'ns, ~EXTENSIVE- CREDIT SAL b I bakers formfe 's shirts, Our price.........12C* yd. arncy Shakers..............fo0i octo5sYdFaim11 Oocte IIIIpllnsSEtC -shars.................... a2Ç i4lc. yd. Yatrji, ail colors .........................4C. lb. - ringetfiug, ail ............ ...................70C. lb., The Subscriber hai received instructions from Shaker Blankets ..................................... 90c. pair. ýhe Execiitors of the late lankets ........ ........ .. ..........* ##...........$2 pair., >1 Blankets ............. $.oad$ 5PaIr.. Nobl teeson!, Iýq* To seli by I>ublic Auction, at the premaises, o-RoGERTE8. Lot-No. 32, Concessôfl 6 TOW-nshiP of Whltby, on (3roceries are always fresh and the very besto" SjIoeý Salnion ............ *o . ... ...00.400»..13c- fin z for 25Ci u, ~ 1v li 4h 19 Qats....................0 -bo*a0@ as.'. 9oo 000..10 lbs. for 25C. The follo'wing valuable Stocks ImpIe- .odDust Corn Ma...............12 lbs. for 25C. mns t ~rbtbpiI........................... 65- OSS Salt and Sack Sait always on hand. i black horse 8 years old i black horse 6 years old i brown mare aged- a i bay mare driver by Annex A.Ce ELLIOTT1,Br kln 8 brown filly by Seggrmafl i sorrel horse 9 years old i roan horse 12 years old. _ ý0e MDBrookhit. MbOrs R A c.T JEr e April1t F. J'. rron, ALD., Wbftby.L -E i cow brdjune 8th p.m. Y~V ~ LTii E 0 e 1icow bred e 2n lu. M. to 2 P.M PNUPra1W teles, u 2d FiSTN, BA.,Attor- SletKin iOhu.ory, con- 3e-In the otOce south of the llIa»n'a Bloeki Broek 5tzut iee ove: J.FriSl'.Dtnd&aS t. sldueeINO 1.The, Terrace. Byron St R.W.ü H. WUOGDROW,9 Gracbiaté- Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Houer Graduate Torouto Uulversty. Over Grosa & Granger's, ,Open Saturd.ay eveflifgst Western Bank of Canada- INCOfPORATED 1882. AftthoYÎL8d " IÎ~1 - $11000,6000> Rest.- , 18,000 A. General BankiDg- business transaoto Draftb on New York and Sterling 'exchaDSe bougbt and gold. Depesits received sad in- tqoest aIlo*ed uet bigbeBt current rates and cedited huit yearly. 1 dollections isoicîted a.nd p'roteptI y Made. *P*Oieatt.tlem onte ecllectlon of ParmOSiti sol* notes. penners' Notes Ditecountd. C'nrrrespondeIItU ln New York and Canada-, Tie MercbantaBi.Ik of Canadia;. ~Te Royail Ba.nk et Scotlandi London, Eugt bieney oiderset 'The Canadian Bankere' -AO- g*# uoduuda poenili aiid Site inethod ot, re el ny~fgo or iamali amunnzitto ai 1pUItU lu su aaa. Il D.WÂRRIEN - Manager'o! Whiîb)y Branch., Th'e Domiion, Bank, IITBY'ACENCYS neral Banking Busijeés' ileotion -of 1otheý notes. gi'vexito Farmer's i cw-bred XUg. 20th i> cow bred May 22fld i new milch cow bred Oct. STEERS. Next l best ial inake rs:- Lî cal D. UIT] 25th week we will havie a large stock ofthe i red steer 3 years old kes of -Ra ge frein the following 1 red steer cOflUfg- 3 years old :-Moffatt, M!cCleary and Copp Bros. i red stme 3 years aid i spotted steef coig _3 Y«" SOld i red steer zyemrsold ~ii supply any other make if desired. 1 spottedsteer 2 years old i resu st2Cf 2-Jears old st i greyrster 2 years old prics. ired teer2,years eld 1 grey steer ceming 2yearseld lia R l~Ifr U ~Ji red -steer yearling - lM e. l IlSINC L Il roan steer yearling i black steer yearling i white steer yearling BROORLIN.i red steer yearling 1 grey steer cal1 -i red steer câlf HEIFERS. ýC., .Li.IIVIY&..N9, î red heifer 3 years l 191 MS 1vl- roan heifer 2 years old E~ERTÂKEE.i red heifer 2years old »*fiD EJIAR In ALL RUMB 07- 1 white heifer 2years old Furniture aiidPicture Framesniade te erder. ]Lepalrigin,0.11 Us branches promptly it- tended te. A large stock et Coffat, Caskets and anl tuneral requhsities constantly on baud. 'nirai Cards printed on shortest notice. Speoal 1otfi~-Sam* Men's Tweed or Serge Suits m.ale to order ut $10. iBetter goods $22, at $12-,50, $14 and $iý,Up tQý a a Men's Serge Suit-$4.759 $8. Men's Tweed Suits-$5, $6.25, $7,t8 MeWts Double Breasted Tweed Suite, fine ,Y :uths' Tweed Suits-$24-59 $4. Boys' 'Iwecd Suits-$5, $74* Herse Blsnkts-8 .1$.259 $i 50, Buggy Rugs-$I.S09 $1-71, $I.85à $2,25, $2.75- sper cent. dicoun't. for., puices. .OO0 and&Upyîà THIORNTOII cash frei aov i we heifer yearlng i spoted heiler yearling9 i ashlrtedheifer yearling i aslteheifer yearling i rped heifer yearling i rey heifer yearling y red heifer calf£ Among these cattle are a number of choic feeding steers and heifers. SHEKzP. le shropshire breeding ewes. PIGS. i 1rodd 50w with lidter of sixç yoýkÉhire whil i brood sow due to pig -béfore sale yorkshii white 10 pigs 5 months old, yorkshire white 14 p'gs 3 months old yorkshire white ro fat pgs. IMPýLEMENTS. i combvnstoplow Syvetern7 i twminaplo plwhiylvse 1tin ed rlio spot Cuîad yct i tier rakllnew Syotlvetr ct A ig weede new (Sylvester) i iron turnip driti new (Fleury, Aurora) I size i cutting box nearly new LSylvester) i ten horse power i wlieelbarrow nearly 'new 1 turnip pulper w-arly niew -(Sylvester) 2 set of! hght whiffletrees. i set et extra heavy whiffletrees i binder nearly new 6 ft - cut wÉth ti (Sylvester) i Honey fan-ning miii i pea rake i wagon rack i set of sleighs il Speight wà ïgon, i road cart (McLaughlin) itpbugy piano bo. nearly new ( -Laughin) i cutter neg!ly new (MfcLaughlin). i dominion portland cutter new <Tudhopi i solid comlort portland catternew (Tiid c I itiik can large s;ze 2 barrels oif timotliy'seed e tons oa timothy hay 100 frtcascdrpS iS pekin ducks 9 geese 1 'set cf long.tug harness, i set of double driving harnesà i set ef city delivery harrness bras moux collar snd bames l'set tof light single 'barîiess, i uew sad<le-adlxidle 2 bits. Às the farin e f or ient everythinâ PosiiuvclYvbe soid. ý Jirn..Âlnii )!llhe. Brighit, t-Co reffry ~ -sold Mr< f as. Joues hasl*of cedar. posts tng, ýrty le te be E vi% p frm.. t043 bis ftarInd~ David [rwlin, Mrs. BervOs, Of lbiigra, was here JPp1111e H il te tenlant. - astw~e Witr rieds.Rolnd olms, uly ~o - J.loientble for feeding te WV. Batty, letchber Ast wSkWit- fien - S RoandHèlesonlyC30 -O J.HOWerrv ..W. Baini and W. ilatcliffe, Mi~sut~.'i8Ol~ o Otremont, is w:ith lmes, was laid to rest initePebtra ~s hty klountZion friends for a week. eieey.lewsii nyzhe hY Police Constable Jarvis, Enj. Werry, Go tp Wlitbv and see the foot. bail from a-virulent attaek-ôf diphtheria.-t A. B. Werry, Alex. Lawrie aîid Jas. matchS8aturdaY.ý Balsim 's. Oshawa. -Ratepayers in Cartwright son vot Jarviis, jr., are on a hurtting tour in the L5,>m On a by-lawi granting a bonus of $5,000) north country. Mr. Witi~m Trvis,.who ba beento the'Lindsay, Bobeaygeon and Ponty- Wm. McKinley ad51.o br with Mr. Jas. Hortop« for -théesurnuer,polRRM1a în,.worcn ardor, and Mr. adM s. W. J. Ray- bas secured work< at the Millal %is Mm h, e tycra, Brooklin, teâ the fwioral works, Oshawa. Praduated fè :the, Toronto -General -of the late James Manfl - Mr.Js Mrra, Blsa's amos fot-Hospital as a- professional -nurse,. bas bail player, bas been laid up -with a poton t in ti-a. Sho e ar -pleddUXBRIDGE. sore neck. The "boys " are pleasedto psto nteIda eolna hA W .Rda~pitr a oe hear of bis-recoverY. towflToronto. Mr. Wm.,Pileand family bave me- UDLEY.Gol os'torbarenlybn eback to the- farm, again., Their' 'A very pretty wedding took place at Genl rged by au addition te be m11any frienas .around Balsa r pleas-tersdneo r A. B. Q rvis, Dry- elre ya diina'h ak ed te mee tbem back agaiù. dn ut~ 25tb ef October, -*wben bis W. H. Gold Ieft for North Dakota. te daughter Roseýtta was joiried in holy' takeapoiiua tlgphrnth BRQOKLN. manmon-by the Re .M.8W oMfuapelis, St. Paul and SauIt Ste. Mr.,Geo. Gili is on the sick list. Mr. William Doudiet, of Tache. 'The Marierailway. cotne eywedding to place at 6 oVeock P. M.,-About sixty frîends sat down -teo es.Joh Cydema when Mî itedpayed the, edn sumptueus supper at the Bascom lieuse. low. march, theý bride being supported by in honor- ofWin. Thompson,President et Mrt. Roberts is again going south for ber cousin, Miss Louella Orvis, and the the North Ontario Agricuttural Society. the Win ter.- groom by Mr. James -Coote., The bride , F. J. (lillespie, of Tjptergrove, while Mrs. 11W1, of Wbitby, is stili a guest -Iookedvery pretty inber dress o!f blue, in towu purchased twe teams -o! good at Mr. Batson's. trîm'med with, white -silk and lace. -She work horses,, one f rom Charles Camr- Mr. W-. T-. Goldsbro adverti.ses bouses was the recipient 'of ,maxYIy fful plin and the other from Win, Jones, f-or te en inths isu. resents, AMOng wbich l*herýý busband tlhelumber camps. Mor. Jon h Glunroe. gin o ov resented -berwith ailoyely g old wateb. The D. & L.-Emulion of Ced 1Liver' br onGlsr-is family toOshawa.After the cèremeniy was perfermedthe Oil may be taïksn with most benefiial re. giuailt &hw .est& partook of, a sumptueus re.past, ltbtoehaend foiUfÊ Miss E. Foot, of -Toronto, le visiting a! er1w ic! a very enjoyable eveningfrmatrefet«!l gip.Md ber frleud, Mrs. C. B, Simpon. was spent. The bappv coupile tok by Davis& Lawrence Ce., Ltd. Rev. T. W. Leggot and ,wife were.,their departrefr herhoe nTache W.adWle CIpInrtre calling on tiboir many friends hero. on the mid-niglit train amld- showers etbon.rmMtb and WatrGamnthNrth- mm. EOna More hred been spendlng dbotanrie west, accompanied by their niece, Miss a foe s t*aff trren(1 in'Toronito. 'Lillie Capman, from i>!erford, Ma.,-, M~. aIodc~lt*it ww intendq etaying (o vear : lng4ir pre$~ if.an frr.S M.W o -s sgn-'to 'De- tu attend -kkool,. - Mein.. troit, wbere be bas- secured a 9goed Mrî J.Allems has been straightenin~stain OSHAWA. up the front of bis old residence a'n For over flfty years Mrs. Winsldw's h oihr cttC.md hn turned it, uto a. sadier and harneàs SootbingSyr bas been used& '.by mnto -c iatrteJladaswek élbop for bis own business, and is now millions O! mothers for their children eccupying IL, -wietehn f itre tngt Mrs. W Bà -mbridge "bas returned -Dr. J. J. Moorô o a i eehoea~boe Yorreet bya ick cbild hOllOe aft spending--a very pleasant hune up and in operatien. from- bere te sugeing.and ,cryingmwithi pain o! cutt- montb l Bin1i Colmbu, RgIu.~MyrlendAs iur. ing teetli send at -once and a bottie ef Geo. Lawren.&- bas 'been appointed It is for the free use o! bis patients. and 1"M s.Wislw' Sihig yrp"fo ne oub il b agreat conveuience cbildren teething.Itwileieve tbe Kuox, resagned. foîthose neediug-bis services. po littie sufferer immediately. De-- Lewis Aichiin, brother e! Wmn. AI- Tbe sbaa Roal emplis amepend upon it, motbers,there is ne >mis- citde at Point St. CharlesMot and jubilated withr us- on Tuesday even- take about it, It -cures diarrhoea, regu. réal, ïn bis 4lst year oft age> ing upon the occasion of env i6tb an- lates the stomnacli ud'bewels, -cures - M-4 Coryell bas severalacresofchick-ý niversary as well as Our annual rally. wduol, ofaatioé n d heg s tn and e-ery ogrowing,- some of the . rots o!f Af ter a splendid porme rohnt h whol vtm Mswià are more than two fe six luchesý treated the visitors te refresbiments. e zn Sru"Yorebîdenlong-~ The iberl fWib twsi et teething 18 pleasant te thbetaste and is Frank Talling biasprhadte here and ôrg&anizýýd with'thf,,se offic&Sr: tbe prescription of eue o! the oldest and residence of Walter Brewni on -Centre -Chairman, Wi. Brasb, Ashburn; best tomate physicians ad nurses lu the Street' r rw.i eorgt sec., D.ý A. Huhbell, Myrtie; 'treas., UidStates. Price twenty-five cents Cedar Dale- Walter Rogers, Kinsale. Chairmen- a bottle. SoId by al druggiststhreugh- Mis. Thos. Ceulin basdecided'togive e No. 1 division, Wi. Youn ; Nos. 2 and. out the world. B ue adakfr U iigaud eaeteldbr- 3,ý Alex. Ket£ene; 'Ne. 4, kJohn David- Mrs. Winslew's Sootbinz: Syrup." stead.1 She bas purcbasedMUrs. Gifferd's son. residence, opposite the Griersen houée- Burgiars8 made another attempt te MANILLA. stead, and witti berfamily will sbortly get inte Holliday Bros. store, but were makeiL theirplcetad. scrd wy yth igtwatcbma.f, Farmers are busy witb their roots. 1c faoe tewbo beard tbem ryite t force the Mr's. D. King's sister is vis itihoe berMW1îu isdsoe !~hn tryin some rsidence on King. -streéLte J. re front deor. It was aise learned on fur- at present. Mèbaren,. the new ifiter, whe wilt ther investigation that tbey bad been Mrsý Conway oeOshawa, is visitiug move bis fà mily itoitsbortly .'Mr ln Mr. Luke's wod shop, wbere tbeY ber da'ngnter bore. Bu 1ad iIl occupy the bouseMr. hadgo thirtels orthewok.Mrs. White wil take charge of the Ildder buit on Loyd street. A grand entertaiument under the sus,- library ina few days. W .Amtok fPts&Am nices of Broklin Councij No. 22 Choseri M - Wm. Armstrn: mPutic&ar- lËriends wiIi be- given in the Maseflie Mr Pearce is about te get in a new strong, s elkenl uia i, Hall, Brooklin, o11 hursday even- supply et sboes. We are waiting for cles, 18 leaviug Oshawa lu March nexti T frLndoEUX.-, te further pursue bis ing, Nov. lGth. The follcowitig talent them se bas been secured. for the occasionl W. L. Coone, Ou- thriviug merchant, vocal studîes. 11:,<bas, been propose Jas Fax, the great le icsinger, G! 15 building a fine poultry-houso on hbis o. t dhaeua bnefit oner,.n Toront.' Mrs. E. R. Eddad isprmssNo.2rbsbenfxd rge~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eda- 1 n-ter iltaepr.Mr .Wiîsibba ut rIr~ fficers o! H1ockey Club :-loil. Pres., supper te a large croWd. The -Pxcoli fruit grower, is about te buy the iesi- ýtr»Ial te Whitby jail. -lent program o! muskç by the churcb h ceo' h orner of Slmcoe street 61ortous New. choir and the ad tresqes yRe.W.H sdth1Lhcnession of Brook. It is Cornes fo r Adams, Rev. T. WV. Leggott and Dr. -rather a woe be-gene loeking'place, ýthe Wasblta, I. T. He.writee : McDiarmid were greatly enjoyiedby the resuit d6!-the werk of the ludustrious bottles of Eleetrié Bittie. bas-cured ~tddeiighted -congrégation. . i1Ëhe secre- boys o! Our tewn tryiiig te lmpi'ovA its Mrs Brewer- of .crofu*e.whiclh -bad tary 's report showed that the $400 Bx- looks. IL le loped-tha-t Mr. Smith viii caused lier great suferli'g for yeas.r8 enes were provided for by s>ubscrÎP- suceed ln getting it, aud if ho des, be Terrible ogres Weoultl-,beak out on her tien, wbile it receipte o! the re..epellg will make, sucli improvemfents that the heidand faee, aud the bost4oçtor-aul W ere $107 50 addftioual. tilCienst5Uh1ot recogieitOIL give noo help: but lier cure-is com$ete will 1 Apflt surgeons...4 ansd lier heaith is- e eceimt-l,- This T.. t-A -1 ~whoso .A&U dtIA.rs told Benick IHamilton, O gshovà wWlt thousauds ay~e - PMoyeý BROS&141 lin.' . I I I ~1 Saxoi g . ' whitbi- 1