Ontario Reporter, 20 Sep 1851, p. 2

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__________ th~lle prsuncd audvantagesat bis junetre turu hy the practical marSiOt o îlWi.J!tete rlatei5bonbpculs tl> Chiil~B~ t1 8d aas d ulo r s L uiii t ant e a ltU t. ib W IÙTBY, A SAUPLBb sentThe ,of Mpo sesstflg a full a nd *arlY y cx tesSiofl te rc ie be sd iY am a rit g w it i O Wi o a I tb C i i i L emd r t d r 1 ay gbe P O R T tiaifl, A S D D Lfoy o ir c o n 1fid e n c e , lî,Iid c f y o r re g a rd M n tre a -S e P t . 1 5 1 5 1E x b t O n I o w t e u l it d s re tc l i e t Ã" Cei'v l a ps tl eV v lieoi is, iln ti 10 D lring lb e jiot the w hite p uplein ow ier un have i h vü ýp o 9fy n es of civil a nîd religio Us »1)z B rP O zp RT R,ý- U0hk, tp have a lokut athe ' Oôwliatevcr. WNe arSpt.3023-t. beasvue f tetlabectiïof made. icarnthoiveveitey t w a nomination bnodOin __g_1_questio a rv i t he r et le ia t ea '%%'01" i . ' aossa i in g p arity * ai S led b y a n eld I le it l eW V O , th t ny no rl i) t enUb or in0q e t 0 c t o d y . I % c f r 5 0 0 s u 8 b t h t~ o e c h e ' r 'l th pi e usii the lri u t 'îîo Ie js negr r escR io ] -ad i it n le SAWTicf r titis nom inal ter n f d ;îty h s iîIte r;- heard in th " 0Ilot t, C o uiitiiig U o.o md0tO is te ni' 01f ittl a h lf g~ il u folow d br nt Ui w te, lid itî trscbsfalho rtusbe urd id r'IIE Sbscribers b g leave tmokt respect- fred ivitit local candiaesa. itr- Sne Coch a ndSteanilo t, repeate besae iiib euid niter Ttsi ifln îtUi4 nn br ani atet be te orn er3d ot,"?orett nuw-tiey rc dad;fren the lcrchani il thrth ess te a decirevwhih 1 did îîot ce anst a pu ti uf t drn . Tu o il i leb n et 'n and uipg anînpove ,r1ate atly regret ; ati d tîtat tin l fber time with ~ eia afct ag ~ nl t w I i bieit o t aino r n Isnda- le- ndnke -letut ofle theilut _______________ reeul;_ P,,onrei oort Sarnia, that anu wareî I g sors ayta i'eieOt ftwhieh they feet confident wî Ivet tt sat- the vote taken at thecenVftionl 5tood ness, es tuentice ene te go even M"lilt thenghoigtnsfIrsCt,0' r.1awl'5r w iito r , b a t itn mC ,e d1 3i tNlEYW S i sfaino ngintn ,in b o x e s o r b te it o su it p u rc h a - a 2 0 t e 1 6 . h sw ill. T lîa t w a s s o e w i at U ic c a s e d eu b r l n i W r i t W t~ t i d i i s n w h t M . f.,l, and ias carried over Uie preilice. LAST1' MOMENrS 0OF LOPEZ. Ati erders atended îo with th.m teast poutibt~lu îtir io dhcl ae n %. itbm; but parakng of tîte genrili ACiier.Iynls un5teepluforfP.R ~ ~vIîele W ci coalc nypy foithe N eze Yorlc $un tIe WILLIA 31 IMAGEE &Co. it would ill.h cofliC nie obe in thbe w y f vr b u' yNvun.tîruY is pi loied rn ai c k nid - lo ' y BU t perontil etereefrorntiiliitupub -0 gt 1tni Miilr. utîl leris, wltoe vter e ased flicr ofth youngtandmte1 "that th IlebiecOntrir"uandcf 1)oyha§iitl),rnfutl(l-anl Nr.D - lslid whih tîhe l1iding îtsçlf ofrcriýj tu yotr«Ith y busnet ecu ~,un, ani Mr Da- At thec fatal heur Gen. Lopez iras B i3aîk Dees & Memolias for sale et etthoce n t u tt-l h t,îidern.proffice.,iteoîS a te ap f.lîteei do ratine m iislal oduauî t 1c r Frce Vis titi nul reeogiiize ber. It is blm le ------ __te___Ditefiié__boat_______il .4.eeetiat ibo deensed m-asbrougt utanti ascecdd the platfkrm R T t11.îal i< ~txarý àails nti tit-fl! lope ic ,n H".ST1U tYac t tito fth e Tit eî-fly codWtbe li'ky ues vhe îîIî t où opl edi î~ otiitrno the wifvi'fPatriek NMain of the rausafrm tp Uspre nco wh aeoitecfroy rcie t the 1 b'ii> -*ra Ill ciwd.ti lyice, hfitsiteastmsofu. 'fle kceiilte this ePrese etep ane o'IL7 nu- beons t theelcrat-', sin g a n tl a l; lle iii h t h fo r . u rr B , S TtR A X ,avu' e4udt lyTuea i ed.lienv eiin-'-t site tud mitedthe cîîuds andtheretitoattseten-is c rilîin aitiflit i-n Iîeani g b t fcrine site th e R iniolla n thl h et h Ittî Itauti it w as lier intention te go caiee i bi fuîtm ul itde. i rn Bor t el ~ a k N otes f r sale t tibis ffic . 1 de cnm it, t hcrct'ure, nîy d nty, i",d e'r a no n,- W hom 1 notieed S r A h n M a - tr1ya d o p s te O d n b r li ( iepYi e e t clrow.net atheclFaitscr calie ion-tOneUe avi'i' g te sni tne, most > lce tilyt Soll a fali ni ayashr itac rs-nie mtt hat.Tesulrla tct euîî ls alpearanece as cani, cinifiid andi T E 1 RD. R- D 10 G - d'clitie lte nomîuntiuiî. Permit iueat eerlImoidead alyui- ted tejauI....N'igOta MaiI.et upon Ite prparîttiois fer deaf luunne4 ofet'titis' Ilig, rcprcM ittetlby bi dt- edge hie seîîtniCltts lwl ic hereqtiisi-! rs et' note. ul- lale t eo ette rdCi Plmtt Ywur Hrl. bs couitenance chtang-,,nt, andi liii irlile 9 tion CxpItQss Stowatds nîybclf, antid' Lo leecvi on lte Iu"Port cauliiig atfulwdlypitroe5adlaiitalyonc T'Ill? SANDWICTI ~~~The t'xecitioner nor rcevcd lits e o-tellanNorwood, le choose a candidate le :îuaiiîuer wiîlî ieii yuîinuhve eoillIn ii- Pr VI tbta ta lru ptd W ~ADWTII SLANS- beriu ira l'rm nti anl. cî,rligt emcl n cyonvenionedtutSeln -lc f[ics oî ir ulrakaniCiIt- ti or luilreby, luatha Ilatrecitt uPaiiwlljeenrn aisUi led TR13.OUI-E WITII FRANCE. dereti cott, ls ssl, cravat, andi ail lt iit1he evcac ccsoetiyn- et' t titWi fl ut' jricl Oeuneei ia Jatcîaeifoi e1 mlspe erTcntueau aa tri i have the lîiinor teolic, Gentlemieni. f<<jtnin-iglibycu1lnukt ste"og uut"ic ogla î-Ucue'if IrheP resicet of heb F rench rep iblir, signia of Ili s m i itary ank, i t ke i f dis~- l, h c n I i le t ýd mifetetcprbtri*e. gilîcthir laIe lanieted rcprestittivt. About or nuotit 0htt.acti ilnr lte serv't, a~~~~~~~o ittouiu segt, i eîrr.tlrpors Pî.trgr.e.idite elelît in ïTt lvery stroiigly disposet te ehurist - General Lope%. ivitî lus ibaunds tigiilly tire o'clock hue Coniventlin organituet, antioENIOLI rltions witttlic luited bouintitogethier inufront,sellelt'ra"i leragoddal6 unigfies, elig Ttuio Spt'ubt 5 85. Sor lussiit .pliihee'apelY-aer rushes tiurougl' a tiBtt'OWelig Torntoassage Fu15,e851lstobeenn Ê li-0Hoe to tu bc tltoretigily i" andi iiia -sti'ong, clear voice, spoke slowly ttte ietcin nipeigo h ate"lcftoiu< ~î~îut"r ditt niciîptasiuetu'Prdte ncbrsIbetn ttclwtct e etea 1-.r l in h .s ciiý i w s ' ut s$orn e of tosce rom d afoil es : 1S 0 mà a vatig s a lis c iisb'es, sinie bis@ ele ioiin utuIle " ry tlee'ofls iro bave ompront»- tic knowing eles, atan te gdsr y b lcdlgtc uriuUsy u hc lib e m ic ie laia ig sas u'Uc Iini t w u rni dr. n.W tr rrrssîé1elcy, bepenikia haitkei'tigager iseti lie le pardon nie s 1Pardon tbcm. mtyt)aeUclcie t rlîgMP.P the rejirescintativefor tibisliding il abide a ?hipping andtiPort ut'refug'e ovler Il- nautcctoienetfIotI ni Ti ak crte d r.de o if ranet'anEuropîe ndef Cub a Vire ee-cIlcîqte stniera ry etîter hIrbor onilte nertit stores et'fonste"igPtt lnite te t - d oti f F i es o fantti ilp e a hd o f " M y a rt ewll etc ha et e dt'st i uiesa ter Ilîir naines f r a couple o f im entis a I y t t hIe gen rai l e c ion. ~" rat, nOtitstundng luw ijuriuusy r oyl'Iy '\V. lb Miteltl, ,Ccîîtît!îby te L k , Ii sadmîtt y a ndu upstg uprrs esi eatirtgi w n ii a tît cr us îlci ft ic R om an repu blie w i îhl 111e b îdin i, î ire in ée rupte t i hm in ail In- e s , n t ih a d ng ow i ur u ly rt e L k , tts J it d b i , Koshh as anifesis a dispositioni -tî1- f-.great Party îbrotîgbeut the Province, ty tsîp ee eerî'equirrmeonl*i'0 tu ICe ick a qUarelwitt the United States, (4eucral1 Lopez, turniu>h bs beati partly 'rtet e ale fr cnidte nt te î'fueScnarzutcu e'lu CegyUcoaî ivetgafoi rfr he rrhuealV f erl szy iuuiad onts.Coitrli în wî:i artntfieibi lieo>t crain antI sait jiret-di ituibetS it " COtj>itS iiitie stb>dtgitiUl of the. Sandwich Islantis- and t is mciii steruly, gritgl uiî îeet, IlWait Sr"ht resuit, ire fear, lias tieprivetitisliige' , , lihu t titisetiiet ,siî t rteiwjljeeut a ul~ ~<>ur :nl nteS. ar iewi e ho htisp<is"ed AO nlly wit the Brtish heu conhiur.tit!iigipieiicg.et 0111 a akindlt'gei 3.'il l>ciic t'auCas r isaiou uJlsur ncabti Teiîteid.eud'Tthear e'lil agetdecrplot te rKv5 Goverrîme t -to S ttet fte y iba n .d "de în y elV'C ba di u my ead te fic 1term party, antd coetque tly fr Sects or parties.e t b r e o e n s t e U n t e d ttec sl 'p p o r t n -tbc ibetn " s e s a ti 1r a in is t' 1 11 i raie rs e siaila re nievaat rl e 'flit lera tbc steppeti back, seateti an isumeduite erganizattien te 11eforîters Nul i hept teton. c'i utuetoctrti? uttlu eps ibcse poieC r- m eia t -h u t s t p r r v n e t e he e ls.f core,.bcteeu tt do1îoisîis îît ni- cuciix nd atur aent oueueaid et hlrteceivedti Ieniy voles te sixteen for other puricls. sac ,lt e t eda~ ~'t ""i..n'lburttltli'n ,ou tceuciux and tape stomaIl, re iies 0he St.îTaorreuce principal hocc sciis(rEnlrutpe antîtt rejîtiblieti ilte exectioner on tiie otiier. Thee cîlar nueiî)lfS Lettu cu e mas uien p ac tarelunut lte pio t neck. cauditî-s. 7T'itiscletiet al to uty Ouici' 1uastg 1 K ndlcu tiuylîe 50otn qthe c ut' ns orepod n eora mcv 'lfrimetrlct Ien placed the crticit't< itele oet'a iajority, is net sutl'cieutî lu the leariid . Fxii tlite c"for lte t-unerat 1-l'le- W ir îa itiurly intcrested l u rî, ru rinlatvilg t h am fS.K g c l ts r te t e r , a s [ a k e n itî c e t wc n ) I r . Il le e n e r ll' a i n , a n t ju t a s l e w S lu 'r e u cn a n t' wmh e u , a rr an t I i% a c - g soli o n s. f ll n o i ', Weisîer andthle Frenchi rvertiliet2theIîraci et' recllming hbis lua tle kiss il, thîe i1-nntaîiuî i'i plaSseu Tepci ielSndic- si t uexecntionti' smung the fatal sieat Ieceptance ef the nomination. 'flus ivaut t' f Eqtuti7.itiofle'tu crce0aîOi aeiti fsîîtrytavinugs andtifetcb-(h aaatIeSaeet erYr.A t-a) prubabtly ' b the Sa t'lite tIsans.te ' aand teeil). Abitiofw t fhie jrenet 'erusieui r J.ie. ore long . NN7c ;,retiîet lthe Freucli instatut dh'tppt!d t'crw ardit, cli tltoui 'siichc riil, n uc îaturo a tngtt ii ther ug cru-e' truc iiin t c upit ic a t nto tt f î% utnvils h lodenîale niuiu as aiC! r.C e * genitleman baits lite w ot ofgît' i._- 'flic ifîi. lie uevet auovetiaan. ' iteatintt le s, bujtI i )'jntflnse' it. t b le ng t, iie lo k t n le sa t'clei t ota uLa f a C o es ~pw e of titis cu ntry ah onbu w - lIe bol t'e eeofthie blt"e s)t u IaIt en t'srvc1î'ulAboliiontoet'titi- Court eof lapiis -W . d l e wnt lisgg n.eî'er tireir bre-ati, 'but a momntuago alive, anti goed, but in titis imature-u it'eremta- niai 'rî191 îgitî,nw Ri'erm Mr W bserise '1niis11! owa atl c se.et'rruf boiiimigtiratatd Laweaeettéugn. ebem llrarete uanir A n C C S i n d i c aMed i c i n e it * "s e irl b a l ansi l n c e \ <s tb e l ê w c o s t , S exîremeîy lOitCt'5 "'"" i.fils that %meulti have tesulted lIoftue Reform ru w."i',sir, sicknes.5 i, iS ia l~ tr'cl anieapatnee'lt ilIt lehoare e rr e mlmrrassed in. suoutirtw or any otîer exhtibition et applatist l bltono rpryqalfcto o'settotîsu*stoe ds -rcerenice tu thte mauetuic dped a anifest. Wetliti ste resut lpîarty lu the iProvince. \'e are soýry aai al cilices. grecable thiugD, and shoutîtinet bc spo i tut e of Picii te m ituke na .o h ege x c itof .eTt laf b etg itl- ait fur e ii naWare, thcpuitiomu et' of the neiArs freruNew 00jeans,* tihue ex.the resuit, as il ls,-auî, ti l oult have been 1.N Expendtut t 'bi euskntelglye' u ufrîilt~ witich i ismoe critical, ut ulîls momient pressorders oethie Captaiti Gýteetl, ii net Othiermiste, mere i ulfrlt uttm îd mtin lecusmlc alarei. ' ecvt vr te tinfoitctjno- cuu yatere6 age nirst slt *t tan f er many yeurs iist. T iey ne e k nwn. tfrt ec tii n ih u h o sn fP rim n .r c i e v r te to r F h, ir t~iecqtnsc tt ut'guvtauiueit. ' ~exeitlon, slicing et ' u'. Faremeii'a friend in he cash 1'laformuiadeptei b>' te Convention, tccmne f- the great Ncw vEtigiand Iinuittly iafelle tht' vesse1tXi en. 0rintt lIte titonotteSboat closaiet lite pre _ aI ~~~~lit te suggesion cf J. Cam pîbell, E -sq., il te assist. At. iingsto t h rrsip sletute 0 t hsct o uctllliboya attd w , ndp gt-ontf Ibîmu it ownusI hp hazarti, deteinby foi w sme a it utetteheehuhr itoigt t stut i vory Jav. Our guvernieut ititSnet îy ît iet.uilinNantiaanti ocksirbil il rrpuite cigitffur, som tDiii frein lthe Lake le the River Bal0ly isd fim y I Ldnetbdry he sillesl syni îiuCî-v.:mtNc'Ta Nui uOÀr eeahsfo taum, iude1,euuent cf lte IMovet by A. Faremellsectitdet qy Dr. - le of euu çucîtg l i Emiereamul' 13 huttiGE .%ituss L ANF,( i~t'I tY..- tentiuip delegation, te whichi our very lte 'tjisou alidt pesove- w ih sout hae beu o e atf eigwa r. 511frte eln la tc ., aig ?Wers, es tu Anie ieati f Ther. flc -0- n ~liuuîg totice eof lthe ll aiat test eiitbcr hal no e rle riit inlupoint cf 'i'Ilsth lis uteetir remener the valuabie oelck in tieuiorrningwas utot efllcted L cieR pdcm na ii tL cti rnlt e dsrie rmryrneetint e îsitlm ncueuee t o h irecespsegrsemr et ol b rid ge ac ro q L ak te C li tdescendiihiWo> finap»dCanbut beinar-beitin i lite' statete l cha sec. le nie td ie ii n m lt s e t ts11ie)n 6 m î pi upopu iil atm ui iani V vtithy viIla" e l h u f s tu î . ILtc e e aia i t ei e t it e i t r r -»m n î t - mtiet, Ltsitnthis -zovertnntillias lu o a.ucurdayte."ie erhwcee 4~i eaoncfS4 b icopeatti "hy ur, ioev I',oy X'erk,--,-Ihatlmherever lic mayresîde lue Ibal 'dteislstrei o - - ~ ~ stf# antiF a nic t hâaI nleis sllîey nOu> M ottduu . f r ftc first tim ii .t i ue aîUi e t o votes auo g'st Litent, alîtou li otr irarîceat sy -iupaiuy a ndtib t sI is e ,- fit e stertît ; n dt w hal ias s ili W on c l cOSc ii~ id c rep ibli auis ii tiene w ns cros et b a tutia cf ana 'lie î~ 'e~ ~eîî' icl sta ds îîM r. anndr a hau ire innlfliec gaahifCd 1of arbisi pha eti il ibCena-e zlthoitrent fiebtioset' ite asse iger - Th t'a lia tret ho epo lui euuîtr aîch srve""tu mdgit iecx-lie ain eeuing cnsquetl wre rete, atitt scneyif osibe, i er anAii -theswod, r a thenîolt oteca<'un wharf, the pies ieloewere crowt.uili eam o ae orle oslc 1105,0ofby the. bristling bay900oto-ëdt-iel Ilitét îpaeuy. lsa1 1éenbrIee ndTwhiaotrcniae1Iftwâfrtepufl Bft . Iut w . wil net permiit tie tIn,: fine matjet,' receineti stîclia royal grec- Counciltors, Mt o f 'ruentil t' ezng n m.Faaret-,' afu r O iO n aisth gî ing f th~ e S. sa an iepsegr acclvyt ' al " o 1~~OIpowers of Ettsop te noituul- ting as 1rxabiy sea-sertuent neyer te- Tories, towevere îtey bebaned ii ai re sqrec aal ,vngfrtcls tépeoise. 'oatff ome) nasexenot bitsi Iit, 1lil Ae md lnctndt i ( a refesvt eea'.Bmunwitlsgutui i ahefotm, Convention, altitougitu afuh eo* afluut oa ettS, m erealC entinet, lo koep Coravaîl ad suake-hunters uuseilneîyitl' i moi u lt po ie t etii i ecu iiae rtpe psaeIoi 1. 'bnItiet>-W lDntcal mm ne ta.n Franoe the l otute king, ruts lenceforwurd nt Ikl n i Ier eeifrD.itli.ojcn scete u Uppet! laIes te Quebec, ttc shipp xotthave ttc Saniwuîuls ek Ilcir leviat liatit uinte anti-saline XMn. Mitchell, them r Peve, boivever,_ ,,,t the ee weM.*ds all- iatie xense tif the test intercaest' Uic thebsinessnt titis poit iasbecoee"uih W 0i 11e0nt iatrtuîrded itt waters of Laie Chamirplain, We cti eccupieti urmuesialy a great portion tif aa1ii bseln y degrees" antiunforu najtuîîy e . Vrs'co0diflgSin l etia, or hher lti- at all enulashow eut Boso iam friend s t u yitheiuin ac spaae ia litef delealiyofna do.moT er tiis eli Fen 14 e 144K n aln w ste T e otbltuete'm i.tfO w 1 aeri lavery awey (a'om wit rvel titis way, ns great a curius-o onct vrbd itrull n the la tiaîl ut îvau rt r. Rets Caplia184eto 144 Ki Cngsonilt u- taew,,iilt ~.LiraceLnn tglg >*WC ai ~ofthbePlatfor hc "oytoog! j11 t ouapology, as theiydee çecrlainl>' mmclimore t asmcaalyng thnnersre în0tepoosoi leader o h uie Feon e emviofteseto Gvr bie conquicats tnto lte Pau. îîIlias le ver yeî liecu,,Itwl)ietnaure içîn4taindtundcring saud IliePtr ~iU O~StiIS1'lY tu acqitire lthe meas JS w ve ours i lîr in lc Ie niitlt'nifa,, eilirgblenaealuiw, icfîro ii-euniyhs gz l ie atr ee a sttisphset in.. hu, prnuge r gireo "oyusresistfl br As lom aÏa fw fay oudgtymerb .md. as axiouAsy ttiJ'id on tï iti rdng. But the lkw business plositiun. The prinie ni e str e raftt t he -Hau le Speke, t fintcri4w quameselrt> sîul nas itcu rottiet lis n miibiligsar tc Makl oue ltetveprjtu, a psun rsettinacequ iieofanetg lm-,piaceet in the NEW ADVETIIEMENTSe isYnajgans&W.,Uad aludedt the.îauît efeat tlietaselvesin thoeshiaation of lte finust man est siubtatttil liUpriOtui uieiae ot.t elIe et 7¶pý90Ium lif er prewsoci on- f u, iunity in thIe Angley-:S nrchlm- pttl natai' .bti ta eea atolopll pua'Cîoi Xltlt btII~*W4>' k ...iu.EA...mmmatItU55.Grea Jinlain - ; OTIC.. - self tteoui,' gentuemtan oft hait race presenti, et' thegeutlemea coiupmlg lte deputtat*i, Cuba.,- Tii goverximenut will prosemne BY CA.LLING-A THE sccoruliig te Professor W. E. UIbinton'; mnutitibc no parties tesf4i a do4Beif thiey Cattedriltiand Provincial Peneltiaq ria uluitui5,lui emtienlin-oiti ic g eatmre .aar fit f lsnattiro, but tiiey' mre at Portoloith mhiei will met r 1 y .1Iw, n_ f O¶~idom est ic 1mw. ,tq-%PbclmuIalionent uloahng. las oIhlegred onai n dubover-reacited. TIi. mhoeo fft iai sit fronu the trauvelleru. Tier. e- t--ànt i ofthe 1Frenchb Canadians o i '~ >~ f1 ê eltdie' i ,~ I ga ward,hould cner ho e dopted. At eut oif seven Candlidates ,y loweest on the oli by is. Thinktof thu. ahso rept'eseJitD Mr. Asela vote to Farewcl'se fifleos. i4coasti'tiCtin df the noua,- nis, deliberat<cly ultered b' -gt for effect- Il la mcli ujnis'5 naine w"s mittdairi eiph anti bat ene gentleman, as n" metneignitor of Mr. fom huni bctore te mas amure iras lte iraI nimuated, l'y bis partictular i'miit anti miiion to the division of tluls V. ÃŽmitchiell, and wbici4ap.- tte Conventin b,'surpijae. thon propoeod, and& ti il<tlr ,r in liis faveur se as te ade- eousý see c f Mr. Mitchell dele«atîht. Titiswnasefec- ,çsidering ttc mait numzber in cen-wqltience o f an iuuces.'ý that prertuileti frou ada ,'ub dtitg tte day. liadtW b ion teen present numbevuztg s%î and Mr. Mini!s anti în. lite only ' Can&tijulte blI- irouilti iave fouintiomtusel te ci-1tpexbyacht ".flmerwu'" 1,uIgli!sityacht "Titamia' ,000 gitineas, andi vas so aftprwaifts fer 7,000 Jen- CyceNlts res . H.lobbi ed te 8sufesI lotit in Eng- g£200 thleeobi'-Thte Po. a lok ouI for tutu. î(a Q îxc.-It las aidt tit a VM )'unbtotlt,' sýtate aI PM. stitat the city'papere kcu lady, A fgentlemnan cf -whitt .r lateiy,sasys thattoneo oth ,telsw'as mearly tiesertedui ë the !§Ickneis tbcî'e. eave been issuoti le close tI L offices at Torontou on "'%aturch Thiey wili be opened in a Qel tIr in Octoheir. per, the Axmerteln Novelisti di .ewa 0%jthee1-Itxinst- mict attentionl te Mr. R. F. peu nt in to isys pape', mWto is or Via reputatorY toa luge tslhiaîPOrtaý -e ioteed. Jindluon Corrresymdiit Of Tarüon Ja&iot. Lone,, A~.2Q, 1851 ma-ews is a scat'ce coinff ýet mnomeintanti1 I sha ba duffcull,' li akilgup Mamyilo oe coltumans cf y Our jour'nal, F ýpiltd noîrthwat'ds, and everyt temît inme ntditrectioni or 01 Crystai Palace failsisn hs vis ra for tue last few daysbu àama to alunst tf whIt tbty JuncetdJuiy. 'I1 hàfe ah t te 1 Ilîofctob« is txtil of tiis splendid and Suîccewdt on te Wednesdýy fofle ta o! lter juries wlll be t'ece ýe anQý el-r- r(me J'y W-,ry- tLtle%, it is--very sapientjy re 1 prnbàWy not be t" gTut a Lyk of hcmorw" ýAâ 1 object t r, of idu cSveyd in-ýtbc-i quite m lugàm crysw'" , - - ject L'i too plaWy ào-m'th" Ob the »De ber sir chrisb9pw &Y F9 *eriýyý 6est iub lýrimm o-respectable tkm= ý a whid, and 1 peýtb«-ýwaýý As to the ý P&b"ýdwt ý it -tbit it io ý domied te itï

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