Ontario County Gazette, 23 Aug 1898, p. 2

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The distances f- ,l. L£t water î l - ë..t sad the wter î*ý naaS aà1TesnV »ut Ç Owe iIun&7 about 25 -fetde. L4i ot awàýtfmgy aea7 ,rpredn. 4IO~ OiSl' ~ if f'apaoses, wlo TaidOd ê-gambling»' eke hmt go oilt YeMg aI Ray Baro Ga., on Satiarday ii t*gb vbr pusOncoen.asht ) IIeswt-one bundrod neg , -lu l .1< NA)Â. ,plaSo, and, when. leie zrdf terd aisaint t1o ôut00,BO h hr' ps .ada efDsrnofropped the fiting eonumuosd.The aher f ndbave beppitu~ i~~ t . ~>U~bI.mf whife worklrti et hI8 {was bsdly weund'ed.'o h em naum edWtotr> 'A disaîreus ftire curred at Fresno, ce U~e o iving any grain inddiionand t Id-The d r 1.zsouaWtlruat be &Wt '1d i lied witî tourla s, the Cal.. ou Satw'day iiigil.: Il swept- te lvlaein twsi diint hea1ýtbei lteda ne eieta Miostmaessfal for Soza.rl.ru racitio rservallon from ç- dil sudfaction. a. .h «sth Marlpoeas t eltoMono' etreet, ho am ofaeera«O, ps'- the range oet s3eszi altfalfaad-iitonddi ditnctf.lrsblcs sdl s11 igsp wr epy a e ~~ .~spe&k a'wcÃŽra of ,a.utioh- te répronpted #>y loea rely Dingo, otý I~~ta spirit have a worid o'Mg4 ftn« <"" aler, itK; tq.uoe in u ou P0,00well no i jt),e CorPontiou la Co fields iWhere t'oct erope had bsi aën mgi' n f iese shouid mo ha eft bh -af 45ane t ldasi o! nrty weuî up in amoke. *. ii uue ringai4êuoc.pratieo f ~ <wTtn -agetl e ha home lf. l<eetber la 4-feun.' r de8e'rto n. st - A t ru d îuo w i e ie iaut that Dot .layear pse » ti u w hieh w as spi'e&d iipo nthe ftelds, aise P 'în ly ô eo X8dnc i h a> ' 1 U UManT I M T R AL . whý'týcrp s sinLa n'rt-wtof Csnby, 39nu., Mods; ntrekso! ty~pioid foyer, dip1tblJT1 turuiahed am pajn. Ila I7.000,009 busbels.> a igi, and killed seven people, deslroy* toirflhdsaes i.fat seyidle b OuugwCOl 'cd many bu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ildings and i ddgreat ply of wattsr lae goreyun1'lb NT j rWta lr erled la bmy rlu fTdIse' .uMamTOA~o ~zr, of McDnald's damago to the crops. -Tic entirs O0ntrol cf tbii f armer tiat hb. i ta I H N ýLAfl a hreLÏamiwitn eolýTJ mnsGw outy, N.B., celebral- fam teJap ucrsn icui .criana ~ î i.tatv > r, but a youug persan ought te tior- rarent-*Vhàt iLead, mal it 8 hday ou -Tuezday. riem ofwlfc csud four t cibsîdrenntiewere'kofihelntd In Sccls o Mnteaise Peeanor gln. Tic streu aiednte gbr5 atede~riil.un- Ilande are gneraly very 1 Fet adotghly know ber -crrepodnt. 4 Tlareugh, he Mllltia Departmnul w'pt tirouii Norh Dakota, aud at draiû'ed village or towu.ý Heuce if th111e *gagiIig, wit.h aupple!figures, beauti- a.j,2'evr ea 1,> %v. ompêuiies tp lie r',fotz Sidiug elgit -people were kiiied. x=r * niýyin, v <j 11*h diseas- Wfl Rjj 'c Y lng be an din7shuld iab.we euren o re iv Mtic ,present one for thm -zaterialsI Cgrs ee-TheP iîws ild up by fnourthemantaes88origieng, iu impure Water or de-' luxutrianit black hair. Thier iias:r &Adan r lettre frein and, le a cern- tfevery kind, aays a fonden letttir.O frad 'es n xlirn ti est h u p train o r hi eda . - 'ia a g r nu la a a e . ad w t r th t . t c r % r 4ve s a ri emt tie correct From o r ead toOu r eea are lie61thinsmt., lnstead Abuquerque, N.M., ou Monday moru" 19ot oetils-premisea he-cafnot laY t su ad th"y devote muni lime t lsro s csbs#atea eP,ï6lt Big .a uo lutlU g I h c c a n t i . a de eu frie n ê s, lje tte r a et t heî i h t , is i n c u rv es of h ulle u n ite d let a tic eR. &0-N. rua about homieidw lero d~ is~tricts oiilngIl ît:ýihlemnsjice. soea.be proiuc>tive of bonetit aswell urving feather ara suff icent tfoiii ai d a large iotel et -but au srmed iguard lu tih arpro" .- n.ulei male of tic wemeu wear lt kauging dowAdontl l awysU satetoucmeo',ilîei. stin tha l i ghbour- jvente b.robbirs trom enleriug sud0bi w' siy filthr ak,0m ol. .tupI&. ae laflar holding ti&-train for tI hours (lance Mit7.H 1 teU'bék qar --M-.~ plua 1Uwifr e t ii ooZ.ihoZhav !~hie brothe sor patrog'sigh kmet on1the top of. tii bead, wbiolt lu -Wsta bveaM ou î1- Ontriofo lýý i scurd.sny bo - - u.e»er Ta tpodfoer ile soflen le be-did lpace by a I1d comb sud S m oki ý sjte a~~ba ag iet SJ8,5idiis ia @ nmelo w da e oftte reépetio Qiof iiai ls ÃŽt' n over tî at w o r 3, - -1.00paios er rndr home- traoe t dairy frW înd -ïiest t nîag ifaney5$us or a bune , etiat it 1mai be umrerd lu its f chiffon and ace; round oT bOt ir. 1 ý perona èrerendred ome suplié thqvictms f thdlmm'wth'l Offlewrs.Theyý &Ortbbonnetsnd su . t clrqulation lu Wood-, leas by great tires in Gahicia, Austria. miii mabthe tii. espoînâibîîlîtyofthle hala, but carry parasols for protection. To net e-yen the n'est in mteofgreel fluffy m as of chiffoli and feai' lie G ovrnmaul ho la- The kold yiald of New. Southi Waie' friends or relations should s letter ho litera. and over oun heads as. protec- and. ns to f the' ' ua vnmnisaon-mlii selier broad sud serIous. The Miost &sI ofthlic -lf havefinq et htlan1uety- nhen ef-e ion (but how sIighh> 1fron thle SUiU1 ed te 181,82.1 ounices. water suppiy of s, dairy tarml ax ys u ee tu-lhF e 5 y8 ispacî dictates liat. Wtt i n' a. oeo eict aeîlknadaI nfders of expérimental TýWo hundrad clergyme iiaci- soon contamliuaVei unleas more tien proid.. Tiey neyer Wear oteekinge, ac letter will betrày oharacter. eellgie t salv f oil frein êge5ssiz. 13. C.. j-sbatincsetberatstiiit-toderdnd sumxnery, but the' wonder oai lis B. Coumu- Ftnperor William on hie ltrip te e>rdIuax* de le aken ta prevaut isbtics herte uebodrd--La w-lera people get suificient nioaaY a4iout .ersaem -deilutnt.Selog s aner etlippers willhout hî. 7 ashow WH.EN A GIRL ISENGAGED. b le ohiuhy purchasing SUC] - ., diahanus lifIs~ Tesethinga c3t'h )f""bsltery, wlli b.e atvls e manufachory of mili- dair>'meu aink weils lunlthe harn or the tiuub ua o t. gitiadlerOuic iemsblsfu anod f . ha outî1s Tireeos imatE, t i\tary equipments at Lyons, France, haiscesin '-'y age hchsiîW hein >tle artha.Ada fri.îo hogaw ,e ).C. ta Ma;or-Geneiral been-dsrye ytire. barn-lots tiiere'will 18înteaîg i»g' ey age l"' a rleae te âa.ya fle er aho.ritosrn id .h permanent off 'cer adentroyednbythWî.ntra i beenfavodipoufI o~ieud. The*b ubonle plague ila ag4lainlu vi- chances o f ire waler. - Tiae e» welu lyuglegutrterfaoi eil shemoe o question bsbe ulnhie fi ae ofahcandeP oa danca in ,Bombay. Tiare were 103 aré taoo.otten place& lu lie ioweot proUtIrib.Th loue faherîTaa su4k d dhie engagement ring la upon out, ika eitic slmerotacne o a J dhuItrig Déartshou h'd b.f hott e skhr asethe grece adtesateso Lao uig t isçal dah lcal epre.a ek.of tie lot whare lier. - least 1abr lu woman conltso! ber finger i' h o li t,aach anot ig, our agoet. i h' s !~-rhz motseoghrhoIt. îs repçrted at Athara liat 11he siakiug tice-well. Tic.wsal is laid 'et pino cli. t la woru los, andI be-gioigof a5 w if.But whatigt àlz y.e ofth haroyaîtiea. advancoof the Angi-Eypisu eXpe- wftîhooease atones sud mot raisad hilgi reacies te lie waist. The skirt co- téwalh uutih marriaga f6liows before on suci maltera At- any rate. 1ev- 0 b. 'cahhcd tht' Cana- celliybeun. -enough -te slloiv sufficient gradiug 10 sistB Of slalersrpdorCSkd ng te learn -ail- Ihat'lissil rlaett odnao idw ok pny. laban 1ome i rih , more delicioUSly Ciene aptaiasho Persistent ru»m<>rs Are, current liat carry even the BU -t aa. u11 sra ontma a'<~~~ t cadchier. Many :)lg ep ol e t of alil hamakes gladti ht peickag u tsi'y nea ameeting wiih taire'Place betweeu Em- a. levai I e fthle Weil tapiz.. or shawi, wrapped tightiy &rounid 'ioth sexes censider the lime etflie- baarf of the divine t' ' - -1toc perqi- William snd the' Czar lin h iitas--of water frein the' loins. A profusion o! jewelry of iIaeulu iiial sorts et a pilgnimage down h tle -byMr -week - luSeplember, -EmpaerrWilliam ~.1kna ua motant paft ofthli Ge0oi wieubs esîcru tour la raga.rded iluI t e r aT agiwma'oie.Ovair a ueatlliZ' wil nnueisins are ta e b hwnof he thrayosudo lie 'hreareinCaA T'alomeet afiigity, sud put on airs sud wh oee constantt -réov supiiosw1 m ton stealr ories 2r55- cing boti ýt olded seckchlet la woru a. crucifix, or a ad<ssmea icaprof tL- ongedt itries ,5 prduiese fac- Russiete bgcntinig elisdsuFrnance.',b __________ed ltebajoliifgrlc. upn-tude that ilamonetaIai becomiug te more eve hvbescnpcei QEE VCT WBBNE,-frein cd by scibais. Philippine womaet fl h xet abcm te i.haebencopltdi QEE VCOle BNNT cfli ail agas stoke hong cigars, ciew lie ýyOUng peoplewoepe ubcm tet QnebeQ on' Ocîplir 3" R Mali oue.ndrow their own canot'. Esci hingD93 lu t Anclent and Honor- .etiQi'uViio'a istii betel - att, ç15508, swiisud ride.- boul sd v ensl astd hýprai cmsy of gton. 30o bar possession tht' molitexpensiive te* thegrcat aimbition of cvary wemnau sioh tiea.nsi esuyle ev.l cd sud arma, bonnet- ln 1he world,. Il la ual s tri- leit OSMU a drss1 aacaf 51 oer's likea nd islikas, sud ina rés- I oenabie measu-rse hoconforin ho paculi- o! Wiruatp. hava da- umph o! the miliiner's art, anti it in lqst O et i fanions pino cloti, wh ýIcl' teech May posseas. Il shou-d ev- A g - trip to the coast'lunmot hikeiy ho b. tuie mode. Ia tact lie il wil l hcremembared la matie freitig pny Mwitis th14(5wivea.'Qucen lias neyer woru iL. t i10ot noeesuce. Suci ltic tuber oethle plueappl,jeaf aw la «r b. berne lu mindtInt il is lu -very speciali oSepteMber r haai tarte fer e1th.ýtr oeeofan angaged was o!fiev - aa ou , gingthrough which a bat pin l s ihy wîsacu nel .qute zlialve. epeeasuenaie!ossinjorr ian Pacific. Wis ovnenwlp0j o ssm naro oseso -ewruh alc tÈbpte nu ChuinchinlaCý1n;da is Case la opelesa -itÀ la unbacoming. lnirs Ti.~ f na~ woecn o! lhe Philippines aréeugaged notice, that whila wa ry te point outl like tht' tendnils i a vinaeu li k postin f Iai m s Tcntvsohe varIlan he wilongcaesI TiccSoolo & weal-c - Il tbce oe in r i te way for semae young people, we do This was made up over a couple o us a i. -aevent of warare mosl cuxiestte makeotIa0uesu - o jInot'Io.y tht' blamealatogether upon 5lti'> thiokuassas o! whqt 1 !aa"y must h suad Great,. Britain. âlntd w-cil or tiller sud daster».-:i>ioyed te ak csrol. udan e. If anything, it may ie .Mure ewseth e aend of ape et.Tar-as!rmd- o" iîen one' sien hava a wall or cis- -neula6a lias4.00b women busy [n tic <ftetahiegirl w-ho hcomes tantalil vit uia;he aivrrssle we.sle -,îc dbaedlngan p-scallopeti flouitres, ratier scaatihy lai waa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ba57O0 iîa ite hc abtdln n e a îtelsrn or dwelling la usnally Manila faclorias. Man maie lihe iy unconlrohlable duriag hatrothal. on a o!p,51,OOagint tieu'Lly wliatWeauldile most apprpr-a squeston et finalcot.Because o_,alo, raalcgas e-iiare! young maen alseaexhihit a tain 0 titret' o fin biknsetin ofthelace -i of 2-150-0,loopstprpr tf insertionilo, o aaltht'r, mmesaf vase nd $t,911496O li- att'. Jewals wera ouI !titje-hhir greater axÉpense titane are .few tii-s waakneesativs. Wjeni lace graduated aproalk rmh - iriag the same peniodti ion. - t would coat a fortune 'le gîve i homeuorre perfect drainage aroundthe kail Qi Tcheigars. Ltas estfatfiniae -r hoeo aansd trust le providence. l fte 'r.. ti amtdta checeo, itly Egic trleone of!thi.riciest Bave tgh l ielaI tie wah nci etmsy not b. de- i121,000 wamen f lsd employaient luin hs' WR1GT IL. -msitsihl uftheflns a dâtnc o 50ýfetinworld a jewel that oie wou.14 appre- fiied. IfLtad -etwalling np Wells business, sud only 1,50W mea. Eaci Biycesintcrfera with tt,- Ihe ofblackaenerti oontawhles di XU î o!50 e îu eve. . otgorgeons coawt aaoew ilwh enroom ofthGlie enormoesfactonles con-; business in more ways thari eue," ex,. eeves lad lioops of black. lace fron " lis on Ftidey. H' lae h ot ltswt oo tn ewl alte batik, and t ià l oped were met stivisable. ludia iad exceiled wihh vitritiedti 1e sud csretuliy taptis rm Wt ,Omoealo lain awl koncce ie.- shonhien tb wrist. About the tiroa n1t ser.uu.4- watt c broati baud o! creaxay white se AlfedS'hàso hvethèn inluwaylg. - Ir twili pack weil. sud l iniiitîg wiom are acateti tailo-0aiin on la pnoved beyend a1l doulit tint ridîan in ttged with black lace rising.hih lit ailINiiôisu lve- Th i gt aslouid b.o suggestive oet Iaruse oe.e or' t-tvajoints abova the levai tic fleer. -AI intervals ara placed litla8,wiewlluee asncseij-aleaokntadsihcrvg -, ter tiakleouparh ofite -world aud _matie by licir <0 the Iiiiid &round andt ticsgrade' up round tables, and. aI evcry 0t onet nwoetoot at a-hlsaifaat cllp obac ac. -»ittA & éývs ,h1 erl. twuaîttiî laWle- .<t ea quick surfacm drainagefjr d &a mtrou wbosea duly-. as lan togr. Huetaon n ddartis et fnedsallpsdracktlaculi. fýnih o uj,ýt7tit qope.Bt hÉ -ta îa teque.- want o hrt eta rennd lie ws love-r tkdozes or se Youg w n d ce agr inrd fbccewhite stnbI rNý hog tion. ' Then womau - were skilleti at we on ee that suci a wclLla lui ail girls. Tic noise la maddening, srdr have ascertainedti ts. Wilt blac anddaodukewsfs rÈhi8, VCanadien cummen- plailing grass and ,nakiug iLluto ev- huma» probabillly atée fîm surface athnes are. uset faot basting onttice' bios o ak- ndfe an6 oite bactk wibhi:a big, f laI how. Ti he- Argentine Republto, eyiu r»fmuue ahn u contamination. Va have one auci eud lest. A cigan-maken camas frotu $61i dunng tt' i ofhn!flnd lie fimt coatlla ieu b n ehave ns- Ite- $10 s menti, which is quit. ouf- 1 for, except lu vany rare casas, aipu dý undan iL w-as s dainty, %çuare-cut de 48 cargoe.4 O! lunri-;en ieral -dccoatiflsta hogowns and hala. ced atone on brick. Wti surface drain- j icient tu provide-hem wti necessa.ry mot cane as mach ion the'aizae!fthain colelte bodice o! wihte silk muost dli ruCaaao!whlc'h Ibut thils -ould not -le veluable enuogi ageansd'tiorougi lamping sroud oforsud leave a balance for dreso.-, feet as tiey do for cmo Witi r1-'cataiy embroidened witl a fein-lik plat', lput ' as waa have IThe- maed wncemfort. ubanal h pattarntof fine black sihk. f ne iom lie t.beuglittuhuess et tic ach il1 l ptdw.w it cwoe asahadîsasiwavex, iL la quite anOtlieýr Ofcourse. Ibis is e toilet that'lin- aIion li en-areceivetigf ua ia iului oî.great o'C'fidence lu the -tar. A cars thelr living fer liera lu tic field i - -ih Go veromn. i g ift.tmùtbàesme itis ' ot brother las fillareti cisherus liat are or- factory,..keep bouse lu a primitive' thing9. They vrear bicycle sioas fecr tIcadlay ion thic most ceremonicu netakgif The comrnltte dlsagraed. Oua. genti- wiraettue.Tc iairht1ndug14 it fdyeterteiruent, sud a ha (loverumieitans f pi-e- auparion tathie average Wllor csen a o.Te-ptirb1custoin'of' dnbul finti te blair sonrow t- thaï wof-a nvde le ont'aut 0-ut he arrangement mn uresignet inludaspaîr. Tie new mam- Tic w-endater suerad atter thc final -making lic lever serve [n lte beuse ef in ia seasen or se hhey cannot weantesamrta riielaiegw ne' aga for an est'hange hem ineectad soea-,ginger into the year is f ree trot» any layon of cément"is luteuded brida'u tather la universel tle aize shoes tint tliey ere before6 itseaf.Lt w-as a fiatcuVedshpe o ~~ls, ~~ orowd sud ravivedti leu- ltgging spîr- If cane la tiken sot -b jet iu the sum in th le Philippines. Wbcn mariagou hbey davalopati their feel. Cycligntdai-w-iesrw.heilow crown îtis ,Tic ne-ýv-mcznberar ecaphatical- mer ralufal hie waletis ODlanoaisd ne- taire pae ir l ualysfes ! nytedlo'eght ht o t b a e hie byrl h ebadsof cmon cielpahl organisation 1aL--!- iy Id8tgeba- metalpictures o! Qucen Victoria doles net suffai'. Sac lia th ic ld w-ho, iL la diargcd, calisted: in the Anm-anti as lard as w-aod. It'7s very -liglil1 et the outset o!flte second yee, b ptaesal driviug dôwu "Tic Lady'a I ;dMilaee" thï okreual rsa:am orteppâ; fatngadwe ousoki Yudol'ea -e hesao is dacds neddiug tb lier faîthfal aubjecha mndaýasyfrte$aihGvrmn t a ilesl asfrc trrGnrlqreharnaet wa le Icguift iatcauset in jetici day i-n suppîyîng a sufficiant ai p fr-t SaihGoeueth anti e ail r ongtia ok cuatnana-'to tt upslo cig -e -.in k 1h y0a mat ean bd1w-hcth% sesnBstdvnr-e s n Lnar-Gceamel' thy w-I ha sent to bis ragimeat for trial leseortt isd.L ai'a gooi ails tan ylea iyps frcl sh1ow-s lie"tlie popala.' wrimles i tgamraycitthtOf1yeam. anButofnatt- ISOn iloieqahI lu1h gaymttr t aquat-y e -ln tl ieeuly by court-martial. stockiug damner. tiiird ycam., i In th,îbll yeam i UiJutedi Kiugdena, is -40,r brai». - csentil a t tie wster sappiy sionii _______! __ Gourds, I suippose, muaI ha qiaite shmaw, hat show-s asît LitaI eveni- ta a report fil Glas-.- e kepitfreef romeint'ere!fuse o! the SECOND BIG FIRE. langely usati fer daring purposea. stili,rn'est casuel observer cou id rot mistt ht haif-yeanlias beaunthie RIGIITS 0F A PEERESS. ibarnna,stock-yards and char sources tif le ceimsecntien',inbut Iliat îe cann oua h îî. V eof contlaminatioin. If stork-wraisems w-lit- huiIiagn la ncllsIîg î-ys do. tus, in hehstory p f There are '10 w iNýoen lu Great Brinltîtipa or ttention tatohi e els etNijni-Nocvgorod Wcrkbcwse Burnai andioft lussortbae be msl spîct Tht hat, o! course, tans mast ontl ELYo& otL o;leHuW-lo ara peeressea \ýiieir own ighl. fnnnishiug Pure w-aber ant i penty o! il lnmatea 4reated. eti by lie woadan damnera, muisireoi roof. Tie shingles gatier mess i) faoro Pavieshas ptheucHan. not by marriaga- While tley ara ÃŽic- ior th-Ir atari, t h-na will bc anfarlsa A tiespatcou i nom St. Petersburg, says: siapet anti egg siapadtilai are made tlie under aide aillahecaves of the ho tombcas tour iinetiuitaly],Privedje oeo i ilt ildyaietl otni --Iliene w-es enother greet tire -on d s wh ane orw'îiu. el toii biglt Sa- wt ' thew ia t is wie' lltas t-hie mT -oaapos aal ha i ~U N ISO TEL uesday nigit at Nijul Nevgorod. The use a musinoon' r damner art Ilinae, Tht'tplertybarbtIi ni et bissudeas lIane araa chlîdrenthtiare, il la sida of 1htic inalooks ail nîgbt. o sIre reportred in Eng-- & seasi in tuic - ouse t of ,rdls. hey ciLy worklousa w-as dastroyeti. tie in- urougîl iteboregular anti constant use. *"Anti s0 I oihfysftotaa !i-ngdiatricta are flod- ahane otiers, *su cht ulierigil le adaè- - heu-grain 1 barvaetsem e-mtas jumping frinmthe wnos utiainacasuel inspection et Il b.ing tail. I Plac ' hniys ta - .ssaunaiy caw.itlietheespvrreanti Is meuy heing kiiled, anti mauy more lu- -that lie varnniaiis alilwornuoffit ilface, on my -etileelantidakabo o theashorenao nprean oewfonpulicwef re a aall Xes.i-iirhle ltea moel ny jurad. Thirteiu hodims burneti ta a wiehinla scs.nnd with. many Mr&o uî htm6y hmIme Y a orndo.repesent iew 9 o pulic- wIfaeý e bandly ha sufficieultea ie il profit- crisp have alteady beau fouad ia thet'hle neetle point, giving more lian a neyer know'lis agie. Tiey tion'bs abeti ol te epe iha ae uins o and ai bf heislates are hut of the maY tankadsof fi te topt bichliat, bli a ny bta>n ferobvereevd nfln .l erssi hr M ihkanti forth side.'~- ettiio niiay reteins ber titi. aflen maniagot ne ars t pnomptly delivaedtahotht' - tihîsetiby thnng piga on otier stock ____,R_____ - eoa il., ____a______________ ALITLE PILSOHY s c.trt'i.malter iew humbte hem huahant iyit h b iels na t LAGTRDB HLSL. to my mind s ti gytefact Ibel îI, tho ussis Amassa. h; but a peeresa h uwrmiaga. if -ahi.e llbetcds Yla tig LTL HLSPY tte itatt, aCccrding to a becomes a widotv, toues ianrlit' oum'e- 1re at i utn !pstrn mamto astra ybateOf-tIi a dieppointmentsomisca eai ~i- !i'OI~Lotion, sd ha tha blow- hem itbe. - aoci on suci i-ida is quile commet Scores, Of (blue-te Rebels BellendcllDelaly in. family oet niy 0w-n a Bi~igllolsa genponhnt"aspesa bI IISt. PeLerashurg, msnrying blwbr il.Samelimes -i an ains ea saetigc- iaaatI ou VeignDistrict wsarad mushrcom damner, ivose marks ednofteuor -esi f o! a Peeneaa~~~5ieS~i- fpeiments have ecenty beau mde ta A dea-tah îroai Loudon, ' lave ownhameteii b.srie i n LtOiIfO'iiet f i iad to he Unied Staes. wie's nae.ýFo instaceisayga:-Ti0But 0w-n, householti.ereButmustiluthinltdeasn'ts th fanisthnbe oi-Niugth eertdColtoso leamu the value oft liiias companat i H'mg Kong-corspondent oethle carny me back se fan as thie thougit To say bhat w-e o!es learu mudi tle pia"lst, lybet arcom- kNwhgi i eeraeiCut t aller méthodaetfteatiiug. Forty- Timessasys the' slaughLer et reasn fje! iadnisdorangeAdcai-ls itth. seetis Our tisappoitntanti feilunea w-o 'tIat-Bukingam Palace i. hecame Esni of Warwici. Similsr in-oneige tram six ta nina molihs oiSoutl KEEFING A coStANDe'sophy wblcn a ' it tbr. He wil appeat- lu in hi ~ wereallowed the run f brlyw le, j ps uchau dai T he nre e - oaw-ysu plesy o! ne* People ia i! w-tiiicav toibanda of Bareneas Burdeth-Coutha. wîo sud -pea stulible fildhts et 18. 10.,44 asti jhalt w-le itat entereti Ta-Woug-Kasg "tlabeuaiihlbieisbyr ephinlapeioes 11.73 alres apactivaly. Fer sm -r d'tae y eee e-hwl t mas elite liodtat tie rosit yblpt lieema ieat anru tl ate ersm ils tour, bai liae 1111e o!Baron. The shahs robes r~ cs ai e dfadbyGerlM intrrlpedtw yersag , ima before tie leal liey hati beaupas- ilheti100 o! thalels anti tuai ofomr iedliie s ter tt'msaon o!le p1 t ari-elabe tne wafn nt jua lee. pa weyasao etpeeresas ara vary goigeoils. con- lrtrnafhaat aios osie tbe'pioe.le gar l I eas auei abite br401" pnrenbh od luwiicil abeh. laisaI ic nihsi lstng t olinsn vive trmmei wti Fo ditt <> Paisnkîs Thsudgeutryliat wa porwSy te Ireat ounrsaîves, ante ls e a . h B i i h F o r i g nu l f- es n e lel u m e d w î h u r d o n ab ela a d a l hjo e . o u d c o rm t h e hg o . I t o r eh ei n e w - obt hf oj s i L" e tha l bic stry baseti aumît n b rs h a u iner 'o t ba s W n u a ly -i h ch rt i e aIdfrua da. rahsteindicatingthie rani. A Duciesa isufour wes es peedn 3i bseiformegisîrai-es ew-ecu10 anti 20 eWsI>trg Viedomnoish ta ho rol, s Marciioteas lire, antia a sf tie. average gain et .42 eheatoancuin. -sd pecutianitias are bogi oi ws bat ite do- lu erdor t» Great BrIlainbsa racantly and a Birouesa two. Tii. trains are twe P- ued ne NREtEeHAD RN st hdw-iu.1* "ButeowoMaryoulitant Pr otec lorat li ver te w ole yards long. i*.iz -a She Arable 1in sousetualal, asa The cornaIet fa1uèes i acrl ropeor t bveradis tx- es t goui rmaeauntetih cgtTeh~i evieyval of te lRumers la Situgant. le surrestier hanr intiiduaiby even btab. b -i? e v ms. slranowAharelveicaves. meungld amel.ith- punuds ltmaie peaca lu. s famihy. AntiaIe w-li t eachni ~ ~als enu onvb~e cpwh giituhe asae rntVcoi, es..net ha obtigad. te de go 1! sithe basl9ve iaock ,,, luhtuahi-oen ,ft lesit thecoranat o! - s Manciioscusfour tÀdsaih'fenýJOrgy: IN tic gobti traw-berry leavea are meplc .8 News tnom the nonth ttthe Ilac that - and t a-ct sud patience. Mauy a bus-" hl rIl D-STI TS.eibyslven hballe. caileti pearis. à e rv Conradi, . an agati lady, Cutýtens w-ars a iovaly ceonetf - Prof. Antirce ant i is ballent havebecu banti las beaun lied tike a littie eCLi e ëighît silvar b'abtu, mounletiongolen - heard f nom, but biere ara ne parti- nantiban neyer lknew-n tlt ie sw- -- ~aalng F,, ici fno~h.ray mnglti 01ihAgldstr#.wbn7as4as tle w-etier ticetiariitg acron- lug bus wihb in th. le sat, sinply ý!qIt.. leaves; s Visoconutassa scornstet > ts le aor dead. Il us aise zated cause île wifs kuew iow- tb influence ;tatea Asatasuader Mss' has fourtees siieir hall.e. w-iilea sBarn. ýi"r Nodetsiiolteie lereturuing i»AdjsIlea1 lh sdt-- 40 office Of Serelsry of ensbau six siîver halls lu hans. Thom aa sarcb. - -ndjâheele tbe&idts ?~~ls" abne. coroats sre nel wors excepî aI co- 'nlueucUt in cenrdtioof MrOtJâ e Cbett. laoaboiOeeeto t5 e-soee IJRD i BL IGT rnlug- la lb. word fer Ihat soe-~ bb'&dW iswlh ahle JIvD I BL FGT. 9t iici maki t possible for a MOniS&Y, ashd lieu . LANTERLN FLY. - '-_.- wle10hoioadDorp-n u ae -wea Th laneraflyof SrLȈ, Suthamdmt o Pi M-and OPisinrmining Tw 4VIUvelisuutawiWeauded w.ar blesin a thé 'ie uahand. Tice wosian rpo i!afi.Al c" ~~~~~~~~~~il -K Uils~1Own" Ti stm i'e turnam fi Whuo au eisnugNiW4 -an not influence bem huabi&ud fruraBrussoels, tleeS-in %iwMll îatîvs te@ Atic 17116,hms 1w-pîsts of bir fieldid nodeapaloli froin inMadrnid tOte lnc Inustb. lacig It essenliiq&i4e ket place,alrgbudusu . 111M lu F idaw'klaeTb u Isityiea alc pose te Thscattered -gratuaould net have s series7of bull fiégt aI1h village ".4ltoYcail tiugA in a wornaspur- $50ooo The EslFisllays [;-beasm fon h @e -l,n iea & .» i, . eli i 1 58 0bOR iyêin spy ler w-as, and ice- Of V"lcam. tour miles irqi» Madridi, pose .iield stand the deaire ta io$ ment fact et.1Lyans, 1France, - -tm ti.skIs.rue!1~It~p*asI.a le« proft. The g9s»1on ifnd6Y,?à Persans were in.ujlresj. Ige irg ont Je sud moisapoillugi i-lheburnesiTues4day even n. Lt rt. het le are npli tE ihg t e-past -os1enc àdvic o! bissBer' at 48 has al [plu w-estsa ýe exPettion t 41088 Rnt agit l le ts, but tells them dy decided Wo do. n ambucadO'with apturing the king9 Such asElisha; Ing Go41ý wiII, Pro- eer. Sént. The S bis gifta of 'Seet'- býUt for the gËood tories; he bad given boivh lIa4 enter-ed t1 5, and thlree dUfferent moveme4ts on Aug, 2 ÂGAIýNSf, SE VEN "Roly HawlIey and,.. the. story as to wjIete Liat uight," 'continu "Pare's stoiy is Ltel te the. 24th-of Aprif, Belleville. Pare is tb n ' i 8 f.~ I~ I .L~ Ion the Bih day Of. Auguan - i g i mr e. s t, and agan Erobably . Je horam , * son of A hab. B c- sw & tý Éb t ie ha the com bin a$ýiO n wvare. Mhay men either "Fail not teo b.)forethls.t' pro8ctsuc' a pant, or"donot 1 M. Porter cotended tuaI Pares întraped t suli a lace" Wht anstory bristled witx contradictions, nd o4-vantage hé possesses wbo bas G od'sthti asialyeienta Pr wisdom , to guide him ' Are. cornea ite p down. "Are coming doww" a oiitd~eJur.U'wsmx 10. Sent. Ilc sent either spies to as- é on Ldates, convers iuons and'figures certaintha- danger or t. îoijs to avert of comijination of -s ife. Me. poî ,er it,'accodrdiiig Là ci rcumnstances. Uowasei atar -s d ' many, like th -» kin guf laraei, giremore i~ n o hezd- to bouity dàngers than to the guit y, b~h. ei~ i;mâk a i perils of their sOûuie! Saved himisalf. tempti to -et a eý ers' oriiLuLa;- Literaliy. "lie was wary -." lie followed' Lionl Iv inw)icatlnýg~ole n i Elsasdirecýtionis an.i, escaped the, en- liad account.Ed for )nUy 51 days, where- emy. No-t once nqr awice. A phrase as from J une 4 bo AugusL- 27 Nvas a meaning "'many iies." period. of 84 days-".The man imply Il. The hcarl. of the kn of Syria lied," uaid -ir Porteiîk was sore trou>led. Mcn whose cvii Discardiji±-ben the contradictions. purposes have 1jêen thwvarted,, ofieni urged. Mr. Porter, the m ain points of blame others, and areenrztged instead the story ha&. been swept- away. -Tie, 'of sulimissive under the hand of God. couasel submîtted that the magistrate LBu Jen-hadai lied reai cause for should decide as if Pare had nlot given ~9XL'ty Unrecdeatd mlitry ac-his evidence. TbJe evidence of Miier, @1e wvere being useai by his focs. lis Grange, and others had no -bearing on Ivant.lis oflicers Whieh Qf us'-tht' case whatever. Ille srory ofDe Ls for the king of 1srae-l?« A ty rant na- -eie Vles, and a few, othens only U ll su e ct treason. . trea ieleý as to the finances.&f Ponton 12 One of lis servants. 'Perhaps - the key impression or the' noises., No- rompt dental of the treason s6.shairp- Ponton liad misappropriated mon-ey lin suspected, and. so biuatly charged any way. ould naturally býe promptly made, but, i MR- OSIER SPEARS. tids servant had a good explanatioii tOe 4Mr. Osier at 11.20 coxnmnencedis ad- make of the causé of.- tie king's trou- drass. -He statad tiat h.e was there ie Teprophet that is ini Israel to.suannarize. the avidance, end the Great deeds and great character sôon'rmegistrate we.s te say whether or not T make a man known. "Eje could not bet'a case had bean made -out. He was hid" Mark 7. 21. 'i'ellcth the' king of not there ta-sustain Para's cbaracte'. Israel the' words that thou speakest in The' publie 1idto proteot itself by thy bedehamber. And that means1 utilizing suc -eviTdence as his. ]le miore than thc countil camber. The 1 would have eti court consder what expression îs proverib,ial, having special there -wais-in the' case -that was ilefinits I force from the privacy and seolusit iand not dependent on tht' accomplicea >_ &an oriental haremi.,: evidenca. He' contended tiat tiere i13. Go aùd spy. The king of Syrie was sufficient evidence to warrant the sqpposed that Eiisha w-as enly some iCOmnmittal of the tiree mou'. maiinof u ncommon tki j1; lie'-ha d :, jiosusicon halth hiingafi y TE M-A(ÇISTRÂTE'S DECISION. 'glfrwas with tha H1-iglicat. Belit NL-. Mgi9trýate ])aly, -in briefly ýsummiîng la in.othan. 'Two-cisterns 4 -a -up the case, stated that it was in Pon- blace on the soul hern bordef of the ton's inteyes9t, lie balieved, to havea plain of Isdraelon, twelvc miles uorth' thorough;!investigationl., He woul bi amaria. El.ha was not a resi- thnfr1 lodhn fvtil ndrtt ;dent, but a v-hitor ait tis place. ovsin fsec-lion 601! of the Criminal 14. A great host. It seeme a n un-1 Code, y-:hîci provides that -whea any equa1 warefare: a igreat king nnd prsnappears befor nyjstice a "àa considerable armly ageinst ' one de- cred witt an indiotablg offence pua-' feaseless man. But Bea-hedad lef t iaiable by imprisonment- for more th&-n Elisia's 1Helper out of! us accouaI mTe f ive ya.s, and fthe evidance adduced i-s Jidhost" w-as made Up of infantry. Thi in tht' opinion of suci justice sufficient i rmy' was larger han wouid have * u'leacsd nistil u ï lsen sent ho cap ture aay man wha w-as does not fnrnisli such a strong pre- biot a magician. By night. -Vhýat sumptlon of, guilt, as to warrant ils f oIly ho imagine that liý who lied 'm~tal for trial, thc Justice may. been aware of Ben-hadad's plans in ad(mit .the. accused to bail- upon- is 3Damascus- would lie ignorant of- his procuring sucli sureties as wiIl, ina- tli& nighh march against Jiothal Coin-. opiniioni of tie justice, be sufficient te - passad the cihy. Dothan was proball ensure hIis appearance ahtheli time and walled and fortifid, and the Syriens place wien -and wheree ouglit to.be [ wouid a 1ttend especiallý. to its galas. tried for tic offence." Mackie and i, 1.The servant tef tht' man of God.!Hol'den wera comnited for triai. NotGahezi.athe oud' NtGhz.Behold, a host. He beholds l aer bc: oucdthtle oî tic s'un rising over thet'lis of Giiad, iaccept e10,000 hail for. Ponton, w-ho, on. but its eariy ravs reveal eround the iaigtic decision>, siowed his satis-; walls tht ents andchariots o! a ser- fato-1 ml.Hle anan ied host which seem t9 hzyve sprung up d is grave, indif faent, long, face, but. like magie in the' night. Kow shall w-e Machie iseemaed to bce somewiat agi- Sd? t"kow s well w-hy tht' -tated. Mackie's counsel Nwihi make ap- jhave corne, but is la uaL the faith thati plication. to thce'county judge fur mayas> mouintains. 'bail. 16. He answered. Set', t. The' security -1U fait h, 2. Tie courage of iaith. 3. BIIH RPRNGFRWR The insighit of faith. 4. The encour- 1 I RTS RPAIGFRWR geméat of faith. Fear not. The loit- '-- est faith ls not without sympath ad1'u oriccfAmerIris 'oiTbubt t-reugthening for t1liose who arc w-eak. Peae(aIvlr 1th Ruusa. Tiey that hae wih us. Faih givas la-! 1 A despa1tch i rom Norfok, Va ., says: ighr litc spiritual surroundings, Thel, àturai cyt' secs Ihe-hosh of Syria'; -The' British steamshi.ps Brantwqod.- tic cyt' of fait h beholds rirciing neai- If roui.St'. Vîinrent, Cape Vende Island. ar aadmiglitier the' host of God. One, Dargai,- frünm Liverpoôi,. Aneriyfrom - ooks u-pon te visible foes, the' other Rio de, Janeiro, Maumar trom New the invisible and almighty allies. MonYr, urht aqe ,,ouhfo than .,.with thein. " One with God Yradtebru liot o is a majorit y-" INew York. et'icried tti'ogli thec Cs- Iel 17. Prayed. Net for himsahi, but for toms- house. to-day. 'hese vesýss vî1i w1his servant. Lai us amploy prayer for'alo, crg, o 1ahnasra rjont' another. lIe saw. la résponSe toe the prophet's prayer. Godi unvel ed hî t he- Lambart% Point pier. le.- :y1inner sènse and-lifte-L him up for. tht' Britishi cii1' Canarai, witi a fi cargo it momient ta the'high plane, of. faili aud of coal, caliied on Wcdnesday for Siig- - insighit vhcre lis- master dwelt ,'aPore. The' clip Vigiîant ,iuiled Aug. )r Herses and chariots of- f ire. ,Tb ht' w 1it' j v- thi a.cargo or coal far z5ingapÃŽo .-è. le hi 1 as girdied with thb' blazin. Svmn- 1Tht' bat-que DJuns Lawv sailed Aug. 12) ie bois af divine majesty ami pow.er. Suehi ,with a siasilar cargo for Czcpe . Town. t' art' ever the invisible .at tellnnts of The Brir.ii alaarn'hip laivk1hursl re eve ry truc-hnanrted chiid of !.ý4atl yeslcrday .%-tbh a cargoof coal t 18. They came down. Tht' Syrien1 fr Kîng-ton, Janeaica. TIc Brilt 11h host. ilindriessmn God opeus the' eyes JbteearashiP idra sailad AugustiS v iti t', of bis se,,rvant3, w-bilehle clos-esthoseôf 19,150 tons for SigapoÈe.,NMaiy other b is enemies. ih w'cs not total, mater- 1rii.h hi ps Nith ca ig,-es af coal have e il bindesson heycond nt hve iret-1 saiedfor Brtish ports. i ly. bv id 41- Lh. exa titi f non', Washngon ays :-CongessaIa it'a next sesion w-itli e - skad to in- .cnaasa Ltaenavy -by atlthoizinghe - hulting.oS tltheen mare viarshlpa, the astîn'ated- cost ot whirh is bei-w-cen $40,- 000,(00, anti *0-M000,00. ýTic rpecifica- blas ilîl ccli for anusuai speai anti an enammous tteamhng natiue.Tht' lt i la adet with tiret' battasipa etf 13.000 Ions diaplacemt, amat witl 13-inci guns. Tite speeti-'mequinament w-lu nott bless bleu 18 kmots, ih a draugit ai about 19 tact iight-J Timen finat-cîsarmouned cruisers o! '2000 ons tiisplaeject, witit a apeéd of 22 knta. Thasa cruisers, will le -langer an enylhing lunte presapî savy. pre seýd-nata omiéens ot 6',000 tons slcamant, anti baving àa slesmlug us.'et 13,000 knaîs,-w-ilaseaask- for. vilhi 5 anti 6-mci - napiti-fine i NEGOTIÂTIONS ON. wit e i tew n mctween uream .Adeapatch f rei n oidon saya:--The :Dalys'Graphieasysii tuudertauda liaI 3 an axciangaetof'vicw-ais ocçurmlug be- 1w-eau the Governsnt of G real Brl- laitncuti Ruosia. sud tint lte tuegolla" lions stateti on Fridas' hat are proc.ed- in i, a coacilialory spiri ou bath f aIdes. 'Riiesiadecls.iis liat sIte 1ias no - ,lutexest fineuicials' eor alierw-isqe in r h lie Paîn-RMt5i0W rslw-y, nom - aw denira te oqtiirc ssy. Destruction oetk us oreIioitst's cforthe A daapatch f moai Victoria, B. C.. says: -Tht' storchouses o!the Victoria j Chemicci Ce., ware deslroed by fine on « -Tuesas, ataiing a a s o ! $-5- 000. Tiene ware nf0talitias, but tic expodig cemicals frotucd a ge- ral panic. Tht' IUtati Statessip' Masants was scored-lu 'tae, r- hur, and thle rumur w-s quickiy cir- ulaedt-hta sSpanihw-rship ad pursued han uftdcr tira. T h t' fie oni Innat t b c rner of aona a!' teoutbuUdn inuwhcl th, chsmicasw-are aloreti. As te lie cause lia Onby explaiiaht i-s liaI lts muÃ"ni- ing the manUfacture e! nitrie scia was belug carnieti on in lie laboratiUm, asti thc ombnt' -le ingrodtus sniy itev Ibece inte . Tiere w-ena abo&lt fi-va Ihundret ouas tinitrate sud sulpbUin1 cdhye buidn. T b oas'in ly-cvr lae b ura i u' ov -Y1- i t- 'r I -- i~I

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