v eqw i- rlM tgnii 0todcta itif u o aubin wbereby thueimost ,xtordinar ü t &1i buildiig onthe corng î D. . I(Hwud amdcccupied by Zaadtu ved. Biankesir rovrtis roqfwWh wuraskept wii. Tbusthe fur.wasbhere c It tou crossed in a diapnual dit' rur fhe-oBaptisI Churcir, wi o tv, ao Washi on sIrej 4<*i, theHçoi$tal o r. A liu and lbe. a4joiaue buildings. ht Woà hmeonandaloag Dubent 8 the ls*wi streét it stepped ai »*od' building, =min dolwn bdipon Dupont, betiren1 and Pacifie streets moere al ou fi ibe immole cit>' seenied titreateat destruction. The Jackson î1o Itom eadjoiwnemre hurned. Tire C=lfyia restaurant aie 'johiag or office mas blomu moa preading doma 'Wasbingt was met by te burning of &flue Kearne>' street. Tbese -beingi mood burned ver>' readil'. cauglut behoir car cffice -influe' IV diagu bc ' een if sud'tire Bella IleioifWas that out' office cauu bad moved froin Wfall il mas p Tht bousme kucmui as the Keni.. was tom dowü. -The neene upes, the Plaza and isingular. Gools were mcve ail parts ofthtie cil>'; and] after t] on thre norlir ide andl fhtuOI1iA' ing hiad caugit anti mere buirnin flic gos on tire Was.liîteuo Pla7a irere in flaines. 'flu1es' and r4e-inoveil, uiti îany cf. <li onflic lot vacaed lb>' flicbt * City>' tl af tilast lire. "'i On J ackson and l ' aciffie streets, ai bet meen then, îs'eme ccuied hI and AMexican puulicatien-liouse' licuts infa ic City leoslpifal,,abie -iflermards laken te a buildin,, a Dupent-st., on filue nerf l beach, 'rvere çomfortably provided for; lieri in flue CiltyprisOn mereiint inandtid t h ot nmuy jail, anudal cf record fanflic Recordrs ailý offices mere sayer]. Thle mu it uipon thre Plaza are flch3eiaV lifomnia Erchangte, togrefler iî t buiilding befween flie Uniont nia 'Exciaraue -T l Union wmu by extnaOr ilnryexertions. tlueatre mas burmiug tire U nion i sud onl>' b,yile mort constant a, tire enc 'nec p es, and tire bour 0cF perso'al frienils cf the mas thic'Union preserveil fro -.The" principal bouses de>troye. Plaza are lIhe Allta Cà ldtfaid fa eReslauirauiî, Jackson1 M dLc'uisiatia,. Mragiirc's .1-enny Linil thîcatre.-Tire- I Chureir of 1.1ev. Albert Wilhiaini: lot1insîreet-waxas mmcd. The burat-distriet extends du way to Kearue>' stureet; along -K lakiug botir sides te Pacifie, douw Ohio, and alongr Montgomery>' si j u nJacksonu and îWasiington strec portion behom Montgoimery' te and l Cay'streetq, tb Dupont,- ah te 'Wasbi.nglen street, .up 'Wa. near Stoektcn, and ercrossingr ""w" "eof ci vgiuu comittees asdthoîr aubsMttent .W 4'-wil actioff, but tii.y bave generalilybSn mwa e, w à imd b taiaod by tire commuait>'. To tbialciug andi re vi*Rnotb" 4lnterested mon, tire idea tiraIt tey are op- e the' bIei posed te Iaw and enter, souncis ridiculous, of' thie iD4st because *ehad ne order, and because ne tiiue thirei' law was adinisteree until 'tire committet- lie saifl tinte ias fermed sud ferced nmre ceaseienusaeas and Jackson or tiroir duies upoa tire delinqueut magis. it on tire %ide trates. arney street...-Ia iyue to street, ta- . Ptimmthe New O0, n Z'cyae Y HosPital in "-INTERESTING PROIX TEXAS tit ech MURDiqa -TUE DIP-YCiN II ery ftreet.- Co> AIÇI-UGITIVE SLAVES PROBABLE TROU- otir aides cf BE gbesu*01, Out' Texan papers received tis morning r>' ozertioas, by mail, reacbh o the iStir M'st, mGdi- et of Waâb- veston.'(o wned b>'W W. -ratra sbocking murder waz wt r Wn O toinmitted recentl>'neir Austin. About werothrwa unrise ia tire nirning. a negro stepped aI cotiually ti bouse c f a Mr. Biaker, and inquirocithbbc ýectien in tle way ( a neighbour's hious.". As tiefawily ici as IseBaker asked the negro te stop, wbicbho diii. et, bnrin ile hie ias fhere,'Cocl. Robinson, cf Au- [Ur 13. Stouf n . ldaduo eaiain on h thon .passed sn ale' u 'pneamntc.fui h 0ref. n egro-te be a runaway. Hie and Mr. Baker t tic IlOld tlien lied tire negro, -and sh ut irim op inaa Wasiiutoa roun. After Col. Robertson lcft, the ne-, iaus. Th rb< ro gel loose, aud,*upon Mr. Baker aflenipt- ýVuhng1o mr g te im thIe second lune,lire resisteil, Wabnln-1and stabbed IMr., B. ritir a kaife. Mrs. B. ie, aand thnseeing hier husbanin asucir a pernousit- ous aandithtien n, auta bis assistance, wbcu Ithe negro îuseaudIheturned and stabbëd'ber, klling heriusitautly ov e and ail-He Uîen cut Mr. B. several limes ii be U.As,,it back and'-aide, andl made iris escape. Thicre U. was ne pergon thiere at thie lime, but the tona street, if sereains cf tire children -,non breuglit in some buildings, onic Ien iherwîoIIeeyiug they Therl'aIlofcoulul form m. iB., but, fhîcre is Iutle hope cf oo en bîfî ls rccovery. Thle intelligence cf lthe affairj ývoien:and icated ±great exeifernent iin Austin, anital- hîUion afnd remoQf every mnan in thie City, as wiell as those cf îlîe- neighborlieod for several miles arouînd sible te save.' îere cul in scarcli of the nurderer. sana ~ Th lIue 'lLavaca (j?wnrriai says that the iras lcrriffc weh ivon is doing greaf dainage te fli coct- ,d te it frein tOn crop above thiaf place. __The>' have aise lie building madtie ir appearance in tire neigbbourood Lbotte oiiîy fGoit. f Jl itr ri-, mny of TIicîou.ston Teleg(Iralîdi, o l 8 side cf thié 4tY s irere moi Cd 'everal 1juer.-eîs wlie have late>'y viýsited nui îh'eitûd hueowis Oft-Santa Rosa, MNimlos and flicl rilinr cf tfl i-c1>'sidio, forrflic purpose of re--catîuring rui 'lie Ãbuildirigs, away slaves, hiave retmned, anud report that;. nd thli*. hloek fliefliitive -slavesîare harboed 1w tlic Mex - 4YaFreuicli icaiî, and ini~îî institnces force lias been 'flijcThe a- tîî,(ed le ire veut cuir eitizeris froi re-calîtur- uit W, iverein-~'~ tliese slavvs. ThLus las su exaslpera.ted' t Uhe footttof'iiaiOf thue settlers Uit the wcost, tl1uat <bey W-tiere thiey - larc ta t o d eise a force ,sufficient to Th isil.o- i V(.rrowem al opsiin.ndreraîfuire flîcir ,,hîte~re-si esat. ail lazards. %\î the last accoutnts il1 tht, fiook> a large part:, of arrned Tetans lied assem'- d MarhuaFsbled siear 'Presidie; and 'threatened>t'leat- tack thie Ufen ift he fugitive slaves ivere nef Dion utiîg~nu.If is infîrnated tluat Ihiere arc ion and-I Ca- wot less tian two, thîinmd fitive slaves in à the svecd- thec Mexiran tcyns bîcttveen flue meuthluof anîd Califor- tliC Uic (Grande auîd Presidio. ln Santa s saveil oofi. t Rosa, thîcre are fort>' fu gitives, wvio eNcapeil '%Vhlilc flicefrôîîî one plantationî in Arkansas. 'fice w- ras '.noking, uer cf <hein has iînde inany-efferfs lê induce ýpdicatien cofi the m etura te Arkansas, luit in vain. fcarless la- I'I le>' boasf f lat Ihey, are ir a freecocuntry', progfletorý: and pîmitted toecnjoy quai privilegeswifir cd upon tiel that about tire bundred fugitives frein Tex-. La-cc j~ as Crosse a -cc"of thc principal ferries on leuse, Oîd flic Itio G'irande, daring flic lasf lire years. te, Save bisJ Baltimore, Aug. 8, 1851. at the Coin- Taylor, Murphy and Sirelton, the mur- larie nuir- derers cf the Cosdeu famil>', iere hîung to-ý idiarmnaî a 0fi tu reseu e igir tireu.and peoi thîrec mere pie, wviose beiravieur iras ver>' orderly. Ofirrs ae Tie priseners ascended thc gali ws ti' ,xaîninaîîon. zgteir ith ir m stcpe3. i c 5r TajeIor anfd Murphy made short addresscsi he ini sf- !k7p.'îiý,lydenyinx tîleir çult. Setnas -efol was a geod one, ju.-tt as pu-op(liere ilenieul'hi$5guîlt. igteeucnSuda>' A.M ., anid ire M1urphy,, mirc fine, brouglilteWtire gaI- 'are mas ilpon a bilI frein -wluiich 1le ir owS, exclaîmier], 4"Murderers now do your 4, have inevitairl> spreaul atelc hiole mork ; bof, bear ia minI, liraI yen do net Ilcavea pretec lte demnon, wmi hr ang rnurderers."1 d le have been conicerner] in Ibii dia- 'Tlie galicomut mas 25 feel higir, and tire act. It is impossibie aIflic presen tifll full six fet&dusel u aniyîbing like aa-accumale aceunt cf Tire r1pes more bMo-ghà ajstd n ut cf prepert>' destroydr] or cf tire mben flic trap feull teknot cf Mnrpby"s - bably, 500 lieuses, and $43,000,- rope broke, sud 'be feil violcnhy- te Uic ý',f property have been destroyc.' groena, a distance of Imelve foot. H Iie Dis fjre' alîbOugh irmainai ucomparison Ilîroal mas borribl>' masbed and lacerated, lu th la»týliai falta upon a case cf citi- aur] lic. mas perfecîiy insensible. Tisoce- s ho artfill me teirear it-;most cf currence causcd a tln'ill cf Ihorror amengst n are 'r men, mon mbose al mas in- lire spectators. d i'17 bouses and gools wiricb bave ,-Tire cIrer tire mean'<belmitircut a stt'g- de" ed. A great deal of lumber gle,,lie greal faîl net cal>' broke tbeim neeks, n btupan twi h 'ln tm lt parted tire lesb ail around tiroir biroats, aro u rf o nt ai district is b'ilt ever almosîte otireirone, Thé>' bang liront>' There à s evidenti>' an arrangod plani minutes andl more tatou down. firet'. easd consume thue cil>'. Long Murpi> b>' Ibis tiube, irad recovered, and the ire' reacired ft intaIvicinitye a 1.!gain repeated bis declaration cf innocence. as dscovered altempting te set ire _As.lhepassed tire bodies "cf-Talot' 'sd pacifie street _Wharf. He #as ar- Shelten, ire'exclaimed, "MyMv'etwin - cau De produced. The fact of bis bavin-9 ah fira Ldoied aIl knowledgeo f the iroran, ancd Iat hué now make the 'statement of n mutual interceurse, ii, ho iny mind, prott>' _conchusive evidence cof bis gill. Hé iras engaged Mil day yesterday fa devotional ex- ori %heiibting, appareatl>' tire, greatest (irmenes and resignalion. 1W TELEGRAPHI. B3altimoe, Aug. 8, 1851. Ames Green, tir'e neg>rq, convicted cof rapt, was executec at EliIcotî's Mills, to-day. lie went to the scaflld,,singing and praying. lie declared i s innocence, but sait! it was of ne use, as the world weuld flot belicee mim. He asked God te forgive ber. A despateir was received ('romn Governor Lowe,ý -autbori»ing a further respite, if tbought ad]- visable by the-District Attorney. SUHC.&ROLIKI-OIJ4)r readers are aware tîxat Southî Carolina bias for soine tine. past been driving towards a dissolution cf the Union. Fer ber own part she lias declared ber determination ta set up a se- parate state Goveramnent and place the rest cf the United -States- on they footingoe f foreign nations. In this couirse she lias balteteagene on ber way rejoicing. Net a shadow af opposition lias been etferd even te ier precniring,,, a large arinainent, and, we, may therefere soon expect to sce lier decla- ration cf rigbits and ber total heparation firom the Union What Dourse the nortb will take whien that timne arrives it is cf couirse impossible te say.-But if -we mýay judge cf it by 11r. Wèbster's speeches, an aiteînpt ivill' he mnade te put thcernevemntn down hy force cf arm>. Jf thiis be atteunpted, tlhe rest of the south- cru states will probably make comne cause witli South Carolina, and the resuit will be a civil war.-Star. NEW ROVERTISEMENTS. ONTARIIO HOUSE. FARMERS! F AR M ERS 1,FARMERS 1 TAKE NOTICE TI111AT we have npened the Store Iately occupied 1byL aPtaavE, and bave selected for your inîspectien ue of :lie Lirgesi, Cheapest,aînd most Pashienaable AsUirtignîts of DR Y G 0 ODS, CL 0 TH1JV'G, RATS, OjýPS', BONNE TS, OLOAKS, IBOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, &C, W ,C &C. ei'er oitered te thé, înhaliitants cf Witip:,y. The 11-y (oods havinra been purciased expreîaly for the benelit of thoslc who wish a real geedi articl.c, at the L (0 IV~E 8T PR 1 CE, canet fuît te give entire satisfaction te the huyer. The CLOTIIJNG AND JMX)T.S5 & SHOES Beinir manulat tured ,inter or own inepection, by Jlrst-rate workrnen, in or ewn ernlevrnent, wil meet the approbation of ail whn wîsh ?for .STYLE, QUALITY & DIJRABILJTY. As Io prices, the Suhacritiers beg te say, that they seek not te infringe on the privileges of those who publish one prireand demnard arother when the vumorner cornes te buy, but piedge themselves te commence and continue te study tin rterest et' cach purchaser by giving tbem 'every advantage that can bc had ini the BElglish, Jrcncli andi Arerican 3Markets. We new invite tht people cf Whitby and neich- he'îring townships te the ONTA/RIO -HOUà IL. hee they wii nfnd every article marked in plein fiurs sayil thbe owsut Toronto pric.uZ1 suich as ilI give etitire satisfaction ,ain confidence, and se ure the custom cf ail who shahl patronize THOMPSON, PEARSON & GO. Whîtby, Aliguat 15, 18&H. 1-f BOOKS, MAGAZINES-y &C., BECZ[VED 1W THOMIAS NAOLEAR, 45 Vouge Street TARPER'S and the international Magazines 11. fr Augusf. Gedey s, Graham's and Sarfain's. do. Blackwoed's, the Art Journal, &c.&c.&c., foi July., ,e-ers.e y Ppils, by Air. Sigorney. midnight Harmonies, by Winalew. -1a rrwb .1- 1e".T. . _e.. C,,TAFDon Stoien an the-evening of the ljOth 0 Dtflem the Stouftervile Roud, about ti.o mites trom tlxbridge Village, a smail ]BAY MAIRI, Ratbtr spiriteil, abolit $SEVzsYElA RO OL, a few Whitt Hairson ber Forehead, with a,,Sadille, Bridle and M affingale, and new laîler He iter;-, h. b.d oîly ont- sboe enu af tli lmge, andl that was rallier oa.l. if isbelitved ah. id fatoion. .Any persan gîving sucl i nformation as will lead te thetreeovery of the. Mare, or detection of thé thief, wili neceîve the above Reward. SAMUEL W1DDIFIELD: Uxbridge, Auguat 11,.1851. 18, WHITY BUILDING SOCIETY. Mmss e sanda ire ous, snd strawliat. - The' aboe. nameil ALEX. MACTAGGAItT waP coiiiitted to be sat t o the Goal o et lcCoe- ý of<Yorkc, for dangeusl y wcuinding WILLIAM IeDAR, wilh a scythe hock, and tacaptd hem tht Constable, in whosp charte hé wua a Bearer- ton, n cuthe £vening et SATURDAY the t9fh lit. F 'Al M tetratm s, otables, and othe'rs, are re- quested te aid ;;à ail sin arresting the above, nameil AlexandêrMxaeTaccart. ICENN"TIICAMPMON, Reeve, Boavrton Â~. Townshlp cf Tirerah. Beveto, ug 1,1851-. i. 18 Blank Deedo. M enionials foi sale at thlslOs«. THE_.REPORTER WHITBY, SATITRDAY, AUauuS 16, 1851. f'Se ourth page. Spcc1aU L'orrespondenof otthe Reporter. TOTot,, I3th Aug., 1851. During the lastwseek, a large amount of business -inarelation to_ the progres¶ of Bills, bas been transaeted in the tower Ilouse, finally disposing of a few by a six month's hoist, a fate some richly de- served. I may incre particularly men- tion l'r. G;ugy'srfill "ta provent mis- chief arising from the printing cf news- papors &a. by persons flot known ' i Upper Canada." It was Iost onritis firest rcad in g by a vote of 47 te 1, th e gallant Colonel standing alone in Iîi-glory, in bis feeble attempla to curtail the privi- le ges of the press. Tien. Mr. l-lincks has introdtuced a niensuire to amcnd olur Currency Act, which wvill prubably pass, and illh be a great improvemnent on. the present laiv. He proposes "lte adopt a d.ecimà l cnrrency. in îvhicli the unit -of accouit shall be'a dollar, or fivetihil- lings currency, te bo divided decimally being simple and convenient, and simi- lar ini value te the coins i the United Stafe5, will grcatly facilitate our int er- course with car neizhbors soutir of 45. The Province is te defray the expense cf imnporting the neecssary supply of 1 snich coin that inay bc e tqîircd. The! resoltitions of thec lion. Mr. 1Ilincks in' committeecof the whole, on the sulject cf the construction of a trunk lune cf Iilailway thrcugh the Province, was the subjeet cf d iscussion on Friday, and the final votc adjourned, on the sol icitation cf 1%1r. 11. Sherwood, tili yesterdav, whon the resolutions were adopted late in Uic vening. It isestimated that Uic Canada share cf the cost will ho four millions currency, which leaves a niar- gin cf six liundred and sitxy-two thon:- sand pounids for unforseen expenses, a sum, it is thought, quifesuflicient te meet the incidentai expenses-that rnay occur in carrying out this grand sebeme. Fforn the many encouragrerdents thiat have been held out by thé different mu- nicilialities. and. private individuat1s, te the '-onstruetion cf this chain of Rail- way, and.'now the Govemament comning foward ta Iend its- assistance te this great national" undertaking,' there scarcel y remains a. doubt but that tihé' road will ho made, and for Canada, that quicly. Thet Inspector General may ho said to ho the primo mover on thé part cf the Government-in truth, he --------- -------- tIo iOOWtfl wlim we proiemeu u w failed in trutir and candeur to kjudge a ecus judgement upon tht character us."e But lot thre notorious Toatiieà eut cf the lègislature, serve a fulli tieeship before arin claiming or ret a renewal of publie confidence. Loi ccastituency judge cf tire candidate past political character andi reutatii xincerity andi truth. Lot ithere lue amt ing inquiry intobis soundness and1 upon" AI vital peints cof civil Mud rclig berty ; the secularizatien -cf tht Clerq serves-tre leetery -question-Pari tary, Electoral and cîber progressive n demanded by tire people. FORT WIIIT3Y .& LAKE NU1 ces. It appéa in getting on t irarne'] cf tht one unacquainte b>' morne means nouai custm,êd queting precetiont on itrecodentý,,showing the danger of allewing the"peeple to know for what tiroir mneney ls voted and expeided.- Yen can jucige of iris surprise o~n lin]- ing hiiisel4f when tire vote was takon, stand cheek by jowl with lienry $lier-- Wood, against a principi aprcielu hor United States, auJ iii eÃŽy, British Anierican coleny except Canada;- but I must not be- too sévère, for frem tire many solf-satisfied glances which- were cast- toward tire ministerial benches during bis speech, hoe evîdently was cf opinion tbat thoseviows whieh hoe was advocating, wereoieocf thre members cf tire Goyernment, consequently, as-ia duty bouad ire must support them. No_ dliffrence it made tolfim wiretlîer they- were hi* sentimoents, as- long as tbey wcro hi masters, that wa.s quite suffi-, cient.. Frem tire ridiculeus position in which hoe was piaced, aid thée miserablo figure ire made on tire occasion, looking, wikeu tie vote was being taken, tire very pictureocf sycophancy, I imagine wiil ho a lesson that future teadies cau profit by., Mr*. floultonlii motion was, irowever, carried on a vote cf 37 te .15. Thre Examinaer'cf thismîorning, an- neunices a union cf rire peform Party., that us, Uic-progression. party with tire Clcar Grits, throwing overboard tire Stand-stills9.- This* movement will brin g the wbole Rêform party in a body te the polIs nI the- coming gencral ece- tion, ta cutt hîir votes for those Who are pledged to carry ont the great,'and parameunt principles for whicir they have been contending for the hast thirty ycars. One more United efforîte sup- port ,Yood mca aand truc,'. will gain the victory and placoeflie Reformers fa pow- er. Again toeie ld, to tire contest, ,and triumph is-certain. If fa rep)ort cd ia wcll inforrùed çîrcl'es,. that Parliament wl rise on Fniday the 22.nd fnsf. MAPLE .LEAF., TUIE COALITION. Tîhe long talkeil cf arrangemnent for unit- Âne the extreme ends cf tbe dsointedRe iformn Party, las been>, at lenglir, bappii cf- fected, se tirat the-Party c=n go as oeem-in t e Pe pilat thre ceing election. AI- theugr, Dnocf tbe great features cf tire> Clear Grit principle,- based, as they arc, upon the powérfuh infalibility cf trntb, bave beca abndoatd, yet,, for the saite cf Iba ceuntry fa tire pre-sent crisis those miner ~'point-si where time iras'thé cal>' obstacl e beretefore, bave been wisely couceded for tire present, te meet tire frank and concilia-. tory overlures c f lire fragments cf tht late machines Ibis fail. Tire 11ev. J.C say, resigns bis cha gregational Churc next. The futur are informeil, mli 'Scotia. Tire 1 aira>'milhirhm ti remembrance cf mhom iris benevol( pions te'acirgu him in Wbitby. quircunents asî a fiE ma-nl>' urbanity an, incessant industr] Canada fa jusI iwakingi up b 'tire eaI importance cf Itailrcads, as a means t*'rd tire future agricultural sud commercial fros- perily cf tire counIry.' Aniong the awMer- eus projects tiraI are noir enjoyfng, public attention, firere isnet one cf greab*r local or general importance tlîasutire pt'oposed huùe from Port Wb' itby to -Stirgeon Bay, connectingltie great Laites (ataïo- sud HIuron-b>' tireshott, cheapest, aîd nuest praclicable track tirat can ire fcund tsreen these tire large bells cf mater,sund Pereby opeuiug tire mccl expeditI es route Ãetween tire great Radt andl the far W'etTire extreme distance, as. sîrveyed fronilake te! lake, iascmetluîng under ci ghtîfmilek wbicb' is' about fîfty miles shrler îlau ang cIrerý proposedl connecting link bctween <me tire great laites, and is net hialf the di.qtinc'c'f sune cIrer surveyed-r>utes; su d lunà ditiou ta its tînsumpasseil shortnee~, 4ts s4qierior adt- rantages in a geographical point cf vfew, for the' construction cf the main 7tbereighbfare belmeen New.-Yerk and Boston onlte oe baud, aund bhc Western :Stales on tbç other, fa admilter] b>'ail., Port MWlitbiy, the outh-i cru terminus, is second te n& barreur ci tire ncrtb-sbere cf Lake Ouiîario, véSýsi beingé able toenter fainysn ,from 'whîch if is necessar>'fo seek shelter, and ils cajubilities as a shipping rim, hein- ver>' extensijýve, nakes if a ver>' des'U ý-oé poin for Luîuship- mnu, iviile Sf urzeon Bay',yatiflic acrthera point, situated u the soutiu casL shures cf1 tire greât Georgian Ba>', a part of LaLei hluron beingr compietely lain'! 1 l<pd, wilI faîl ten feel of mater aI ail seasons, andt free from i e à dcry as cther parts of tien, give il adrantages for the ter cf a Rai Iroail ver an>' otirer ba o Huron. Tire facilities mibir irlicir eau nom ire forirardeil frein iere Atlantic, f tirer b>' Osîrego, Ogdei or Montreal, sud tire daily increas cemmôdation for passenger travel lcurlly fer funnediate' steps te ire i bave tire unparalteled adrantages route preperl>'nd pet'maseatljy'laid tire comunuaity. Il is act a mork of a purel>' local Tlhe commercial m'an cf the Atlanti cf -the-East, and thre Agricutturist distant States citeWet r 4f Dtmore lnterested la the pronîi cuticu cf a mort cf mach vasî import tbem, than the irumediate resideals linte, f Uicuir b' e essor thti 'nastg cf aoshigltr thin Runnin& lirreugir a-bèautifui agri country?, il will bring inte market ý quantity of lsud tiraI miiiire settled industricus and Ihriviiig population. inci\ease of the value cf land mlii ise as tire question mlicîber il-fs mortii o or tirirtr dollars Der ae dLAwndq «;i where politicai rectitude, intelligence and progpesa meet baud in baud. We eopy Ibis grutifying anneuncemoat from tire.Ezam.- farms held by private indivichuals, yith~ tire rpici means of transit of freigh tand~ passengers fuom'one endof the PPovine.I te the other, and tire Wttlities, in the} 'event of war with 'the United Statese 'fa calied mill crea lire seci( To bis ua lion, and fecirle a firuuij, fegrful cocur in thre japen more careful 'machine.l of mas>' a i countrý, sud continlues tV - 1 fri J4.