ýl4 À B.URNED TOWAÃER'S EI DGE. Steamer Moutreal flestroyed and Speotators Killed and Hurt A, despatch fromn Montreai says: The magnificent uew steamner l Mont- rosi, whlcii was built last ýear'by, the,-Betrani Cornpany, o! Tenante, for the Richelieu andi Ontario Navl- gation Comupany, and whlçh waa Iu- toucled ta ho the pnideofo. the St., -Lawrencq durlng the comlig seseon,. was burned ta the water's-eclgehore oni Saturday night, andi the destruc- tion o! tho steamer by fine,,was -at- tcn'ded hy a lamentable accident as a resuit o! whidi Que mnan Iledead,ý tieverai more aire llkely te à euccurnb at the liospitals te their injuriés, and o4.'er 50 recelved more or léa Sserious Injuries. That le thii ié ed record as given eut at tIbo lios- pitals to-nlght. Tii.. dead ,man le N. Groêillo, ail Italian labcper, ei-. ployed bythe Oxrand Trunk, who dieti tram a fracturcd- akuli a couple o! hours after being adrittç4 toe Qeneral Huspital'. The, mqst Seri- ously injureci are at the Rîoyal .Vlc,. tarie, Hospital, where ix tet are bowng attended ta. 7- - nt A PL0ATIN(1-PALACÈ.- The esteanier was lylng lun the Customi Houso basin. close te the Allan wharf, awaiting the opening ô! navigation, andi workmen-iixà d heen engagecl'on her ton sanie tue dem- pieting the Interior work. 'Tii. steamer was belng flttcd Up lu thé ilnest manner, *the intentIon - beÃŽng Iliat ah. shoulsi eclipse auything yetî -.ae. on the St. Lawrcnce route. II>aw, tth. tire orlginated la as yet a, mye- tory. The. steamer had boom lun the bands of the workmen wlio çerens- ,gageci by the contractore tQe com- plt. the elaborate woo.dwor4c,.whlch w-as ta make the Mountreal Wa verita- ble fioating palace. Paînts and ouas and 'uarnshes wero 'on board lu quantitica. Bacli evening aswork' ceased, the. men weut ashore, sud left the voseel lu charge o! a watchman. Iu the after part o! tii,- mzain deck there was ta have been the great main diIning saloon. Tozýprary hoat was turnisheti by -a big' Québec beaton and hy an open "DO]açon" grata, suol as is soxutlnmsuod Ilu ~iw buildings ta dry eut phlster. It w-as from ttue part -o! tlie vesel that thie ire sceme te havé atarteti. The. ire was discovered by tue - ilght watehman shortly alter eight o'cdock, - who tu rned lu a eneral. alarm. In an incredlbly short spece of -ti me the steamner was in fdames. The,- whole brigâdê was soon on the meue, but ewing te thé position- in whlîi the. steamer w-as it w*as'!ai-, maost Impossible for the AIe euto.1 do a snythlng. Ail 4hat romaned of the splendid. steamer alter a couple qf heurs was thoesteel b.ull andi the englues,' whlcl i t la hoped, may b. saved. The. burulng steamer made ýauimi- niOnse bouline, whlch lit up-the whele water front and tiie central portion o! - t iety, sud reliection was seen for miles. Thousaude of people froriaial parts o!>-iho cty w-re attraeto tehue smen*. 'The ONTÂRIO lIRES -OUBTIIJTe TOTAL" YEAU y erriarkabli Lard PRODU- -CTION LAST W'AS $13le577,44O0. e -Nickel Yiold-..lso a go Gaînin uIraný Ore. The minorai producta o!f Ontarlo for' 1902, aecordlmg toe i0ot o! tie Bureau.a! Mime,-cone =drablY surpasetInluvolume, sud value tii. 'output ot any previoe year. The -total a! production was 318,157qT,- 440, an lucrease o4 81,746,89M, Or 19 per cent. over 190. etalie protiucta contributleti$6, 285,259, and lnon-metallie $7,292,181, bath cigma s howîng au exeesa s à $cer- pareti witii laet year's figures. iThe. following,-shows the value o! the. principal products for 19b)2, aud' the Increaseoaven the precéèdlngr 1902. Iperéase. copper ..... 686,043 $'96,"963, Irort are ... ...518,445 4144,017 M~cke1 . . . 2,210,"61 850,991 ..... .::. 1,610,oo31Ã",00075 Cernent.. . ,- 967,010,- ýli6,186 Ptroloum ti --- 'The principal decreas>es CaiVbIjde o! calcium ... ....8,2 Bick, 'cen- mon .. ...... 1,411,000 Natuiral gag.. 189,238 Tile, drain ... 199,000 119,460 152,945 INCIESS IN QOPPETI. Notwlthhtandlng Born eslackemng o! productloji ahtth. principal nickel n>lrea nW Works o! thé Sudbury re- glon, the report continues, the eut- put o! copper snd nickel w-as the. I*rgest yet recordai,, the former b.- fag 1.7 per cent. and the latte~r 85 Per cent. lu exoeass'f heye 'o -1901. yeldfe In Iron ore there w-saalso A largse tiirongs crowded on te the re#etmneut ,wa.ll, and thousands, poured ever on to, the. wharéves.'- - BUILDING FELL WITH CtO*WD. Tii. workmen had already. beei getting up tiiframework for the, big' sheds, but "the. framnework was tepaporanlly lield lu Place byetripe, o! f hin board, and, whenu the hum- dreeg.- egan, ta lumb-upon thie structure, wltli a blind !outh lu its stability, the framework begen te, sway andi shalce.* Beeati the lieavy be;im me Pcople wero stneaaning ià ,, thein number. being added, te evety, motaent as the ,erewds poured clown te the acec.. Tii. swayiang- became greater. 1%'h boards be-gan te crackr The people far, enougli away to get a comprelien- sivo vicew o! the situation, 'and neart enougi ta understand 'tiie danger, shoutedti t those wio, were under the framework. o! their danger, but it wças- too .late.- There 'was-a miglity crash., sud the whole structure. was clown upon the. thiQklyý paeked crowd beneatii. Tiers was an- awtul mo- ment o! suspeà nse, then cries and groô is o! the.lnjured rose above the rosir o! the conflagration. Sevýeral doct ors wiio hiapened'ta b. on hauti gave thein attention ta the wounded wbule, ambulances were suzmoèned'. Strotchers were .improvised froni tiie pieces o! the wreced building-. and on theni the wounded were car- niedi away fro M- the scene.. Williug liauts aidetinluthe. removal af ail wio were hurt. Iluiidreds who simpily received cts on hanie anid f aces, bue'- were able te, get about, iiad theli injuries dressed as well as pogsible' near the. scene o! the trouble, aud iwene as- stet their homies. BIGGEST BTILT IN CANADA. Tii. destroyed steamer, was built by the.Bertram Cornpany, o! Toron- ta, and, was laxiuched early lu - No- vember o! last yoar. 8h. wa s the biggeet anti finest steamer ever.-con- structed lu- Canada, andi valueti at neanly, $400,000. Her dimensions were:. Length, 340 feet; wldth of huli, 43 feet; widtii aven guards, 715, foot 6 inchos;. mouldcd depth, 15.- teet. FSgines, 8,000 hore-power. Tii. electrie ligit iplant , funnisheti current for 1,200 sixteen ca ndle-pow- er lampe. The. dining-room 'was on -thie'main dock att, au-i wae bililt 'ta seat 130 paisseugors. The, total mumber o! sitate-roorn w-ai 266, lnclu'ding six-. teen lu thie upper saloon,. parler roorne w-lUibatli-room s, attaciied. The stain -aand gallery 'railinge w-en. e! breube blat work, -surmornted wlth mahogany hanti rails. -Tii. fur- nitui'e w-as et dank maiiôgany - and plush, and, it, as- well as- the eneral ornameutation, .was , InLouis XV. style. The doxue celling was rîihly ornameuteti wlth heavy seroîl work, and ý its les:diug- features -were two large allegonical paintinga, represeut-ý Ing tue periode o! the~ day. lng-up o! -tiie Clerýgue w'o-r-ks at' Sault Ste. Manie. CIEMENT INDUJSTRY. Building and - construction mate- riaIs lu the main eshow au lncreae,- partlvularly - stane, whichii ncludes aiea crusiied stone for pavment use, snd cemeut. The Portland cemeut In-dLitry le being firmly plan-ted lu this province.- where immense sup- plies of the raw m.aterials fanr t manufacture- exiat. ]El3giit' plants wene at work in 1902,,-aiid since' the begi nning o! the. présent year _' an- other large tactory lias tomo into operation. Tire. or tour- otiens aire un-der construction,.In addition, na- tural. rock cemeut la being macle at four different. establishiments. The' total output o! cemeut rose traim 489,288 barrels, wortii $670,880, lu' 1901, ' to 600,199 bharrels, worth $967ý,016 lu 1902. Tiiere appears ta bave been a'.fallHug off in the, pro- duction ef ordinary building bric;k. Mica -showes a large propontioxlate gain, w-hile tii. Ouùtput .o! natural gai lias shrunk Xore thaýn'haîf tii. dimnensionsaoe!i .901, *in consequence langely o! th. wlthdrawal ,o! per-- Miiesior aexpert tuis article.- Thr, yield -o! petroleum- remsiuecl 1u..tstationary. The value given iu the above table, id that > o!. thé. velue o!' the 'crude useti !6r gà a nt fuel purfowe, lu w-ich a. anuci larger - share of- the product le.. uow einployed than.,!onmerly. OIAS. DES _e Report of .tlii. lurchas et -A Moti'eal despatch sairs: M. Hays le authonity for sa that amy movernent has - been for the. purchas. o! the. Allan byr thre Grand Tru(mk.stis! creaalng ln Atlantic servit oins, to 359,-I olyreason w frbm $174,- I w'j- a fooet of b9lkoftiîl madie Lime ketory have be- ""vrai Wthat; m.- fast Ily thre ah -to 'THIRTY]NEW RAILWAYS._ Applications for,-Incoopor.ation - at -Thiu Sssozi. AToronto :despatoh ".aTru Clerk QI .,the Liegialature lian so.,far receîved 80 applications foir bille lu-n corporating thetollowing rilwas Sault 8et..1 MaieRailway, -Lâc Suel, >Rat Portage, and Keewatin Railway,_ fluntaville. aftd Lake oftii. Bays Rallway. SManitou --and.Northier REailwayw Company, Canada ý_Cen1tral Railw*,- Kingston andGaaqe Electric RIlIway, ..Niagara, -Queens- ton and St. Catharines .ElectricRail- way, Sarnia'Street Raà ilway, Guelph., Railway Company,,-P-oint Anne .Rail- way . Company, -International Rail- way 'Company, *.Negon Bay Rail-. way, Embro fllectric Railway, To- ronto and Mico Electric Rallway anýd.Light Company, ClergiWes Rail- way from Midland to Perkiusfteld, Agreement, Nepigon and St. Joe Railway Company,- St. Thomas Street Railway and *City -of St. Thomas, Ottawa'City Railway, Hur- ion, Bruce and .Grey Electric Rail-.; way, Stratford Electric Rallway- Company, North Lanark Railway Company,i Toronto Suburban Rail- way Conilany- extension, Southwest- ern Tr.action Company, Middlesex and Elgin, Inter-Urban Railway Com- pany, and City o! St. Tioras, RIam- Mlon and Caledonla Railway Com- pany,. Sarni a, PetrÃŽilea and St. Thomas Railway Company, City -o! Wirndsor Railway Company, and Sandwich, Windsor and Amhersthburg Railway, London, . Parkhull and Grand Bend Electrie Railway Com- pany, Colonial Portland Cernent Company and Tramway, Suidbury, Copper 011f! and Creighton Ele-eric Raillway Comnpany. KILLS SECOND GERM. A New Serumn Treatmont for Scarlet FYeer. An Ottawa, despatch says :-A serum treatment. for scarlet fever corresponding toI.the- application o! ant "i-toxine in diphtheria and pro- ducing results Which are similar, 18 béing used with great sucoess at the Ottawa Isolation Hospital. Dr. Charlton, acting »e10&cal superin- tendent, who ila e.Rockefeller feilow- .in scarlet féver* at MéGili, ift the discoverer. In malignant. cases of scarlet fever, -Dr. Charlton exjylains, there is a mixed infection;, a second germ -makcing its appearance and addinK to' the complications so that the case becomes serio-us. -By the jux}Iclous use o! the n~ew seruni it -has9 been. found l that the gerni. *of the second liection la killed, and eradicated from the system, 'and the disease is very quickly-red.uced from the rnaligne.nt type to the mild form from which. the patient readily, recovers. The 'preparation 1s- known- as the anti-stroptococic serum, and wvhile. the principle-o! it is baéed tqpon a Europea- dlscovery, 'Dr. Charlton lias- lmproved .upon lt 80 that a -much smalle dose* is- necessary, while the salutary effeet makes its appearance murh sooner. At -a111 events the doctor is the, first to in- tered into with the Egan syndi- cate, whlch. now awaits si gnature, and eonforms. elosely to the regula- tions of - the Crown' Lands Dc-part- -menit. The-. comapany conteinplate settling. 50,000 people in Ontario, biat it is not likely that the survevs and other details can be compIcted in time for any settiement this year._ BULLIET IN UïER NECKe. London Woman Victim .of Erratie Target Practico. A _London .despatch, says: Mrs. A. R. Simpson, o! Yoék. strcet, Was setanding in. the -p-eantry of ber home on Thurpday Morning when she _was. Eà 0t in the ineek by a bullet froni a 32,-calibreý revolver.. She,>Nwas only slightly wou'nded, but had: a very narrow escape,' a jagged -wound being, made o ver 'the ju*ular vein.. Were it not that>- the-, win4ow- was of heavçyi plate glas-wt is believed, that a f a- tally wold hve*occurred. Spencer -R. Ston'e, of Chicago, Was',rrestd. cbarged -with wouiiding. HIe was bailed.' StoDne èlaims _tbat tte shot w.as fired by-a"young lady friend, and that they were firing at a'tar- gtIn an -adjoiig b yard for practice. A- NEW RIEGIMBRNTO w 1l3o Organized With MHead- quarters at Parry Soimd.i An Ottawo. desp atch says :-A new regfiment 1of t nfaÃŽtry ileto 'be - or- ganized In- '1he. Parry Sound Dis- trict., It jein1kely that . the head-ý quarters wllI, lS at .J'arry Sound, and , the - conapanies dr<twn from, points adjo'Inlng. P~>SÂGI3RATES RDUED " ALd I *LAXANZJ.d J Pries Of Grain, attie, etc in Trade LCentres. Toronto, march 10. -Wheat -Th.e market ie duil, with-pries unchagi- e>!. No. 2 white and, red quoted at 74e rmiddle frelghta. No.*2-spring nominal at 70e-on Mi*dland, and No*: 2 goose -at 664c onMdad Mani- toba wheat stead_Ã; No. -i1bard, 88e ail~~~ 41 ginig utransit; No.i Northiier,. 86e ail rail, gin.ding in transit; No.' 1 bard, 8g7,,North Day; No. 1 Nortiierh, 854e North: Da4y. Oats--Trade le 'quiet, wt -2N. wbite quoted at 31e,: low freights'to New Work, and No. 1 white. at -32-k to 33c east. .Barley - Trade is quiet, with No. 3 extra -quoted at' 464e middle. freight, aùnd Na.i3at 434to 44c, middl*e..freight. Peas-No. 2 white, la quoted at. 7lc high freights,- and, at 72o east. Corn-Market duil, - with .1Canadian' yellow quoted at 45o we9t,, and mix-t eci at 44e west. eNo.: 3 Amnerican at 53 to 534e on txaek,- Toronto., Flour=Ninety per cent,. patents urfchanged at $2.67 middle' freight, in buyèrs' sacks for expoirt.- Straight roflers o! special brande for domestie trade quotesi at $3.25 to $3.40 lu- bbls. * Manitoba flour steady. No.'l patents, $4.20 'to- $4.40, and- sec- onds, $%' to $4.10. Stronig bakers '- 43-80 to. 34, bags included, -Toron;.- ta. Mllfeed-Bran,. $16 here*, and shorts, $18., At outside -points bran las quoted at $16.50, and shorts at $17.50. Manitoba bran'.lu sa*.s, ,$19, and shorts, $21 here. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Bean»e-Trade continues quie t., Me- dium, 81.65 to $1.75 per'bushel, and hand-picked, $1-.90 to $2. Dried apples _' M ket continues, very duli, with the price nominal at 3îc per lb. Eva.porated, 6 to. 64e. .Honey. The market is- quiet, wlth prices unchanged. Strained selle at 8 to 84e per lb., and cornb at $1,25 to $1.50. Ray, baled - The-market is, quiet at- unchanged prices. Choice timo-. thy-, $10 on track, and naixed at $8- to $8.50. ý Straw-The.market is quiet for *car lots, on track- at "5.50 to"$6r a 'ton. *Maplê Syrup-Five gallon cane, $1 agallon; one-gallon, cans, $1.10U and haîf-g-allon,, 60t. Onions- The market le dul . at 40e per bushel for Can&dian, Poultry -Offeringe are, very smaîL. We quote: Fresh -killed -dry- picked, turkeys,. 14 ta !- ; gées e, 9 ta lic per'lb; dueke, $1_to. i.2c chic -kens (young), 85e to* $1; old hens, 60 to 70e petr pair. Potatoes - Market steady. Cars on track, $1 to- $1.05, and, amail lots, $1.25 pet bag., LIVE -STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, march 10.-Everything offeredwas sold to-day. Priées* in butchers' -and exporters'- continuel about the same as before, A choice load or two ' o! the latter brought $4.75, but this marks no advanee. Mixed b hr'a.nd exporteis were Worth $4 $425 per ewt. for the best. Butchers' cattle continued un- changed at $3. VO to 4 4.20 for good to choice heifers and steers;- $4 to $4.40 for picked lots; ý$3 to-,$3.85. for medium to fair, and $2 to $2.75 for carniers. Stockera.. 'and feeders continued in active demand.* We quote; Fcedcs,: 900 to 1,100 ilbs., $3.90 tÃ" , $4.15, per.cwt.; ý.-tockedrs, $3.25 -to $3.75- per cwt. Butchers' buls -r emained. unehanged at 83 ta $3,50 per .ew.t. .Mlh ps wt-re searce, 10 or 15 selltng, and the: prices were finm at $30 ta $i.50. Lambs were al sold., 'The: -prices, were stea.dy al * round-., Wiçquote: Expoprt , ewes, $3.75 1ta $4.25- per, cwt.; 'bucks, $3 to 88..5Ù, and- lambs,. $4.50 to $5,75 per cwt. -Good veal.calves'are ýin lactive: de- mand-. We quote:. $2 ta $10 each, and 4j to 6e per lb. Hogs were unchangeg at..$6,10 for- selects, . nd 8.5.85 for- fats and lights.- Hoka -to be-- select- mruat W~eighi. not more _th.an 2.00 aor -lesa thlan 160 lbs. The following is 'the range c 'cu o- tations:- ExÈporter'- Per'.100 lus*. Choice.........425 $46 Medium ..4.00 4.25 BuPe.........3.75, 0.00 Butchrs'-. Choce..........4.00 _-4.35 Medium ..-. . 3.40 14.00. Heifers.........7 39 Bull...... ....3.0ô 3.50 Cow...........250 3.40 Feeders...... ...3,70 4 CO .3.50 jý3.65, Ca niers ....... 2.00 2.50 Lamb34:50 5.00 FWes...... .. .. .... 5 4.25- flucha-....... b C _q, eaeh .....2.00 -110.00 Eggs l-ho demnand h go-'0" new laid and prices firm. at 154 bto 16e per dozen;, cold storage1.9 te Cheese - Market. remains unchang- ed. W. quote: Fineat Septemberi, 134e; seconds, 13e; twin-, .14c. HEOG PIRODUCTS.. D]resead hoge are nominally-un-, ched wt fwcars offerizig. Weer quoted" at $7.50 te $7.65, and Nontheru at, ý$7.65 te$7,75. Cureti meats flrm, wlth demand fain. IVe quote: Bacon, elearX, 10 to 104c, iu toi an& case lots. Pirik, mess e21; do, short eut, $22.50. Smoked hamâe, 13 -te- 134c; rqls, 11eà houlders, . li; backs.I14- to 141c; breakfast bacon,, 14 to 141c. Lard-I.-Market stcady. We'-quoto: Tierces, 104e; -tubs, .1loite i-; * BUSINE SS'AT MONTREAL. - Mountreal,. Marc h*10« - {pecial).- -The local markcets continue qui-et and unclianged.- Grain-No. 1 Man- itoba liard wlieat, '75.c; No. 1 -Nortbi- cru, 73c, Marci delivéry; No. 1 hard, 77c; No.- 1 Nontheru, 7 5e ex-stôria, . May delivery; peas, 64ehigli freiglits; cats, No. 2 lu store hon., .37j- ta 374e; 314e higli fneights; rye, 491c. east;, -buckwheat, 484 te 49eý est.- UNITED STATES MARKETS., Duffalo, 1danch. 10. - FloUr-Finni. Wlieat-Winter, nomrinal;,:No.- 1 whlte, 80e;, No. 2 -red, .80e; spring, No.- 1.liardi, .88e; No,.-1 Nortiéier, 86é. - Cortr-Easy; No. '2 yellow,:' 52e; No. 2 con, 511e., Oats-Quiet- und" weak; No., 2- white, 414e; No. -'2 mnixed, 394e. Barley-;-56 ta 60e, lu store, and, .ou tr.acke' Rye-.Xo. 2, Duluth, March1Q.- Casbh, >To. ,1 liard, 76c; No. l Northerri, 751c; May, 774e; No. 2 Nortiioru, 78jc; May, 774 ta, 774e; J uly, 761e., Q ats -May, 34e.o Minneapolis, -Mareh 10. - ýWheat- May, .76f- te .764e; juiy 64t 76,1e; ou. track,. -No. 1. hard,, 784c«;. No. . 1 Nortliçrn, 771; Nô. 2 Nontli- cru,. .764e . rFlouri-First ',patents, $3.90 ta $4;'. second, patents, $3.80 ta $.3.90; firet'-elears, $2.55; second clears, .$2.10 t 22.Bran -In bulk, $15 te $15,25.1 FOR FAST.SEkVICEO Tenders, Called For B7.. the" Do~. -An Ottawa despatch saYs -+A meeting a! the, Treasury Board 'was lielt on Saturdaýy, -ah wliici an ad- yti sement was pz-9pared call-ing for tnesfora.fast Atlantic serVIM:- Steamship owuers. are asked te- bld iùpon au 18-kuot anti 21-kuot - ser- vice respectjvely. When thé .g'ut~es are-known the«Qavornnt w-i de- vide which service .ta ý;accept..-A promincint, steamship man hero yes- terday -saiti the -Government. -shoulê. .drap. tho 18-kuot . idea altogother. The.. tume-wae o pportune - for _askùng bide, as the shljuidiug à idstyl Great Brïtain is'so mewlat slack at present. NEWý DAIRY INVIENTION. Swedes Push Yctw "N«ilk - ur Machine. A. Stockholm 1d-spatc-h sà s :-It le authoartively stated, that the c'exugiciator,, ..the. newly-invented ma- chine for" extravctlng-"nik flour"- trami sklmt.-milk, lias witlstood -al tests l. i the. daiÉies ý of -,the.. world, and -,will. shortly. be p1là ced-beside the iseparato as an article o! utility. It la es.timýateti tiat tii, in-ý vention will yiele a profit'ta -the- Swedlsh diary .ilndustry o!. $2,000,-. 000 annuallyr.'A iunachimie capable o! .worlking tirougi 2,000 quarts. -o! mulk inu ten .hourà wilT. -côst tram ~100ta $1,200. A.- lirnited coi- pany* af-. Swedish, capitaliste lias ob- taineti patents _lu- moat- foreigu .cauntries. HIANGEID HIMSELF. Westmister Fanmer Takeés Ris A LQndon, ôOnt.,.depatcii- Baye Wvilliam Carrothers, o! -coni à 3, West- mninster, liung hui sel!iith - a i alteri ln ha barn; on Thuïsda ; whe -fount ho w-as- deati. The deceaszd, ýwho" was- mueli- respectedantiw-as 67 ycars .o! -age,ýý- 5 -upposeti to have. hbeen driven. insa;ne -through broording oôver-,ilines luhie- famIy.- :FE1IAN RAID- MEDALS.:,, Applications Will Nat Be Consid- ered Alfter- This nutli. An.Ottawa despatchsays: Apples.- tiona for Fenian ]Raid modale -ii mot hoeutertained after this -month-.. Li.eut.-Col . Henry Smnith,-of the- Medals Claine- lBoa.rd, stated thie morning tbatquit. a -nuniber- o! ap- in. -- beem enageà and -15- doathAin' EMpioýee o! thé 1Win oflce 'iwant a,2 perc- lu w4ges. The value of- the -mlÙner'à of Canada- for 1902 - a est $64*970,19 2. 1The-,,De Perest.-*Wirelees. ComIpanY of Canada bas 0 Ontario charter. The Canadiaix Nortiierai avery fine, station at Wli Pont Garry Park. During Pebrua-ry, 2,860 register,èd at Winnipeg. arY, 19'02,. there wene 1,67 .Notice lias been givenc vate bille te corne beforei o! Counions this sesson., M.tliunin, the wife '-nui Montmagny, was condemi hanged on the-24th cf Ap SIt l s aid the ileering Comipany are, negotiatinI Hamilton steel & Iron -C Fired Thibadeau,' a note was sentenced to 17 years' ment by Judge Lo.udry ai The Dinorwic, Man., E post-office were burned. occupants escaped inlut clothos. ý he -Iumber eut . in' th, Bay dià trict basx-been nr tionial- and wiWlainount tc 000 feetÈ, --, -e;'I. 1I. Trebitseh, a HEebrew, - in a lecture at C tirnatcd the Jewish popu Canada at 22,000. 'As a result. of the deman 11-tan toanisters for $4 per city -proposes estalii scavenger departrnent. The live~ stock and pou] este are anxious to have» ion Government mako au these limes at St. Louis. Negotiations aopendir British Columbia fruxiy gr( the Dominion Express, w~ resuli lulargely increased liomi tho cà ast ta Manitol -The directons o! the- Bra a'e, making arrangements va±ing an . exporimental pi fair, ground, and during .t domestie science instructo, present to give lessons lu Postrnoster Johnson, o! N.R., lias been arreté,,4o o! robberSr.I 1 ng -allégé dencé, against h1m was letters in pqssession af the Rat Portage man cour the poison candy case. ýý Prince Albert, Sas& Boà ,rd o! Tr-ade has -passéc resolution urging upon th, ment 'the necessityo!ff couragement ta new rail points :out that, whl& lu wan. there le an anei, s-quare miles, there are miles o! railway. GIREAT BRITAII Inu nine and. a haif hour- lice saw1 118 mien, 719 worr bOYS and girls enter a Liverpool, public-house; 1V lias been- decided ii that' ncwspaper proprietora u!acturers. and that the UNITE D STATEE Robbers ope.neci a pwitcli ington, Ind., -deraileci a tri tlinee trainnien. *An lujectioù o! fonmalin sepli Chappeaux o! hydrop Williamsport, Ps. Ira. .Sankey, -the famo eyangelist, who lias 'beoz iii,. la recavoring. Because, she couildn't.buv "()Wu long