Ontario County Gazette, 23 Aug 1898, p. 3

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lu tot bc pi&ifr uow d 1do bI fof ,freinthà in of he "Youie mr haty long ighted wIth- aide tto a, 1 6týh whch a3 t v" bi1t,'l o ot t yôut pets,'; said Mre -Aleshinejie y jjtomd 5<IIn lo u.but what you're ne puz2l1hg over the shape of the. dark ed tbè hojbn weuidI Sb o .d t Ju4ie ptànese! t Spot wbh was how nearly ail the. tricks a mk 4 usdoth but~ ~~ 1e beisert tinlo in sight. Ils péculiar forxu had 1 h"~ waite t giv a1y "sY.bowge4t TPuetur rgth., and il- the f illed ,iiie withi adreadfùl f1sr that it tliat ihglit b. eurd d hl 1- a14 - «*@Mn r w-uâthe stea*1ler, bottom upwards, al- ig s80,Iad di-q1i" e 3i e ilukt 5!e4ven"l r7:eaeol t thoultb 1 knew enouzh about u&utical ufdertdwerb*p,,,At In bre flâ attèr* ta have lno gond, rsason to sup- etitranci t a m dis -Afer Ye ar f&rI in th wtéri'pose Uhat this _eoul1 be tii cPIC. I tille liu be4gaddpant.Wb- :1»ý,0V Q' h 1 >vlaetc 0 otfar-egt4 but'be Mrs. big tCMàrlinptth1àýh slt>hgu h ut th ty,. whieh Leke **ggested bsbets, gaed at the fete. &UttÙssbeé 4 èi 'al ~~ istt abject witJi totally différenit pdlda-r* > ýb1tceý7 a 1thuej twould be. ideaÈ, and »ou begln ta ell1eve that th uàkï--g okypse o u od For t it as hot aship, êther right ide up ae mui ay t-tse hri i lt~~0g side up, but that it *migt o.I a way nt wo+ ita Utb a jil*And. Tis ble Iolil' T fflb.m'ag = 'Ibough if it was, I suppsa we couI& erg iIii h desire tc get na nue o 10to-It itt ii'. j ta i1rs.1v Loe itn rega-dte, t. ore fitach otin i ir ot>a ebnthat Mrs. Leckp, Who, although she could , o aue s I stand boe," exclaimied de<l tbv the. Item, Girernné,t. tord gardlesa ci their c~ii~i which is ont. ,", bot read wit-hôut spectaces, ad re- MRrs. Lecks, who never smsd te-for- MXiito 'iIlci *~ iiIIWfTN «Thieres o ne th t would havbeen mirkaltygbod sicrht nt long rangs, get her upritht position, . "smeboi><y dutie;-î itedsad atqMof bol- Ofaahiont slec bt 1~lIgb o tl ~g~~& ~ pntp - hava any apparent, mul' ih"wü1 !héI]uniler tii abrithe Geuu osultte5 atraid of," sad rs.lîrcIks, "if v Cuihis treeg and bushes tbat Isee 1lives fn thIi Iigasta 1 f*h a p#e~ bawi llt J pdte~ reparatloas?"-~~~ýoý J xlife, 'hr' ni~n ne hù;yusn' ~siot. ay cral islandi in ba stà hln' hav a istawyaby hadp't malidê preparatl ils for it,,and'befOre nMe. thOug tbey. do soein7to be --And it isnt a%ýi! uttyp~vne.l ngi p' ~ ~ ASSUti thrhrougha -l a.any reguiar, arrangmia tfintr.ardtakeppln rebtr a tiii~s' siark7 * ri's ri oln of theibWatér." nlie, Are lie, "for th.rthîiî atiirt oa ae oe nt r -rprins' Jeç;rhd"0WsW8, môb as n I evër saw.' Itri hbant bailievha for t minute lubtht bil iaat sgnene t,.Jk' weakg vineo in thfà s wô (i' <14yeui prepara o eË4esr o-a! Icid Anid Whoaever *does live bare," resumsd -popular Ikan, txil la stîre tt aibi rhapilar looking t6w]il'could hben p v<esl auniit>beuiu t- Alsc ýbs scabgc ph rl~~~s r' î's'ik vrs uh etr hi aMsnek,"hsggotk us nu. the genarai kood-wi11 ýwhioh nUl writes a correspondent. And yat it tacts. lwr o sadtale aboute that," inaid tthe' A wiîrn. -ewsdo%%u ite aur omi mnot en sure aotsot ri oner Ne get cover there, the betterý'1 Canadianafeel toi' he ari of Abe4is iotlin te iest ha.ppy. Ne, plaace ital pvti ontndcrad hud tn ~e-dy ô a a 'a tlie o~t Mrs M hite. "1rn sedta he hip rM . £Al.esb na now regrtted the os aden. ý Spaiti bas stiffrsd , more tram ti tram,ý wiiich Tart the untr ea vra ti rn h t*l we b oth J» le< & t ' IVS ,ndus- !o3 a didn ' sink Pd pr ef r ohr or, andsuggested that s e o ne IO T a ayv l e u e t a d is d ana& d a .îha latre ja a its n e g h n dan d o lv _y tL h à i b ak s , e lr i t ea lb re d , 4 . T h e re 's p e nl ' b oa rdea tl' f uh arWh o- ' ub a il oS et uth in d ryrla ti b fo re pepl, Fdfbieuc 'I thy ae L~ht0 , 'nmore - b en i>s ê on, which shoud o ac ate i. utTira L d t t ghe C ute rago f loW y'Fouthowthe coi try das t be l y D r w ti a e ay r p ry w . * c dn ta a e t aap a ad tna ia n b. 'sar tbsy'lill .) 1hmýi Mr hn a éexpecLud on a swould listen'ta no a u.cbproposition. 15 sure t drappttergadÙWyUtotecutr rii &at it ev i astiick as lightni'; and l c it~ nsy plc ie ti ha f "Let thes anra go," abe sali "Vileentertained toi' hein. rhiy wl ob dt sali it rtatn imisary, aickesa or tee mucii. nas sdspe . efoc ,t kla'5 R5the nearss a ýi U.Iltten -b hP m tsikalwon't want loin a.gein, for l'Il neyer handianmelt couple ever accflpytnf deati. T4 aumbrs wie.h people e l Do't- use decldedpten o p eôE ome t.-You nes, 1 thongit as likei oet a sudclnhe & ill' ndal" leave this place 1.ihf. t aea RdauHll adful cpal atnau-,meivept u prtfr ua ar oît y î enhvadn.s aig sot w'd have som2 sort ta i end, "oyo ,upnc -ai l oeir d cf uttf earitnl4es. bfori.,wo- got -tirqugh." , II oher 1 t va tt skd M s tOt culd taining the social Prestige of thait tram f1120 up te infinity. M ayte- sd lcrcvrna 1tsud lcooval emtkdLeks tIî o tbhhoutîng sud teru, suelIW celong Îfrs. À1.sbiae, "'and Iju very à-lad'you This que. tion 1 hrid aireaci! nsknid pieca af ws ig oi1n lh'hmwl rl ad i vnahv ee u r oitua ion-a u a wn ormt. thow it. of i , M ts. Tecks. AÂfter ,t'hist f- I . 1 b d b e oi h tt ein ek o tably cîane tbree ighîy secomplished ratura 1 a linahp a. itrtà lam îîroonna, o .l a d0i.e, n t shl -tzýî ueBaksoli' ai tld to wi hhf icptold that e - Le tackta hlad oeydaugbtars, snd t-tva - salis, arnidat sjon arandaours.rnria.d. Ifng sbrls~~~rns iskisoctl'sialdtowhn fbecaitloinen- toin aotuii t exceptieually, itfr5iif atter ai. f>anisrdis have bowels vy Dont hav any -laryurha"rkq." kbisu.boats lq y about thirty -miles coinia r it1c fdece -a th rortwbr w h- te -,OIY.Lord Minto comeaof ane Of miiei the saine as ather people. Ti l nie, -daskwtlo." s *r- niÊo Ntcorneknew very weili I at ecmpaniQ hi erangement aorn o ..9udi eloie eiel.. -t niet oethry e, andarktrotisrs hf-aloer.s tSt kiiwn famnilles lu Slotiand,- have Wea"olig fraim bad ta wora, a d , rooma inalu y uyhwrdmka TewlaiI.nwas in i<~r~- 'ao t eevmra-ethtteeh"m -. a a fine rebord ln mnilitary and now-wel; the warst in, not as long "Aio tsi i1ag I'ui dthank1ful fr," mes h ad h ee to 'rds-a î ,ho ioxrh ax a a w cn aytthe ta art- Iyong wle il a 17 ôpd beyoud.greater vet of l'le progress -e bad bournes Donet H.5maa n chaiiuo eyrsa «tii' 9ortb. a andadesenanrt aiGlîbertI On laud. menantirne, alineet the aily whiejn are not - mid Mrs. Aleshine, '"la that 1 tbou,.ht Iwy nt at4l praýable lb- t the po- The wa ra-mnsn i--- ~~ . ~ ~ .tiryhsad5mt ta put ou a tiaupsi skestt." sit lon -af this içiland was unknowu ta that it -Wjr Whouseatiadosr *"- sgn ot lleaadetdistant. I dan'tf+ *Àad- what's te good aof t," s aid aur captalu': nnd it inusjt, therefore, 'beuaath -,wâs creahed J;arfMitO ila 1797. ef ganKa .t inen tu contruet or ptýih - l1ra. Leckg. "when tt's- sappi' wef- il have ibeen consLidt fi s nu-fsh oeii i aelaý1 t of liatU or ertnseda tcpnu TEDN olus ht asdh - -"?nnue's tienne,"'- repflied ber - imitale place for tlie landing of bis min bot -inL-i5d' fiin "bteri'antdy. p¶ef r. -~ho auccssed lta tbe tille lu 180. i.cls od ic~rpa ub le Thare la a -& a t arnusu eKmei a ecwhthri'sme ïdr'*,arnd 'a4en sThere mgbt be nnaov rea- in the rair 1 e i iaw.a1m-uwnfr.lPerhroselie 'if-' a4 t e-Vbheumal-isin&,a xnucb sans for this insutiablene. s; the is- s-aînd y hotfom seem dto ep&rkle L inte Ho is very weaitby, owning au estate gardon, néwml trse ublo . t s green astleai"rb'- an 1bave, 'you'4.know if-'," - nd tizbt be lutiy harren and de- sunilight. -errn ertofa of 16,000 acres, wbich includas tic d*- I cQu soes thea nase of oue vary large more' beautiful andlm rIgta iuh i idblhrsn îfiand ssked me ow sooi,1thougit pe Lat natives; and, mure imnpor- ~accur.t of thief ishSs"sidTta.Laa niln obar"id.na edlrbnwguwape uswdlngcai ate tao dlt hiabua u idntre.ied-tatasm fan on! I sil~thhn -cnytling else.- it was. laaln xet hr -sja a uu u'Sd property in Fifeshire. 1~ esad I think tiare la anotier. ý I Wili wssii beautitlywt rtay~aduhe ylsmos w. wujid gel sight of theiip. orIf 111; nl! Iexni temsp usots gunot-lapssaimpr tance in aiztheud lia e isfg to srogma otturW l uiam wa vserû gqàig the swroug way, utd a probabilta ptwbere steamers gev- side, tbouglh wS couldn't see 'em, But The new GovernorGeneral i la pssofiletaceliene ae ie andly tcre n ta tu ulsround and go bnci. t. ývould- or touchd. i must say tint Ibis, water looks s If years .oid. lu, atbietie and distin- is wby al lztits cernent sud atone lan.aôap. or vry hilw tra& raig tn i iiso epc u -cortaLa y Fe ver -pro oking. But, w-bat euen its disadvaiitages, 1 if- had Ieen builed and filtened.' guisîed in bis hearing. sud ane of tbe being lavisied on thir defenca. The la cold salt andwaenerlowgynasbro.Mtir-uiW sh uf hpebe n h ppy indeed tei us'ost widly desirus ta reach it*. M ot courbons and app ro c ab è c W o ew a , tthtue a u ro u e "aarticle t t a nd l n u i a i r u c o lt ir r ~~\toen He ques lau.te Evar 'time anat ine cumîaionns llui no.îaiat e lieahi&, to givn a sal sfactaryanswr - More se. I helieve, Iban sîther of "i en ewa dya ch-Er adin ph ostin and tiare'raush bs, 200 gùas jr0.se uprin asslI threw s rapid wers noa sensiuýýlv o ut ei.daner, and îESTRUL. Cambridge, and ftok bis degree at tus and oid-faubioned for the os Pa pirt, ute-o twa. -edadr'udaso« asaI lu iun's annund te winle ircle nf the delrus ft e f reed ta f u bylatter lc.D rn i aige dy n i ol-iations. tiongh ma ni- T "hs -nen*bu" om hm bfrl ex rece ie u bra ag Sizr 20an amst lasi-, 'ot à quarter iwmere watuien -.%ho bcd probabiy had alewn nfraheisrnland 51icUnl1 ta look et. are almoaf- as Q sa~- t a nugly hrai~',mrlb i s ou araeai u ir -a ,iinatter Tira. lecki; questio, ru -t~eo f urn get Flerce, Figbts With LeyvIstlmane U 5wutl o theiaa-rig ets as tbe lunettes aI Umile Tai ya 1 wag raji med, teas.4,al mont lu f-be of their 1I ives, and on emergi ng f rom - De.-te ldispoess l wn.Scul-- Corporal. Triîu. Acrs lhe bây.in W- ot aI Starc.Ts'ilas ieg ln ib avr mi.'e dretlan ila which 1 a>.nîw sed it ougbt theilu f-le circe of ruralejenctc asa tn m a hribe ptdaa. in ud rnnn b inig uno- evrnaaepin t ata C la ua d dhst os in a rik ahd. eenawomriotse w iu to bic,thie niani spot kbn h I i1 ad be- es nvceptedsdwL-h ei'uaimity. nd, et adarnd ve lcd n uataueltslv froloaloanvefietnt tenierie'aforeroeno nldecîl he udprnaSte u hoaat !os i~ovrs. aan-e ~negld;ns~tas a mutter of course,. te rongb ' rSuly, tins farnous N potsrts sf-lit cantinues ta the exteu- ýf* Al hon th - a w s, and as twe ros e ag' lu m y c nn î inops w l b a e ta4ap u the gr a t sad M r.ut w bici of % hic ,-p p spk ,w ih pr de. - f.a w ly u h e i,. n i g t j.1.i r m e u b a --taos raifted Ibeir sye lu the di- 1eutqîde -wrld. diver. f-oa arepressutative ai Chuma, bicycle nudîng, an iamueine Thp of wir7asi te eas ie t a lewhich 1 poiuf-ad . Tbsy b ht "I do (10 utbei1jai'," 1 s. d, in àKnswen mu t bave b en i-bat of e e ai w-em hie Countes o i hs otihu iemaîinio a. thougi lis b etl- lith- arm ent ui n j s a p e a g e , n i u a d a paug i sud Lng againat Ameia udEgadtO.t nsd onemydesonsîanhl"apesihr ud' en i , a d ore g reait-y sahif led. f-o -.Ntra. Lecku" lb- f thau.i la the isuand, 1 once bsard, w-ha ibail f-o investigate veny , attea. la. ef course. intense.- t ave ne cou ô --Now.-theni," msil .r. AIesýiine, *"it ta wbi-'h the .capiain waiid -bave baken bd cîrid tr ba- U S MT IA Y E PERIENCE îe ns aes: listh ren luanytiteIe e l o hr ege r e- i jv a s f aseat vit or, CiLli.er 'abebeel w o ffh . atch s the . L o pr - n ce.b s u d am s seen bard C ait e a dl r r ed h . t nn - on g da h t am 1 ta 2 - e la u b nd s o ie La y u a i If yeu.waut tho mire yoursalf oî ef- --"That'sAtrue," sais irs. ilesine,, oaesfeaedupad a ~~rush service ila alcampaigna. Un:nsul hie reat. sfiudlYine Einghyr.- lw.ut1aie raudIa irors y-ti go t 1lirne. arb'ry y "bfa"-tfi'IdlVil a av guunl ie rr oivnahavaegea diiculy u înnn U cltnsar apnehl spitdhe s eu mlhrrilal wtlb. aai Mr~ eek, "'a'd et-ergo lly eetthn sx ull',.an ifwedn'tI a scbuoi - of hungry banks atacked. fiisiing bis ed.catioa, hae jeined t s shelten.ý Ad ah hitanif he careiess useofalnuakaiet- Aayprsve dsrt ta haf wa. Nu' 'sbf- i iîse le f iid alyf-ia' to eaut annd aoy Place tao-:thpun. 'rhev vere ail nhouud. f-be diver, tbe ýcots, Guarda uW7 a ul 'gtL ei ias Meusa an aaap on taîe.aoî i iteswî epc efxiymle - îvv à M - can M Lister, wbh ad asicco t nfgý asom lsed i au 'b sb u ' bael l-t thaf- w-%e -t0J op r >awi l afogef-ber ansipset)ep-hn Nveg;,et thori, jus na more, fi-htinL an drvi beenewa eve he yasinta bd.hade siet bve si eh l'i a et, for l'un surs we f-an car u bc ai'd of where -.e are 0no lu unrit rern'an lest bis air-pipe Ths was bis preliminnirY trininfg hie slagiban. Eves n-heu hie big- calriuci- rklem y t o nsi; ta w e -u i med f t etpupm arng-." 'ou're tua n)atnliculan-, BIa rhr Aie - i gnre 'Eut 1" 1 cried. "ý1liat are you goý ablue" said Mr. -Le'ks, "about. yarjhudb u-0 atol fb ndf o og sd hnrbe ii etgIbsinSetagldi auteXynuigleatilsl l u akisam o >ug f-o .eutifDa yoin'expe r-t tôcaf-ch cuntorta. If you finit ube ground toi). tfthi fe-rfule: siruggis tuat %,as go- tary career. lHs follow'edthie Carlist banse's iluade aud tinsw hlm avenis a f ell&tub otfae L- ecpu a e i aml.adhe111 M-.head thie people did nef- applaud1 1'ai ofiunarmixetrogIlbib.tleseloant r' - - -î ~~~bard f-o sire;> an lien 'y-un gef- tbere ing an, Ai- len th, unabie to bean the -army la Navare and Bscay nu hie usual. Tiey could ual cheer aven s ay of hie lv'ysae tlleo icse hfb ebr iI 'And eos 'sun- ranwi0satld MineLeaka. -y-uncan uto 'yu ite-r" ' uspese anndlunger, be signalîrd bo nortin of Spabn in 1874 as a cornaPoud- fonr-foeted btcKuuley. vat édsetfgoc o i le 0'l sh~ iý,id f-bniunt.-l-doau .ub- go ta bed in the w înyw11nqie uyoniavli'l wiiyouwr br.T ne, rr. Cuîig f-at M'rs. 1in nd Vr lgof' 1 'iMrs. Alestutne;' be drauvu Up. ihutw't hstand'ing f-bat bho ant for a Londou uewspapr u n i uýan ul g o ffhi n a ndi "uun if th o se 81 re c a r ,i'o n l i-c 1.r i a m ni u i louve ~ " nba ifiipý inu1nuîfs a 'd -1na b ov p, 'a te fh;k 1877 'vas sent f-c Iurksy by tein u- HEIGHT OF SOLDIERS. ar -A u ahe po ê cdu îe b s cre t o rm ,M'gen e depagomeuf-aa.iau1assiatanShi-r- andehie "an'two-ld'raveo > pu os11 ildte mii-baitinikin";nhii i est h lbè As-Ive eadty ,s and if tiry'rs of tefee iec eatnn sa sitn hý r ah "vayf 4 aliLge'herb e n iua bunch i s titiof rufpini-s as saine eca a fc h-e surf icie unnier CDlonel Lenuox, detaied - Averageitatue f Ia5t c.uutieI5iDf 1i<S hai ari boum ir in-i îa An yw, lien 'ry Aleahine. if' a hi-ni by me, Mrs. I.u's. 0 i-le Ruak Io neTuks nûy ule s- ,a mr uifh-l 'ihaIn ycu 1- y- voui 'andînfboe on ftha 'l canur 1 my conîluanions f-ofoilow virons grn1 -' uanlon kish cainfaigo- lie 'was preseut As ties iis of modemn armies la iu- wsinut bas bes .tt .kp ue .1 rf1ýnmrn(ýn vriu t tte itto mg. it, rý.iliflli-beanbombaaid uteni ot thikopularsreby-ofreasedl f-bec avamahe evereggitig ai tîgit-t - aiakepiaq tablaunas liccr oýi t ets '.' Lod Mintfcame a Canad lua18i AllIotiSin lis avoaga b.gbt a sol-1 - todesaeu4 l.t oa i) u- u a anti tpon f-bai f-luje body of f-be maddened sea tiLen-h vraeïegt.o o- 'Nav uIe' g fn~' n aoswib- jag d ne-. A u-f u eceved, ai -11Iet bai contnivsd ta make asîg- thewns liGar-G uei35lf few as ens cuad r nL h e asnad~ iIsl u I.saa d w~ tbap oau hi ou 4. if you dorlnir 'Om )tetgive, no gremi- disti i--e betona u.3, a spot nal, and just as bis sensea were- leav- e ryleli aseLer a s'eee uiguelat~pr n s i ie oeb i oeog ousi honhi lv Lîarowecr teGvro-- fwyascnieal ntoe on nsrPl y(al 1.ýSJFpSy, SýL wher ther sz,-rnrertu e 4o enve' aa t ig i a - i-Vn - m u u oea r s ; n n d w b s n - w n c r a c i e d i r - n s f a n n d , h i e b 4 ', i a S~ ~ g e d o t oe t h i e w s t e r çt y. wub a t emn r s i a h o o f 3 0 0 Ci t -icpo n e f a l l c o .,ni n ra . o h - "l'un vstv 9iuu b tîrabul -tua bue. ni s - t, ou tn up u-fercîu!é eîi-glit, tint haro M ia an' ma r an lled out in a blo d- ap aîîy w as lie or . ri e i n E18 0 in i hol p eae e l coniatin sc pe v ils -r a î t U e ( e s t a p n -i i ail sl akod," mid Tira. wascmotifi waiei fIa'i- raugin a stainsd iscap, but'lie ma"il n n mdý1 8M. w-heuthie rebslîion broke ont sud no great standing army ns maiîn- w-i suused ainybtvy rale-b rsnro»i nl.S t~~~ r nid I p n r - ish N a t -w e st un d e r R iel, L o rd ta in e d th e sta tu re o fs n ew so e l a t e s l n u i n . A t e g v e y i t a ' r p lgra - U 'l'O ý% hich ber friend rt litat b to sý\ý'wt ain ,nu t e c n T e cks cuereul '-"bn ecm to hs en sai pr o s sn r.nindt ).Benan nt acacompaaisd General Middieton'5 gradually Lnci-asinlg. This ila how-n one w-hasets seepclst e ea utr u is uamdr nemunel h bosso. -aadfathuiti h wers pi IeuL up quiÏte-h-ii, anâ the reef, hum faîni titt a tairnansd wiennded i1 lisliebcd recoiv- theMi ad ieshvciuteers la lis scene ai eouspicuausly inthie case aif8w ed, ns. tverymn neu 4 temrai.wtciuti pn %nun vif-h 3sam gas pr-!iat tibis poni- mît1teasi, i e oas a uae lebut hie etnnag offeuiu t a0n-eja s'i-ha n'ta tp.for as w-e neanncd ilie openinc vue fund jd t-n la ibs aisfnl saoointer, h u-ta ule<sniye ciIwin h vrg sgla aéw- o- ftal accidausbv olwed l h elae rw .Srnl ~o'tTssi hl, manyemîuty unas I lmoak hiaatt nanus-' sens n of aejsmrkia n.a staff and taak part la. thie bgrd- diens beluwecu 1840, and 1854W6waea e osmtlu-lo -ieit 1intii the sh çmi p itry-. ' ii-I stiiff- at a i-o ehie eisoflai rm i-- ilbig ieLr cul&lue ts lces 62 iluau151 u f'-a Ee -inîme ae hi -oi-Phet!iai- nk e - a d- here %uase so mne c msuint afL rd ntjs a ti e e w e n 18 9 n 1 70 68goon.é E e w e .or :ago.PRICE OF DISOBEDIENCE. aervice> but ho bas takan a ienrty lu- 1970 sud 1680 and 69 batweoui1 1-0 -snd amanesa upstinbe.e fpe nalaa u-uidvdu I ieý1he:eqte ibeIn'ohliseuht i- ull bave,* laued los'tme 'on' Mme. tecks. an-I Mrg. Oa5 pnbsre r aS~- a imlu 18 0.eprponarearle3edse los u g - omet l' ofa il f le npre (l(ia if- Andi Aleshinue, s-.o, hast ver, ura hecame 87 ceenttIs ea Uich4 i binpomna pr ueral- rnoii srandf'ti 7trcu j ya aeavay gee.l m-adrasa. aeyan i u rcel, Le ki." absciaahia(l ued top ri-naienximîyofe trbi acroning t-af-e 11eolies.îine f-beBonder Mouuted Bifle andtsudnS daide eiUniag 1840, 35 1 r cent Iainteextdsdaecadrdpsntswhimidavb 1 Lar b her , as hasckt"rso- fstppoi!v tihancs.tropn bsa In oe.s of bis campaigas. Fnederick weutisScthsiBrdr riae as-uin dcdebegaiii ln6iau 8 3p3 vcaieîtaapail, u i frs t oranbuu l dlf-d a - "fb - n n-mn askeb~mas dry ast-fut iiniemcnf-s. f-1e3' inxna'd ta whet athunlt r'in i omdle euf-an Borer Berdg -s rca l i ade be-- g 860ind lplace s aabtheba ie ic uee iy pc e bas . Iim m i ty- g ad'o f 1, for;n pddle fer nNih tinir :n ne: and t rvn i i-berhsL rsbPw sW etin te dcd e inig i e s Lad t fr 'abs a eaougli gsi-un' Ii jt thymee.unni saished as 1'as 'mueeabuntatram lieing betrayed teappoiabed brigadiert ganerai. This bni- 1880 t 30 per 'cent aI preseat- The'vnegri'.sd iai uapraanvs ss nlgadsre totaMY pociet, and gailin Il oit, ten eni, Jus iaîisnu'cir îthue subîliht.f-be«enemy. ondersd ail ligits ta ha ex- gaide boldamanoeuvres avery- second ubn !cn eiî ownjced on sladrn icml.cnuemti eutC y-nScpu tb1 t- w nds1rlheç arssteyeIr aI M1inhe, sud ia w-onUn uflir ccanut ai isightit lesloua very- ysan, Brng lie vingrt -bîigplIn <Flef- n' ' thugwif-b eur.bandsansd narrciv pWi'iuuve a zieai iituiaitabout lent ouei a a crasi aorluTelpÎbaiinliag itioillin wteaken - inSxqalad angar, sud ana cuptUnly as cti ohobuldersabnh-ve f-s a rnu- u 'd icbhf-oforn iûches abiave the wals penalty-ofaid'sobsdieupa w-aas le adeati. la rs. AhtitheIi. miniMUM iaigh limtBn nd t li,ýeEar iIi a a4ldbigîeycmllntt svemny- g0d Meai f romf-bs sanugea A hf-île firLbsn on, and-lin-orci'tires The king, occaslonallyp t lnul ard Miatolu Dt a 5mililnry- man. tho Freuci urmy is boeuen lajdiy de- r-Bt - anif-arsn t n tb r i o a t e c t I1ý p m l t ro g û y e ad stock ra ýis nt H ae s __in____ _____hlle nutheul w-ai but - Nyerusene- vveg ýhl illu quaes *aibsu oif-l ait , si4 \r.-L tfetene ro uen-mie r ana tirIan bn iecap a' ni - scertala w-ietb ony-t e lisn ap-Ine -tlueesd.- -pickles, 0ori ltte -t --s io ua am en hrs. ec- t, xended tramu n te rocky a tlt bm e is arder te. at e affaireansudesitec-laily In agri- - _______usé____ nnd musage,, 'dont y uu'lay ta. kn1V5 - mimed the iwen bar, adound ne O cason'o!tearegs u prer fte a- aw wbo euv~doe1W liifM enlsd af t insiened by- mea ese us a i agicuif-url socetis, ad has, cn- -Tiare oeust .age s ra ta lt a ak eowawliei yo've one4ith t asift a ofa hue alddi bersBoom ta e a-redtdnawof peluv g ' a a n es; for 'if -70 do it'l1 m p d ec re t stapie driv an n l- sian If -t u e z valuab îs prif l ow a rdO e rt goide milasite Ipe un l t le e ,u& a ieas net, aboutl î .miles.. levastate rock..'liho ai1 uasscurely- lther.nditions of-u w- the a-1ray atwîc ndgormi ksa eti ai riant that the ocevvn lan pdeep as tinil wrapped la unat appearied t i tii e rgarnt - ant ' oal igil oflr tp e , a a rt s wu w -eddug.a t negr c an any o a thua i Ine a1» tre n ie borenl94 , uti wîî aîî i we you pal -Iasenie pia*eS" canvus. A a§ta âtînaugin au eye-oîe roplued n ms ihyntrv hson4wdin.A eetv Gier -a buta mu Goaus s ns Il' -excliimd l inte bar se. nsd -ti.,allier 'ande!trh of wel ablo hto maiyunpepl - ý0 hi ep&P).s"*TeeFromis a byiood day-sbus abouutfta bc United l i oy ad ibigcl ) . ou..;! tii ~4a4 aota." -"Tissa-burs w-ro ptf- liera,"' 1 ex- letter, strn-îîîlU i nm ue5~ itn i o p " e e ' s n oa a o -u e w - 1 ' & & s i d t M i .t e L a c s c i i m e d , " t a k e e p o u i . b n s - i h s - r p - e - a n a a d e n d ave r e t d f edi p k a o n a t 1 e a * - s a n r y - s a m e i s p i -- b t î t i f i t ' s u tr e c o t ar t i n ' t a t ai k a I î .g î o r 0w n t s r . Y o u s e t h e Y i b a n d a t l t c . S c f e e o & n p t h n i s e p n e > o h u e f r s i 1 qh' alîrer, wll make ap aur uinda e ul . lna n o t e t i w-r o y t - M I Aie , tal"I iio o . w-e t n u o e n Lt ta i n g o f t e rf o k . 1 yok s - i Ib su u a n d e uo l l a e f o -e l c st d wsaU e a i a i n e fs d n a 44 , " i otua, byliegatiepdoi. - e.sd ul7inud lrge Bu~t .aure.-and lbé» div14- stick e lI~~~~ ~~ ali~ Ii e lw ialiftie 'Tbey- wo't keap us ont," saLd Mir, ThL e rid anin 1 84h miepa l le ah6 t re be twen la wem n~ t htiywsen tb mô e h n u d i k l'mun ot glnn' ta e cs.4 t'for w e " en d ck under. I i ve natson u al s e t ' *ilW I8îed hesu it e groo . luh e o m n t e h takn' pirts.but1ýn vertravel i wt- suppose w over put 'em b rs did u'l ws-n o w on 1)ire w-tIi eaxpeceitauybahduldabriveeau. 'nveaspre-e in ttus race, painted b ho iab 1IuII1I pay ely for'lie carniage Gardenpï ga Y'Ltobi prouc d moe eria o#JHlaarga -ot-Nviitlflthbridai couple 'rom lb. black pepper, i su ptrn t iebodr esttin.w-tauthIrng cVgAe s i1 1A oati .o an et otns eec Lýydodà uk gnztin l.,s andwiUn ltheContesfes inéida~ntil tea 0 ch'*0dding 'bgeequart took asýp, x$, r markig Adoitinr 3tra.Leck' suggetionIwMY à5ersu ' urefenBen a'bbeilweeteand th, 6 ' fta l fe, .eru as îeein' 1Prnee uock ÏÊa, lavi 9 utýb4n olqmd r cl- diu" liraa. -Le-, atge btrand ". -otea.5p#am ýedv o enn hem zu- ta te.= sadniem .Ti di h l y.W os * r *y e I oî- 4w e 4 ta heW7 ia s iM u o f. ,fbr a. 4 ivà., bat I e» gond uck. if 1I 1,Lard ijte Married M ary 4Caroli e u giS b hi soe n l ben A dran y I 4 u e tusnWC~'~ e Ir a n t ow t au L ckswit ,buý litte t rJube.w-l1tv adad op.d mittIihoutrbaublaP- Gte ft 1M -,Ius befoe im inhave âlitov'bi$Presnt t th brie juaet. OetptttaI lu d ho hii.4 otabboeer d Y apebu Ms pd nteideS LCaad.MelaIf-.n tr i GelW*ï%e e oe ftrwritle, ittî iu. iureblu inioh hin'boue arp or jy sgi ob ier &tea- eaycar ee at wiilalie in'aiac umntspael ling Oeaa d1bIarnenùt5et tntl or bwee hak5g'mp l siaýê of wMl7eiliq opec - a. prt i lie bousI.,nd. Nolfwas old ie chiaon onentts ennonncsýtah -13 info el.incortshvue tn beriAb-tlug -ie, -"sige"ugi'isi efur fia y-u ror: ai on paýfrlethéiw&"' n be' C Olàr spoien s by1eioren bl a otrae- lide o gain Bckiaham airewhe n Cet o ofaohn Hampdenu luraedl ua de- oadan's nde orsrond ect. *W un&ho- Kupp nulgding ah cenimètre. r-1luý- Hne, psud sire.ns forv tihe ar Otl a soingley tlit' taneasily can-y one, sudt whl e redstreceothés.er geainr xaggted bnIta fpteelrf.-he saie auend n calire. d hlapli.sain a lov te.fcn ignd t ýe a fir200,00 bfas n la ba takng a#_thésalà franes alu eeunihl sba par fte iawasaut ohie lu- th heotIlest hie pnolice t'ha muta zipapeeul books an1maazies i î bhu1 foediii.allis tes l eggmetgit B. e hnee ng üt&faeent la oed t .lex E hbring itfe esignai1 doruent s-kna or leu ~opk ai e rslo a! ,einu btlen stituha by1te forprotisassora sud a y-aur any insrtnt Ils eclalwtie wUh hM- anl-b iryd.rseitic nin ten inpbi"dn.- ate ba marina fnle.ericniys- d agrl- mnry cuthural ucbeisry. iie aect a i ach erool adCtpy cience ohie needaoe wsilence itfow-Ifing maTme d istRicts o s. su ad Pua bal£along, lni Ba l coasl. abtr ou' ae af'» otý1 an etSAli, aedSwisa trawuai l a nreto as vane agand fatsufe Prts H11rom- Oupe-ln uocema boyc-t. t thelowa -anscet dlsmisa ~~~a trues uiohai~r ta i i ny-er' er detm ie thatnt giing0huma nala 1b=ds'Aaandn Toirange ina- ng put sor l 1 hi towu on.ilseblncksent tsudhaclran t ile fan ia il wl althme plie ban -.fl wIn t lin diar5acri.eeieût a pen istal siai tewutdeded a sue ine nci- t b. et nthend hanageenuptis bcasaL.Oier .1ow w ia n, ju nen in Eruhe clavn moulAré- pd-terisianaor eaav arlse deaidan o ferilin, ut oliig h dowfi aitf Wheu Dag=laiesare ilugtrubeoer - naois 4b~koubuhngohr t intanlny rei-i ur us metr.4 uost s dcistisctinU Atema±.neArmy- wies elec rum is adarwu t ain 1ecntwui * 'ote cauon of. ensanpt houer bay is gsUiy afbewnc 4 ànone y-u18agaInal ustin, whin- l a pturi eue bedctt.lie asa dram antcaletsu s-i M rou t trian reiabit' Iter- iusty erpsy a tobe vcgrwonu liaighhê , ea 'mnsiosud-e dogoe e e 'Pli l or- theoi*e. te berin her Huzonirs ba t toîi declçd ta u t.o uthmete t war snot motean ofie y t the eueaud rebt eaeà liwieablied s tl Oý'etwýeie osà chi a- baut su- - Ier i AtheTIcntonS' d wuiat b>f lu Sco iut le I teas- , Olie ya. bniI, rofssanaNsw ena vé la180lldidedg te~. - aee Tiare are M 0milsaof street ratlways isnifSt. Louis now.sud tiey carry- 100,- predtthe 000, p&snge ns per' jwar.. str ' in àe.5Wei l inWlust vingluiS. arnlO h- -idiWciarffl naIn-raI gag wti a. liey are roar fitet cal be isard sixi miles nw-sy. sl aven lIt la atated tint sas have tiow 'pnatrala- nto b-tW e tditerrnani ýt of lot.- phirougi the Suez canltram lthelied alind digh. Se&--- ni -datas The Germa* avy 1bas uty besul ln otuetexistenCe bailaeuf-uryt. lie irst ns- en O-'val di oen. laving beau lippointed in ia n".1847. * - )i mSYon . Canada's importa trra lhe United - States ncranssed $S,000,000 last y-ar ad etOf n hi ~importa tram Engisand decreased J ot nul 3h0~ a spider, ~just, bera l'enlafl bad. bise ahe#ont I t if- n m .off, ine deotlnned baist il w4 bettez tetdhu ta b. -a paon fiaherman auln 'to a-a , pouratake le govornumen.n Il la bslievad by oill esuprta liai i, %aet. Vinglis. is unuerlaid iiy a s e ofe petrplaipit. Th i utpato'4 etebasud ji ijai- il for 18Q7, ameunted te 04or t8,000.- sud bai AtI R lau $allway- sf-ai snie n' autr ald sce bçnaý are kept in w-hi 4 passangt or o ers may enter compainte.Th bock; nIled-are sauttfo the eçatiral e f'ou.t ýtors sud menti ,and ail complaintes vestigat, ca1 o ýt ri cepaumption fl <coal p e bet -c ltr population ns 10w-ast in Austria, w-bes aud iheeiesîlaGreat Bnitak .Whes eaci perseni sveraps e 1rSee- ithrbt Jtentbu tons 550)1 yesr.- I:the ~Unt*$ Shtsthe averre ,ti sa4Mdoen- soi prount fount tons, a ear. The. Greant Cetal tapep nsw- kn4'le its ew Lino toLodo4 pFé(l txta' cia Jul~'Ce

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