Ontario County Gazette, 13 Mar 1903, p. 9

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yet lU dvpios.It MoM>S)Wmng WJiy la are matrked ini plain i gures. bave perfect freedom. Miy At the Peopl&'s mg Store. LIVftAY, Barfisters, fcery, etc. Office lu Broek t.à5 wtîtby. &,WELL, K. C. , Bar- rova Attorney, and OIlo.-"Bouth wing of I Bq B. A. , L.B., r., Ooaveyancer, etc., .. Barrlsît- n.lâ@uer or Eo- stmtl'a 's WMtby. A., OAuttor Bfttingp 0f Tne DivisionouwtF CJQUNTT -O RO 19O3. WHIT»Y-DC. Macdohell, WbitbyClerk, iau, 6, FO- 4-î March 4-APr.-ie, May 'Uw PI: 4s SePt -4j, ct. 6. Nov. 4, Dec. 4,j ja% O8IIAWA-D. C. MwaVdonl,-Whitby, Ce Ian. 7, Feb. 5, DMarc -& 'Apt. 3i, May 7, jüDO 4.JUIy 68,$Sçp. 5, Oct. 7, Nov. & DJec. 5,.Jn. t~ 3904. Baoviui-M.Gleeson, Greenw><<, belr.k.Jan. 8. Mar- 7, MÀy 9. J1y7,,' SePt. PORT it518vY-J. V.Burebsai, PortPerry, Çlrk a. ~Mar !y May 13, Juty9, sept. t3i Nov, il, J an. 1, 1904. UXBtItxi-Joseph E. Gould,.Uinbidge,- 4cley.j ail. 16, Mai. 20, May 29,juIy l'S ept %5e NoPvi. 120), Jeu14, 1»04. *r Jan- -15, Mar. Lg,-:MaY 8, Jut0Y, ' 4ý $*P5, NoQv. 2o, Jan. 14, 1904. R4IVItT4---Geo. F. Bruce,' Beaverton, Nov. 18ja S2,pt.o4 . UI iîtGovsTt)s. . HrtUpttrgrQvt Çlerk. àî*r.,17, May 26, Sept. 22., Nov. 17 *By Order, J.E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the 1'eace. t)ated at Whitbyl, Nov. î:th, 1902. Lime, L 'l:1 r l Cernent, Lumber, Shingles, La-the. Etc. Ail orderg Ipft at Elevatorvore wiII receivn prompt attention.- Unpaid aceounts Mu-Mt bestlda Once. BrookliluApril zat, 1902. JOHN ROSON BROOKLIN ELEvA&TOR.- ;L'*311 Wl!! E. Fanowel ktii mccart rou.4à. -Prai lio v.d fy- Mr. .Stopkt,- 1.nom for t Jui -dmuvy J~II-.Thou r4aw bs e .voted.e n, IIO #the I. EatoAu'Coo ;QOsh va. ~~~.~ t1kzrd l ha, et My orgaoj,,L and choi.M a pli,:roa~caririéd tbroi aPPOinUng Thon. AI-r S a: -Sa aary o!#iW ayea.î çn u slaryfo ~c UOtopayý t. I 0 DROW. -Deztlst. Itwe o!fIDental raduatte Torouto bea.hadwqre aftea'noon during' Ii, deale'r iq bard and nd lai» etc Age3nt i CeaI Z-4STorouto.. main road, juiL ost of !AOTQIIY-Wood and I descriptions made sud De)P Wells oa pecialty. Ai work guaranteoil.' Sontdle office building, Io mbe leitw ItbA.. W. ,TORY-I bave ry moved te the e Gazeteoffice, ly oftpumps sud mode to order., :e manufacture se. Repatrlng oteve. pipes, &id oteves st upi s- SpeoutI>. Amêrîcan',sud Ganadioin.Gaioli 1 e, Coal Oit,, l'erless machine Oit,- Mica ,4ëx1. Greasse, Halnd-made, and Factocy, Tuts and Churns, Waahing Machui88, New ftnd Second-hand bicycleo, re- pairet and Sundri.. BiCyclesforhin.. Dundas StreeL WeaL, Whiltby. are Ifsued at allu DOMINON EXRESS ocsa OîFICES. ExpressMnyodrsaeqaal anywher4% aL au>' offic., Lt makeà üne Express Money Orde rs are siways good. No limit as ta ime iot*leyjneat. Express Mon.>' ordera are mithout question the cheapeat, sofeit' and, Most convenient meAthod- of cemittlng moLOT Y by mail. For sale > E.ZV>. fLOW Agenjt C. P. R>'. cc, and Dom. Ex, e. Whitbyé ont moved that 'the ce on ith« trea«Ucer. Mrtbme ile e Moveds by Xr. m b4y Mi. Davis, thal Wn Nmwsep.. L t fugû for thiýe m-ea ove os.ra tju Mir~. Eopar ave w.ïili a-tt the. maxt eou=*ei. move for aot in-a tm-,0e ý LaLio.y *ee uit.1 '[OUi, ~.I1Aw1~ - - ~ JUXY9, wIio a --fine o2Oanid cos-ts, am.ý à it t 92oïq. ou-ng&at! DarbU&s Uot'-beeau .-aed.ein whiby. - -iu v aui-came offLthe -107 tan $p b eatL work et' -3!I4iub- -, lWfauj met aý.±ie iliction y atr oie wiern. '~14 Èd~:tOlîaU~ttwoý.-Ut.the tagr a w a y , Wh ile c _ ,r~ ~ i o w o e w~axk ý.the T"N~.~ herces &s - Jfoe ~,M. MUrto, ade P,~~ ~~ IoJlnsargeworksblas con-. W~.tlz~,-andexctin inidnts have uffiçielit five4uency to pro- d~~s in.The atrikers -are gir- 19-.u, -uit attnt u the usual de- tyug t ringto-kpbad' wi y-from ýp#l the lactoiy, etc. Their equatr *m wU&eLa9 block, and' frour this the i àf vnt.ag\e beyaire-late .at ai.On th' botîher h km-tii Mc thli I4gllin oPR 119 UieLly but -~ ~~~~i - tei> iIo uthe va ancies luia li çam,-,l.have almos t200>.on U e ipy colt, with.a big ioecreaise ex- ted. iMu0y o!tii -t rikers bave L ~trentY concluded that ti chanme et wnnig uderexisting -conditions *re m ot 1?rigit, and a numibér have sont go.eloewbche seeking employ-. a.or <est OtherFsa.ar- ookîng -for jobs -là towi. A feir havýe gene hock to 1WOrk. MaXrchants and othersa a- 9~~'1%'ed ie bginingto ted lthe osâ ,~ ~~um le ~jea ut are hopeful th-àt- the LENTS si»Iul Ikmp istockr at oui wcrka, and Ws W. do, mot r o a ud ndo te zoper cent, lors by pardbumg Ct ou -# ~Pa iwU2T OUT i t tihe vilage with the isatrion.- at an MUI~5. own,,'of Kiflardixi., ari ndnga ew-weeks '4th their- ih~1d JohuGeewho a4 preseOt le v itio ~ frî.ns n or-o 0 . I -aiduilwitb a Oàh.- v6re P evre -atack of . I ariç,e., , George iradierd,.who was reporté<1 no as lying la> a ceriéioal ànaona 6J tje re$lt 'of an accident, continues in- B. about t1h. same, condition. - W. y a ud 'XrA. ikke, -and ùdopted- daugbter Xàydia. left for- Toroa-t4. heti lire 4JeY ex'peet to reside -in f- ~.ture. -Mr. Dickie bas sepud a e6 nt-atioâ with Dr.- 15.phedcan.at a a _e ralo _ Ù H iMarrisd.od, p n d ,otha ýgroomn,- onz'Feb.. 18tii, by,thé. Rev., f-a .! A .- C WQ ô ;- Jo n evy L ock wov od to îre Mis J n , ~ rie. C0 a fo6rd,.'both >of-' èkr the. .Towiiship .of .Pickering. h- e t -Homùe Où the choir of the ,Uh Mfethodist'chu ccii ias an -unqualified gâing success. The .diniàg. hall: tables- were ýr the spè jt h hoice.t 1 ent. The rand fgam , as e a.very:hIîgvl order: mi Mi~Hoiden.. it br jèas ing andý le re-, bautiul voie, efiibIed, the'audi- AU kü tba Iat-me ti go! the couneil ws-th4ijy purchase4- a TýIoek orusher -from.- iia. ýGo4 dRoads M acIIýioery, do,,., qi' theý .4amltonl, jat a.. et of e1,0OO. ls twi. iuc1udës -rextra set o! jaws, and e O~ ~~1 he nc)io1to . b deli#trd at - Pick.. je t. i ~ i ~ t Q o~ or be fore M ay,, iSt., c.t-.vr-- £L&4 -%il kr wuddezulytak- e n ii ~ li h d ris ee t o ai x d, a d was un lier, waydo'wastairs, when.ahe' zýrOOl7ve« £-Étroke of lelxyf~l di a iding eoftthe atairs. Dr. Bate-ý M u n b-1 - g co- f ' -te h' r-o ,'D, orre ~tWhftby, w'ças -telephenedl for. t b '- tii. time ho a'rrivedi Mrà., axe pleased to kno ee . iite wl- A vry erius ccientocurred on- the- Boofi. f arm on.tii. Greenwood road,. ini which George Br"uford, o f tcKingston tond, est, nearl1y lost Ml lle. -kMn. Bradford, .along with* Moes. B oo'ne and Uan4>0k, -were -en- gaàged hanuing log, -aand while the for2 mier. was atnigto bis 'laad -the chain broke. Tiie logfeu,- rolling oni Ii unfortunate *mazA, inflicting ter- ribletin4juries to, hie hea4 11He ias' oeleaaed ro m ù b~s î rouspoitionand cearri3d into the. bouse o! Robert.-Mc- Brady, andla te r -takien -.to his -home on -ýthei.Kingston road., Dr. Bateman waV bfofrs -and -on hie. arrivai ho found. -that blood wa. running . f rom hi3 ea.r, noià. and, m*autb, the .hearing, o-1 one car dýeKroyed,-and blinded. in ,OnW eye. The "eX-act nature o! the in- juries caon sot yet bho determùined, but Klier« is. a çosibility o! the base o!' Lie ku~ b4 g !r ctu ed. H is.f riends . are, -aiusly hoping forhis'ultiinate, oecote. * leenb- n a led away 'by he dea th'of Mme.- Moran 0,4 esdn.eo! ber son-in-lIar,. reached (Lheadvarebed ge-o! Éniety. yea-cs, an .d had- been a resident o! tbLs .townshipfor the past 50 years. mighLt lx. -me ntioned! that lira. Moran had. builed ber fAther oio, as tare, brothers, -husband, 'and -ber own famnily; Lb.e last o h m w a M crs. eurwTho died à few- wéekieago.~ Au interesting.ev.ent tookplace on the evening o! ,Feb. 28tb, at the re-. sdience o! S., King, o! - this villag-e, wheu hie -daughter, Atinie;iras -ni, ad in, marrigeto Pe rcy C. . More." combe, o! the Broken Front. The _cemony iras pertormed by the Rer.- G. -Mc-Gregor lu-L.zh prese.Lce .o!thé immediate f niends o! - the bride aLd g-room.- Tii. bride eâ-tered -the rpeuM 6eaing onLie a àrm c f.ber -lather te* the strains o! M-endelssohn'lswe. ding marci, and tooked cb*arming .in goik o!: bite venetian -floth,z ber* waist being o! irrite'sailk, car'rying -. iii bérI band a shoirer. bouquet, of bridaI, ruses. A f ton a , s m t o s e ding supper had.-,beau served,, Mcr. and lirs. Morecombe Je!tt',n the evening train f me Toronto, aud 'mili r iait To:SIcep WcII get yoir- stomach aud liver act~g iglt. he easiest, quicestand afeto way - to U~ 0001 IBig -Withi ter 'Mftéi Mis. iecer, with -ber daq-ht 4aggie, and hec izer 4.~ urnCounty, Mr. Thomjison, wei Mc alleut brought oelrm *ëIorson,-s sale a fine obw ,witiV"diq aU lier iewih-ho paid.-42*êt Mxr. Bal4dioa -bougiit an lm ü old bal cait for$15 M Mrs. Love îs viting hec so, H. Ï Love, on the Dune-- farm. Mr. -BY3'eand amily areireparai' tte vaCate -ýth ouijpaeto M.Berb. Perkins was with fieW here, i.for a few days. -Heo SV.OB oxkî -.,okoat- for a dtvrj -Several- ttene1.Uic-the op near. Brooli, and, repoQrt .L1at o» F Frank %Vtatney was with _the jj ±im ýiiiWelland, upon iuvitu-tiou. il theé .agents we re expected. for -a.à *Much.isvmpathy is feît fo:~ the un fotnete r, J3r-gdford, who :B ýhurt«Whil'8 wo1rking teBnefru ito Our we$n. M1Sctwlio has beau inthe.ieigb borhoix d1 some tmloig p fredan4 buying hre, - ~ p,4 t< 1$rçm Pickering on T:ueaaÇ À h appy lot o omunig poeQ s~ ami evèhiug with.miieeigii. ,&t _h'omý e<of Xr. Law re;MW o.e nn daela j~ Rui atherings ace ýoke to 1wif! i.geLm~pe~,~e sesion'o.f many of jouir eoi. I i~waniteýd, by-sonte; to.-it a ,- along " t. 4th f rom ýthe GrfflawooW road to AglieY -and thlewm.- Whitl M1 would eertaialy he, an aceommo. d.ation, - Our farm homes must -i more convenient and comfortale b' mo9dem o!planw îTii OfJicers; 1of tic S.. S. hve-di cided to ,Fhange a nu-imbei o the.boojp inl tiw_ - lihrary with Myrtie - clioMi The. ne w ones will - on file ehort0 aýý n d i. p a re n ts s h o u ld s e . b t h r Içoker there -Le abuadaut èvidence -th4t th~ outh.'or the. ommx4nity de not a ttend S. S. as regula rly as tho'j should. '-Te institution la. doingif~a beit0, uýnder the circuznstanSce, bùt. oould ho gr.eatl.y aided. if a'ijttie mno scame were L&ken, hy tios. - j TO-WORKtNOmil Every worklg girl-wh fo&advlce; tlsfrie1yý haaremstordpin z aaMdsUI "I fwant te thànk-youfo6r, I have, doue -1or- me', ,sgudx Ly;diaE. !Pinkbm'is Vý Coxnpond tô àIl Ëfr1sý4M keepi them .saudingouq týho store.'Té* i1 stop w6rc -iedidn~ that,,a girl caut affç&tGo t tien WM S fflty !ny ieyp table ara~dad~t iheedme ieontLzuuetÏ son onnmdthat -~Ieustzr we r e 'r.fenpi. me,- and I arnmcli, and cana« gra.teml: fer what yen havec I>iý L. l"o

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