:El [r ktowk dl e of -drug, values les us to help you, and 10 -'",wons.si ~R1GRT Q1JITITIBLO ixey for your satisfaction benefit, snd Our -upecial Y ,is la relIabIilai l li tmes. El WILLI18,- OMMKIST AND DRUGGISTO mEDiCAL HALL. EDITORIALS. ewey, who wiped ouIthe Spanish et force'at> Manilla, has fallen ýan iy victini 10 the.attractioug- of,. a ilhlnoton 'lo with a bank ac- t is a difliçuit tblug tç make a church thie rlght size. They are too email for weddings and too large for prayer ineetlngs., The Ladies' Kissing Bu& Cluüb je the name of a new dancing association re- coutly grgapized in ull. Who would liot like to be.the bu~g? Apgood deal tebeing said in Some quartera against Canadas -assisting the maother country in her -.war-with the Boors Well, thet. view we take of the matter is thet a son *hXo will not help bis old dad lu ties of trouble after beingxinurtni'ed until he e itble to pro, ted hilmsetfe le as 'ungrateful as he is I. It 1s refréshlng t10 ses that County Crown Attorney -Farewell is at lasti- xnoving to set the- 1mw in motion for the punshment of the bribers and thp. brtb.din the late election conteste in * South Ontario, No Mercy should be ,hown 10 ëither ýpatty, fbr bribery je a cures alike to hlm Wiho le 'burt and 10 hlm who ii helped. - ' . ~Everyonùe seenis té entertain the ideg that he ie capable of throwing ligft pýpon te greal problem Iinvolved in the pf our unoeccupied lande, and Atfjçrqýep" te fanmer 's con- ~ j§ ~ tay lQw thbefariner recý ives thle oceans of' gratuitous ad*ce * tha le fjre4 at hlm. We imagine h& ils 6etting lUfCd et 141a1. * A salary of $1,ý400 a y0itr and à h eas.y job le a ptettY fat thî'ng in th.e Pro- vincial service., A salary of $2,000 is <a 51111biýégg.er plum.ý Bot salatries bo gether- and not enougit to do 10 keeî a man'ont of miechief le the kind of, a snap salary 1rabbers everywheré are, lrying to iget hold -of. Tte people need an-object tesson tike this to mnake tei ready 10 entertaiti sensible ideas. Thert are toc, manV offices and'too tittie to d( iu soe branches o! the civil service. - . Titere is one reat complets mon4 -Opoly lu tile country.- ±»ati Tn pos-ofie.That monopoiy le upheld by 1mw, ýno person or firox being al- lowed 10 engage ln the business of carrylng written letters. Yet you are ual, complaining- about the op- pression o!f the poat-office.1 It- has iiever. made a mittionaire, except troughi ttc extortion of* railroads for- cmrrying. the- mails. Bo you sec a xnonopoly le not uecessarily- bad. Publie -monopolise are good, priva te * monoOlise are bad for te eople. Ananias was sitn9o, h bne0 thé Styx., TheStygiancltimats isbropi- cal,--andthcngh Anénias was wrapjped * oulyiluhie thougitte, te fotlt e heat. ie was " sigiting tike afurnace," The *Scalding tsars,"I as ho Weptt peeied tse skin f rom hie noý,e witeie titey tnickicd down. '" 1imarn nlà anold has-b&n,- »ow,"' ho snlffléd, LVve had m'y day, 1 gues,but I didn 'libaveany suetchailce as tat." IHe lad bec» rsading te spoclt war despa:teeecrm France, 10 teeoffet tat'-en.%Wrhite had be'eù- defeated at Ladysmitit and had surrend- po4 12,000 Britisht soldiers 1tte Boers. ýy andl vrt of a miracle to rtng.. . The tt hIe opine and s be Tuesday, Nov. 14th--Crèdit sale of horses, cattle, sheep, pige and imple- mente at lqJ 812, con. 6, Whitby, the pr-operty Noble Steveneon estate. For liet and full particulars se advertiee- ment in. another column.> Thursday, Nov. 9th-Mrs. Thos. Con lin, who is givlng up farming, will selI by public auction, 'at lot 12, con. 4, tast Whitby, herý entire stock of farrn stock and implements. Sale at one O'clock. Jas. Bishop, anctioneer. Wednesday, N5ov. 8th-Wm. Hast- ini;a will ssii by' publie auctio», onu lots 12 and 18î con. 4, East Whltby, hisens. tire stock 0f lousehold furniture, farm- stock andtIiplements. ,Silo at one ocèlock.- Jas,,43ebop, audiioneer. 1 Remember Mré. W. fl. Hayes' extèun- sive anctIon saêof stock, house fnrnish- ings, hnpkrflents, &c- on Tuesdayý nextl, Noie. o-lot ï4. con. 2, UReach. -Sale'st one o'eliÃék, sharp. Everything IWIll be- 'soIidas :Mfrs. Hayes 18 retiring from farming.' Large posters give fui'-- ther particnlars. George Jackson, Auctioneer. . Mr. George W,IWhiteway will hold .an extensive credit-sale .of farm stock and -mixed timber at- lot* 22, con. 12, Reaeh, on Monday, Nov. 2Oth next.-,A number of vainablé horses, cattie and ,hogp wil be dispose&d'of; aise 16 acres of estanding mixed timber in haf-* acrie lots. S à le aI 12 o'elock, sharp. For further particulars.ses posters. George Jackson, Auctioneer. Wéa*needay, Nov. 21st-Thè suibscrib- er has recelved- instructions from Mr. Alex. Browne,' Columbus, to 4ell by public auction, on Wednesday, Nov. 2lst, about five acres of standing tirnb - er, iainly beecb and maple, and situatp on lot 7, in the Brd concession of the Township of !Reach, about lâ miles welst of the Manchester rallway station. The wood will be sold'lu parcels, of j acres. Sale at 1 o'elock pý. m, sharp. Terme- One hall[ payable lst April, 1900, bal. ance due Tht Oct., 1900. Six. per cent, per annum discount allowed for cash Purchasers of timbor will, be alloweï 9tilt April icI, 1901, b rcmove thel Bwood. Parchasers to, pile brueh. ,L Fairbanks, auctioneer. A CARD.* We, the -undersigned, do hereby agree te refund the,. money on.a twenty- five cent bottie of' Dr. Wills' Englisb Pills, if, af ter" usir g three-fourths of otetsof bottite y donot relievé Constipation -and ileidache. We also warrant that four bottles, will perlman entl3 ur- te ot obstinate, case of Costlpatibn.' Satis*faction' or no pay *ben Wills' Engl ish Pills are used. ,A.*H.Altin.,Chemlst & Drngglot;Whitbv. i .E.Willis,Chemist & Dru,&wist. WhitbV-. udle Y. le St. Blernard dog thalt Cume to me on w edessuy, Oct; 4t'h.- Owner can bave properly by proving sameeand paying expenses. For al information cons+ the CIIEF of POLICE, 1 Whitby. Lady Tèacher Wanted. second.class ýprofessiopal -certifilcte. Applxea- -tions received until- thèe-th of Nov. Duties- to'commêne îst Jan, 1900*. Balsar, Oct. *2ýir 899. For SUor tQ ReAt>. The north hall of Lot No. 35, iW. the 4t4 Con'- of the Town-5bip of Whitbte' es -abou t z acres off'the.Nortb e'nd thereot Possessi on and after' the ntu November, 189q. For, fuither particulars*pply to" ý DOW & McGILLIVRAY,. Barristers, etc., Whitby. FOR SALE OR-.TO RE.NT. A small farm Of 3o, acres for sale or to rent. Part of Lot 6, con-é. ,' Pickering. Possession cMn be gi vent on ist of October if required. The buildings are in faitr 1repair, with plenty of good spring water. Apply on the premises or 10, J. R. MONTGOMERY, Wbitby, or P. O. Box 127. Pacher Wanted. A strong, active t nan of good habits wanted at once to pack flouC Permanent position 10 right person. Young married m.an pre. feired.' Appi> with references, stating salarY expected, to JL. SPINK, Spink Milis, Picering, Ont. Pickering, Oct. 9th, 1899. Bulbs foi assortment. double and mixtures cheap. rfail plantinghave arrived in great Hyainths in several, colore, single.. Tulips, named and in- Narcissu8, freesias'e crocus, etc., - The Florist,' whitby. Firslasecutter and tailor le nwin charge of Rose s .tifloring depart. ment. Leave your crder early. Fneet -* N Yf work and lQwç@t cash prices to ail. Rosm The Transvaal war score je benefittinR B L T the Canadian horse. rade, say Mi'.AB L T Walter -llarland Smith. 1Afthough British agents have not esbablished ICanadian depoîs for theý reèeéption and Ipurchasingr of te animale, the Cana- 'dian horse dealers arc purchasirg aini- 1Mal . o! the stamp demanded by. the Britisht artiliei'y aid cavalrv services, r tid atè shipitihi Lh ito*0 Efgand,, on * sper-llatioti. The horses lun demand are. eound, iteavybuilt animaals, fromi five to nine y eare of age.- They- imuet be -sound from the hcot up, for the examina- p- ion they are subjected 10 las extremely n rgid and noue but perfect animais are accepbed. The overment je willinjK 10 pay exceptional pniees * for -te right Choie Farm for Sale. dI U-oses. The -best Canadian animais are n purchased in Western Ontario, and te The.west 75 acres of the S. of týot 21,t .e Toronto dealers lu horse flesh ar e 10W 3rd con.. Whitby Township, known as the ou nthe western -district on buyvîng -19 Fint Farm." Good brick house, frame 10 tours. The buyers and exporters are barnt and stables, stone root boéuse. Good risking but libîle. if lte war Officedose son. Convenienlly situated. Easy terme of not pure-hase - the animnals, there ià a payment. Apply to E. JACKSON, Exec- ~ready mnanket for them ôlaewhere In 1utor, Greenwood P. O0., or Britain. iii cILVA Dow& cGILIRA Doos B-aby If your baby -is delicate- and sickly -and its food does flot nourish ito, put fftec'n or twenty drops of Scott's Emulsion in- its bottie three or four tim es a day and you will see a marked'change. We haýve had abund-ant prooôf that they will - thrive- -on' this emulsion when other food fails- to.nourish' them. t -is the ,same with larger children- that'. are delicat-e. Scott's Emulsion seems- to be the. element1 lacking in their food. Do nQt fà il' to try itif your children do not thrive. 4t is. as useful for. tlem ini summer as in winter, 4sk your doctor f t/is 1 not truit SCOTT & DQWNi, Ohmist% ?orm~to. Whitby. Our-Nativeo HIerbs!1 The great l3lood purifier ad Kidney and Liver Regnîstor. G-uaranteed to, cure al -diseases arising from impure blood.- 200 days treatmént for $1.00, and' the dollar back if you are not benefitted. ý'the. Alonzo O. Blise Ço., sole proprietors. Prompt attention given 4DIait orders upon receipt of priée. Not sold by, druggists. MOSES WHEELER, Géneral agent, Fivt Points, East ýWhitby, Oshawa P OOnt. REDUCTION SALE- -Or- MONUMENTS.O in oi'der lin iear thie balanco f, Our' Grits -&,a liarble 1nOnuments. &o., wbloh we have on hisa, we offer libe saine. et greu.tl reduced pce. w. do fot-wvnttobi a ~m Mover whiler. This wM c ertaiiiiy uay yO otîeinveali- gale, s1dýa4i.ke lrcrha.e *bile they lait, as ,w8 P@5iive17 Viiicarry ontî WhAt w. amy.- Whitby Gra ite GCo, Dpoifte ?gît o , ý7 WEXY, I c ( g - A.;,. ~Er VETERINARY SURGI s: :0K, dte of he Ontaro Veterin$ty College, >Mls, day oit night, pr ply rgsoderate. PSomoced9 arni for Sleor t T%'hesouth hall ofLet 32, In the Tp. of Wigtby, witb the a y Lie -to do faîl plougbinî n odconldition, and llv EÊning stirea. Apýply tb JE., FARWEL train I arn prepared 10 pay the h, ice for ait kinds Of grain, fore selling. JO1011KF hqrm foir Baie ort i 5o acres, Partî-Of lot 33 and, Vhitby. First*tlass sofi wi ream right ,îhrà ,ugh farm. undation barn,,. a 5» foot stc hed, good, franté ltciusei bardz id a g «ood orchard. Adap tain or stock. Apply to' WM ttClIded 10. ddress, Kin- Lease. ic 7th Con. righ leenter T he farin aed wiîb a L. ,Esq., inrI Bouse, Whiîbyo (nted*. ghest mayket te. Sec me Brooktift 0 Rent. 349, 7th con., h a runninj ý70 fo t stofli ne féondaîior ýnd soft water :eëd for cithe PILE, Port Perry c chu Baie at à Pr] bel w sti an gr E t% fa 175 acres, being lots 14 and East Whiby. Storcy and al ýwo good barns, stone stabli eood stréam of water îunriir îrm. Suil excel leut. APPlI GEO. J Hay Wai Any q-uantiîy of good >lixed Hay wanitcd. .I iculars write or sec aif brick house ,g underneati g through th, to -IVLANDi Oshawa nto d 1 imo iiy and Clove 'or pr'o5s and aIl pari J. O. 'GUV & CO., Oshawi TO RENI For a termni fyqre, a goý nile north of Whitby- Town,J containing' 1U0 acres. W house, gond barns, stone stab ýr pipe-, bring water to the st ing up ini winter. Apply 10 THIONSON, on the premisei, DAVID ORMIST SoliCîtî Sinoi niai~ :>d farm hall on gravel' roag th comfortal ing, etc. Wu ables ;, n.ofret M RS. JOS. Or 10 NB. A., )r, etc., WThitt ýIN THIS I1AýRKET. MR. J? KIL IF Representing Ml?. Oshawa.1 is prepared 10 pay the highe any quantity of Wheal, Bai Rye and Clover Seed delive >rarmers, be sure and sec you grain or seede. F'OWKE, cash price rIey,, Peas, C red at'Whitby re before sel] PCONLIN. -NÉotice to Cteditorsi *Pursuant to the R. S. 0. Sec. 38, ntice is hereby gIi itor'e having ctaims agail Benjamin Ilartrick, late of Pickering, County of Onta died on or about the 25thi are requested 10 send to J% Executor, or 10 the undtrs the 151h day of November1 paiculars of Ibeidaims, and addresses. .And fnrther Itýke notiot above mentiouýi date the samedccesedwill procce aseetsý of the estate amnng thereto, having regard oni thcy 'shatlt hon have notict D. C So Oats W. We will pay highesl; 34000 bus. good h beavy warehousc., We also want a quant ciase butter, S500 dom.neïA we witi pay the higliesî p We are setling aI speci fresh cured bacon.- Paries who have tr Toronto and other placesl supplying a btier article! Ihcy can get etsewherc. iren that alt c ;st the estate. the Townshil 10, 'eman, lin Bell, Aui gliedh on or b A L.1899. wit.thirn e hat aller Execgotrs c à 10 distribule the persons en! to1 those o' icior for. Exec ~nted prices in caà oats delivertg La£ Boysl Ladi e n r,, a. rer rt- ble at- 'z. S. by. idley, dlore ful aies the )f the the iitled whîch Cutor. sh for --Our regul ar dies, Ready-to-We&r., 1 sBlue Boavcr Overcoats.,elTOt Mon's Fi coflai' only $5.50, .1I 850 aPoo Jackets made of frieze clotb, 1Men'* g storm collai', $8.50 to $5. I1 o Ladiei(and,.Misse .es'1 Black and Brownu.Serge Cloth 1 Misse' Jacketis with vel-vet, collar, Only $2.2 ývy Black Crl~ Cloth Capes, yelvetI Ladies' Fur Ruf At 65,b 75,95M.,941.50, 82.50i8.50.,#4.8O, W.GTWÂ ~frou T unt ALSO.-~2 Gibsonts English Cough Loz- Gibsoniý' iôrc Linseed and Chiorôdyne ]Lozenges. iDr.- Uartmnan's. Cough Mixtures. ScottsEmusin 75and 40c. Pure Co Iver ' i75o.pt r:. (1-99 -oi.) Freeli and Palat- - a.ble. A.H.ALLIN,. Chemist à nd Druggist, CORNER - DRUG STORE,- - hitby, Ont 14gb a~ P bli ool ôk fi 8PECALTY~ .w1LL KIJVDS 0F gCIIOOL -S UPPLIES.î Wall Puapers,-- Machine- Neéclles, Berlin Wools, Fancy, Goods, , otions. 1' agent for the Preston Mitoxflatioe I ]?eske zlt of zrictly ir t- . -iid eggs, for which )ÃŽein cmh. ly low prices bhoice buying, teas in S -ive us credit for. lthe roney lIa» i Farm to, Rente ý Reprèsenting