Tercitci. EVEnY SATURDAY aqs a lu=$and thinit nothuig htunau indeîTbreut to =O-'- rj T 18 5 ilgielit Nvas colill Alla Dow %vilo rclri-,Iîiic>(l tvith,., soine tîme 'Ni. Ensile le onfilille, "f C4 nied titis In be cont1ellin- Tire procteý-SIODI Illovea UP 1,1 m Paillet debiyed to 10% lý T E' 1't, 1 S 1, 0 V E* 0" ri if à il croNVd vieilli the 'J'Itljllîlt. coi)viüient trece, Or' bfz-Un, or jIaýýe og*iIý to request. ti n'av Iry t e l 1, ail Itý(> illarilific, but . s in The -crime, tlic 1111>11it, ed to (Icatil. pinioned Ilitear ilicîr mak, W '19, aud Mole rotimimit 'h'w 11,4! lev'-iline, lital, ro, te ;jjjj t.lt'k 11, *11 apeil era1tý to lindcrslaiid the rit, t 1-, "0 rio outcry. fi(,) tiiev wiliefe, suis im, litlll>i . rherc -$vas no llol>(!, Wli'l-11 biiitil on, liv. illilictilleill, tII4, trial, 1 tiscinc 1 Ilcre can CXI)(*Ct ceiltle. tll,.y atl( 1 eý , 1 leloir of il t4 '121-0 &aieor gay, 'l tlte exortition, inay all 1 Il " iý apparent v\cîwlne-1tý, at re %Vîms >011le- WO oil Ille T -ain. ad f Ilite atteil siMtýf*x Ãeýittli- l'ive te tic a%%'flilly 4 el'ail in Ilic 1 , - v îsý, lit( lin to et? lie juli(ýIlý vv., re ro" cerefte..St C'Illi)flt'ss. 'LI, 1.(l Street. 20tit, or 2'501 :if mis worili, 'NT. I in fil', 1 flf v:.40a illiemi Ille I* I)v flicin et-illi. Nç M a pliblir cz:w v fca- \Vll(ýn 111(' 'ion reai-lied of art, atifet il w'. in tile pr (Wý rlic cxin hee if,- m 1, ici, t>-vtr tiiey abotit froin die P. Vie 11:1(i lii*ijriirf,ýul anil il %vLts 1wýf"el a 11;ÃŽ44% 11w rk-allIv lit. titrii*n,,^ 41()Nçne it rtà >ll w',"' Ili'-14'e 111,1y cIi0cý&îv in attend, l'illi le (iffil cifi tlïvi'i (if iY'fýfIej places, '.Ià ifl 1jetorr ille li7.111 ar- 't'vil, eýs Ilv thi. ell'holfe of LO 1 liait its oc goy v-e', about five lionr, S'S ýl1e 'ox, ba -st of Gl of tliv ïevs- a cl ilfl*til;, l'! iviii,, aro overedand. lirilers ý;trI w impoli the pliblie car vviti, a umi flic. %viiît-f werc Il. dit, 1 Fi ilin,, antj fecarftil rapîtl'tv. Thle riturder Ni et ars of f Je was (Iav perfect of 1 ý Ifr0cc1'1ýs lit -UcIl lit 1elle follovving înte-ýf-- low at aurtoillic "eý iipri.,fný,aiîil a on -4 of pLi. (-1 ',!' l'il '11, Ille le Amerit-Un %vLich 'e livr victiiii virze, 11(il veIý cnilfi les I)v ri ilLzit 't froifi Ilie i-x.iiiiitial w* nard si 3. a M, ropc In ioli by W .1 ï, le, Il(- 1là de. On thi, Nvay %vtý c l'i 1 I"IV t ý,îfT. ý 1 1 ý .. - 1 ()ýC riý1 , 1 vv ar* (,et and 1-111, C -)-,,ol Ille, ili't': - -, 1 ele,,Iffiltl 1 il 1 p tilt- mau Jame Viv: g co of mu Ille lien Vva Ivith Iiiý, wife, bcidi lindoubt- 'Ir > -l- i I, , W -,, (ple - - , s r i i ýl,, 1 1 . -);!l le ý,II ( el î7i el sta c of ilitoxicatimi. , 'J'lie (plage- -0pii. CIIIY ce cort i 1,t l 1. 1 i-L g, . dfl- or fed on ;Iec()tlt-it of a blow inflicte(j 1,Y il, lý le' ïi-ý,,1L Illal.- lit, )wn 1 il, avoilwel Ilve'L' ýmjlI v.,illi tlie of 1»'I",irl, in(r a, a! , forklia lie, f- eýi!ui,ý_.lI lit bal r a forint, NvII0 101ille. otficies Ili -1,1 41 l tifirriv -e vVa_«ý ilo»Chail-4ý, i child, it btie tri ctf1,4.ý, ( 'a p t'il il i Il his id.- Tile telyo %, lellll"r,ý Ille, cýi'Ifjx- fit, Il f) liv, I il se 1 il, >: t Il lit lie tilt r NvÃŽft' ai i il Pe l'?e > Te.C jjýji t:ý iii, Olc c d'Il' Of to filer Diril lit, ivas -5 sat 1 hall .1 cilild by a forilier huhlial tc(i Ily o- ycars.- W lien IV Icý'rc to 1 N Il. batl becl, mari. cd abolit telv. -i's il cIcar iiirl:l, latter go a-t-cat way out. fil fille >liivtr f-) and veffl) Il'> ilt- tile child ýýIrnc'k lev nicAlié.r. il, fýiý, alimil fî qui t1ir 1, b'ili, M ý,41 I1,11- lie wn* li', , (il. 1, P*MýI!,,irýl ti'f'ti out, finit lie, but fon.c. nothilier Ill part 1 Icul;ir, but cli Elle re j, i 4i4,11 r. l'il lkilli front ItIý on y ýà I1lI-,iie vVý0j t- l'el L>:tili,ýV>. 1 1 oarti turù> arýi l' l a- [À oL (le r 0 et cit i*(,('eý*,;i, -4-liti lïcc 1, T il riiid fil, 1 ppý le wpi iii, Il', a a zwelý1, - ïg Ilfer Il) Ilit, leille 1 1 lý ý i' eui'A , LLý, tIilý .;il îl, ý 1, - Illi au Ill, ce 1ilP1ll-j!j7ýý, týl:lt IÀ, V.-,oý!îJ d- e ll,!Çl aloi lic- Iaý bronti glai-0 of liu,111 te, 1wli te l', liI;, -1wl a A, Ili, lIlifIil liýj1)ii c1,ý A - -1 il'. 11 ', 1 1:l il p-climplie- Illat Ili IV y y o,,i r i 11 'ilo 'A . d 'and Coli ek, nîte ýý,jr 1% 'le) IiýI> llkIUý!1 iiiI(« (il elle fauh lIN Li e, 'te >ctill ùfr a Poctijr. Nv I wi Il Ille -4- 1") lie. l"i li'l'; of' Ic f (et* CtY omî'i. of I!Uý "4et, -1 ýj :, 't. w1p tcAil Ille.1n oit li;-ý wrival e NN 0 il it oi 1 lit. lit L li à _ wa4i iIw-l ille'. >lie ilicili aboilit worl, of e 1_ a 5liicý- ivi lin, ,;à '1 ',Iiil tel )III, le, petit. a'l ! * lic il"Icui l' out Tliiý Ct il >l - b ý !,ý, \-l i lie, of ili, Dc-ath b-, a lAit-ily on Illuu aild il d' il, v ý0,a>lh i al Il rk\ 1 J'l I', j,ýIj cli, fi ll w a, 00il Ille, t1ýil,1l '20 illîiiii'it-ý Ili, lei4.1ri lit C rc',.îzýr (4jý V fille Oificer (ill, 0 0:1 Fridai fcNv join ell"m, (À llit Kil, ;lnil talz-1,11 tc) the fir!-I, (11-lïiit pii- Sùlll)atl)y Vie tintirely Nv,-t>tctl iiiion of 111,--,ýIî,,,, limait fermil lwar ijivr -.tt latc, illoint let olAy 1)1-0ifý %Ya, Tilt Lit el 1 4111 V M, rýjlii .»",*I)lýil Flicy taloit 1 ui, r, aitiiiig'? bIl fi'd. utill Ifially tri l'il, Ity il le- of (IoIý, 1 of femi-alva Nt Inai î- flw e-,r)y)tl tif i"" Vil ýY fr, ail' I'q j -.Li Ile,11)i il 'V FI tif or citre, .1,14 1à fà ct1:ýlI. awl 1 cur7% h1ýý pa'- wail over a ci):'a il;, u1ý ;I',ý 'Ill Illi' 1 et r 'icd allit lit,ýtrlv (11,ývoliri,ýl (1V(ý! mie Of tl, c aine t1l') a î il ýwî;i,,iwof ilw FI. ncv i ' I, Ili -3 Il . Illi'l l,*.v,ý-%,d aboui witli IIÃŽS grun Li Il, - 1 1.-A le llf*ftýt-i %Çl-i Vie.- l L, e .. 1 rode u II I)t.ft)re ilic li*ý,, lime l'lit, l7)wflvý- 1) 1 Z el i Ii *ý \'ý t 1 Iri-i for a c4i wili-dcle oi MOOrc, ;tijfl li')ilii varwî) t W s! leartl, froill Iller. V, î'. and t'fl*ý(-alti,*tii-,l 'tI) ýýlioot lie fadivr. if -c' i It ', saili tii-.I, I1fý bas maille ri, Ll , di ýý boiv ir là (eï-k-- U: Ille. -1; if ilis floef- ac - î le .look up and lie lit, 1 iîllllill)ý,ýi- of illeil 'il, týIîî, C»lf,;, n yon wolt't it. tlli. flvmilr of, di t ', - 1 Pti!ýli Il.,- li!i, Ne, Yg)tll- US cro>s and silà 1v D' wl etel'! 1 r' thail s-lart ail il i -L ýF. 'U US il -V. 1'. Com. Afil 1". ujioti unTiv Il;-11, Il- a;lýl ,lit c 'Uagi, trahi el il 11 ïa t 11; ilýott of. ý%,;7 î, 1 i -1, te six TII E 'y Eà &F-* N 0 Cort1à rýce11I(Vf(1a or tr i;Ut were the î eir independtace, id amistancé lere l: gond reas Lin treat ib ab the ý11itv;ou141 lit of v Il>; but, by lheu could harTass t lier Pl coursee in is. and Y ri the, scale of m po,,ition she tix- laýst of her of this Coûteé iloilt resentifig it, injury from a reputat uerilla warfare, a ,,,Inylaeiltof herf :rcill tilan the frai] to iiari-a," our co offier rcý,sons, We n foi- Or three i,,It Offurifig to pur If it cari be Obti . it v.-Oula be :,ïows at t-i*lli;li-,!il 'Uld to ýiaiÀS1t inre. cil, in ali Pr, attention jntot bUt as-S, ï.- very prE ôF things, sht lot The in(' dela)-eil-all pre: ýy bc put down ; t deter'fflined to and independent ItL'soiilyailud t'O Save aine bine Blake Operatiém, !Ale tiie United $ta to be a,-re(ýd up 1 -S TH E E. s n froin the N'orth r-beeriog. The was ever before lere that, as Weil total failure- jeen materially and ra.0-st of the in ýsome porù ,atoe-î have suffel -A ;f ;. çiinnni4pfl very bad world ibat ive 1 the J'Vi- in IjL :allu, -- 1 -- ' i-1- 1--ýl------ - as frtiltd a rive in -m. 1xe%-r-j ý,\Ot so %Plain tlle ýf, .v:éth Moillitains, ilorlibit, wurder, And knOlv the fat t lat officer ho Lï alleýgoed to ment, w:i-ý ilot apprised of it; and -1 ite surfa4-e ut 1 uni not a iiionster-1 WaýS rencli geii11ufuanýw và 1le),S, occans, and pondm waits ille. limentof ittfaLtrY tû rain fever. nt near nt a snail il i--t and the amiect for humait soi- hstracted 1 hâd an ait-Ick Of b expenme S 1 ai, for Poil t motlbs,, lie colltî'ued 1 lind' LN N CI 1 ha% bit ýîIla;-fe, choSen a-Si tW euty Presen -7, whirh ille i.1adrid. jrý eu. a iiii.- c ra tc's âbout t1ic bame féafures. Durinfr iýÎ,"-ii at sorrowe sickness and ýý0rc tous are Ihi S Nvîtit Juliette ý 1 ýS D'Arville, w!1ý). IL will b,_ý I-4ý1;leiùbl-ed, for Lt -O-wil i' titi ate relation Iloved beý w faliciad 1 I)cm(,îv, By the âove -,uitiii)ary it --vili be t-c-,-n of indepeýdt!ncei it ere ilispersed Nv.ithout tb -1herc lias been atiollier -,,n -eciate joy, lIý a1id quietilde. 'If iý;o- 1 (10 ",)4 ý-af)w t1hui to fly froin Pý:Uî«t Io t-O.Itf-pt- IV to Our lot, fliat we Mav liv able the, beuw l'ýw of a1 to "Pl t bas ab- resi>14ince. If ylou a-1% ellA"r l'eV ýs Occurred abcrut St. john, are dctcriniried ý0 rove alitolig à !eillwa- t$;Ie. Province rif tbe lav a ait perforin- to o-i'tile part of fb-1 ,,!f tilem cônà iiin all creat A and, notwithiMndiný,' the fa('ilitY witil 1 1-1 ccijit,1111- lh- follow- theîr pldnî-IM4 been frustrated, they fault lit$ with s (15 and not was laiet c0ininittee ; lhat UW101 É)f >4î, blel4 and tf. tr-ans- lose, They contiiiued their f. Me-&s whci l' Itud Ille the univcrse. iýýl ii'ý'C 1 111,;it Y 111l'" f gMaýcon laëlite of lhuý, \V e went into t4e ilug*n lifc». 'Élie to M4 t. for likil 1iju a gnhý, qýf t1il. C(run'er (iex lions, and on thethird of july hid, ely iipoti' the 1 as jlic-1 c, scendud in lie ilth July. Nve copy ille aumdti, iÂo fralil ýA, Fonder not pensif, -_ - Et(z!,-; ý - We fý)Un"1 'G alzendy done coinpri-,ed fifty Young nien, of vrilo thereby yoù can make nothing ; tior di f %Vitte was brouglit is and Tu- t à ýK Ita; in the b 0 P e 0 f , a liait 1) i e r le1ý17"0' t, 1toe 1 t1(e li 1ock the tapping of the bell by the viglit made their ap[warance when re !ated bierself ou the bed. 1-t w'L., »Out 9 é'c ry tin,ýelied To igo Sewd ine. 1 tâte four, thretý persons at the ivord of cp6icýb vil, Rud Iro-day e compaBy"!!, house Al live 1tt1nUle-ý past an>d 1 -morrow neurjý-9 elclocke and vert, Onumen MOM -for eve Previowly ý . 611, jal-ni-,hed To-day. of ý,,,,ot Out of a cab, wlir) Prf)Vi'd to be M. tlieui by the detac mot Prove a as,à niy hand over her titroat which ap- on-ÃŽle Plaza, attracted the attuntion took to their beels, ni hùwýM livee t %vas to le a aud IlV, tvro tacclianics. ilis iria- look. after t1win) joveý and laugh : put pearcd ln surprize lier ; but before :lic hall our ýLI My 1servation a- sipg- cecoltimittec. Pei)oip)le :D ent the fà cr giontiliest of tiinf-- to inake any i E cobine, wiih tw- Atoi covfeDraa(juJiCL- euiianoul,'Ii to Previ Don J seized ar 1 of the VI(illiau Aeutro an UpOé your in tbp in the directi fthecarriaclfee oaq thrcrig down on and keep it âere. It will zor -viiich 1 liad for soine une carried in my -f and friendly i*lutation, M. D'Ar- lu j)ossetýbion of Ilie prisollers Wei bbrds of ittee room, and ît was reported ter away docla of the M pocket, and, in one cut, inade a ýevcre Il ! Site t1à 0aineï Stuart wWS to bc hufig. The N-ille proc-eeded te unpack bLï instrument, two guns, two swords, one bluade ai the se Vel-zil Pieceb of which were kt otber-s look pleasant, and wound i' thé throat. Poor wrete Ajusted in mail bà cr with balls, a smali inedicit -feçl cSfortà le, to an unexpect- haol only time to cry ' Mother 1 raother P bë#,tOltcd for about wf -M hour> when lm than siK 0 ýr1jOy lifé wbile when >he feil dead. 1 was troubled, and ndoer of guns Nvere fired froui a briz in minutes. lie said to us thene "me, proclailiations, and one fiag. Livii $0 as to E Genflemen. 1 am about to make aný ex- '-à quite tiufficieut to conderna the p linil thpir flaz-s di-splayed; and periment; de not get frightened at whit ý,blit not su, jeut to induce thm ;f;-,« nf car a few moment* kPew not w.at 1 did. tjÀýbà rbor, and it was ob.wryed tbat jiny " 1 ýfic ___ 1- --Ter mi- tn riiraain Emias,_ fiqht. -7 - - w . , , )able amoant, ient out the, n trop, ,ry is laie.ý t igore. 4 ý-lWWbMýiiived