Il A *m.4 Lua.aand 89 Strmet POOL' WhIî.' Ssi. Wurking. London, Feb. 27.- (4.20, &.m.) 'The. loerm are assembiing 'an arMY mssà r Bloemftontein, -wi1th: whiceh te 4isput4 the. invasion of Lord Robert. 'TIis intelligence. cornes filon Pro- torla by wa.y of Lorenvro Marquez. Tuu conmwaados ar e docribed as ##Ha.stIng front ail, quart" 01ofthe two republic."I kile % KC aytis*.30,O.O N~o ctimate la m ade of-týeîr num- bers, but the. withdrawl of ithi. loersý trom mriant of t.he .places where they t bave been i contact withý the Urit- <sai, except the district tisar lady- -ot&ith, ,uay raise the. reaisting force to 80,000 mon. Titis figure- assumes tIhat the. Boers 'havye betw0mu 60,000 ,&nd 75.000 mon ini the fielkd. N% ky 4 r«oibJe tîii.da 4t. The- gatherlng oft thia armny acros the path ef Lord Roberts, ives sig- fonce. Iliahaengaged the~ corps of Lord Roberts for ten days! now, andi whether ho la relleved'or not, ho hais given Urne for thd dispersed 'Boer factions to get'together'and, to pre- *pare positi ons to receive the Briti8i> aevance whon Cronje ia overcome and Lord Roberts movea forward. Ioet es fiutr o enouh tl tha te Bots te dffcutrogougoncevthakthtei offens8i ve.and to rescue Cen. Otrnie, (rom his pracarious situation. Mýay 11"1.1out fur Pays.I The War O ffice hati notiini after mitinight te indIcate, bio coilapse, and ho niay hoiti ot for s.few tiays yet. The corresponglents seemta have no exact information regardýing his resourcea..' Some say -h. aa élenty of food, but is shpirt of arn- muxition; others- as8ert that ho à baiidoiied Ms f ood supplies, but kept abutidant supplies aofartitges. Itutier Èorced the Lait :'stS Gon. Bulfler on Saturday facodi the, - met and - strongest. positions of ti huer wh 'bar his -a> to Lady- isuîith. rThe strenucuaflghting 'indu- cates- a fight between1 ar»tied rather titan rear-guaiti actions protecting a. retreat. t,)On Thurs'-ay andi Friday ho toat 48 officers lulled anti wouinded, repreieritlfg probabty a total o! from 400 to ù00. Gen. Wht4's- guns worked on Sati- urdily upon the Boer - posýitioDns. andi *aholiogranm frein LadYsitnith report- edti ,at tire Boers were retreatIng, and tu tlrer rations were bein isauti in view O! the faet that, re- lief(ijeemeti athad soii. 'F oi, 31 ha.t.kira. Nothing bfas- b en heard frontMae b-Sa. a Feb Vnh12. Fridlay, to Tlhe Times, sa.yr that sov- oral thousand Boers areI now huver- 1Iag Lu that .tieighi.orhoud.- Thirýy Mi«s Outeide of t1Ia.mtentt,4-I Wi.y Favri Vac.- f -~ ~ - Ln r.Fb.27. Advlce* te Thre Uai Nsws front Lorenzo Mlai- -quez, (latCd Fritiay, FO.k. 23, eay: "lit isreported hiere Ut t, 5.000 but- Iýtrers , have lolt- Ladyenîýiit.h for the1 Free State-. The tloerà arans oncoii- trating thefr forçea 30 iles outslde o! B3loom!font;ein '-'anti- tii. FieeState G'overnuxtint i n cvlngi te Winburjç. - 'Reinforceiiota Itomemt iparts are paaeing thneugh Bloenionteln heur- tyý. Presideit, St.eyn lia$ telegrapitet -Preaid ntt Kruger that Lord Roberts leq- wi tlin a few heurs a!f Bloeetur teir, a"dtihe urges that every'mt imepcIve of natienality.shoul(l bé corrmander.ed. Preaidènt Stoyn la said ta laver peace." Capeý Town, Pcb. 25,i Sutda>'.- Tha Boers. are cenceentrýatinc te de- tend. Bloomfonteie bord Rosatyn, *hohuaobtaiied-a" cpiittil'ioiOn lur11oÎeyýreltPs Horse, hésge ne ta join lSm Retvens Bùtter. DUBLIN ièUSiIKRS AGAIN. Tast Vol aateer@dte Tkegoo-Vis' lieuf anad Thuy - l>id. - tendon, Feb. 27. . The Tintes [las th e folio win.g from -PieterrnarI!to- bu)rg, datël-driday.-23; "'l'h. Dub- lin- Fusiliers lh4ve a.gaia tiistingu.ied ti-einselves i)y voluntenig te L&ke Grobler's Kloof, whioh tb.ey tit. This gallant battaIio~r whiçh bog«n thre edManxngn 850 Stirong. çan to-day ho -aid tu inuef-er j!oit p.arade betweeu 100 antid 0 P'is~rigitial me=t- bes." - ~~~Cil a.,.i al te4sae I .f-vud ~a', -l~b. 7.--The AI- wbiuî <vuf-ou tire rocksoff RaM fslaad 1edge iiayrronng 'as f.ili'itet-rdyt-o ha*e 25 feet of - - x~-tt lit er tuld aadas se. P- ,eîdte lie 1e 9ag a al points iL -~ -~ jscoaederc ~anhIi<13 sire couiti ha ~, ~l-lait liehoctrf0, which cen- i4.tis-d Inrgeiy of, periis-haflle goedbi, han ionruirut. 'flie pas.engers, whe, ' o t 0f-othere qugh >~. had romain- N el ou- boardt, s'n-roeid. by -the - - Ma - Has ~tje Ired Ot!tawlI- a ztt- tanta. has- e-. ietdbasconecior jitit that ac- he cc uedby Mn. ThralkW e! Ta- ,-ttfor Some Yeel Wn. day al ternooa, king titrese en n badly lnjurlng ensotiie R. R. J emiisoa, a farznes of Eqgmrta- ville, N. Y., wass Iou.d froz*nas tifi la a anowdrift &bout a mile northa of Buffai on 8at.urday rmornlng. SHon. Senator. Caagrain bas .coept- ed, an -invitation to lieak at tht coming laniaug&i dInner o! the Ontairto LntiSurveoars'Aâgoclatioi in Te- rorto. Sir PranIý Smlth'is condition wPS conaideredi moist serlous- on und&e.. Ir J . Foy, Q.C., aspent the'. night at the Senator'. bedaide on Surday nlght. 1Another case of oaalpox deveioped on Saturd».y in the Adams thanse a# Troronto*Junctior, whlch-ha bd under quarartino sinca the. outbresf of the diseuse. The large miii sund.elevator o! th& Maritime Milling Company at New Glasgow. N.S., were destroyed by firo Sunday moi4nlng. The. totalloua la covered by $200,000 insurance. SThe. Independemit Tug Company wel incorporateti on Saturday under th ibws of Ohio, with a capital stock 0( $100.)000, to complete the tug coMm' bination -knowvn as the Great .Lakol Towing Conpany. Tii. Lamport. and Hoît steamer, Capt. Cadagan, tram Sýantos, Jan. -81, via Bahia anti St. Lucia. wtth coffineu arrlvod at quarantine, New York, os Saturd.ay night and . reported yellou( lever on board, two deaths ho6vlng 00. curred. lire. Di. P. hayes. the w'Ifeo01 Dm~ Eý P. Hayes. a dentist, ln New Yotkq was shot end killed Sunda>y n1ght il- ber apartmerits' by Dr. FrYank Dt Caldwell, an assistant of Dr. HRayes Caldwell then shot and killIed himseIt William Tudbope, sr., the f oundel of the. Tudiiope Carniage. Company, Orillia, dieti or Sunday. The. townlI fiag" wore half-mastcd ln hus,.h6nor, lie being oeeof OrilUtas oldeait citi- zenS. As a resuit o! the invetigation bl a court o! enquiry hl~d at Omdur- ,mmn, ln connection With the reconi insubordination of two battallons Soud.anenO tronps, five Egyptian offi cers have been cashlered and snt mal prisoners ýo CaLire. The Ultitote tt rasotM Pherson, commander Ilutchins, 'wal towcd haLo Hampton Roads Saturb day by the Jamaica fruit steamer Ad mirai Sarnpson, whicii fouud.the big transponrt &,ifting helplesiy about al oea severai hundred'utiles off Cliarlea ton, S.0. The. MePherson h-ad braois her propellef. WHIRLED TO ais DEÂTIR il t Terrible AotdOflt ant5th*0. F- IL. 5bP8 at Toronto JUgîCtiuft. Tarento Junction, Feb. 27.-A terrible lete befeil William Townsend, a 15-year--old apprentice jrinte btacksmith department o! tie Cana- diari Pacific RailwaY Shope lat ilîight. it was his duty, ýwhen thm -hope cosd dow, te oit tho pul- leys anti ahaftini fofr tiie -followirig day. Larat night tue machlnei-y ran s. Uftle'longer thar usual, antiaIter the workmen hati- gene the boy no doubt trîeti te ail the pulsyi wbilst the beit wa-e on anti the shafting in motion. Rias clothing caugbt in the I rachiiryanti lnatl3'ho wasi hurteti- 'round,- anti round. ta hi death. Evýery boue I bis body was broken anti every stitcit o!, c.othln8 Iwas terri off im, - even te hie bootâý Nothing wasi 'knownaIf-te accideni untit William Bird, a carpenter, wh< waa passlig . through tlue shaps à ate ,i Lhe evening, saw the deati badj about 15 feet Item Vthe ground Inluth4 belting. Coroner G. W. Clenderai and Dr.- Perfect Nvere sumand. ar the bodiy ias taken down' andine movedti t Cumutings' undertaking ce tablishmeent, where an inquest wil be opened thfasmennring. Williom ITowrrsenti- was the eltie.'ýt son c Th~omas Townsend, Dominion Expres a gent anti baggag0lflancý~the. C.P.F station bore. "-Wlau luMeia1.srit o b OIed Ottawa, eb.. 27.-Yoestrday 8fr Alfred MiIner cabied Lord Minto te officiail ist of wounded reported b~y the Red Cross Coin-nissiolters. lbsy arS as.. fofiown; tilk gbs tige '-'%fanud*d. Arnold, Lieut. Maon; 7,01*7.' Andrews; 7,021, be8ech; 7,048, Dun-. can; 7,046, ibiichst.ylffl; 7,970, Loe- inan; 7,082,- McI;»enzie; 7,08", Nteb- ergâll,; 7,111, Thwnpusun; 7,041-0 Dixon 7,16:2, sippi; 3,0621, 8teveaves.- 7,16. Smithi; 2,ô00, i>oavar; 7,2112 c Laren; 7.25 2, Whitecroft; 7,225,, Pad- delà ; 7,218, Mayntrne; -7,197, -reen 8,206, KingwalI; 8,115, Buaùgli; 7 480 Cort.y;-_ 7,182, '-Day; 7,308, Stewart; 7,856, Kennedy; 7,406, Ward; 4,105., Molà tughlin; 7,398, Ù-ssiier; 188 Va.ndewa&rm; 7,860, -McGiverin; ý,ii92. Sutton, 7,336-, Day;*-7,462, lîré.da aw; 7,510, Laird; 7,492, Gibon. 4.111,e Thompson; 7,475, Clarkçe; 7,527, MUo- Âujey; 7,474. Colemann; 7,818, Lorne;- 6U79, MeLa.uglb1in; 8,001 (doubttul), UGifford, 7,960, Mc<rea.ry; 8,151, Re- gant, 8,128, MecaIlim; 7,108,- Burns; 7.542, ilitchie; 5,094. McGill; 7,671p, Mclvor; 7,697,1 rIbomas,; ý7,689. Shaw; -7,702, Turner; 7,637, (kor- mxan; 7,605, Robertsa; 5,124, Moore; 6,559, Utton; 7,829, Hunter;, 7,777, Scott; 8,861. Hudson; 8,001, Waye; 7,943, Johnson; 8,105, Johnston4 8,054,; 7.160. Adams. lbauIlb a le xt-& ieud.ý.' The cable furtiier states that the list of ýdea;d is as bofore reported. ,with tho exceptions, for Ma.uudrell, read Ma.ndreil, for Demmligaa read 1Donega, and f or Manioa raad Mas, Ii. Mufltia Departinent receiveti a -cablo froni Col. Otter yesterday an- nouucing the. death of Capt. Hl. M. Ainoîti cf Winnipeg and ]Pte. McCre- ary of the. 7",, Sussex, NB. Pt.. Méreary died an the 19thi the day af ter the figh t, andi Major Arnoldi, wiio- wa.s reporteci wounded., dieti on Friday last. Major Arnoldi Was captair *of thre Winnipeg, Compa.ny. Bath died lu the hospital. Canadat'ui I>.ntla RBull J. The Esit of tieed among the Cana- dians cableti to The Globe, which gavetherunber as nineteent, turnâ out ta have been correct., althougI Ite War Office gave tho figures as 18, Thre Globes liat containeti the rami of Pte. McCreary of t1he 67t1i Batt., recruited with "' -Conýipany in Nwà Brunswicz, %Yho dioti tb*e day follow ing -the> engagement, anti his-ramg w-as tneluded in The Globes list ai iret published. Trhe -of IL1 M. Arnoldi, also reporýtod yestex day. brings thre total deaths o! (Jan adians in that à unday's battie un te 20. Then three others who tef with the contingent, Pte. iJesiauriere Pte. Moore- and Earlcy, have sine -dioti. Threo otiier Ganaidiaus killeti- Lieut. Osborne and Oapt. Hersley who were with Geîeral Builer, aht Lieut. Wood, who was killod nea Betînont. Thus fer the OanaAlia death roll since the war began tc tais 26 officers and men. %kyiznp:tlà 3; of Nt-w south Wales. TMe Lieutenant-Govrnor ef Ne' »South Wales cahles te Lo'd Mint as fotlows: !-New S8outh Wales, desires 'tuo xprea »deep symupat.hy with the peopleo Canada in te los& af so 'nan-y 1 her valuable and gallant soit i I i I t. a >1 r r B' Li t a, 151 L. itritala' Givet Up t :%l naeb HmFehi.-.- A dcspatOh Iront Asmara says that th$e Anto-AbYSsiit- tan convention for -frontkw - delimîta- ,t b as be3,u signeti between EL.nper- or' "eileirand', Great Britain. MO- Lommeh, which was witbm the in- flu e r isBaguit hzone, ia Dow Abysiiinlan terniter>'.- vbbitt ti a emr for F.ngeary. Ottawà , Fob.î 27. - Perey' Ebbitt, laebookkeeper for C.Ma1 rcand, ,Sprks»tr6tiNýas yesterday sertane- ed te a yean eà tclî an tîhree charges et f argot>' prefeirreti &gainât hlm, the !entences t e rua cotrnJrttiy. Syduey, N.S.W., Feli. 27. -- Ba"ed en a' population of 3,5460700, tbe au- thonities bave decided tiat Lie ne- - spectIve coloffies anre etitled. lindon Lhe Federation scireme,ite thé folow- ing repre"nrtatien in Panîtamient: ewSouth WeJ"s -2a, Victoria -20. Quemisland 8, M$Mth iAustralla 6, Mdt jTasixania 5atoU talOS 6. Quebec, rei. 27. -i. ooeeuer's inquest ente oawas andti sroumi. stances o! Lb. deatit o! Bldget Con- don, wite of oortable C0«es, rsult- ei lu as.verdict; of wllluimurder uns- dered &againsti om¶ubs Jau TUE 5T84?llCO(A E*rrp iMoitr-ee., Feb, 27. lTe Mayor receiv ed a,: $elegra.m '.yesterday (rota, Lord 8Stratheons "sayin,« that tua "il1orse"' would romain ovor tn- Mont- reaà a day.1 Mr. 'Jobiit. Barry, -wbo volumteered for active siervice In South AfricalU place of bis ,brother. wýlio was 4icilled, bas been aSccpted, and wtll be atýtach-' cd te. tho Strathcona Herse. Messrs. John A. Ba.rry & Comipany ýrecoived Information to thits etlect. yet.rda.y morang front Otkqwa. i'ona.aî,sattat;' IlkpdTown.' Cape ToWn,. Peb. 27. - The Cana.- titan transport, Pomeranlan from lai- ifax, Jan. 27. with anothor conting- ent of Cana.dtan trQapa on board, las arrived ,here. Toronto-, Fob. 27. .-Proba.bly.tii. 'youngest bugler enlisted ini Edward MeCormick of the Queen's Own Rifles. whose mother livesat 17 Giltlq-rslaee avenue In this city. le receivd word, yesterday, andi left ln the even- tng to join the Strathcora. Hors., now mustering at Ottawa. Bugler McComick attendod Uhe puiblie shoshere up to a year ago, when ho went int:ô the employ of Messrs. Lobb & Baird, barrieters, at 2 'To- ronto street. He la only 16 years of age andi was held Inl high * eatom by hua comraites lu the Q.0.R. The !-eà ti Dra.p.-d Wltt aFiaga, Ottawa, Feb. 27. - Pte.. Zach, R. E. Lewis. who wa.s killeti Ln battle on the,' 18th mt., in- South Africa. used te attend Christ Church Cathe- draI a.n.d on Sunday hie seat was drapeti with tho Union Jackr, whila a floral cross lay _a.gaizit t.he back of téseat. Lady Ritchie bas recelved e. cable ïstating that ber son, Pte. Ritcie.~ 13was only siightly wourded. t-ci.Vrile Nr*pd Québe, Feb. 27.'- Sir *Adolphui Pelletier, Speaker of the, Canadiar Senate, has recei1vod a cable meesagE front lus son, Col. Oscar Pelletier, with thé tiret contingent. statinÊ that he passei titroui the receai ~Jbattle wlthou.t a scratchi. It es o, of le. 1-aaad T<ti @134-.164. The Oarmdian Patniotie Fu-nd now 1 otaIs $184,154.t Militia orders containing the lisi fd Canadians killeti at Paardeberg. 1 Diflt are iîeavily bortiered lu bIack. BIIUT«MR AND SISTER REArI>t?I. Toronto, Feb. 27. - Toronto lias nuournedti tic deati, oeeof which wras W. G. Manlon. Ever>one inouru- ed his e tiehl, but ta îlone Id i coin. iko it came t-o ehie sister; Gerf-rude, antd to hie brother, John. 1Proui caniy age adversity itat boutid the three te-. gether. Williata, ut the age of 13, %vas lielping te support tie other two was helping te support thq otirer two. As they gnew up te two yeungest became self-eupportiîrg, but f-bey -4a1 con-tnivedti ta tae wîtlîin caùuug dis- tanceofets-ch oth er. 'Tie sister took thte uets of her bi-otheerIs déeth as only a' sister eau, but tue brother -refuseti at'first to b.- ieve 1t. -Gnaduatly9, iowcvet, through.lettens from Ottafwa andtihie' coratilences et tnierids, he' was coni- -vinced. of iLs -authenticityj But it wa-s aUi a mistaie. In trans- mitting tie message, Lie naine Man- ier was taken in place et Massion. Iminedisteiy en ri'iceipt ~f te riews a reporter went- te tell the news te the ajister anti brother. Mie Ger- trudie Manian, eh heatil te news, was uverpowered. Hureying dowii- stalte, pale anti scbbiig, ash-ssaidti t the. reporter, 4"la ittru9 la î-t 01- clai?" Q n beinug assureti tat it'was, liur .face' brightelted, bU 1 hi bteaut waa tea full to say mor~ Tii. br*thet waLter h',nted' up at g alada»toaSavqnnO. Tiihe n ofth houa. came to the. doot .landi, on b.- bilets, ho Raid# "Yes. Wat do you ~van hlmfort" Whoet to d ho yelleti "I-ors>' HoêY!~foud' onugh to b. heurd a blocir aW&Y. i Çs4 fa l"ho sai. 'ohr, you're w-tanted." jouit as qulicly'toith e nOWS ~eturnetpaecouiti not :!" "ter 19W ceoedg, "dt Plagsat al i iaht Iciveryw)mepre as TIN baitete i t..r Ar:,aid. Wtnnipeg, Feb. 27. - new of the deatet.-Major Arnold., nu ceived yesterday utMornlng, was th principal toplo o! conversation o- tho strecite andi eleewhere througbei thre clty, anti caused a generai teel tng of regret. . hedeceasciti office waB -oe eOf Winnipegsi best krow citizons. andi few were more populai PRWÂATE BILLS.L Ree-PmtIing the. Canada and i ItiIgaiici 131 ie and Tunnel Fraser, of n Lambton. Rebtpectng thiê River St. Clair Rail-e wayï Bridge, and -Tunnel Co.-Mr 1i»4jactrng tii.. Grand Valley R ]ail- c Way Co., and to change iU-rameýta 'E iePort l)over, Brart.ord, Ber.i.n, and f. f-Goderich R.ia C.M Landerk.n. R.peoting «the. Canada Southerfl0 Bridgé co.-M.r. lngram. -1 E GÂtBR.S(iN HALIFAL . - SUr Wiirid .LourieÉ informedthéii Houý,* tb..t Canadaa o fer'.to garris 'on1 4jaliiax, so as to.reieasam theo agiment ý oi 'îegularâ now -itationed there, had - beenr eoe.ved end acknowiedgSetib>' the ltperial authorties. who, howq j ovor, had not yet given any an.swer, I OSTÂGE Ox ~LETTirERS. Mr. Beattie brought up the. question of excess postage on lettons com.nDg froua SonuhAfrica. Ih appeara'that wiien lattera corne from South Af rica with insufficient 'postage, tsereceiver t Is compeled toepa>' double tihe short-e &go. Mrr. Beattie thouglit that, undert &Hai the' circumstancea, this charge' c hould rot Le made. lu hie opinion it- would b. botter if snobh lettora were iMr. Muiocir replied that the agree-ý ment o! the. Postal Union, which in- c1iudot mot o! the countris of tiie worId,~ callad for thia double charge, wher lettrs wore ins,4ficiently stampod. The 1abject o!ttis 'Ai-o t induce people ta put enough stamipa or lettern intii. lirai place,, because each -country. in the.union retains Iwhatev>r amount it -collecta. Tii. Governmnt bas intructed postmas-_ Btera flot ta mairethe dà uble elhargein a future on lattors from -South Africa, e but to ccilecl oniy the amount et the a0tual 1saliottage. ý They do rot feel g jùs..ifld ini going fartiier witiiout thei Scorsent f Cape Colony, whiih, for pos- tal purposes, waa a separato ceun- try. ý The Goverument wa* new ini communication with Cape colouy Qun the iubjoct. FELLOW LABOR. us Le vn Lr. Irni 1885, when ire enteredth ie 9Oth la second lieution9.rit. During tbe 17 ycars ho bas s'erveti his promotion: ras been graduai1 with thee nlpening, nt expl)retice. I3eceaSeti was 39 yeana of age. Hua mititary descriptioa v-as 5 feet il1friches in heîght. incas- uremxent a.round chest, 3GY¼ inohes; weîght,- 170 poiunds. - H. hati net )een long in thre service when there s'as a cati for volu-nterers te fight the -ebel. Riel, andi hie forces. Tien ho vas eue of thre tirst ta -respond,. anti riasseti eurcese,:fully uhnougi thebore- bel-lion, witlr hor. Shonti>' aeter hoe wae 1înomoted ta the nanti 0f cap- tain, andi alter ta a4jutant, reaching the ranti of major-in 1896. Hie- sert- ior ocer, Lieut.-CoI. 'Brit-ton, irati the higitet es4imation of Major'Ar- rroid's nmilitary abilîties. Major tN..,nold,'sfatlut la manager a!i lh.'tuapeiiai Bankç at St. (3athar- fles- Hle -alfeleavem a sister -anti twvo hli!brothers te mourn iris t. Flagsaxae tiying at halfa-mast front ail public aud scores of Ilaivate build- Victoria, B.C., L"eb. 27. - arl 0. Damtla.1p and Alfred thaulap. frinera, just returneti front the Klondike, lourd their way into tihe new fortii- cations - &t Eequralt naval yards yeI.terday while stmolling. on the beacit at.low Lidol, and were arrested as spi-i by te guart. Aller twc hourm' detention t1ey sectured dis- naisal on alatisfying CapWan Fager, coaAfliduig offier at te-station, that tbpir trespesa hatime acci. dWîLtal, and takig <at-h net to di& close -v bat t.hey had seen- Sou Tisb.,Unld a 5u1ault. 0ttawa, Y,:eb. 27. .-The. 'Sooe' train Iront Montreal- Sunday nifgh tan iet a m uewplew neax Gretiîile andi completely 'wrecked the .-va~n 0 the- plow traln, injureti Cordudar ID T. Howard, of 764 Sieirnset ýsfrosît Brakeman O. Sanlve et Moatrcat burgh, anti damageit bath giee badly that tus>' had to lber le! t " GrýMil.. l"te , Irjureti tuner n brought- te the. ctty at 12.25 re yesterday, ai a uve'«s takent' ' the Water treet hosipital. and tit le&ret is -minjuries M, Y be ffttaý_ l'il Pa" s inthe trea nwere uî,oLUEii the fri- en the. t OcIUtry. 1 woulQ uggeýu. w uj Right Honorabl8 friandti taea;mess' gge reAec U« thswarmest qympathy cot titsIsleuse. anti.,of ail the people Lai thia country, whom we repressut, seulti b. sent ta Col. Otter as a, se- lacs te- tin wound.dY *4 aheit have mucit pieasure,g- te- plied Sir Wilfrtd Laurier, "in prepar.. Lflga teiogr&m, wiicIh I call show te my Rfght Honorable friendo,.aa ho bus THE TEL$IG1IBÂM. The, follown lia acopy o!fLthe cible meSsageý sent by tiie Premi er tw .COL. Otter-' I dos1ra to convey ta yoit and Jour ment the, grateful tha-nirs of theo Geo., er-ameit ad Parliani.nt oi the..Da- minior fiirthe gailantrydiaplayeti on the battlefield. «"Canada warmi-Y appreciatee the sacrifices made by-ber aona for the honoir of, the Empire. "The Wounctod have Our 4aympathy sud au pryeta or speody recoverl. "Those whô have given uip their live. wiil evibr ho held in,.remem'èb'Unee by i - grateful People. î S ig ' ed , W L R D . L U E . DOMJNLON -ELECTLONS AT* Mrt. Puttes introduced a bill te amend tie -Dominion Elections Act. He wants ti e ords "standard time' iuserted lu inIheclause which provides that the pol4s t1 hall b.- open from 9 9 ar., ta Sp.m. ',E.é alse wants an amnendmont ta keeprthe. poils opew utl8p.m. ini cities o! 10,090iiaL tants or upwvarda. A7 third provisionx Of bis bill is for the. use o! -a ballot Simpl0r in form tyran the. preselit ou., which caused ' 0 Dmuch trouble duringcte recent electiors. iiith&. city of Winnipegi Mrn. Putte oxplai ad, à t soe olngth in what respecte Ihe wanted tiie ballot simplified.. Ho Mr. Mc.lnnes irtroduosd respectir ai- wnt t aehsbti. ep -j 0 labot in mines. Mr. Mcluns typifies $2111 îtow ýrequiret f rom oidatoi at the Bitish. Golumbiar antagonim to Pariam.eaut. Yellow labor. Hoelias a bill te irerease'- Lhe entry tax on Vhinsse and J aparose and titis bU-, aise, th6ýigh ît h-as te goIA K T D _II WOJI far underground te get tirore, aima at. t the -same peple. Tii. yeitow man, ht1 deems, ha si an inaufficient Irnowledge Prices of Grain, Cattie.. 0h39. & of Englisit; h. aCà nt read pnrtd Inathe. Leadiug 1 M,* warnings jr mines, and lie is possesed - ef! an al-pervading fatalism w ii h T r n o Fe 2 . W ýb i u maires hum regard accidente as uncor- Taane,.c.#27-WOhai n adi trallable. Ina short, he lbas a great- mtatret here to-day; ail ýtiihe a tii er esteem of Kismet titan et safety f-filth of, the oit had i ppar&utlY beat lampa. 'MZr. Moirres warts te en- dumpd in the Western catUe YrS sure a greater dgree of - safety' ir, mi nesb>' kceping Chireso ard J apan-! thes attoadance of buyers w amu i& ese out of themn. anrd 'thos who were here eloared-. eut TRIBUTES, TO VÂLOUR. I as soxo' as possible. Thon$ was iittle %m WlrdLure ad L may trading, and a large portion Of the net be out of p1acýe at thi8 moment 'cattîs' were Lef t over fâr -ti.tUlt that w. shculd interrupttii. regular -md t omoro ens at ' ourse f business te give a momenýt3 AU iLl 33 cr teada' clk esta attention te th.e news from Africa. Ca-me mr, cOrsistirg e!Of1,10 hofÎ480 flhe rews w. have recoivet i eGr! a chat- catti., 250 shtrep- and Iambs. and a fpW acter :at- oue te oheer andsde u mIng r cle. ; / heants. Lt is cheering in tbula respeot Thei cabiegram tiisVuarî'rg1r --it bringsthe announcsmsrt titat Ourj porting cattîs toNwen at bdth là verco Canadian troups;lunthe. f ield have re- 1 and Londn tended to depreas th çx- caiveti their baptism ao! ire, anti-have pr f:rde n1 tieWa ýu1. 1 suppo.rted: the ordeat in a mannor about the pricea of at Ted~. ore4itabte te themÉseIvss and ta thoir Vsry littie doing tha country. The telegraphie. message i-mariret; price-3 are rot quettibi>ly-fg gives ne deta.ile whatever; stui wd.4 - Uv 1w y Le number of casualtres.69 Thore waalitI. doirg withjeee5 which have- taken place that 6ui mernsoeen.bulls, or miurera; a'dpnR have.died at thoir ponts anti that their are net perqetbrctne coôurage bas beer equal te. wbat wB T ii.ces frse - r1>,f1) ei expeeted -e! t hem. But this ij e as ti- - ,i6 sam»e e4sor Tuesday T s 1 veas;: denirg part cf iL. Such is the. awful Ail1 round tii.ý markret ,was excOeI- ehanaoter of war, that its trlumphs ingly flat.4, uf a aise, always mixeti with tsars and hew-ý Hogs a'e steadjy .sad f160 atgei ewer mucuh wo o-aa teJOice ai Lits vic- Fr - prim hoge, acairgfrn18t. -itories achieveti b>'the. British- arma, 200, Ibs., thte topý pries ia5 l-4c; l't vittcries In which ou,, fottow country- and fat hoge are bringing 4-c'e m ren ans takirg a part, stittean lb -nantis eut-is sad iered b>' the tat V aw je the, rang e. of (ýuotf&4 i hatïk <fnty oGe aur couritryion have Lassa -. jo lst their lives, and sixty-niie are now - tî. Iyintg between tife anti deatit. fSi Perspoewt. ,.425 I5Mo 'T.he annouiicement jis sucit as te, Bothpî ~oie, do., 875 425 if it were possible,- stitlimore confirm tcee ~as in our' resolve o! doing utfi u t-itr md. a o 27â 3-00 - duy i th fisen emrglene>'. w. Butcher, inferior. . 7 0 iaer de nothiug at present ta e aon15toLas, ercwt .275 35 thffle familles which -are bereaveti, but 8epadLiia t ecrassure thema,-afd titis 1 amn8h-eep, -erCWt. -. 3 360e - "asrew do- ivitit al our beats-titat , î1ptot 7 2 ktheïrt1e3s la net their own,>', Bcr>p rs ant. . , 225 -5 fbut tbs.t il le aise- o)uraandi aur cour- 26neani 00 50 i r Chiantes Tupper reptied ars fol- trect...... 010G lw: 1deskre te* assoolate myselfifnrHo the w"xmest maenuet' witit the x- Ohoiee hous., per cid.. 475 525 - trb.nely apprc-priate ,wots that ha-ve Light hoga, pet cwt.. 400 46214 tjst -fallen f mcm the Right Honorable Heay, hoge, pet cwt..40 46 ledr of the House. lIe ha, otruiy est awa... -*:3 30 )f 1 tbat the tnium phs o! waca rio > b Tge. to. - . . - - hat ). aob-Leved in connhetioti witb the sadder ie~nstae, Feb. 27.-iOntt oeà -aQia U, zthat involyes men's livs andi car- I tes are as olteos -ntto ecane ries pain and sferîng tIwo tthahose hot,6 e 6,aerdr f0 4tl 1 1 mi gei nn !e- Out Peope.tciths miii;- Western Ontaria t..t5 'fbs anaia [Vntingnt,. hohav ati6g1-2 te )7o, east ; g0o6eN re-alized on t hý field that whi b Cari- -7ctw MgtStiNe ek p e -a4a expected -Cor thent, who h ýva d eas- 61 e ,Mdînt 79a12co: i brdt7- cbanrg-ed (bâir Ouity nobty and taiti-NefhJa;nd t7-2,git fuil>', who haste fallen j inthe cause Fl:nr-ui. uysi' yn-tks, eeL- 'o w . beiâe'vs te I5 a -igite-ous 0.le, have stra g t s. a-t, e2.65 ypar' beg;a, ttex- le coùfIrted net onlyýundying i-*me- îand -dI reg itS a$2.1-5. por bl-;as4bane, hconor n ortbhrhscWles, but tit. same -pr1aSent-S bd ~ Soliba b ouer andi foane upfon eut 'couatry. i 1 dfor 1local 5OOQWtt, sell a rô4 wih abat them tue.. -- j