Ontario County Gazette, 13 Mar 1903, p. 2

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-% THE OCTOPUS 0F SCET 811 Lem Lny a Man and Woman M.i a Firm £ 'and Fatal Cluto. X Entered aceordlng ta À ofe the Pa.r- Ramewnt or canada, J# the. year Une Tlhousad Nin. Hundred and Three, by Win. Jiaily, et '.Toronto, -at the. I)opartm.ent o! Agriculture, Ottawa.) A despa.tch from Chiéago sys gev. Dr.- Tairnage preachoti from the following text ;-Luke.ýçiv, 18, «"Andi ,tbcy ail with une consent began ta mnake excuse." It s 'Comrativoly seldom that =en are convîncetihy, argument. in every perlot! the great tiiecoverer or philosopher, liowsôever - irrefutable hie arguments, lias. heen treateti with incredulity- and sometimes with - ridicule. The young scientiet Whe readl a paper sorne- years mgo argu- ing th&t - the canal iislande wenre built by as maîl inseçet was perse-- cuteti andi expelleti fro thtie Frenchi acaderny, - anud, brokeb loartoti anti in disgrace, lie -comntteti suicide. ?O i ntro duce' any. innovation - nte the realm of thougît by the power- of argument la a task.tiat few have the courage te atternpt anti fewer otil the power te acîleve. But though argument and* tact are often futile thene are twu wizards who cau always charnir-he Who can tell a stony anti le Who can paint1 a picture. Witli one flash the antiet i of the -brush or peu can carry the 'truth home. The p»iblic speaker Who Wields the greatest influence to-day la not tihe sclentîst or-the legiclan, but the - eaton w-ho, catitell. the, common people wlat a> thlng le like. Christ nearly allwaya spoke In par- ables. Hlm analogies were the wheat andthetIctares aand Ïii. ajutard seoti andtit.he indi oftlie air anti the. MlIies o! the Valley.- Evorybedy can untiestauti a similitude.i on. o! thea. matehless similitudes in the icone of the text. The king-- - doino! heaven le comparedti ta feast ta ' whlch rnany g ueste lave been inviteti. Manners anti customn, change, but Iu ail periode andtinl al lande the Ides. o! a ! east -*lias been famillan, Tloy -have been colo- tbnateti !rom time immemorlal. EXCUSES$ OLD AND N'EW. Lot un examine the "excuses by whicI *the mon ofo!ad evatietithis leasi. anti see how closely -tley ne- isemble the excuse& hy iwihien of the. present day tny ta justify themn- selves ln thein nref usai tb ait down *t the marriage banquet o! the Lambi. îretth tI citalieVs ex- cuse. 1-ardly had the anclent - bau- quet table been prepareti wlen: we 'can ses a ca-urier's hers tiash up to the waulti-be lost's bouse. . The xaeîsengen le s4reesed ila the.liverieti costume o! one.-o! VIe rîcI men o! t he east. Il dismounts and - knocks at the. front doon. When1 thie servant oQpensIm hat doon, the meesenger hantis Iluas.sceuteti missive whidh readsE oniethIng like - this :X -dean trient!, mudli to my regret, -I Oirud ît -IrapossIble ta o with you to-niglit. I know you e *pocte i me, but I have juet closeti, a big demi.- Shave become tIe owucr, o!f a large tract o! landi,,anti I must 'go out and, -se. It. Ipray VIe have'- me excuseti. ThougI j amn compelledti t be absent ln bodyi: yet X shall ho with you -to-nlgît "lA sp liî. Adieub my dean in, until w. meet at My1 9qwU table." Wlien VIe'gooti maui. of the bouse receivos VIsle ltton, "hia oye flashes. The Bible digtinctly.de- clares lu referozice te i episode< !'Then the, master o! the bouge being angry"-He reaac between ti a linos o! thmt' nefusal.He knew that Vl -capitalist was maldug a pon ex- cuse ; ho k4ew VIa-tte capitalilt as au intellient Investor weu-itinoev- er have boug#t VIaet lauti unlesalie had firat accu iV, *exoaffied t anud ascertainedth tirat ta tItis deetis were alnîit. - Thé gootiman ma.y lave had Ils suspicion that te capitalist îôf tVIecast, n<>w that lihe -wae a -'rotlandowner, fteit a lttlo a-bave hie aid asaoeciates andti Veret-oré may. bave thoughtit Il*Was noV dignified c for ui ta miagle With ordlnary guets at a comàmoný banquet, andti thus a lsatayeti away. 8a w. -find, that the liazdest ,mon andti woenr Va reacli ii a gospel secuse are the( -riel people. They do noV always1 think it respectable ta assaciatei .wAU, nrepentativen o! tIe masses « ing,, church- pe%. Tb4y,.woulc - be1 wllIlig tÃ" go -ta heavèn if! they.'t tould -ofitly-go' lna sgîlteti chariot,t as à Jng mntglt- ',to WstminsterN abb.y anad be crowaed. -TIey would f -gladly go if 'Vhey ýcoulE! only bribe"1 thirIrwa-y thero I>y'a million -dollart chèek But tb*ey 'rc-not willllng to be. aupplantsa after the Breadt-i o! L4.fe - ben their awa grananies. are tuIL91 r ..supplies .and ! thein gin. LOVE CAiflM 13Xi'nOtaTGH Neith.i ,, wI m pmn. buy -love. li Ktoue A Y't m y,»cpi4 Iy bow aad svino%é Wro -us, but the t Uougtress o!f-lpvq Annot a hlreling i v11o hshr brapiite Mtrains, - torj.4 lla wçn i D Mrl.s ýp Iu take befere the' ' judgment. seat 'cf Christ net 'whàt >,'you npw hOltin your hand, bu~twhat' you haie' -in your heart. Thereo re, it Is veryV Impor tant- that -you do- net with fatal self- coxnplavency- as te your wealth andiasocial _prestigc,e~ ndti ur owxershlp . 'o! mortgae dan bonds andi landi titloe blinti your. eyes te the importance- o!goôing te_ the gos- pel -banquet. THE'-WAG£EL ARNER'S,- EXCUSE. Whomnn lxodern lfe' dees-- this. stock- owner represent ? . - e syrn- bolizes the- practiilng doctor or'-lw yer Or smnail merèhant or manufac-, turer .or mechanlc or sglaried, eh-- ployee, ongaged i lua daily struggle for a llyolihood. He ropresents, as Matthew Henry weil wrete,* the man ,with "'the inordînate cane and Con- Cern about this- world whicli keeps hlm from, Chriet andi lis grace. " lie represents thc father, andi husbanti woon -Saturday nIghit Baye "tWeli, I have worked lard all- the-, .weok. I arn- tee tined te, go te church. to-morrow anti do ,God's- work. It le ail well enoIugli te think, about' religion, but 'the simple fact le» lin this streiiuous earthiy' life IJ -Mu8t - look after My- business and. keep 'iooking aftor i# all ÃŽ.e tirne.", le eepresents the *business man wbo at firet does , enQt intenk - te de wrong, but, littleý by- littie, h. ai- lowe -bis business te ýcrowd- -out his prayer Meeting on - acaunt. of buiii- nee;ten hie daièy. reading o! t .h1eý Blible-; ýýthen --'i& Sunuday 'services.-1 Littie by littele alos hseft'a" drift away' from Qed until at last the invitation.t the: gospel ban- quet falîs u .pon unlieeding eans. ,THE -BRIDEGROOM'S EXeUSE. But, -hark! -Another kneck la, heard at the door'-o! -the gooti man's house. ""Aha,-" yu say, "gthink o! the fool- lsli excuse this third expocted - guest lias sent! lue eaye lie in a -Prlde-1 groom andi therefere cannat cerne. Why diti lie net do as Mr. Moedy saiti Ife ouglit te have donc' - go te- the banquet hall andi take,.lis wifel along?" -. But, My 'frienti, this excuse1 of the'- bridegroorn -ouglit net tea'be te youl an abject.e! derision. 0f a-il the excuses which Christ stated in the parable 1 think this one wau the meet - Plausible ançi the meet na- tional. The bridegzroom à"in the east, .by the custorn' ef that time, migît be leeketi upon louiently fer answer- ing as lie did. The liobrewscensider- ed marriage ohe of the Most sacreci ant i Iportant evqnte o! a hurnan bo- ing's life. Every. - Young. *gi>l' spent ber tirne cblely li preparjâg fo-r-lier nuptial, day. --She was alvaysspin- ning linon nd, making garments; for the wodtilug trousseau.- Every Young Man.' -was. taugît that hie duty. te the world ant i te Qd was te' mfarry. H dia net enter inta this marrli rlainhi ua'lp bazard"way, as' '4.-manyo! the Young people a! the-preseat tîme.. He'did not marryl pon a Momen.. tary imnpulseý. BUt thé yoeungpeople ,were often, afflanceti fer years- before' the wedding day. «Thon, by the aid Efebrew as wel'a y the Roman- law, a bridegrVOm.- waga-. absolutely: lutepçendeUt o!f.11 miiLar;rand, tàaa great extont,, o! .Civiî obligations for à.' whole Year. After the% weddlingr C"a. Boxneting. cane from nothlng9 Ilit:ca M f as iny-hanti and imell'the sweotest fragrance. I say! 'O vase, whence carne thy perfumne-? Wore t)iy substances. fragrant pefore i tho bot tire -cftIc epatter's furnýace aouchedtitlee" "Nay, '90anewere' the P &ae The- reason I arn pçrfumoti la because. hundr4red t, ftowere have been plucÇed sud !ÃŽ- ve aloe bo kise xm# wltli their"rèti ant i hite [pi.> Upol 'the Band dunes ! 'the*' oeashore I plck up a çU1 eously twiïi- ti sheil. I1 plice ft--ïWi# Oar anti d 1hea.r a Io*, rmoanfixg seuni' I sat ao the sal, -"Bl, wly'dodt 'ihou moan like aa sc hildtik'e -usc" 3wuswers thé sheil, 'I ive'been. ral--t ad ovet' and over Ittathé bottom a!. - lo seas. .1 have been' allôoecl- te lace My ear -againit the great krobbng, ahing -lisart -cf .ite nfeY Aeep I ra . ueely, edhlig~ isgtrow, og the se& wavesa that, are udthat by tbie d4rect-l&w ar natiwer i berç la no eft«'t wI'hoeutp cau8eý If rou. 0 parents. 4@*i'*ri nid. à-.i.'A I- etayed, away Ut adand ecue but then the -hast would havre' bedn offénded a.nd 'would neyer hve nl- Vite& gemagain. "1'hey wanted' 'ýto keep o& wiil se that he xnighiü inlrviW= t. saine future thue. H tbiseInÊitedi guets never lîépec0. te,' accept an -Invitation teýtlhe' good, mnan* s bouse, - they' would have _' « 7my sit-ting. down eve-ry lIittle',whIlIW and 'writinýg to -that main that I'an~ not' accept-his invitations? He7 le becolngnotbing 'but ,a Perfectý bore., W a wl ohereaftr- laS *et te;'tbrow' li s nvltat1Ã"sino the- wasteï-* basket. Then, aftejr aàwhile, lie will cea'Se te write'ý and' ;wil.stop hie i#iportunities.": But, ,n. Tht le. no-the ourse these invited'guest's took. Tey practi- kep on^ senuing My dclinatilon,- y tr nand'yîear et-and, then sorne 'day, when , a I ý od; anti ck' an'd helpess ntiabout' tedue,A;ýwf lut ho: carniet! dwnon- ýmy.sick bed.- ad that'good- zjuan *111 t ake "'care of me and forgwve ail thýe indifference and si o! t my J~ ife." You- expeet'to- some day corne 'to Christ, but'.o keep sayig to thegospel messnger "Ne?. ow.Nôt- now. Ntno' ACCEPT THE INVITATION- NOW.- My brotfher-and sister, invited t-'- Jlesus ùChrist', 'I ar n nt -going, t' ~force-you te any declsion. I arn go- ing te leave the whole matter witl i yourscl. Instead -of asking ydt ou t corne:te thegospe-lbanquet new I anl going ta ask you-' when yeur will corne.,»., WilI -you -ckme, te Christ ten, yeare frorn to-day?,. "O1h,.ne,"i-you -ans*er; d"I W.Ã"ul.d-. -net ]ika toposýt- Ppne the gesp'e-i invitation'as long yeane. Ton ers ie a veryln tirne. , As I Icok hback aven xxly past life I dan se 1w many unexpecteti 'thinýge have 'happeneti duning ten ycars. _- Man-Y, o! my bet anti dean- est, fnieis bave diet iunng tîoýso t'en yea rs. ttey, were just as young -nistr6ng asIg laininow. -Icno aff enod te wait -t<iu years.91 TheýAý 'ivili you corne lu five years? "No; - will nQ>t telay ît fi'Vè-years. That le aiseý tbe,'long. - I - have lied certaiiný warnngs tha- t maynoVilve' fve years. r-1EIle was a strange pain lu rny heant; tihore was that tiizzy sen- sation' in my -leati- h . " Then will you cerne noxt yoan or , nexV motl ýte thc gospel- banquet? 11No,».'yeu an- swer; "II are net, postpone this gos-, pel Invitation for a yeas- or even for a montl. I knew that thq,-gospel invitation will.,net ,pros itsf upan me in-s. montl .with--VIe saee-pow-, or as 1it le now tig. Each day-1 postpone this mattor iV le liarder for me te cerne."Then, my brother anti sister, wiil you, accept hs gospel invitation uow? Will you not aàk for- a full pardon of your sins? Wili you not ask for, a robe o! nigliteous- ness whidh, las been cnimsonet rr the blooti- o! the Calvazr cross.- TUE SIJNflAI SCHOOL flITERNATIONÂL L1SSON, NÂARCH 15. Text O! the ILesconq Acete xix., 29- 40 Goldenî Text, Ps. xxxi.3,29-31.] 20i- AndtiheI whole City was fL'ieti! wiVli confusion. This. groat stin was -because busi- ness was being luterfenèti with. The word ,,o! Gç4dgrew _. o rnghtlly -anti se pnê-vailecl (verse 20) VIa-t- Vhe won-, shippers of, Plana. were net ce pieu- ti!ux.,ariti here wae net' thccarne' ca-il'for ilvrahriMÉ.esas--formerly <22-27). - What, a- glioius tea-timoniy ves -6- eto Ihe poWen .o! Ve- goe-- pe.We VIhink o! chapter v, 28, ani ti.hgipriesV's esttxnony thatethw aposies ad filled, Jerus4lm,ýwitV4 zeal now ,and«wliene la Ve de-vil dis- 1tUnb'e4 by the.preacheso ho gos- ^pel7 . Where are tIose wlo y.et Gàreat là Jesus o! Nazareth!'> wlth t . came ealthttiiese._peuple crieti i"Great,,le Diana o!fthé, Eplesians!" (verses' - 2 8-4).' Teire temleàa- Ephesus wàs oe, o! the 'w-ontiers -e! the wonîti, sud'its imagnificence. was, .n tioubt very gneat,"hut iV was the ,work of ma-n anti for mnan's giory and fer Vhe- wonshîp Ã"o! VIte dcvii, for aUl sacrifice and wenshp tlat -le'net te Godis le te edevil (I Cor. x., 20)e Ail the, confusion lu Ephesgus at Vhie ,tune was oa!>the dcvii -aise,- for. "ed lis-not a Goti o! contfusion, but of peace" (I Con.. xiv., 23)., 30, .81.-- A nti'wîen Paul would have entened inl unte -Vthee people the dis- eiles sullered him- nt. Nie lad frienis aise arnong thc principal mou o!ofAsie Who ativiseti. Mirn iot. teo enter tIc- theatre. We are nowhene authonizedti o put ourselves #eodlessly lu danger. When Vhe pea- Ple o! Nazanetit Would haveeset aur Lord. from the brow o! Vhe 1111'anti killeti 'Hlm, lue quiete, Veek IHimsoif out o! their waey.(Luke v.,29, 30). if . .pormitis "death te Corne tô. us, wo are net Vo fe.ar-i. t (Matt. X,-28), 2ncuwùL-that "ldte die le gain," ")-te doatad he with Christ is fan bet- 32-.4. When tliey knew that lie .vas -a. Jew, ailý witV.one voice., about the, -spa-ce- cf .Vivo heurs, -cnioti eut Great la- Dia-na ot tlIé Epliesians! Itwt "ws snply uproar and, 'nf- Elon', -tIc majority--not knewing why, they wene there, ;and when V hs .Alex-. iziduer, put. forward by Vthe -Jews, - woulti have spo ken thVe verse quoteti 4 wiellau'w they iw-,te ds hows .ho- pol~I~~t ouÀi havýe heen forb au ba , hàve, triedti o quiet tbem. T Ïhey' ma-. us thluk ,of V-ie prophets o! sal Who 'crieti tram, .meIiuýi uni noaon, sayl ng, ~0B9!J, iréieau"- (T' e4ngs, xviil,- 26).- ,The onecry- Mna-ut ouit., f Much as VIEé-iher.' nie, !act th4t Alexander- WUs a- Jç%v etarted tlien ion Ibs two heurs'vry. I'hinàcb! tlie h-. aietd' 1o-dec1l4tcJew.. Vo Daniel th ew FALCISABOUT P OODS. Borne Emninnb Bnitsir Atvice on Whatto Eat suid.Whly. Que heur was spent et VIe heaý- quartons of the National Heaith 8()-- iciety by -)r i Robert Hutdhison -, lu nullsly desring corne :henisheti popular faflacies about food, -says. the London Mail. Dr. Hutdhison le tiemontrator -'lu physiloiogy- at tIé Lontion Hospital,.Xedie.al.Cie0e0--1 «'The puer 'sheuiti give.-tIelii.chi-- dren les bread-and-jam and.mn.oe tilppiug,".le ,said. "The.main- fit Ini our national feeding le that we consume tee -mucàir stand hanti -sugar anti. tee littie fat. Mha ny -o! 'VIe chli-: 'timn growup stuneed.auçibAdly de- 'loped,, largely hecause o!, the de- ficlehls iiof eoig - Btter- as- -e, foot leo! he ighést value,. anti 'theu~e -of~ drg ope>4oud. be gnaLy 'lnceàkÉ. *Ili n Wole'a -substance that -dae- ot'deservp al 'le, matie in a. way tlat le open ta no 'sent o! objer.4iot., Id lephysiologic- 'ally- equ-al te büt~, ie.easiîy -di- ;esteti, andin #-an--excellent supplier, o! euergy;" , -Lentils, -pea. L, laniîcet,- i beans, ajmti'7' 'oatmneal shoul4-- ho - aten, --anti .meat - lu preper- quant ities. 'Oatmeal shouiti' ho given, te cîfdren,' ,Particulanly -l place of.- the bread-and-jain. «'I-weid -neît urge tIc town'- - dweileir taho vgeta4n" .cou-1 tinueti 'Dr. Uutchlson, t"but It woul-d ativise -the paon .tliat' Vhey can -geV*a- mudli langer '.quanti yo!f ase-re- paining anti energy anti Ieatom footi for a -shilling.la VIe fonm of, pulse.-food i Vlan in ,meat on animai fonta. The home bloater, teec'. leon o! Vhe cleapest- iiources o! matenili forý proeny buifding.,up thec hunan body.- 'The econoniiet 'ivoult do-,weli,., te', -Vo- -toacir- Vhe,,wife of .!tVe wurk- mg mari howte 'preparçhleesee n various ways. Cileese leSan exteo ly. neurlshing foodi, but taken ., enve bloc -It is. somewh*t -difficuit o! di'- gestion. .If nixeti up with' .other thigsla varie-us waye iV 'dan hob botter -d.al4,jith- hy Vothé tomach:, "oethngp - largçey'taken are! neus lun.. keeping up -thé huma-n f1abnie .anti ,Upplying,-energy. ,'Tom le i one o! týhese thiuggc> ;and th ie Imuch- 'lauded,.meaýt-extrActs are-,centalnly 'neV- o! a-ny -ue. lu ropiacing VIte Wear ünd tsrO! VIe bedy."A ABSTAINERS., À lc onx~ai "'vçeùet las heen'- inaugura-ted by, a"' Landonu roc-- tot.' Thè adhêreu'ts tofthis inove-' mètwili'givo a &Iien-'undéltakiug nover *eto- ake -Ii iaiçating rik exceipt a-t .'tire bmltday anti evenihÈ meae." hèe ;mIust ho *Sbnippifig betueiàf"- meals,- a Prattice-tliat ÃŽS coutiemneti by dactenos as thi i mlischiovos bf ail aioholit- exceSses.1 Mon ina-'bost o! thehï, bâhesty, bult onïly wornen - rýetin boi'noweti -~ectY isUçd ins ructIons nz- duglt'to be qut'ý' tgd toi? 0noth!k Thsapake the town ârk 'êter - haLd-alppeased thie peopleo'uzxd. hai -said agootig woieê for.tu~o1 -Epileupin reý k aithful ness té Diana. ~<l thà't>is slow t wrat#Ui i 4-ý;,goeat ,understandinig.' ~ wàùUr.1br Up t1ife ,,ýbut lie that 18 slow to anigeir ap ~p a s t s r f e " " H r t h a -t . is s l o w t g ýanger là. better, than the.mighty, an( hâie that-.rulÊth' lis eirùit ta tht aktha-18;(Pov 4v,2 37, 38. Ye have brougbht hi4the' thes. ~mn, 'blc 'are neither robi 'bers of temples nor yet blasphemer.ý Of -yezrirôÃ"cèst." It was ' 'ot their way t» rlIdicul( "the ý'rblgien.:o! -thé ehjni 'but, ,t< hold 1'Up before 'thé=m ýtlW-living -Goi and;-7 to preaith.the -Gospel o!: -eôd *côncèrning, hie ,son, Jesug- Ohrist--ou Lord, that the -*hea;then iglit -set the "ccqntrast' and by'the Spirit. o Goiwh' lways, works w- hen.-thf Word is- preached, be conv inced ol their sins-and be led *tôaý tuÈr" troll id.ols to ýserve the llvi'eing and, truE God * and', to- wait, for His-- Son froni heaven; ,.whom Uc raised from thé daeven -Jesus iwho delivereth *wm -from the wrath to 'corne (I -Thess. 9j 9,10). 89-41. For we:are lnu-danger.t b icalled in question for this day's up' roar, there b2ing" no ý cause -whiereby wemay give an aceount bf this con- course. The- lessons from this portion o.1 fcripture are, nearly all by con-. ~rast, Anlià '1 won(br,* Ït the lesson ,onimittee should net be calle'd -.in [qestion' for assigning 'such -a 'por- tien' ýandiglving us n --othing f rn the inuïclÏ more profable-next ,chÈsp- te tR wecoie to the twenty- eighthvrs.Ihave thouglt pr haps the asuthor 'of .confusioýn Aid net the God of' peace led them -ta this selection; but, we have found soine h.elpful .thoughti, 'and '-tfiereýare more here, for every redeemed -seul should remember that we Must, i]1 appear before the -jud*ent s'eat of ChÉist, andi evbr5r one cf, rus - sha~ give 'account of him*Âself te1 G'od (Rom. xiv, -10, 12)-.'Thi9s sneîthe a possibility nûr '.a probability, but a sure -thlng, -tô:r.the nm7outh,' of 4n~ Lord bath -Spoken it. Cmaef Cor.. vf, 10 ;Matt. x,86. The question o! our sins ýwas. settled'-, on the cross, and by that ýrecfàùs'blood we are madie meet te be partakerËr of the inheritance of1 the: saints as we are-.to be, called .te "aaccount, forý our Works as- believérs, ('<ICor.- ili .14,. 16) it becomes te o ablde' in: Hlmn that,"we may flot be asharned before 111-rn at His corning. .(I, John l, 28). -if we are only fully- yielded Ito Hlm that 'Re may, work in. us. bO t u'I1"nd te do. of 11sgooti pleasure ail will; be well- (Rom., vi, glue, 'the datit ancpound et' ra"u lateti ,sug t e L ai-pint, o!fh glue-,'anti cok u ntil it wiii forni&a creamy baIl-wben roiléti '-between the- thiinb andi linger.- :Pour intq, shal-- lo-w bittered jnis, ai dwhien "ncaly - colId mark,offintoelittie squares. - r~~~ LccerasAadrug --store,' purchase one. stick o! pure lic-once> -anti break It 'uta s.MaLl pieces. Pour., D'over it, 1 .pint of! ling water, :and keOp it warm until .dissolve d.-Ad ité it 2 Iis. o granulateti sugar; and^, Ibell until, ivi e meyhlard An water. -Our into;-sliilw -buttereti itins, anti mark- olff into squares. T * Tesecanio, big-pre.' and con-. talning ne. -harrnful ~drug, miay ho- saly given teé ti-iren. Meat. pie. -Tako, 1. cupcodti hop- PQmoat, .1arnal lon finelyhop et (or itap omnon juico) , sait. ami .peppen -te -taete, J'cup gravy,7o sopstock. -Put. into -a, deep. diÈh. cuve6Mr witli -masîed potatoes- andi haike 20 milutesi-iu hot,-oven. HanI'libaes. - èlot -oÉetherin .a aucopawi. ltablboon 'each bfbùt- tosd fleur;"'a4l i.enc - aw5et milk, 2 hjeapin'g ups c elppeti, - han, -yoke o! Ë2ý - 2 - -,spon ripe tomWate caWMulp ntrancè"eti mn, tea-spoon pedr~maée, antia& dsh4 -o! -cayonne. .Mlx thoroughly; atiti thé whitei -1 -eg;at-bk-lu custarticups with 1 ' tablespoo o stale"btread-'erurnbs lu" the "-bottom -eof oach. Meaiy petatees can be serveti ev-- ery -tirne if'the felloiwing methoti leà pursued. 'Wash anti' cut athin ~ie IPt0__4 oiling water, cook one-lal!' her i he Patates? are o! mjedui size. Turu çff the water, set thé kettie 'wlth cuver- off.on" theback o! thc --ste've.for a few -1m.nutës, thro'wj- in- la. ateaspoonjul.o! sait. Th'c j potateés wlii - burat _thoir -lac1its;1 . A Suggestion of Pie Crut.- Thfey were, al fond o!fupknpi.-the chiltren or one, o goi- fniende sewhen's shoý was very buisyon tired, instead :o! ..znaking. a regular .'.pie. crust, 'shogrese - adeep tUn 'aliy witli butter,, dretiget i t '-wlth' focur,, anti pouret'inluthe.pie.mixture land baketi it.. The milk, fleur - and ibutter forrn , thin cruet wh .idl isl palatable and;- not particuiariy -gestible.,. Bef! - ueart ....-Soak theo heant two. Or thrce" -heurs in coiti waten.Tho trirn eut al tendons sud ..w ash wéli - ako a. tinssinrg of! t cuu stale breadi cr inbs," 1 .tablespoon .-meltd butter. 1 heaplng easpoon powaered sage, 1 or 2. incot arliclaeo 1 minced.onion aplnch o!.s afttm~d a ittie. peOpper.Mix th-seiingredi- ente anti f!Ilj'thc 'cavity il tIc heart. a t.. roûni th'*'eart, tgt e n o u g l t e >k e e p it c- l o s e ti. o w r p ini- apiece. o! rnuslin-and ]pt the heant *into a, pôtp,-*witli -beiiing. wa- ter: te neaniy'doyen.' Let smo slo wl t li -q it -ten d er, a d dîjn g 1 i1 teaseo sat -'hen - li!cooketi. t Wheu - doe raive clbtili'and -strèing," Sp:ut-luto a-'h6t aveu anti brown - 'When - Mkig Ppkl'ries.Af-' - erIopun~ingaifted,-dry it in- tlie -epeii oVen - tt6zioe'tht e5 *durs as- Ãœtehe-'flevor' 'àd color -o! i-tÊè Ie wil i oricer .anti 'fler -heu -thIl pies§ 1 axé baketi. '-Ddine i h8lsàleof' great ')- adýcva.ntage w Vlhré tIc pies, art mtie1 'd ie ls flearlieuntidros- a pint of- s.trýong hearbeuù-nd àtea; -frorn the.f reghi or:dried .herbs, and jet it s1:un- tii colt,]tWnstainAii-lb.o grouulate-su0 eachpifitof tne- tea, and 'boil until crisp when drap-, ped ito col wter. Pour' ito. shallow. butter .-tinsl nt d he near-m IY c'id , marlk into srnaîi squares. If -preferred,'*ft ca e '&fled like 'taffy~ àud thonù cut in-fo drops wlth' a. pair- o!sisoirs. t;Mess Cnd-T is l very sotlgfor' a *c*ougli. Take 5.'cent s" wor-th of- the, mess and soak U rive night in"co»1d -water. Ti' the rnorn- ing 'pick it. oor ' carefuly,' ud --'put' into a1 à, d'uble -bol' ivthenoug boiling water tôa Just'caver I. U .Offioer NcXinnon o! t oni a Visit. 'ýThe. Klondike le -oxily facant i -la ouud -à .groatest mnining camp in -This , ile- the- nro sy pr "Bg"' RugI McKinn4u ,Prevontive, Q1licer« of~t Who la ou a visit te Ï01 now.- Chie! McUinnon h '5tatureý genial andti le 4before going dup Nnth o! ,fthe'-Welanti Canal' Sp af ter 1the -dynamite viut 'prev 'ieus te- that, beld t) -Chie! o! Police af Hali -"It is the. inest ceuni .worli- te live. in 'hoî ciaime, i- :'A 'i,, for il e:hâ;z; been - ter-thret rniore, andti he age'ol a notý,yet six. "Ww 4pi'lsed ta cee"- tIc' 11zIý luive, the well-prved si cplendid.- holMls andi. poineti restaurants, trille colt! up there.' '1'ii the meeot- severe win't e lu' tIe Kioidi ke: Jiuýt ihb We' lad it dewn-'to 7 -ý t16 * ,average tomp)erat *.e tiays. - But. the Peôple 1 ri iti '- - he '-h a-v e ev ery t4ii ahle, and very. f w'ea've on account' of tho wlnt,è There is a strong fee~lî .Klondike ln faver o!f Ça pte. -En nte Amenka b teUtion lu te Aask al ýought te have a ,port,* know, -wo have natiral Amnericanis, andi -the" m - itizens as aur éwu pe<ôp: Cie! Mékinnon's ss cii t e preven t r u g u g baurds -that bnanchi of'-thie 'Vice e'ught" net te suff~r in high ,terme o! pi-aisc - of the Mounted. Poiic- 250 o! -thelm-and noN. the miàore r-iespect for thee 1am -the Yukon.' When tIc ico opeued Up,' iV was thq' 'gaab1ers, thieves andoj t) the "firet ofelentiere. ç!e sarnple -of Canadian justi lisacteti -as -a de'r evilly-lucined.- Many1 of coine raternity have jf o tînheaithyý clirnate, ant nthe tccountry isleaf from crime. - .LrnYrR AS A 1W' An interesting case br ish courts was one in- jwi sought'to prove-as hi! -n ,wrltteu in South Africdi.1 -wIajor 1Letinor, of tIc lIc 'Artiliery, te M sKtejB fry Court. Lotinor-- Sa( eaged te Miss Ball, and ic rrades-'fo:unti hie - dei ;Kleksdiorp,' oun - the 23r -ast, they reat '*the ole which liea ~dessed te hi Eatle ' Ihave b<ven' sec crimne I nover comnitte1. mnudlifor nie. 'lu W nim shaiI be. gene. I wisl, yr il my . noney, and ale thet rny. belongings ivi fe bye. Yours, Wiiiie."- Ûot hCoen.accuÈ6dJo! any -Ir Andriew - i ii' 'É 1 th'at"the le! good seldler's wi 11. Cheose Eggs --are'-.a, littie diffenent. fnom the usual 'etuffeti egg., Boi! 20 ninutesanti -place ilu colti.,waten.. 1Be- rnpve -the. schoU anti dut aneund-t Veý -wihte iu a .neat »circie. Ta doVhs stand the shelleti ogg on VIe.. -lange cuh, wcrlagenenUyflatteneti,- anti you ca-n sec 41i round VIe, egg, anict'. V'exacçtiy lui a cincle. Turu out the yoik anti pass iVt tnougli' a s oVe. - Mea-aue ,ant imx the c-s amount e! Permesan -on any --gooti, crýearn eheest-, - se 011ovI 'thisait anti a little paprika.Th mitrshui hie ,moistenéti. with; a little bùtter :or whitea andi Place two hl-vësVageth-- eýr.' Thies can le senveti cdd, j'4st. "asThey are,, or -Vhe,-cheeso mixture ce . nbe boated luina saucep n.before. 'iV is flIet_1 iùhto the yole; Wc E I s s I 1~ t a i t 'v e dtou 's too' otten' throi thoughless bousek.- ù1lWay8 bo useèt- a serve 'as the basis lent seup by the'ai ing, a few& Vegý-tab Where closet roôù able wardrobe is a in a'bèrirooin. An; plane- and 8a.w ce boards'ton -inelies' height desired 'are -end shouldi' h drese Llielves thirty 'inch -luches apart- are- rlghts ebould, 'be- stand:,fiush against -tain harrnonizing, inga of. the rooum an.id, 'the, shelw~s arg boxes, ironed cloth ne -bac.k, the walz< varmishiU,'it me-k as wIll -as -colveàie turo.. Made lin the a contrivance couiti 'SEV,!magazisInT] 1

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