Ontario County Gazette, 23 Aug 1898, p. 1

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MfIN -and BOYS. ,d at th.e rs. worth eady-ae Twèed &tit. ,,glst adarkJ colore best 3lIIug restI.00o W$760 ' 1 twxday prioe $3.49. LITIINS FOR SATUIBAY. >edwIlb.a trv Ingd uthisdepai'tm~ent, and to$ es have beeu lowereinter tey-.ean. no longer be re- ea eaiyb 84âatael y a:. nere glance at our [or Suits, Brald týriruming a, regular selling prîce Lurday price 98c.. - a 'cotton&ide Overalls, requhar selling prices 75 to 81.00 a~irayprice49c. in Uts at hslf Fe. mas., Byron et OWGZOU& Graasger'$, - l"itby Open Satufday e'iesings.' -THISOFFICE- ac1~us ndor to rent. Ail in full repar. IG. H. D)ARLINGTO?ý,- WtiY 4tb, 1898- -Bropklin.. =Ci4eir Xiii for Sale. Aliso three H1orse. Power 4Engone, Press and Grinder. Apply to * %EO. WHITE, hay, or' SMITH CAMPBELL, Whithy. TO UZIqT. 2 smnl bhouses on Mary street, and a large brick houçse on Centre t., belonging t6 Rev. S. Clark. AUl in- gond repair. Flirnace an th~krick W. H. CROSBY, Wblt1by, lune 8th, xSq?. Agent. . . E EN Graduat' of the Ontario Veterîinary Coll ege, NVETERINARY SURGEON.- Lot .4, con. ~,Pickering. C , dor night, prompti> tiltenàdd to. Chare. e sýserate. P& t ffic~e address, Kin. rParm fo Là-. The north hall ni the south hall ni lot NO. 6, set con., Pickering, better known as the !qtcholas - J. Brown )lace. comprisîng 50 acres more or less. 1ihere is'a gonid bouse and,-barn, weIl, ci-serr4, etc., and the land is in 'ago4 tIteof cul! ývaîion. Possestion toi plow-can behad ispmidiatel.y,l and fuîtl pos- session on Oct. lat.. Apply to- WM Vhitby. Str. Gardo>n City., W18983. Wii commence berxegular weekly t St- TOLON on Friday, M&y .27th, eontlinne]E#ery ]Priday dering.the se ason, Icavlng Whitby at 8.45 a. mi., return- lng lee Toronto 5.00'P-. M. FarC Round Trip 51:ç Alil tickets gond (o return Saàturday, leav- lng Toronto at 2'p. mi. -A. WJACKSON, Agent at WVhitb)y. TEHOS NIÙ-AN, Manager. Voters" ULst, -898. Munt*cialty of tue Township o Wltitby, CoQ»ty of Ontario. ibat 1 bave 'trans- e persons mentiuned rhe Ontario ',Votera'i erdb y saici Sectiont ýelivereci ni theilist, Act. ni ail tersnos - t'vised Aseament nuity to he entitled t'O aiil> at clectiona fur ie Aqsemîui> and it ad tIssut th saçmdIist y office, at Booklin, Igi-sa, 1898, S.nd i e- Eeors are mît- etr Mors are tn ellat prucecdaog! 10 r-rected accordîng to >bip of Wiltby tutu SR.. ,Barnard, JEWELER, WHITBL LIS!. prc,çs lie of Wfata . a Satisfattion in buying ,>1your DB ais I99 luiiss W'kree yow are- sure -We use none b ut strictly pure drugs and chemicais, and nffer ýyou nnthiog but Geuuine Patent Medicine At Toronto Prices.- We always give yots gond goods at- the lowest prices. J. E. WILLIS, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, MEDICAL HALL. BROOK STREET. --'WHITBY. Chair Caning. jParties wanting-chairs fe-cand or perfor- aîed seats set in, as welI as per hanging (,r white-mwashing, should eall at - .SADLER'S, opposite thenmarket &cales, Wtitbv. Farm to Rent. 1550 acres, lot io, îst ccncession of Picker- ing. Upwards of sixjy acres seèded, neveu failing spring. .WelI adoptei fo± grain and1 stock. Possession to plough at once. Apply t0 J. J. FOTHEk«;ILL, XVtd(by. Tenders for Plowing. Tenders wilI be receivýed by the undlersign- cd up titi- the end of August for plowing eighteen acre!;, five acres to be dtdnein the first week in Sepýember fbr fitil wbeaý The lowest or any tender not necessarily adcepted. MISS E. IIOOD;, lot 29, CÃ"n. 2, Whiiby. ]Par= for Sale. i'Being the South-west part Of lot 24, 4tb con., Whitb)y rp., comprising 5o acres. Soil is a good dlay Ioam, and in a first4.class state of cultivation. On the farm are;'a good trame dwelling, good barn and stableS, smnall orchard and neyer failing spîing of wafer. For lurther particulars apply tu W. H.L1'ATTERSON. on the premises, or Whitby P. 0 AIwayrs Cured by Doan'a Kidney P,llS. Mr. I. Patterson, Croft St, PArn- horst, N.S., makes tise f ùowing statement: IlHaving be n trou-' bled for corne-time with distress-,- ing backachcs and. weak kidny' I decided to- try -Doan's Kidu PuIs., They acte4 promptly'l au effectively in removing the trÃ"ub with Wbich I was nflicted,, at*id - stOred me to my-old-time form. la a pleasureý for me to recomme thetu to otisers" Doan's Kidney Pifls are the';n3 effective remedy ini the wodtd fot Brigh'sDisease, Uiabpýtcs, Dropsy, Eackachi, Gravçl, Setiiment lu the, Uriné, and ail kinïdso( Kidnety aud iUrinary-Troubles. Price Soc. a box or 3 boxes -for tr¶3 -The Doana Kidney Pull- Cc., Totonàto, Ont. Resuesber the namo, "'DoBnS, Ad reus à thems three miln8i.eat is not a bad sbowing. ____ It iE ql]eiged that a spring out 61 which flows water that ig intcxicating hues besu 1ound in KNisas. -This mayacooupt for the quer "doings> sf o mâbyi¶,of the people down t ere. They m*y ibave been drunk 'Iithout reaiîzing it. Bismarlj dead is a match for the young Kaiser, who je not allowed. tO reartheidiie put npon the 4ýetejC àn4i<el rrnhieli fe turne,. The Empertr bas been rather master. fui in bis exhibition of ianperia ' puppy- istu, and it mouet be humiliating that even the unarbie beart cold in deatis eau yet exeteise st-s power Lo sting. Farruers ouglit to puti their namesi on the- front gates of tlieir- places. The idea is a good one, and if it were adopted it would make country drives and wheeliing tripe mucli more in. cresing. It wotîld often be a reRI ia the lawiut even ho lias to callIhe Legisiature together to make a de claratlo.n as, soon as a ýcertain point is raiteed uiford.sxy an * ns f~ vincesof Quebesèwil< mus Wadmitted that Muent woutd bà embaum tbongb it fotind tnany e to be cornvînoced of thea- of ,pw.ibiion, -if 'it; fou£ vince and oeue -ace OPPOSE Interesting t Ã"fr9s:p Everys by Hustling Reportera. Auctlon Table Outsidc' of the red shoe store. W will soit lL'osn that table hundreds, or p airs ci boots and tshoes. Don't forget. Commnenchîg to-morrow, Aug. -2Oth,. M. W. Colline, red*shoe store, eust side. New Âd'ertlseoents. Miss Hood advertiseg lu this issue for tenders forý)lowing,Mrs.- (Dr..) Gnon for a servant, Mr. JJ. Fothérgill afarm to~ rent, Mr. Jas. Sadier cane chairing~ doue, and Mr. - Win. <ike, .executor or the Seth Wilson estate,,seven acresý of, apples and' wruce and apple trees for, sale. - WM. J. tlallet KfIIed. Mi. Ftàal, Canmbel reached Wiitby on Satùrdàv In the- unfform o tf the NigrFle fire frigaLde, having -sen delegateil l'y hat bçoy te bring tbt Oshawa for burial. The funteral took place. on Sundav. It was vers' largety attended, being headed bY the atth Battalion Baud' & Oshawa, o«,which he forsnerly was a member, followed by the emploves of the Ontario Malleabl'e Iron Compiany, and the members of the Oshawa Fire Brigade, together with representatives frorfi-the Niagara PFire Brigade. whi,ýb showed the esteem bi which the youtsg. man was bèld. De- eased was a son of Mrs. Hallett, of Cedar Date, andJeýl (rom a train near Welland last Wednesday night, and died from the reslts ot the fait. For snme time. past he had been working at Niagara Fals- Odd Locals. 'The rural scisools opened on e~onday The Port Hope Times Printing Co., has assi2'ned. G ip lost. Read advertisement in another column. Those who have threshed say the pea crop is flot as gond as expected. The streets committee want tenders re wnrk at the bridge opposite Mr. Alex. Walker's. The foiiowing are winners of scholar- ships awarded to entrance and leaving candidates hy the ConitraI Business Coilege, of Toronto. Victoria Tamb- lyn, Bowmativille, 868 marks. Fromn the leavinZ list nf candidates :-Alex. Reid, Uxb ridge, with 8M4 marks. Oh l'or Manitoba', Minineapolis and Daknta-87 points --via G. T. R. and Chiicago, Sept. liti, gond for 60 days to i*eturn,, $28. See Stephenson, Whitby, for those through tickets and full par- ticulars. Aiso see Stephenson, Whitby, for cheap tickets to and frons Europýe. Choice of 10 best lines. obtainea the degre of B. Paied., and lias algo been aponted science master in the Ijçndon, Molegiate Institite et a salary of '.100 whieb increases neit year to 81,20Or. -D..tI.o M I i .I Wolfendený. Many with regret will read the .death. m lsoucenlent in *another colulfin of tas la rlet ftIl Wolfenden, ay'oung laywho has beln -on the decîhtie for a %{stiweeand Whoge ltfe .tas rlon. nU Ioleuit "e 1nta, nsqties f'~pthe rsdn~ fMr .ae ~e1tht mfernoonn *fi1 be lsrl#ate. A Dowiîpour. A severe thunder' storm broie over us aboit four o'clock onî Sunday after- ýnoon. Tt1 was flot only 'conspice us for- ýmuch.hail and torrents of rain, but the* Jengtls of tIme whlch the storm lasted-' with. a ternporary luit once or twlce untit nearly-nineo'clock. ThelIightn- ,ig was both sharp and contintuous. As fir as we cars 1oarn nô serions dam- age occurrcd. The rain was glorious. We ýhave been pining for it for weeks. Jack Craw Dud. Th PorJuV rwdedm h alo j unday fternoon frotu consuniption. Tieusa inquet was beld yesterday, after which bis remains were ifiterrpd lIn the R. C. cenietery, Wbltbv. He b ad 9 great fear ofben sent te Tor- ýato for dlssectîng purposes cwing to hlaving no friende to daâim bis body, but a number In town @ubscrihed, paid Ithe lau authoritiesf$5 in order'to: obtain jthe body, and then zavë itdecent burlaL. Thus wvas poor Jack's onfly request gratiffed. He was 49 yeeas of age. perippalI Mention. j-Mr. Bert SmikIb, of Teontè, Was in town on Sundayl »Miss Uzzie Blow, of Buffalo, ii; pn a visit te ber niothe.r. »Mists Mmud Robinson, of Twxonto, isaa guest at Mr. G. y. Smith's. 1. Mrm. W. G. Mi#lhal, of Toronto, la. ~wi th Mr. and Mré4. W Till thîs week. F-fL Burnett, M. P. for Sonth On- *marlo, bas Sc6àou a triý> to~rt Miss Gray and Mis's Marion Gramy, of New York citv are visiting At Mbr. J. Lick's, West Whltby. - Mr. and Mns. John Hall and familv and Mrs. Âlfrçd Hall and children, ail ot Toronto, have- bemn spending their hoiidays with Mrs. John Hll, of the north ward. J. H. Downey & Co. annofluceý a big reduction-in ianthracite coal. Nu* le the time to sectire- yotir wlnter fuel. Tbey handie only the very best grades, and scîl at the verY lowest prices. BIRTHS. LERoY-In Oshawa, to Mr. andl MrF. J. N. Lecoy, a son. McGnmr-At Pickering, the wife of E. MeGinty of a son. JACsKSON-1n Cedar Dale, wife of James Jackson o.f a son. ROwDAN-ln Oshawa, the wîte Jas. Rowdan of a daug-hter. GIFFORD-Ini East Whitby, the' wife of Ilirani Gifford of a son. COWÂeAN-On the Brock Road, the wife of Geo. Cowan jr., of a son. EVERtSON-In Oshawa, the wife of T. Hl. Everg n ot a daughter. W__Ka-SON-In Osha.wa, the, wife of Richard Wilkinson of a son.- SLEMON-ln Darlington, the wife of Thos. Slemon of a daughter. Doivx-In East Whitby, on Aug 13th, the wife o! Mr. Thos. Dowin of a son. MARRIAGES. DREw-Coad-Ont lOth Auguât, Ezra Wilson Drew, to Mary Caroline etldest Thse commercial andci itaDcial world Mr. Joshua Crawforth Dend. . dauIgoter of vvîîxiam UOaa, ait Of Osh- pai ou both sideps of the Atlatii have eOur citizens vvere paiîsed aund surpris. awa. ofNi eto hestr ni the'death aï Mr. Joshua OuCHAD-DAVEF-In Leskard, Mar- shil bfeo agit-ated by two co ossal faîluresi Crawforth, nf the hase line, on Monday ietta B., eldest daug-hter o! Jo., Dau'ey, T.' one in tihe grain trade and- the other morning-pained because a ninet wortby and * William J. Orchard, Of! Ro.se Cc citizvin 'has been loet, and surprised Valley, IN. W. T. - ordi iptocs' nd omaniÙ' ffars.Webeeause none knew of bis sudden illness BONISs-RÂYNES-At Port lurweil, loin uee brdy sv ha w reerto'le until bis deatb was anuouoced. For a Hmrry Bonis, of St. Marv's, to euesi eu C glingeblr osp Lstrsu tefew days lhe had not hecto feeling welL youngest dauoehter of Franci R-ns pangaIe JsphLier ndteand on- Saturday a mild stroke ovurtook nf Bowmanvire.ciRyoe ,great stock operator Ernest T. llooley, bu. - '2edical aid was enmmoened,, but nothin. serionswas apprehendud inttil the pigantie 'plunger on t1be Engliel ho begasi to eink on quinday aftrnoon, - - EATRS. stock exchapie -W rusat tl;a;ýt lse eand 'shortlymtrnneocoktIse sa&me - -, ORoiN- In -Newc te l.~organ,A ni is ftewbcbeveniug he né~onseiOUsly and -peaIe- aged 75yettrs. t" recent examples , fte ullv pas n sed away after. an existence WLO-l saa T p usfuially overtakes the recies speco. on titis earth of sovoýnty-uioo vears And Wilson- gd m osha n od iaJ. T. ap lato wil bve itsinfuene oontwenty-four days. Hl-$ hIe le an ex-Wisnagdlioth nd9 y. re latr wll>,bve it inluncelipnample fwhat- industry, per severance ARMS'raO»c,-In Oshawa, Anrja May the and act as a warniug to, our risinig and integrity'cau accomptis;-Hearrived infant daughter of Dr., and Mrý. Arm -50 youg onwb, bogl ote ~ he'e f rom'"Norkshire, Englaud, in 1815 etrOnngnec with lîls Wife (Arin Atkiîssons) and one WiLsoN-In Est Whitbyý Etizatr experienced in -tihe -,1 ways tîsat are chuld (now Mrs. JohnSmith, of bay Williams, wife 0f George Wilson,ag ed twe dark and triclis that are vain" of the side.) For twn years af ter bis arrivai 47 years. insnuaingbrker ruh ntoepeu.from Buigland, he worked for James MOAT-_At uflJh ot gd iusîuatng rokr, ushint spcu-Hall on the noritI end Of lot 20, On tie 79yumre, father of Mrs. Jamtes n latonsatwbih heySO ftn brnKingston road. 'Atter this.ho rented ette, Oshawa. I a paratwhc te soo tn trom nMr Hall and iventusally bonght Monosua-nM vrCtbre their flugers, And inow fora rtn theýsoutb ps-rt Of the samo 6ton te- Fee, -wife nfIoh Mortgoméry, otr., word nfi dvice-do noL buy wbat youbase line, where belived to thse day ni aged 66 years il months. casut u frad al hbis deatbh0iaking a residence nI ty- >WQLFINDN-At Whitth-_tbu 20Lh hei canot ay oranddoýns ht three years on t he one lot. Dnr.inlg ýu.HareBllWlednig,2ml yon. bavenont got. The observance thietine Mr. Crmwforth was most ' Aug. HarriFuetaBll Wlfedentagd 2théii c.sfuandnont'ohdy accnmulated con.yar.Fn raeriae.u of ibis old btock-excbaoge motto nsay siderable- woaltb -and co'fortably main *CRAWFOTH-At hig residen ý, *bas;e - save many a young man frotu jin. taiflfd a largo family, but was noted lune, on1 Stnday, Ang. 21st,1898,JL hot far and wide as onue cn our nicet prom. r et, gd7 ere and, 24 days. lail mient agriculturdsts.* Mrs. Crawforth The fuerai wiii beave hie la»e r sidunce Llius tisat tise died about 'ton ye'trsago, u i hi Teca) teno,4ng. 28rd 1 at t of spajn- daugister, Miss Martha, tonk ba-l of 2.80 P. m.,mnprce LbUin' the hbouse and tiade,it'- as beerfnl fidr Conieterv. Friende and scqua ntances, ars iise 6CI).>'>U'er father lu hic; deelining-yeari; as. it will kmnaly accupt titis intfimati n i y ad; was possible to irake it wifthont a moth ____ erch. linsase ue; Misousarb e tw i hsymdSara er. Four danghteradtw sosae 55t' - left ho nmOurmrtise lmOsof akind tather'- 'Gipé t th sfollows :-Màrs. John iSnmith. ay side; Mr$. Win. Thorudyke, basie lino; MrW On Fritta> tnorning last. the itt -betwee n goÈ5 .Aln as n isMrhbh twîq ltb n týrshlis ual Crawfortli, at homez aind Messrs. tan -leahbê gripi. Finder wili-be remmarded iy-- >lattbew and Mark Crawtorth, botis et lcaving saýne'at- ho hase lino. Three sons a-Ped 2,S- HI IE id 9 î'espectively. and one <Ça ister.- hoIe ate Mrs. Win. COàkw 1, of-I a.rkbam, pr-ooeded in. Deed Tzçes_ at4 lfeaves onu brother-}Wrý 3slaWtiew - - 10 bmw -osof crawtcrh tte4lacn rCa- Tender<, will he reeeis'ed ai1theTown ber)ioele&wglie dsisines ~dforth -waslajovi4l,.- kird-beartd ir'lrk's office ui.p10Saus là 2 h$çp%., for hoorbl etiien_,a MStehUtl Cola"yvgt- taLkingout thse 4iater andti llting4i smaIL lar widowed and ber 4ildreu orphins?1 ive,ýA truc Briton. a iibemra. MethI6di#, brde, opposite resiclence,- oi.rexander R - - - and a aanw~hfflse mîse wili ho jcOOfl Wàlker, on Kinoton ragd West W e ou nmntoffthe pomp -and cir- it'ntil1 s ruyeiaefailti, LO -For speci6icalious eftquire' oficbairman c cumistance of war n buh-e<Ur- wboin we extend our 5Ypahv -n thailr Streets andlr6 ~ BSN - fumerai eC àmtaelaStsa - . - -WM tain je iift.ed revealmng aIl thes e mongt j8 ttr no ni . T=SIS I- C 1 rtnnS. and L It uied t>,. rlved o much beneâtrt ruer t ýati 'oesId adv#e an>'- one. trouable d wt-Imbure blood to tryHIood's8Barsaparilla, thegreat blond ptni-f r. I feel better**ow. thàn Iý have fo erthansakato Hood'uae as rllU.ý ,Ma&s.E., Qmuv,- 27 St.. Nicholas st; Týronto, Ontaulo. Resuember; d1 Sarsa Ia tise best-tnfacttlâe Ona rTrue Blond Psqn5fti.* Soid by alldrsgglts. .$1; six for s~ 'r. o- 50 acres of lartd1iinder gZood -cultivation, contaioing dwetting, bouse, orchard, hank baro. etc , ýeing lot 7, 4th-,con., Township ni Pickering. Pioughing can be done this faIt. Apply to T. J.McCANN, Whitby. StdamCoal.' The subscriber bas pleasure in infnrming his custoerners that before leaving for Britain he has laid in a stock nf Steani Coat, which cati be had bere ver> cheap for cash. Aiso a quaâtity of Lime. WM. LEDINGHAM%, 7 Myrtie. Farrn to Rent, 15o acres of land under gond cultivatiots, be. ing c.omposed nf-the ,nrth three-quarters nil Lot No. 3, ist concessbon, Pickering. Pos- session to plough at once. Apply to .- MILTON BROWN. - on the premises. 'Soft .CouL Best select steam coal for threshing. Also bard coal. Also prepared to bus' aIl kinds of grain and seeds at. the bighest market price. JOHN ROBSON, - Brookiin Etevator. M. J. ROBINSON, 5o Ann Street, Toronto. ]Farm ico Rent. Cnntaining 1152!4 acres,-l;eing composed of tt ni lot 35, rat concessinni the Township 'Wbithy, and -part nf lot one, in the Town- p ni Pickering, insmediately south of 'G. .R. This is one ni the choice farms nf the onty oi Ontario, evcrything is in flcst-elass ter-eaid land is in a high state of.-cultivat- n. Possessin on first day nf October, witb r-nission to plougb ait once. Applt> o J. B. DOW, Whitby, or to RICel. RICI-ARDSON, - Lot 3, Base Line, Pickering. .ipplen for Sale by Ten4. An orchard, cýntiWiing îôrmc sevea acrecof Ipes, wîl be sold by tender, wtsicli wi-1 -e' zie pto the end ni August, eicept. lot- s alyufruit. wbich will, if possble,- he ld.earlier. The lowest or any-tenlder not ecessarily accepted. 1. 2000 apruce trees and' about ' oooa pple - -ca are ala for sale, to be taken - away be. ceen nnw and nex.t spriug. Apply to. WMN. OKE, Executor Se.tsC. VjlsoRt Estate. arlfoir Sale. A firat-claiss mmm coniaininL, 500 acres,- eing situated in. 3rd con., lot 14, 'aàbout'ý two lies àorth ofnickj~ering vilage5. There isor eremises a consfort able fratre ,bouse4 , - 0barn, Jng shed witb aýtabling, gof ortc stable and driving hoQ9e, about , two-O ýrr ni gond orchalci, one well anda n lever 1ln 1prngýof "ter. -Tbhe f - -% érï ,dcitvatiOo and well erma eay.- Rea o s,, a p p l y t o1 0 on t eri-s, Broçkint. '- he lowest or amy tender 'sot neçessarily Ms JOHN O1(MISTN, Wu. ê ê ê Tb'ée. leIs - dfscO«niting the -fact that big môney can ho made by i ng.eady-maIe clothinghete thismnonth. ,Buy -.and sellirig $ws cash gies us abiadate -vcýdpùàgbasiness in the- old way,.. and, custômérs are ù , t stW to take adivantage of this. Men's Rekdy-imade TWeed Suis, goed patern's9 stylish and well rnade,'with good lininjz,.. ..... 39 Men!s good Heavy Dark Brown Tweed )5uits, :ehoice patferais,_ good,lso4est giéods and worth double-the pie.....65 Men's Black Cbeviot Suite, stylish, dressy and neat,-good In'ingg* - nxeatly madle lai a Youth's Ready-md. Suits, made upofgd serviceab4e cark TWVU.:rtlq n siL£AV iviýQ &ned-ia 1 VUl. .. - 1. .j , g5P-1,du Bos= nd-3 Piece Suits, in*Grod 4jight and Dark Twe eds, with orwiot pleats;sizes 22 to,2prgm.... . -$C2âto $300 Men's Heavy Dark Tweed Pants, special a Mrn's Blue Overails, withbib, ah . ... .. thfese gcvctds could flot be made to order or double' 'ou ate welcome to the freest inspeiction. The more ROSSBIRO$, WHITBY' DRY,:.GOODS.:EMPORIUM. ~MP N~' HP ~NPW 'NU' ~ Galvanized Eavé -roùhgRdu ed fromf 10'tp 7 centsPer. Foot. f-or uy~ We have a few cook~ stoves that we- cost.. Every stove gmaranteed.Ï wZIU sefl at -Ail kinds of Stoves, Furnaces and Tinware Reppir.ed. *estimates giveil on Galvanized Roofi P ?iees on apÉ1i- BENJ. BRY zAN opposite J. H. Long's, -Dun.das St., Wliitby. dU. dit. dU. ~I1I, dlb ~Ub ~Mb dU. ~Mb dib .111, .51b dib dit. dit. dU. dit. dii. dli, dU. m-mm - m 0 e ê A. Il. ALLIN, Cest =And Fruit 4ar Ring". Corks, Sealing Wax, Etc.' -Tanglefoot Stioky Fly Paper.' Wilson's Fly Poison Pd. Druggist., I --Pnre, Insect Powder. Refined Ber DRUGGIST, mx 1e per pond -' -- -'- W ITBY 0t4?I - - - - '? - s /- c

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