. J. The i m'testimoniale rS »eo . YAP>.~ Co.,, io ultn SmNwYmk-U.S.A>a Lended snd soldby. .Mle flhby. >f the Town IIûstllng Re T" âe OQý*k.. te ?.nt. Thie St. Ândrew's 8ofIety w1t brate ibis -year by «a bauiw Royal HoteI. à rare ttim*.eiI Corne awa', Geordie.' Cefor'# Notice. 'Coflector Pringlé will - ie at th clerk's office, town. bail, 4W ý day from1o goo1 Oockýý,ÃŽ;4 lü pald ta hlm or Mfr. Whlte, comta on lte 7th ô( Nor. Jame -P collector. aud Mr. Harmtq,Jw Mdui boarding ethboZ d ifre which, atctod. i piSs warded for ilon wlth il.,recent ,es turnlp-lait John j2iid Wmin-llght, Michael, Bwoôklln. lot John bMoraison,, W. Wlsou, Oshawa; Wm. -Vanva keCoe cottage W é~ awk- 1 ftlate as sestion the flouse ocp li4toerymtoe, Bdtinowï ýT,âkà ,new bake ehop milt ai p a. Glad ta ses Da"e Y. E. Luke, Ope. D., propriletor of the oI'onto optical parlora, il King t ,iLwvIllbe at Mr. .AÂllin's drug _ýhItby, on auraNo . l7th, iiËt, fulllne of! spectacles and eye- 1'1ý, 4 will- be an excellent fo t ,s riqpÈring. spectacles. -the. golden wedding. ILyqj,ýX .Xrs.Thos. Devereli. .na 1ta them. On the eo~ur, 1950,-the Rev. John, unted them at .Bt. JohÃi'. Part wiWhlêbyý ,elig Elia. etl Fi',ae,,*sodiduÉe -of ,li-Pardon, of Whltby, townmahlp N man Who0cau keep a, Mau living r fifty yea is wowtli ber ýwelght lu GJad tooe& Mr. Hugh Bosa able to be church ou ÃM 7P.' l Ail are invited,' Rev. Mr . Cohoe has-resigned as pas&4 of the Wbitby Baptist 4cburcb au~ preaehed bis farewell, sermon 1-à CstSm~ day eventhik. l Inhirù Whtb7 loses, able yofng divine. The Youg - Peoj-e 0 cetp Methodiat Taeéinatté-thtenid-hol Ding bszaar ln thie, onme11 cbamberý,on_ il afternoon âb*4vening 0o! Wedt&ea NOV. 28th. eu xcellent te-'*.1- sered'for li&; _consideÉln music hall, w Nmemt oo becoýme. ~oes ana oc =-M un00 or 1mira Itzaeme tes! IbmA e au eis M'rt Chas, Taylor aie 1w. Jlohn Smnith, town, le, happily, solos well aggau with P. Mathison bas been on the sick tiG 4 it he lentagalin. wre - .Johnson lshomeiaI prood alter seekin; m, Multia. the City. .- The uKtrosmp Ipatitute wiil ýb'éel&E ' Bro Friday, Nov. 28rd, and in ]w Purres' office1 Coliumbtus, on 8 tfternoou, Nov. 24tb, at 2 o'cloc rn0jberso! ftÈe Instltute .Pudj laffjes o! thet surrouzp*aig'cour cordiattyylinvlted tW éýpresen. Rose, ladly i lu ndairylu' Agr1éuittura1 addrffltheM pvqgram pas been .denta opoeïlng remak; Parves; pa per, Mrs. J.L. Suiish "Butles, delights and discoursi Of farmers' w-ves . and dax' address. "The making of! i butter," by Miss Rose..ý The- wil.lbe nterspersed withi uai- A4erson, secrotiar3'. bhéld -as follows :-At Broughd hall, Nov. 23rd; Columbus toi Nov. 24tb; Greenbank tovu ha 2eth-, Uxbridre. markut hall No Beéverton Axandria hall Nq Woodville townabipball-Nov.2A speakçm at these,meetings Hý McMl I, -M. P.,- $eaforth, ~ Laura 2moe, Lad" xlirciai lgOÂC., . Sek ment lu a~4 Wood for ýundeirsigned hbas ;ed cozdwood* fer$ - riaelt. Miss 'Leary la -a gueét -of Mr8. J. HL Long.i Liii veste at1 2Qc,,2 c., 80e. to ic Te-rr ace, Lion.ý Grates, à ' watcr, bard- tablé 7enanà ts.! IM STRAîý--, Strayed to lot 27t '44 oe and nîemonths calf. Qwaer1 a arprovi g property and'ai - rarmfor Sl ely A fir tcias fariof&8oa 7t con, Whitby. Good' ~menahand framo hoem wood shed attached. Ap GEO. R Test mi OU Ing with me Mr, Gor4c lu Leo'à dru ber cotasin, Misa Lottie'1 arookIlu for a fèw weekq. Aiumber o! fritends home of Mr. Fred.Ro eVeulng to bld good.bye to Rowe before leaviug for 'wbeve he bas a pton tuip- bis bSstbr-ln4aw, Mr. -orbe laie Rog.ii Carpoita st Fott William onuwM years, was boru'llu El-" lut. an-d went t*e k, untry wltli her fi n- lm4 and settléý loved -to WIitby ti hoùn Rt )sC MisEla Ricpds, o! Bmà '00% ýisited witb frlends boes ast* Miss Aclerman, of 'Peterbo býrén a guest of Mis@:Âddle Martù~ Ir. MeLaren, of Ottawa, la a .guesit of bis ister, Mfrs. Tr.A. McGillivraY. -The i*s -'rencb, o Ohà recowmeuding it glesta o! .their cpusin, lMn. W. Q t, WPîers. Ch vMrs. (Judge) Mel ut-vre was: a recenf xùeet -,f - MiI jrce Weldon, at Campbell. of Byron sereet soutb,- a eh1a veek to~"çAwne with Toronto friermds. Mm~ Chag. Mackey bas left Lindsay YOU kte apeud the wlnter ini Whit .y w1îh Mr. is su ebý ii and Mrs. -R. Hughesr - 4ivlslt from their Brantr o n, ,w4aon bis weddn tour. p. W. Houdn who bas given m- ? ~luis now engagcd lu the to electrie light works.- So ýwe pi losiug hlm, happily. Mins ']Ri Smith-, of Winnipeg,Wek Ogter 'of the laie William Smith, Th 6 iMit huce neWest, is bere -ati. the Ontario Ladies' Coli ege for.ie e& f MissM13 mitb, WhoQ batbi b n th o o ppu stor*,r--ûMeurs. Rosa Bros'for lovera tiulstory é l*t tweek 10 take as. ia - uY .hlapi oýPè 0U la Bldgetown store. She anQ wil i e.sau mlued.readets> who will Gëôý tqwtoits us h baves Famil-y Herid bUr a fariuoi1, New. Montrea, requ-' u4nd. tbe base liners o' Herald ahul &gain fô r 4U anever wl *i A large two storey -rough.-â re king street, i-st double rainge. Llars apltoamsM il,.3 a sreornto, orthe undtrsigned,- D.- ORN;iýT( Solicitor for ARfrI .FOR ,.SALE 40ôs more or less, lot 5, 5th cô inr th-east corner of 'the south1 ts en. _____y W i tb The ouIy 8, >NClothingfor au TV because "the ëarfailures, "but because we know ,you anE always looking foj ýeâ'aBôn a Il Up to-date. Furnitâ, Ci ,Lace Curtains, ent. n the any o! card, to J s wUl --s-- FMPING vearqFK fb ulag