-door Itading out te tth. corridar. Mac- dôsid,, rather pale, but breathing re- II.ad on bita pajamas, therefore il waa an easy matter for the. man'Gre-, zat ta take fron thte. wide hait of chaamol-letber he 'ware arouad bis waia, next lit.sakin the dLapatoliwith the sacarlet cross n pon it, The spy aoîed with a awlit"!osend oare.tbat sbowed hin to be ah adept at thette. fron thtle persan, for ha tiret caue"d bis votim ta' turpI n lits sleep, and then dww forte tbe dispatoli tram * Ias hldtxîg-place with suai clexteity that tii., Queéal's messenger toit ne- »ailg aecir.d It, he passed Instan- tly Ittu Msa wn coMpartmnent, ,bolted the door, snd at once [orc open lhe e'nvelope. ,Dawü had scarouify braken andthiers waa unly tha>fainteat liglit Fvutsl Ie. Tii, moxn'nt the 'spy opene d 'the British Foreign' UMiuter'&- d gutoh le gianoed, at the. signature te teasure hlmaalf, theu, spreading' .it out ah the firat page, h- ecurod -il by a clip wliio heb.woman landed ta iii, and spreadlng il open attached t te' the. wîndow-blind. Froziber dreèsing-bag the -woman took a amil liand-camera with its pbcîimahic ahutter, lian,.iug it te tlie !i,M. ,Who, standing at the. door, focus- ed it upon the 4jspa[ch. Tii.. woman, with something iu ber baud, stood, near [lie- paper with i.ta puzizling array of mimerais in place et, written. words, and suddenly lier companion, camera ilu hand,,. xciaim- "New 19' ~Ai t-at instant the compartmnt was tiiled with- an intense white mag- nesium liglit, and [lie click o~f the sbat ter bld [liat a piiotograph had been-taken outhe .exposedfoi.jo Agaîn, againuand again was tis. re- peated until, the last page witli its sprawly signature hatng been Irans- ferred toa[fla photographie film, ti. camera, was rep1ac3d swiftly in the bag. and the littie flap--tabla iun[tie comparîme.m[ adjusted., Upon it [he woman placed au, envelaçpe exaotty aimilar iné very rTespect le [le broken ene, bearing the 'scarlet- cross >o! pri- vacy, and addlres.te the "Britishi Am- bassador fl Rome in.an exactil sim- Ilar hand. Tii. man ýrefolded the. dis- peicli,, placo.dil in 1h. envelope, and was iiandedl by- the. wman som.3 S'eai- ing-wax, a,,piece of coiled taper al- ready lighii8d, and a-sealI. He plac- ed beaide hbn tie Ibroken envelope, and withi nfinîitie car. 'and great de xterity a!! ixed Ilirée seals exactly simitar -in every respè,ct te thase 'impreased by ti.' Marquis cOf Maccleeftield. Ilaving tWnslied, lie wu.. baCk te ho ý*erLlio oi[isleping Macdonald, and ttte-r somn. patient efforts,. sucoeeded ut rePlacinà tiie dispateti in [the boit c«. chinoîia-1qthIer wjhiehlI 50ottein centained IËnglad'a 'secrets,-atcr- rebolting the. door.cmm iotg wlth hi& oWn comfartinent and leav- ing -by- thie doar opening on tlie-corri- dor. 'lu avoid sBuspicion, lie passei along ta thé Lavatory and washod his fae and han(ls. tien ou bis return ta bis Qýwnfl epJrpixîet found <bis cam- paliionu cresd anid everythiug packed ready te beave the car. Uonnaud wvas comini along [the cor- ridor, for they wEre apprOadhing Aix- les Baines, the destination ort[ho oentirely unsusiciaus pair, and- hav- iBg recéÎed [the usual five-france tipi the' conductor. petitely assisted [hemI [a alight wheà ibe train drew upat1 --JlII-breakfasted in tlie reâtaurant- oar wiie pqasung through th. Mont Cen is tunnel, eating bits omelette and Chop wi. h considerable relish, washing it do wn ýwtt a bth. o! excellent ýwhite Capri. _ Wien he returnod te Jerth Numnber Six, lic found i he beddixig removed and lie compartment turned ii4to a smok- ing saion, wliereuj'on lia taok out a new rrauchnitz and lighting bis pipe, aMoked and- read until at haif-Ifflt two they rau. inte Turin. 'fthe- part y of ýAmerloans were the ouly [irough passengers, therefore they al i itled about. in thte. long car tirougiaut the daiy, smoking, chat-! Linft, playing cards and reading' until at maidniglit, as [bey lett tisa on tho lest *tageo ut..the o urney to Rome, Macdonald, iraLier. fagged, entered hi& cumpartznent, bolted tie door and turnii>d in. Tlie- thick dispalôli was nîrd be- * peatbh Wm a» ho lay uun hi& berth, snd 'atter turning once or twice un- ea8ily, lie toak 'it4eut cq lits waist,- beit amL was-about [o trans!à r ilteo the ipooket on thb,' other-side. * &s -lieho id so an unusual amel igreeted -bis toutrils, and caused îà m to peuffl witi h h dispatehin tis it b'and. "gtnauge 1" i. ejaculatod, raisiug- binà eIf suddenf& and suif fiug. <'L'y. arueIttlha t perfum iý before, samewhcr. [tI'ana unusual 'oue; sonMe iuw-fang-1 ted invention, 1 suppose."$ He, raLsed the dispatci la hua nos snd amoît it. The envelope waa atrongly impre.gnated with saine very ple.asan[ fragrance.. "Funny 1I-I1neyar lise cent., anid P=n îertain the ciii f deesut. Curions that Iýbi s iprateli siould *smeli like a we- mani's handk6rchiie " Ho sat ',up~, gazipg at- the dispatohlint *weîider. tie ptrfume it emitted eemed te fi11 the compartment. Suddenly ho spmng ut. as a suddeu tbougit strtuçk him. <AhY e gse." eeÂ1 ITiat I'reuchwom.anneri deor amtt fil!1 "Curtou1t' -.orépea ted aloud; «Ver m aILYulco' w "'- a inewaso curiois, thaï; it should be pertumed the briik -of what ml*t. bs the great-' Li. thsi . st 'war that tii. world hais ever A&f tersatlsfying himaeit that tuiers 'coc, b 0 ii Mrq. waz 1l9 aignet !,,,,ahaiwing beén tamp- fAt .'ght ocok hlteMru eruid with, ho replaced it in hita pockm ofu Maccesfieid waas raktastig in et and iJraUg for Boùnaud. ýThe. con- bisglony room inGr enor Square, duoter aixpuered. lee"py sand wonder- a Littile ahaJbby umêi> as usher.d ita, waagnng. acm-twitliout formlity, a made a bri:! pà nie6d by 'a lady in t.lie next coin-, GOhit af the Brit lh Secret Ber- partent henwe lof t Paria. Wlà ere_:v'Oe, a m&dn to whoM 1e g'geaV t Mni- @lgitr ter waa. frequantl i .ed for in- -At Aix, mn sieur.'# ofutin "oyikiiow them, r' 'A id the' teler aebe $#No,. m sieur."* dee'pheredl ie -][or: iP aaid, grea t-. ',And t.hey ltft while I was asieepi ly, ixtereeted. ,16 cidnot calileu fthé.sef '.,"leanswered, ha.nding coples tee," Bonnaud answered. " «Once heo! telegrains in Engi l whicli had to'Id me tiat ho liked ta sloop a! Ler been4 tra sraitted byt e French, Em- Amberieu.l 'bawsy from_ the Chaâri Cre088 off e 'Eaty"Macdonald . uid. "flt du ring the niglit. did. you -eotioe ariytitng ý su$Picions Thie Ma rquie read themi tirough about thoin I' gravely, bat without komment. "No, masieur. Iixoept that before "And th iif rat teleurir. f rom Paris?" stikriing the, 'lady inquire'd oit me "611,ias ýnot yet heen eciphered. In whethp r*you werean Euig.ish goverfl- anr hour it witt be in, aur Iordship'e ment omes-nger, as &ho thoughl 8118 anda," answered the' shabby [ittle kne j'you by siglt."1 man,. illà , she did, did she V" obaerved tlie 'Tiire see, San Derson, ta have captain, siisplotoiis.y. _"I shall know beenl rickery somewh r.." Thon, be.- Lier again when I 'sec lier. 'Very well,Ik]neatbh ha b-reath ho dded:- "I-linpe Bonnaud. Bon soir." t~fo enawr nta To on~r wiahed the Queen's dispate hte Duxrant. f they hbjve- meusenger 'Giood-n'iglit" and léloaed tient-" ýAud hliesighe , while baée tfrý door. blanched axt thethoug It. ,âiisa ,tunny, that iscent." ^thie H. was net a nervm man, but in capitain again repeated, restlessly. - 1tuis final masteratror> of diplomacy do'n't hlaf like, it. 1 have a strang h« had risked everytli g in order to sus~ciu tat tumtiin.~lia ocurpreftrire, the peace of 4urope. If the. roI. ate *-.' gi-o, oluh secret were aut, nothun ceuld abviate tohimen, rida lng l- ohoi uiednswar; evem tîy iist1 corne atienat- to linelf rdiclin bi SlSPuiOlS ed, and EngJ.and woul stand against and casting -him_,eLf uixen the narrow lier enemies atone, wi lhou.t a single bed dropped off ta sleep while the ex- alliance. Prou tliundered on across the- dîsmai Whene the secret age t liad left, lie Atve-mtar sae oherMtor em&1onetood in deep tliought, gazing. out up- ot hm a s te slioureur ! wei>"on the square. Was i t war; or peace? a! hoiu ws ii.epy Geza, wre In the. mean time aoonald was buu3y Lui a room high in iithe. Rue nearing Rome. The e;resa was h-te,' Roeaie, in Paris, the. private office of ike ail Italiau trains, a i itwaa near- Ucchiet of the Fremcii Secret Ser- - eee r i iih~ rm î a vice. Beyond the buitnesslike-loo 1k- [Y oeliner aiti bztsti =ha grat î'ng apartment was a mai box-room bfw he aazoith itssyciosedi sun- whicli -,liad b een fit ted aso a photo- whittrnte pt Vz ia Vî 1 ti lsedtembr graphie dark-room, amd in it' weret be- eh , tta in.Pta ia VniStebe ng devetuped . the filmns taken<ofcf sirteChres Drant as le Lord Macoiesfield'a secret instruo-. eut Carl g es cornut ti.Ialea tias t th Brtisi Abasado 'RMinkster of For6ign ý ffairs, there-! Rome.. The, prints that ia'd beenI fore the Queea'a resse4iger sut in on. tak microe, ever gurebte- icerti.g den ofieXlti oa tukien ew eerfngurebei gcai aet lthose pteasant roas averlooking [y distiuguisiieble, and the-se havin ptenUawaîtrnf theVÂba&sBnaarte beeni written out were being reduced retunn, it being farbid en by tha3 re- te an intelligile. comxnunication byguaoxstgveaco.d îpthun us t opy o! the. code employed by 1ta a.ny ýother liandsa 'tin these a! the DownÀng Street. wh.ich, by means British Minister hi4iseif. He' had lrno wn only ta those spies, liad (fallen tlirownb off hie traveli4g-coat and sat emsaed s Fr e au a Nthea s ine ord for over an liaur clatt ng with Major escpe, s eperlyhadti. dcuueiitGrant-Gardon, the. miUitary attache, boen Phîotog*Éaphed, and so cteverly uintil at- lengtli Sir. CI4arlea entered. wr. tis fitmae daveloped. He wao pale and US rsually excited. And thisw«a the dispatch which I1 i- iadwa tlraim which ho Lord Macclesi unselLlihad declair- had that moment, receisjed. O.1 mu it, ilt* it' feul into, the bauds of MacdonalId. rose, 'wis4ing hum goad-1 ]I>ngtand'a enemies,' involve lier in mor.nlng, and handing hlm the. dis- war! a1li At half-past two o'clock- hiat seame pth.tol[ienve4wtbisfr morning, white Macdanald w"s ule..p- mîdabte sarte neropé & wditit xa ng ng 80uindiy and VChe train wu. stili liade ih. eessnger tiinteleagram f ar diste nt f rom the Eternal1 City, the. «anddtha t," said h etlen4ay .Frencli Ambauiudor An London was gravely. awakened trom hie. bed ta receive a 1atend~a read the. fateful words long important telegraphic dispatcl in.Eng lLab writtelu beneathtiIhoir frein the Mi.nistry in Pariýs. This ýdis- cipiier equivalents, aiid Étood rigid. pcîtcb, Lin-Lthe Frenchi ciplier, repeatedLt was trom Lord M iccleslfield, an- thie photograplied document word for nsnigta u r~c eecg word. Net an instant liad been lest Ionrzan.tha! thi pe Frech wrecg unacquainting the Frenchi Ambas- "Impoesiblel" b. gasp d. dumbfound- Eadr wth b. u~esa o! the Secret Ln, ed. Tiien next instant'Ihe recollect<ed F'eigu Affairs, wRs alin') * 6.ti bt Lb. *nemy m:ty net use the roadj hudat tlat MrMeut iearred bY t14' w-bich là moL careiully sud dlligently, gramt frein the. Italian Amhama8flRfr I'n Pcepared.' But when ail roadï are, Lond.on.o! the. .'xpoure of the BVtlnh .prepar-ed aome datge must anrely le propo"els: The..ituatiôn w*i5 ex- doue, unlesa ithe adv.anctng amy iii fremeîy grave.. forewarned and taket a8uýh measures Thewa-cludwW b bud aver- as are eipadientta eitier i joyoe tliesi eb.adowed -Europe for 90 ma!ty yeftT mines or elde blc>w then up beLor. îbà mad culmi*nated. At any Momn i rcp--imardi aÃver t hemi. mloehir burat. Thaiaties o! miunùg lu1à artare are- Whilo tbey -wers 'In, onRpltt$of, dhie.ly ,mploy.d in reducing a. cî.y o liowever, c1ogeIy questionlng Mae. towiuL a ig besteged. wien reg- donid a taail is novmPui5. Pi'ular open. [actics 'fait. Wien the 1,- 1ii entered wltliI sohlier telegral iu 4eged force becemet awâre QI. such - eipher front Downing -Streti n n os hi ste .iel a l.. ianded 1h Vo SirCliarles. int previon. wars te dlg, and place ciWi An~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ë exrzâo taaemn ~sed~ ines ieuea h- hosaofo!thle encmi, An xprlsin o amzem,.nor"'a nd t ts iscalled und..rmining. The is facé-wieu lie read 11. i Th-u, turu- proe tudem-ng19a eto ing without expluinatioit h thoesUd close up thie eninys huinelsj,- sad around bhLm, bh. rang..lits bel land îprevent lita beîug able b[o nik brogli. Ts let< ielv fUvr e, oi wia ever, mines ha m xy havie brfvug!, soue in tue juickT evèrto ln aready plicd, and aIse me nulià ly has asi-try. u~m adnuwe hato" aMONTHS OF? LAJIOR. clean gunt-brusit, and than BsPýReali'g i -,T'at iuýhpenatians bave led ta the. dliwpn [ciion the blottinîg-pad. beê . mewelrd, and oeeM ghL almist sa'y fore him lie br.upbed t he lemoxi-Juict hncred.tble, oocuurrenoês, eune may bet curefully acros limte, paner. .*jtidge froin wbiat General taut. the The Mqrn,q cdi Rus1.pe1i. Barniz n d gener al commiuding tlie N.or[heru Macdonald; puzzled at. hilsextiRaOr-foroo lu in te Amenrican Civil War in dinary act, ehood around the tablle ils oparationsa agatuat Richmnond, s.'.ys cpen-eyed in'wýOnder,- su'd totboýir lin i-i"Memot.ra." H.. poin 'a out [liat uftr amazemeut. saw, revived by [he At Peten.zburg, a city un the read -ta funilication of lie ,aRed, s second Rich.mond, whicli w&3 strongly tar.i-. cituhor di-nfteh ftbat '-d heen wrif- fI.edand haldà by L-e. h3 Suu haru gen.. ten invkgihly betweo eul neR oe, the oral, bis plunuers workad tsmoe moui n oue alrpiudy legible. Ev(-ry firure Ftro1i burnowiug -therin' way beneaîthe out quit. legihly 'as the brush paased enemy's strong positioâ: but -the eue. acro-qs the panier, and ail [lire. utter- mny, becOcinug aware oft iis, sent men ed pvcrlamnticuns of surprise.ounr tram their side taý check thein, and * <Thli telporant explans everv- I aIse ta mine -his, pocir tion. Lt Lecame thing,' 'nid her Majesty's Amhntasa.- ne uncommon tbing fnr whole squids, dor. ,"The dtiýpatcl was written of men ta b. buried alive af ter expia- over the- -invi-ble one inu order ta-., ens LtIwere set of!i by elthen side creà te Alar:m lu Paris, and to th-s un-I thos. tunnels;' thieugli eometixns ci'uu~e the F'reni-h geverument, toetcthe, moen mauaged t,6 dig theinselves iun R majnner whlih xnnsheventualv (ut, He aays, tuntiier, that soee probve thIe usrantee efthîe peace 'of limes he mining parties of bath arm- Europe. La>rd ?tac.sll ad,. no les would meet underground, wlicni docbt. nom. féar tIaI an sttenipt. t lier. wa.i always a clashi ef arme. and- would hé mund'tn obftin kuowledgeo f IieY W0Uld figiht until oeeonIthe oth- the di"patch, and therefe>re ha wrote er parLy had been driven back almu-st th.is la aurrder te de<rivée aur enemies as [o lt a moulth o! thi r tunuelhi. Sa tinta, toe e rosi Ia of affaire. Bv. mi pro- 'hile bho and [lie greLter porÉtion et poqnl madle lvM. CamIon te aur Am-' hi, army iras f igh ing above ground, boissadorr in Paris Ibis morninig If sct lier mon et bothl- &ides. irare o~l en apparent that the, stolen doupateb hî's fgi.rgbeo heid eractly tle effeet in Pqrla nnd, IL [lia lino milang whith f116 euemyls minina ltunn-L3, are being - biýfit lu Pef'r-iburg wh.ichi Lord Macellpldf-1, b nIrnown toi th-IN otiier side the. best me- by big foresimit, intended, fsud lthe îi-o<i alundermîuing [hem ts ta cross whale -vifu-,iti(>n being noir chan-ged, a t hemù, asudtIns- close [hem. up. But dmehirftl.on of wirn la',boome ui- no.wadays snzb h labcurîoua moi bods may- pcuoaile.'uL have Il e eresonted. te. for, wmýe- Smol CI'unheilivug dcmmlered ion.gunp.owder blo,.s-up, dynamie bur- wbtOnecft e -xpq1e1>ts crpmmu.cheu.ryw.s dowâ, and if Iii. position o f the, ai nce'xpeIed ls urertte heenemy'a underground: marks eau b. Italiin lrtiiter, irlerunoa.n [the 011- learued. or detenmined-upon, dynam'le er remarke.d, in praoffuud adm1ration eau preperly do tle mark- that tarin- of [h. inner iu which tle WPf~enly, required, whoae rgiments- of men. of the French blid thuis been turned Ordinany shela, if .coming within umganntthemelvs: lose enouigh contaet,- may sometimes '<msineThon Dthé iliul .we -aie -daote mrk; as during the Ris- t 1.- whîe.h fris oceupied us of> seilu- pan -Aineria a hlta u ly during the paqt Imo meruibi4 s 15 ffl !the batletbps baznbanding San. sat i.rcfetiy adjustedl This elever Juan.-Porto Rina, hut upon on.et hese coup of your Pri me Ministen Is cor- mines uncomplefed under a streot tainlv <one oet he. incusinhgenioie, thire, and its explosion ktlled [htriseen nverwýhe1m1nK and as.tounding lu the Spand3b sollisîs-. munais of diplom.acylf"t War lbas many strategiles and; near- ly -ail things are oousuldered tain in the A book pubIizitedln Japitn 1.000 years gaule se long as tlieyý are hurîful ta ego- notes (hiat at ht Iime gead silk the. enemy; but peniiap] lie sîrangest was already produced lu 25 provinces etf ail thbese la atttac king lim from, a .of [bat country. peint heueath bi teet. .ATED 1IN CANADA. BAY-~ '!g w KftA#b14 A graphie illustration c-e i.gireêt acuçe, fthe M-ar oealn and a pq>rtiou ot t-4e IUuited States. witli Kajuta just mnorth ne the. oit] uffr Hudson IMI. ing etyle of dres, sk-irl lnng»-partiou Iarly tan mamen ot tul l gure--remacla of -tie sottest undressed suls and satins,- and ail .sottff maires andt crhap t1affetâsý &Hil( s, eto., ame avoided. *Poplinesof varions qualties and ln man, noir 9ffeets wmll bc ene of the. f&vored fa>' ries neil seasou Tiey have a sllky finish and lnu dainty utrip'îa, plaids, checks an4 dots,ô ai wt, delieatt caler the upring paI' tena are exçeedingly effective. A very styllali costume of sUli and mccl utoeety goodshlis tht. akirt l f xsied mita circulai, ruffles, w1th a ceat aslve Wt, very long et the back aiid out awayin front ta show a Vandyke wà lstcoat of dauik veivet, thbe long points of lii. gilet falling ix Co elghu luches belwherte bell. Tl* coat la finished witii- revers af- the saine.velvet âud sraund the. tireat la a hîgli fur-coUlak ..-New York Post.î THE RBRSROW. What Io the. matter wi Congresuim Itoberts o! Utah for m1uister.te Turkeyt-, Boston Advertiser. Brigiain Young's grandson la maklng an attack upan, polyganîy, aud ho at leasi has Some neasen le kuair miat- itl ads im --Rchmond Timtes. . Palygaznist Roberts appeais ho tl. paIri. arclisfor hua precedent.- If lie had dîcd wheu lihey dld, ne fault wouid b. teund with hlmnoir. Ire. mqucuins"la 1he liand tuat Con. gesaman Elect Roeets la said ta hold, but lIat cannot beat a "isU lieu." ùunleaS il Ia dons by blufflng. Lt mee tiere s anothing ln the cousi tution le bar out. Congremaxan Roberts. A lime ifél emergeucy neyer occurred.ta, tiie tramers ofethlai grand oiddocumnt.- Clevoland Plain Dealer. Polygamist Roberts of Utah may n(4 gel ie liehenext house et repi'esntatIvs< but lie Je obtainiug 'ttewortiioe! is ciec tion by the. publicity which bas-followed Ids unusual caao-ýBalttmoreAmnerican. Tiey have femalo suffrage lu Utah' and at th. late cougressionitl eleotÃon a larges vote w'as eaut by iremen than ever belont in thatltaI.ThW resul wasthe election of Mr. Roberts, po1ygamist., -Wiat iW4 irant mamian suffrage for, yQIu kLnow,ý le t4 purify politica sud'retenti th lgi generair *ORCHARD AND GARDEN. Pinin tree&ll 11net.tirivo If negiocted. A gcod uIoIl'fer atrairberries la a goed6 atroing hoant. The saugar zmaphe ta anc o!f th est orna. mental kbade treos. For a permuanent wlndbreak, bothihb munter, sud surniser, eegen u best Ln prunug, ajways remafe>decaying, *weod an7d all uipe, weak yonng wo *Fruit-plats requin. attentIon tfuily a, mucli as any other' cnop, auà d 'la l an eqy; matter to rset ouI mura then cani tb propt.r- hy cared for. Thero Le no plant liat benefita by g6"d manure more than lihe rose. A lackûcf à mii alirsys result ln aliaggy planta: snd pon blooxus. An old orehard Sheoii -net befiled, wiuh young trees. Tbe &il la generally- toc. nîuch.exhiiustre. by thée former trie.m is tuer start a new orchard. Neariy oni iararIe o! fruit ;tr.a«*are nie valuabie Iftheby shot eut loir. Tritu teave ie oe have line Of bring ing i centa 'pa rt! why ..iatt did Fr( dlue for which a tblng la.plledged terit nates the. lien o et i.p and sd lai rtgLu tonretain ît. A lax on a busines. la ual rendsred 'lu. valid by the tact ihat it la anerous &as cern pared witi the taxatien ofe! hler lunesca busirems-RentîDcses !Rgtu courts. î CURlOUS CULLINGS; Amongt tbe Arab trihes b. mooking t s sufficierut cause for divorce. Lu Moneca the bride lias to snbilit t- laisvng ber face ýpainted wbuts and v_-4 andI lerhaudsa sud eut îiyed yellom witdi At Garebçutoa, ilu-tube suil sens, *ver) nman, woaîu<k or child on That leland wmu <Goes Dol go te dhurci tiretimnsa meel tuhlaiblO te liearre4ted and inud. Àe t the Arabalthme epnemsl e ibaysa aring la e e's 518" a ynonymrout with "tû h. a slave, "adtu athe puseyli day an'Arabiwhao hli, lissaeoîitlusrmd by anotheran«as.aring througb lhie oe S M Lt in an lîi.xpitoabl. test itume bbunid In an avaisuielo et suiow ileat dis- tiiiSly every Word uttered 1» liise *bc wieking fer thon>, w1uje thteir naufft pvuueaolits fait to pouetrat e ven a toi filt t o i Osuor.- r«mý- -M