.2Sth, 8ce. £'ANbe andI basbeen4 11N THE COURT 0F B.ANK'ý "' JUDSONi'$ 'CIEMIC ,RUPTCY. >0F CI{ERýrY AND 7or tW UnUcd CounWis Of fOrâ Mbr and na reasiedy bas ester bc: > landa ad Durham, foinmelytdu Court~ that Wili edrtainiy of Batvlruptcyftréhe District ofNiew- - CURoE COiSUI casie.Tisa mo4t afron;Iy marked On tihe Petition of Robert Gillees- lflnryrnlà pie andI QUiers. teely hopetçto, as5tgJbave - ~Physictaui s ad f<uetsds, le lbe 0 1O E SOLD BEFORE GEORGE MOS rcverY;ti~ ~tUe io T U0OSWIVLL,- EIQ., Judge of tisa County been tied by this wetsderfui court of thea aki Unitedi Countu4a cing in pro- au Weil andi hcarty as ever., tsacution of a C;ommisioul Of Bank ruptcy awardad ttbtdicatiots wich isse pacfit andl iosaed . tinow lnprosecuition againil Joux esentiaItY neeu4ry for ltae Blgow.'i-,of the ,Townsiip cf Darlingtous, Milles-. 1 CoLGHS A~ND UC>, nt tisa GLOBE HO'fEL, linl'. VOWN 0F î'is eperatien l is is ,ya:.i i cO iOtfG., m tisa Cotsnty of N rhurnbeflausd,. iapiau wtc rme on SKTIRDAY, th isaSxis-ît naor Daceasusca hases tise cougis ansiassista %ETbtweeit tise Loniof Tzix ansd Twsa.vs telite ytn Ma i dusd aal cf aise losck, îtisaheForenoonte usdermentioned Prààui,ça delighttttl clIaII9g proprty, samt- " ciand tit,,aftlr te!vi oto.1.-A!Il andsinisart riletain srcel h s eIosetkas e of Land asnd -Pramises atuate in tise TeWRsts9sor sud nurses, hava f*iied la gi sien of tisa s#id Tewnshtp, costluhi!lCi»% sixteen 'i!eVAhiDeOr "0 g- cistandsaixty-seven lin in a direction souti pareons;bavte been deeelved oirteen muid a haifdegrees eat (rosisthe nortis-esut asedicinas wlslis wera saisi crorner of tite nostb-west quartar of Lot No Thîr- but >s'hich hase prevesi oni 1 ean, in tise SpcenulConcession of tise saisi Town-.nsedusine la isalot onlysa Pall - sip, witere a posatlias tee» plantesi No. 1. Thi ça t red luntç. Il cos-taitîs d 1ot tici ousifee ansi a hall uegrees west, four citains andsoe atriai will ps-oe.lis a fttl inkas toit poil., No. 2, Titan seuth sesvanty terltssryassetliotsor cet (sec ad u asal degre weât, ten citai». tg a posa, sumption sais'ail disesses ,No. c. Tise»atit losty-sestcit legs-ces weat,f(t-e Splttttc o blond, Coui*s, ýs chis$ sestenty'flve links te a posa, s 4. Titan cliesi, uç *cseut. 4r 'c ipath forty-tiva iem-b sWest, five citufsitsta a ut 1, About 51*<> u,<aiait pmis- 5 '. Tise» ontiwenty degretis cast, sestiru d by tais Medicinejiisois chitusu twenty-tive ltnks te a p it, No. & rhte» Clergymen ansi Marchants, Lnosrh sestenty-ive andi a hutif dagees taus, alreen tis osadictie, lttst tise put o0 chains twentY lins 110orns lesg0tr thse Place Of ton mnuch ica Qugsckery.[ heg inaiusti c»aiut iacres ansi nitstne perse» callilg n-t otîr ciiceý rond#stes tetuest more or leu, wît thtse appus-te- apea kfor itef and e<>titi C nnces tises-cIe beongttig. ' ecr ilif. riesi. 0- Lot Ne. 2.-Ail ansi sîngttas-thst tcetitus pas- l Gatutio.-Tisa edtciri or tract 0oftLand andi Preunimas it'ate. ling, andsiOi<tftl, ituti yau us is- fth a hetîl.ts -ttise Townsship cf D t).sstitzton ati.ireid, 'Brutlter, Propriefori, New conittin i y admneitsett ELEV F14 Acxs eA >' rappes- aratnth ie bolott s tise sameinmor o s es, ei nç composed o'f parts cf asitseserdtCi Crnlocke4il Lo N os. T irteen mant Feus-tees-, in the fSecon d , N ew Y or-k , n o 0,ethlie saiti Tewotsip, which Saisi Remeniatilad never but vpas-!ec of Latàmtiy be e ttler ktsuwn talluow' nama on tisa wsapper. M Ct.>muigs tee ugi n i t vnlnsC AiSTI inas a irec!ifinout ul, t;itaaeçtstia na i egreeï hI' Catit (tm the nus-th.vttlt corner ofthfie nortit-we*t ies or f a deux ares bse qui~stsertofLot No.Tiistee», is thse' econd Coust- cru,tR ly & UrV. th. o» et tise batisf1owtitip, wlsese a pillias,(7ORIXIL andustI II11L L. bec n pianaidmarked Ne. Jt; ltert sutb t *ei(Sty- ITE"ss RING b~4e andi a l f.earases eete ituaaafor Suie Ai ttmi l-; $ta aid siincty-lve linaks tl post No. 2, tiscruseutatit te» iteser bry tisese. arqieles it ty anduta hi.tleg- .euthisitet Chain$ CetgttY linki LAsi o, tut haes Dry Gondssli ,... te a pmil Nun. 3; tise» alung tise Creick tistacisaÎns' erleit as yen would Pesi S' gtgote or jets, te a pit No. 4; tisat aîîrtls tWtlty- (trie eg rees, cast nîie cits te -a poil No. (5. ~ O n VtIh ilo t-tirî-y-sel'*» degreas, cut! Ave ehsiins of wl a *d the tfitylinsas 1a poilNo.e6; hl ior nos-iF rtty-ive CAP-,'I'ON'S F0 in ancabl e tî t fîste Chai- t tauspeuit Nus, 7; ten n)rthf,ýsfteej an a laitdegrees. wsut l1 N l'eus- chsiati anti swcisy lirnks au lie placcof btzin.' Foi tise curs-cet Foinrder- la ing, witi tise:filis.tatd otiser buildings titertîn Ilies-ses,. andi coîstîratei and as-euiesi.isis tthe Fless, GaIIe c f Alan. Lot Ne '. 3.-Ail tisat parcel ot Lanti ansi Sc,'atciscs Cuit, Kickà,.ie Premises uitsate andi beintr inthtie Townusip ni' Cnuiis-Ftud tiserus Darlinglosaiaferesdci nnainin; isy dmaasere- stadcnrstisa wrapér, orne ut ment Oea-quaàrtes- of an Acre, mos-a or lasis, hein; -Medicanco. sec comnpoesofe part of Lot No. Twelre, in tise Fisst 1i Concessioni of the saisi Townsip> of Disriiglon, CP TONS EP , ansi tiai Village Lot Ne. iht int»hie Village of -For tise cuire of Riis-Iýo l Bowmaiatille, -coeufcin nt e s t oulh s5540ni Spasi, W indgalis, andi 8 ~ tisa lina cf Dusdas-trect. whre a pi bastees " planlesi aItise isorthaast Cerner ef saisi Village cÂRLTON , W, - Lot No. Ligitl as aîeresai'l;titence jas a %ouiserly DERS FEQW E dis-actioni twe Cinte tlty licite, more or tees, te CAT'] Iwisatiea poiSlbas, Wu nplaffitdat le oitaaih-eait anigle of saisi Lot; tisanceaius a westas-iy'direction ichTechaniges o eat a 1 ltty-eiuuht links, moeaor lass, la wituca pest lia4tise odanc inutd, Im,çrn j.ated ltishe seulis-west anugle ci tlis aid i lo» h ln anti . Lot; îthancç ina etin-ltiy direction lwo chaîn a lt isese changes aheyyen& il flt t IMs te wilexre a post bas bes»pianitesi in tise o th'ow off' any dïsonier 3 finaetfDuada-stieel ýat tise îost-west angle of thattsMay haste bacc îatst> 61 saisi ilage L«,; thnea in an flesaly direcctio eut ttuntil, wlli iesut in tt f% alIge»; isslue of Dundaa-sts-aet ong Chai» te aise Wormss, leotts,-c., ail ef place 0f -b- i 1 -1 -., it,-t -oI hvi ivin; one of$, jrfr!se e Oventions, as a fil and prtqier iperspu Ito par ets.amtaIuo.ý 3 represeuit youin wthse ProvincilVParlia- COMSITOG.Ki 4~ ment. 1 nosw qffer myseif au a Candi- TJsisiotbomtexi OA date fur your étffrage, at t1iti approslci- ce M t & O lg Kictieoi4 te o , e siithat bmgh btMltadÉtde a hd luis*blo#w cupsl My viewê on thie eat Ieading que&-Te«#s5"t «b tinna . rineiples sand doctrinej , etnbud- PTION, ctsved la theusands 'AL EXTIIACT, LUNGWOTLr, efore iseen discuvercil A ansi desteicpesi cases ywvere th.- lungs have éi d td h eussse tsu- beqn preanunresi iy epRit cli polisibiiity e1 g tlt e bc dying, la 1ram.dy,aid ara uow - Il ina cornposnd of ii arly adapted lt, andi ecura of >YS UM P TiON. mfficacieuss; i l icseuis so rmuetsdAfcully, te., înature toeaxpet t[rom tter by ezpeetdratien, andi 8orrowing friends ira tise salet reflet drepeatedly lin buVing te b. ûefauible cures, fi palliativtes,Ibut Itis Iltiste but curefer sd. ano deteterieus Drugi aftoniuth!nf tiesy a ertitlcateis cris; con- cof tita lunge, stsik sa 8,pain in the idand wraulou# crei pes-form- nue cfibe fitat Dorlore, sihre bes sent uns lot iiation of tmlt ogia [w i t-î.bos 1Ihem lo any e.] Titis sedicîne wi> il i0 wn tavteuwitre- neais plit inas slarge se naine o Comstuek 4r V York. on lise splausdld e.Ait ortiessmusa ha ýrOtU lier, No% jPhu SI.., uy il uniosn yott fir4ttisa IOIN- 'T, nd theFOUNE s ;JWNFeCuRpFer- lie tos-e. tas-tiremnemiser saisiDU. iWhWsy, only af Wx- . <sa os-c, ansi tvoisi the cours- liVe )INDER OINT- Jen ', Split 11001, 11of-bon & id Vestes-lis Fmat, %Wou»ds il si BacautCrackesail ils, gy, ia. on H5flge. ' y, leer lyuyL sIaritli floe toit [GC-BONE CURE. one, B",OdSIp&, n0f>ebe )xJÎIITIN P0W- 1 LI9ISES AND 1M Offer th nue LP'ublic etfsrfonaeande euoîs R XTlEN8iV]EANID WVIi -'Âf8CsQT IIOIJSEIOL ID -'S Ail eot wblcli wkl bé found adlly eqtsalinas tity to thfjrious endd et a conuiderably iowPiVt Pe Ibafs *PYlIYOU The ps'nsesystam of "Pasffng elfes Lyine' ishere epiiae the oid adage, IlHonatylis the. beît Polt1ey,',> ave every coufsdeo to tauswho May favoôwttham iththeir'jtroa4e, 1ihereby givi bilitUes4 erpreasotin< tIse hast iaitereÊath rie J>ocjgiiW> tcitise P EXTE~NSIVE AND CAIIEULL $ï1ý',EC1TE STAPLE AND FANCY1 0f7 thse 'ewtext {ty1es;,anidMasf Ladie' Cioak5, Bonnets, J~Ifl R EAI)Y - 31A. DE (J- Iin evcry varicty ef Coals, Trotisers, turff Ves1s,,4 -Xeelerwtia liot'sf Lrudu..s'aid Éoote fand Shoos Of CVOr-Y THEIRSTOCK 0Y G Tbey e9,s vith confideie -ýreconsaneld, as heio- e»iitiy f(te Articless, suitlare ef the purest Qualities sund i est, Bands, loeludin a largeilof John Wlloxs' "Viyr<îEa ,andiR. S. &' C.¾bing.dterned Loal exceedinigly ftne, rtîy si pmrtikusarly invite their Country Friesds ne>te purce iet.wi Of' Proving thse trutit of' tieir preten6ions. Nu $ccoiid Prre< Garmenta made Io mensure, in eleg-as4style, un i?' Rersemberî thte FREE TRAIS?. BOUSF is 'No. 2,s? st of Netion Street, in thse New Stouie Biock eis the OJ!ld t,11l musin ituzfter this?- Toronto, 27th Septembser, i10, ýCÂu'nzos,.-NevtCr buy il uieç niasa oîstiîttle niane Of co.rstoek & Co. on lthe %wrasper, preOvrie- tao efthtie genuine artileFa r1 LONrrL- Y'S ,GREBAT WBSB'~ le; lestera. 2. Fer asthmsa, lister comisiluinl> arib Wiuuq af- As si<é wot 3, For iarheI, indi"letinfti5fl esappçti 4. For cotiiveness isu leuaits tandi alesÊ, aeu>d m;. sev'scomjplailli5. 5. For mtocmach -,ilxetior,-, dyYpepit-pif nlsumatiiiSs, &r. The great politut ar it ix tsnt bad to tuika, neyer s1ves Patsn, and naever ienvew qe costsve, comndsshat lsentd te r chaos Chulsirci cf mm»1,'«r »,us L.LARZETTE'S J~ C istive lixir, pramsuilsesi asan cf v'le rases of »abilîty, Impettu [,y 1 il is-regsuimriie cif natirf- fesses te seSsiNaluerv*'Gr, LL the 1- 1-- 1 vit A IN c E. 1

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