order, e.is ht4ëy given tit a Special -Ge.! eetiig' 14-the @ iiareboIdebu sof 16 Laçis' Colieut wil -bc bel& aIt th - jttlhe Tiz of Whikbý. on Tausdav] day of là rcb, 1900, £1 q4 .o'clock consi4d' thejubject of, passg 'or ng a,b1y.law to authçrlze the dirictoils id C/01lege to mottgageail the prop> hleÃollegt Comepany for tire suin uf tibI thousand dollars. Daîed at the it: day -of Marcir, :o. dûN1UE !R1TBÃ'_ONS Thi~ Procetds of the Paârtie lcBil. The Whitbv Masonie- Order clearcýd $211. 50 bv their patriotte bal Iast week. Weffl done. This amount bas beé'n devotdd andi forwarded to the,:Patrioti Fund, as Wliitby's concert contributionî was handed over to the Red' Cross Ftnd. -Mr. Wlt a D.d Mr oh Wnn \IeasIt of the town, dled sudenly on We1édnesdAY. moraing. He had bt'en -previously unwell for a long tine but had been able to be*about ai; usual- Up to the d&y eoe.He A a fine nid inan, Iiked? by ail. The funeial takes place to-nt-orrQw afternoon. Division Court. Judge Smith -presided at'the Whitby 'ivision court on Wednesday. A. M. Rdss sued John Hay. for an account, and got judgment for $18-75. -Thos. t' Deverelt's suit agamnst .G. Jackson for, llý balancea. of contract olà b6use and store rent'was adjourned for a dity Lo be fixed. Mr. Jackson dispute's The rMombia Coming. t- The Columbia, formerly ownéd by -the, Cortwal & Montreai Navigation jackon will put on daily betweetil hese points and Toronto this season. Mr Jackson, who bas been to see a number 'of boati beibre closing, has decided that this is the finest ship for- this route that le possible'to obtain, beling a-screw boat aud very fast and most economical to run. When-she presents herseif here it lae*said sire ill be second -to noue on the lake.Pair Play, Pisase.0 W. Bunk~er, of Pickering, after heing fou d'guilty of asshuiting his father, .b 'ee herated froin the jailonss pe»nIed senitence. White we have -no- t»itrÉt to see jhis M'an là nguishing in jail. stili wve cannot help but think that law ia funn3' thinga.nd sometimesÃœnfair,as this case shlows, where the son 'ls show- tedýout on suspended sentence after b-ing foulid guilty of -actualiy. assaulting bis faht-r,'whiIe his father was jailed for t wo min tMhs for merely thre tening the son. V4 bélieve in fair piay. The Ontario Lou anad Savinirs Companye We pubilsh i another column thre business transacted ,at the twenty seventh annual meeting of the Ontario 'tLoan aud Savings Comnpany, which was held in the head office, Oshawa, on Wednesdety ast. It 18 our pleasing duty to "o able to again conratulate btoth the manaLîiaemetit an4l -the share- t' holders upoTI the increasing prooperitv of thre -Cofpativ. It eeerrus- to have reae ,ed high-water mark within the p ast 'ýwelvti motiths, as the finaneiai stateknent- amply and plauîly d ýmon-~ str;tté--,; ,and yet the energies of the Company have not -,beeti ttraiiîed or oyer-taxeod. Rt .thas suffiient ex pânsive force and virtue to compass a -far wider rndo business, and the wondt-,r is, with an institutioîh.,of this kind ln oui rnidit. that the farrin- coiinïnunitv do tiot pretèf clngwt first-class local, concern of this nature to -ope much farther away. T h,- en.rlintgpower ig as greftt, and the OnFrva morning hust Mis Mr sMith, d;ugù-ter of Mýr.alid- Mris.;Johîjl Sgnith, (ofj bay side, passed away afti-r ýa linerîg ilîîssfrom coîîsumptiou. Tho'ugý,h the lainily. had pr.'viously re- sigiied îhemselvea -to th(e ineîiablo, still thp, end carne more suddeniy than, was Waticipated. She was lu ber twenty fourth year, and ber earnestness, devotion snd amniability were the beauties of h"-r home life. Those Who k-knw.her will always cherish ber mem ôiy fur theso qualities. Ifer long illines was borne wlith truly christiaîî fortýtude, patience - and resîgniation, whlch' conspicuouïly,- drew forth the -- anxious Foieitude aid tender devotion of her parents saud'friends iwho minis- -'erel sud sqvmpatbized with her lu ber .affiction. ,Thé esteem. ln Which d cEased was held aud- the great sympatKy feit fo)r the bereavedfamity was mark oon Sunday afteruoon by a verylag côneourse of relatives sud friends -who fbibowed t1wie'rmains to the. Unicn istorms of the *inter. ., The fali-bearers were Msr.Chas. Mi lanl er - cemeer3~ i the f c foel .n, Atherst S mith, Adam. Gordon, Wm Pringle, John Stirtivant, jr., and Allan Cameron, *- jr. The members of, the îown counci showed- sympathy 'fôr'tiroir eoileague by-attending theiùfuneral in a body, and. th!st set was but a manifestation of the symnpathy feit by ail.- -We saw beneath the casketà e IdI A sweet, pale face; Ur ier with fiowers almost bld, JWhlch well did-graco., The sile'nt daughter restiug there, Now far beyoud ail pain snd care. - The storm of lité had paesed away, Andi death's sweet calmi, Rad settted roùfnd the peaceful elay, And broughta balm, For ail thé struggeie sd thre paiu That never moere should, cornte again. W.e all it death - bât li le lite,- To sweetly drift Beyond the darkness and the strife; Aoyond thre rift, -' And gain thre bright eternal home,- T* -welcoxne thomu whenfrlindi ore be givedii-ext week. f To b. Noua Wbltby. We'- .nderstand the -Grand, Tt'nk Rv. survipyors aeflnallv seteêted thre firat survoev înade jùf;t noril of.'Whlt4y for' he proposed neW. linçeinttad of that sux*vt,5ed near Pirerriii's pond., Cloerthe Crossiuags. - 'Mr. Matyor, ouzht yon.not to ee that'h tire teerogsinge 'are -cleared af týr eno.i. storms? ,The resI of us kV compelled to cloar ou 6r 4wa1i4, 80 Wby' flot thie îo-wn clear tire crosinge ? A -Local Red Crossocty - A Meeting nof tire ladies*of tire -Town of Wirty and ail citizens intÈrested lu- the formattion of si brateei.,of tire Red Crooss %ciety 1-sreque.ted 'toconvenie next Mondaý, Marçh tb, at 3 3 . B . ln tire *cuncîl ciramber. A. M. Ro88, con venor. Tii. Rallway S.it Stili Restlng. A notirer bigh, court opened aud ciosed -at WiritbVib tis week, 'sudyet Whitby's railway suit was nnt brougpht forvward. If we live for baîf a eeu-tury, we May yet sec it ir> court t of course lifree his no use complainlng lu tire meaà ntkohe. If we do, we shaW oniy be dubed as still more Ilscurrilous." - Thunkà to the ~l.~ *On reiraif of tire offleers and members of Composite Lodge A. F.,& A. M., the worsiripf ni master, Mr. Frnd Hatch, extends to tire ladies, wiro en kindly supidthe refreqhtnents sand o therwise 'aVssisted'at tire Patriotie Balil, tire sincere thauks of thée fraternity. Their gen erous efforts contributéd largeiyý tô tire success of tire und-rtaking. Firemen's Patrlotic Balil. Notwithstandingtire extreme cold of Mouday nigbt, tire Whitby Fire Brigade' bad an attendance of some seventy coup le -at tiroir patriotie bill. A most' e joyable time was. spent Thre proceeds canuot ire stated tis week, owing to .a full returu- of tire tickets not having been vet made. Tire firem.en bave thns doue their share' towards thre-Il"absent miuded beggar." -Mackenzie's Lecture. Prof. Mackenzie, of Trinity College-, &~livered an able lecture b a fuli bouse in Ahi S.aints' scirool mouse on Tuesdav- evening upon -tire 16Boers iu South A frica," hoidi nZ that the Boers forced thre prest-nt war by converting thiri country loto a buge m-litary camp. Miss Kate Meen) recitéd, Miîs ' Editir Barnes sang, aud refresirments were scrved. Proceeds about $23. On The Winig. E. Stephenson, Whitby, iras ticketed- tire lollnwîng tis we-ek :-MNr. Norman MeGiiivray, trip to Lefroy, Ont.; Robt. and Mn. Gonmley, to Clevelanîd, Ohio ; Mn. M. A. Stanley, to Salt Lake, Utahr; Mnr. A. Run deli, trip to Peterboro; Miss Mariner sud Miss Jameson, trip tri Peterbono; Mn. saud Mrs. John S Bannard and famiùlv, Wiritby to London; Mn. W. Maddaford,to Winipeq Man . Mirs. L. Fairbanks, Peterboro to W bitby; .Mr. A- Rowe;'to Detroit, aud '25 otirers elsewhere.- Perâ,onal Mention. Mr. R. S. Patterson bras been worse, we are sorry 10 sqay. Mr. Jos. Barues, of Batavia,. N. Y., reached here tmis week on a vîiti to iris brother, Mn Roit. Barnes. Mn.Jon Bigtof yr-epase day to day to conimemrrat tire, splendid Briti'h. vietnrie"s, tire surrender ni Cronje being brougrt abouit by tire -rusir of our bratve Catnadian contingent Hockey. Thre Lynde's ereek hockey team irer'ýby challenge thre Buekie factory hockey team for a a gaine on Barues' rink.. .. 'Vit- tannery and tire Martin works employtees piayed a gaine of hockey at Barnes' rink on Weduesday, evening, sud tire tanners tanui-d tire hides of tho buck ler orsthe tune of 6 t0 8. Tire Wiiby hockey teain went 10 Uxbridge ou Wedisesday 10 play tire return match with'tire teain of tirat town. Whitby lost by 6 Wo 8. Bath tire Stewartsé failed to î'each there, so tire teame playoti only 6 meni a side. A 'Var-sity team vîëittîd Whitby lasI Friday evering and wene beaten t tire lune of 10 to 2. Tire game was fast aud turious, but tir e cubmnatîou -of -the WVhitby tearu couid u9t htn exceiled. A largo continigent of ladies from tire On tarfo 'Ladies' Col fiege were iu attend, apcelto cheer ou tire 'Varsity, but Ibis. oulv encouraged -the - Whitby ladies Wo cheer tire louden. Baso Lino West Items. Mn. Allie Cameron iras heen detaineti from school Ibis weekl witir'a sev ore coid. Mr W. Vanvalkenburg iras bougirt theHol cotag, o Brock street, -aud Mr. John Willis, assesor for.tire township ot Wbitby. le off duty on account of!P n a ttack of sciatica.- Mn., Richard Pindar had a rarrow escape o.- Suuday ak heo railwa-y cross-' iuig,'011 base line, .fromn a paseir>g train. Mn- Jas.- Long sbipped a. cargo of irogs from Port Wiritby to tir eciIyoi Thursday, the price paid being $5 per irundired weigirt. RMr. Arthur Smitir, wro iras& been wltir Mr. P. Ryan for à few montra, iras er>gaged with Mr. E. Atkinsion for tire comingseasou. Mr. Joe Ashby, wiroiras beau home for a short vieil, beaves tris week,_ for Buffatlo where ire is engageti on one o! tire big boats trading froi tirat port.' .We exter>dour- sympathy to Mr. sud Mrsl. John.Smîtir, Bay.side, In tire deatir of tiroir beloved daugirter, Mary. Sire was -an amiable young lady and was .greatly beloveti by a!l,-who iradth ie pleasure of irer'aequaintaà nce., sut to 4t ýa» crown e were. no cuiaIi 7j -AN fLLIDGII) BÂU -The ouly business-to. cornebeffare the ga idjUry was btir o! tire- Qqeean t'a Leonardt3llbson for au' alioge& assauit on Frank Lawton- It wgs clai's9I that ms- Lawtoa ,pased thre Ra9la1hO&8lshed on tire 1ithi-of DeceMber Uibson s8truOI hLm over (ire head wÃŽih.&aboWîe .11< afterwvards kicked hlm. The grand jury acquýitted Gibson, and lu its Pte.- sentment stated tis. case uirould have beau, settied by tire masistrftte. ,J. B. Dow appeared for the dufendaut. OOUNTY TOWN Tag PLACE FOR TuE UOMN,. ru iris. addrees 10 tthe grand jury, Judge Roberleson palriotically referred to the prominent part -the Canacians were-taking lunlire South African war. He Iher> epoke o!f-iow 'hea iladv-ised previons grand junies libtis cousity to pronounce in favor o! a houso of refuge, and irow glad ire wae 10 learu- that tire couuty counîcil had 'st last moved to wardsil s estabhistiment. He, however,' felt coustrained 10. say cirat ho beiieved tiré county couneil were, makr>g -a- vary grave mistake ir, pnopoing.-1 locdate tire bouse awsy froî tire countv town In esaying thie ire said'he'-did not.waut tb ie undenstood as advocaling tire' daimns of Wiiby, but ire wÀ9 sspeakinLP- 80 for thre good of lire wiroie couhly. Teire f,-w otirer cotunties whicir have bouses o! retug eroecîti away from lire eouiit% town- have foun)d il 10 ho a verv-un tort unate snd - ex pensive piecoe-of busi ness. l requiros greaten supervision, _aud it necessitates more fréquent visits by lie grand judols sud coutity.couiicil. Thile ail créates extra expense tirrough tire milea'e sud pay drawii by tireat bodies. 0 ,Id people are quite unablo lu proteet th'mseives f roin tyrannies I superintendents, and by tire bouso bteing located WireesJh county business was origiually intended bu ire centeîed, al gratn juries would ire lu a position tu: mueir more easily see tiratirhe old people were properly treated. 0f course, eounty councillors are depeudeut uponý, tire votes 'of tiroir constituents, iresaid, aud are tierefore not thiat i>depeud,-.ntý body wiicir the grand -jury is, whici! owes allegiance 10 nobody. Being tins! tboroughly indepetîdeut ire'boped trisý grand jury. would express aunirouest: opinion upon tris question of iocatîoiî' f nom a eouot.y stand-point snd-tirat tirey wouhd 50 thirnway ean 10 con. cur with him- In advising the county couneil not 10 commit a mistake 'wh¶chi would cause expense sud trouble for al yeans b corne by locatiîîg tirs bouse of refuge outeide lire county town. 'r> ils preîoulment tire grand jury expressed, its gladnese to have an opportunity o!ftixpressinîg their higi appi-eciation of,-tire vainable servicee iris Lordship bad rendened, lu tire counry by stiruulatir>g Coun -y Councll' 10 provide flouses of Refuge for lire aged ,duservin-g poor, and were please I 1 know that tire humaiiitarian cousidor aà tions of lire cane of Ibis uÛfontunate elss iras been s0 impre..sed upôn thé' people of tris Couuity tiraI the council irasundertaken tîu couiiuct a- refuge fôr them. As to liteProper loca*r of sth cotuntv buildingS, ire Grand Jury are lu perfect accord witi tire views iis Londship 80 eleanhy sud -!orcib1y ex pnessed iiris address 10 trm, v-z, tirat cousiderations of conveniience, economy and efficiencey demand tirat the county towu, whe-re' other public couîîîy busÀiness is transactod, sirouid bho selected. THE JURMIS Tire Grand Jury cousisted of tire following.-W. B. Pnungie (foreunan), Whitby; John McCully, Bnock: Jas. B. Madili, Pickering, C. W. Scott, Osirawa; R-. A. Sinclair, Cauniiingon ; AndrýW. Stalter, Ochawa ; J. W. Jackson, Ux- bridge Iownsirip; Duncan geiKenizie,l M&a ; D. C. (x'dit-spie, Beavertoti; W. J. Adains, Oshawa;-,Tiros. MeDerrnott, Mars; Hesîry Morrison, Thorair. Tire Pètit Jurons wene: David Ilopper, Claremont; R. Campbell, J. Sinitir, Pickerig; Wm. J. Ac.kuey, Reacir; Walter B. Milne, Pickering; J. S. G3uy East Witby; John Kiieler, Est Whitby; A. Glasaflord, Tirorair; Tiros. Hall, Eastl Wiitby; Aloi. AI- brigirt, Pickering; Mathew. Cnawfortb, Whitby ; John Gordon, Whîîby ; F. Tom- linson, Scott; A. E. Ehirher, Ashbrbum; A. Bagsiraw, Uxbridge Tp.; Alex. Gall, fieacir; W. Il. Maybee, Brock ; John Muaroe, Reacir; J. Clark, Mars. A YOUNG GIRtL' TROUBLES. Tire first o! tire tirree civil suit8 on thb, docket wits tirat o! Win. Huleirinf, 0f (green' River, vs. John Andorsonj,'of 1-osebauk, for damages for au alleged rape upon iris thon flfteeu-year olU( dawughten Fa-,nue, whicir brougirl about tire brtir of a ciid. Tis case occu . ed tire attention o! tire court during Moun day afternoon aud most of T'uesday. A verdict îvas fitialiy giveu by lire jury for tire defeudaul, thrn beiug a doubt as t0 whethrer soine othen one migirt ior have beer tire cause o! theo inl'te trouble, and il being possible au atteulPt was beipg îîîado t'o im plicato an iiiiiocent man. Loun t aud Farewell for lire de- fendant, Mueulougi for .tire plaintiff. FÂTHER V8.SO- -lu thre suit of -Colline vs. Collins, the parties iiv&-in'- Scugog. Tis was au action brougit tW recover damnages -for wror>gfül sud exessive distress o! tire piaintiff's goode sud«<gattela for arrears o! ranI. Tire plaintif is -tire son 'o! tire defendant, an> rented a' farm froin hlm for 5 yoars. At tire end o! tire bease a verbal arrangement, was nmade - for a furtirer lasse,sund-tire- parties subie. qtentIl dlsagreod about tire termes,a"d e zýfatirer ýsi4d iris sciVi got>d sud chattels for what'ha contendedw* as due hlm for rent. Beot-trial thre j utig recomumeude4-ti lrIas t was a falmil dispute tire parties ougirt 1settle.! it. Tirey tien came tioge ei udagreTi 1 ç. M asg theM d1ffî BÇQ hi ri" ces The Platiliff' accepted thé offor -the âame 14ye obut tira defendant refuaed to carrv' but- thé e ehange, on tire- round as bo..saiti that ile was Wo. bave the prlivileg'e 0f inhpeetiug threfarm iOro, sid if he-were flot satisfed with it*ho was to b. aliowed withiinfi,. days tO w-thdraw ý'the offer. Tre- defeod&dan, say ire vont to, view the farm, and touyndthat it ,wa, not mas valuableas bad been repr'e&ented .to hm and notifloti the plaintif ajecordinjiv. He submit. tedi~nd*~b~etrumsancsthat thre offer was not.bffindig upon-him. -Before. tria I-A,{ w rtlew came to a se'ttiem*ent, by which the. defenda'hb to pte - -thé plaintif 8400ý; aiso the aetls coin- misin ad tecotf the sait. S. S.- S harpe ori tf .-.Riddeli and R. b . obe for defeudaJt. - We are into tii'-' pavietîes of the season If yon.r evening dress needs cleanin g,'it Cali be.sept'tortbe wdrks' of 'R. Parker & Co, dyers and -lea ners, witb agéev at. Mrs. 'M. J Alliu's, Wbhitby, Ont., well- and carefily cbeaned and - doue proniply. Cnadiln Club. To-night. at an ope-n meeting 'of thre Cariadian Club, Dr. Tramblyn, wiIl relid a paper on "10Ciassical Education." Tis sulticet wIll shlow the continuation of the discussion of the'last meeting. CiRssicail education ie ot veryr general int~ "(rest, and the public are cordially iuvited. Wanted, nursirig or plain sewing by an experienced person. Apply at-,th-s office. Tire matron' of the Ontario Ladies' College is adver'tisitig in another èoiumn for two girls. Mr. B. Bake-r advertises iu another column that ire wants to buy a short- horn hifer caîf. J. H. Downey & -Co. advertise in another columu a quantity of good, dry corn at 815.50 pur ton. A steady man Is open for a positioni as, caretaker or as an attendant of horses à nd gardon work. Apply at tis office. Tisoffeçe eau supply your eailing cards and print your name ýthereon ai cheaply as the bare cards eiau' ho pur- chatsed for elsewbere. Ladies, why tirer bothe.r writing your; naine and Spoili né.,nany a eard in doing so ? House for Sale. A storey and a hall solid brick bouse on Centre -street north, at present occupied by Mr. D. R Vickers. Sixc rooms Hall acre of land, wii fruit trees. Apply to JOIhN NEWPORT, - Whitby. Two Girls Wanted. Two sîro-ng. capable girlî wanîted at, the Ontari'Ladies' Coliege. Apply ta THE MATRONI, - Whitby. Bain for Sale. A barn ab ut 60 x 40 for sale cbeap. Sit-- uated on Byron street nortb, Whitby. 'Yur own trne to remove same., Timbeis al %ound. Apply to - O0. SEBERT,'- Brooklin.' M9aple Trees to ROnt. The undersigned bas a large number of bard Mapl1 t rees suitable for making syrup o sugar. WVQu1d rent ÃŽhem or let thein out- on* çhares,-for, tis season of syrup making. After April ' St a quantity of. herr*look lumber and-cedar shingles will bc for sale at lot 35, 8th con.,s WhitbY. JQHN D. SERVOS9 Balsain. - - . .-...... - . - New Spring9 Goods 1-~ Arriing Daily, '-il- P l- - M- - F-01 Boss WHITBY BROS, :D.RY :GOODS BROOK STPREET.* ottj.tc Not because tirey are falluùro btbecause e know you are, aiwys .okng for sometingew Our Lino',of Houso 'Fu'rnishings This aeaeop are ail up-to-date. Furniture, CarpeBq Matng Linoleums, 0DU ClothosLace Curtains, Room MPuigW lld1ow' Moreover, we do business on busýn in,68ie.- .~E r.C -t EMPORIUM, A A- W's