Ontario County Gazette, 2 Mar 1900, p. 8

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Ing so bad cough as cc Ing. Stop Even flic cough ofecarly coflsumlpton Is cured. And, later On, when the- dIséase Is. flrmly 1 flxed, you can bring rest and comfort In every case. A 25 cent bottie wIll cure new coughs and colds ; the 50 cent size is better for settled coughs of ,bronchitis and weak lungs; the one dollar sizo is, more economical, for., chronlc cases and Con- sumptlone'It's thé size you should keep on hand. 111AU familles ought to b. on tie watch lt oudden attacks of croup ractelgtroubles. Everycoun- try home lu the land shoulkeep Chierry Pectoral constantly on banG1 to provide against au eme;rnCY.»I JoIUràz G.WîL 15,.i De.14,18%. j Bliand, Mich. ~2'~ Soett lrs' - Ono-mWay Excursions To Mantobi and Cana-dian Nnrtb-West wii leve Toriontoevery TUESDAY duriÏig Xarch andi April Passengerstravelling without Live Stock - *hôuId 'take the train leaving Toronto at 2 p. Passengers travelling with i.îe Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 9 C olonist Slecper will be attached to esich train. Fer füll partictilarri and c- py of " Set tiers' Guide " apply.to any Canadian PacificAgent, -or to E. R. BLOW, Ticket Telegraph & Express Office. AGENT,- .WIIITB V. - B1RTHS. Tod-I-n Oshawa, the wife of D. M. Tod of a daughter. Blane-In Soutb Oshawa, the wife of Robt.'Blaney- of a son. Fotind..-Near Dunbarton, the wife of J9obert; Found of a <aughter. - Â CÂRD. WA, 'the undersigîed, do hereby -.-agree to-efunid the îîîoîey oi, a twentv Ilv8 cent' bottie of Dr. Wilis'Etiglit;h P-ls, if. afte.r usiîîg: throe- fourths of * coî4texît.î of bottle, rhnv do i;ot relieve Constipation ami iaawh. iVêt s 'Warrant tl-at four bot r.-s vjll p',1; tntly cure*tile îrîost ob,,tiîa,ït<e e. 'of, eonstipatioi . $atisf 1-P " miorn whn ilsErglish, Pit.ýî.tusd A.. iAli n,Clîoîtînis't &1) -1 j gs'., i tl J .Wllshenit .l) îg.(sDitv DEATHS. Couirtice-.At CoÏurtice, Fanny Jane Pickle, wife of Fred. Courtico, aged 80 ye«Irs. Bailvy-In DownaîîivilA, Adelia A.i Murnuon, relictof the-late Francis Johnj E3iàley, aged 42 yea-rt. Wlidmàt In ,luBowranvlle,.- Jane Harvey Jardinîe: reliet- eft tie atê Willtam W1ndatt,ý aged 97 yeams and watsol-At lot à, con, 2, Rt-ach, on Saturday, Feb. 24th, 1900,, Maria Wat son, rkeliet of the late Wm. Watson, axwed-t yèars 4 months and 2 daye. Smithi--At Bay-side, Por't Wbitby, on ,Febriuary 28id, 19-JO, Mary. Adolla,ý beloved daughter of John and'-Sarab- Smitbaged.28 year,9 menthes ad 7 Wnun-4t, Whitby, on Thursday, March lat 1900, Jofin Wina-. aged 71 -iears. 'I!he lneral.wili taike place lrom bis late reeldence, -Dundas 'Street East, on Saturday, the.8rd mast , at -2.80 pni., te place et lutormeut, Union cemetcry. Bold dand reoommended by ah drugglsts.lu Canad*. (Ony re able ipedicine dlsooeru wse Wanseffeots of abuft imaW- Worry, ExQ"ahve une of To- i or Stimulante. 11.11.4 on recelpi s -?hosphodinc il sol ini Whit C4 wueit- dMRreh 2rd will appear'oüthe saleblls. h -T. Pencher, auetionqer. I I. Tbursday, March 8th-Auction sale of 50 acre farm, fartn stock, implements, etc., lot 29, con. 5, -Pickering, adjoining, I Wbttevale. the pbroperty of J. Turner. T. Poucher, -auctionei-r. 8atui day, Maacb 1th -Auiction sale of * f arin stocýk, tînpl,-mntiqt, etc-, on loti IL), 4th cou , Picke.ring, the »roperý ff i SRichard Witter. - 7' mnnths' eredit.' Thos. Poueher, auctiotteer, - Wednegday,. Mamch lith - Auctionj, sale ef tari*stock,, implementa,et, OU onRt 27, $rd con, Pickering, the prop. 'Prty ef C. W. kst pver. 7 montha' credit. Tho'd Pouher, huctioneer. Thurada.y. March lSth-Auction sale of fot*rm stock, irnpiieîneùts, etc., on -lot. 24th. 8rd con., Pickering, th*% properiy- of PF L. Webb. Terma 7irnonths' credit. SThus. Poucher,, autctioneer.- Tuesdav, March 20th-Auction Sa.le of farrn stkck, ireplernents, etc., on lot 212, 2nd con., Pickering. the property of; C. S. Paîlmr.m. Ttrms 7.. ýmàths' credit. Thos. Foucber, auctioneer. Wednesday, March 2lst-Auction sale of tamm stock,, implements, etc.,. on -lot 9, 4th con., Uxomidge. the pmoporty of F. Mantel. Temms 7 months' credit. Thoa, Poucher, auctioncer. Anotimer postponement-Owing. to' ,the great snow storm yesterday,it was found necssryto again pnstpone Mms. Busbhby's sale at là)t 291 Sth con., Whitby, until next Mouday, March 5th. M,%nndayý. Mardi l2th-Sale of- Geo. Thompson (who bas rented - his farm), lot 2t,- 2nd con,, Kingston Road, Tp. Wbitbv. Farmý Stock, Implementc, etc. Sale at 1 p. I.,0 L. Fairbanks, auctioneer. Tues.-day, Marcb 6th-Extensive credi7t sale of heavy draught registered herses, farm stock, implements, etc., - at ear of lot 27, con. 6. Pickering, the property nf Geo. Wang & Sou. 8 mon ths' credit. luùnch provided at Il o'clock. Sale at 12 o'elock. Thos. Poucher, aucti-oneer. Thtursday, March 8th, 190.-Auftion sale of farm stock, implements, &c., the property of Mmr. R..H. McKinley, Lot 1.19 Con, 11,'Scugog. As Mm.-Mckinlev bas dîsposed 0f his farmn everything will be sol d witbout- reserve. Sale at, 1 o'clock sharp. For terins, &c.,' see buis. George Jackson, Auctioneer. CASTOR1 UA PQr lufauts and Children,. The fa,- OURSU R RO0U NDI1NG1 ul PORT PERRY. Mr. John Smith, for some time past assiýtant blacksmith witb. Mr. Harry Hall boert, went to Toronto last Thurs- day înorning to undergo examination, prepamatory to bis departure for the Transvaal. Mr. Smit hmad e applica- tion for the 'position of blaçkbrnith, tq accoînpany the second Canadian contin gent., anîd was accordingly accepted. John left the G. T. R. depot lieme last Saturday a. mu. amid the best wishes of bis manv friends. No doubt be- will prove of great service te biîs countmyý and ail hope for bis safe return alter theý tiruimphant finale of the prolonged war. The entertainment gis-en by St John s choir on l'uesdaî night was quite a success, socially-and hntancially.Th duets rendered by Miss Caroline Scenes and Mrs. Cooper and'by Miss C. Scenes and Mr. Balfour weme greal njyd also the flute inusie by Mr; Reid.. The recitations by Miss Themesa Scenes and the Lurdy eblîdrei, as well as the ainz- ing* of Miss Alice Weir, contributed , re.atly te. the enjoymet io the crowded snudit-nce. The whole affair reflects zreat credit on the zeal, Pfficîency, and ýuperior musical accomplisbments of tbe organist, leader, and inembers of the choir. We clip the folowing from the Brad- ford, Pa., Daily.Record ef the 12tbmast : "lWord was received heme to-day of the death, a-t hie !bome at Butler, Pa., this memning at 5 o'clock et Mm4. Peter Chris tic , aged about 60 years. He had been [n poor health for semé imne, the result of successive etrokes or paralys1s. Mr. Christie bas beets an operator in the lower and Bradford oill elds for lnanv vears. -Hie was prominently idencifled ln this lIeld for sevemal' years until'-thu latter part of 1890, wh-sn ho returnad to ButIer, where lie bas silice been loçated. The deceaséd was ùnivertsally knownin 1 1his section as honorable in business and upright in ail the walks of' life. His many fiends livre will learii of bis deathi with mancb regret. Mr. James Christie of Wa-lkeîr avenue, wnepbew of the ýde. ce-agedý- will leave to-niormow for Bulter, where funeral services will ho held. on Wednesday." Deceased wis born neai' (Jtica and had m"îy old trienda and' ro latiyets iii that vicinity. He emnigrated te the 0o1 country, lu 1868. Are grand,' but ekin, eruptioas rob lif6ofe joy. Bucklen's Aruiia Salve cures, thein ; also old, riùnniùg and.fevý-er sores. ulcers. boilli. telnR enrns. wmrtsi c1 S( disease, ti tact more -hlptesstfhan a child. And what havoc1 such pain creates in the entire systemi The effects of a long siege-ofrhcu- matism is Apt to be very severe on the constitution,: so that the pati-. ent should be prompt in obta?'ning iirelief-the moment thé opportunity presents itsef. The restoration l-to health of a rlieumaticsufre;is like un- to the freiidoma fromi a Prison oel of aiu innocent man. lu either casIethe bân4. aýge is unnatural and uiiealled for, - Mr. Johný- Hunter, 821 Brook Street, Biug- ston,, Ont., wus laid uâp for- six weeks with, rheufaiém.NeHo as se--elp- leshe. could niot leaire. Jis roem -or dres~ se.Afreddiedhm to try Dr. Hall's'iRheumatie, Cure. After taking the contenta of the- first bottile vas ableto nioye around the boduse. The seconad bottle .cured hlm- couipletely, and lie vas able to -retuirn ýto has work.- Mr. Hunter savda he would strongly recommend Dr. HaIll's Blien- matieC urte aïl Who suifer with rheu- mnatism. Dr. H¶all's Rbeumitic Cure is Dut Up lu 50 tent bottlts, containing ten days' treatmàent. F'or salebhall druggsts and dealers in niedicine. Te Dr.rHaiMedicane CO.,King. ston. unt, Mr. E. R. Eddy-represente 1 the Blr,-oklin lodge at the A. O. U. W. Gran 1 Lod e in Toronto this week. Childiren Ory for, CASTORlA. CO>LU MBUS. Oulknew tailor'is expected on or about the 27th of Feb. Miss Adeihia Plowinan, of Scutgog, spent last week with Miss killie I-ann.> Miss Clara Ormiston,' of Myrtle, formerly of Columbus, has. started for Dakcota. Mr. Greo. Ilann met with a seriaus accident by falling on the ice and spraining his hand. Mr. Thos. Grahani, of'Manchester, spent Friday and Saturday at Mt. Thos. Wilc,)cký- son 's. Miss Ellen Moore and Miss DaisyWil- cockson have been. visiting, Mr!:.J, Hobbs, of Pont3rpool. A Olorgymangs Influence. PAIN~ E RLERYCWMPOUND Recommended by , Rev. 0. lM. Tyler, a Metho- -dist Minister.of Nova ScotLL-. It Saves de~ Life of Mlr. W. Parks. .2 ' Gi George1 ini F/es/i of T/dir/y- 'Iwo Pounds in Yflrce Weeks. Amongst professional men who are active and ardont advocate-s 'o f Paîuc's Celery Compound, clergymen are found who neyer wear * %,linecommetsdkng thte wonderful meýdicine to memnhers of thieir churches who arc ailing, slek and dis The true and honeat clergyman wbo bas himself experieneed the-life giving powems of Paine's -Celery Cempnsund- . as been raised from weakness of body te fuIl healtb and vigor,.feelis it a dutv- te Fpeak tn others ef the only truc heaitb1 and atrengtb builder that the world bas ever seen. .Mr. G. Wk Parks,once near' thpo dark grave, but rescued and saved by Paine' s Celeùv Coimpound af ter eRlures eof his dectors seuds the follewi letter: While at sea 1 wastaen siek, wbich comnpolled me tiý abanidon mny work atid Meek home-and rest. I consulted, the doctors wb&o, prononced IL tvpho-d or slow fever. I sufferî.d severelvfro night sweats, and cold. chilIs ditring thse dyv.- Adccd tothis I. was cxtremelv nerveus, which weakened me:Mu 01r~ ducéd ny fl -ah until I was a meme skeleton, This entinued' ut iI 1.1t winter, wheu mny wifo sud tfrien.ds began te deàpair of m- recevery, as the medicines I toek produced ne good, and I vwas graduaîîy growing womse. Through th-e influence efthRe Rev. C. E. Tyler, I was iuduced to give, Paine's Colery Compound" a trial, andi j Can -trly say it worked wonder8., The firsit b.:ttle gave mec great relief' antifiv e betth-s CQrnpîttely cured me ï~ gained thirty -two peunds in three weeks and am -now sÉtrong' audhealthy.* I wouîfj urge the suftlering everwhere o e Paine's Celery Compound a trial." -.s, irnisos, burns, scaîds, chappes laOook'u Cotton Iloot Copu auds, chiublains. Beet pilecure cn ta U~ue DOhy yOye arth.' Drives eOut'-p ainesud ached. QoLaleBfet elreoiUa. Iâ.dý«eaï nly 25o. a box. Cure guar ouet.L i dCle RtCa it e oomr z ilmixturesp. n oîd by A. H. Allun. pjn an Ohildren Ory for - à n b; n eopnne CA TOrl . vNÃ"ée and o.2 sold qWbft47,by A CA*STOR ~ ~~g'*H ln rq ýuuerinjgana 113iUg. wiu $HZLApain o i t in">'teet. send at once and a bettie et "4Mrs. Winslow's Seothing --Syrup" fer. ebjîldreil ' teethîng. It will relieve the peor littie sufferer immïediately. De- Pend upon it, mothers, there is ne mis- take about it It cures 4iarrhoea, regu- lates the stornach.- and bowels, cures wind colle, aôftens the g'uni and' re- dUcea infiamimation, and gives tone and e'ne.rgy te the wbole sv Stein. "Mre. Winslow's Soothing Syup" for ehildren teething [s pléàant to t.he taste and is 1'e -prescrlptieîi of. oneof the oldest and heat female physicians and nurses ln thie United States. lSriçe twenty-flye cents a bottle. Sold by li dmggiste throughi- Out the world. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winislow's SonthinLp Svrup.". GLIEENBANK. Mr.T Salter gpen t a fe'w days recent- Iy with relatives in'Claremonc. Mrs. P-ell, of Port Perrv, is- the c3Uest of her daugýhter, Mrs kMchie. 1Miss Jennie Phoenix left Monda.y f ýr <tt;lwa.where she will re-nain for somne finie. The Rev. WixÇ. Co,)per of Port Perry P;'eaeched in. the. Preshyvterian church on the llth iust. His sermon was much appreciated by ahl who beard hlm. Mr. Jas. Ba', large sale of farmn stock and irnplemnents'oïl Saturday was well attunded. Priesa were good con- ilPring the tines. Mr. Burns intends going to Manitoba to live -Re and his family bave wýcn many friend$ during their residence her6 who unfite in wish- ing! thuAm succt'Is& tiritheir new home. *~qu or* eNW< w4 N eII 0C $50 reirhià an.: *»e Fi Bl ame, C..ý, N. D., Mamr 19, 1898. a 0 De0ar i Sh-i bave ued urKendalte»Sp)aiuCure and a thlab IL a good Linîment. î hve cured a S vnon My w ci-reau would not take q$125 for ber, whIch 1 uftered for $75 =71fre IwtUlbo) emd t<%. have jour book: and roip.fore 'Fruly YOUr, FRANK 5MITH. Dr . .-!nAl 6mgtu .o, Outarlu, Mlar. 6, 'I8& a DmarSin, -Enclosed ilease Sud a two.cent et&mp for jour Ivgliabs Horse Book. 1 had one but ILiloubt. 1 havoed yoorudall'a Spavin Cure wlthont orne failure ln. jear. md eomalder IL the bp*tL§nîment for man or brast ln the market. :Pleàse uînd me the bock as you advertiae Iton bottle. for horaea<j p .GEORGE BROWN. 0 Ii 184 absolutely reliable rexnedy for Spavine a jSpilat&,Cnrbo, Rllagboaee,elc. Removes the bundi ana L eaves no scar. Prie@,$Si; six fer $5. As a liniment *for famlly use It bas no equal. Asir your druggli;t for KENJIALL'8 SPAM MEil. also 1"AÀTreatise ou the UwMrs," the book free, or addres DR. B. J. KENDA LL CO., ENOSBURO PFALLS. VT. GREENBANK. Mr. Etnmerson Love is home again,- Miss Bell is the guest_ of ber sister, Mrs. R. Michie. On the l5th inst. t herepassed away one of the earliest and moisu esteemed stettlers of liich i i the personage of Mr. Johin-Michie at the ripe age of 86 itears. He.- was one, of the settlers, hay- ing. mfade ýthis is home when the great er part of the country was onîe immense forest anîd many is the interesting story that hoe could tell of the difficulties and hardsbips of his younger days.' The funeral on Friday was largely attended, Ue leaves a widow, two sous and tbree daughters, and a large nutmber grand- childrén, who have the hcartfelt sym- pathy of the community in this, thoir hour of bereavement. MANCHIESTER. Extremely coid weather revails in tItiS SeLtl >Of 010 eOUtry it p resent. Mr. Fmred. TagSgai-t shipped two cars of baled hay frum tluis btation last week. Mr. P. C. Graham bas eîîtered the exnploy of thà- Mortimer Publishing Co., of T orontm Mm. Wm. McýClintock, jr., la quite poorly at presvnt. We hope that he may soon again t.njoy good bealth. Mrs. Hiliery H1oltbY, of Cowley County, Kansas, is renewing old ac- quaintancea *bere, after an absence of thirty-ýoue years. ()wiujr'to, the stormy weather last week, Mm. Stickn ey's sale was postpoued until bloudavt Februamy 26th. Every- lun sl ell tiotwithtitanding the cold day Mr. Emneat Angloy leaves this week for British -oinolt)a., During his î4tay home he bais made »man]y frieuids whose best wishe$ Lgo with hlmi-. - Our Pulptiwas occupicd by the Rov. Mr Lewis last Suiidaymrnmnng as the Ruvm. Mr. Clame, of Pickerinîg, was pro. vented _from c.oîning by siekîiss. 1Report DU Manchester public sehool f0r the molntos of* Januar-y and February, 1900 :-Senior fourth class- Aggie Boyes, Mabel Lamb, Winnie Barrott,- Joseph Fitehett. Junior four.îh-Edith Smith; Russell Lamb, Russeil Barrett, Cecil Be.are. -Senior tbird-Vera LIagerimai>, Edward Gib- a'ifl Hirdie Haigemnan. JunioretïMrd- Ralpb Fitcbett, Everett Dobson,- Maleolm Be]Rare . Secoiid clasa-Geo)rgie Gion, iaule Mitchelib Gladys NVùr-, non.Senir part sccond-Fdrxié Hager-ý 'MUa- JUlia Sutliff. Junior-part seeond-' VedaEwo, L,ttie -Dobson.- - Senior arOne-7MIàa Park, Ç harles! Crawford. o>unioriW-t'one-Durv'ard Lamub, Jean Sfth-George, D, Wark, teacher. Ohildren Cry for CASTO R !,A@ AperfectReznedy- for Constio - tiojn, SÃ"ur StomachDiarrhoea, Worms'ConvulsioLsjeverish. iies and Loss or SLEE Tecs"m eSignature cfr 'NEW Nf1 UXBRIDGE The maàtcbed race between Wooluer, ni Collingwood, and Dusty, of Canning- tnn, which was concluded at the Uxbridge ,rink last Friday night esuit- ed in three straights for the Colling- wood skater. OSHAWA. Mrs. Bwland is stili improving. -Miss Maggie Grahamn, of Whitby, spent Cciwan, of Vancouver, is'renewingI pr:ce. y ERvery box of our Native H-erb is '>stanipcd with a regisýtered nuinber, and centains a gufarantee that, :W taken as directeti, this reinedy will teblood. Trhe name of every' purchà-aser les ~repgistered, with the box.* Should the remedy',fail te benefit him, he has only -te sign thie gn.arantee -sl,, and mLail it te us to get back the full price of the box.- Yeu will not run thie slightest risk in using Itis purely vegetable--contains-n no r dgs w~atever-and cannot possibiy-de any h:arm, venlî It fails te, cure you. And if ýit doca net- cure yoti. your mnoney wil be retumued. >'liere is n'o. reason, therefore, why you should - ot (and everyreason why yen sho-Ãœld) begin treat- ment te-day, if yen are suffeyipg îiii any degree frein *1 Id-e lirer oplatu klney iordnae&c norvousaff.c4io elopisonedch -ea troubleso female troable owooid- rheuaatim I - 1~ fesuma tetter catarrh 1-amgippe coulth Our Nativeý Herbe tablets is abox (aisei'i-Pbwdéréd ferm).- druggist, we w.ill-mail you a boz receipt ofprice . - or BOTTLE 0F Castorla Io put up lu on-J.ze bottles ouly. It a not ooldhabulL, Dont uw anym eto un ru anything eh&e on the plea or promise $hat Lt la §film as go"d'ysu l nangwer every pu. r'OF WRA PPER. O uI PER- TON. CORN* Miss Charlie MNcMillan is spending a few m 'Inths with hiieîîdi in Renfrew. luantity good, dry coin for sale at above Corne quick. It will flot last long- at- this Mirs. O. Sebert, of Brooklin, spent Sat- puice, and cannot be re-placed. urday wtek with -relatives in town. An old record pla:e; th e ,male, population of Osha*a in x86o at 1055 and- theý female population at 910-a total of i1965.- ,Mayor Fowke bas remnoved, bis stock of groceries across the way and, may now ýbe fourd inbhis store on the north side of King -Street. H- J. Haggarry, of the Whitby branch of ibhe D, ininion Bank, bas be, n 1ransferred to: Oshama to fill the position of teller in -theý Dominion Bank, formerly heUI by W. D.: Thompson. V. B. Woodruff, late prr-prietor of, the ConmmercialIlHote], bas dec:ded to remain int. rown and bas rented and is now living in the-. house Iately occupied by W. D.. Thonipson, j King St., East. JfD ow'ny & cou PORT PLERRY. Tuesdav's dailiÈS eontained pn rticu- lars of dlie, doath df Mm. Fred. DruIl ceommercial traveler of Toronto, on-t e previous1 day. MF- Drumy was in town just a week biefore visiting his brother- il) lnw, Mr, Sam.. Mosure; -who was theùT quite low. Mm. Drury when here w*as the picture of healtli and the news of bis uddn dnîls wa a hockto aRf ~ILI DYA.~ AWVJ'M Cl> $AN F/M Bank Noteý rXACT COPY 61 - a - 1 - qi VIN 1

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