Un eprisor paing t di-f h- 2 volumes, leri vrned 37 1 de*oçy Of thO aI Ok ~ ç%iiK#t, 1y . 1-R.Jmes, e fint couD of1,z'wW m-deI par 12., tting the fugi- The Art Joitriia - iers fro, hir ilusper's, Ilitiueriiotml sdudy9 o reSCUo pmi- 'rabam'i Se ituii9 ius iaiwOo's aod ita fti i.., the f ---ie iCI<r.shiy Ittigiiu.ne trfr e 2aj d from i Uoi - 1 li.ouDn37.i-.AT'~FAO-Q ht- day là tin1r. the aq fUs t1w îvS-rtz aa lue;sr a 'arirof r.tbbt'r>taking advarx- r~cof tde cri od Jau1n(e. amadie a ei'l unsucee.sful attcmpt ta brck M Ille Phaoc-nix Banin M ii aIst et.One, of the bur arsvr:takýen. 1 - f ripig< 1e -rli te 2t. is-1 or t,0S, i alh idthe eT, Vui 1t'. r, u Ilit I.r l n tl. 11v- gav Jrumurakabih' f r s i t1j 1)QCcts% %VI muh are -rîc1à c1ý 'LJNr oAChINE. .,r,4zuov EL1Z.--OP t 0W ter Onof lata coupleofElia are dto bg fiwblîch were tiwo eenen. a- did mrit appsar to fancy t'li atteni-çtor of ibe crowd wbich vwa-s utraccld v ihbc ¶ l 7t i tiIit, uîrrii-tl]a V "Hr I j atb tweçl i "1 M lt~ielrr. h. 3%U j individitlrrni« Icshrirt, Ut uti ract Gt) JÇU ofict.i~fîc'n, No gil <ver 1rrrt*d inicii rraalIIha;rpv. rs e ver uttractvld bv Sihai wvh ii diNgitrsiig Io 1ersurls 4A] Bcs IN Coi: ne loh~, iahriit. 1ha5 bco ndendby :îa \.1 ury jto pay$. for -à la4derziý, a -Mr. Vankr beck bycaffing binsu a d-d liar. 'l'le acï ir arore- out of :orne ditpuw about tuain; piano. C#yi m imisinr of the -Court o cf rn!s BIlad, îssULR OF SiARfmA(;E LCNS AND 0*11e near tle Court liorsse, Village of - MMcimîsTrn, Tawnship ofRICH L EN WrANTED. Vu tsrot pl a, ,deent*, furheT t-lr tory j thre t MnEýXICAN WAR. - 1 I T lE -ceriluer is n,îr tlllrsiing Itle rs apictil ketches of ialr. f o'sTî.r sec, %WoriIs %0, oiW--5a,Q'irazur1s-- e 13Y JOUIS 111 OS'1, L. Ti. D. A. iertiîercner r1r-c ai lsuifi1te1-ie-euItmin ao'- L,.tuJ'brà cter, aieofe-djurraficl npiyn-r ter cicfrtst . ubâcriptioii, t c abaî-r rtii Ille Cornfity t 1 urk, andulferrcou'rintie irsC't4d4 ~ çt. I u ter;i, anixre v#ryiitnttt. i0îti w T t'$.,rbc eif nre-a'r tbc- scd in tuejiatpoe il4t' excçierey y Ageiitta rt a un rotr ilrr - and ub!Ãhei -, 13UYorscMt., Neiw 1aluirs, Cistectîe-nb lhy, Sopt. 25 1.461. 24p '01 ALI' CJIE il)'F09sCA $11 * ~~ OOG&YOW1 h NIC W, o 5be '.ill b >e csvrslun excharige lfor rlitc WooD.-- A4sply ait t lh fie-o l thtPnper. Wbýitby Vl 0me Ot.1, 831. 2i-f. W ANT ED 'O BOR 1-1OW LVéTare1 ffisurfi oi rgel£-210,ir t'l~ îl trrtby t t ~A-t.zrA - o Pr a p iir %il, ) i<i 1 a it n-ry t cah, d - - The Lôrtiiois Q11rurterl .W,'tt.atEabrh b îrcqUr~rirvaic-s, ftetompe ard cuber Am A tV;lrir Ausrrr..Xsits.4Ic rt!12. pI Soi.ird TIlO.AS MACLEAR. 4à Yortge $Sireet. TornîoAriua23, 185>1. 21 -tf. FOIJNTAIN. PE*ýNS. AFew of1 these celebrofed self-suppiying i5Ib,0VEliI'NSfor Sal tiisOfe.- 1r' P-in culurtu l' riAi tJtjI.irrg un etrnngh Iti M*i* Mot .Lta (odp pagm. Illîey arie twa arl ht.aifulanu ae-'e îcrrv -raas tycarry W1sitJy. Sept. 13, 1831. 22. INSURANCE OFFICE# J M SWALLACE, bçgrto10intituate tlint a- lias bei» îpFoir.ted Ageti futr the -iad lhat be i prepared i faire risi% at tht- ordrnary r'lfi. min the % MVTV4L, PRoPRIZ4aa .tXV1N braticheb of said Companry. Wiiîby. 1 St Setemlher, 1851. 2 1-f JUST REGEIVED J, 1IL. GER RIr'SDrutr arr tooBnkStore, A SCII0fIXCUAFTS AMFRICAN ltodare. Ihe fl'iIIlscnnditi>na"rd po~ercrOllfa,,- uE I> nid V.tr SALE ut th<. Oitta;îio ous ai iuhi'ri3 By YfIL L A G E , A PèeBalrrs tf IONIP0<PA{(N&C. CHAIN PUMP_ FAOITOIIYI î'l' -iilicril)icriiaeM u atrn T auJ coiiâ:anîily 1.eep on bn .OfflJAKM UMP'35 Tfhe ÃŽ1iat Pump isihe h î.-ea>e:.n. diiab!m Puintp in the IWortd, ibere à no dufrilry eonnecte4 wùth rhtm-ýlO f eezîn!r np. t talways i cady. Dy t:aa"rirg a craiik, any ciaid ighî Yeats otd. car it wmp iiii ,eae. N.J,.-tî Pusii araChairisere ail mrtnu(acr- tored by eýxperielîrcd wrirkmen dircti troc» 1h.- largeht Chaîi Poîin;. Fetory inlt tIiSaîc of1N-w York. lTe alx»'e IP'ýrnp..artf prefemecd toail oth- erg. sçh(eer tiley -v ae lbei trwe. AO'.per sol. wiihùî2 to plir,.rder. vahdo wrI i n caI1 ut tltr Fartory and sýe e -PlI.toea P'. M. CLAIJtK & F. fIAV. Wh;hlîy I lia;.. <lpî G- î183. l)1- Ir. MNYTO LEND. îusri i<prepared 1cr LOA:<; heV~4I Hrr4~I Pnudi iirttbà tO siitap- pticai~ ~ ~ ~~1eiti. uScrs p:IetBt!.Prilotal applicatiota 111Oll itt,iie, t. one neeciapply o.iy (do. l'>ct iaidi ita~ost urwxeeptiot)a- 'l'iteSn,,ril rntsnnpeste attend te liiidti-î of, Farn t la cpuictst4tty alleWred t at a rleaworrabîr raie ofrhatge. E PHR.MAM WHITE, 4wtuar4Cwliniw)O4 ged, 1wr~ ~eIaveillya4Jfei ýeS. W 'YA(T0R1 JfL ilet(, tte i Cu5- ý,Ãli %Vol I L.l !ibp dort. taineateufde'1 (and, ,ir ~ clicetiirc î.SS Slteruker ce» aiiau J. IV. TILLOTrsON. H AU1) W AlE. 411 XMNIIWG STREETV, TQUONiTO. Siega l)'t to infurrm bis 'IX~*tôt~stathis receivin< ;bis m,, wd a'cit or J ailwAIe» r - WHËOLESALEC & RET-AIL C~t1erg0 Q Ctes «did General Di-yGoodsJlrhns 26, K: 1!LZTEA?,Tas 'SION OTutBZGuv t 5. Iîrr $TUELT '.TToaNO ù-l) îfuïrm the, rend'mot ie1W hiby R1otr u'puble eral.t tbey ha-ecotnplefed Ibeir îiiprairs ifapcrnlVnîylr dwbiehhas'w% hg ee sceeced frpm the best Stocks ii P'oreign iMartkers, sud put s.d for CAhwii be f waun e x- amIinafior flUillS ttl fltb ty, for î1îrlity,Eyri. Cai cfapl>itU. REA» THE :VOLLOWING: fi r. Uni Cioý 0 lt Miîcit Ã"rleans Co:h iromi 8p. d 'hteCtos (rmO j.yd. C0141ed si id (0 9 s. Gle-y _ *'s i yd. " 0O 4 lae-kCo!>Orrrg *'1 " Qsi 0 'f si " Ami-riraîî " 4) 4 primet lyd. wide ' OS" .dta-k ' 71.2. lhIoyl.I. " Br~Ifitiatîi" O 7i2 1 yd 5irns aîîlrrtvy) 0 1"Ga i ,rh O ; 07 1-2,' 1ack Sable 110,14 3 G IPrk sale t ufls, . -3 9 Grev $qiiiirécl 2 ô .c-ySrire l 3 Sone rliitin .1 "1.5 0 di VaMrtmn " "40 0 Mînt 4 9 NI, '37 6 Trigelher ith iagi exceilrîý;fs tmichi ,tAi' rbe t FG'C'(IS,%tk, es, HoteY, & , .dlso, 1,000 Wool &carf .Shawfls, wIorthy iof .ioice. W(rcand Damask .ireenus, C'a#pets, D,-uggitia, 4c. S-c. o elegant Patterfls. hIltwir IWont1cuii visprimmîï are Brord Cotlre (Polanrct Beavr- Veîtarflaii notn Silk, %Worted,' 361I Liontulkn 'Il Hai~nit Phisc Iront fi t' .8 o -.3 "3 i. I ftlicy wauld ce-Il particule-r attention ta. f udr assortmmt Of The wl-oie cof chie-bh 4im madl p trtIer their hinirpeetiott. b'.'the be-st of workmen. a-te not riqualteIi i r lta.ifou**vie 0r' eoi.rirg. ceît, fancrnrrsi d mate-cia;.and geniecai suitgbie- ruea- th iewatitts oft' tirppt. Pactrà about lu pturce-tse G.-daicths !n -,inay' ytosJ fr ti wlrisle"lif sbev ibuyl ae iookirrg ove-r %. & li'à Stock, arnorig wticb cilihe focîd- Crpcv :-e-r coati ftom 17 G Fille Shiotinz Coale 's23 E) îiirri»t -1I 3 di Fanry Dci.,Partis" 12 6 Piot ' "18Ijl Biae-,"di 13 9 Fisne " 0o diTwId " 8 9 Linkir "di di3-j O Clrk Satin Vcstii, 7 6 Whiinsv difant31) r4)Fane-v 'Il " b9 Fitle Tt< ' -22 C -'Triitiîiit 4 61 --Fuk"'34) 0 Back .Ptstah o113 Doa-r,'(Itîit in gerut Vlcrnty'. lartis Vclvt-tial. huas, F tir & Coth ari c c Garment. me-de to mduis-ure a-nd warrsanted ta fit. armoters and otîrerà ree-udtli the t couîntry, and not a'-qtsntcd wiih tricks puactited on stra- gers. by Mary ct,.atecs. w' do ire-Iintri e-ai se ' .îab"ier'm>ti as tIse-y have but onre atrat!çht for- %v-atcd mode oi'doing Itnsîness. Amongt heir ride-s artre foiohe t; NO S ECON D PJRIIC E A Il Gacinents roit suing. exehangmd- Ait (;arment* nrnuU. c0 ot in ohinir or spot %^ifh rairn. Ail iccv Gonds, eut ini the srala er.gtiiia. exchîn;rrd. To NîoNnirer I. 1850. ~RGJ~ & LEI~lM~"Corner of King & Ghuî'ck Slreci, , in ng Mlie Court Ilousc, 32-y 1Torto 11AVE ON I1AND The Larizp',.t, the Cht'ati»ft, and the J3est As-,ortmn,,nt of Heailya*VI«de clollièig and Dru' Goods IN CA.NADA WEST. CLOTIS, Cnssuavr s, îursand Geai-mal Dry Gocics, Iipurted dîrectfrom Britalisiby Otirqielvcs. Garmenti mrde p arer ofevery descript#ýon. PARIS, LYOA ND 2YEWýYORI<VAS1fIONS RECEIVEI> MONTRILY The most approved style a4optedl. Do r-clc'1 d .6 c10, Do do Moleslu do 4à ' Do BlackrA1lýta î du - Do Russel cor do "- Do Piineces f,'rd Jo d Db oOantIîrooss do é 1 De Twe-ed do <"idL Do id. fIns l Do Cisaitri.-re Io Do Oii'd Valt r Prof <do Bov'. Brow'» Liua'n di) ' Lo ctseok'd Ltts di Do Fane-y Tweed do Dc Af pra -RIO " - Do Illîssel Cord dol. " IiieShirts. Lirten 44ut , Me-n'a tuikin rises front DiLinco Du-ilitl ' Dri le. kd Di PJcdo DOriTwere t dn Do C~lec do Do Dopskis. do Do j3ickskin do Do Satfinett --do Do lFtoflit do Do -Cnsinett <do GuipeI Bags, IlJ tslurehlas, Ste i12 17 4- -7 )o 4 2 9 0 6 6 3- Droî l 1od i)o Ãsurc:y do Do DrabMlkat e Do Cbe"Ck'd do do DrPO *ime do 11- iititShrs Do lailertÈid do Do Faticy do -' Do livet do DoPluis ' 'o - DoMaceile, .do DoBaroa do Dri C'aimrrere -do De Twuerlo - do ,y'# aficy do Do 1.a, in) do a PQTweed* -do - iDo ClOths do Do Cassjmqe do C101i Çapto 4 41-2- 40 4 41-2 HA£ LEAI94E Cahpaiçdfor ides anc £kiMn-&ee Wbathty VîiIa;e, 7;h Jesse, (> Exeetert accrriiirid f ofr îravellerg. Go Sïta&dirnd tor ifois. ' I WHJ TFY VUL.AGE- Allorders iin bis lune lpromjrfttY 1~C-ected, The lalcit Fashioru always on- kand, Wilurbyp April 19, 1850. AD MIR " EAL EB tLtea>r- TORO VTO for ROCRF.STE-R (.ofill<t<Tremi lrlynt,) eveTy Tues- i;,y Shsdy irati tulry 'r.lait ci',-.Wii prad.'ly..a rit et liithy. saw -)r,~tttBir lA ,port Hop#-, ati CobuUlg, t Wti e-ae RC IF~$ERfo)r TORONTO. cal- rj>T s s ithse!) Ho AT £'4T. Li5% .a cntArEr,r >,-,$ orr.Tinte (rom To., ionitato Nce Yock,- fo rt y <u R Toyal MAil s;eam-Pa.Iýt Office, Tiororito M;iy 11349-y. * WAN TED. ict as Arien-ifor the Report" , ire a f- tion, if liv letter Post pais.. TEETII! TEETH.'! TEH I R E.11O0V.1 L. SURGEON DN3NTISTI HAS reim 'v.,-l fI;. OFFICE front thel 04-4IAWA HIOUSJ. b thse -o)r!er of Kin,-! Siue-o, St., mVer -r.r.JamesLa4 sSTORE,. onr n -Pr-oe SI, OFF1CE ltor frIont j 3MIRWIN'xiii continue bis vigitsatoi the WAVEIZIAY HOVSE L B-ouerilieorttheî FîtTMON DAY ir a cris mouti, iad sernaairs during theem .ek. Ofbawa,Juiy 12, 1851. I-y WHJXIvBY C. Wb. L l.SCIIOFIELY &Go, IVtitbr i i~t ~fr< i. Wh;thy', Jal stage IIost V 1 L L A meiiy kBartbs the Table 9ur -an be pfre-tt anti a s!îeudÉy Every arr. foîtbbl, 8 S .v I 'hiti BRITISH N-ANUFACJTURE8S,I'r MlltILEDALIEAND IEAL Cast Steý1 Hoes3and Hay Forks. VOR -AT1E A109 fli RRE. T11UL :SLSUSitiBE3.$ are ~wre-NiO1 cvivi;1g iiiSiore, thlr tpii> ittpply orf GRO- aMosg <'ER lES, conpiisitig the iiswualasnmn, fiS* whirb tbey are rn'abteý1 tu offer on vralvanta. fT -C> eOtýtfma <Io thear Cori aindol, rthe ir4de TUES grnerslly. ioçi FRESII TEAS. ts 270 parkrîzes y0uurtçlyan, compi.Ulg tome loi extra irie, bowd. 60 paciragft Twankay, 30 packagesausorted, black Te&*, 2à boxes unpowder, COF'FEE: 45 baçi veryguperior Lapira Coffée, 60 baib ins.i Ornattsiava. in 51, g&s,. &o .25~~~~~ Rhi r~tP Ub~< 3 tons pttl 6-â 7, St, J- A D D~t QDS (;Orgueh uî art . on. r bc ant înv,- one Who Efl- iatioo of tus, re 1rimey for f, popular and clcsck hun- at ,td inithe tssci lrour. the front bs th-, alirm lus fret int tb lheoption of hf. Idgor ; 1 1