t~~~~~tb ~~~~two w.eka. Jo exra charge for ad eTis( t xOf dbtsi~ ~ r itxciigdik Uic himse1fR I E S freght on te boat.- bas benI ntld(d 't bofrtbetter recurity of 1NEW - YORKbe ruled by, a» ri eceve he namse a the h nd a A law smlr~ hsi i oc ~ ay wl euet hr Ucfot of Lionî Island, from which lc,& r d te> be the promoterU of Iatting frîendshiP. ttSwhriti ondaNwYekad e 'Min otionON, cPEARSON cesaineVery deiabte, as mis-are advocat Of ol uiveJalworkalmrbyteaoutcexpio fvgrtpIatI The afo BOWEfI3MAiissFL ,ANerdAN, & Co. carmiryterg fre- 8metwo to sor soINnddedion oi trer-fopmrritIOof oure aerclder ,'~Bu0lscn e- ethird $-ociety CNCCCds $6,006.'ro bc e%litbitor!<sitec ieft for French Creek. This was a lit- s ÃCcryi tf ais ndiseasbli o toonr tiduceer our payc kjlhnfte atl 1 ednof the bihle tOproliibit payîîîdnit or 1 à thde Vair, i sidsemIf eieefl i ferfu 'lc i-h fenon f hc IIsiçDed eoil f,-aea ti fie renfu etw olr eady n hc ,nelwr efth Soiet. ud l aticesterIhe wre eut a short distince.-aboOt Dry ioods, ikady-ladc Clothlng and Boots & Whitby, Aug. 23, 1851. Mr M atmydthe hid readifig, hudl eiiiered %willi Ile re ayoi t firec-quarers cf a mnile frein landl, nsituait 9 fmecere.e te à l 4SLX monthis, Stating dtiat the lill or before Xlouîdayfle 151-1-1 f ~eoir,~riklier, and she at once sunk. Asntlthcy have Jiust tcçeived a Generalpec L' Ie'ar meWiTdîPthha i itihe16yiset wawarewililitlhe menin goods, ax6d eve cirdtati ihot ail. beecu nothmng at band tei clt fileelise by 'i'IAS, ÃŽ ±.p il "PR T l vertcdeetmîredlliat if wiil boat. f X %-any oh icm îbr io ryo tsrel- tW ity e es be shi e w re e 11, pisynt i i t "lie gi otîd. as is, kîmewynIiare wlcli t was Te. COI'ES uîtTB STIRDYAUUS the1 saitîyfo rtrmiboat.ltconmncogatUi tei podceasad .W ,y e e t = 91s e O S u i 'n , r e V ( r l m e m cr t l e lt jid s o it S o p ia Sr e t, an d a re p a rl y ie r e i t h s e f t in i 1 8 o r ) 0 fi m' o f W a te r . T U C E ,S T R A Y , u tu s 3 1 5 - u i amus.icuit. la a country ike tlq1i iin process of em.iimr< riitiifig about amuI the N'raves reiiing mouutains Iligli; willh- SITGAR. LSeloitpa>. ~~or.ob'ecuonauI ~ ~ ~ twt han eacres, .,...,, on ecdi sideof the'out any assistance wit:in re~le Tlmo4e of 1F"E e oit ae e aayo orcek locnsac-advsl oec m ore ob ection ble-th n sortia ilie sure.toaprcit IteeW.-It fTeicc ttitridatîoit fgr,1 it(- ieegimiingulatwitheire cen e ing atin A. 1 N , & im-esfersm eà e t é 11dPIeCt o NITi.i1 tue or hu dmrgs' îhî're Wittlie.m ol a k, as ar 1 e assistance' in tîeir power to tire ladies, nd ait othec reoecries, spices, & C., riies.f la nd îl go ils te vl ie ltt11 ati- tit % ïq ie eviderit, Ilia tail rtheat v lc e i ' bis bil d beca o td notler couit d ii m id o mmo tltic i e ou s v 1. e lt a iuie îîd r an-l icV w iil seli atopporuîîity cf sritng th ir s.ncerit, by e tînsiel1cf5t1 .r p ~ irs akeîdforh>' hre t uit per- iiin u cevs lage trnts, wliete fliicirruîmstance, nr ryi.(Ie-mah'cildbc the tirne. thunlioi rspctbl ime-Wîhh ~ ieiittl es V g la- Y<i an-" mud noi, c 'wa- saved !! -wViitby, A tmg.2, 151. 19-tf. um p ir oie~ arg noutitcf Posil e ayw oliiho% wilaju , tatcî pcs an 'ods_ _____ - lmusi&Ce-oolliaseeeof Ile mneM st.cfEAT CinDIUiSAhast3 Y btsinss aiasybeeforspos or of dtyin.tireola. T i a e tm n u a re ,"1few days- iit the le at of wh iei is ire re- w S T a . Mv. carticr meved thie tiir rauin c f'!lime Slmow C rouiil, atilhe hoikcIXrt 'i hens tiîîy retqtiiedt t Ileienast of flic h A J C 1? the bill to amend tUi ctdof {ncorporimmiWmredy,;ti ocekouî Ie.lmgs'LI(aiii'itw i him'c11mmi wr îI mtmciigtu aec aprin fUc- o edymd o of 1aral.Urcî.Iare de.iieà tobli'e seut a aeus r1ii iugisimg toi, it in t wo or ithrce imîîinte s ne. Mr.1V 0 lo'ee i hîrlm1 lm u ild cm i reld± eê f i uim ~li~i Sd hy Publie Auîetrnon, oiti>tetloro Ileetery, tri disclarge vaios Frin vr'crec nciiL~ e~mc intahacmc h -iI te r p al d ie part >' pro si o ns~t i 'r e firs t d mI ll, 1 im t;th , w il l I t' N I rs. 1i lîm il , w h îri ias urow n m ml lb u ti w h o 0 - lieh L Y O e i s u o )) l li « l t-r ) j r i. T i l ir l Tii. on. em berrem a ked ci tu miii îl svete l mm ir-s a ti lt., aru;mugemt maicf - Itrme<e t .'. lo t'ml ti lit4m4.was llkt( mitud fa t pe -t e itnt pil oici ýý es'aiinuandlmis. I t'fr 4.\Iiillsil il hîî iiukic lp.i ~ît' *uî f ii i ut bld ofutiishowing vaImiatilt ron tge it but thuit hug i t had lucen îiîrecteil ca it pîii on li'i e ismptIf)î mufrmjr, cf t ii' Mi1..'..iagîiliç wu'rm' ircwimeîh, HOUSEHOLO hu peelut Feîlaesuihî eef-sciNa niIf ciT t IUgSa tu-lekda terse nihuir "im'.ts. ulihi'1uti'.. rnihur il al"cii m- - iul ii Icf mie cf lus.j- e'for soutie titme, at UxrPoer F R IT R ir refer te, tlie-refore lt was higlily desira- gle i1Wcnîii.ws funlnc'aY t i~r at m tl m-- r l p c s o ns a grain st ctam m l meil t, o icý I LIa n d oth r P rr 1i, e lemo ig nte o i t b l a ' i i m d e i e~ a u t s o c r l n t h e d e u a t t î h o - T e a e a w y 1ud prntc lict go onf olt oIi loi îicneite )em 'liumruhs halliîml i bleaem fialpiilitsuhus meilimito seIuen bF WAN n oKE L R h'ieDo ar13!l il1. 1 teapoiitbu uimg mi iiIllerni ie,-e;taattitetsou-.if fr ehinoa wihiout umuy attempt te chec-k ftîrei. S rl lu lroOu titli'jîllu',cmloi f îm 1f lewimuu - m 'ieDg lmeBld cf luis - viziii faio >'1Binek Walnnut Sofli, hutir clctbo, places for ioldinjilîs for the Electien cf fmleie.Tishiu aîiîyfftdtdt-of'rdsa ilnei i i fl k ti t tii1 A s l t i g I e sa d ,I h m s body »d gruatly increase l utr blet sWitmt ' l mitý ivmrî'I o:n de itivi10ii0 itimg is sistt't go sit'sll iens amost uiiformIy-founindliliajurors mire mti- 1 m1'mil isait IUere wrlI li' a large rmu' IllImm reîuîmýr ansveitat lire weiild 1I11-IRck Wait Centre Tabile, dembt-s as Cote rtiglit cf Municipalities te part. okuim -tr mai saRsfl Irp xyh willing toeonforce ma law wlîicliwa. cal l i vatt iruuu friu» t iii. amu i ti-surrcrniiig if lie cimd ui i i n iiales slt' sank I de1o %. etcite nothing1but bitter pelibi a u rnd S:fu. Aniugtrn'gm-s rum ar i, it cdiithe' r-st cf liet cem1aiius. 'flire 6 de Carme hottom Chairs, au'quire >uihlic W rks ; andl inany Biâi cf foinir sli lis tî' i-t imttt cfb elok tiy! 'i pcmsnahanim osity- -ljs. pre"iuuiî'd mWitt i le 1tIi.' eidi it of tuf'liivi us ne coseardiîe iiiîamifeteiî monftue part cf I d(o S *tieiîOfttd, a local mnature hav' e mre rat I lle ird coiui ty aI lt rt mmlp 'p rd t ke p ae îin re p n ip R ic ard sa d i w a ne am'umm ii-ul i~ tîd S aiu '- mîd sev 'ra ( um -ri er- of t l t; m en , ~ as i t si as ullrly i mpojîssjîib e in m'î: 1S et Black l iW a ] i inlI'l lenii m , feltse l l se > iy a gr a m u imDr cf m -ib lI e umntrn c î ii-lge i' a u m jtObriî rn d :t trn i Mr zrzrisadi a o1autielsaiadsiura rl if (f; -'itL enf Tables, 5 lTable Coçers,lie oowdrmiybagetsmurofi b i h ill te say that iL was n t now Stalu-", as vv s lle lii < ii niri 'Genc fIcr'lal a0li 1 Ss--u îliig~ lo î î .c u-. i -rii ss:gm s c u e re., m m n ,mimtu d' urrsic iiuc s ib ii e suci w upu t w I repeal thi act prohibitimig processics y.lîv stet iuîmu. itf'tlihum- itîmrv. îumi m '. i iIlele uuî (7ou141 i)tu ku'ip uhie Ie m ' 't1 biitliit1 -ay m r l-r*c lil ne to - illst euh. lwc ti ruu ' i vl licum '.vuTc mxcellntu l ialf dr'. Yetluuw Chlairs -mnopie, ,tjiî'li g t he uC present .bill. lmi ubîr i' i l i u s ci) Illem i -I a1imiumuis fi- 'iii a a a \ eit li, r p sd t r anI<aisuiommif, )msru iilirmu (mu thi teà tn; uy.î o veniaîfi'sfo.etldarr\l uugi-mmmm'mîi 1 Coton eiîandyedua>'tat Thieg asumilicftpl ire it it ith utami' ii fniiug oui rnuluw i-m i oi -ci u mai n f ul im-uualor i'tufiva'irl t-l1imu s ru i vil tha uiv ..v o r f ju ithoteeuui g c mijsuri" f l'mrutiIi muic'i)caumîi uod uaemcctn-' s(-'),raunrge> r:suoIlld n atrd>' 3f1 - . P o ials a o r uf i -5 oi i f j7 D e s ; a l s ni- , s i-oa - S -tr d r d ) c a i , t a o t e - t r n i c u r f r n 'r î s c h î d a t r c r c d y ctrily - TEE ELEO ION GANFAI N i i-dît'oIlMle ay -I l'arlo Stoves iumd Pîoeus-hlliesuhurii-diipars: I.sisiomis inmi lit'iiiCOi-,oRlhANtihiY Il C ilmorIe tlTaitONYLNTONP Si-pturiber. pot tire 'l'li t-au e texci iniui fIs l u111il it landsu li-u li- '-f lsu f -1îul f uuf1 ilt-ht- s f fi- cuuh-îadi1mthulr. -n an P rovince tut t lui' um uimOI-41 lt(r\l tilmu Va) iroiiimii. 1 iil.rgitlasbr-ruutiinlltov ailuti Pipes, m ,orafi'ulIl vnsilbe . N o 1 S tajt C arpejca d ocfet p: t; ra iîmi cmi iih t u-ltmumult'-i--'l uu-miuehulu-(eimili omt' mc- a i i y u' 3t CIt' r h omîbs, it tcmofL n onvcs,,lpac laylrl l oi iri lt ir n e oi'mh ' llut' lum n um li uic's l u-îu -il m l i" ,1w uî fu)I;i-uu 1'.il il t-..cone frymuîî Bcrn-.umlI", e am iit. I e lar e i n o ki g St ve & uLnPit i co p rai n ir> ma-nd Bagrca. 01- Co v nton Fsi dip ii bi . B>tîmtir4rihî oc- ,e ier ib mt uS pk'm osu im ild i-mtr imuir muuu m im c Uuuuum -1ist if (If ilt- tuii a bl 1 aIltrn umm'- tClumsi". i-t' 4 icîcîT îîv ews ua' r îunandl c îut s nurct. 'lo sCue tIi id ît a inr lien uie nîir o ec e is muhr i mk!f i iigîir i ; 'um- 'm l- i ujiniuhs.uî uiiImk ;uut'rismîuuilucairs'. le-i>' drlit-,ii s m îh i necibt ss r bicuiis e suk t cIllemimnOdi.1sui1-large sttrnrmg, cliu'itandg aillest Tîiîcu andc (tl l avhi ii o'l Q î ox S ov N a RuI G i i,,Le th w ol weglt c ftilt-y e D cGareand "%u-as net hecaus ý,oe a I o 5~t5stl tiiimi t i satin',dil li le tIlv i tl>>o i p ps titt e a m s un i- t'.iy l i h ru-i îm l ii uh l i u' ii niijt ii ulit' il -u jua ht'uiuud-r i. it i ha- ,- vi N) iiî da ) y M rDrifi ndfl i ititi a e m n'Pi' p i e j l tmi fi u itd jîî- C L uB ' Nor I Pu.1ri (I il)t i' ýw 6 S ovm ear i o re , e> >< iutmiscf tim rprYinl(-rn hiiclm miu he h id o 4ew conicion bal,1ki u iicmfront uBarjtesiensTh Tlie tru p-au i--to orguuie h"lu'lie. F ie luit Iouuuumthaveilul, Xuit't?.îh hot IIa'.L i m-u(Ilincrrîiiu( mu Lii' c1r- fe tŽmeemi i î(ick herne goofforBugg , IhsG1.4rinsolde erieruic1prase fe lition opîm rutin. W hab i wau ed ule w rk w lI l on the Bil trcnmtibut moi Ileià -etjtirknîs(-plnil -Licior viiim. geladifituic. ave rrvili1 u:eandl fre (1t i ra xieltlt l ig to-h 1e diii"cns te ri e e Icin ich t tlucree îite tr I ei cty- w h hl l u t tiup enw it h as: l tî t o i iu- ir . ici ssii al t - 4iga m lt F I- M - ' . Cc iim n u u i u in m g 3 B i en ls mai-ut no l'jm -e:Ltuimaria e-file"finnces lfe r li t-hue p ytih i e i rv vitui cf th' iw.lIeu-- \mm îîIl mi e liaîtich hifiitthit'i hihl i erv sprig uptirele i D oubleC r nge , - Kt c îu e lî nf rm lu m - p rt',u ca u c ir sitl flkY r inteniii-î;iirçmfor uLeeds inrnihu ori' hafliil' utt r1 4aïstl b r lie a Ilet i>'. l e auuse l i ia i i ul], otîiiil t t rlt umaiu liuI Ii 'irnir s J ur a nittiri. aniti 3 Dait theheianhte iea t i nt e î s lois iveî e ny - uuuc i n l fii'ibhî w ti xs e maluhd i Iliv i f'-- i o (ift l le 1' l'gl- e w i nf r ym n i -ni ng, mu-huu-uu. a th tch ies d I lît(iî îr un,î a ai Ce nt- au y. fli c k-cC .l he- on itîun s um feiuit u4i.- -- <'tnet-m .Ii lf )l. ý,rtr i CoiximîSi.g -s n asev i t l a on b e fiaF tf t ' - oi.m u I l l ait 'fti l u i i.ýi' - - -v I l - ghu m i rt m i ic : 'l '.Y--,u u ig n n gM;i ta s o î î i î a p r a he1s o lyGr e yi e d e l g l îsH oers eb,1 o r O t~ Ssi A u-r---<sctumdam tn 1g i etd o îtluie iad neo. bumispeoeu d chbe ated n wit ntioear cn- popriat rurh rif nequlrp- & ct'ca o w i- t. co :ld lu s .i- W atl iru u ro h o isse,, m t ,u J r, / / d'al.n e d )u nfNir-0T) pm us1U ic w h o îe pttitist> ' to m napu-luidipli ec onv civil. ti i oi p a e b ll lai 13uf1itIo -ohcs. sec hasty, amu feel unju t legisîlu iOli, repr sen"Y'd;'d vi ion reneied ifîm c sl'. hieaiale te kim thaaidfrQ e-elîfCa a it ne br rali li l t li v iii opc utr<iými _c asrehc t mdj i ui um-, I ums-ri 1 i t o r t 1 . T:h' i f llt jîîo i m oelrIiarbi> li>: fh b i ir m n . enîi k lu' a g uu il1 la Ilors-Ia e , î u hi u h o v l di > f I e'f oim ,trb 0 f m I b B ug g y ,f îî P î d î î a l~ e s r roia th pr ,louiag bbc hi, i cf 11. t 1 3 B umgscgiesium u u-muthieg b itruoub.lei aou .nud drilmig encert>'aic'muc îh i un1 eun l Iog C h in w- uuyi as limebcWyreaiss inccfaca tth a 1touor, estreii.; a c ake i, o omreNew nfire aim latu«Iitcr. Ciylu-l 'l rui- e J/Y m la en-lm i- fi-' 1C w, 2 lage Log,3 o b c se o d e diint s h ho1nkseowiica ai- xergil l1ai-lns lu t «ni M as tera lim e vUrum niii- uu - C olisfa t a mse cciiat- ar li e 1 a n h -m u pTt' S olec uw t oin eirn a fs oe tn l i le . - 1 g th r W itl o n s, o h a r i l s~ ~>> e e n th S epig n e u s o a rc toe n a h o u r ut-tb h p d t i- i '~t,,, ae lmse Cir heJeni Lmm Inusjuaf prciaciorecft-ueIjmeol t mnio.- -rtT~ ~ ttp ~mrcftht lose4.Coirnol Nusoftu Wok lithe.course of bis retnaruks ;Mu. Slur- h1 1t1,'tii iftlcl uup o uemciIrî' sa-sinSmdmtuIc ek r e e. ;rumerimxî au LLroibit hh, wood alld eL Sir Charles Nietcalfn's, dis- C- a musc1uml drek lier. W litc îci-psueri h:Jrovince cf Nyko iti. Ase, pueiy.r o tn'liItep hbtt-o a- Mu nî [ Tie -A uus- 'bl- p aihouv»,cOeofthfe Secret- t5ocetits' billI r cfIllme boat Uihesi-cinemi adi 1umu.iud lui oneî iite Iast letters umuic > irfins 'fat -Ai sm ne i e nt~ "irlueupotu Mr. Iiacirs affirmed that Sursi e, mm-lunse lilttI cutand iin'uiatul>' smtiti n luSsmidee> contraiict positive1>' the reports Potmnds, Cash down. Alî over t-lut, m n fM caisiigcs rodr claihod eihi enprdate f Charles .ltcÃlfe-- t-le auther cf tie lI, dmm. [itisC c ii fow edljirecluu- lI> ii-bi ed cf lier aurahigmatig. Fi-rM n-s rdi > uns'm ga - o teue,'ie p o -otbrdnagge.t-ebthut que udidutim sTimu ~ 1b o uti Mr. 5$lmo4rir - '.4 tat ic didi mutit- i--tîuuit fi ceisc tc îoim---roved Euudoraed Net-es. on Monda>', and threneu.iIIWeV"'supe hoau f perstbto -e7iiqPbi Afç oèC l to fu-eil(t li fatal ceribi-ce lanti um oeh-Londoîn, Emiglaii, Iauiing refîrsed buserve ucime' Mr i t m <o P uh e E i ý b fr e h c i i e . J - H a i g u-r T -, tu: ri r a uuu d u- îl ui . ry i te lu îi Oe i 'l Ime50 0 1 . tat- i le cic c t io ah e r . O hfai c f E, 8 5 . W L i E , rh n e f'ia d itL a b e , t-i p y eofo ig s , W l i m B i a , a i i o f ui i e ç » j , f r their serjuicos, Canada is notyct î e ua ialt 0 farsetbefrir 'va ot 1ck ouM but plidalike te all thuîîuti-mpuZiamndhe bhis circumnuumrie Iicliard SSiift a WHATWIET lnloicatba tewuatuhoralwrkmuli n djl» Wreou E T VIA al- possiteny te adopt. such a messure. infeitt-eeel riciiiauer - t- - uiii'mlm-r t ;d, is teu lit: attmîlumtte ltlm itte cf tuirmitîl - Im~ire ri-tlîe au:i. A liai-t oC lii: ina-sft eluiig I£ - 9rWitPy h igetpHc n dvn.m= "dCash o fortos stond for the City' of Torc gaiinstbthe ahove' Ile-.atm'u' liise ifteen cuChiteilirivAVETIEMN ; £ SuTher ilpyBilluhetpue ngave gvethotheeto acin -rgat-(teman li s ivrtsd y -heIalW MV cla Atorney Gemural, hlue 2 upporu-d b>' anI wer; rescuumvfroui thewjutdiou",iffl05i LERAE HT1 ushei iesý t- e tuc ir employers forcash, - - - - oomi FAL WHEATitnalj ereatsa PORTneenlif tbetagremetut- -o psy nTgooda Magistat-es cagreemeintii tbis papn) was on, eeild t~i*iieye>~ g -s1macied te Cu-eekOctober niwxî. h1d been provîeusly underst*ud. upoydmidtbtarvesuusue- Vuy. At' ieagt-Wlifoun Ã4 hy et mas i oFremch-r ertbi-rbooreoethiOhdyf Wceiul ducedt tedo go by the fsct tluat M.stu'aine~ rrcte maIl for t-irn îon bleu-' Family - iNedicilnes. H sM ieae omxl&>ti"o 1usinfibrhd propose p put i...au-u ~nH ias>pjart o>~t aAi n The 1Bill tor.eguIate flue fr5<efsbeihl aheis-dtroufunt i-iebt hein o in rtheUitedStates ot- éocIl. . iaic -ith e vm bruit' baF u nILmo, Registrars in Uper Canada,, introduced i'IWIrpaei baliedEg tOfrîoul hei dmi Nir l t-ueUît-a tae~ iee'lek,1' M.iiuirC w -btueliin fu . -IIVATO CIIINESE IIALSAM cemuigaiwned om éwYork or Montreai. <ui~b rSihc urabsp50 ib-WlC da u egl g~ -,mt ad met wit- large b1oies cf -11rT-st- -ofCt-be ead. -5r lra edSoeah oguany qtmamtity et BARLEY and Ci TS. (à to-onu.mihofDram a pse atan a aoleee ehvnoinclination or heart te durecll IRE C,-o JAMES WALLmACE. thbe t-ird readiurg. lt reduces t-heex- orseatagr.Tiyhtlsprtt sitadofasti IrbanzOe5,eti e ia-cne* hoiePamu, uuopmuCogh Cou Wtby,21*t ABuguut1861.. 19-tf.pes creitrigaDedt fo uiirnt-terrsetiêlbrwb LSUd1 ~rcad cfami> Orp~e p o s a s ýbuesont-is hcait rpndeing ecciuumtlc- le >-Riîe c csses-Tiie hot a mber t a t-bciruthose mii. nie left bereavcd amd is- SW È~T' F AMILY CURATIE O T ROlOE tui-coYnsligsadsip6liUtg8ftOKpbssukuhi)ig i-to cosdom uthe. orgaizafiotuof the o osat-e. eLINIMENT.ligsan ixpec gemntas s very geat.cvdich ail Pains tilalst f fic a.'-ndLNIEN. N AfUI '-OTwhieh las stop in t-he riglit directionaerbcbc slo pn4r*k usedthe-greeèâtmWer in relnd, nd'a.Q t nda, sli n a ds cabcatlogu.eth Faeie rvFace, a anNeru-ouse Headi anLTt AYSTothoglut clsnotgoCar ariglui t ~ ~ El~>' »zo N I~~> -- - Quinsy, &c. ~WEET'S T atsarnowprepsr it-jul strylefer shillings la suiicient, and evon tbatis moi vain htpitc ricifatr4 ,- " -Mc Ir. elOs m,)ole.U iiTIOllitiOf l uiet » r e rve- t-han lais antal ù"-bofigtd aid stornuobti , andnkn.Mseîe INFALLIJ3LE 2EYE WATER, P Wltngnfint>. ~ -al ortl, for theuservies ,budci.iol Ifiurpet m4 oui d Yelicn. Mu-s'he n Cures Soue, Infianudo W a >'. l OiOSoreae Wd uiroentiiu tb taiugi-prorut. h ll e]rpai lePaty c tceir itl-h mg st e4f*w o in Preby. Miss1MOBe- weil rcuuneuted u- t.cnuodias ueplc tc al«1i fcosPocsiosAc.pasd bir rodagci i1di fu b4 mts,à d h anhi fo b lfor o -. the HomTie te MssesilaibyTUE KING 0F OLLS, for 000-n'enceind comfort, withan>' oltlier roe ssions Act0 Tht dp1aa'eiùb>uftingiê '- Thuet-lis Niiresoutil>'. r. yori kemath n r& nt e btul', -. n regret il.onay n dviio f 8 t-6 - i~d ~t is~i~i.cat-mUr- dil. Mu-s. Gco. Iiuît-er. Cures ait Ulceraled Suites, Chilblain, -&c., ndus W a z alsm iaia;-id>,cis o 1m eeg, n ol oît-I cnteoiu M litr u. Tlione. Thos. Ifaliuie1e anexternat drseaes. Try 1:; wthteUecuat can be o lib ,mo-myicmd.nrfehadatmotuiku> szir!lllM' - teen in wail.tTUeen inTail. UALLED MEDICIE. uit-y lIapossibly make hhem kafesi >traw. letter, it ber- -fot-o imossible.'» c4V eVof, il. $WEET'S CELEBRATED BLACK and at- ho ~an>' one under lb, for the iio1su oI f flueguis uri4i binLeekie. Ja caues 0 Yeu 3FORJamesSES & CÂTTLE1! iS.'.- gPtemdrt.t a d Wrat!>' bries ww n'ftt Tbenmîasfuight- The best andi uhepest tuedirine knmomnandmui38 Wlit-by, ug , 18M. 19-t-f. h - -M -m w..!f-.r ,, - andr ~5ffCf idilyboi'k~seopith -ktyi __ -'.~ hmresMlls. 'me ha vel, ou i t fou- TWilho irigh F ÃŽa uê smitu the wtê __ amertitlfret» E. WS bnoEâq-,Mayor hnt ee adaeîOMItr at '0 ê< -"N C", f)ig uewhil Mi I ie full onifutIll-e nîtreaI ~r s We n tus hdimig to ei nts in ma oStf t-i's )ii us an epportmnil>', "i r sii'lct o mt011r part, ebtei heu-cfter rIls rfariners i lu(,bcrtar are at at t-be presen_1 i un- a miakr.t fer te lf>1C-cf antace-osas Tieie )neinient, Wihle bci> amtiilicuis and tbbc eutî te ceuut>' deaher, clîoice in seutetieticati Pe'ýr>ssWlIJO have been brie cf geing t(?Trot lîng, 'ilI ri-joicet'1te mare> egueci 'lf)miineithi Cie- cf lat itii>' i-s epetri ck and firid it iL i11tllor eantF'variety cf a!tt-rtt i~ ~~~~i b'e ebrtctii the lohe puc h ut su-l.in ed, fou-r d-l I, ut wu. -M b o irh net afferdi hait booftS, !slioi: i 'e Il>' uuanfactulred mTm miisuuere>t:uduiW?;but rit hie long ihefere u ilc'>y un ru-nut:nmcft-woid gi-e. -tuýs t-e th- li idutu-'of et-r uk, Wouiti b1wamà rauîeiib> e> are t, ai cke il Coumici l f Bucdc unieels - i'uach mecs 4ýat Manches- Int cf -peîe- - curt iii helti ah BommIian- t MIarapeon,;_L'mi iay, 50, buation al akanu-b air) aret! t bai-e a (Graudm t Iinsh. ut MahimamuVilliage ce>tn 'th iiîte iii lpre- r) t-le $e>'ama a t \V. S. lqflina Eq G. v.Ms-.Tlomton mund -b i.inuited speakermi. FÂiR.TiteSecond PFair Ijo wcf seci eat, andui itcc %Wednesdaiý-y 2t au i - oft-bis description art' feufid other sectioemvo f t-be Prev- [bc success ,t-bat att-ende4 thbe t Wbiltb)y village hast- $prla-i iibt huit t-fat once Tegii arly titis 'Tfsnship-Done ev-euy t1r Beh- f'bb CI.Iti*-en, ta ,or t-bat- par$ of the Provf'c of ed>' constit-tag lIpper Canua- a ca.lh t-le attentiba of imur rew ex"~ve Muc tionulme o '1 ertised in to-dasPaper, to ta Thre sale is tbemo xe