Ontario County Gazette, 23 Aug 1898, p. 4

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àg !1w SEM 6 me, lay. are tl g f [onda: week rho 1>I. 'h is ver lu tack ,( i. Cari L fow F. Gr-, x pari t. -secure this -ses- ods, môtly lesg tiian ments can 1be made wlth Short"~. 'Th>e Port Ferry foundrv Ilu now wOrkc- l ng overtIme in ordef to 'keep Up it the> demande for ewmachiniery-. Orders àro .rushing.r lu ýfroinevéry quarter. The'worthv, propietor, Mfr.. Mad. Willianms,bas be-n obliged 10 rol Up his leeves, &nd jump, In with the rest of the worikman.. 1Managýer Crozier lnforms us that the $4Atiantie " base bail club of -Toronto will4 n a.I1 probabilityv, visit Port Perry v.Frda,jAug. 26thà, 10 play an ex- hiiingane, with our nipe. --t prgaentho 19 completing arran femeu with that club. Thio.game viii M. wôrth witnessling as. the Atantic ls nt the best amateur teame lu the Be sure tô attend., eses te corne MWo: imd the uith hs remtred K* on thei.far. It lshice. M inau mthé banle8it ,u»etV4O U -m It. vbý i bern sutaiiy 'lelt jou erhuebanq tt the gruat clearlig navc eu at Rose Bros.' Mesers. Dundas Flavulieelffo Linds;ay. purchase4 yeiterday fro GRAVE. Joshua Wright eàtate theïrir et> GRV.wood business sud prorçrty adjo 'unait grand gathering ait This enterprising firm întend 1o0 ubling~ at Manche8ter coai l uis in, Ibis town und. management <>1 H. B. .Ciemes, o took a spin 10 Osh- Matthew Edwsrd8 Co., sud we Wu cannot say if thé that Mr. Clemes le, even noi r r ;he attraction or soîne uote prt-cés and book -orders. et fesiv i reater powrer. 9TÂNDARD irishes theum succesel. h and, 31It Croos weele te The most interesting aud ueitinx vY fnd intende espend- game of the, season wili. be, plsyed aI Coming, the Metimodiet church bai, 'wth hia brother J. 'the > exhibition -park, Port- Perry., v home anniversay, to be heid Au. s operator on the G to-Triorroir (Friday Aug. 19th), bebireen 281 Asud 80th. 'Look' outI for it, prý le. _Uxbrldge >lnd Port ?erry. Gaine called parýe for !il, sud take l1t-lun lu meeting mas- held atitres o'ciock,, sharp. Dr. H. Bas- The> Salvàtion Army mii hold a gre~ i to organize for the coin, Uxbridge. umipire., Owing to the> musical torado lui the; bàrrackà heM cite. -The Rev. Mr,. keen rivairvy xisting belmeen the above on TuAsday eëvening of next weeicý ir. Afier a fewopn- clubs thisa uatch wmIl be hotly contested, Âug. iiSrd., The Oshawa band ,mili 1ý. ho chaimman -the lot- and patrons wil be treated to an ex- lun atténdaace. more elected:-'Ppes,, hilition of bail playing eeldom wituessi sec., J. J.. Crooksz cd outsido.-ol professionai. Places of Gidn h teeth. When childreni Ïr>s, '.p business m-tom miii be closedfrom 8 grnih et t's a sure indication of ompson-; twor., JGiv.oèthein Dr. Low~s Pieasut m;tte9ý, A. iStu4frt, >A. 5 o1clok p. in. Admission 15c. Boys skWni., MlclgIey, R. u'o 1 ers ens ae fret Worm Syrup., -Easy to take and never 1 rterature coxumýitttue,1 A cordial'invitation is extended 10 ait. failli. riCe25 as a whole. Alter Foovr ers r.Wilos Ail the, rate. payers of polling snb- .Fro Vrity yasMs iro' divioions No&s. 2 and 8 of Whithy Tewx ro, addressesm ere <1d'Sot- gSyrup has been 'used 'bv ship suad thepublic grenerally -are- inv t- kolwI¶:RO. m"tillions of 4motbers for their - chitdren idto a 'public plebiscite ceârpaign sOOD, J-.P-. 1evý, 8ý hlle teething. -If 'disburbed at nlgbt meigtbb'l l h . .br ~lbtlo seins10 ansd brlokenu of your et by a sÃŽclc child rackts. llrooklu, on Thumsdsy eve.J251b, d ln thie locallty -sad I suffering and cryînüg mithi pain of cuti at 7.30 p. m. Several short- addre&es gond vote lu favor ot il, lng Ieeth send aIt once andi a bottie 0f miii bu given aud the> organization 'of, 6eso by the enthusiasîn "Mre. Wiusîom'e Soohing Syrup" for * u-ivsosconl àd o la umnetig.cbildmen teething. t wil reIleve the> campýaigu mork. Lob there be a grand - ~ poor littie sufferer iirnmiediately. De- rali of temperance ,workere ftomn thesi IIAWA. pend upon it, mothersthreilo is sdivisâo»s. Port Pèrry,ïle visiting takre about il. lb cures diarrhoea, regu- Harvesthome! Th>anabr lates the; storuach' and bowels, cures Teana a kur wasiii Monres ind colic, softeus the> gume and re- vest home services wili be held lu thef duces inflammation, sud gvs toue andBrklnMtosbcrhasfio: mess.y o e h ol yse. lr.-On Sabbath, Aug. 231h, the> ploter nver left for Toront to te euergy whoîe g Syrustor c. Mm. nRt>v.Dr. Lambly, miii. préâeac t aI 08 ail school there. aiso~ o~igSrp o blrn sd the, tev. Jas. P. Wilson, B. A«> teetbiug- lu pleasant 10 thetaste snd if;s4 accompnied by' M r. the prescription of one of the oldest sudà Oshawa, at, 7,p.m Ou Tuesday -* bumedfron.Cadilise, best famale physiciaus sud nurses lunbbtheng, Au. the alsumtuus supf th Unlited States. Price tirenîr-flve cents lbuerdlut>lcueboifîh ýthm aite, ôof Port Ferry, -abottle. So01ldby ail dmucgists througb- church from 6G b 8 P. M., afler which s brohe Fan l he ut ht wr il anur sd ask for,- n IIractive progrmn, consisting ef 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothiug' Syrup." llns .ddesswl confinpd to- hierbomne The Sunderland base bail club vis' a Rv. ol' iuflarnmatory rheu- Port Ferry on NMonday latto le pialsd return match îitb ouir ine. F olleze '01 [ip bell, of Chicago, i8 irest ivo it1filgthoc ILspectatgrs. ,Gen davs, with her sister, tret>uite 1oprofessifonal ball se h1.<>L T- Up te that point the> play 1 c locutionist. euts,-ct-.ad ro ae thoo at gaine ahilofIlaxnxltoilie mnol Prv'The score at the> cocert, 25c.: i e r t wr (nthetiuthiunitige stood 5t5, fspet sud con- r.Metal covecring wîiI that our boys gradually gained on n1concert alone. , ends-and roof visitors aud irben game was caldCordiv invited B. iind hie mother started score tond 2o to 9 in favor of the hom .retary. O. R. lambly. ueboc on WedienN, ay binwith au inuings - b spare. TheP aàter. ho 8flrhts of the, iucioitý foliowîixg is the score. by iningu _______ 3 and severai othors lii vo comneuced the cuilli- xl, sind ho, mith others, o ucc*essful. axatioV for publice chool flxed aI 2t.301100 ruilis and for separaté school /10Olh inilîs, bink ar- iy Lira milis ou lagt ycar'b licLaughlsnd lbt ast relosi ouL business aud H. wae accompauied by hdand. .They »miii also aud the> Maritime pr-v- aU emnioveaI thfi uc, gÃŽ a brokt>n neck. lo -escape i rom 0în Tuesday. IHo Lfuwi trokffl sud 3creek near the Lbeyond bis depth abur mhich partiy thort hegau tie Mm4 Snîth sgw biîuely aid- Roxv n haviug -touche.d mee rMnio itories ls uk fight, Mre. Wuî. Goo. Pomers, - W. Joblil), J. Stiort, rarde, F. Gav, j .. C. Walker, S. ii, ERaýy, -Jias. >»,- Jas.ller, A. ,A. Dýearbornf J. re, BlaimeyL. %i Truli, A.,Bm epsn and F. Bons. Sundrland 2 0 0 1 0 2 (0 3 1-9. Port Perry 0 01 0 4 681 -20 Port Feýrrydefeated tht>Il"Marines cf Oshawa &i Friciay last lu a vory ex- citing game. The score irben gaine was_çalled stood 13 te 5 lun laver 'of the homè beum ith an inuings to spart>. At the close cf the second inulugs mhen the score wRs-il to 01in favor of Oshama, the îuajority of the spectators more of the opiuioxi that, the visitors mould min. It seenis that it takes a couple of innings te, iduce our boys' blood le cireulate, as aftor Ibat imethey gradually "piled upiton Oshawa w-ith thÃŽe aboya remIlt. T'ho*, Oshama boys had considerable fault to iud mith tht> umpring of Mr. W. .L.. Parrish, 'but nieverthelees the> iajoriby ,thougbt - thal Loýci. cd * ngpal avnu, nltia,. f thse, on.1 nîrner se~t urtb:- - 1 2 34 5A7 89 Oshawa 00 0020-00-5 Port Perry 00 50-1 7 0 0-18 (le neral Debility *nd Loss of Flesh Scott's EmulSio ib eeSitdu Stan4ard ftmedy for -ncarly a quarter of a oetury.1 Physicians nesil admit that tc obtan r&- romiýt that liycauiot get from n othfi fC -forming fod. fS on the.ma that r todo what ' -PICKiERING. J. H. Buudy basa uem driver. Mme. Famkes continues Ite improve. Henry Savage io*ather indîgpoQpd. -Charles Famkes, of Toronto, mashere ou holidays. S. Barritt, ô 'f Mount Albert, mas bore with friendei. -L. J. Harvey, of Toronto, mas here with frieudi. lire. Geo. - W. Docker, of Whitby, was hemo Iset meek. Mrs. -Wilkiusou,'of Oshama, mas bore with Mme. E. cîty - M MÈs. W. Harris and family are mith IWoodhamnfriuuds for a week. LÂ-. Rt~sud mife erent Suuday I ek wt frlu»ds at. Raglan. àCvýL flrgI .of-ChýntÃ"ài, and Mnr. Amr n,15ronvoW-wereiast, i0 Walter Riehardsou,'t>fNew mlbh his parents hers- for, a forts lire.'Chas.' Palaixer, tf Sagi s,ediug a: femdays mith Mrsi. E -Wm. Seldon, of Detroit, aud don, of' Whitby, mere here callii frlends. Mrs. J. -R.- Winter and famil wth father ud other friends iu lasI met>k.- - -lins. lVeDougaUl, of, Toronto gunest cf Wm., Bunker sud fam i Miss Long, Of Toronto, is he hon grand-molher, Mrs.'-eo. L -;a short vaca tion. -1 1Another coesemenl cf R ob Ier1g gbeep importation cameC station lait Tbureday. eiaIellly, teacher of No. bas' abicycle, and lu Il - - from ber duties d ! o .uuwews Uor 5ted au organi- camfpaigu lu effleeuri mre J- J. Rarei; lit >und vite, O. doeS, Rer. Wi. P. The. S. ;Bowdn ; ma& nootutiuve, 11 t- ul titis thseintlet- U lie folowiug : Put. York,' le xigbt. inair, le lemmer. 1 C. $el- [g upon [V worel W fhte. Solo5 DY v r.Gee Mr. D. Rennte-Misg- Vit Mlies L.'Pa[mAr, Mr. :Honi Ed: Evrùnaý. :'Ritatl ont; b and a duet by Holuday-, 1 mnention must bu made Palinir,.Mlck, 1Mr. 1HYMi littie girl fnnyeas, * 'tolos v#fry bésùtlfully. wonderfalvoice for a ehi witi Careand training.bç -iav.. -In ail the social wa succese, U4dthose Who *4 missed a trust. Proçeeds Seanto fores.-. 4cArese, pur lb. tacs;prlb, vertime'lu -The- te if youwant ev rhe.ad vert80nO >ort Pmr $1tn 0 0 0 60 o, àÃ" "090 CARPENTEP. ýL0 60 "0 75 7 00 gs9oQ v.WuuS1I ,p 0 0)7 "008 Uif L Lzm»SJFOI% sh. "005 * "0.08 DOOUS,. SASHES, BLINDS. 01 0.,6 *615' 7 25 55 oenr 2100tIr=&U ont lumpe bilh. *~ ~ ~ ~~~wt J iodr bt ~zIORN i<oBLE; unda Cotystrutvii 1>0PIO>, IIS4O4te Oun t--o-Contj ut w lard, -coi REI1UÇED -TO $5. AIl lump8, nO soreenings, u~ TÃ"WN, $4,75. Scran tén H ard Coal, Nuit ana stoye, up town, $4.76. '-Nut and> stovo, delivered, $Ã".00. A smal-l quantity of soft coal screenings, per ton at yard. Lppear. in Ri fréeno 'Dl ler-Ja. fi )Lrch24;Xa 27 Juy ,; ele . [ Ov.2 tAxmzaow«-Gi mP. B ruc, ear tôclrk [rch 23 ; ay 26; Sep. 21 ; NOV. 23. iJpTxsGiaol'-ThomU P. Hart. Uptererove lerk-MarcbÃŽ 22 Mayý 25; Sep. 20; Nov. 22 By order, J. e FAREWELL, (Jierk of the PPeac e Bright, Hard, Fresh Mined, Clean. Prompt and careful delivery. No Siate, no Clinkers, Prices Low, Let us supply yoli with your win- ter's coal. Il Hu Downe .& Cou the 8 Da y. Moess Our .W.BROWNE - Corneor ,Store, Whitby.. îxpi ration« of Lbase.iý Odl 0 S, I beg te uotify my.mauy friendesud customers Ibat I have rexuved toa the ýýoîmodfous store knowu as tht> Glasgow House, diructly oppositexmy old stand- -Couches, well upholstgmed, -fringe ail rond, regiilar pnie $7, sale pne$5. Solid-oak bed-room suites, glass 18x36, bevel plate, regular price $24j al Fine lino bed-room suites, regular $15, sale price $12. . - Cobbler rockers,: regul1ar pnie 82.75, sale price 81.90.1 Our Si wmndom shade, heavy -lace, mouuted on Harîshoru roller, sale price 60e., Market Building. m sie, after mbich me fuel sure you miii place your order mith us. '1 runug o itve te pieeureot-aeali an er eybuy Co.1 $3.50 s. GROSS- &GRANGERY Wh tbyl roll ôFFION ANI) WOBK5. Bli00K SM.. OSHAWA MARKET.' Cern Ensilagli.......... Wheat, Fali, bushel.... e,«) O 78 Sheepakins............. Whqat, Spring -bushel ..... 0o o'o0" oWool .................. What Gos, use O0 8(y70Rides ................ l3uckwheat, bushol,.......O 0j> - O 40 Beef .................. lfarley, No. 1, bushel... 0o00,, 40 Pork . ............. Barie. No.'2, 'e.. o o 0 32 Bttr per lb..... J IlareyNo.8, - ~ <>"2Egs per doz::. *:...... Oults, bushel ....... ......O -O A25'Pttospr bush . Murroi-fat Puas .......0-0- O 70 Lrd pur lb.. .. Blue-Peas ................00...6..hees............ M myPeas .......... 00 O 070EY pr ton....... Clav#er Seed, Red........ 2 W, 8 00 Soft Wood'..... Alitke.......... ....4 00, & 60 > pplierbarrul. l4ve.............. oe-iv ~Dried applus purlb. ........... 1 -j00 Chiceos.I ayIl, pw-..........Ir, Cq6 00 Ducs...... - .êSAbO em.............. Fle, ô -roi per-emwt . - GrrahsmFlour, cml...... Ob, 8 0<>- Rollod Wheat, cml*........83 00 -4 00> Butter, lb..-00 6 Lard, lb., ruee.... 0 0.- 0 mm- Lard, leaf--------------.....O.o0 t)10 ggdozon .......... .9 0 '0il 13 a y Ua.............. I-00Q pétatos.bushel -nom- 0 td 0 56> T.n. n I< Oshama UXBRIDGE MARKETS. Fali -Whual, iwhite.$i.8060 b 'is the> Fai Wheat, ru.-.... 0- iy for a Sprig Whoaî ...........0 60. ru -with Bulganian ...........0 70' eug, for 'ht0yeWha . ~ àert Mil- Oîs.. ...............O025 4 te bi PC................ 4 - 4 ess -ute *. .......... >o ýound by Fiour,er bbl ... ...... Lagts. -Sait. per-bbl .... 1 3U lu very Bnckmb t.......... 0 40,: 1 te0o.0-LveHoa .............. 50W stiatica. Dreseed ioe .... . ... 0 )un)bar's Aisi ... ...........8 0 wyfor Tuôh s -----1ou Red lbJkver ---- ..2 10 while Pttenm uh 00 L~oa, jORTPERR'I MÂRKI 1bis Fali Wh.a..--------- Wa ifsSpring Wheab. .... his- 6bi ,0GiioseWbeat. Q 050 009 0 06à 500 5 &) 0 14 9.5 0 12 500 400 250 0 08 0 Col :1 îoe-Sndiy>. v.0>3p m..exoept sd5 25 P. ù,. (exCtp>G~a 0 671 Trains go Eastat8.04LR- É. <ex fl y) 9.54 a- m., 3.03 P. m.[<excePt -0 6 .- 517 p. m..(exoept Sunday)w sud. X 0 70 and 6.3o P. - -Trins gNorýth ata 5a -m .060 Eoatsfot r e .,7 00 Pe y, etPort 'VIMtbY, gi R n if been purchsseed rcEm--wliCICthe aid ic ire. 9desiring tIo ecr ah , îelenhone tR- il 050 100 o014 000 7 00 6 00 0 50 O 10 000 600 450 800 2560 -WHITBY. ONT.j TURNI? SEED~ There are two methods of cultivîting turniF seed for th e trade. Commosa. cheap, seed îs obtained b>'allow ing turnips to stand. as the>' gre, ove minter, and c<llecting sed, when ripe.. Som~ of sucb seed wouid be good, -but much eofiît front rougixil-oudturuips, would flot b4 le bave a fu stock of tthe best straius of de top iweed grcwn Ibm selected' au4 planttd bulbs. - st bought, J60 bus: of choice Wii the north--Spetlal Ptces 1o' partie4 ing io bag lois.-- ioice Ainerican Seed Cern tlu i stocIci M1., 12.1 o. 411. NeUw batt for b arbon- PERRI- .~E.J'-JOHNSON,. Offce hours il s.m. to 2 p.=. Privat, tels.En' JeIJOHNSON, phoue comunicaion. ~EU U  R G.UNG SMITH, LL. B., Bsà- WHT,--- ONT. rseecetc. Mouey tblau.Isie et arriage Liceuses. Ofc-mI' lo unt to the market, Whftby,. p FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS D 0W &MoGILLIVRAY, Banr- ~ I D rwic e ra 'RSoicleneiuOhancerr, . Of. -________ &uunN 'Si2w ioc. rS B.,Whltby, soùth of-.Ontarlo Bauk. - N N D AVID ORM1STON, BA.kttor. ro y-a, . Boffic-uthofice banoery, o Poya fce&. nc-wI heBofce Socu trftet Wbltby. W, H,, WARNER9, COAL, L UN*9ER, LATH, SFIJNG LES, CORDWOOD, SLAB. . -. Agent-I -e .Eie. B -- thi DIJEDÂS wzTREr, WMTBY. -WU,. CALVERLEY.. 00 Western8Ba C«Pital Paid Surplus, - WHIITBY .A( luieruollo h aest Afbtgeu 5108ats, Not notce ovidravl -.q-rs l lot O! itemnante 1» Wall Piper. WlU1 at and beow Coit. 1b. tore Closed. 1 of window l'

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