XIrv. for snone tirne [or a reply. Faulm b. sure to write; tier. uoul4 'lisps, a pasýLoriate appeal to lber irn-a pasefouste cry -f or love ty.. 8hmuet ansuer that as a ehe oould; Lb.e die .was oaqt nOW rayer, no appeal would b. of any lime ooýuld nuL alter lier decision. f«~ Lime -erpected \letter see d ind"i td uvain. , 8h. hat liked' to hear frorn ler hus- 8JI. bad lett hlm deliberately- AI pretèrned muôney sud grandeur love and, the. pretty humble hoe had given lier; stili se.long,. kaow uliatlhe thouglit of her "t - whiat ho suffered-if ho iras- aniappy. 'Unknown to .liorseîf, as longing stili for bis-love -for Df th. kind 'words that had been ýdNl Lo ber as, the air she breath- 1er. aliras -magnificence sud v splendor. If lier head ached rememdy an~d every.1uxury itfer.d ber; but there iras no to lay hon héad oa hie breast, ta liher witli gentie words, sud rt outil the. pain bail ceased.-. miissed blm more th anuiords can od for Lthe tiret f .w dase mi 1 o pale sud changed that Lord1 Vocd began to f ear lieo had made :sk.. Hie did ail he could Lu' ber; h. gave a grand dinnèr to whieh the. eut, of Lhe country Lvt.d; lhe ordered s magnificent ne trom Parie for ber. snd she eiigbted. .- I the, novelty sud mient mli. forgot lier soirow;-and, that hour the io -Id took pusses-] @!on uf ber. Lard- Carlsuaod kept most faitliful- - - ly every promise lie lad made hen. 1He w bueied himseoi firet iu gettiug togotli- er overy prou! o! hon id.ntity, sud h. sucoeeded.- Thon lie farmally declancd Lionel Lu, be hie hein; lie made ha muil, bequeathing ta Ismay, his beloved grandebild, a fortune ihicli was ta bave been diied betireen tliree-of his, childrn, sud wmmcliwould bave mad easch of tlem ricli. Tlieni ho loaked- roud for s-ome lady who uauld remide at Bralyn ton a time and teaoh lemay the. basons, b., moat wish- ed lier. tu learu. 1He fouud the vèry lady lie deired-Lady Menton, a, dia- tanit relative a! hua cm.ý She gladiy oonsented Lu educate the beautifuil r --girl nô an La fit lier for lier position. e -' -"811, Wili nover b., accoupplîshod."' said Lorid Varlswood; 'lit wouild b. use-J less. 1tc ttempt to- teach bler Frenchi, Cienmnaenand music; but witb lier great beauty, w., may dispense with scam- plishnments.. Teacli ler ta take lier place gracefù lly as Lhe miatresot my hanse - teihlier al thc lit ti. details o! tiuete hat every lay ouglit 'ta knair sud I "eliail b.ý quit. satisfied." The result *as perfect auccesa. Tii. -littie deficieucles of manner mer. soon toud' down, th~e musical voice.taok q~ more delicate "d ailvery toue; the ac- tlon< sud movémenta, always gracetul, 'beuaaçmo mre gracetul stll imn their highbréd ologauce.- ho w ias 50 quickilulearnlng taadapt hersel! Lu lier epliere -that Lord * - Canlmmood..wuudered at ber mrarvelous pragrese. When se had- been with Lad y MeAtogi for tlirèe monta, un e oelght- have thougit lier wbole .hlfo had been , spent at Bralyn. Then ilion tlieLendon season open- ed Lord Canismood, took lien teLon- dion, ta Bralyn flouse. zSlie mugde lier debut iu the great monid, and -was'ne-. oeived tier. with opexi arme. Lord eailswouodtsÃprophesy. mas rcalized; lier marvelous beaty and grace created a perf eot f urre. More thaz. ever lie negretted, lier untortunate marriage; but t on tliat tiiere mas no rank she miglit udt have attainod. The only Liiing tlia4 reconciied hlmLu the lasat le it wae Lb. tact of the cbid'se eue., There- op.ned tiien to Ismay Wal- dron' a mosL billiaut iife; nothing that see iad ever dreamed of equalled this magniticent -roaiity. Tiiere iras one drawback.,, She hadl one dispute witii Lord Carlamood; ho mas very deairous Liat fie. houId 'reliuquish the name of Waldron, sund that she would not con- sent ta o. Snho looked at hLm mitli -flaehing eyea, lier-beautiful face cnim- -son with anger. "I bâve broken my isband's heant," mli. sa'id; "lý have deeerted hlm; I liave spoiled ail lis lifo; but, I wil notgive fup hi~s néme. 1 was proud enougli Lthe day-I bore it tiret; 1* will not give sat uphà t- iL iras usics to urge th pit obst aèdýcisùsi t. J 1 smayfig-m'oé siritanddetermina- tion thaUL be had given lier credit for., Sh. N7rw's nowu as "*Mn.. Waidron," Lard Carl$mood's beautitul grand- r - dauglitor.1 People at tiret used 'ta, ask-wliere!iras lier husband, -- uc *ras bl? -land Lie ansmer iras: "1he manried very -mach beneatb.her j and im- sepaeated from. hLm." .After s time they ceased ta ask, sud the beauti14ml Mrs. 'Waldrou becume queen 'ot 0eh. ashionabie- morid. 110w admired she iras! Men spoke o! her iriti irond6r - o! lier manvelous love- and intere.t lu the- little Leo-his bel> uhwas to b., the Lord Can1amood af thie future. - Thero moeeimi5a mieu' Ismay Wal- dron' looking anound ber,, aid ta lien. did moll; If -Li. LIme and choice, Lu coule 1gain, -I shuuld duLthe IL euil have been cruel tLu e sncb s liL!e as mlhin Lua moud- eia cottage; t mould lhave been otier lay in «±oun% ,e-o rla iUY ed lier, abd ah. 10Vre iL. There w'ere times when se hardly realized, that sheî the. admire. and flattened beaut-y, the qusen of Lbe sea- son, the umost 'pWiar uuman Lu Londo auia tbe wif. of Paul Waldron. [n the, midet of he>ngrandeur e.look- ed back witt a mck, faint shudder'o» the past.-tliat pant wlierein se had been the. 4iaeotented- mie cf a pour man. Sh. lisd reached the, cliiaz. Lie had nothing rnorè ta give lier. Wealth, 1uxry, -Magiiece pleamure un- bounde, amirtin-ah uwer. bers. Tii. wonld se.had once Iooked uw n with Suchl bnging ieyes noir lay at hon foot. She d -elighted in ber oWn boaiuty, ah. tcok the greateet pride iu adornin.1Lt, e. ias neyer ueary cf Stx)atnag !te The admiration o! mou plea»aedu aznuaed hen, Lt did no more. Shd iras vain sud* uonldly, ah. loved riches sud grandeur better - pebape thami e loved bhonsouil; -but *eh. iras nov- er evec Ln - thoeiglt, 'faise Lut Paul Wal- do.She ne îer'forgot, ý-that, though psarted trom ini-thougli she had de- serted-him-she iras tilI hiïeL. No, on. dared to speak ta lber of love that elie couid not receive. Yet smornfa the. best sud nobleet in Lthe land. wouJd fain have wooed hçn, had te been free Lu b. uooed. Lord Cani-swood noticod that trait Lu lier charac-ten, as he notio. every- thiung eî5h; ie a truie (anlmwood," lie said, more than once. '"She Le bèau.tiful and pure. as were 'aIl lt.eiromn of our race."p Sa the years passed airay¶ ta Ismay -Waldron, one of thec moat admired and celebrated. wonen o!flier day. C¶IAPTER -Xv. Thone. mas aime. acson Lu Landau when peobip 'more ail talking of -, '#nom_ man," mIa haci made hie eutrj unta public lite. H. mas a Mn.. Dab of Ravenadale, who liac becu recentll returneci as M. P. for Tavertoh. A fimat Tories, au4 tien Liberala, liad tnied ta, ignore hlm, but ho mas becam-- ing a power arnong -the.Peuple. %1He c-auld ho iguored 1no longer. >He baci ma-de same of thme muet bnilliant- speeches ever delivere inlutii. Hanse a! Cummons.- "Ilb he mould but becoeeoee o! us,"' said th~e great Tory leader.' miti a "If me oavuId but get i-ni -ven on durm aide," said the. Liberal chief. But Mn. Dale -lad taken a hueno!o bis owm asud lie adhered La Lt. H. mas Lb. paonrnman's tnienci-aure ut bis speeches mer. mie long burning tirade against the nlcli aud tLi treatenent o! ti paon. IHe, was pro- jadiced ai bi«oted, but bis ucuder- ,fui eloquence, bLa pazsionate merdà , -carried witii tiern s certain force et convictin. 6 Wm ýc h hiLmel- mastei o!fsafine esýtaLt butlie mas nu anistacrat. He Liénked Heaven that i. bad sougIit ta buy nu man's seul witl gobd. -' Snremd men, wmia nead lis speeches, maid there muet be aW secret attacheci ta his lite; heo mlci not liste Lie ariatocracy so much, un- bass ho had muittred ttmruugh une cf Bunt ne one even !aintly gnessed t-liai: ho hated Lthe aristocracy because au atd arietacrat bad tempted _ia fs ain Yo.ung mite ta beave him. He haci tccome eue o! Lhe - leading mon o!fLthe day-a power sud a vaice Lu Lhe baud. -Lord Carlswoad, vwio mwas a great admirer of talent, ad- mircd him, sîthongli li' deploreci bis prncniplés, "Ha lias net oniy Laient, that =n," hoe said, reterring ta bium-"b lis Positive goulus. .1 admire. hlm even f~r b-is honeet liatreci; but I uisi Liat bis talents mere! al enlisted "on u aide-I wish hlieroneeoa!us," People taiked a great* deal of hLm; iL mas sai-d that, altio'ugh h. mas so tierce a democrat, ovon royalty' - mcrdhim, sud that princes liac praLsed bis ciaquence. Still, lie ouid flot enter uhiat iras cailed tashionable Society'. Sle mas maling on., day t-hraugh the park mitli Major Henchlcy, a great tnieud dl bis, sud they saw thLe car- riage o! Lie ladies who mer. going ta. the. drammu-g-room. The. major, a fervent- admirer- o! tain mo-mon, topped La look at tbem, aud, in spite et i unuiluignese, Mn. Dale mas forced Le Lthe saîneý. Sud- clenly bis bacc greir pale, 'sud the breati- came un thick, hot gaspe f rom hlm lips, Ris band claspeci tie arin ofha cumpanian. "Who ia that r'lie asked, Ln a tierce, hoarse uhispen. g4ajor Henciiey iooked- -"That le Lie besûtitul Mna. AVal- drun, the grand-daughtor et Lord Carlsuod. Sh. - e a magnificenti woiman. J' do nat thiuk aie iad lier equ-al * lu Laudan-nay, Ln al Eng- land ." "«Mrs . WaIdnon Ill- nepeated Mn. Dale iu s lm v oic. "'Do ' not put the question that no ane fails toask, "Who a lier huabaud 1I 'Ic.annot Lell 'yuu,; ah,.made sme low marr-11age, - 1 believe." O'Doea a'- lau manniage mean that she married a poon mnu1"skec Mn. DIsa psle.I oua uar Sime L<ni- wsé axauaiton preseuted lie 8h. took t1 lier hauds wun bartnderis have org doctors hâve ongani aassoiation. iý. 1I C. P. R. labad sles for October ag- gregate 30,000 )acïres u f 5,0or- DrA...nt' khgQii.wrhpgu.1v ' f itheà C P- ta reat. ' The perfume stole alowly U.LJ. KMW.~I~~AJ . upun lien. ensel4eýit bnought back to lier PLus. banquited bý the. Vazicuver the ime wien she -had est uith iMr. -Board of Trade. I F~ord Lu thi. pALLy mhady-'gardmmV sà he London, (Out., labo n un- bave noms- remembered lier oun -passion of! ira'n-, iiatd a municipal ticýet and pub~- den and omotion se eh. itened ta hie lished a plat! orrn.- atuory. *Then lier huýsbaud'e' ace :rose Mim Martin feU dekad wijil.e inging befone lier as aee ad -seec t llt- Là a.coir o! a cbiurcliat iberton, liaudeomne, haggard,, uithlimisery, yet nea.r eOhalettetoun. full cf love a.nd 1 teudernes. 8h. ne- 'Inepettor Ballard cg~ Hamilton ne-, membered liouv'"* liad claiêd lier ini ports' that out a! 7,000 Publice Chool bis arme sud, Iied.lier lipe -liai pupile 418 are short-ýighted.. lie lisd said 'er. d#You *111 find'uuting Lu the uorld The . mil 01 Mr. WÃn. Duffield, vro- 11k., my love.,,fr ar ea ad *ent of the Landau! Gaa Co., disposes She etarted, o! an estate valuede 800 fallen upon lienband. Mn. John Tauton, of Lthe £irm cf Tan- "Wliat am I dpiuagtV' mli_ hought. ton$, "a & Tauto4, Landou, iras se- <'I have hard1y-tboùghf a! him' fornniously hurt Lu a.rumaway. accident. years., Can it b. possible that I,;am . The, retail prioeo! milk -in Ottawra ireeiping fan Pauli" - ias raised Wedneday to 7 Cents per She flung the :çase auayP but mli. quart, the highest prie. hargedaine Could net dismisa those hauntiug- meui- j18P5. cries 'f nom li&ç leart-Paul's love, City Engîneere'alt, of Ottawra, las Paul'm Leuderuesa. Paul'e devotia adre ilLieiWn nth it' hie Incessant match! ai cane. Housrdee alth etoo akountho! ick 0 proudhle had been cf lier! Hum 1iaDdly srest t ona onndfacko lie lad woahipp.d hon!Me Mry» Bs'fKigso Fan the. firet ime-sa engrossod bilbs d beeMry.Eselced teUno imgtaes ahe been Lu' lier' noir lite - Ila bo eece y 1eUiedSae ah. began,>ta ionder uliat liad lisp- & Uthoiiities -to go ta'1 Cuba ta teacli Pened ta him durng those ton years. bl1 "He tuuk my docisioni very quietiy.9 P JR. trsaffic reW~pté for the mo.k ah. aid le nver evon nid< a nigOtber.e4ceeded a million rieruad m~ -n 1ùr l'"dohiar-the langeet in the company's ated with Johui W.- Mackey, the. mil- biousins> Le l.a4 aat New York. A oumple of Ânmerican irarshipe have- made. -euccesf îl expeniments wit1h wirelesm jtelegt-aphy in the North River.' * The. sexn!uaxy at Hackettetown, N.J., owned by th Metmodist-Bpmscopalj cimurcli, has boëu destroyed by fine.i Loss ffl,000.- The. great brooan-corn trust, pf Ohmoeago hias b4eumuorporated as the Union Broom ýSupply Compauy, wLLli hesdquurters out Clucago.' G.«eOrge Bircllein, caonued porter for Âdawms Express Company, Noir Yo*I, is coeafssed tLe <i.thef t o! -000 Ximree, men are knomu l o have penieli. ed sud tbrTee othlera are-neported miss- ing, s e ieesuit o! Lii. co1ll~ee'-.of s six -etorey building at 139 .sud 141 West Lak6 street, Ciicago. -igiiuak.moen beld uüP B. JenningSw" maniager. of thle, Bioadway Gable Co*, in St. Louis, ou a street car. sud. ,rob- bed, imi of #8,100, niCh lie had' drain, tram Lthe bank ta pay iragea. Levi R. Duty. am, capitait, ot Clii- Caigo, Prosideut of the. NortÉern Fuel Company sud Lehliu Voal & Coke Cumpany, lias filed 4 petîtion in bauk- ruptcY, witli liabilluien amnuutinig to i a -~~~~~~ ---...-- . im torry. t Hou useles ail snch pensuasionaj Lloyd C.eut, 'f Lndôn, 'England, uill îaould have'been no o ne kueî botterjesalihalre ae ila igr than herse!!; but it began ta stnike lier Feala, h al Age' 2,00r me tn iagana e as strange that ho sheuld- have-made Fbe n.Âxu ,0 o mib no, effort, te see lier - ta induce er taeunlye. returu ta hLm. o letmete i.îa of thLe Ville Mafie Bank, pnide sud passion, o! love snd despair Montteal1, offer f500 romand -for thli. through ihicli hoe lad, paased, appFeliension ut J. J. genbent, thie miss-t ah. kueir nothing. - mgLoin -Paul, Paul! Why. should IL b f is b>éiieveld that 1ýii Western hotel iiauuted nom! se asked herseit, im- tire in Moutreal waai caused by ratsa patiently. Sureby lu ton years, - ai gnitiug matches, The injy.ned are- lad ime te torget; sureby there coubd doing'mcii. b. nothiug se absurd s that aie, For tii. four tloktis nding Oct. should wiali ton hLm-long taese' him' 3lst, the total trad t th. port, o!fOt- nom. ~ tawa mas $232,798, as against $178,172 -Yet by day anmd by niglit thene mas fer t-le cerne perioictsat. yean. ÃŽ the. ligering pain, the ionging desire. Three mien have been ai-rested ai 1 At times «mho aeemoke lier .pilbowrReve1ltoke, ».1.,on, upicion o! being1 asS iret mitli teans; there ion. fimes- coucerued iiiLb.the der et Winlpegt mien aie found lierseif-' nianing. ut Jothn Gardon, 'tua ,weeksi ago.' > "Paul, Paul!" 1aimost un'ousciously ta The. Montreal Ruolliug Mille Ca. bas lerseif. And this mais the vain, faiLli- ma-de uvertaires ta titi. Tomn Couneil lesa wmrau mwhq lad. loft ber iusband cof Sydneyn C. B., -ivýthb a viei te' eà - because abe vahmed luxury more than i tabliahing extensive! works thon. love.- She bega a n a~.î~O John Hayes, allis b. Quigloy,, bas aIe had compared'ilm mitli the pelish- been a.rrested near'F nie, B. C.,. cbarg- ed gentlemen se.bd met at Bralyned it.h e m< uglr er Edsmboter-u-t snd thie camparisen, ilu mre respectsa esu alnerEmon . had always been La lis disadvantsge; Mayor Teetzel, of! Ham.ilt&nià as tiey more se refined, lie mas so homo,ý scheme o! municipal nreform, suggests l y. But noms e ho eyee mandened electitmg aldermnen for five years, psy- woanliy av.er the great crowd, she look-. I-ng them- and red'ucing thein number.0 ed mn vain for. a face ike is.1 M. Mouler, umnen a!o Anticosti, lias Sa sloîly, but surely, repentance be- mon hie ejectment ou>it against the Fox0 gen its morli. Ste bad been se eager Bay settlers. Re lias, liomeven, otfened tan niedhea, sa ea.ger ta show hlen great Lu psy their coste sud give ec ain -c beauty s0 eager ton admnatio-she doemnity.c lad iouged uiti sucli au inteusity o! The. employes oe- Lie Carling Breir- longiug tan Lh. pleapurea - o! bibe, tan eny at London bave- presented Sir iLs brilLiant gayeties-she liad beon John sud. Ladjy Carý ing. miti s solid eagar as a ohid; sudM-oir sîl tiat she silver sarvice as a Pliemento of thein hiad longed for iad been 'in.For'goldon weddiu.g. ton long years aleh. ild been engras-, J. A. McMurt.ry, o Toronto, who;,le od, beant sud seul, Ln the munid'a de- Ganaïdian agent for a teleiphono patent, ligi-te. She liad beeg ike a -man lu-'ansd reeutiy asked, for a franchise in taxicated wiLli wiue. Nom tic intoi- Toronto, lias mpde a sirnilar'appli-ca- eat,-ou mas subsiding-hen sober menae tien lu Mantreal. wvere beginning te returu; sud mitjTe otra TheMotrel use&s received dur- tbem came a yoarni:g, longing desire, ing the. past, umouLl Lhe mnofe! 803,- ton lier husband-tor the. love sud. ieig n ur-e Of $154,510.44, kinduema a! othen days. Si. bld htu as oompared witlm ie corre-spundig like one In a delirium-uom the. de-: montli of isti year. lium mas îearing et!, sud Lb. rosi-:l iLyt4bte&Ilie. ic ia ben 0-The steamer Strattlon, bound iniard,i dazo4,se bcuiidered, ith Lie pros-, as crnshed Lw' thle i n Lie Yukon peet i >eid out taelier tiat ah. iad River, at Sehiryn.,sn~i% sanir lu s short nover thouglit o! Lie mrong. 1 timime. The freigit, uceludig a lange i miailiaittlos Porbaps years iad steadied lier, Laatollse liad given Laelier botter- ena.e, cleaner Mrs. Olive Adela Sternamuan, 'who jndgmeut. better thoughLs, nobier was sentenced ta bý liauged in Cay- ideas. Oue t-hiag mas quit. certain uga for the, ailegcd poisoning o! hon -ail thà t aie- iad ovoniooked ulien mile huaband, wi marrieg lu Niagara Falla made lier fatal chie came clearly b.-; Ont., te Framnk Creu4zbaurg, o! No. 2M0 taore hon nom--tic mrong sh. iad doue - Bird avenue, Buffà lib. La hem' iusband, tLieoanmity- o! the! Tic Richelieu & qutaia Navigation sin ahe liad coraritted. ItCompany isauaxim4'a ta increase its 11I masý'so soreiy te.mpted," ah.lecried1 fleet bctween Te oromansd Pnescott, ta -benself-"I t6rgot l Lie mou-g.", aýwing ta the. greà t i monese o! its trat- Si. tried hard ta dram al Li-es. bic', and. lis bhneengotiatiug flately týetigits- Sic ment ont marc than wlth- a munimber o! sl'ipbuiiders ferrLthe e~r.-.nie teforget, La drain .ber construction utf a fbinoneir steamer, sero ingayeties. IL mas naL pas- but mc barj uit-bout 'ucces". sie. By ni-gît and by day -memory!. Chigwa reîe,he m as blie.ta torturer.- ù.e, r Clsugd opyi Miiser ciLie Si.grirLhl sd al. Pope e-- De pm~eLa ail7ways sud Canais, markewod teoa c aLliersud tsa Lodiafter an inaW~ètion', ays Lie Canadisu ~anImoodbaw hangd mi use sudPaciflo Raiimay, bnorn Momtral tu Liie heI gr-ew, auious about lier. "W6 iilev4ada aienthn-Coast, is iu spieudkm arden, except for usuai tuisyear," i. sai-d. "Yen- - s ltl ouieéf mt:riu~.la go e te sasie, sma, Yp mu et the prairies. Excelenut wark lias been- iaaking sa mcl,-my dear ghid. WliaL dione on the.. Crow<s! Nest. Lino. bails yau V' ChOarles- M. Âlla~i2 of Landau, is 'Si. could have told him!nxLiat -t mas takipg action agaiuE t Policeman Robt. au awakcued consci ence, a truubled EgebLOli'for #É,000 È amimgea. On Sat- heant, an uueasy mjnd, a lcuging de- u.rd,1Y niglit, d.urng, Lie. Old Baye' ire te sec ber husbaind again, s long- Visit ta Londoui last summen, JEgelton ing u isb if possible t-on-nde ber sin. is slleged. to bave ,omnitted aun1 un- Finemian Engen»e Deogan sud Brake- manu Warren koblusou more killed, sud afother train haud, fatally iujured, by the explosion of a locomotive on tb. Jehigh, Valley Une near Towauïda, Pa., ye'tc.day. JBuffalo La alarmect .aven the nivalny proamised thie Erie canal by the St. L4awrnce route, sud the' danger af divergenuce uto the grain -funmanding- trade !rom that ciL>' La Pott Celbarne a.nd Moutreal. Michael Hatal, Liie magician, kuomu an "Lihe bulet '-catcher," mho irae acci- dentally eliot .1n Satu-rday* nightitnl New -York, ulule iîving an exhibition of catcliug s muet lu us mautli L doaEd ot hieinue. At Chicago Sîg;mund Breécli sud Emil Swanrt, mlo ue nidened Martin S. Ma in [asat Jaune, mere s'erfenced Ltiith Joliet Peniteutiarilv fui lu!.e. The>' mene - rab- biuiÉ the old man, sud put a potata lu- bis moutii te gag him. As s reanît be cimokeci ta deatb. - . Gen. Funston,* e! the 20tii Kaneas Reginient,.hais iuetructed lis solicitor to biag.aetion againat Amcibialiop Ire- land sud -Lb. Cat 'holle M« -itor, s Pa-, per pub llein uSan FÈrancLecofer libel, in ceaniging Funston mitil permit- ting hie men, Lu haut Philippine- Herring are reported very pleutiful at Neifoundîsuci. A hurrica 'ne lis'ecauaed groat damni- alge Utwecn Haîv an sd Santiago. Bombay milla.are 'running bai! Lime owing Lutb thaihiire cf the cottan Genmauy may psy for l e-incroaise Lu naval expeuditune by iucre"sedý grain -Suisilpox lias brokkn out at Cape Towm. brauglit timee apparnntly by' Tranavast retugees.. Prince.- Fredenick Aulguetus, of Sa,xuniy bell trurn ils herse wbule mut- ing. 11us kul w-s ractured., Two Tu. E dimg lilian poiiticians, une a m8mben ai Lb. Governiment, have fpungli a duel, and! both were killed. GermanYe lneuypotagestampe mill ba a bust. repneseuting Gormania i piace. 01 tii. presùt I»mperial oé4gle. Tiue leadi-g newspapera o! Germany- express the opinion that'tiié nations intercat lu Samoal*will bho ceded ta iThe, Bnitia l miipro.t.ctJ Lb. Chines. xof'orrer, Yang Yu Wei, ýwho la Lhpouglmtlto b. un board the steamer' Empress -of In"i from Vançeuven -for Bon-ug Kong.- Mmeý. Godard, wliro gavte Dreyfus' witr-ý shelter at'Ren'nes. lias, bacu madè :tbe vieLlaof- ut noutrageons attack hy a inu iraired to ha Lie secretary thtii Rotlscids sent te buy her Rabali, Lbhenitorieua nativé -chie! uf the Central 5-judan,lias ia ssacncd Lie inembars, -af a pne.à cli expedition. Ad- mLiltrator Bretunuet, Lieut. . Braun, Sargt. Logis, snd Lmenty-seven Seime-- galese mene killed.- are usuaIiy presented by sorne admir- ing aunt or grandmother; aà nd in them, aslu ail- else, a à *predomiwnance of lace is de rigueur. *, flaintinesa, luxuriance, and the. wldet extravagance are the. order -of thé. day In babyland. in the. matter -o! gowns, slips, wrap- pers, ciéoaks sud caps there le little changé, except that there seems Lu be a superabuncýanq '- o! lace suddelieer.eV lawn.: The littie slips sand robes are- made with an eye to the comfort of. ba -by more than used tu b. the. case. Tiiere iare nu, high ncck fuis èi"lacsi and emibroïdery- everytiiing Lu. 10w and soft sud -pntty, sndthe. baby of toa- day isi much *luickier person than the baby o!, a feu îeans ago. \COORING IN. SWEDEN. A. ladyO who, has, just retunned f xom the. Land, of theiiMdfiglitSun said rto a reporter: -M Âf.ter we had see'noUr fil1 o! rocky headlaildn n nd ench ate-iI It i e npoted that Captain Moflun,,lake --sdo C"% It La, neported Lkat Captain Muhun, -fods, irO wont L.assesd bar, nom cozumandiug Lie Beigian resant, uer.e hs oaaaebuiok Tanganyika-Co)ngu Lelegraph. expedi1.-- il*hq aer,. sd meut asa -matiçp hunlas -liad- s bierce battio wîtm on meatraomn,frarm laaser> !can-.n.bals at Tanguli. - o.deai yekî eiacis, spaeia Alfred. Beit, thb. South Abrican mil- table ac eewatc pnb'Li Ijouire LaLu enln, pshig Lie on-never-tailing .amiability bhy a 'special - stru-ction et Lthe teliegraph in huerougi waitreas, and 'ie paici fan oux' part>' u! Germa n East Atnica., sud aisefor the four 81o.60 per'mes-k for aur -meais. Vrnpoo1etpnaviding a telegrapli sud XViat did w. geL! 1 assure you, nu nailway conuection uit-hLihe Ottawa canuccipeas anr skizumilk, or tougi copp6r mines in Geérma n soutUmest AS'- chickena. For breakfast ire lad meat, nica.o0Wued by s Genma'-E-ughisli syfi- eggs,'tea, coffee, delicious fîph and7fau- di.oate.cy ircada. For dinuor, soup.. Iisi,-meat and a dessert, tiie uiole preceded t)>' -A Â'Wl"[NNER. Lii. Siredielu morgastiordi, h is aa soýt c'aietable'-hr ilsnso 1 tliink, saic thie ingenious man, that rlmhé r lidet.Rreists'egof- I bave au invention at lasL mmiciimili sanudwiches rau or Pickied hlerrunga. malte mýy fortune. Witfi ChIopIeci onions, ellced -sausages. 'Wiist is L t! f caviare, anthlovies, hes! arins IL î La acamera tan use 'un fleiiig Pickles and satedi . sud sardies cape I xaggrtsLi.sz o hjare sorved -"i endieme va.riety sud fisb, ihibe takingi the fisherman at bis itimongl tortsUz normal iae. i ally figlit ah>'a NO R'UNAWÀYS IN RUSSIA. the asmOrtasibor,'ire beoa»ue Perfect a.m~ .~1..~- LuSiedes asefar ass it V5Om.re W RZ~e 0».ei re th on ftinut sêveo 9Od tiiMe at- sekl sud' RujuarVo oný:drv« tere ÃŽthot d n r.le Ot Our Pr.okoue pol! thu.* -baviug a tiucord mitb s nunniPg airS theand etU counr stay, uoase araund theneekaof Lie animial. to *Gka tri nsbra e dýs Whenan nima botà he crd n Pul- eurs a înnr- t t. Âmba'ssa- ei, and Lbhe rpe «tope aa-uou as h6 ndaurs ýp Mthe building re- f selis Lth.pregire on Lthe wiidplpe. QQUAt -I - I - i ~' ~ - auu 1 1~4a mothet love in evm. Iieart, that brings ,11ý, -aü#4wave olwaiyâ mother ~~the tb@ùghta -f the .itt1e biby C 9 lnt -0lus or to No depa bü6 &ti iy Af thestores elioka M&e lt e'rîs o! absolute -de-. andh su -bthat on1e whieli la 4evoted têlýb tweiuÃFew women paM throuh t, and &eeing the' dainty la* tÃŽnuue4 gqlts Prepar- ed for the' .ouinug Kiugeaud- Queens of the. nursery, .tbat. an inward ejacu- -lation dos uot come from their biearts: "Would that 1 w.re buying soma Myseif 11, 1And many a womnan will purchase, ýsome pre-tty~ novelt'y -for buaby and in a shameiaoed mamù r Présent Lt. toanl expectant inmotiier, iLeetling lier pro-, tests and cries of delight. wlth: '"Well> 1j ut couJ4JIt help buyîng, Just now, whetber the. stock. is'mors in evidence at tWia season of he yýar or not, tii he ps a.rsshowing a mont bewitching and varied aaaertinent of. novelties, iii babies' iineqy. 1 seema strange that- Dame Fashio4z, that tYr.- annous lady who rules the mothers, shou Id also, etep in and rule the aiit;: crats of the. nurse zbu eh 4 eu- ertheless, aud wstli a rod. of ' mon, too.- è'But, then, baby has-npt mucli to say. in the imatter. He must just don* whatever in, styles, out and pattern th#, older people buy, and poor baby is a veymucl abused person in the - matter uof wardrobe, so some say, thougli ia geuerai opinion, fashions for littie fbih. are mucli more spnaible than they bave qver been before. Th.1 dread!ui beliybandha.a beeil <Ion. away witb, and now baby wears the sof test finest'littie merino shirt. against tlw ten~der, skin, and there are no more wrinkled flannel bands te worry and fret th sxail morsel ,of humanity, wlio, being aimable to speak and tell what hurts him, lias recours. to cries aud yelis, and la imiimediateIl dubbed a "«crsaspatch," wben in reai- ity e laislong suffering. «,here are no more shawls tb full off the. littie shoulders and leave1 baby susceptible to a sudden drauglit, but daintly crovheted worsted 'sacks and prettily e»ibroidered merineo ues, in whicb motiier'a fancy. Le given fual piay, and, again, &: sweet littie silken- cionfectiofl, a pextect' drxam of a sack, is shown,, and the mone'y just f lies out of one's purs.. Thený i-n imitation of foreign bà by, cornes tii. "'en maU.lQt,t" or piliow, as it is cailed bere, uon, which- babyt makes it-s first acquaintance with ncietyand upon which it is brouý'glt forth ta e ahown to -family friendsansd ta , re- ceiveý' the.audible adoration o! aMi ýmotlherý's woma-n friendea. Tiiese pi'i- loisa*e covered with, sheer lairu cases,1 wtth delicate lace _-ruff les, . and pretty pink or blue boira, acording to baby's-eex, for there is 'as müch forum '0, thematter o!d the color of the bowt- ais e1here would be iu thie percedence uLaySb-and-ýto- at tii. Queen'p drwigroom.» Pin# muet b. the. prviig tint for a young man, and blue for tii girl baby. Inu te. matter of baWnettes the. var. l'