* . BÂI~GAIN «rçst Clearing 6aIe .fqr Ail Goods to be Sold loR d-ý leu of r tst iluw w. give a 1ONI e t ho m.any Bargaine Iwo bave t-O Otfeil you. ILèn'aL[ne Rubbers spécial fisc; Mena '%VWa te proof -Lin". Oversiioc pry special #1.14.' Mea.Fine Aluika Oe oe sap ;Ken',s Bnag proof Rubbe fel reg- ilax' prlce $1.00 especlal .00. 'Man's 2 bue kIe Rubter feqit a ba rgaîn Uea sà Sbuekie grai Jbotw Foit Li'i.d specicil $1.38.i iMon'. Fet Lace Boot.s ý'oxe4 with Box Calf. speclai 91.2& Ken's long top éI'et bootýa*a bargain Boiys, es buokis Rubb4' tfest and Bcks comp!ete at $1.00. Ladies'l lined rubbe spqicial 45e. Ladies' Fine Alaska O.0shom . very' Imen'a Tani Hockey bqots a bargain Liadies' »qagola Lace boota regular prîce 02.00 8pOOtal $1.25. !- La4Iea' FeIt Lace Bootsa Wd'gaiters *tl 750. and -$1,00.46 Boys' and girI's scbeâl boots at $1. Meula 111gh eut Manitoba Overahoos very ijieciaf 11.50. Mgen'e Fancy slipperW .au05C.ý 'btan's Dongora Lace -boots regular prie« $2.75 special $1.75., .The. MCPliom>x ox 0 M on- Cola $4.00 Sho.e, a speclalbargain'à t$3. Truuks' and YaIlsea ait 11B3argaju, Ta e. alook av aur windowt and tables- for ispoctal bargamns. '?à -.N. WHRITIBY. flere's to tIe heýýI! Mciv she not be 4lacouraged bY the wc'ather. Il y ou, "5ac4urff ThIe ama rt t t Pa rie, Ont., are down oCia ake ' aand coon -,ongs. WI1atdlotliey>wa't? When a p-ty ilefma mana's fSit, tieý feelat as if be had nfo> earthly une eo l*%anself. A =a 'wlr io qidsreligion la atman Ctwho lbavem'his 'horse our 1ail day "la !fliettold without a blanket.ý *.bls elidemie of the. gri lia not an wiçuonable tbing to happera in a f.i~slodgo t>wn iLke t44a~ About tii. only reliab4. aigu ot 'rnprlag w. havQ ýYetha4 in the, state- mnt Iiêt 'ILaeedQna in la rtpariu< to imvc.It against Turkejr. RII.lway train wr.cks kilt their: ýhbou»gùdâ adsch yeer, but the. habit o! tryýr< to bWiwd or to juap from muovoq trainskilts twice as %maany. It îa sow ulmitte4 that Oanadian ronare the liest d.reaaqd itithe ~worI& That i4 the reasna'why OCAdan mona are the . ft dr.ssCLd ,ben the . éention would .ul'r 1%. a rama r t:wç longeç, a ad ttuý et- ~o~ty a~a~rtgo fl rç tho soukl Lfflitl jÃUI ~&begîns' tu scrafa wîttithegcr d.. IM ?113 people vïho go te churches -lâte late zMay bave goed cletb. te dk4a*Y, but tlh.j, art% georcily shy eogrils Tih. Bell Tel.evbohe people would b. èver au releved.Ufthose disagree- able rrnt i4ould e>xl$7 <rirà g ef Ooo#wtt Prvent tnaoaà pyot. welU. do on evçr doitbted but that they were st-roog enougb 49- Prevent.soine- &frii .tii City; ciUq iimi M votd ta thanklin L hxm W. A*. îalLtS zML.,Mlbok is'djedago 7 - etodita Con- M£ .V94tive, and cIrj Qrangeman. With theseconnsetiotus idEas t Durbami we cannot undeXstanêý bow the deceaaed Wornea may imore irritable than men, but a woman oaa$ML i 'weety whIls cuttià g ber oormu with a raxor whule a in ttrYiAg - te shave witb tii. tsrtme.three ours later will makelth. .atmcsphere l tli&dit iiat a, Imo.U decided baby bine. West lDurham Vonservatives Pre- Suited Mr. 0. J.,Thoriiton witba a check~ for $1,000 towardp' hie eWation expenfs«, and presented'Mr. W. H. Raéid, ex-M.P.P., 'witbi au oak cabiWnet or lgilve* . Whci- gays politicians na'Vet reVe ti nythuuig but abuse t Six mur&lrs h ave been coiùiittea wîthin 'ten '4ays in,(aron e towII.0 wrIittzburg. A gocid epen- ing ,thore. for an undertaker, but 1êt. CnanA 4tharak hmven-,that thereý arW u nobopeninga ira this'Mir Canada o! our*s. Thens ome Âmer-ý cau& wonder why. Canadit does neot wvish to ), annexed. Lord Dundonà ld -mays Canada"& luixto ar« lit for:tii. aorap pile. NWell, Isa't, %V for ese in sorarqa that we- k6ep- thom 1 Even. if thé. gun arm fiftéfr ahl crap heâp, Lord DundeEIld muat ned imagino that Canadiaras are go- iog to spend money-on new ones. T he furniture o! plenty of hard-working Canediana in fit only for à the isame jIMa. X-r. G3o. P. Grant, lawyer, o! Or- inthe Liberal caadidate, 'lefeated ttari cd ilTuesd.ayi by about.20< o! a' .majority. fhe <aucesaful candidate is bu.V 33, -and thus l-Aancther .!ndie=n ticin that the. old stagero.are net ini it at tits agé. The CoiMer$viivîe, under -thè Tate member, Mr. 35cLsod,- deceased, bad over 500 of!-a majorit3t Independent' rural teophone e'y*. teras seem to b.galingin oplà ity. They ca* b.cIià t ruated .a ti1 maint.aià zd. obealily, %V',hile tht. aranm. ers wh net rate r hlea4to dci~u~esmr raiY, emd to dijm-, ims tb loeliosaetlire eQu th. !arrn. When eleçt1rie r&ilways -trà v- etn% the. <011tt7 and rural teepho-nes coaneet the-iiaior1t1 of farrai bmues, th« diwblle rs .n»farina Seedt e ny I' rLb. Jkockv~ile rnillinsr _ who te[W $0a~g,000 for' laostitted !sliasa, -val, the" -Iwbld êvli&atlyý. km m oey te~ $'Lt..h* heUtire h la bonets. flb AO&W bsItsd ? ». Tor à 15on h ' MIb f éffic 4epartmeli. RLxIl 1pêast-~& le4s at wtl, ceUld 4180 condùeùtl the teepone b=iu î6s !thercimu -Hon. John tJryd*n ha etated tint anâ amendment wI ~ introduced at provision all>wing eaoh out te .$end one jupJl t tuAgrieul wral i-Col- loge each >'ar free o! ý l ., Me Said hode te*c *tt cintson aebaiù, à -nd xxoW tlM cologe, oivdmore -applicaticibs tha,, they oould o*0cept ~ god ç2of elap-trap, .I.Sho1- -ià a îush I kTâio-ý . mm'r have, emittnd-cil thepower 4uesti". tiriis LDont th& '-ig1gfts ~dct -tlait the - ratep.yers, 6i that -cit ,fiV4 erton miliuns te -nvet ira sncb an enl.eirPrm. -B-dt thê'éy iriight met- ho nwiliag bLà see ii. rest of -the. pj!eyiffl taxed teuhrrnlh After bis récenit',efPèi .sLü i4orLh 1York,, t 14 jioisible tha-t KMr.' NIm. una lb.e to ko Skunk-ais, <mnd would-,, ne doubti read- ily -dMit.that csmeeLiierwhiéh tilled hie ."s ri a wa&0'mp m"'se&, or condeteed air>unk. No need ta wait fo r h mgeoti.spect'roscope te- push a0iecurtaina tu reveal- tii lz~ rovg t e iùs- Nofr tliw et arm mer. Now. i'*t.eao1plUgging an-, d.brtai -on _toubut _Onte i- nubi,14why. noettthozxm i ree, -Pro- v1da tbey -bind theuÉ.sevéeta ýwork 84a farm luborets or domestic" - er- :r Olhing*ôod Bulletin adre- cates the aylùent o! a salary t.b town Ceuanillore. V bellev6'that sth an lnà uvi,tluonwoU14 bal a dis tint't1y.Àýick- WarÃd stop,-and- would'certai, 14 éÃor. muni;cipal politicà . TIi.pit-I taibS tha t th%. ratepyers, would be wililg 'ho e y34,would net bu any 'in- duçextintý to thè-e cefuU busine.ss m 0n. he, ti. oher.Yiand, it wôuld 4)bn.tkr 1a. beonI, lu (-he cuncig a p for t mivaëd poit;lcaùgs, and in hait eambletoi: off icé they -wùuld. 'oon emak. bit thatthle self-rend-cting citizen'a would hot wantto, aczept nomination. ie. wouid, neither bê Wiling butedesceud1 totheietbods .ess3ary(tuecure élection, uer to à 3rve ý W ti(.eas - tmetwho would, b. attracteci by -tihé alary. ot 1teagrkuiltural distr ict whîchi shouid tllow (th. i.Mpra'vement -o! berod. heefttherEfeor tj1ii adoption. of!-- îhçCounty iBÃBtE!I1 by ~II Cunr o Onaro'as - oiasldere by' reprc.oeiittiveà o1 the varlout mu-ý ii.ipaLiUes et thu Ie è:meeting of ~tb~couzty eouncl aem tobb the. tight Course o1poc0re ýtevery an4 expei ait _teardlesso! anýfty'ss- MOW ~ kplan, tho 1inmay wuil aiémply be( wà à i-d. thé ame asit te past. No*w that the countyr* gyst.m 1* £ pos.ublity, W.hp t will 1»adoptedi anICI (biat-it w*ll 1u114 -al Ibat, > ex- -pWUe&1o! it, but aIt the>am. ime w foe¶adimimedia t. trevolut-ion - lu _tii. -toac4, "d would ask a fair, trial for (b(Wsystemn; Jwdg 4MCt me *bu whoP"Beided VL 4fra~i~ia -ô!iii. otionotssl irnprisoines1t and a 4S fi-ne seMtma fpcetty bebvyy 1,ezalty te iDm't, "silt 'when- aee, der -ther-natura o th. crime,, notbmin-g but: setre cen- bUviie oas on3y arWtl' entUr1esi o! ton- trg4 4 gatrïea cost, an4 tu bave set Penalty, Bat _whatdow lnd! O!. course tue rafii-of tue a3myth~ly -CrY,-iihth.rat !a fore A bygmte o! Judgey--pim - rnon's elfort.hI h. t 'r0,-t ',r 1 t O!ntario en.iU Gusofo lah pexsonà te-rnate escape becatisà e b. n.t& ilsiyfeare net'very- weil.,Ma .mêtriebea eouç1epce. Wbon'!thus mst work iscond'oned.b aQosnou Usat, oucan we h iio. êtoé eltIec- i r- - - uii4er ~or ti ~13~ $11 t1l~k £UPJ raningfrm *.00k 7.0 Xer p f 1 ANDREW0' Mi.- The D1ammid D5-e Mat and Éugi patterns combine IBfaIty* and gSimpllcity. ~Thé inereasging deoeand for thol3ia- mdnd Mye Mat and Rug. P3atterèn* l tii. truageat indication'io! theie o pralaFity. ..The fascinating. art o Mta« an4 Rug mxnk!Ang la now, uli vatad ~by ,w m c! ailclae. oà f 0- ciety. lThe Da~adDsMtad Rug.piLtéerns combine e-beauty and simçrliieitly. Alter seduriing une or! tUme patterns, any lady c an ý-asily &tativ r-mm ornsament. Thd man- ufacurea ~f th ceebrtedDia- m -!)dyen wiil snd.t a ny address by_ mail, f rcý lf çoit; a niba 3eBook, Samples'of 45 de o~t and ÃŽheets df designs -for orderùi'ý.tsn -a drmes to The. Wells &, Rîchardsoj Ci Limited, 200 Montain fSt., ontrei AUCTION SALES. Sa tnurdaY. *g&a rch ltth-é. Combinat!un ,sale. L. Fair-bauk- Uotneer, pWopà rty of Taihes MWhite. Pûùcher & Posatillct. Thursdayj,Mac 1.&l o!fr -stock, .mpements, on. lotîNo. '9, 6 con. >ikigtué roperty' ci!N. Wils on. 7 metscidt ocor& Psi Tusay farch 317. -Salie- ëlfarmz stock, h ohensn- lot 382, 2 -foh. f>ikeie, tevrp-rtyo-t'iLUf- 001. Iean,*7acteg. LF aiin Vertifemeut in aunotiie'c*lb.mu Wédnsdayý,Xlarch- igtIf. .Sale of. fernistc, m-lmnton lot NO. 21, 9 cn.picketing'thie pety oe- Jon UadrML 71-iontýbscredit. s4 o at tok,I mperiseuse- ot~kL. ?ouI~r&Pà ffll(auct, (ù 11efl-ra5hl. Credit min' Y This bad weather won't Iast long, and then y &ble to visit -Riohardaon's Stationéry Stoxe and of lis sfie sis - New goods -are already ftrriving, and to make i fthem we are. prepared to sel everythîng at 4h< possible figure. Take a&-.look at these bargaina for a sample: C oi Bardw................... No.. 8, 4p,5 Leather Sohool Bg...45c. Ping Pong Bats........... ...........2 Celulloid Ble.. ................ Afilthe laes gongoe............... *These pri,es odgo o Whynotlbehi thd eSwim fautns iaguarantee ôùntait $50adl $8. We, eais - manIdelwhiek je recognize pen. We, are also, ageut for thE 11ILI - Boolê ai~d St the M onth Of and, have o04 lu Pens, whie, .eôle agents fi Md the world, ie daily _and i c&tioii~ery BROCK ST,. . Delinoatore and Designers. -. Best ýquity. Prmtdélivery. J i]DfOT33 la, .probably1 to Lb. mieds la rather ai 0 1 ibmeiag v Iiing te «ecto4 the ioa butai- -td jp the, own. - 8I trex es P- R brn..A IwTIILL w&yo Wu@ W-1 TI 1