un < LOr4e ltig t dl the adil1f t e i l g ussIsyi'* eg, ~rdear . nty 0 b2We # 0 to 'b*ise, bjy , er wsz:ug fr îss tieGa.1rEo Ldý ufts.Ct0li ýlI 0<itto4< * ~ti legbiîtîeie ii 1etW AD îw vflTt$Eliiit8 Cpt 4ewsm bÃŽthe wty down ag-aius in a shuwer.uf stars. kl#(CEthIUWi)4$ p8 oWêliist s.>tise amuisement l 'ilse "MAiP taSynn, WH 1T8Y V 1L L AU , lbrgb.Lti0Ueý Koy ad terror of nervotis ladieis- An the < tallwlu i érie8e. wllh Wtll b. soWid n large bour moe o le.4 bruglt Iie ran "ri mait qsiantiis insut p'irchusers, aud ai i.owi ________ 9 li, yr eo l sts, ougi c ise and i'ss c aS Iositth#' harut'sicls . 1 ppa6, 0421$ ~roeehsica afuir u ai esd, snd onse Wnling Soata Aiutow Root, Peasrl Sago, JE CG0% "i<>ýO two or three isusdred t resc's heîiîsg gaski; boua, Jaiaica Giuuger, Ciriamon, ÂL. ighedtis fiemensîatcdla sroes- Fine olive Oi, balad Oit, Paint Wua, l illa .duwî th e i stsreli, ocs Castor 0, (Puse,) 011 Vitriol, Cseam Tar, ilin dwn;St Leis tretthe J&pan- Sulpbur, Uat e:rcSwe« $pli& Mise, Codi Liver ilion to yW.arJ&y,!ý ace, St. Anit eanud Ursule street, St. jOit, INuraic Acid,,AquaFortla, Gutm Cmphor, b"t bisa ma '10 Jolistreet, isolirusghiacerai sttCtts ils s inua, Tartisric Acid, Qukaitver, &c. e., Lermaiewth the ubsurbs and ni, >Palace strect, sucre JAMES ILi Ot. 151 2 eu w«e_ý ed li cheers bhuing gives> fur Lord MElgis slims~ hiy2sde.lM Ii3s, #bd trisimplal Lordsiip a1îjsvared al a. wisiduss 5Usd -'T. John Lon;'s Stomath Bittera, Mof- ,uiüoftbestreet. uis idkqhibsukswiJeiCsS. l1 (aîi'a Pilla and Phoesix Bitters,. Wistar's wki it vas ascer üfreinen cours atlçr cattercd auJ wcà i tgia.sm Wîd clservy, Ayer'w cherry pectoral, puèaral wosld reatly buM..-Theii.tti lier of îsrusî4 in tise lisîusu6"a $* yrUp cn Naëtha.,'réwtmh~d'à Sar- età i cuîrse of tbe. streets fat niglit wasstlîuust iicredshte. iLec'1'laneWsser, iee:a- ' N. <hieMagt:Paisn Detroyer, Coopes'a Asslisllioua rq#.s.on vas bciuig Ã)Nu dea eould hbcfuruused ofut L y asîv Pitla, Hoser4 Femnale Pille, »ratsctresbiaPsiiss, Um9an 1d a of aml îsicnut l itîvitg 13sail uit .sjqOrttsuiltY of Pcqte'us Viti oflitcaltl, anud a boaiut fob:r idi dusriiptaonsss-ous witneimrîsg Lthe seu, & licuads fluating t l'asiesti .Mcdicsuuu, for $die (6y and vrelcqnse nrds dowss Urstihe sîgect itilli mb St.-Jt)lsll JAMES H. GKRRIE, usy isahs*issThse tsreet. Lt was 1srlectly sistonisiting- Oct. 22 d, 1851.29I atdaNuigbat- 'fle icdy lsowever, wu are rousd tu bay, e. I'eop e inibul-, lias [ oase ver, ou Lac as we'lare awarc Q u' IlNINE. Jodine, lodide, Potassium,' 'ini hundreda on witlttsauccidenît utrdisttsrtacec of atsy I' muiiate Murpia,Aceuute Mtsuphîal'ilsCfliîC. n bout l opsiitiid Stf ychuiie, Valtiuaie cit Zinc,&c.&ce., fou Sate by ali s in; Wsib.22s oct ,%flEs H. GEIZIIE. .1 îgsluptr,,Wjib, 2d e . 5.20 À, uM"y ofibeSbops ]N IlA~iIZS Astbe o sur ap- -rt 1 A L OFDOW VOIR KILLI>IG TRUL AT' Tuiesdaw îa,0.D Logssood, Red-wood, eeced freen 1'Fi!is trial toor lae n neda 1n. Made, Z sieO, V (r orcatt- ube niatonal and otitutt Cou. 1 1ite~ e, uic zraiL~odCiieu .,ijr4bl iterstapeard t h! fit opera, BneVitioi &. &., rsal h11i VW itsg te soute ni>ra'i~ of tiéople inclisting many front the locality Dugwt ibyVU .- Esp1namd, tuse Suf where the parties ret#ided, filed tise Colin ___________________ cesteand M- room.-lsIançes (Yliley, Iisqthtie ah- FfR O q ren4y te Imardi off, >ere outrM. h 'snetit Mdeuittie, auteut a.> , 1 Subserlsr fe ' o ale, part of suiesafer '» iS uuui-lfor tle çCýrois.. W'C are not muids J.a. TB No 7 89 0.ituiad ais th Naits i. steamçer Mas ce:»- 1 ;i ens usprai:e IMr. 0(Y Ueilley, andi iL ti - mid'sof5X ( GJ<,LAKI, uin the 14T11 C(JýNo a -already lisud an iii- torous, that vre hiave, freqssently doise 1tht f ut uic owssisiu' of CARI*iIotamîissu.l ba fi2îgs of lise. iffer- reverse, !tasucsous ex-L ai~A.t~ sb îav , «h es nsome oc, r.. unsandiutts e ssiec. Oi tise premise4 in, thse breeze; the'prcîd !slrotiser tîsan %vas cj4li,-d for; but h sc ud , deoraed fith ths r lot tIsat pass. .We are » w guîng Lu praise Twu (CoMfoart ae Log 1Ieu.res andi a goorI borseb!sck shfrecteil NMr. ô, pteitiey, a inucis pleasanter duty, auJ Log Bort. Joseph lanici, fuetkà t in J wiri.,hL eftrsiesC. andti -w s uTisce it algo ans ORIfRD. wils abouît 1Y) bein- MNa.s rsia eus- csfîeyhc auslwtfeisurtitIsI"eeî, bsue of ihenii bearls. The ?.srinsiisbeau- £sed rell e 'uy 'l me eet Il arssoure f îsfstty aîtua'ted un thie tioret o01lIse LattelCalte y ree, ani 1wkat vesa ii monvt epos rom P gîs hPmAsa«sT. abOiout iui mitsntiaP out , Jea $aptisle Sesevery ene preen1.mt titis triai.' In Mm. i1erv a Siesumboat ipassas daity te and (rus thesclle uils is ic. '.eilet uddes utise Jranii uJ .usly toPort l'erg y. moisi at th esance con aît rssgiuît hewhsl ador ise for îermsx, upply 10 tie Suibriber i se ig ,tmc j ondct hroighot te wole asefortheVillage, or Jolis IL. Peury, Escq iii Wuîtts the Saetles opening ICmuwss. ve consuder to have iseen most die- AÃŽSEGJD. Ad sufiered 110 jfS5 nifieti, gesîtiemausly, yel attentive and vigil- Uziri1gu. Nov. 1. l1fMi. l2 gutim4 Of kODour rouisant-no qusibbing sand caping-ne 'suseeni- - ýe cars'iage of bis wur- Iy anxie-ty to conviab-the unfortunaleace- OIS$ULU lION OF PARTNERSHIPI rit by four fihe-horses>îcuiseil.f,«uthie brn fsî of-is% 'uv faute ;hut, jrjil artuierbijip beretotome existing be- istd officers, cnim co J at, ei, unsiinc! in» lini% ct- GUîeu5VV.T~L~A V a tel Bruce, Mifit.arv fort. î 1 izAN scuc.îu .d ii Lu ..ec..r'St i Pjpublic, snl GÃŽMVi~,U'i~iiy )a. ~" iadant, Comtnandling îhrowiuî mu,,)ubitacle in tblise viofut' cii in, s5îss os.rt lubsis, n1qît lir e rusrird ou s, anSd the Ileals Of tIse trime bearinsîrofuthicca'.c ant 'id w.vîssrusust îy v.'rsMucv ttuisa susandnsnguiner- î them berýe !sJT-ry. inlIedu,4.t'I.u'o;D' ~~~ .' etiil'u'sarcýlis qitect 0@,!l ket'pev-tbe l3arrack t tcv's ion(î su4c idsthav ui ëliiteI A] s' sîsSîvst M .c tey, wiits israe-ad huil1 cOapIiuns i ntu osn" "t lSïYVSTER MAGKEY, y C7ouncil. jfenct(ïtui <>jt*'. Xt.o,'i . h'GEORGE M W A IN. îuk tk to.-lisas snsîelsfse 1ih 1 ur tust',--ttulî-1O '2), V$fr. 29, vas snusouced by a jas usti:o o rkuit:v,î'ei a. fic Cabsd. Terace lied ilî s i i>c lldi, v fi Ilh tilrne, ast 'hvru;wa- uuisi Royal Ârtllery. On 1 a witnits or ssî'o who proveà the case.TercTisedwthjdi to gretl b thp 15 ay. jury wcre-ot s hitoue. tl ueurned a by th 1agistates, verdirt.of N1ansaughter, wis.h a recouusmien- St. Audrow's S.lt ý--ueceived anui sephieu$ dation ta incrcy. 'f he specceh outhie îli.'~ 7îBY »pCKII te Çorporation, asnd John A. ll.uil as 4a specilin- of te-l %riseTBY nal P trv>ELmG [aor' Carrnage, thse cieverest and uuost ingeniOiss speial- piead- fl on'. rTe aumber cf lnyîhtch vre have hiard for a long tinte,; eI h imîv4ý!r flb olý i$caUJ' îte Çul-de-'Sac, on la fact, platin ani siumpeas the' case vas. , t'~. nFiA t<4t ao oet id- indced wherever a lie nearty persuaded us bu beIiu've! thuit 1th ai. tai 'T W oclock, P.M. &Agusuerîst attend ii vas te be obtuimed iunfortuunite pri"omer ira% in realiitv a vcry auic4itss aricuualy sequcsteul. asu usca Of in] ý iss au earnce itn tise iliiseulman. No driubL but ià is îu NU. ;oitisîtuue ssilt ttcsîu;,mtted lto se Meeting. ismbiage, iui lie Cul- McDornld thit tise prisoner owres tise e- A. .McePHEIISON, va qile eaein. cmmncstîô l idoi acrais-tise ver- 1Steritas ILu JleeIieacy as beÉ merciol Ativertiser folluiusg acutount et' CLÉRGY liE$EIXV£S. ras te Semiaary basnd, thie restilr: 'MAuRG RT (ARTY-Aflthis per. This longagiluted sîsbjusct, wli jecess beesi a' the day, sons had been aeqsitted for ta surder ly b.eone of 45.eà dilng test questiosatt beIsadJladdie,' cf Edw-ttrd Drum,osn the ground of in- comig eetin, and itisa question beyo, C nisg tlsrotsgh aioîber ScniSty, as wc learn frin the Newasrk ui ver. thse mords;- Advertiser, thse Court aplucînteti a coin- ali ote3thte reformsers ithie ditièrE ar vin ra, iite cf' six physicians tu examine lise eonâitueuci±iisouId, ini selecing tisuir ci sd Ibrouugis uus ne, f r ep;uoe of usertah'tuw"si« eteery ut l'sevigtofbu vlthisi se , throughite Fire inrsne, fe r eporttfl- otlerta. i ing eoxeiglfbsfvalbiie t dmr'ip hii neuusdur tise statitle whetber alisc sisuld ofeeyma ii5i tbeir rea.cl, to previ With hair nc.emn.s. F- -r t- hP . t u. o~<r di,..a reessrrénieof tbat truceecy and treacb tu Ilave aiycontrol over the natter svlsae- qi ver, unmeaniuig, hiunkum eIetiouset'ing resu-,1 iutiuns hâve tu15e P1scd, to whicb Est i ceY replies in a dispalcis, iimlatiug tis* viten 0 i l conveutient for tise Enihih Govesmuient VA lu consider tise questi, it mili., do a-$0--40 mmicl, re.ioiisions of tialus and gratitude 1 fkom aiseCan'adian minuties requsire tu 1)2 de- 1ti tier,isave ecas asistèd ha aising tisem lu liseir present value ; andstta being tise case, arc tise people bu stand tameiy by, and see tise ver>' property ishieli is se ladirecîly maiude isy tise seat uft ieir brois, unsittvftily irrest- ed t'rom their controul,'usai aquandered i support ut' a state cisurcis i ýVhi'i ite laIe Mhistry came it. îsewuer, tise reformera fondly luoked, for- Mward tus an înimnetiuute settlement,eithes Iappropriat iusg tiesîs lu gemural echu cafior or psîhlic im1ruvesrent ; buit sfndly have %te iseen di-iii1piited. ani sôs sitra- 1 geously lia-, fiat imîsiicit comfldemeu 21 wisiciu wts splaced is tise Min istry, heer =:,sviiated. Backedhy anover-xhetniine Smajurity, tisey have tunwnrrtinabiy' al. au- lowect futur sessios s lu iss without mstk loe ai single satifactury oefrI a tainivent o)f tisis object. session Nu. i,-Not'h in gdonctowardi Pt tieseleentbof thia qîsestion-nbcu une isuncfreul and fif:.y tbutsand dollar colleeled froin bthescerves, andi ex pessded in sujpport ut' a state cisurcis. ar.- Session. Nu. 2,-A privale zuembé Ste briuigs jus a bih11 whieh, however, lie i ,Cod iusducod le witbdmraw, and allêw th rmt Rebellioa Losses bill 10 taise precedenci ai-. wbiolicamne wittuin ons ace of takin ves sreceeece ofthe b.%Mlnislry- -Agai, vent not.hing, acccaspi'h~hed. ,Ancîher 'un bated aaI i ~use Of afew. flousaudâ. v iti- out an>' hopes bY Ibis mecui, of -ver siccom-w plisiaiig 1the esid, titi aI last, %e are positively in a morse position in regard to Ibis questiuuu til 113c v.erc îwenty years ago. Thougis tse satisfactOrY seblIcsiebi t'ftbe1 question je ddetayed froua year tuoyeart te c sale of the landi by no0 meanu. cea!uses, andi if me but succeel la continuing like tise paut, la a. fev years ire viliibave no ltcseri'es 10 seulie; aireaut>'il Upper'Canada, 1,099,4M4~ aceres bave heeu oiti, iealviuig Ont> 1,296;223, ares te bce yet dispowti et. Tise land soiti t brougisttie bandsome sum,over and aliove al b e«penses, of £720,75i6, of wnicis £373 ,899 a bas been paid, ieavimg M'46(,857 Lu bc yetf collccted. 'tis, une msilioni four isundreut andi inely-five thousanut ite tsundred and1 ninety-six dollars have been coliecteut from tise Ciergy Reserve Lands. us'er andl above t ail expdusses, anti irere a ise benefst 1 Wiseme is tise ciid svhlas iscen educated 7 tise roadti IaItubas been matie? or auiy public tmproves»cnl, te which th3e runtry isajustiyf entitiedti,îlut has ever been effeeted by this miosy 1 In Use H ome District, 4.18,333 jacres ivere set apart as ( ergy' Lands, bbc 'f greater pnrtion of uvhiiî undouisîedly, las bp bsol d Hand paiti for, anti iiere the. bîtme- fit tu thseIDistrict 1i Whoever Iseurd of ut' uy portion oft' Ii. usoucy being apptied te bu- mn charitable or ausy purpose whatever, wiereby iL moulut refiet bcuiour upun the fdoner, credit on tise Pruvincr and ise a bleus-t [I ing buetise recipteat.ui'Nô, tisat pleasiug 't iteigenc i.u yt tu bu asînounceu totea mon- Sdering morlt. In Ibis cusse me are forceti e o ltLby-gones becisy-goneî, but it heisovea tise peuple of tiss Province te look weli ufter that irbic is layet tbcume. £34,6,857 us stilt unpaid un landls nom solti, anti uprmus ofut a million ut' acres undisposeut ut. Witispuu. il pet andt judîclous management, Ibis ansount IN1 oult give a coinsmon education ia every jchilti in Canada, and wvould makie a school i-ýfond, ut' whicis any cnumtry might bc proud. Mý,aay eof those landus have nov become vahua- bie; and iso, have miade tem su 1 The t'armer, tuechanie and settier have eacis con- tributed tbeir sisre-cvery Iree fetieti by tise labourer, every housse built b> tise me- fcisaui, every bushel ut'grain raised by tise iii nny n aurepa.e'byof eral jabors. In etlni , ~ ~ ~ fre lieiaîri.fO~ h )W* ot aixforth as a stanget il~ D-a lgjà a!trf! te Provinct, buit aï ne trtd *ti4 th fol u prýl til the Reservcmi -td et -e f >priuictdnward 1lýtfli Lugenerai editsproductiveo. f y 13o is , e w,*0*1l iohe di atijol, received the sançffiun fl King prduc e fgodt COwIdlODhit sdto the community genemtiiW'ltl ffilliam IV., and wo ýann"t fut ttnd- nit,betij eve bt itt 1 th t rnoîiercolifl JDis Excellency the 11GenerlIl, in i ry i4jîîst as lihtraL and Kequaliy Ii aux- the hist Gazette, lis isee pleQ5 d t 'Ii utis 1*.>guvv'n lber eului,&iti i5caG'!Jan55 'graiit a i tceisc Ltu praiV lill.ysie4sr rait- eilli the wet'U uidersiuoui w slie of thse gery auJ idw tr, u »ÀvitD Tuc;Kvnl tgu t3OliIC ~ ~ ~ ~ l 11Wa iNs gîi Isyî .D., uf'Tuoista, Dr. Tticker i% rsow whas lie vieefors, look wblt iyeur Candi-_ esltbisiied ut Normood, W in'jjkeîilg, itteS, fnssJ MU;'jK'rt siso mats whiîu j5 ITHEeliii Ie,4d ïctcîitltisisgunt, or iuj witui onî Yl Th'liDeie,,aies froia th. Jifficrest ll asiut, front iiiî f-rrier pricetditigs. TwI5hlefthisls Ytdisîg neii. Coli- ' place. utiduîsibtedlcol) fidCIC viLir t rugîsul 'Iktf5g terd RE FO0BM NIi** EE'T 1IN G. thse first Tlittrsday in titis inontili, for th fi Thi dythemetig fr heeeictonFI i)b oft .hoosîug a ýan)dsdatc for tlths1at Thisday themeeingfor 13eseleîlos rpresntiatcon ouf ite Tirididing nItise I of Delegate.î to me-et ini contention at u ensuifin lcLctiufl) Brougham, takes place at hrcoklin. It iviil se needlcss for us to urge a 1'ery gencrai The Pickering mneeting, tà hoo5i« ISr tteudancc of the people on this ocin Delegates for the T['ird Riding Con- from evcr part of tise Towobliip, as tihe ne- v'eltLi9fl MCCLti today at %Wcodrufi. cesity muNt be strikingiy apparent from the TeCi cîinc i ust t-D ugglery practi,ýcd uit the former meeting, dig wusl hc eeiieia Xbridge and thse utter farceial resiL f tise COnvetIVlag nTlusaymlTXehv ion. -On ti*isocciuion it wili he found use-, Vilylage nd t tiroday lt. ehv cssary te choose -item andIuncomprolfliig -----r-f- e htui Mnrt men, whose goodjud' ment eau he depended TuiLAWn io fedin taise lustrOui'a 01n by the electors lin weig1ting the q!îaiifl- Rqoarmr, tCu ntrifti-lsg catiujn' u' o re'pc1;candidtates oie1d"UudiCsîo , vhcîP ei îiY aý tosircniderationi. andJ selecting the fit-l~t&litto)<l 'r 1.Girtî the'modest tory c'andidaute for fle Cut t anjI testone lu preselitto tlise It:toriii party ot' or'()ssulîu. As yoss sUr", u neyus îh Bdis, on whosn it can usrte at the t-L!Illlssîs, 1 wffii nwreiyatiibie Its, [pOIIN. It i.4 evident, tiatil( t h1 e tac i .e c c e- C , rad ic ut lic~ v n m n u d m t e u s t tio ta fil t " V c a u y i t 1i, f l di 1 - s x in w h ic li t u it o î n . V s r t,- s i i Lion~~~~~~ lqli h ~Cti~n isRinaXr. trrys towîsgIiisowi> rupe , rl sort uof bargain and baie had beeu vntered thalt iýs a un~î a lshxs;tfr wheîs tt- suto, of whirh t ihofreeaniupdnt. I 1filst tment ioued this sib)jcet out' b Ilo ectr"were La bc the ehatL15, by two nations lu yols, sir, oucSix welekq rugo,) voiti.ifri<tuu Isedîiwil (lie lnatterG radir dsîigui1sei g'ntemrs~ hu iui~tttitlifk wa.s ire iy~vf"d in by tise ýýpeu1, h hertofre vored îarnonouly tr-<thter in iissit tliatit îoveilletiîl, 1 rn happy -, their o1pposition 1 te egreat c,:ertinf yls iirîI nsis tgellerrsthrotighotit th ie sr ns 1verc tv'ing put fqrth by tise p~pt' etiiroislsli Wmis'ha rItesrdb tisIil a.sý t their lte lasnutd Re- resenii'e, oh- ~u,~ " nuttie lqte Mjr. Perrv.- tain the much dê'ired formnation of Ibis new No**.VthS S fil5a co ,sisîg;",vassi "s;e ýti Count4Y, andi tiat a great efiort wl bc fonts iii un 'Untripd tiniesît nnd Isisi- made on liseir part. on the prese toca-I" ýViitus, ut'whs U il%%'11( Sion Lu fulfilt tteir mutual cobligations. l hu iir e ws.le liasnu Foyranfhe 1,119 runior %va - .uitfirst discreliîed l hii uscîedail hie fatiser's husiuseas. hîI lias gAI isur-lh-a tick cottld i b'w srIuus.4y etsi-rtuiiii-ctd siprsvatlo simd eoîsjfidet'sial Sccre- v t b y c i is r p a rty , us lu th u s r fle îîithîs vIo r SQ lita h o n o re d g î t e m lit pl i la the igh q èf the poýoAeand ve 0pr his 1nubtlic treinsa ctio s,iby w hich he ic-1 ihe ights f 1w p'ope, uJ c h1 ilîîîirt flsot îsnhy a knwledge of thc to ibis day ilsat iL miay prove uinfutitnd- %vaut.%isnsitwisises of' tisepeuple of this. but ime wviit td. WC halssi ec Ridi(lig, huit uf the Prolvifice gesserusfly, how ïN r. Xl ch ll pl ys is ca d. T h l'ro u r la t is n i' d represe ta ive's lsuwMr.Micetljuiys is ard Tiextenusive and liii rat v'iews 'were nt. trusth or falciu u ieacua'os vl er r ci l ' y a Iocality,. 1 will j'ass lue tested lsv the direction in s whscls fut over*"tise hcreditary grievangel wieh rr file w r île'r hîl kg t Uic rettr sn g of m ri. j~. w icns1enian camts lits îufît.nce nt the Con- ýP'r ud iîlc u bi iii.1 vess'suî, an Ihepeupe 'vii hve as '!lse r Qr', las weilh as t%ýries. knomw eyu' tipoi inni. e w ho»e l ieher te a ir. Prry*'s er lx l i t1 li e u c a n t L is a t t u i j i t n e o i l e v ic e $ c a s ; b c oi s s u e r e d g i v s ~ e o f L ils-to w i.«tl fj w ll a te li inr mn;, or t hjat i- w a 'é) 1 pid ftfh e i g ',f itistuwsslsp sroîsg honest whies lie dure not be etherwis. s,1 nihers aI J3rcsukliuu, auJ by thicr pnu-The bissory cf tise IProviince rthlta i e l ç e i u s i u t c ete g s s î u . s ,n - uw e s s u ' b itÃŽ t e y v a r s , r u e ta i t i s e t al e t , 1 cMr.th ie. Prry ..darérd " lu be tnest, wss 1 ie înnt c~ttuu u'ts ressaeh meintslis W riter l the Refre scsoce'f lpayed ut tise lte con- ex,-iiieul uioily 59:1 tile sXia%%Il o f es jty. ~cusuu's WvagUÃssus îuzgSt thse pro- lit says tisa 1 nature neyer inreusded lte pFartusoust, bi a change et' ho Bonntiedha lestioli tif th C fluairidural 0sltty us, dia léil nder tise sx, at I3ûoun iP t s tio l'ation st thi deitred a lx.- ers tif'Tturke, A f ri gitflMI irg-li anid M umiser cf PC tii greubettr trg;lthe tseu se cor[soratic TheI "A fcty pu" Une'ucain nd the è Th3e trm On Tiesday n iglt hast, aie bruke 5>' ucf i c, -eii lb oltbc ic ber crank-pin, and 13ud te drift slowly Otxi13 i l - NW 'before tise wissd with ber sailti. Wbile Wlsitby, -Nov, Ilst,- 'h.e intllttsgelice sl, as ns saiseligez stjar alid Oriuietti ter, anid not oui [t (11collraged tL rh imes ort' th borate leuttler, rid>cIlle-4 tise le fite revenue f t Ctldintg Friday, highiy satîsfinetc bhsatilg (tie it had taken plus 'ase. over lise eo The Swedtâlb ,dcrick Vun i W 1 ý